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One Little Kitten

Sean- One little kitten

Two big cats
Three baby butterflies
Four big rats
Five fat fishes
Six sad seals

Kylie- Seven silly seagulls

Eight happy eels;
Nine nervous lizards
Ten brave bees
Eleven smelly elephants

Nino- Twelve fat fleas

Thirteen alligators
Fourteen whales
Fifteen donkeys with fifteen tails.
By Joyce Kilmer

Danielle- I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is press
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day

And lifts its leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair

Enzo- Upon whose bosom snow has lain;

Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.
A Smile

Kyrie Alphonse Danan –A smile is quite a funny thing,

It wrinkles up your face

And when it’s gone

You’ll never find
Its secret hiding place

MJ Javin Madridano - But far more wonderful it is

To see what smiles can do,

You smile at one

He smiles at you,
And so one smile
It makes two.
Bird Talk

Caleb- 'Think... said the robin,

'Think... said the jay,
sitting in the garden
talking one day.

Denver- 'Think about people

the way they grow:
they don't have feathers
at all, you know.

Ian- They don't eat beetles,

they don't grow wings,
they don't like sitting
on wires and things!

Montecristo- 'Think!' said the robin.

'Think!' said the jay.
'Aren't people funny
to be that way?
“Butterfly Smiles"

Alonzo- Butterflies flutter.

Butterflies fly.
They put a sparkle
In your eye.

Zach-Watch a butterfly,
And in a short while
It will give you
A butterfly smile!

-Bruce Larkin

Little by Little
Chloe- “Little by little”, an acorn said,
As it slowly sank in its mossy bed,
“I am improving every day,
Hidden deep in the earth away.”

Cassy- Little by little, each day it grew;

Little by little, it sipped the dew;
Downward it sent out thread-like roots;
Up in the air spring a tiny shoot.

Aiah- Day after day, and year after year,

Little by little the leaves appear;
And the slender branches spread far and wide,
Till the mighty oak is the forest’s pride.
I Am a Bird

Megan Denise Diaz - I am a bird

Flying in the sky
To taste the life of freedom.

Don't hunt me.

I will sing a sweet song
At every dawn to make you happy.

Sam Viloria - In very hot summer days

I will meet the clouds
For the showers of rain.

Don't imprison us.

Do you know the agony of a prisoner?
Be kind to make the world happy.
Speech Choir Overall performance-
Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?
All- Let’s take a walk! (2x)
It’s a long, long walk. (2x)
Oh! Look! (2x)
That’s a jar. (2x)
That’s a cookie jar. (2x)
Come on! (2x)
Let’s go near it! (2x)
Open, open the cookie jar. (2x)
Oh1 It’s empty. Oh,oh it’s empty! (2x)
The cookie jar is empty!
The cookie jar is empty.
Let’s investigate, investigate, and investigate!
Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? (2x)
Danielle took the cookie from the cookie jar. (2x)
Danielle- Who me?
All- Yes, you!
Danielle - Not me!
All-The who?
Kyrie took the cookie from the cookie jar. (2x)
Kyrie - Who me?
All- Yes, you!
Kyrie - Not me!
All-The who?
Chloe took the cookie from the cookie jar. (2x)
Chloe - Who me?
All- Yes, you!
Chloe - Not me!
All-The who?
Sean took the cookie from the cookie jar. (2x)
Sean - Who me?
All- Yes, you!
Sean - Not me!
All-The who?
Megan took the cookie from the cookie jar. (2x)
Megan- I took the cookie from the cookie jar. (2x)
Megan- Yes, it’s yummy, yes, yes it’s yummy! (2x)
All- Oh! No!

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