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### Ratified Amendments

1-10: The Bill of Rights (1791)

1. Freedom of Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, and
Petition: Remember "5 freedoms in the 1st".
2. Right to Bear Arms: Think "2 arms for the 2nd".
3. Quartering of Soldiers: "3's a crowd" (no quartering in
4. Search and Seizure: "4 walls" (protection in your
5. Rights of the Accused: "Plead the 5th" (right to remain
6. Right to a Fair Trial: "6-speed trial" (speedy and public
7. Trial by Jury in Civil Cases: Think "Lucky 7" (right to
8. No Cruel and Unusual Punishment: "8 isn't
excessive" (no excessive bail/fines).
9. Rights Retained by the People: "9 is mine" (rights not
10. States' Rights: "10 for them" (powers not federal
belong to states/people).

11-27: Subsequent Amendments

11. Suits Against States: "1 state sues another" (limits
lawsuits against states).
12. Presidential Elections: "1 president, 2 ballots"
(separate ballots for President and VP).
13. Abolition of Slavery: Unlucky "13" for slavery (ends
14. Citizenship and Equal Protection: "1-4 all" (equal
protection for all citizens).
15. Voting Rights for All Races: "15 votes for all men"
(race can't bar voting).
16. Income Tax: "16 you pay tax" (Congress can levy
income tax).
17. Direct Election of Senators: "Seventeen senators by
popular vote".
18. Prohibition: "18 can't drink" (prohibits alcohol).
19. Women's Suffrage: "19 women vote" (women's right
to vote).
20. Terms of President and Congress: "20 moves up the
date" (presidential term starts January 20).
21. Repeal of Prohibition: "21 can drink" (repeals 18th
22. Two-Term Limit for President: "2 terms, 2-2".
23. Electoral Votes for D.C.: "D.C. 2-3 votes".
24. Abolition of Poll Tax: "24 poll tax no more".
25. Presidential Succession: "25 if he dies" (procedures
for presidential succession).
26. Voting Age Set to 18: "2 + 6 = 8, vote at 18".
27. Congressional Pay: "27 pays next election" (changes
in pay take effect after next election).

### Unratified Amendments

1. Congressional Apportionment: Aimed to regulate the

number of representatives.
2. Titles of Nobility: Would strip citizenship from those
accepting foreign titles.
3. Corwin Amendment: Proposed to protect slavery in
states where it existed.
4. Child Labor Amendment: Sought to give Congress
power to regulate child labor.
5. Equal Rights Amendment: Proposes equality of rights
under the law, regardless of sex.
6. D.C. Voting Rights: Sought to grant D.C. full
representation in Congress.

### Memorization Tips

- Chunking: Group amendments by themes, such as the
Bill of Rights, civil rights, voting rights, and administrative
- Mnemonic Phrases: Use short, memorable phrases that
capture the essence of each amendment.
- Repetition: Repeated review and recitation of the
- Visualization: Create mental images

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