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11 Formula
Slurry Transportation Piping Systems Code P iD
Minimum thickness of straight pipe under internal pressure (paragraph 1104.1.2) 2S

Pipe specification Pipe specification

API 5L X60 Subarc welded A139 Grade D spiral welded
60.000 minimum yield strength of pipe 46.000 minimum yield strength of pipe
t 0,500 Design wall thickness of pipe t 0,815 Design wall thickness of pipe
Pi 2400 Internal Design Pressure Pi 2400 Internal Design Pressure
D 20 Nominal Outside Diameter of Pipe (inches) D 20 Nominal Outside Diameter of Pipe (inches)
E 1,00 Joint Efficiency from table 1102.4.3 E 0,80 Joint Efficiency from table 1102.4.3
S= 0.80 E x Minimum yield strength of pipe S= 0.80 E x Minimum yield strength of pipe
S 48000 Allowable Stress Value per paragraph 1103.2.1 S 29440 Allowable Stress Value per paragraph 1103.2.1
t = 0,500 inch t = 0,815 inch

Pipe specification Pipe specification

A139 Grade B spiral welded A139 Grade E spiral welded
35.000 minimum yield strength of pipe 52.000 minimum yield strength of pipe
t 1,071 Design wall thickness of pipe t 0,721 Design wall thickness of pipe
Pi 2400 Internal Design Pressure Pi 2400 Internal Design Pressure
D 20 Nominal Outside Diameter of Pipe (inches) D 20 Nominal Outside Diameter of Pipe (inches)
E 0,80 Joint Efficiency from table 1102.4.3 E 0,80 Joint Efficiency from table 1102.4.3
S= 0.80 E x Minimum yield strength of pipe S= 0.80 E x Minimum yield strength of pipe
S 22400 Allowable Stress Value per paragraph 1103.2.1 S 33280 Allowable Stress Value per paragraph 1103.2.1
t = 1,071 inch t = 0,721 inch

Pipe specification Pipe specification

A139 Grade C spiral welded API 5L X65 Electric resistance welded
42.000 minimum yield strength of pipe 65.000 minimum yield strength of pipe
t 0,290 Design wall thickness of pipe t 0,188 Design wall thickness of pipe
Pi 650 Internal Design Pressure Pi 650 Internal Design Pressure
D 30 Nominal Outside Diameter of Pipe (inches) D 30 Nominal Outside Diameter of Pipe (inches)
E 1,00 Joint Efficiency from table 1102.4.3 E 1,00 Joint Efficiency from table 1102.4.3
S= 0.80 E x Minimum yield strength of pipe S= 0.80 E x Minimum yield strength of pipe
S 33600 Allowable Stress Value per paragraph 1103.2.1 S 52000 Allowable Stress Value per paragraph 1103.2.1
t = 0,290 inch t = 0,188 inch

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