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 Defining ICT Literacy: ICT literacy is not just about understanding how to use a specific piece of

technology, but rather it’s about being able to use digital technology and communication tools to
access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information.
 The Role of ICT Literacy: In our increasingly digital world, ICT literacy plays a crucial role. It’s
not enough to just know how to use technology; individuals must also understand how to use it to
manage and communicate information effectively.
 Technology as a Transformative Tool: Technology has the power to transform our lives and
our societies. But in order to harness this power, we need to be ICT literate.
 The Importance of ICT Literacy in Education: As we move towards a more digital society, ICT
literacy becomes increasingly important in education. Students today need to be ICT literate in
order to succeed in their future careers.

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