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There's a fine line between legal and sustainable mining and destructive or excessive mining that is often
crossed by powerful greedy men who seems to always find a way to bypass the law, ways that influence,
connection and money can bring.

Destructive mining causes Environmental Degradation, Water Pollution, Air Pollution,Land

Subsidence, Social Impacts, Health Risks and others more there's always a grey area in the positives and
negatives of mining which is up for debate and critical analysis, mining provides us with components
that are essential in our modern living from structures we live in, the tools we use, transportation,
energy, technology and even medicine, which we can consider to be necessities, but then there's the
vain pleasures that the faulty side of humanity seeks; such as wealth for the sake of wealth, gold and
gems for our vanity, and attempts to fill in the endless void of greed.

It seems inevitable that the most intelligent species on the planet will keep expanding and therefore
would inevitably require more resources from the earth until we venture into the starts the issue
however is that the resources is not being utilized efficiently everyone wants more than what should be
enough for them. and thus exhausting our resources before we get the chance to expand our domain
further into the universe.

The chance for such a grim future can be reduced by simple and easy to do incremental steps that the
average person can do like recycling, support environmental protection groups, and reduce excessive
consumption, those who are concerned can spread information to help to facilitate a change.

Overall, a complex issue such s the harmful effects of mining and quarrying highlight the importance of
implementing sustainable practices, proper regulations, and mitigation measures we as a society play
the biggest role in the sustainability of mining and quarrying activites to minimize environmental and
social impacts associated with these activities.

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