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I, the undersigned, declare that this academic project is my original work and has not
been previously submitted to any other university for a higher degree. To the best of my
knowledge, this academic project does not contain materials that have been written or
published unless the sources are informed.



MATRIC NO: S2114643

10th June, 2024


This thesis represents not only my efforts but also the support, guidance, and
encouragement of many individuals who have contributed to its completion. I am deeply
grateful to all of them.

First and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor, Dr Sadia
Rahman, for their invaluable guidance, support, and encouragement throughout this
research. Their insights and expertise have been instrumental in shaping this thesis.

I would also like to thank to Dr. Mahfud, S.H, M.H, Dr. Putra Iqbal, S.H, LLM, Dr. Yakub
Aiyub Kadir, S.H, M.H, and Dr. Yusa Djuyandi, S. IP, M.SI. for their valuable feedback,
constructive criticism, and unwavering support. Their contributions have significantly
enhanced the quality of this work.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to my fellow students and colleagues, especially Auny Dhiya
Ulhaq, Damira Aisyah, and Raissa Azalia Mustafa, for their camaraderie, encouragement,
and helpful discussions. Their friendship and support have been invaluable throughout
this journey.

On a personal note, I would like to thank my family for their unwavering love, patience,
and encouragement. To my parents, Ibrahim and Juliana, your belief in me has been a
constant source of motivation and understanding during the demanding times of this

Lastly, I dedicate this thesis to all those who believe in the power of knowledge and
research to make a positive impact on the world. Your inspiration drives me to strive for

Thank you all for being part of this journey.


The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a multinational accord

designed to limit Iran's nuclear program, encountered a notable obstacle when the United
States, during the Trump administration, elected to withdraw from the agreement. This
study aims to conduct a thorough analysis of the United States' withdrawal from the
JCPOA by utilizing the 2018 Presidential Memorandum as a significant policy document
and examining the domestic factors that influenced this decision. This study seeks to
elucidate the determinants that led to the United States' decision to withdraw from JCPOA
by examining the historical backdrop, foreign policy discourse and decision-making
mechanism. Moreover, the analysis is limited to the United States and Iran in terms of
geographical scope, given that these two countries were the principal parties engaged in
the agreement. Through a targeted examination of this particular context, the research
offers a refined comprehension of the bilateral interactions and their impact on the
determination to withdraw from JCPOA. The research methodology employed in this
study is qualitative, and it is guided by a comprehensive theoretical framework to facilitate
the analysis. The study utilizes a variety of primary and secondary resources as well as
interview with foreign policy expertise. The primary objective of this thesis is to make a
scholarly contribution to the existing body of literature by conducting a thorough
examination of the United States' 2018 withdrawal from the JCPOA and endeavors to fill
the gaps in comprehending the domestic factors' influence such as, domestic politics,
interest groups, and public opinion. The outcomes of this study could potentially bear
significance for forthcoming diplomatic endeavors and the comprehension of the United
States' stance towards agreements involving multiple nations.

Keywords: United States, Iran, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA),

Domestic Factors, Decision-Making process, Foreign Policy Decision, Presidential


Figure 4.1 :Iranian Oil production 2011-2019

Figure 4.2 :Iranian Oil Exports 2015-2019
Figure 4.3 :US Sanctions on Iran Have Made Waves in Oil


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