Splunk Subsearch

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Let's delve deeper into inputlookup and outputlookup commands in Splunk, as they

are essential for working with lookup tables effectively.

1. inputlookup Command:
The inputlookup command in Splunk is used to fetch data from an existing lookup
table and make it available for further processing within your search pipeline.
Here’s how you typically use it:

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| inputlookup <lookup_filename> [<options>]
<lookup_filename>: Specifies the name of the lookup file (e.g., your_lookup.csv or
your_lookup.csv.gz) you want to read data from.

<options>: Optional parameters such as where, head, tail, etc., to refine the
results fetched from the lookup file.

Example Usage:
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| inputlookup your_lookup.csv
This command fetches all rows from your_lookup.csv and treats them as if they were
search results. You can then manipulate, filter, or join this data with your main
event data using subsequent Splunk commands.

2. outputlookup Command:
The outputlookup command in Splunk is used to write the results of a search
pipeline into a new or existing lookup file. It's important to use this command
carefully as it can overwrite existing lookup files if not used with caution.
Here’s how you typically use it:

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| outputlookup <output_lookup_filename> [<options>]
<your_search>: Represents your Splunk search pipeline, where you perform operations
and transformations on your event data.

<output_lookup_filename>: Specifies the name of the lookup file where you want to
store the results of your search.

<options>: Optional parameters such as append=T, action=none/overwrite, etc., to

control how the output is written.

Example Usage:
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index=your_index sourcetype=your_sourcetype
| stats count by field_name
| outputlookup new_lookup.csv
In this example:

The search index=your_index sourcetype=your_sourcetype filters events from your

specified index and sourcetype.
| stats count by field_name aggregates event counts by field_name.
| outputlookup new_lookup.csv writes the aggregated results into a new lookup file
named new_lookup.csv.
Best Practices and Considerations:
Overwriting: Always be cautious with outputlookup to avoid accidentally overwriting
existing lookup files. Consider using action=append or checking if the file exists
before overwriting.

Performance: Efficient use of lookups can improve search performance. Ensure lookup
files are appropriately indexed for faster access.

Data Management: Regularly update and maintain lookup files to ensure data
accuracy, especially if they are used frequently in your searches.

Security: Secure lookup files appropriately, especially if they contain sensitive


Understanding inputlookup and outputlookup commands in Splunk allows you to
effectively work with lookup tables to enrich your event data and store aggregated
results for future use. By leveraging these commands correctly and considering best
practices, you can optimize your Splunk searches and maintain data integrity across
your analysis workflows.

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