CCS Supply Chain Management System

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Chapter 1


Global trends towards digitalization and automation are bringing about

revolutionary changes to the supply management landscape. Acknowledging the critical

function that efficient supply and supply chain systems play in advancing sustainability,

nations are progressively incorporating QR codes into their approaches to optimize

supply tracking and administration. This change promotes the development of intelligent

and responsive supply chains while also improving operational efficacy.

Strong supply systems are essential, and the Philippines is no exception given its

dynamic economic environment. The difficulties facing suply management today

highlight the widening gap between conventional methods and the requirements of the

contemporary business. Across a range of industries, inefficiencies stem from inaccurate

manual data entry and delayed tracking. This necessitates the use of complex,

comprehensive supply management systems adapted to the unique requirements of

individual organizations.

In response to these challenges, the College of Computer Studies Supply Chain

Management System (CCS-SCMS) emerges as a solution designed to address critical

issues common in supply management in the college of computer studies. With no

centralized, automated systems, the College of Computer Studies relies on labor-

intensive, error-prone manual processes. This initiative seeks to address these issues.

These procedures endanger not just academic and research endeavors but also the

integrity of supply managment records.

1.1Project Context

Worldwide movements towards digitalization and automation are causing

fundamental adjustments in supply management strategies on a worldwide scale.

Countries all across the world are realizing how important effective supply management

systems are to promoting sustainability and economic success. Integrating real-time data

analytics and QR codes, which provide an efficient method of Supply tracking and

management, is the current trend. These developments not only increase operational

effectiveness but also encourage the growth of supply chains that are more responsive

and intelligent. Due to the aggressive adoption of these technologies by multinational

corporations, the focus of the worldwide agenda has shifted to the pressing need for

creative supply management solutions, with a particular emphasis on utilizing technology

to overcome traditional obstacles in supply chain management.

It is clear that strong supply management systems are desperately needed in the

Philippines, given its dynamic and often changing economic environment. Current

concerns about supply management in this nation have highlighted a growing disconnect

between traditional approaches and the demands of the modern business environment:

inaccuracies in manual data entry, delays in tracking and reporting, and a deficiency of

real-time insights are all elements that hinder efficiency in supply management across a

range of industries. Moreover, the complexity of supply management in multiple

locations and the increased risk of supply shrinkage highlight the urgent requirement for

a sophisticated, all-inclusive supply management system.

In this connection, the suggested CCS Chain Management System seeks to

address important problems that organizations in the college of computer studies

encountered in terms of supply chain management; these problems are especially

frequent at College of computer studies since many computers, keyboards, mouse and

other supply equipment are being brought to the college.

One major barrier is the absence of a centralized, automated system for managing

and tracking CCS related assets and resources. The existing manual processes are prone

to errors, which might lead to inaccurate supply records and potentially disrupt academic

or research endeavors. It aims to provide a solidified, automated, and innovative supply

chain management system that has been customized to the particular needs of the CCS.

1.2 Purpose and Description

This initiative actively addresses the significant issues that Mindanao State

University-Sulu, College of Computer Studies are now facing. The primary objective was

to fix an obvious insufficiency in their computer equipment and facilities supply chain

system. The core of this department's problem is the lack of an efficient system to track,

administer, and oversee its wide range of computer assets in laboratory settings. The

department's efficacy is hampered by the use of manual methods, which have been shown

to be prone to errors. These systems sanction inadequate and erroneous records, which

makes it difficult to use resources optimally for academic and research initiatives. This

project uses PHP with MySQL database integration to build and construct a solid College

of Computer Studies Supply Chain Management system. The goal is apparent: provide a

customized solution that increases the effectiveness of asset management in lab settings.

Moreover, CCS Supply Chain Management System provide the Department of

Computer Studies and Engineering with a comprehensive, automated tracking system for

computer equipment management. Through simplifying of supply chain processes, this

system seeks to address current issues like incomplete records and human error.

Furthermore, by introducing a centralized database powered by MySQL, it creates a

single platform for accurately maintaining current information about each and every

piece of equipment. Its function goes beyond simple record-keeping; This makes sure

that information about the status, location, and quality of their computer assets is

available to all departmental stakeholders, with a focus on timeliness and accessibility.

In addition, By harnessing PHP--a widely-utilized scripting language--and

relying on MySQL for data management due its reliability; researchers aim to provide an

adaptable solution that scales according to departmental needs. Moreover, by

implementing QR codes— we enhance data input and retrieval efficiency: this ensures a

smooth integration of the new system into daily operations within our department. This

project aspires to significantly contribute: it addresses the present limitations in supply

management, optimizes resource utilization--and advances overall academic and research

activities within Mindanao State University – Sulu, College of Computer Studies

Objective of the Study

The goal of this project is to design and establish an effective College of

Computer Studies Supply Chan Management System at Mindanao State University. The

main objective of this project is to address current issues in computer equipment supply

chain management. Specifically, the goals are to design a customized supply chain

management system for CCS, validate the integration of QR code technology, and

evaluate the obstacles that supply management faces today. By aiming for these goals,

the research project hopes to offer a complete and personalized solution that improves

computer asset management in the research of College of Computer Studies.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

a. Scope of the Study

The scope of this study encompasses the development and implementation of a

specialized College of Computer Studies Supply Management System at Mindanao State

University - Sulu, The study focuses on creating a tailored solution that enhances the

management of computer equipment within laboratory settings. The scope includes, but

is not limited to, the following key features:

● Supply Chain Management

● Real-time Monitoring

● Automated Tracking and Reporting

● User-Friendly Interface

● QR Code Integration

● Security Measures

b. Limitation of the Study

While the development of the College of Computer Studies Supply Chain System

aims to address specific challenges, it is essential to acknowledge certain limitations that

may impact the scope and functionality of the project. The limitations primarily pertain to

the features and aspects of the system, and they include:

The study is limited by the existing hardware infrastructure within the college of

computer studies. Hardware constraints may affect the system's performance and


● The CCS Supply Chain Management System may face limitations in integrating

seamlessly with pre-existing systems or databases within MSU-Sulu. Compatibility

issues may arise, impacting the system's interoperability.

● The effectiveness of the QR code integration feature is contingent on the availability

and functionality of QR code scanning devices. Limitations in the availability or

functionality of such devices may affect the user experience.

● While security measures are implemented, the system may not be completely immune

to potential security risks. Limitations in the robustness of security measures could

pose a risk to the confidentiality and integrity of supply data.

● The successful implementation of the system relies on user acceptance and proper

training. Limitations in user training programs may impact the system's adoption and

efficiency in daily operations.


Review of Related Literature

2.1 Technical Background

The web based ccs supply chain management system is expected to improve the

management of supply management in the organization since currently the

organization is using a manual system to manage leave applications. The automated

system will improve the existing system and be beneficial to the members of staff in

the sense that they would not have to apply for supply manually, the authorities in

charge of the approval also will not approve /reject supply manually and all supply

records and reports are generated online.

All the technologies i.e. PHP, Apache and MySQL used for current system design

are open source and hence freely available for download. PHP provides a strong

platform for creating the visual front-end of the web application and PHP combined

with HTML provides a very flexible development environment. For fulfilling Web

Server requirements XAMPP was used, which is again Open Source and is supported

across multiple platforms. In order to maintain visual consistency jQuery was used

for simpler implementation of certain features. For constant testing, analysis and

execution needs, Firefox and Google Chrome web-browsers were used. With a

combination of all these technologies, we were able to create a web application

environment that is efficient and consistent enough. The primary objective of my

project and development was to automate leave management application procedure. It

has been achieved successfully and the system is tested to be working efficiently.

"The Impact of RFID Technology on supply Management: A Case Study"

In recent years, the adoption of cutting-edge technologies has revolutionized

traditional supply tory management practices. One notable innovation is the integration of

Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) technology, a study of which forms the basis of

this investigation. RFID employs radio waves to uniquely identify and track objects

equipped with RFID tags, offering a dynamic solution to real-time supply tory

management challenges. The study focuses on the practical implications of RFID

technology within a retail setting, where the intricacies of managing diverse products and

fluctuating stock levels necessitate a sophisticated approach to supply tory control.

The research delves into the specific ways in which RFID enhances real-time

tracking and management of supply tory in a retail environment. By affixing RFID tags

to each product or item, retailers gain the ability to remotely monitor and update supply

tory data instantaneously. This translates to a reduction in manual errors associated with

traditional barcode scanning methods, leading to a substantial improvement in accuracy.

The study evaluates the efficiency gains achieved through RFID technology, emphasizing

the speed and precision with which supply tory transactions can be recorded. The real-

time nature of RFID tracking empowers retailers with timely and accurate insights into

stock levels, enabling them to make informed decisions that contribute to the

optimization of supply tory processes.

The findings of this investigation suggest significant enhancements across

multiple facets of supply tory management within the retail sector. The implementation

of RFID technology not only improves the accuracy of supply tory records but also

streamlines operational processes, fostering a more efficient and responsive supply chain.

The study underscores the transformative potential of RFID in achieving an overall

optimization of supply tory processes, marking a paradigm shift from conventional

methods to a technologically advanced approach that aligns with the evolving landscape

of retail supply tory management.

QR Codes in Supply tory Systems: A Comprehensive Review"

In the contemporary landscape of supply tory management, Quick Response (QR)

codes have emerged as a versatile and widely adopted technology. This comprehensive

review delves into the integration of QR codes within supply tory management systems,

offering a thorough examination of their applications across diverse industries. QR codes,

matrix barcodes that store information in a two-dimensional format, have gained

popularity for their ability to encode substantial data and facilitate quick and efficient

data retrieval. The study assesses the effectiveness of QR codes as a transformative tool

in supply tory management, shedding light on their impact on data accuracy, manual

error reduction, and the speed of data retrieval.

One primary focus of this review is to evaluate the effectiveness of QR codes in

enhancing data accuracy within supply tory management systems. QR codes serve as a

robust means of encoding detailed information about each supply tory item, minimizing

the likelihood of errors associated with manual data entry. The study explores how the

automated nature of QR code scanning reduces the risk of inaccuracies, providing a more

reliable foundation for maintaining precise supply tory records. By streamlining data

input processes, QR codes contribute significantly to the integrity of the supply tory data,

ensuring that the information reflects the real-time status of items within a given system.

In addition to accuracy, the review delves into the role of QR codes in reducing

manual errors within supply tory management workflows. Traditional methods of manual

data entry are prone to human errors, leading to discrepancies and inefficiencies in supply

tory records. QR codes, with their scan-and-read functionality, mitigate the need for

manual input, thus minimizing the chances of errors. This aspect not only enhances the

reliability of the supply tory system but also reduces the time and resources required for

error correction, contributing to overall operational efficiency.

The review also provides valuable insights into the speed of data retrieval

achieved through the integration of QR codes. The quick and straightforward scanning

process allows for rapid access to information, enabling swift and efficient tracking of

supply tory items. This speed is particularly advantageous in dynamic environments

where timely decision-making is crucial. By accelerating data retrieval processes, QR

codes empower supply tory management systems to keep pace with the demands of fast-

paced industries, contributing to enhanced operational agility.

However, alongside the benefits, the review does not shy away from addressing

the challenges associated with QR code technology in supply tory systems. Factors such

as the need for compatible scanning devices, potential issues with damaged or obscured

QR codes, and the importance of standardized practices are examined. By acknowledging

both the strengths and limitations, the review provides a holistic understanding of the

practical implications and challenges associated with the integration of QR codes in

supply tory management systems across various industries.

Real-time Data Analytics for Supply Chain Optimization"

This study, with a keen focus on supply chain management, delves into the

strategic implementation of real-time data analytics to revolutionize supply tory and

distribution processes within the supply chain ecosystem. In the fast-paced and intricate

realm of supply chain operations, the integration of real-time analytics emerges as a

transformative approach, presenting an opportunity to optimize processes and enhance

overall efficiency. The research aims to unravel the nuanced ways in which real-time

analytics contribute to more informed decision-making, particularly in the realm of

reducing lead times and streamlining the intricate web of activities that define supply

chain logistics.

At its core, the investigation seeks to understand the tangible benefits that real-

time analytics bring to the fore in the context of supply chain dynamics. The study

assesses how timely data insights translate into a significant reduction in lead times, a

critical factor in the swift and efficient movement of goods through the supply chain. By

leveraging real-time analytics, supply chain managers gain access to a wealth of up-to-

the-minute information, enabling them to make decisions promptly and strategically,

ultimately contributing to a streamlined and agile supply chain.

The research underscores the transformative impact of timely data insights on the

overall efficiency of supply chain operations. Real-time analytics empower supply chain

stakeholders with the ability to monitor, analyze, and adapt to changes in demand,

supply, and other key variables instantaneously. This agility in decision-making translates

into enhanced responsiveness to market fluctuations, minimizing disruptions, and

optimizing the utilization of resources throughout the supply chain. The study sheds light

on how real-time analytics serve as a catalyst for innovation in supply chain strategies,

paving the way for a more adaptive and resilient system.

In conclusion, this study illuminates the pivotal role of real-time data analytics in

the realm of supply chain management, emphasizing its transformative impact on

decision-making, lead time reduction, and overall operational efficiency. By providing

actionable insights, the findings of this research contribute valuable knowledge to the

ongoing discourse on how modern technologies can be harnessed to propel supply chain

dynamics into a new era of responsiveness and optimization.

"Mobile Applications for Supply tory Control in Philippine Agriculture"

This study, tailored to the distinctive requirements of the agricultural sector in the

Philippines, delves into the application of mobile technology for effective supply tory

control. Recognizing the specific challenges and nuances inherent in agriculture, the

research focuses on leveraging mobile applications to streamline supply tory management

processes. By scrutinizing the potential of mobile technologies, the study aims to provide

agricultural stakeholders with innovative tools to enhance the tracking and monitoring of

crucial elements such as agricultural inputs, equipment, and produce.

The heart of the investigation revolves around understanding how mobile

applications can serve as catalysts for efficiency improvements within the realm of

Philippine agriculture. Mobile technologies offer a flexible and accessible means for

farmers and agricultural practitioners to track their supply tory in real time. By employing

features such as barcode scanning, GPS tracking, and real-time data synchronization,

these applications facilitate seamless monitoring of inputs from planting to harvest.

Additionally, the study assesses the impact of mobile applications on decision-making

processes, emphasizing how instant access to accurate supply tory data empowers

farmers to make informed choices regarding resource allocation, crop management, and

overall farm optimization.

The findings underscore the transformative potential of mobile applications in

addressing the specific challenges faced by the agricultural sector in the Philippines. By

introducing innovative solutions that harness the power of mobile technology, the study

provides a pathway for stakeholders to enhance operational efficiency, reduce manual

errors, and make more informed decisions in the dynamic and vital domain of Philippine

agriculture. This research not only contributes to the ongoing discourse on modernizing

agricultural practices but also serves as a practical guide for farmers and policymakers

seeking sustainable and technology-driven solutions in the country's agricultural


Evaluating the Impact of Real-Time Data Analytics on Philippine Retail Supply tory


This comprehensive research endeavors to gauge the transformative impact of

real-time data analytics on supply tory management within the dynamic retail sector of

the Philippines. Recognizing the critical role that efficient supply tory management plays

in the success of retail establishments, the study utilizes a dual methodology, employing

surveys and case studies to comprehensively evaluate the implications of integrating data

analytics tools. By doing so, the authors aim to unravel the nuanced ways in which the

adoption of data analytics influences decision-making processes, shapes stock levels, and

enhances overall operational efficiency in the unique context of Philippine retail.

At the heart of this investigation is the role of data analytics tools in empowering

decision-makers within retail establishments. By gathering insights through surveys, the

research delves into how the adoption of real-time analytics enables retailers in the

Philippines to make more informed and strategic decisions. These tools offer a granular

understanding of consumer behaviors, demand patterns, and supply tory turnover rates,

providing a valuable foundation for responsive decision-making that aligns with the ever-

evolving preferences of the local market.

The study extends its purview to explore how the integration of data analytics

contributes to maintaining optimal stock levels in Philippine retail establishments.

Through in-depth case studies, the authors analyze real-world scenarios, shedding light

on how the utilization of data analytics tools aids retailers in precisely forecasting

demand, preventing overstock or stockouts, and ultimately optimizing their supply tory.

The findings aim to provide practical insights for retail managers and policymakers

seeking to enhance supply tory control practices and navigate the challenges unique to

the Philippine retail landscape.

However, the research does not shy away from addressing the challenges inherent

in integrating data analytics into retail supply tory systems in the local context. Potential

barriers such as the need for specialized training, data security concerns, and the initial

investment required for technology adoption are critically examined. By acknowledging

these challenges, the study offers a balanced view, laying the groundwork for strategic

approaches to overcome obstacles and maximize the benefits of real-time data analytics

in the realm of Philippine retail supply tory management.

Intelligent Supply Chain Control Systems in Manufacturing: A Case Study


This illuminating case study directs its attention toward manufacturing

environments, specifically examining the implementation of intelligent supply control

systems. In the dynamic landscape of modern manufacturing, the study seeks to unravel

the transformative potential of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and machine

learning into supply management processes. The research is rooted in the exploration of

how these advanced technologies can contribute to dynamic supply tory management,

optimizing stock levels, and concurrently, reducing operational costs. The case study

serves as a window into the evolving landscape of manufacturing, where technological

advancements hold the key to revolutionizing traditional supply tory control


The core focus of this investigation is the application of artificial intelligence and

machine learning in the optimization of stock levels within manufacturing environments.

These technologies are harnessed to analyze historical data, predict demand patterns, and

dynamically adjust supply tory levels accordingly. By leveraging the cognitive

capabilities of AI and machine learning algorithms, manufacturing companies gain the

ability to respond proactively to changing market demands, minimizing excess supply

tory and preventing stockouts. The study delves into how this predictive intelligence

leads to a more efficient and responsive supply tory control system, aligning

manufacturing operations with real-time demands and mitigating the challenges

associated with static supply tory management practices.

A significant aspect under scrutiny is the potential reduction in operational costs

achieved through the implementation of intelligent supply tory control systems.

Traditionally, maintaining optimal stock levels involves substantial human intervention

and resource allocation. The case study investigates how AI and machine learning

technologies automate decision-making processes, allowing for more precise and data-

driven supply tory management. This not only minimizes the need for manual oversight

but also contributes to significant cost savings by preventing overstock situations,

reducing holding costs, and streamlining supply chain processes. The findings highlight

the tangible economic benefits that can be realized by embracing intelligent supply tory

control in the manufacturing sector.

In conclusion, this case study provides a comprehensive exploration of the

profound impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning on supply tory control

systems in manufacturing environments. By emphasizing the optimization of stock levels

and the reduction of operational costs, the research unveils the potential of advanced

technologies to revolutionize traditional supply tory management practices. The findings

contribute valuable insights to the ongoing discourse on the role of AI and machine

learning in reshaping manufacturing processes, making them more agile, cost-effective,

and responsive to the demands of the contemporary market.

"Enhancing Supply tory Management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in

the Philippines"

In addressing the unique context of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the

Philippines, this study delves into the intricate challenges they encounter in the realm of

supply tory management. By employing a combination of surveys and case studies, the

authors aim to comprehensively understand the dynamics that govern supply tory control

practices within SMEs. The research places a particular emphasis on the influence of

technology adoption in shaping and potentially ameliorating these challenges. In a

country where SMEs play a vital role in the economic landscape, understanding and

addressing the hurdles faced by these businesses in managing their supply tory is crucial

for their sustained growth and competitiveness.

The methodology of the study involves gathering insights from SMEs through

surveys, allowing for a quantitative analysis of prevailing challenges and trends in supply

tory management. Additionally, case studies are employed to offer a qualitative

perspective, delving into the specific operational intricacies and technological

considerations that influence supply tory control practices. Through this dual approach,

the study seeks not only to identify common challenges faced by Filipino SMEs but also

to provide a nuanced understanding of how technology adoption, or the lack thereof,

contributes to these challenges.

The findings of this research are anticipated to offer valuable insights into the

specific needs of Filipino SMEs in the context of supply tory management. By shedding

light on the impact of technology adoption, the study aims to elucidate whether modern

solutions can address the unique challenges faced by SMEs in the Philippines. The

recommendations that stem from these insights will not only benefit individual

businesses but also contribute to the broader discourse on policy and support mechanisms

that can enhance the overall resilience and efficiency of SMEs in the country. Ultimately,

the study aspires to be a catalyst for positive change by proposing practical and tailored

strategies to elevate supply tory management practices among Filipino SMEs.

Barriers to Technology Adoption in Philippine Retail: A Case Study of Supply tory


In the bustling landscape of the retail sector in the Philippines, this study

undertakes a detailed exploration of the impediments that hinder the widespread adoption

of advanced technology in supply tory systems. By concentrating on the intricacies of the

retail industry, the research aims to unravel the specific challenges that retailers face in

embracing technological advancements for supply tory management. Employing a

combination of interviews and observations, the authors engage with stakeholders to

discern firsthand the barriers preventing the seamless integration of innovative

technologies into the supply tory control practices of Philippine retailers.

The findings of the study highlight several key challenges prevalent in the

Philippine retail sector. Among these hurdles are the often prohibitive costs associated

with implementing advanced technology solutions. Small and medium-sized retailers, in

particular, may find it challenging to allocate financial resources to adopt modern supply

tory systems. Additionally, the research uncovers a pervasive lack of awareness among

retailers regarding the potential benefits of technological adoption. Many retailers may be

unaware of the transformative impact that advanced supply tory systems can have on

operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and overall business growth.

Moreover, the study identifies resistance to change as a significant obstacle within

the Philippine retail landscape. Traditional practices and manual supply tory management

systems deeply entrenched in the industry's culture may pose a formidable challenge to

the adoption of new technologies. This resistance may stem from a fear of disrupting

established routines or an apprehension about the learning curve associated with

implementing and adapting to novel supply tory management solutions.

In light of these challenges, the research aspires to extend its contribution beyond

mere identification and understanding. The ultimate goal is to provide actionable

recommendations to both policymakers and businesses, aimed at fostering an

environment conducive to the widespread adoption of advanced technology in retail

supply tory systems. By offering insights into potential strategies for mitigating cost

concerns, increasing awareness, and overcoming resistance to change, the study

endeavors to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of supply tory management

practices in the Philippine retail sector.

Realizing Industry 4.0 in Philippine Manufacturing: A Case Study on Smart Supply

tory Systems"

This insightful case study delves into the transformation of the manufacturing sector in

the Philippines through the lens of Industry 4.0 principles, specifically honing in on the

integration of smart supply tory systems. Industry 4.0 signifies the fourth industrial

revolution characterized by the fusion of digital technologies, and this research aims to

unravel how this paradigm shift is reshaping the manufacturing landscape in the

Philippines. Focused on smart supply tory systems, the study investigates the intricate

interplay between technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics to

facilitate real-time monitoring and optimization of supply tories.

At the heart of this exploration is the application of cutting-edge technologies that

enable real-time supply tory monitoring. The Internet of Things, with its interconnected

network of devices, plays a pivotal role in the creation of smart supply tory systems.

Through sensors and smart devices embedded in the manufacturing environment, the

study scrutinizes how real-time data on supply tory levels, usage patterns, and supply

chain dynamics are collected and processed. By leveraging data analytics, the

manufacturing sector in the Philippines can gain actionable insights, enabling more

informed decision-making and precise supply tory management strategies.

The study doesn't just spotlight the potential advantages; it also brings to light the

challenges inherent in adopting Industry 4.0 principles in the context of the Philippine

manufacturing sector. Implementation hurdles may include the need for significant

investment in technology infrastructure, workforce upskilling, and potential resistance to

change within established manufacturing processes. By identifying these challenges, the

research offers a realistic and nuanced perspective, providing stakeholders with a

comprehensive understanding of the obstacles that need to be navigated on the road to

embracing Industry 4.0.

In presenting these findings, the case study acts as a guide for industry players

and policymakers alike, offering a roadmap for the strategic implementation of Industry

4.0 principles in the Philippine manufacturing landscape. By showcasing the potential

benefits and addressing the challenges, the research contributes valuable insights that can

inform decision-makers, fostering an environment conducive to the successful integration

of smart supply tory systems and, more broadly, Industry 4.0 technologies in the

manufacturing sector of the Philippines.



This chapter explores the systematic process used to plan, methodology, Research

Approach, Requirements Analysis and System Requirements that influenced its


3.1 Research Approach

As researchers begin on this research challenge, researchers firmly believe that

active and participatory participation in the development of the supply tory management

system is essential to our methodology. researchers understand that the success of this

study depends on our active participation in developing and shaping a technological

solution. A realistic strategy is required to attain this kind of success: learning about the

complexities of system development helps us understand particular requirements; the

difficulties faced by the CCS department at Mindanao State University Sulu become

obvious in principle.

Before beginning the study tactics, researchers perform a thorough needs analysis.

During this stage, strong collaboration with CCS department stakeholders is essential.

Through the use of questionnaires, focus groups, and interviews, researchers aim to gain

a comprehensive understanding of specific needs related to computer equipment and

facility supply tory management. By ensuring a system development precisely

customized to departmental workflows, restrictions, and aspirations, this participative

technique ensures that daily operations at academic.

To precisely specify system requirements, researchers broaden the study

methodology and use the knowledge acquired from requirements analysis. Our proactive

cooperation with academics, administrative personnel, and IT specialists enables us to

specify necessary hardware and software requirements for a smooth transition into the

current technological environment. We can make sure that the system is in line with

departmental goals, follows industry best practices, and can be scaled to meet future

requirements by fully integrating ourselves with the CCS department's technological

environment. Our dedication to the CCS domain at Mindanao State University Sulu

motivates us to design a strong, technologically sophisticated, and contextually

appropriate supply tory management system; this calls for our full participation in the

development process.

3.2 Requirements Analysis

a. Functional Requirements


Requirement Description

- Secure login with role-based access.

- Users (admins, faculty, staff) with designated
and Authorization
- Password policies and encryption.

- Add, modify, and delete supply tory items.

Supply tory - Include details: item name, description, quantity,

Management condition, acquisition date.

- Categorization and tagging support.

- Generate QR codes for each supply tory item.

QR Code
- Encode essential information in QR codes.
- Mobile device scanning for data entry.

Real-time Data - Continuous collection and analysis of supply tory data.


- Real-time insights into stock levels, usage patterns, and

trends. - Accessible dashboards and reports.

Notification and - Send notifications for low stock levels, expiring items, or

Alerts critical events. - Alerts via email or in-app notifications.

- Intuitive and user-friendly interface.

User Interface - Simple navigation and easy execution of actions.

- Accommodate users with varying technical proficiency.

b. Non-Functional Requirements


Requirement Description

- Ensure high system performance with quick response times.

Performance - Handle a substantial number of simultaneous users and large

datasets efficiently.

- Design the system to be scalable for future growth in supply tory

Scalability and user base. - Adapt to increased data loads without performance


- Operate the system reliably to minimize downtime.

- Implement data backup and recovery mechanisms to prevent data


- Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive data.

Security - Utilize access controls, encryption, and secure communication


- Design a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and easy to

- Minimize user training requirements for various technical skill


- Ensure the system is available during operational hours.

Availability - Schedule maintenance activities during off-peak hours to minimize


- Ensure compatibility with commonly used web browsers and

Compatibility mobile devices. - Ensure compatibility with existing hardware and

software infrastructure.

3.3 System Requirements

a. Hardware Specification

Component Recommended Specification

- Processor: Quad-core, 2.8 GHz or faster - Memory: 16 GB - Storage:
512 GB SSD - Network Interface: Gigabit Ethernet

- DBMS: MySQL or compatible - Processor: Hexa-core, 3.0 GHz or

Database Server faster - Memory: 32 GB - Storage: 1 TB SSD - Backup System:

Regular automated backup

- Desktop/Laptop: Quad-core, 2.5 GHz or faster - Memory: 8 GB -

Client Devices
Storage: 512 GB SSD - Network Interface: Wi-Fi or Ethernet

- Mobile Devices: High-performance smartphones or tablets with

advanced camera capabilities - Support for the latest versions of iOS

and Android

QR Code Scanners - High-quality QR code scanners with rapid scanning capabilities

Display Devices - High-resolution monitors for desktops and laptops

b. Software Specification

Software Minimum Specification Recommended

Component Specification

- Server: Ubuntu Server 20.04

LTS or equivalent - Database

Server: Ubuntu Server 20.04 - Use the latest stable

Operating System LTS or equivalent - Client versions of the specified

Devices: Windows 10 or macOS operating systems

for desktops/laptops; iOS 14 or

Android 10 for mobile devices

Database Management - Use the latest stable

- MySQL 8.0
System (DBMS) versions of MySQL

- Use the latest stable version

Programming Language - PHP 7.4.
of PHP

- ZXing (Zebra Crossing) - Use the latest stable version

QR Code Generation
Library of ZXing

- Support for the latest versions

- Ensure ongoing
of Google Chrome, Mozilla
Browser Compatibility compatibility with the latest
Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft
browser versions

Mobile App Development - Use the latest stable version

- React Native or Flutter
(if applicable) of React Native or Flutter

c. Requirements Documentation

This requirements documentation outlines the functional and non-functional

specifications of the CCS Supply Chain Management and acts as a template for its

development and implementation. It directs the development team in creating a solution

that is in line with the requirements of the CCS department at Mindanao State University

Sulu. This article provides a thorough knowledge of the system's purpose and defines its

basic functions, which include real-time data analytics and supply tory management, user

authentication, and QR code integration. The thorough requirements documentation

highlights important features like performance, scalability, security, and usability while

also articulating the non-functional aspects and setting the stage for productive

collaboration between stakeholders and the development team. This promotes a common

goal: guaranteeing the effective implementation of a reliable and customized supply tory

management system.

As an essential component of project management, requirements documentation

serves as a dynamic reference point throughout the development lifecycle, enabling

constant alignment with changing demands of the CCS department. This document

ensures integrity to specified objectives in system development by facilitating

traceability, which enables stakeholders to track the status of each need. It greatly

facilitates the verification of each functional and non-functional component by offering

an organized framework for testing and validation. Ultimately, this thorough

requirements paper acts as a contract, ensuring that the CCS Supply Chain Management

will meet initial expectations and withstand future obstacles and technology


3.4 Software Design

a. Conceptual Framework

The CCS Supply Chain Management renders use of an conceptual

framework IPO model, which reliably handles user inputs like manual data entry

and QR code scanning. In addition to managing supply tory operations and

creating QR codes, this system checks user credentials and does real-time data

analytics. Updated supply tory records, QR code generation, intelligent analytics,

and prompt notifications are some of the results. Through the use of an intuitive

interface, this framework ensures effective and secure supply tory management

for Mindanao State University Sulu Computer Science and Engineering

departments. In addition, it streamlines procedures and gives stakeholders clear,

useful information.

b. Block Diagram

The block diagram illustrates the CCS Supply Chain Management architecture.

The User Interface serves as the gateway, leading to Authentication, Supply tory

Management, QR Code Handling, Real-time Analytics, and Notification Handling

blocks. These components interact with a Data Storage block managing supply

tory records, forming the core system. Outputs, including Updated Supply tory

Records, Generated QR Codes, Analytics Visualizations, and Notifications, are

produced. The External Data Source block integrates automated data feeds,

contributing to a comprehensive depiction of the system's structure and


c. Flowchart

To provide safe access, the CCS Supply Chain Management flowchart starts with

user authentication. Users can access real-time statistics, Supply Chain Management, QR

code processing, and notification procedures from the main menu. Users can inspect the

current Supply or add, edit, or remove goods in CCS Supply Chain Management.

Handling QR codes involves both creating and reading them. Notification handling keeps

an eye on triggers to deliver alerts, while real-time analytics processes data to produce

insights. With the flowchart, navigating the system is made easy and methodical. This

improves CCS Supply Chain Management, makes use of QR codes, gives access to

statistics, and notifies users when something goes wrong for optimal performance.


Result and Discussion

Development Approach

The development process for this project will involve a team of software

developers, quality assurance specialists, designers, and project managers. The team will

be responsible for designing the system, coding it, testing it, and deploying it. The

following are the different stages that the development process will go through:

Requirements Gathering – This is the first phase of the project, in which the researchers

gathered all the requirements that were required for the creation of the project. The

researchers surveyed about issues and concerns regarding the project’s procedures.

Design – after all the requirements data were gathered and figure out the flow of the

project, the researchers started to design the project. The design phase starts from UX to

UI development and then proceeds to the other charts needed for the project

development. The UX design is a procedure of the system design where all forms are

drawn on an empty paper to produce the desired design output of the specific modules.

The UI design is a procedure where it turns the UX design into more colorful and realistic

form functions.

Development - In the development of the system the programming languages used are

PHP, CSS, JavaScript, and HTML these programming languages were compatible with

the Android and iOS operating systems, the researchers only used a Cordova and node is

framework to compile to an Android app format. It only uses a bootstrap technique to

resize the design in every possible device.

Testing – the testing of the application is done in every programming stage, for every

error that is found during the compilation and run of the project, it is automatically

decoded by the researchers.

Deployment – the project intends to be deployed in the respective area.

Maintenance – the project shall be maintained by the individuals who will benefit a lot

on the project and also it can be upgraded and maintained by the programmers and ICTC

of the Mindanao State University Sulu

Testing Approach

In this phase, the testing for each module of the system function takes place. After

coding each condition, it is compiled directly and tests the functionality.

Requirements Typical Components Detailed Description

a) Test Strategy and Reactive
b) Test Scope Functionality and Usability
1) Introduction
c) Test Assumptions All the test scores are expected to be
2) Functionality and a) Defects Discovered and All the modules that have an error
Usability Testing Corrected have been corrected.
b) Improvement Ideas Proponents are ensuring that every
hour of coding produces a significant
improvement in the system.
Moreover, researchers are also open
to any suggestions from IT experts
for advancing ideas in a particular
c) Structured Microsoft coding convention is used
Programming in this project for structured
Compliance programming compliance and to
assure the readability of the project.
d) Language Standards The proponent used a PHP
programming language in the
development of the application.

e) Development All principles applied in the
Documentation development process have been
Standards documented, and several instructions
in the system have been commented
on to ensure programming
development documentation
a) Test Strategy and Reactive
Environment Approach
Requirements b) Platform The Flutter platform is used in this

Description of Prototype

The project prototype represents the essential features and design principles,

acting as a material representation of the intended remedy. Its effectiveness comes from

its capacity to illustrate important aspects and interactions, giving consumers a practical

look at the suggested solution. In addition to demonstrating the intended user interface,

the prototype facilitates functionality testing, which enables the early detection and

resolution of potential issues. How well it satisfies user needs and requirements while

adhering to project objectives is how effectiveness is determined. The prototype also acts

as a useful communication tool, providing a visual depiction of the project's scope and

potential impact to help stakeholders and project team members collaborate. The project

prototype is a dynamic, iterative artifact that encourages ongoing improvement and


Implementation Plan

The implementation plan for the project involves several important steps. The

project will begin with a project timeline that includes the establishment of roles and

responsibilities for the members of the group. The remaining pre-implementation tasks

will center on establishing the system environment, such as web server configuration and

software installation.

Following pre-implementation, a final system testing step will make sure that it

meets all requirements and has no critical flaws. The deployment phase will then begin,

with program installation on web servers and initial data input to the system.

User training is an essential part of the strategy, which includes seminars for

students, staff, and administrators of the project. The focus will be on essential system

functions. A support team and communication channels will be formed to properly

address user requests and issues.

Post-installation duties include continuous monitoring and assessment. This

feedback will help us identify areas for improvement and handle any concerns as soon as

possible. The strategy finishes with a commitment to continual improvement, ensuring

that the project adapts to user needs and evolving requirements within the corresponding




This chapter explores the systematic process used to plan, methodology, Research

Approach, Requirements Analysis and System Requirements that influenced its


3.1 Research Approach

As researchers begin on this research challenge, researchers firmly believe that

active and participatory participation in the development of the CCS Supply Chain

Management system is essential to our methodology. researchers understand that the

success of this study depends on our active participation in developing and shaping a

technological solution. A realistic strategy is required to attain this kind of success:

learning about the complexities of system development helps us understand particular

requirements; the difficulties faced by the College of Computer Studies (CCS)

department become obvious in principle.

Before beginning the study tactics, researchers perform a thorough needs analysis.

During this stage, strong collaboration with CCS department stakeholders is essential.

Through the use of questionnaires, focus groups, and interviews, researchers aim to gain

a comprehensive understanding of specific needs related to computer equipment and

facility CCS Supply Chain Management. By ensuring a system development precisely

customized to departmental workflows, restrictions, and aspirations, this participative

technique ensures that daily operations at academic.

To precisely specify system requirements, researchers broaden the study

methodology and use the knowledge acquired from requirements analysis. Our proactive

cooperation with academics, administrative personnel, and IT specialists enables us to

specify necessary hardware and software requirements for a smooth transition into the

current technological environment. We can make sure that the system is in line with

departmental goals, follows industry best practices, and can be scaled to meet future

requirements by fully integrating ourselves with the CCS department's technological

environment. Our dedication to the CCS domain at Mindanao State University Sulu

motivates us to design a strong, technologically sophisticated, and contextually

appropriate CCS Supply Chain Management system; this calls for our full participation in

the development process.

3.2 Requirements Analysis

c. Functional Requirements


Requirement Description

User - Secure login with role-based access.

Authentication - Users (admins, faculty, staff) with designated

and Authorization permissions.

- Password policies and encryption.

- Add, modify, and delete supply items.

CCS Supply
- Include details: item name, description, quantity,
condition, acquisition date.
- Categorization and tagging support.

- Generate QR codes for each supply item.

QR Code
- Encode essential information in QR codes.
- Mobile device scanning for data entry.

- Continuous collection and analysis of supply data.

Real-time Data
- Real-time insights into stock levels, usage patterns, and
trends. - Accessible dashboards and reports.

Notification and - Send notifications for low stock levels, expiring items, or

Alerts critical events. - Alerts via email or in-app notifications.

- Intuitive and user-friendly interface.

User Interface - Simple navigation and easy execution of actions.

- Accommodate users with varying technical proficiency.

d. Non-Functional Requirements



- Ensure high system performance with quick response times.

Performance - Handle a substantial number of simultaneous users and large

datasets efficiently.

- Design the system to be scalable for future growth in supply and

Scalability user base. - Adapt to increased data loads without performance


- Operate the system reliably to minimize downtime.

Reliability - Implement data backup and recovery mechanisms to prevent data


- Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive data.

Security - Utilize access controls, encryption, and secure communication


- Design a user-friendly interface that is intuitive and easy to

- Minimize user training requirements for various technical skill


- Ensure the system is available during operational hours.

Availability - Schedule maintenance activities during off-peak hours to minimize


Compatibility - Ensure compatibility with commonly used web browsers and

mobile devices. - Ensure compatibility with existing hardware and

software infrastructure.

3.3 System Requirements

d. Hardware Specification

Component Recommended Specification

- Processor: Quad-core, 2.8 GHz or faster - Memory: 16 GB - Storage:

512 GB SSD - Network Interface: Gigabit Ethernet

- DBMS: MySQL or compatible - Processor: Hexa-core, 3.0 GHz or

Database Server faster - Memory: 32 GB - Storage: 1 TB SSD - Backup System:

Regular automated backup

- Desktop/Laptop: Quad-core, 2.5 GHz or faster - Memory: 8 GB -

Client Devices
Storage: 512 GB SSD - Network Interface: Wi-Fi or Ethernet

- Mobile Devices: High-performance smartphones or tablets with

advanced camera capabilities - Support for the latest versions of iOS

and Android

QR Code Scanners - High-quality QR code scanners with rapid scanning capabilities

Display Devices - High-resolution monitors for desktops and laptops

e. Software Specification

Software Recommended

Component Minimum Specification Specification

- Server: Ubuntu Server 20.04

LTS or equivalent - Database

Server: Ubuntu Server 20.04 - Use the latest stable

Operating System LTS or equivalent - Client versions of the specified

Devices: Windows 10 or macOS operating systems

for desktops/laptops; iOS 14 or

Android 10 for mobile devices

Database Management - Use the latest stable

- MySQL 8.0
System (DBMS) versions of MySQL

- Use the latest stable version

Programming Language - PHP 7.4.
of PHP

QR Code Generation
- ZXing (Zebra Crossing) - Use the latest stable version

Library of ZXing

- Support for the latest versions

- Ensure ongoing
of Google Chrome, Mozilla
Browser Compatibility compatibility with the latest
Firefox, Safari, and Microsoft
browser versions

Mobile App Development - Use the latest stable version

- React Native or Flutter
(if applicable) of React Native or Flutter

f. Requirements Documentation

This requirements documentation outlines the functional and non-functional

specifications of the CCS Supply Chain System and acts as a template for its

development and implementation. It directs the development team in creating a solution

that is in line with the requirements of the CCS department at Mindanao State University

Sulu. This article provides a thorough knowledge of the system's purpose and defines its

basic functions, which include real-time data analytics and CCS Supply Chain

Management, user authentication, and QR code integration. The thorough requirements

documentation highlights important features like performance, scalability, security, and

usability while also articulating the non-functional aspects and setting the stage for

productive collaboration between stakeholders and the development team. This promotes

a common goal: guaranteeing the effective implementation of a reliable and customized

supply chain management system.

As an essential component of project management, requirements documentation

serves as a dynamic reference point throughout the development lifecycle, enabling

constant alignment with changing demands of the CCS department. This document

ensures integrity to specified objectives in system development by facilitating

traceability, which enables stakeholders to track the status of each need. It greatly

facilitates the verification of each functional and non-functional component by offering

an organized framework for testing and validation. Ultimately, this thorough

requirements paper acts as a contract, ensuring that the CCS supply chain management

System will meet initial expectations and withstand future obstacles and technology


3.4 Software Design

d. Conceptual Framework

The CCS Supply Chain Managment System renders use of an conceptual

framework IPO model, which reliably handles user inputs like manual data entry

and QR code scanning. In addition to managing supply operations and creating

QR codes, this system checks user credentials and does real-time data analytics.

Updated supply records, QR code generation, intelligent analytics, and prompt

notifications are some of the results. Through the use of an intuitive interface, this

framework ensures effective and secure supply management for Mindanao State

University Sulu Computer Science and Engineering departments. In addition, it

streamlines procedures and gives stakeholders clear, useful information.

e. Block Diagram

Supply Management

The block diagram illustrates the CCS Supply Chain Management System's

architecture. The User Interface serves as the gateway, leading to Authentication,

supply chain Management, QR Code Handling, Real-time Analytics, and

Notification Handling blocks. These components interact with a Data Storage

block managing supply records, forming the core system. Outputs, including

Updated supply Records, Generated QR Codes, Analytics Visualizations, and

Notifications, are produced. The External Data Source block integrates automated

data feeds, contributing to a comprehensive depiction of the system's structure

and functionality.

f. Flowchart

To provide safe access, the CCS Supply Chain Management flowchart starts with

user authentication. Users can access real-time statistics, supply chain management, QR

code processing, and notification procedures from the main menu. Users can inspect the

current supply or add, edit, or remove goods in supply management. Handling QR codes

involves both creating and reading them. Notification handling keeps an eye on triggers

to deliver alerts, while real-time analytics processes data to produce insights. With the

flowchart, navigating the system is made easy and methodical. This improves supply

chain management, makes use of QR codes, gives access to statistics, and notifies users

when something goes wrong for optimal performance.


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