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What are soft skills?

A. Watch the video again. Answer true or false.

True False
1. Soft-skills refers to varioehaviors that help people work. *X

2. others.

3. but soft skills help get and keep the job. X

5. Soft skill encompass innate personality traits like empathy X
and optimism
6. Hard skill can be learned. X
7. Soft skills are innate and cannot be learned. X

B. . Fill in the blank with the missing information.

1. Soft skills is a catch-all term referring to various
____behavior__________________the help people work and _________get
along________ well with others. In short, they are good manners and
____________________ needed to get along with and build positive
2. Unlike hard skills which include a person’s ________________ and ability to
perform certain functional tasks, soft skill are broadly applicable across
_______________ and ______________.
3. Having the technical skills and _______________ to successfully execute our
job duties is only one part of being the best we can be in our workplace. In
addition to these _______________ we also need __________________ no
matter what out _______________, ____________________,
or_____________________ we work with people.
4. Taking the time to build effective soft skills can lead to a more ____________,
__________________, and _________________________ as well as to our
own over all happiness and _________________.
5. Soft skills encompass both innate personality traits such us _________ and
abilities that can be practiced such as empathy.

Created by: Mr. Silva and Ms. Sanchez

6. Soft skills are _____________________________that allow us to effectively
relate to others. Applying this skills helps us build stronger
_____________________, _____________________________, and
_______________ our careers prospects.

Created by: Mr. Silva and Ms. Sanchez

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