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Limited Power of Attorney

This is the limited power of attorney between

Client’s name:

Client’s trading account number:

Client’s email address:

Attorney’s name:

Attorney’s account number:

Attorney’s email address:

AT Global Markets Intl Ltd is electronically facilitating the agreement between the attorney and the client,
it makes no representations as to the legal validity of such an agreement and as such the legality of its
terms is a matter for the attorney and the client. Both the client and the attorney agreed to the following
terms and conditions:


1. Communication and Validity of Instructions

1.1. The client agrees that the attorney may communicate with AT Global Markets Intl Ltd directly
regarding the Account without notifying the client in advance. The attorney will then pass any
such communications onto the Client without delay.
Communications made by AT Global Markets Intl Ltd to the attorney are deemed to be received
by the Client at the same time at which they are received by the attorney.

1.2. AT Global Markets Intl Ltd may accept and rely without enquiry on any instruction from the
attorney that AT Global Markets Intl Ltd believes to be genuine. For the avoidance of doubt, AT
Global Markets Intl Ltd need not inquire nor does it have any duty to ensure that any transactions
carried out by the attorney are within any rules or restrictions set out by the Client.
2. The Client

2.1. The Client acknowledges that the attorney is not an employee of AT Global Markets Intl Ltd or
endorsed by AT Global Markets Intl Ltd, its employees, or its affiliates.
2.2. The Client understands that it is their responsibility to properly evaluate and perform appropriate
due diligence on the attorney prior to engaging its services. The Client hasreviewed the attorney’s
registration,authorizations,regulatory requirements, performance and suitability prior to entering
into this Limited Power of attorney.

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Limited Power of Attorney

2.3. AT Global Markets Intl Ltd does not review, recommend, or endorse any attorney and whilst AT
Global Markets Intl Ltd does not supervise or review the attorney’s past performance, trading
activities in the Account or performance in the Account, they will attempt to monitor the
attorney’s performance against projections. The Client is solely responsible for discussing their
risk capital and risk appetite with the attorney from time to time.

2.4. The client understands that the attorney may not be authorised or registered and, therefore, may
not be regulated, reviewed or monitored by any regulatory or governmental agency. If the attorney
is authorised or registered, the Client understands that the rules to which the attorney is subject
may vary from the rules in the Client’s jurisdiction

2.5. The Client consents to and authorises AT Global Markets Intl Ltd to disclose to the attorney all
information that AT Global Markets Intl Ltd holds in relation to the Account,
including personal information that AT Global Markets Intl Ltd holds in relation to the Client.

2.6. (i) The Client agrees to pay a monthly profit share to the attorney as stated in 2.6 (ii) when the
accumulated net profit from the last profit calculation is positive (deducting any swap, extra
commission and mark-up applied). AT Global Markets Intl Ltd will calculate the profit share
based on the equity change between the 00:00 on the first trading day of each month (platform
time) and the 23:59(platform time) of the last trading day (not include deposit and withdrawal).If
the accumulated net profit from the last profit calculation is negative, the attorney will not
receive any profit until the accumulated net profit becomes positive.

(ii)Monthly profit share percentage to the attorney base on the below table, the following
conditions can only be selected by one. All the sub account holders should choose the same
condition if they are under the same managed account.

Plan portfolio

Only ten percent (10%) of the profit share from the client’s AT Global Markets
Intl Limited account to the attorney’s commission account.

Only twenty percent (20%) of the profit share from the client’s AT Global
Markets Intl Ltd account to the attorney’s commission account.

Only thirty percent (30%) of the profit share from the client’s AT Global
Markets Intl Ltd account to the attorney’s commission account.

Only __________(__%) of the profit share from the client’s AT Global

Markets Intl Ltd account to the attorney’s commission account.

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Limited Power of Attorney

(iii)The profits mentioned in 2.6(i) and 2.6(ii) should be calculated within five working days. Regardless of
whether or not MAM sub-account hold a position, the profit share will be calculated at the first working
day of the beginning of each month. (If the day is Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, it will be settled on
the next working day).

AT Global Markets Intl Ltd will only handle the withdrawal request from sub account holders within five
working days since profit calculation day. Sub account holders are not allowed to withdraw out of this

The amount of the withdrawal should be less than or equal to the available amount after profit share to
the attorney, and the margin level should not less than 100%, if not, the withdrawal request may not be

2.7. AT Global Markets Intl Ltd bears, no responsibility if the sub account holders make withdrawal
request that lead to failure in profit sharing.

2.8. The Client and the attorney understand that such payments will not be applied if the margin
required for the open positions at that time is not sufficient or if AT Global Markets Intl Ltd sees that such
a request may affect the margin required for the open positions, therefore AT Global Markets Intl Ltd has
the right not to perform the request or to request the closure of any or all open positions.

2.9. The Client understands and confirms that they hereby authorise AT Global Markets Intl Ltd to
deduct the agreed percentage directly from the named account number and send it to the attorney’s
account within 1 working days after the attorney sent a valid request of profit share calculation.

2.10. AT Global Markets Intl Ltd bears, no responsibility if any stop out occurs caused by profit

3. The attorney

3.1. The attorney shall (as well as not taking any action that would or may fall outside the power
granted herein), act in the client’s best interest at all times and shall conduct all trading in the
Account in accordance with any limits or restrictions set by the Client, including but not limited to
factors such as risk capital and risk appetite.

3.2. The attorney must promptly produce such documentation to the Client as it may from time-to-
time request.

3.3. The attorney understands that they are not endorsed by AT Global Markets Intl Limited; its
employees, or its affiliates and will not hold themselves out to the Client in any such manner.

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3.4. The attorney represents that it has obtained all required authorisations including, but not limited
to, any applicable regulatory or governmental authorisations and licenses to enable it to enter into
and perform the powers and duties outlined in this Limited Power of attorney. The attorney
undertakes to maintain such authorisations and licenses (and obtain such new authorisations and
licenses as required by law or the rules of any regulatory body) throughout the duration of this
Limited Power of attorney.
3.5. The attorney is not authorised to instruct the withdrawal of money in the name of the Client’s AT
Global Markets Intl Ltd trading account.

4. AT Global Markets Intl Ltd

4.1. AT Global Markets Intl Ltd acts in an execution only capacity. AT Global Markets Intl Ltd has
no duty to review the Account for churning, losses or misappropriation, nor does AT Global
Markets Intl Ltd have a duty to report such losses to the Client. AT Global Markets Intl Ltd does
not endorse the attorney or its past or current performance statistics. AT Global Markets Intl Ltd
will attempt to monitor the performance of the attorney against any past performance
information provided.

4.2 AT Global Markets has the right to judge the appropriateness of the Client to trade complex
products as defined during the Client onboarding process to ensure
AT Global Markets Intl Ltd compliance and reserves the right to reject a Client based on the
non-appropriateness of such products.

5. Revocation, amendment and termination

5.1. If the Client wants to revoke, amend or terminate this authorisation, it must give notice in
writing of such action to the attorney and AT Global Markets Intl Ltd . Any such notice
shall not be effective until one (1) working day after it is received by AT Global Markets
Intl Ltd . The Client acknowledges that it will remain liable for all instructions given to the
attorney prior to the revocation and / or variation becoming effective, and that the client
will be responsible for any transactions made on the Account during such time.

(ii) All sub accounts should not have any trading record before adding to the MAM
account. There should be no open positions when the sub accounts join or leave the
MAM account. To join the MAM account, the sub account holder should sign this limited
power of attorney with the master account holder and send it to by sub
account holder’s registered mailbox. To leave the MAM account, both the sub account
holder and the master account holder should send email to by their
registered mailbox to apply.

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5.2. AT Global Markets Intl Ltd, acting in its absolute discretion, may decide that it will no longer accept
instructions from the attorney in relation to the Account without any prior notice. In the event AT
Global Markets Intl Ltd terminates the attorney’s trading authorisation over the Account, AT Global
Markets Intl Ltd will provide written notice to the Client. AT Global Markets Intl Ltd need not specify
its reasons for no longer accepting instructions from the attorney.

5.3. Any such revocation or termination of this Limited Power of Attorney shall not affect any liability
in any way resulting from transactions initiated in the Account prior to such revocation. This
authorisation and the associated indemnity shall inure to the benefit of AT Global Markets Intl Ltd
and their respective attorney and the successors and assigns of its receipt. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, AT Global Markets Intl Ltd reserves the right, at any time its sole discretion, to request
the Client to reaffirm the trading authorisation set forth herein.

5.4. Any such revocation, amendment or termination should be requested from both client’s and
attorney’s email address as stated on the first page of this Limited Power of Attorney.

6. Indemnity

6.1. The client understands that AT Global Markets Intl Ltd bears no responsibility and not liable to
any disadvantage in respect to this appointment. Therefore, both the attorney and the Client
(jointly and severally) agree to indemnify and hold AT Global Markets Intl Ltd , its affiliates,
employees, agents and successors harmless from and against any and all charges, liabilities,
losses (including, without limitation, direct and indirect loss, consequential loss, loss of profit, loss
of opportunity or special damage), damages, penalties, claims, demands, actions, proceedings,
suits, taxes and disbursements, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, legal fees)
incurred by AT Global Markets Intl Ltd, relating to (whether directly or indirectly), the attorney
making any transactions on the client’s trading account (whether permitted by this Limited Power
of attorney or otherwise).

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Limited Power of Attorney


I confirm that I have read and accept the terms of this LPOA and that I have also read in full the Standard
Terms of Business and agree to be legally bound by them. I accept that this is an agreement between the
attorney and me and accept the legal and financial consequences of it, without placing any liability on AT
Global Markets Intl Ltd for facilitating it.

Client Signature: _____________________

Attorney Signature: _____________________

Date: _____________________

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