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1.Water affects many processees and materials in earth’s.

Water is involved in the processes that break

down and build up landforms. The ocean and other large water bodies interact with the atmosphere to
cause patterns in weather and climate. Organisms in every environment need water to survive.
2.rivers provide a habitat for living things. They also drive processeses of erosion that carve landforms into
the geosphere, such as this canyon.
3.currents called longshore currents can reshape coastline. Coastal communities build structures to
manage erosion. The structure are long, narrow and extend tens of meters from the beach into the ocean.
They slow down longshore currents, causing them to drop their sand loads. Page 201
1.Water is found within every earth system. The ocean are major source of water for the atmosphere.
Share with a partner what you know about how the ocean affects weather and climate.
2.Ocean surface currents move heat energy away from equator and towards the poles. These currents
warm the air and add moisture, causing storms and other types of weather. Global wind patterns are
partly responsible for the direction and speed of ocean surface currents. For example, Hawaii is north of
the equator is the pacific ocean. Warm, moist trade winds blows from the northeast torward
The islands. Page 202
1.Wind, evaluation, precipitation, moist, dry, rain shadow. Page 203
1.Plants, plantlike organism, and animal call the ocean home. The hydrosphere provides habitat from
members of the biosphere. The geosphere shapes the depth and contour of the ocean floor. Coastal zone
ecosystems are found near the shore in shallow water. Open-sea ecosystem
Are found where the ocean is deep. In each of these, light level, water depth, water temperature, and
available nutrition vary. Page 204
1.Ocean currents transport warm water from near the equator to the poles and cold water from the poles
to the equator.
1.the’’three Rs’’-reduce, reuse, recycle-is a strategy people and communities use to decrease the amount
of waste. The U.S Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) has a priority approach to waste management:
first reduce, then reuse, and, lastly, recycle
2.When we recycle, we use materials in old things to make new things. This can involve breaking the item
down to its raw ingredients. Food scraps can be composed or made into biofuel, but they don’t go in
recycling bins. Read below to learn about the different items that can be recycled.
*PET(polyethylene terephthalate) plastic is used to make drinking bottles.*Glass containers for food and
liquids can be clear, brown, or
*Paper products range from milk cartons to newspapers. Green
*Soda cans, food cans, and aluminum foil/containers are of metals *Polystyrene foam containers
are not usually recyclable
Unless carefully cleaned.
*Some areas have food waste
recycling collection services
Where you can dispose of
your food scraps. Page 234
1.One way to help the environment and its resources is to reduce your use of materials. When you reduce
your use of an item, you make the size, number, or amount of that item smaller. Product packaging
produces a lot of waste that often ends up in landfills or burned. Page 236
1.The purpose of green technology is to keep nonrenewable resource use at a minimum and renewable
resource use at a maximum. they main reason many cities are switching to green technology is to find
ways to protect our environment Cities are doing what they can to improve energy efficiency. Page 243

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