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Question 3 farks) r= : eer ) 4 strvceal engineer concerned withthe srensth o einfocced conere i i 6 ’ Shtcend a athe ecramuaase ~ OBAFEM! AWOLOWO uNiveRsrry 1€ nominal diameter, ILE-IFE, NIGERIA 82¥6 mean yield force 0f33.76KN UE past experience with et on similar matel has ng measurements of Ce ning to have a sand devsion of O2SRN eer ee ROR TRel normally distbuted. What ithe 9595 conhderce en Ama yeld fore of this paniculartpe of reinforcing ba (0) The fain breaking diaees Seortbdinsat nando chosen resol teen nase a a ‘The test vas earied amin fourteen fe : + Poem aa ets cache, 4 [Brand ¢—~~[ 30" T i a} os sxe) Marts) (nd tac aetng este ee I FACULTY oF rEciiotogy \\ _, DERARDMENT OF NGRICHLTIRAL PeecERING ‘ Ae UNIVERSITY EXASONATIONS. + macs stuesten sab € Is there any Tahu onthe breaking distances? mor difererce betwen the completely ea design (CRD) and the Randomised Block Design (RBD) (8) Membarsofaconsinerassozsin ines Canned beans selling a the same pice fhe sa SP A, random selection of § edie oT EET brane as nad FY ams) wereus follows” TIME ALLOWED: 244 Hours 7+ Answer Guestion | and any othe; estivie ~ Seton ~) ! of ese shoul the eve insight ha the other? a tecomend ane in eet pif ss et 12 ra 63 wins O05 nel BHF eget (The emp o eteSeee efam tbon te sre ot cahon ine min Sea. tenting ol (OT, A meng ene and eee of insthaseet? dein ttay te citer ace snes beer Fan ee earl Sore fom anormal opin vig wand deiten orogens “xpress (NSC the tol numberof singe vo ees ‘the probability that the mean of a ‘rendom sample of size 16 will bein erzor = FC ames 7 ustion (50 Marts) (pi measucements of te specific sravigrofa metal ym eva : sop be apa met em, It wae thought that he ope et | fi Estinate the standzrd error , used as a blocking element bs ot i e = i et toa sina states thet ian effects and the interactions using Ts of Signe metbods fitting i te © 10 shan Tans ae The ae using 0.05 bs : RSE Rate es arn phe a soliant 8. BL other Using ‘ah er for we ftepsasens norma ‘expression tor “Within te sap sein ples, (Define all your tems) Use a silble est ede wi : ittscen eatinates of vitamin e ners ) o ‘Do people seem to prefer one type of pepperoni piza over another? Two wuss of drugs were used on 7 and 9 patien thelr wis in Oban hau eo ng Drug A was allopathic and drup nas faa ao ‘he Weight after using drugs or sixmonths was as DrugA 12711 19 14 13 as RR Es a a eine a Siealicant diference ithe eicy of the two regs? aat which upshot you tig eh Fe A company was wondering whieh sf of yepperom pine 2s most Popular It set up an experiment ule Napa EE cach even two pes ef peat eat Type hans een Each plaza was caretlly welged and shee tieen oe were weighed andthe amount Aecrease in lows: he or she preferred, Here ae the data sommes 4753 6 7 a 30 Question 4 (25 Marks) @ o o Vt ickng in 802 Suppose that we hk fr carly lcatons inal Toe ana dacover tha the avrg jh of Carty cakes tet wins standard avon of ett ene pha ‘bout the average iy of te ale ths S88 ene io The dita jin the table below resulted from a hypothetical tapermeat on pula alin comply sods aon ‘ch enh four drags replated ens Aspirin 6.9 54 5B 46 40 Tylenol 83 «6878-9265 Placebo 80 105 816993, Panadol 5838615662 The aim ofthe researcher was to determine whether the drugs ‘were the same in their effect on pain relief of his patients Wie 2 We S73 ls 0 a ee eee ws eS i ew w+ 6 Te Soe eee OBAFEMI AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY’ ILE-IFE, NIGERIA FACULTY OF TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF AGRIC. ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS Rail SEMESTER, 2008/2009 ACADEMIC SESSION JANUARY, 2010 AGE 302: Statistics for Engineers ¢ QUESTION 1. ANI /OQUESTIONS (Part V student should indicate “gradu student” the Answer Seip exam Seer Engen (2007205) ' {Question @ : Compulsory Question (50 Marks)} Ina study of rod measurements, i was found thatthe rod length for steel pipe had a mean of &14 © 0021 and a coefclent of variation of 467 Sb. On the basis of this fnformatien, infer how many specimens must have been sed? (©) Arandom sample of 5 observation from anormal population hod a mean of 20 and sum of squares of the deviations fram the means of 2400, Compute the 90 % confidence interval fr the population mean. = (©) Four (4) Basie processes forthe manufacturing of tyre were to ‘be studied and these ae denoted as treatments Tl, 12,73, 4 There are five (5) diferent materiais which’ affect the strangth oftheTmanufactured tyre and these are denoted as blocks A, BCD, & E. The experiment was caeied out in a random order within each back and the result of the tyre strength is shown in the abe below Materials [ Processes a + x fee 97 [oa B ie roe ogre 7a € istcome| gyacees| o7 7pm | D a7 [92 [a9 Ta, E 4a | 0} |. Copy and compete the ANOVA Tale. li, Is there any evidence to show that the four processes are ‘the same in their efecton the tyre strengths? ls there any evidence to show that the materials are the samelin thelr effect onthe tyre strengths? t below summarizes the result for a replicated 2 factorial ‘elo aumorticeoperinent Esme ser ain eas and thr interaction ising Yates ‘Ss Algorithm method ii. Thestandard error ofthe experiment AL merpret your results showsng the effects that are significant — loa] Wscosi | Dimensional Factor K Cm | laste | gherane] wceoues a soe Tiare uz pars [asd_[338 [25 ais |203 209 [ass [183 | 20a fia |ioo 229 [272 , \197 -|292 | ais [io |2e¢ _|2s2 [228 |e _|2~ Question 2 (25 Maris) extalyeeet O intrertate ast va }) Ten individuals are chosen at random fcopn the population a Di pupinans bunttebetnaesce, ox td od serebas 7, 82/74 Discuss the suggestion that the mean height im the tniverses 65iaches. : (© Thirty Agccuturat Engineering students, relatively homogeneous with Lespect{n-gge and record of performance SS cidombs sored inten squal-geaups, A and The ‘members of each gfoup perfocmed the series of mental tasks under conditions that are idential in every respect except one: fag tet grip had muse of type laying in the -hackgzound while group Bhad musie of tyne IL The values in the table below shawed levels of performance on the series of tasks under Serres eins 2625 2226 19-222 ANOVA Table for Question 16 Be Bee ea “rate Tittasic of ‘Source of DF | Sum of] Mean served | Require 7 ‘ype il) erate ipa ae ee 4823-2142 20_29 2046 27 26 3198 1718 1 Precesel amet eae set Doe Pes OF music, ype-T and type, have diferent efects Process f=] ote a ‘Bon the ability of cliege students to perform a series of mental eat aie s ‘39ks requiring concentration? Totat |= [50875 Question 3 (25 Marks) @ o x ‘An experiment was conducted to determine the effect af gas velocity and luid viscosity on a dimensional factor, K. T ble ‘What are nuisance factors in @ RBD? wes ane et Wes i i Ama a Viney a OBAFEMI AW . OLOWO UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL 8 : , LTURAL & ENVIRONMI TNCINESHNG NMENTAL aces Doran a BOE TSE aojonns nate sEsten QUESTIONS a ED WID, 45 MINUTES oy say a 1) The probability fl ity of havin 2) Toe abby othevnd wo boys an ain yo te il 7 Pisa oane siren, sssumingeaust “I pare 372) 18) IO) none otind above, 5” 1621 orange A. ball is diawn at ran Snial oe \dom from a box ednia|fing 10 red, 30 white, 14 blue 2 ome er 3) Wht isthe probability that the bal drawn is orange orres? 75 (@) 10/5625 (B) 8/19 (©) 75/31 (4) 19/8 {—31/75 ile 3) What is the probability that the ball drs 2h, vee bent ote eo pet Pcs 4) Which of the following statements are vee? 3) Categorical variables can be continuous variables ii All variables can be classified as quantitate O° ‘categorical variables = iy Quantitative variables can be dis {a only (6) ony (ei ony 5 and i) and ii fembly 2 unit of toy was nonmally ‘A consultant determined thatthe time it-sesanes OF A eens witha inca of 600s ax stage devisho8 F655 oa seoied factory worker will semble 2 foy between 5) What is the probability that # randomly se! 4480 s and 690 8? 01160 (0) 0.8840 (0) 0.1167 09 0 8839 (6) 0.8833 ity, that a randomly, selected factory worker will assemble 2 toy in less 66) What is the probabil gan 750 s or in gyeater than $10.57 i (a) 0.896 (b) 0.9980 (6) 0.9906 (@) 0.9908 () 0.9905 5; make better scores on hs tet depencing ifthe test anudents ended eo ey talented student, NE ‘afernoon.‘From @ group of it in the aftemoon. The Prof, Teslim wondered if 4 some to tek ken in the’ moming OF were 0 er nly selected some fo rake eS ‘the morsing an seores by groups Were: Morning. 955 904-38 ga9 908 883° 77 98. EE Se. 938-653 “968.873 864 ee Mnernoon 72% 814 8 i DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING OBAFEMI'AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY ILEIE, NIGERIA AGE 302 MID-SEMESTER TEST (2007/2008 RAIN SEMESTER) ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. TIME ALLOWED: 1 HOUR Sone 1s 2), Define: i) Analysis of variance (ANOVA); and ii) Population <"t~" ~The marks of 20,000 candidates for the OAU post UMEiams are normally distributed with mean 58.1 and standard deviation 4.1. What fraction of marks would be 77% (¢+! expected to lie: i) between 50.3 and 70.6; and il] above 65.2 2a * 2 3) Professor Woof wondered if students tended to make better scores on his test | __ depending if the test were taken in the morning or aftemoon. From a group of 20 Beene similarly talei some to take ed students, he randomly selected some to take a test in the morning and in the afteinoon. The scores by groups were: |, ta ae ach A morning 904 77.7 55.6 940 639 898 WS BS 1G 72,9 Watreanl> & Allernoon 93.8968 728 892 90.1 B73 SA G53 NB BA + . i) From this evidence, does it appear that tine of day makes’a difference in parlormance én a test at 0.01 significance level? a ii) Determine the 99% confidence interval for the mean Lest scores recorded y oe ers mez DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING a ‘OUAFEM! AWOLOWO UNIVERSITY TLE FE, NIGERIA J eto AGE 302 mib-senaestER TEST (2007/2008 RAIN SEMESTER) ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. TIME ALLOWED: 1 HOUR 2) Define: i) Analysis of variance (ANOVA); and ill Population 2h art of 20,000 caante forth OAU get UME ers are noma sete with mean 81d tancrd etn What action o mats wou Secpnai ei between 3.3 a8 70; end above 82 3) Ptcesor Woot wondered tle tende mote beter ors on 0) py = ly and lf By) By BH > By 8 By Hy ‘E() Ha 0 and jy <0. (Note d= ly 9. © be manda eno : ay on ent of mafia 9 : (©) 2082 an 1.128 (0) 2.06 6) 2348 (0) 1575 un 1.136 €) nono he above one PoE: Se $ The tat git fort det wh | @.0.473 &) 0.471 (6) 0.469 (€) 0.470 (€) 0472 & 20,Shhati our daciton a= 061 and00§? i {scale pedo ne in 3 cept Ho in 34) ase Ho in 7 hada aKa tat sng amy 3 rede Tan teat an toe (of 100 an standard denne, aes-escores 20, wha was er ear on he ies? = » @m@har Orie OyRo 109 a7 yw he tail ED gent GY) Sek a3 (c) 72. (e) > tee * a a} oe & () 34 @)318 ©) 372 @) 3/916) 310 ey tet ry 25 |, 2,9) The probaiiy that» tufent is soceped ta presigis college i 03, IFS students fom the Sor st Esame school apy, what isthe pebbiy that ten 9 reseed? oe TEBE BM onMgrdsis © osfsh eyocak )noseorte stove ve 2 A gst table below showed th ran yield of ow pea (Me) obtained Gm a completely randSized ares y ‘block design experiment, % periment. | _ - ‘WReplicate "Seeding sate eke oes eo eS 33 a8 52 SR 60 a8 as 62 an eS 4 aa 47 44 Keb Wet Mets be hab AAO) The sum of squares (88) dre: (a) SStotal = 5.020, 85sr,= 1.267, SServor = 3.753.Q6f SStotal = 5.020, SSst = 1.267, SSrp = 11965, SSerror = 1.788 (cf SS total = 5.020, !8'sr = 3.753, SSerror™= 1.267 (d) SStotal = $070, ‘S8st = 1.267, SS4p “1.788, S$ertor= 1.965 (.) none of the above Ate Fevaluts) is (re): Go) p50, = 2921 (6) Fo = 1064 9 p= 5495, Fa= 2.127 (9) Fo 1.215 ) Fp GAB : \ gre : . wel ; Bayz eas a : s304 ‘ : 5), @ oe tan 0.05, erate means are equal ;}2)/Make conclusions. ialccdngracinene eee we na ‘The, National Univer Ths Nona Unives Campion QU) ans ob wen he tae nt Of Anson Uy Fly of Feels, Pes MO stele Stone am p10 utente avd ME at 5%, CHE -17.5%, CVE -10%, CSC -13%, EEE -23%, FST -7.5%, MEL Gud) 14.5%, MSE -9%. In 2010/2011. oe “cde sosion, te admission quota showed thal AGE, CU, Ms Usin SC, ERE, FST, MEE an MSU ig 4 85 6 118 55,2 “38 sent, respectively Using Chi-square tests, j-¢) chy Dk RR Rye BES chesenel © ay wnien ofthe Fo ctu seme mae \ (DR el OM oye ©, @ © Lot po am elas oo is S3 oe 2 is Dat ck en po 20 “0 eee 7 ‘hi 20 ar ee at 6 6 6 . 5 is i: “3 ii i ua \6 us tum i correct? i ve “© '@ ©. it 2 628 S32 Out 38), oat oat oat 3 Yeap |0.60 S168 163 153 0.60 (ese) p71 an an 37 saggy h® 21 281 381 {1 (183) B® 259, ny: | 296 269 i 3.63. (99) [0.41 3.63 y. | 363 eee : 2 269 [ae ». B83 080 | 0.60 060 7 ED ode. = 38180 4 \ Pages d Ba Saeed ranste IP ule Ai # 82020 022.3 72-789 3,30 none ofthe WE | a bg O17 : u ee a Focal with’sdifsing fgtr in four separate sites our tes hich the ses were Inoculated as done four Tue overall objective vas ea =wp PLES tent & a a 1296) 3a) 798 (a), 752(0), 674) 11.32 (a) 7.66 (a 6.32) No of squares Fah 46R p ‘eit. 6 Wea e ot Be 5512.82 (e) 5059.882 t tl 2 nwt 3 ‘is cortect for DV 4 9 Ae = Be x (©) 9267.34 () 5263.732 ppys0s0.244 1" go ste So F iseoncttor 229.7 2 a "(9 $265,732 () s450.244hoy 5367:34 @ onsaa WFnone of the above, yr : wonder <4 : . | a 19) forthe design is 7 “7 $2¥20144.12 (6) 21004.70 fe) 20144,42 (@ 20145.12 (¢) none of the above 1 +20) The Sum of Squares ($B) for Position, Rabbit and Order are: i $@) 82.872, 5.755 and 3.554 (6) 65.411, 3.139 and dae HE 82.827, 5.735 and 3.553 (a) 82.807, 3.553 and 5.755 (e) 82.872] 3.553 and 5.755 = 21) The Mean of Squares (MS) for Position, Over and Engr are *@)27.609, 1.918 and 1:184 (b) 27,609, 2.534 andstaQ18 (C) 21.804, 1.347 and 1.653 ( 27.609, “A AB4 and 2.534 (6) 2.534, 1,918 and 1.184 ‘: ~ 22) P-values for Position, Rabbit and Orde are: : ‘ (ogy a7, 0-775 and 0.467 () 10.897, 0.757 and 0.476 (610.897, 0.757 ant 0 467 (6)-13.188, 0.633 and 0.815 (e) 10.897, 0.467 and 0.757 : A anufécturer of high-peqformance:automabiles produces dise brakes that ‘ust measure 322 jam in diameter. However, feedback from customers revealed that diameters of dise brakes sold in the market recently were|less than the standard di tet. Quality control therefore randomly : 4 a bed ' he diamicters are ‘panned ah oteon maces an eased ane The is 328, 00 332.00 © 327/02 321g 332.20 323.03 | 342.00 321.99 -322.67 322.80 4. 312100 \322104. 322.01 328.50) 31287 333.20 5 ‘The manufacture is interests in ascertaining the authenticity or otherwise of the customers’ claims. cranes 23) The alternative hypothesif for this testis‘ : (0) WH 322 0) w> 322 (© wye322 fe 24) The test statistic forthe tept is : & aes 1485 (1384 (5 2.252 & noi ofthe shove 25) Were te-customers right |n their obsrvaton? ae “@ys@}o ay at | p Ghotabo Ogunwonde ‘December, 2011 J) were reser extraneous varia 1 are desig show blow q 10 the fst an se in this study were “days ee a = de , ays owe a Mn Tie ie et Wed Thar 2 (AO) hao) — 142s 1a 3. RS Mik iach) a 1 VSIO(A), —0710(6) 1.66518) 118010) (= Week Do ES 0.660 (C) 17) Which ofthe oltowing sconce for 2 I? conissanffra2sscg isan w rez (9 14283 18) Which of the following is correet for Dye i ig 5 (4) 213,56 (e) None ofthe above Sg elias noe NESE re® 823.(b).21, 19) Which of the following is correct for © nang ghirnas: (6) 21.365 (4) 115.823 (6) none of the above an) 21 DY for tne design ‘at fa (ay 456463 () 21.365 (0) 29.365 (6 29 945)25 (0) 454463 21) The SS, MS and Fale for das of wee, respectively ae 2 ee AS an 3.670 () 0827, 01623 ad 12.2607 (0) 08237, 027SB and 127670 Goan 0.2958 and 12.7670 (6) 02758, 06273 and 12.7970 : 22) The SS, MS and Fevalve fr yoek, respectively a 20, TRe SS MS rf Ot 8 00502, 04680 and 001016) 0823, 02758 nd 122670) (sag, 0.1432 and 6.5846 (2) none ofthe above 23) The F-vale for msi (a) 1.4193 (b) 5. 8646 (¢) 4.5864 (4) 6.5846 (e) None of the above 24) The decision fore Latin square design (2t = 010 7 (a) Accept I, for music only (b) Accept H, for days of week only (c) Accept H, for week (@) Accept Hy for week, days of week and music (e) Reject H, for week, days of week an 5) Whi ofthe follow Be peputaion comes is of simple rom sping? i) The sample consists of objets in) gil possible samples of objets ace equally ely t 20 e8| may not represent the popution i (01H and iv (oj andi (6 it and iv () All ofthe above (e) Noné ofthe above JO Wihich of the following statements are true? i i) All variables can be clasifed as quantitative or categorical variables. 1) Quantitative variables can be discrete variables. : 'H8) Categorical variables can be continuous variables. (0) only (8) iFonly (ei only ff andi (i ana The following data represent a sample of the assets (in millions of nsira) of 29 credit unions in pie llewing P ple of th {in millions of neira) of 29 eredi 12.23 1656 4.39 289 124 217 13.19 916 142 7325 1.91 14.64 1159 6.69 106 8.74 3.17 18.13 7.92 478 1685-4022 242 2158 5.01 1.47 12.24 227 1297 27) The standard deviation is (2) 14,5657 (b) 14.5854 (99 14.5727 (€) 14.5675 (@) 13.5727 ® 28) The 95% confidence interval of the mean is (a) 5.8771 to 16.9595.(b) 5.7955 to 16.8914 (c) 5.8348 to 16.9121 ff) 5.8348 to 16.9211 (e) 5.8717 to 16.9595 )) The probability that.a student is accepted to a prestigious college is 0.3. If S students from. fe same school apply, what is the probability that at most 2 are accepted? (a) 0.7378 (b) 0.8369 (c) 0.9385 (4) 0.6281 (e) none of the above “The National Universities Commission (NUC) wants to know whether the admission trend of Obafemi Awolowo University for Faculty of Technology intskes changed in 2011/2012 acalemic session, The dala for 2010/2011 academic session showed ‘that 600 students were Ramitted, AGE- 23%, CHE- 16%, CVE- 6.5%, CSC- 13%, EEB- 10.5%, FST- 10%, MEE- 12.5%, MSE -8.5%. In 2010/2011 academic session, the admission quota showed that AGI Chit, CVE, CSC, BEE, FST, MEE and MSE had 48, 85, 66, 61, 123,.56,-93, 68 students, respectively. Using Chi-square tests, : | Death OF tie (Fo — Fe) coum ” lum is eoureet? ; Den ©) w) a 9 Se “1 3 . i CVE BR : : MEE is 5 \ f FST 18 8 oe 2 ' y & 6 2 r 3 } 20 a 21) Which of the (Fo —Fey2Fe column is correc? Dept. (@) @) © @ © EEE 208 2.08 6.82 208 208 CHE 136 126 oat 1126 462. Fst. 107 0.60 egg EG AGE. ae 1.63 Oe 0.4 CVE 163 2a 136 163 MSE og 239 049 oan MEE 432 3.63 432 432 cs 301 37 371 371 x71 32) The Chi-square Value is (@) 14.43 (6) 22.78 (6) 15.06 (a) 22.20 (e) none of the above seeds in seconds for automobile plant workers to assemble a part was nomally distributed with mean of 75 s and a simdard deviation of 6 s. What is the probable tn randomly selected worker can assemble the paryin less than 73 sor in oven 8 6h (@) 0.1587 gop 0.4706 (e) 0.2120 (8) 0. Taian Gbolabo Ogumwande T70s/2014 AVE A)

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