FASE-2 Y 3 Ingles 2

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Seiny Sarahi Cerros Navarrete

Ingles II

Fase 2 y 3: Proyecto de asignatura


Angélica María Dubón Bocanegra (120270094) - 98068622

Teresa de Jesús Lemus Gabarrete (123450070) - 95557546
Keily Karina Reyes Vásquez (222390030) - 99740768
Edy Arnaldo Alfaro Gonzales (120450010) - 99682393
Sinthya Paola Reyes Ladino (123390014) - 93709870
Cristi Naomi Soto Matute (123350103) - 96927307


19 de Octubre del 2023
Angélica María Dubón: Hello everyone! Have you noticed how the climate in the west
of the country influences the quality of coffee?
Teresa de Jesús Lemus: Definitely! The cool climate and high altitudes of this region
are perfect for growing high-quality coffee.
Cristi Naomi Soto: Yes, the coffee from this area is known for its unique flavor and
aroma. The cool climate and regular rains favor the growth of grains.
Sinthya Paola Reyes: Furthermore, the department of Ocotepeque, as the capital of
hospitality, is a place where coffee farmers warmly welcome visitors and share their
knowledge about coffee.
Edy Arnaldo Alfaro: It is true, the hospitality of the inhabitants of Ocotepeque is
incomparable. Plus, the mountainous landscape and coffee farms make the experience
even more special.
Keily Karina Reyes: How wonderful! The climate, hospitality and passion for coffee
make the west of the country a unique place to enjoy this delicious drink.

Angélica María Dubon: Totally agree. The cool climate and high altitudes in the west
of the country create the perfect conditions for growing high-quality coffee.
Teresa de Jesús Lemus: That's right, the combination of moderate temperatures and
regular rainfall allows the coffee beans to develop slowly, contributing to their
distinctive flavor and aroma.
Cristi Naomi Soto: In addition, the hospitality of the inhabitants of Ocotepeque, the
capital of hospitality, is an added value for visitors who want to learn more about the
coffee culture in this region.
Sinthya Paola Reyes: Definitely, the passion and knowledge of coffee growers in the
west of the country make the experience of visiting coffee farms unforgettable.
Edy Arnaldo Alfaro: And we cannot forget the beautiful mountainous landscape that
surrounds the coffee plantations in the west of the country. It is a perfect setting to enjoy
a fresh cup of coffee.
Kaily Karina Reyes: Exactly! The west of the country is a wonderful destination.

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