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Subject: ICT 1


Nurturing Future Global Leaders who are Assignment No. 1.2
Critical and Creative Thinkers with Compassionate Hearts Topic: Home Row Keys
SY 2021-2022

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Score: ______/20

I. Follow the instructions below. Practice typing using the home row keys in the keyboard. Be sure
that you are using the proper finger position when you are typing. BE HONEST

 Open Grade 1 Teams

 Go to ICT channel.

 Click files, then open Grade 1 ICT folder.

 Open your folder. Click Term 1.

 Click New, Word document.

 Name the document as ICT Assignment 2

 Type the following words

- add - fall - gash - sad

- ash - flag - glad - salad

- ask - flash - glass - salsa

- dad - flask - lads - shall

- dash - gas - lag - slash

Note: No need to follow the format of the words above, just press ENTER every after each word.

 If you are done typing the words, you may close the file.

 Go to Assignment tab and click TURN IN.

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