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‘gd fa =f t DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING ODAFEML AW ire 1 Englneetingy Dene Eaiaton OLOWO UNIVERSITY, ILE cl aun 2. MAS TANGY Se caatinain “RAIN SEMESTER, 20182016 SENSIC ent ai w Ny WAVENFION ; ‘ a Mass transfer j : ranster in a syst ey TINA system involving two gases A gnd B may be given in terms ofa mass transfer coefticient K ‘ Na = Ky(Yau = Yaa) whe a k ¥¢ You and Yq ane male ratios of component A at points ind "2", z metres apart, Show that for a cas omnpone . : : Somponent is being transferred through a non-diffusing, non-transferring B, Ky may be wetten as; oe tote ahs ur R21 + Valin fall y Where Pr and T are the system pressure and temperature, respectively. ‘\ spherical sir freshener of ratius 2.54 em is suspended in a large volume still air, It sublimes slowhy releasing v7 4 freshener into the surrounding air by molecular diffusion, and shrinking’ in the process. The air freshen’ molecular Weight of 152 g)mol, a solid density of 0.99 grem?, a diffusivity in air of 0,08 em’/s und exens pressure of 0.77 kPa at 25 °C. Th ssiteounding air is ata constant temperature and pressuse,of 25 °C and it respectively. (Staring from’ the buste mass conservation equations expression for the radial flux of the sir fresh, the surfued of the ball, Hence oF otherwise, calculate the fux value at the surface of the air Creshener Gi)’ How may days will i take for the air freshener to diseppear completely by sublimation? J QUESTION 2 7 ¥ ni Ui An ideil binary mixture of components A and B at 373 K and 101.325 Nm” has the vapour pressures af A ur bbe 107 KNin? and 73.7 KN respectively. Determine the liguid and vapour phases" compositions th » *AL250 kmolM, the feed of the ideal mixture in (a) above is fed to a still Jo be separated into a liquid distillate fiquid uptioms product of 99 mole percent and 2 mole percent of A, respectively. The feed enters the column ‘bubble point. Using the MeCabe-Thiele graphical method, determine the following )_istillave and bottoms mote flow rates, “Gi pineh point forthe system; Git) minimum refhus ratio required forthe still, Gv) minhinum auimber of theoretical stages required. ‘Take the relative volatllty of the niore votutile component 10 the less votatite atte prevailing conden tbe CHES Fyne {Ee Question . ig 10 be absorbed aD ining, 2,0°mol % acetone) IS cae Br Tinewtve percent of the accioné vapor in an sir sveam (containing 24 si ig,30 kmalte and wale CHET 4 ; i inal is, Hon UNdEr thy, A, Cilesuren cont wih pie weir ina valvetay column Taal gas Gis 30 kine Se AE conditions is y = 3x, Calculate the numberof ideal stages necessary for ihe sePo hag: : = ms, : de ee m(Gemo-p+4) 36 , ie . # i ; ng the gas wiih water HAA tomer packed win Ieinch asc ings ist be used to abuorb $04 (ron air by serubbing a elem nh ek iow 5 ; ering gas is 3% SO, Available water is SOp by volume and the leaving gns is to contain not more'than 0.01% = = fee, The operating conditions are 30 °C and | atm, The water flow is to be 1.5.times « minimum andthe air Now (on an SO; ~ foe bass) Is 1500 kg/ha’, Ifthe mass transfer coefficients forthe process are ‘ya = 150° kmol/m*.h.(mol, fraction) and ya = 200 kmol/m’.h.(mol, fraction), andthe equilibrium relationship for the absorption of SO} at 30 “Cis y* = 21.85, determine the depth of packing required if the design is baged onthe yas phase ing fore, : : » fe a SS Bab og cua QUESTION 4 ~ Binary sus'hase ditfusivities fr gases can be predicted based on kinetic theory of gases hy oe “py, = 1.858 10"r!4 ym, ‘g = age tar Define each term in the equation above, stating their respective units, {ma continuous rectification of binary system, write equations for the (i) rectifying section opefating line ( For the benzene ~ toluene system at 101,325 kPa, Chapman. i, Copy.iitd'tomplete the table below Be Vapour pressure Mole fractions | Relative Me Benzene Toluene Xe Yan | volatility Temperature) | (mmeg) “| _(amttgy g 80.1 760 = 1.900 [7.000 = ee 85.2 ara : s 90 aa 406.73 sees nee gs ? 95 TRA 1 4 iz ‘to —}— 1350.49 | “$¢¢ me Jos 1SGS EET Bug ag T10.6 1783.39 759.45 a ii, Ia benzene toluene mixture has @ composition of xy =0.40 adT is “will it boil? IF not, coming off? (RINT: Antoine's equation log P? = ky — for the Benzene ~ Toluene system above, where: ky ky Benzene (A) iz 6.90565 “1201033 ‘ E Toluene (B). D533 1343945 a E which applies when T [=] °C and P* f=) mmntig ale We va OG uv - Or }yy (bf Cotton seed oil-and propane are. mutually insoluble solvents, At atinospherie condition, equilibrium exist (© Deny the ‘ . i eal wc wl : i A WU of Vy ray ut tad Hasntd hes (69 Humid volume 9° Kaji are tobe aried rom an inal ee-motsure cy Moisture content of 59 (dry basis) b 110% (dry basis) to a final fre with see tehwise in trays tha are ¥ mony by 5 "ying will ake place from the top surface only, The drying air conditians are tani 1 ebsolute humidity 67.0019 ky HhOMkg dry’ oie, The air velocity across the, trays is 3.8 mvs, Experiments unle drying cor ' conditions, show a critéal free-moisture content of 70% tore dost i (ry busis) and equilitriun moisture coment « i) Dete (i) Determine'the drying time Tequired lor the constant-rate period i) Given that the drying rate forthe falling-ratépetiod ea 1 : N= aX bX? Determine; + (@). the values of the constants a and 6 (b) the total drying’ time in hours Additional information: The heat transfer roeffic Heal transfer coefficient is given by h = 0.02016" where h is in Whn-K and G is th veleclty in heft? In addition, take ditt to be 2407 kilkg ai the wer bulb Jemperatwce a ne . sie Eee QUESTIONG = a ely nee (2); Sketch an equilateral, triangular diagram representing continuous countercurrent solvent exwaclion: On the. dt identify the following: : ‘ (i)" binodal solubility curve, ee oe ees ay ‘ Gia tie line. ‘ we AR? x aS ii) difference point, ar lorry: Ge, + (iv) We line for a solutropie system ‘ ue ok ae (v) Platt point. 4 solvents system us (g oleic aciu/g propane) = 9.5 (g oleic ucid/g cotton seed oil). Given that 4.5 g of clei dissolved in 100 ml of cotton seed oil is extracted with 150 ml propane, determine the amount of aeid in:the 0 propane phases. :) Two streums are mixed to produce a streeini as depicted in the diugram below, ahs Miva ty? M, Xana Keo a : > An eo See pseee| . . £ oN a \\ol - ~ Using the diagram and the nomenclature, iy e (i) Write the (a) overall balrce (component A bales or the syste ') Given.that 35 kg of streain-1 having 32 weight percent of A and 25 vieight percent of B is mixed with 40 srream lj 48 weight percent of A and 35 weigh percent of B, Determine the weight faction of A, B and Ci ugulie diageara and-Lever Arm rule, product stream using ree iat yal ae veg he ie Sat Aad : 4 gee hee ere XS oe re PY A TS | A ‘ yo =i pT ee CRE eee SS Se SL 7 Set EE oe Se eS \ Woe ee ; Me sh AEM darn say he Gi MENT OF CieMical BNGINEERING Ins UE ASAT RANE EES a we : eer a » DEPAr a CAVA NEE PAWS Univ eee CA GR * Attempt ANY 4c vestions SURAT AAR eras dovartvce wuamion TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS QUESTION | : a MNS Yh A Son are vole tact : = nd Yay are male fraction "2", x mcs ap, Shaw that fra case whey 1 SSMPSheN Ai ng uarsisted ough ovedifusing, non-transtevingB, Ky may be writin as . DaaPr RAY in + ; where Pr und T ire she system Pressure and temperature, respectively, Ue Aopen tank 2.50 m in diame contains ‘sopropy! aleahol (IPA) 4 30°C, exposed tu the atmosphere in such’ int air Glm estimated to be $ mm thick, “manner that the liquid is covered with a stagna ‘The concentration of | TPA eyond the stagnant film is negligible, icine vapour pressure of [PA at 30 °C is 7.88 kPa and IPA is worth , 400 per ttre, estimate the cos of IPA lost by ev poration from the tank per day, For-isopropyl alcohol at 30 "C= 285 byt! onl Din =0.098 cntls THe prevaling ‘tmospherie pressure in "this ease is 760mm Hg. Ree cae nan aera atl mle afer bn ety ademecperuc 9X isa fy an, ire, Apanine Rv's nv: whist tid anposiin when 60% oh ey ae pone og coh a) : ; TYE eT someon evry? Ale ae ett hndsintneyn ach ee flowing dts are avai ce 5 Wainer pare SR pS ae 5 Pa) tw) men, “Eiyioesty "$33 ayn’ MAE: 2 ‘aetet : ate a. a eee TOG a srton'? . re (TOP) ronove50 wate 3 istered 10 got aa ic ‘8-10 wth solution oF uronyt nitrate (UN) in wate is toe treated with butyl phos ‘tang nitrte,inbatchiwiseciilitvum contets. How muth TSP (ll he TP i uted at Sein one sae; ts y Ui) he extrotion is be doe in two erss-curent sages: oe ihe entation is tobe dae in vo eoumereume sages at Caen your results for i) =f) abo : ue A eur (g UN TBP) = 55U@ Uhl 0) sume water ond Tere mat nao "Gas fom a petrleum siilaon éalumn, hs encenaion of HS feed om 0.05 (mol Hino) inert perleu 2 gant pe ofthis wien Ads in oecnen abe apne, “gas) 1 pervem of this va " and alnozphere peste te yi ruin fr the soon may be en as Y* = a9, (0.015 moll. (in? lower cross-section), ealeulate : i. ‘The nuivber of tafser uits (Nog) required Ti, ‘The height ofthe dbsorber necessary absorption coeticient K's inthis eases 0.04 molsan® (unit mle ation diving fone). “Thy overall absorption eo A 7 ee joo Tre town: % oe uy a Uy CDA AAU 20%, oe : ve a Ae cas ny char Bea tering the coum is HS tesa leaves ooening 0.024 (mol H,Snol solve Ihe Now one Bs it aoe NP = ~ a ie as ae Te. Sel QUESTION 3 : : distillation on a vapor yy, Given that the operating tine exuation of vapor phase compasition ‘y' in lash savilitvium diogram ofy = Mx) is: i. schematically plot the equation, : Nocate onthe pt the pint a equilibrium composition (x, y') Plot the equation when (a) V= 0(b)L.= 0. e "Toga the pint x, y+, be 1,500 kmol™m Benzen oluene binary misture containing 65 mole % benzene was separated ins continuous “* "actionaion column ina a cistilate af 92 mole percent benacne and a reside of 95 mole percent tiene, Thd feed ‘was adoiied 10 the column aia conditinn such that its quality 4° was 0.35. Al this edniion, the vapnur pressures of benzene and toluene are 15.95 kPa and 3,795 Nav? respectively, Using MeCabe-Thiele praphical-method; determine 4M atmospheric nressure of 760 mmbg, (i) the Now rate of the produels (i) the mun feNlox condition (iy minimum efx rato (iv) er of theoretical ways at total swunber i theortieal sages at res ean of 145 the evininum,(¥)* {he actual umber if trays iF the efficiency af the operating’75 %. Compare thié with that abtsined graphically, \. Question « A° Aires 101.32 a, having dry ul temps of 50°C and 3.0% moire (dy bss ob died by Tt enaion 0 25°C o condense waer vapour, lowed by hating 10 100°C. Ducrnine : “ the initial and final molar humidity ¢ i) the nal relative humidity 7 *” s sh a the density of the dried aie. an SG a SA LOOPS A bach of wersold whose ate af rying is described by the relation: Bi a nt Ore : 0.60; 0.23 < 0.50 ‘ @ : (kg H0/h, m? [ ‘ Th : 2.73(X = 0.01); = 0,23 {sto he dried from a moisture content 28,6 % (wei bass) fo final moisture content of 0.04 kg Fs 0g dry soli the. drying surface js 1m?20 kg dry weight, determine the total drying time eequired. Slabs of filter cake with a bovie-dry, density of 1,600 kg/m are w be dried trams an initial fige-moisiure content of 110% (dy basis) (0 a final freesmoisiure content of 5% (dry basis) batchwise in trays that are I'm long by 0.5 m wide! with a depih of 3 em, Drying will take place from the Lop surface only, The drying sir condliigns are latm, 110 *C, and a 60°C" swet-hully temperature, The sir velocity aeross-the trays is 3.5 m/s. Experiments unter-ihese drving conditions show a ere! omens eorent 070% (ty hs, wth ling paid Ik ut shown nie Fre low, edo fee ements Osten: () yng tine fre constant prod i) sng tne nga Adulionl Infortation: The hea wane eae sien by h = AM20¢G"*share his in Wink ond G i tase velocity 9 kg/h’, ln addition, rake A11™ ta be 2357 kik atthe wer bulb temperature. Drying rare Wor w alfiuta aly WuT0e Sy ata 84 GRIPNIOm BF vinyione wu with 189 hy fen lyst (avtute > farm water vali Muerurel, 120 A ontulning 43 poeveni arhurat, Whet site YEAHS oI shy Uatnaut und atthe ie - Water Phase twit %p Rurfural Phase (wt Yep Pp Ett we Lysol Water Ethylene glycol furtwent 225 é 955 — 3 J “ 1s 1 5 oT 30 ¥ ae 40 [seement0) 86 Gay cia 145 ae 32 21 7% 34 36 6 Determine Gi) Whiat 8 the a unt und mi Wrope? On en l= f4) ! a Minimum amount of solvent eyuied for he opera irbunt ofthe rallnae posible wsing the maximum a What is an azeot ’ ay diagram, using vapour — liquid 4G aNerens Propane) MO ion and.jhe quaithiyOr exact that can be obtaingd, mount ol'sulvent for the separation? Q equilibrium curves, distinguish clenrly between hee ae number Siete phe Wthe a 5 a ' sete © ARAVA WOVE UCL ORES” . igering) Mid-Course Exainination RAIN SEMESTER, 2013/2014 SESSION 12 MASS TRANSFER OVERATIONS : RUCTION: Attempt ALL’ TIME ALLOWED: 1 HOUR Mass vansfer is occurring from a ball of naplihalene baving a radius of 10 mm, The balls suspeuded i sal air at 325,6 K-und 100 kPa, Ifthe vapour pressure of naphthilene at 325.6 K is 1,0 mmiklg andl the diffusivity af naphihalene in-aie at STP is 5.16 «16% mls, : < (i) Estnhate the dittusivity of naphebalene at 325.6 K.and 100 kPa Gi) Calgulate the rate of evaporation of naphthalene from the surface in ky mols. Sven thie vapour pressure of penne and exane at 250 K and atmosphere presse are $.4 and 1.6 So: weheo& YYLID__ Detrine he value of foreach ofthe gn in the figure above, Daye i 4 to. istiled ina plate colurnn, The mixture contains {5 mol fA and it js being: fed into the coluinn as saturated liquid of 1200 kinolhe. ‘The residue is to contait. no £0:5 mol¥% of component and flows at $80 kmol/h, : Gi) Deternine the mote f Muy tnixture of relative volatility 1.81 is being 0 oF the top prose; : 2." 2S Gi) Eximote the misiniu umber of sages requited using Penske equation ae ee ge ye ae g Leek ? gat ot eo “e pls a3 ee Bat xoiy ® Ye 4g sabes x c 257). ao anc 0 ; “ yg Pe BN OSLO lat Ute es pupsrrate| Yop) hcsefintef: wfey bese stl ny sx Choreraly vapor) “YA onetofol! a . * N INEERING DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGIN (ss f inf) ve \ 2) OBAFEAEE AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY, ILE gora7aora RRBHON 4 SMT ER Engineering) Degree Examination ee ~ MASS TRANSFER OPERATIONS | ION: Attempt ANY 4 Questio he L 1a OPK TVESTION F : ton as: oe : ‘The wioler Mux ofa specie A in a binary mixture containing species A and B can bo write te Ng = ~CDan D+ yaa + No) - : EA i fi that of B, show |, Toracass whore species A and B ar in covuterdiffusion such that the malar Dox of A is five lies {row first principles thatthe expression above enn be writien 8s: Nae F988 pois \ = 125Da0Pr, (feo sean) +, Nye etn Sean Tatainee hr =i Besa a § where Pa=yaPy. Me % Mass Vanafer i system involving two gases A and B muy be given in terns ofa mass wansteteoefticion Ky hy { t Na= lym - Yar) oF whore yar and yaa are mole fret af component A’at points" and "2", resjecivély, Obtain an expréssion fey \ Ks foe's ease where cumpansht A is being transferred through a non-diffusing, non-transferting B. Define ll tenes in yourexpression Hest “The molar tux from a $ en dioreter naphthalene ball placed in stagnant aie at At) °C ond 101.3kPais 1.47210" ‘¢ ywolls!n’ If the vapour pressure of vaphihalene at 40 °C 15,1 kPa and the conccutraiion of naphuhafene in ihe hulk \a ris negligible, aan (i Determine the diffusivity of saphthalene at 40 °C * ’ 8) Use stants blowing neros the surface of the naphthalene ball with a vilecty of 3s, by what amount will he, \ .y ahass transfer ratg increase? For spheres, use the relation vat ; Y | SiD= 2.0-+0.6 Re! 5.03 Sue Ke te Forair at 40°C and 101.3 kPa, take density and viscosity to be 1.127 kg/m? and 1.7% 10 Pa. s.respectively, .. a8 : eee nab, JESIION 2 (0 : den She ae Explain the-wweaning of the following terms used to describe the bioisture content af substavces: ye] © @ Found moisture (i) fee moisture Aif'at 101.32 ka, having a dry bulb (emporature of 35 °C and 2.5% cooling to 10 °C to ecrdesse water vapiour,fallowed by heating to 30 °C, determine the following: (i) Use initial and final molar humidity Gi) the inal relative fessare Of the water vapour content of the dried nir Nolet show the psychrometric process exam bogkdet, and swrite your regist fr WBisture (Wr¥ basis) is tore dried iy first 2 >t Using the supplied psychromettie eb, ‘¢ humidity (ii) the change in humid heat Gv), pariatol ; coh oe get to hand in yout ehart with the" a the chart provided, Dn not for n number au the chart ; : & hatch of wet solid whose rate of deying curve is shown in figure Q is tobe dried fron n ipistors content of 2816. -—! % {avet basis) to a final moisture coint I of 0.04 kg H.Ofkg dry solid, ‘The drying surface is 1320 key diyyweiuht. & Deternitie the total drying time required AG . FRGeE nesta aes Pay ¢ Ae a 6 Swen, Ms %, : NAS Sig Sty % a ME 5 ae rf ee vi nao fhe ha 1. tofiat een o 7a Q2 “065 fag 0.48 3 +S Boag i = 035 0:30 0.25 0.20 é 8.00 9.05 O10 C.20 0.25 35 oan ,oas 0.50 055 X (kg Hy)9/kg Ciry Solid} ms QUESTION 3 vo hundred and five kaiol/h of « mixture of 60 mole percent A and 40 mole perceut of I ist be separated liquid distillate aud a liquid bottoms product of 95 mole percent and 5 mole percent of A, respectively! Th esters the éolvioun witha molat ere qual to the distiUsie-to-feed ratio, at which coadition (0.389. Using the McCube-Thicle praphicalmethod and the equilibrium curve given in figure Q3, de srming ‘atutospherié. pressure of 101,325 Nas”, : e #\G) The tinioum number of trays, ii) ‘The miniumisn reDux Fatid, ) The number of theoretical stayes when reflux ratio is 1.3 the minimum, and (jii) locsite the optimal Seed stage . g Note: Du not forget to baad in your graph aloog with the exam booklet. - . b, Lise the two types of-design by whivh effective multistaye operation may'be obtained. Give four example ost “equipment in each type: ws c. “Explain the térm soharopie point t vaporization applied in liquid-liquid extraction process. 2 SFQUESTION 4 |S ‘| _ Vs 1. (i) Whatare the fiictors to be considered when'selceting solvents Tor yas absorption operation? (iis Weite the ‘expressions for deverraining the height of an absorption coluran, bused on the overall gas phase drivis force. A as 15 wi% of a certaid pollutant Z,; the rest is ir, ‘The local poltutic b.. A veut ga 4 ig’ streams i your chemical plant cont: ; : J se el rego meio cena of 73 7, Yow somites ee fan tows ufiag. waler arte abeprbbat The ilet wis & Pe gud at 30°C. The. dperation ae ‘ally getvet oT ar 30°C; yoor Jaboratory bas found that the equbriun data con be approximated by. ésenticlly isothermal. eines is ; A bl ca ax are weight fractions of Z iu vapour ‘and liquid, respectively). Sx (where y ane Brat pa : D Find the sxiniwaan ratio of water to si red ed; Gi) Using @ water flowrate liquid concentration. vray pperermine the percentage TeHPe Resume that alt Hi 4 e-1.2 times the minimun, find the total numaber of equilibrivin Stages and:the ob cin (b) above yal of Z with three theoretical stages at the owe ye aM, iS Eflnvate the diffusivity of arm hd etal (1974), Use the in nonin (NE) in air ot 700mmig and 400 K using the oa formation provided in the table below: Se ial mul) Nisei oa =. Air’ fey 7 29.9 -- NHy __17 au ane 25.8 | & Au Spon tank of 0.85 sets di lop:of mene at the le the tank is motionless, nnd wt the ameter contains benzene at the bottom. Air inside the tank tion 3:0F the tay uk, the concentration of benzene in the air is negligible, The entire systons ig at 760mneH1g av Fs Panel level is (i) Determnine the rate of diffusion of benzene, if the distance from the lop of the lank to the = ; 1.545 inetres, i) Given that the depth of benzene in tank to evaporate? Es Data: : (i) above is $ mm, how long will it for the entire benzene in the Dan = 8.26 «109 mre Soturated vapour pressure of benzene gt 18.7 °C» 128mm Density of benzene = 880kg/n? STON 4 I : librium tie-tine data for water(A)-chlorobendgne By-py yridine(C) at 25°C is given below in weight percent [chlorobenzene water [Pyridine] rohenzene | water me 9995 {005 0 0.08 99.92 a 88.28 0.67 3.02 1G Suez) sf 79.90 aay; [1.05 0.24 | 8a71 tae 74.28 1.62, 18.90 038° 80.72" pe a 69.15 2.25 25.50, 0.587 73.92, + 65.58 a7 36.10 1.85 02.05 . : 61.00 3.95 | 44.95 4.18 30.87 ~ : 53.00 ni 6 ae 9332 890 > 3790_| *.* i 250 S| a OM 37.80 TT 13.7 . fed x 1 A be batch of pyridine-water sclution, having s¢iyg Pyridine, is to bo extracted with an equal ive, Ailerobenzene. ‘The ralBaste trom the Grst extraction is 1p be rcexctrneied with A, weight of ¢ : ra olveht equal ta,thes : % nate weight, and same method adopied for subseqiient extraction stnges, Ho Iw inany theoretical singed’ ; (00 solvent weight will be required to reduce the concentr ‘and whit ration of pyriline to 2% in th he final raftinaic’? Ach ; 13 Couiouous rootfication of binary systom, write () operating tine equations describing conc ‘entealion variaitian, i) q-line equation, {7 SD" Revleigh equation aud state tuseuess in dstlation operation a ; :n, tag | oe Qe Danke Al, a dt Hane : Ah ay n cur csimaayeal ENGUNAAR Be eH ANEMIA SASS UMEGK RNG BME * om éngiigerlney Degree exardtnation Ce ate pie 2013/2014 SESSION 18312 = MASS-TRANSTER OPERATIONS j STRUCTION: Attempt ANY 4 Questions, : TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS : ‘QUESTION 1 ‘nary gds-phase diffusivities for gases can be predicted based on kinetic theory of gases by Chapman 1a Br riskog equation: 1,50 x 10-775 JM, Dag = ne o P7Oqy AoA0 J oetne each the equation above, stating their respective units, ¥ ie “ph A tabie 1 em inside diameter and 50,crp-tengsis filled with Hi (A) and CO) (B) ota {otal pressure of 250 KPa, ‘at OPC: Under these conditions, the diffusion coefficient of the Hy ~ COs system |s 2.75 «107 mvs. Wthe arial pressure of CO, is 150 kPa at one end of the tube and 70 KPa atthe other end, inde rife of @iffusion for steady state counter diffision where No =~ 0.75 Na i : coe * Mass teunsfer is’ decurring from a ball of naphthalene having & radiu} of LO-rga. The ball is suspended in Bill aiz «2 3256°K and 100 kPa, [f the vapour pressure of naphthalene at 5 BK i diffusivity of'naphithalene in ic al STR is-5.16 * 10% ms, - ~ @ P sciate the diffusivity crRaphthalene at 325.6 K and {00kPa + Ma Alyse) (ii) Cateulageihe cate of evapération of naphttialené from the surface in kg'mol/s.m? ~.¥ 5 GqipLtalrgtarts blowing across the surface of the raghthalenie ball wiih.a velocity of 4.0 eins, by whit A 5 factor will'the evopdration fate, increase? For spheres, uss thé relation = th £0 , Sh = 2.0 + 0.6 Re? sc? & Take, the-densitprand: viscosity of air under thé prevailing conditions 'to be 1.127 kglm’ and 1. 7e1Q? Pa.s, respectively. ® )UESTION2 Reeve vapour prestres of n_pentane andl of n-hexane are given inthe table Below, “ass ses Braue pan fasr0 [2000 [as [ae [9003 bass L709 [anes [oes0 [aos [aes [309 cian 12 Betenine the relative volatility of peniané to hexane a 272,293 and 313 K. mmiwure eontaiing 0.52 mole fraction pentane is Yo be distilled continuously o give a to Prodvet oF 095 roe rection penne ad « botom of 0.1 moe fraction pentane Determine thy icn| McCabe = Thiele fnethod _ + eminimumn (ii) Using'itie consi ) Fequired, and the positon of the feed, fie) _Caleuinte the Sse effigiency. ye assumed that he feed all quid at its boiling-point, ls Ike : ? % ‘ . ‘i yaditions in which liquid-| . - \ b. Explain indetsls, he gondivons in which liquid-liquid extraction is advisable to be used for sepa \ in in : ‘ paration | purposes: * Aer! i : i epiesent countercurrent liquid. exiraet i -- Beaty ratte cos iquid: exirection process and write the ! Sener ec ‘ e ' Overall material ancl! ‘ i = 4 te DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL E FRING | OBAFEM] AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY, ILE IFE a ri 32010 BRSSION ‘cal Engineering) Mid-Course Examination RAIN SEMESTER, 2013/2014 & 312 ~-MASS TRANSFER OPERATIONS YSTRUCTION: Attempt ALL leh ‘ TIME ALLOWED: {HOUR Massitanster is occuring fom 3 ball 6 aapbtbaleoe bavaig a radius of 10 mm. The ball Suspended los “Sifat 325.6 K and 100 kPa. the vapour pressure of oaphihalene at 325.6 IK is 1.0 mmHg and the SBisinny ff naphthalene in aie at STPis 5.16 « 19% ms, $ i - ‘ () Estimate the diffusivity of napbebaleue ar 325,6 K li) Calulate the rate Of evaporation of naphthalene from the surface in kg moV/s.m* . we & Gi “ven that the vapour pressure of peatase and hex Pee KM? respectively, and 100 kPa ‘aoe at 250 K and atmospheric pressure’ are 5.4 and. | sate ae 18 yee Wt a iy \ (1) Determide the relative volailty of pentave - bexane cuixture at 250°K % Be {3 Whe total pressure is 1 atm, what will be the mole f action of pent: phase at 250 K? tane in the vapour and in the liquid’ aaah bs eet pO SUMO an absolute pressure of 3.50% 19° Néim?, the gas and liquid phase mass fave beeo found 10 be ln a gas absorber operating at transfer coc {Geients hi TE sete 2 1 Eee 4, = 297 * 10" kmolim? s, me i by = 694 10" kmolim?s.(n ‘a. fraction) rol. fraction) If abe equilibrium telationsbip can'be represeoted by ihe relation P Il mass transter coefficients K, and K, ‘determine.the overal solution cootaioing 120 kg of solvent A with a mass rat io 9f-0:3 of solute, £ solvent §. ‘Che raffin was contacted with 80 ke'or ‘85 Of 0.02 OF solute. If the distribution: la Duld be Fequired for tbe proces ate obtdinéd with solvent A has mm ws represented as Y = L.8SX, bow many oxiacton stages w: s in a erbsscurrent #perition? Assume tbe sol veuis are immiscible. 34 © The vapour ~ liquid equilibrium plot ofa binary misture is giveo in the Fgure’below. The operatiog lines of f the reetifying and stripping sections of the distillation colucnn are Xpressed by the’eqiiations beldw: u " "Y= 069+ 0,30 . : ¥ =3.005 ~ 0.20: where x and y“are the mole fractions of the more v ‘hnectively. Ifthe feed if 10 be fed into the columa as (©) the mole fractions of the meré volatile SOmPonsnt iw tbs feed, distillate aod bono steams (2 the requived ceftux ratio, R Gi) the number of theoretical siages Tequired. Zum... Tits tt i 1 ele ici Cad are Ae = $Rale sLd y ge beg oe a ileal Ont on Ip Gert Be ee Ks . = Ge. gu: AMY = Dadar oy Rte | hdd Dabs = Pubs op +H Sees OP te Yoder von : Masyaghy + vaper rwhin ips is éuuluin en wep He penal PPA” NIESTION § u a.” Write briefly on the following as it epplies to psychromety: + G@) humid heat (i) humid volume. (iti) hun be Air at 101.32 kPa, having a dry bull temperature of 40 °C and 2.0 % moisture (dry basis) is to bu dlrivd ! ty ratio. (iv) enthalpy (v) suluration vapour pressuire wor $f arr viper God He first cooling to 10°C to condense water vapour, followed by heating to 37 °C, Determine the following: i) the initial and final molar humidity Gi) the final relative humidity : Gil) the change in humid heat Gy) amount of water (in grammes) removed per cubic meters of the air (¥) the hiamid volume of the dried air : (vi) the partial pressure of the water vapour content of the dried air. QUESTION 6 = « An equimolar mixture of benzene and toluene is subjected to flash distillation at 100 kW/m? in the’ Separator. Using the equilibrium data givei below, determine thé composition of the liquid ‘and vi pau leaving the separator when the feed is 25 per cent vaporised, What is the temperature of the exit li stream? x benzene [00 [01 taf 03 [07 Oo) Tang] © *.? benzene | 0.0 | 0.23 | 051 oi |0.84 | 0.96 | 0 ‘ TdQ + 383_| 379 371 365 360 3367 |_354 ‘containing 45 % sol b+ Tis desired to remove ethylene glycol (solute) from water (carrier) into solvent (furfiral): IF JOOkg of fe extraction, = I se het ae - (i) Calculate the-mixture composition, M in each stage and the equilibrium, compasitigns in phases in each stage. (Gi) What is the composited extract composition? ‘The equilibrium diagram for ethylene glycol-waler-furfural is given in Fig, Q6. (i) Sketch # well labeled hypothetical enthalpy-composition diagram. : (ii) In the analysis of aqueous methanol distillation, il was’observed that the net heat flow upwards ‘in rectifying section was 6,295,818kM/o, with a distillate rate of 84,5 kmol/y, The enthalpy of the fecd ul the liquid entering nto plate 1 fram the condenser were 2,533.5 and 3,648.2 ki/kmol respectively. Als, the interval reflux was evaluated to be 0.478, Determine the heat duty of the condenser. Hence, otherwise, determine the enthalpy of the satirated vapour leaving plate 1, ute 4s extracted with 200 kg of pure solvent gach in'a two-staged’ érogs wwurétl” : CHE 312 ASSIGNMENT, - wvtorivis t i fees Dee Fyn ai “Submaalos Dendliuer, Detore 12 Ee De faye AoE WAAR, Hn an gaia fe brs TOBR TTT a “ihn oom in atag SET Nechidee Ve ea fay, Moat is the-vepoue fresswe at 303K of a Solutiow prepared by + acetate? solution it (a) ab@ve: : vifiwand the vapour pressure BPRS dissolving A} peserwine the cowpositin (in mole action) of the vapour above the CO; (B) ne total pressure of 250 kPa or. x JOrt utis,, IC the pactial pressure of © | hud onside, diacheter ond.50, em lone is filled with Ha (A) an {ficient of Wie Ha ~ COa system is 2.7 Undeg these conditions, the ditfusion oe + end, Fund the rate of diffusion fOr COq{s'}50 Wa at one end of the tube and 70 kPa atthe allie za. ZB steady state equiuiolar counterdiffusion (Na Ne) b. steady s{qlé connter, diffusion where Nx = 0.75 Na, and a Hi through stagnant COx (No = 0) tcf steady State diffusion of uid i Yds open tank 5 an in dinueter coutais toluene at 30°C, exposed to the armospliere in, such a manner that the liq) vim estimated to be 5.tim thick, The concentration of toluene beyond the stagnant filur § °C is 2.0 wut covered with @ stagutant air 6 the vapour pressure of toluene at 30 estimate Ul he tank pet day. negligible. ig.and toluene is worth BY 200 per litre, cost f jaluene lost by’ evaporation from 2)s-The prevailing almospherte pressure in this ease 18 For toluene ot 30°C, p =" cmd Din = 6.44 * 10% m' in ge : : aIg ts eee eo ‘ ch Th Belk. us Ng. or 085 meres dinster contains benzeve ae boton Ai iuside the tank if motioniess, | of tveenk, she concentrition of benzene in the air is negligible. The eqlersystem is at 760dunks and: 18. Déjerwice the tate of diffusion of benzene, i he distance Goin the Yop of tte ran Yo the Yiguid level is 1 Sab en pih-of benzene in the tank i 3, aun, how long wilh WARE Yor the "Emire benzene in Whe tuk ? Given that the initial de 6 x10? mils, sup of benzene at 18.7 °C = 19.8mitg, Density of benzene = 880kg/in'). evaporate? (Dan ~ 6.26 has 0.50 y caunphor (CHy.0) jn it, Hove lovig wil it take for ewup is 20.°C. The sublimation pressure of camphor a4 5 ci in dignaeter and long, noospheric and temperature i +, Afest ube, h © isidisappear? The pressure is, a vemnperatufe is 97.5 mim Hg. Diffisivity of camphor ean be pstimated by wsing Fuller's Equution: gseewo ML [4 AN at foe WU aS : Un cronts vnd} Mo are inpleculer weights ofA end B, respectively. vg 20216 m5 Levy 220 ws = where Tin K; Pin bar, Max a ball‘of naphthalene having a radius af 10 vit: The bal és suspended inv still Mass transfer is oeewting Go est OF naphthalene at 325.6 K is}, mFigand the dfTsivity of nap K and 100 kPa If the vapour £5,164 10% "ls, ; {Husivity of naphibalene at 325.6 K and 100) a a 6 325.6 viv ais at STI e Estiwats + sjeulate the 1818 Of evaporation we poration of naphthalene Srouyrthernutee ks wellean* i ce j pt yar a : rons, cho : eked £9 Ag stream containing 3.0 mol.% of a ceniin pollutant Ais passed Per saan SANNRNSLAW MAMA ARO UE Ds wai a MEATS d «Kea. 0.59 malis.m’(mol fraction) a at 2S _ ka'20.15 molls.m'.(mol fraction) S Ur = ae A we? (i) Calculate the nurhber of transfer units (No.) requires! ul i ‘ans ,) required ber requir «+ (ii)! Caleulate the height bf each transfer unit (Ffo,). Henee, determine the height of the as toirel b. W-20Wi.% solution of uranyl nitrate (UN) in water is to be treated with tributy! phosphate ra % of the urany! nitrate using countercurrent caschdes. i), Determine the required solvent ratio for an infinite number of countercurrent stages. 4 for 10 ke/s of the uranyl ber of stages is used? -e mutually insoluble, i (i), How mony ideal countercurrent extraction stages would be require solution;if 1.25 times-the quantity. of THP required for an infinite num! Aveguilibrium, (g UN/g TBP) = 5.5(g UN/g H,O). Assume water and TBP art Take the density of TBP 10 be 970ke/m’. i‘ QUESTION 4 ae Experimental data of Sherwood (1929) for the surfaze drying ofa 3.18-em-thick * 6.6-cm? cross-sectional aréa of a thick pasteof CaCQs from both sides by air al Toy = 40 °C and Twa = 23 °C and 4 cross-circulation velocit 1 rivs exhibit the complex wybe OF UryngTATe curve shown in Figure Qa. with the following cokstants: = i ‘Constant-raie period: Xp = 10.8 %,Xey = 8.3%, andl Nes.= 0.053 8 H,OMh-cin? First folling-rate period: Xo = 3.2% and Ney * 0.038 g H,Ofh-cm! . : Second flling-rave period {6X = 0.296: N= 33.034" 0,048K ; 4. What is the.relative humidity of the drying sir? b. ifieis requited'to dry dsb ofthe same dimensions atthe same drying conditions, but from Xa 0.10 ¢ = 0,02, determine the drying time required for the (i) constant rate period nk oe (ii) first falling rate period Ae }Gii)second falling rate period © nssume-an initial weigh of 46. p. Tenor the inal acjustment (preheat) period ya Seen ; f Hl oxo F] a Second falling * Firs falling’ rete conicankets t 246( a “ wrt period cperiot period : 9 Drylngrraté (N)- * y is AMoustron 5 ii ee ; fe % Mrite briefly on the fllowing’as it applies to psye i fe presse + (humid heat (ii) humid volume (ji) humidity ratio (iv) calhaipy (vy) aa ae i ‘ie , b Air at 101.32 kPa, having a dry bulb temperature of 40°C and 2.0 % moisture (dry bas i ( First cooling to 10 ° condense w: ‘ater vapour, followed by heating o 37 °C. Determine the followings umidity f (i) the initial and final molar hy PF . the final relative humidity (iiy Gil) __the’change in humid heat : 5 ae ” ip © GY) amount ofwater (in grammes) removed per cubic meters of the air arg () the humid volume of the dried a, . . Nee ‘ (vi) _ the partial pressure of the wate, vapour content of the dried air. i QUESTION 6 3) An equimolar mixture of benzene and tcluene is subjected io fash distillation at 100 Nin! if the | + Separator. Using the equilibrium data given below, determine the composition of the liquid and vapcur leaving the separator when the fecd is 25 Per cent vapotised. stream? What is the temperature of the exit tgittt | 90a] y-benzene | 9p as a) 096 | 356] TAO ater (carrer) into solve (Furfural, 1¢ to, EOF feed, F pure solvent each in a t \ t Te ®. “Its desired to remove ethy | somtaining 45 % solute Wo-slaged cass. curecint | extrection, : 4 j @ Caleuléte the-miure composition, each Stage and the equilibrium co Phases jn each stage, mpositions ih E ait: R Gi) Wha lum ome NEERING i 7 PARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGIN wtp eniewiee wad ai YA MOURS: iner ALLOW 1s HOURS. tae eR AEE : Molar volume (m'/emol) 29.9. 3 r 448 res nk Sm in diameter containi .: Anvopen tai ing toluene (CaHsCHG) at 30 °C is exposed to the atmosphere in stich a rr TY ~ thal the Tigiid is covered with a stagnant air fila estimated to be $ mm‘thick. The é ithe vapour pressure of toluene at 30 *C is 2.0 mm pe seat tame ee Kee Yee Ww as (12 may bu given In lernis of a MASS Lansfer copy. D-Mass transfer in « *ytlem Involving two yncos A ae: & ta(Par > Pan) ( Where Pay and Pas are partial Pressures of component A at points "1" and « ‘espectively. Obtain an xp i fora case where Component A is being transferred fn expression, rough a non-ditfusing, Hon-transferring B. Define, all cg ‘THineS in the gure above, FA and itis being 95 mol.ys 3. Se. (Mons) Chemie) In, ‘e CHE 312 JRE YEO EA Reni Any Hout me 4nd explain its festines, ent initial, final and criti al weight of 180kg is to be ing surface is 1p ate of dr ssifying drying equipment ay 25 is See esiBNeM (0 absorb $0» from airby . is Is 3% S02 by volume and the leaving ges he available wateris SO, ~ pa The Sperating conditions ave 30°C and J aun, The water flow is to be twice minimum. Air fisw 9 SOr Sree basis ig 000k e/hn?, The sass (ansfer coefficients forthe process are Le 200kucTesimé A. mole iaesion Haz) SOkumolestm™hinote foci ‘Mm "elationship for the absouption of “ee mabe rag Wis acid is extiacied ines tn curve is given by =2.y O14 Weight ituction avi, Hence or ethe, mb in Hin water having 25 ~ current cont act extractor with Isopropy ether: The equilitn ifthe final rafTinate concentration is 0, OF stages requiced for the extrietio, euacentiation, 4) The smoatticd equilibrtim daca in ‘weight percent for couon see ‘Ictermin€ the number mine the extract “4 Oil ~ liquid propane a Oleic seid it 98.5°C are given below : ip, is te dais consirut une cidnguise phase equilibrium dagen i 1s 100kg of solution of fatten seed ond otete Bid containing 25% seid is 1g be extraciey “hwice ia erass eure quid ~ tad exterior, operation, £ Fete, 106i propane ig je used. Detrmi teqvanies an voiporin OF the various streaing, 18) How much solvents would be required ithe samme finat rallinine conce ‘iva single stage operation? , . ; é = / CHE 312, October 2008 I . fee a N. a , i bt Gras ale flo ae Ca Yra= Su, | UStion is desire - ; } Luck Pater dee mat fee mas lan CHE 312 October, 2008 YS ine Propane] Con 36 ra | | i ‘plain the following terms ug K substances, i i) Moisture Content (vet basis) | ee i) Moisture cont lent (ry basis) fii) Equilibrium moistire iv) Bowid moisture ¥) -Unbownd maistire 34D) The Oitfusivity of gas pair O,= ft i DE liquid CCl inte a tube cantarn 3 OF the tbe is kept constant at 17One The (oial pre lemperanve was O°C. The vapor pressure of CCl, CIOS Sectional area ofthe diffusion nibe is 0.82cm’, Cvaporales in 10 hour period alter Steady-state tig been ot the Ba pair CCl. 0,7 3. One of the newly licensed pry engineering team to design ideal mixture of Renzene overhead product contains 4nd bottom produ 0.98 mass fraction Toluene. A veflin ration of.3.5 1b of te ux per pound Of produc j used. The feed will be liquid at its boiling point and the re cohunin at 100°, ') List wo important ii) Estimate the vepos ave invited you to be ra © separate 29,000INvH oF a1 maining 0.400 mas balances that must be (aken " torealize the design te Dressures (P»), nol actions (sand y andthe relative obiifties (a) af ing Components of the mixture ar the (allowing temperatures (Cy 85,90, 196 3nd 110, ait tot presstre Of 760mm. #9 Show (graphically or ciherwise tha hy Pressure, ' Hed by distillation ote gisey W¥) Determine the Nove ¥) Calculate the condenser vi) What is the couting water re required if the wi lame ( ater enters the cone . "80 und leaves au rrter ' valle ie Me (shure ee nok sefiined [pb ged. yates i vi Octobe, 2008 ‘“Deslgu Information aug Data te nthe, TH SPB nh Shs te AMI we aay darts Os ot the bottom sg Reba a Antoine Eaualon dang *alcnecontens_ . ok fi ie * Ppinninkte dein *c S8UR TST > aa 6.95805. 1346.773 219.693" |. a Raout’s Law rou Ph PECL andy = Sat tee TSA PECL indy Oe af bs t yee om sunt a KI or et poy ara a “fens te tec wee fr ple maatstive level whre fat et nasi! an [epee walshue Sint i oH ee fee as Hu ‘velodve atin ily oF aurele4 Enyrien b ‘c i some lash 96" ® Died Maybe Me oe ot te Hoe pepe - acl an at ane ster ol “ Mather ae antes pale eF a Unban al mm io Fa" Abe tot

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