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© 8 unir1—itestone1 21/30 sssnt.t0% © 21 questions were answered correctly. 9 questions were answered incorrectly. 21/30 Which part of the pericardium is attached to the outer surface of the heart and forms part of the heart wall? Pericardial cavity O° y Fibrous pericardium fe) Visceral pericardium eo p Parietal pericardium ° RATIONALE ‘The innermost layer of the pericardium is the visceral pericardium, also known as the epicardium. It is fused to the heart and Is part of the heart wall CONCEPT > Heart Anatomy: External Structure Report an issue with this question A physiologist isolated a rat heart separated from its nerves and perfused it with an oxygenated physiological salt solution. The physiologist monitored the force of, contraction and cardiac output. The physiologist decreased the volume of solution entering the heart through the atria below normal. Which of the following do you think happened next? © 88 unir1—utestone1 21/30 The force of contraction and cardiac output O increased. The force of contraction and cardiac output @ © decreased, The cardiac output increased, but the force of O contraction did not change. RATIONALE ‘The decreased fluid entering the heart would decrease the stretch of the heart muscle and decrease the force of contraction according to the Frank-Starling mechanism. The decreased fluid would also decrease the stroke volume and therefore, decrease the cadiac output. CONCEPT > Cardiac Output Report an issue with this question Into which structure does blood from the left ventricle flow? Aorta Pulmonary artery ° (CO Pulmonary vein Inferior vena cava O° RATIONALE (Oxygenated blood from the left ventricle gets pumped into the aorta and subsequently to the body. © 88 unir1—utestone1 21/30 When a red blood cell breaks down, which part becomes biliverdin? (© Onlythe iron atoms of hemoglobin, Only the amino acids of the globin groups of O hemoglobin, Only the heme groups of hemoglobin. eo” group: aI The entire hemoglobin molecule. O° a RATIONALE Biliverdin is the first substance in the breakdown of the heme groups of the hemoglobin molecule. CONCEPT > Lifecycle of Erythrocytes Report an issue with this question A cardiac MRI indicates damage to interventricular septum and anterior walls of both ventricles. Which blood vessel is likely blocked? Marginal arter © Mars ry © Anterior interventricular artery © Posterior interventricular artery Circumflex artery © 8 unir1—itestone1 21/30 ‘The anterior interventricular artery supplies blood to the interventricular septum and to the anterior walls of oth ventricles. Since these areas are damaged, then vessel is likely blocked. CONCEPT > Heart Anatomy: Coronary Circulation Report an issue with this question In which of the following conditions is a high or wide pulse pressure (> 25% of systolic pressure) common? Traumatic blood loss Strenuous exercise Aortic stenosis ° Congestive heart failure oO ons RATIONALE Anhigh or wide pulse pressure is common in healthy people following strenuous exercise, when their resting pulse pressure of 30-40 mm Hg may increase temporarily to 100 mm Hg as stroke volume increases, CONCEPT > Blood Flow and Blood Pressure Report an issue with this question Which of the following would be ini segment? tated by a flattened T-wave and depressed ST © 88 unir1—utestone1 21/30 Damage to the SA node Oo 9 Insufficient oxygen to the ventricles oo An elevated heart rate ° RATIONALE T waves often appear flatter when insufficient oxygen is being delivered to the myocardium. Furthermore, the ST segment may appear depressed below the baseline when hypoxia is occurring, CONCEPT > Electrocardiogram (ECG) Report an issue with this question Which is the first type of arteries in the series to dampen the surge of blood? Elastic arteries eo Conducting arteries O° 9 Muscular arteries @ 0 Arterioles ° RATIONALE Muscular arteries are the first arteries in the series to dampen the surge of blood. ‘These arteries are smaller (ranging from 01 to 10 mm) and have fewer elastic fibers due to decreased internal blood pressure. They also contain an increased percentage of smooth muscle in the tunica media which allows the blood vessel to vasoconstrict and vasodilate. © 8 unir1—itestone1 21/30 2 @ Which area is supplied by the parietal branches of the thoracic aorta? Organs of the thorax ° Gallbladder Stomach and esophagus O° hag! Thoracie wal, vertebral column, and the superior © surface of the ciaphragm RATIONALE ‘The parietal branches, also called somatic branches, are a group of arterial branches of the thoracic aorta. They include those that supply blood to the thoracic wall, vertebral column, and the superior surface of the diaphragm. CONCEPT > Chest and Abdomen Circulation Report an issue with this question 0 @ A patient suffers from sepsis. If left untreated, what will happen to resistance and blood pressure? Blood pressure will be decreased and resistance © O willbe increased Both resistance and blood pressure will @ O decrease Both resistance and blood pressure will increase © 8 unir1—itestone1 21/30 RATIONALE ‘Sepsis is @ condition that produces vascular shock. Vascular shock occurs when arterioles lose their normal muscular tone and dilate dramatically. The vasodilation causes blood pressure to drop. So both resistance and blood pressure drop. CONCEPT > Homeostatic Regulation of the Vascular System Report an issue with this question Which artery supplies blood to the deep muscles of the thigh and the ventral and lateral regions of the integument? © Eternal iliac artery © Genlcular artery © © Deer femora artery © Lateral circumtox artery RATIONALE ‘The lateral circumflex artery is a branch of the deep femoral artery. It supplies blood to the deep muscles of the thigh and the ventral and lateral regions of the integument. CONCEPT > Lower Limb Circulation Report an issue with this question Which blood vessel is equipped with valves to direct blood flow? © 8 unir1—itestone1 21/30 Oo teemenes © Venues e@ owns RATIONALE Because veins are low-pressure vessels, larger veins are commonly equipped with valves that promote the unidirectional flow of blood toward the heart and prevent backflow toward the capillaries caused by the inherent low blood pressure in veins as well as the pull of gravity. CONCEPT Blood Vessels: Veins Report an issue with this question 3s @ Which component of blood carries most of the oxygen and carbon dioxide? EO Leukocytes (white blood cells) CO Thrombocytes (platelets) Plasma Erythrocytes (red blood cells) © oO Enthrocytes ( ) RATIONALE Erythrocytes, commonly known as red blood cells (RBCs), work to transport oxygen (©,) to and carbon dioxide (CO.) away from body cells. CONCEPT > An Overview of Blood © 88 unir1—Mtestone1 21/30 ° ‘A. woman is gardening in 105 degrees Fahrenheit temperature and high humidity. She is sweating profusely and not drinking adequately. She begins to feel faint due to dehydration. What are the effects on her blood pressure and blood flow? Blood pressure will increase and blood flow will O decrease Both blood pressure and blood flow will @ O decrease Blood pressure will decrease and blood flow will © increase Both blood pressure and blood flow will increase an) , RATIONALE ‘The excessive sweating and lack of sufficient drinking are causing dehydration, which leads to a decrease in blood volume. The decrease in blood volume reduces both blood pressure and blood flow. These reductions in blood pressure and blood flow are especially felt by the brain and lead to her feeling faint, CONCEPT Variables Affecting Blood Flow and Blood Pressure Report an issue with this question Which leukocyte becomes a phagocytic macrophage when it leaves the circulation? Monocyte @ 0 Moros Basophil O° pI © 88 unir1—Mtestone1 oO sree RATIONALE Macrophages are monocytes that have left the circulation and phagocytize debris, foreign pathogens, worn-out erythrocytes, and many other dead, worn out, or damaged cells. CONCEPT > Leukocytes Report an issue with this question 6 @ Which supplies blood directly to the fingers? © Radial anery © oo (Distalareres Palmar arches © Uinar artery RATIONALE Several digital arteries directly supply blood to the digits (fingers) ‘CONCEPT ~> Upper Limb Circulation Report an issue with this question Which is the force driving fluid out of the capillary and into the tissue spaces? 21/30 © 8 unir1—itestone1 21/30 OO Tr mrowenrecome wiry (Blood colloidal osmotic pressure (BCOP) Capillary hydrostatic pressure (CHP) eo oO lllary hy pr (CHP) RATIONALE Net filtration pressure is the force driving fluid out of the capillary and into the tissue spaces; therefore, itis equal to the difference between the capillary hydrostatic pressure and the blood colloidal osmotic pressure. CONCEPT > Capillary Exchange Report an issue with this question 2s @ Which part of the hemoglobin molecule binds oxygen? © 0 “me stour © ahs chin beta chain © Bath alpha and beta chains RATIONALE ‘The heme group in hemoglobin binds oxygen. CONCEPT > Erythrocytes and Hemoglobin Report an issue with this question © 8 unir1—itestone1 21/30 Frontal plane through heart Which structure in the image Is labeled G? Atrioventricular (AV) bundle e°o (AV) Purkinje fibers O° i Interatrial band CO Right and lef ventricular bundles RATIONALE The atrioventricular (AV) bundle or Bundle of His is labeled . CONCEPT ~The Conduction System of the Heart Report an issue with this question 2 @ © 8 unir1—itestone1 21/30 F G Which labeled structure in the image is the trabeculae carneae? oF 0 0% of eof RATIONALE ‘The trabeculae cameae is structure F. CONCEPT ~ Heart Anatomy: Internal Structure and Chambers Report an issue with this question 1 @ If there is an S3 sound, then in which phase of the cardiac cycle does it occur? EO The fist phase of venricular systole © 8 unir1—itestone1 21/30 TIT PRE wr verHEUEY HeoKeHE Atrial systole ° ys RATIONALE ‘The S; sound may be the sound of blood flowing into the atria, or blood sloshing back and forth in the ventricle, or even tensing of the chordae tendineae. The only time in the cardiac cycle when blood is filling the atria and the ventricles and the atrioventricular valve is open is during the late phase of ventricular diastole (the ventricular filling stage), CONCEPT > Cardiac Cycle Report an issue with this question 2 @ What causes the wavy appearance of the lumen and tunica interna of arteries? Internal clastic membrane of the tunica interna External elastic membrane of the tunica Interna Partial smooth muscle constriction of smooth @ O muscle from the tunica media © Vesa vasorum RATIONALE Under the microscope, the lumen and the entire tunica interna of an artery will normally appear wavy because of the partial constriction of the smooth muscle in the tunica medias. CONCEPT > General Characteristics of Blood Vessels © 8 unir1—itestone1 21/30 2 e@ Which cell is derived from a myeloid stem cell? © oo Enthrocyte CO Tymphocyte O Bbymphooyte Natural Kiter Cel RATIONALE Myeloid stem cells give rise to erythrocytes, megakaryocytes that produce platelets, and four classes of leukocytes (neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, and monocytes). CONCEPT ~ Production of the Formed Elements Report an issue with this question Which structure in the i 1age is a thoroughfare channel? © 8 unir1—Mutestone1 21/30 oe o* of o8 RATIONALE ‘The structure designated as D is a thoroughfare channel. CONCEPT > Blood Vessels: Capillaries Report an issue with this question oa 6 owe © o* 9 one” RATIONALE ‘A person with B- blood can receive blood from donors with B- or O- blood because the donor blood would have only B* antigens or no antigens on their red blood cells. CONCEPT > Blood Typing Report an issue with this question © 8 unir1—Mutestone1 21/30 Left atrium and left ventricle Right atrium and right ventricle © o Bs il Left ventricle and aorta O Rghtventicle and pulmonary trunk RATIONALE The tricuspid valve controls the flow of blood between the right atrium and the right ventricle, CONCEPT > Heart Anatomy: Valve Structure and Function Report an issue with this question Which artery supplies blood to numerous structures within the face, lower jaw, neck, esophagus, and larynx? CO Werebral artery ©. Brachlocephalic artery © 9 Beal carotid artery © Internal carat artery RATIONALE ‘The external carotid artery supplies blood to numerous structures withi lower jaw, neck, esophagus, and larynx. It branches include the lingual, facial, occipital, maxillary, and superficial temporal arteries the face, © 8 unir1—Mutestone1 21/30 Which happens in the coagulation phase of hemostasis? Plasmin is formed in a multistep process to O restore blood flow. A platelet plug forms. ° The smooth muscle of the injured blood vessel © contracts to reduce blood flow and blood loss, ‘A multistep process including a series of clotting factors that produce fibrin, which is essential to o 90 forming a blood clot. RATIONALE Coagulation is a multistep process including a series of clotting factors frome different pathways (intrinsic and extrinsic). These pathways converge on a common pathway form clotting factors that ultimately produce fibrin, which is essential to forming a blood clot. CONCEPT > Hemostasis, Report an issue with this question The drug amiodarone blocks potassium channels in cardiac cells, both conducting and contractile. Which of the following would happen to the action potentials in a patient treated with this drug? There would be no effect on the action potential O° Pr © 8 unir1—Mutestone1 21/30 ‘The width or duration of the action potential @ © would be increased. There would be no action potential ° Pe RATIONALE Potassium ions leave the cell during the repolarization (phase 3) phase of the cardiac action potential, Amiodarone blocks the potassium channels, but does not affect sodium or calcium channels, both of which are blocked by the beginning of phase 3. So, the membrane potential would eventually return to normal, but it would take a longer time, So the width or duration of the action potential would be increased, CONCEPT > The Electrical Activity of Cardiac Muscle Cells Report an issue with this question 20 @ A patient gets a transfusion of a couple of liters of physiological salt solution in the hospital. Which of the following explains what will happen to her heart rate? The venous return will Increase and increase the stretch of the baroreceptors in her right atrium, The baroreceptors will increase signals to the cardiovascular center of the brain. The brain will increase sympathetic activity and decrease parasympathetic activity to the heart, which will increase the heart rate. The venous return will decrease and decrease the stretch of the baroreceptors in her right, atrium. The baroreceptors will decrease signals © tothe cardiovascular center of the brain, The brain will decrease sympathetic activity and increase parasympathetic activity to the heart, Which will decrease the heart rate, The venous return will Increase and increase the stretch of the baroreceptors in her right atrium, © 8 unir1—utestone1 Contact Us 21/30 The venous return will decrease and decrease the stretch of the baroreceptors in her right atrium. The baroreceptors will decrease signals to the cardiovascular center of the brain. The brain will increase sympathetic activity and decrease parasympathetic activity to the heart, which will Increase the heart rate. RATIONALE This is an example of the Bainbridge reflex. The increased blood volume by the infused fluid will increase the venous return to the heart, which will in turn will increase the stretch of the baroreceptors in her right atrium. The baroreceptors in the right atrium will increase signals to the cardiovascular center of the brain. The brain will increase sympathetic activity and decrease parasympathetic activity to the heart, Which will Increase the heart rate, The increase in heart rate will Increase the cardiac output. CONCEPT ~ Cardiac Regulation Report an issue with this question Privacy Policy Cookie PolicyTerms of Use Your Privacy Choices @) OPHIA is a rogistred trademark of SOPHIA Learning,

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