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This chapter presents the summary, conclusions, and recommendations of

this study.

Summary of Findings

1. Out of 20 respondents, majority of them belongs to ages 41 years old and

above with 8 or 40% in average. While ages 26-30 and 31-40 years old

have an average of 3 or 15%. As the ranking of the respondents Sergent

and Chief Master Sergent got an average of 1 or 5%. While others got 9

or 45% on average. As of the year in service, 4-6 years got an average of

10 or 50% while 7-9 years got 1 or 5%.

2. As to the positive effect of social media on police work performance in

Sorsogon City majority of them agreed that through social media police

can share crime prevention tips and techniques with the community got a

weighted average mean of 5.05 while social media allows police

departments to engage with the community more effectively and the real-

time got only a weighted average mean of 4.7

3. As to the negative effects of social media on police work performance in

Sorsogon City majority of them agreed that social media profiles can

compromise the privacy and safety of police officers got a weighted

average mean of 4.4 while engaging with the public on social media can
result in increased workload for police got only a weighted average mean

of 4.

4. As to the solution offered by the respondents to decrease the negative

effects, respondents chose to establish their procedures for verifying

information before acting on it, emphasize the importance of accuracy in

crime reporting with an average of 6.95 while encouraging officers to set

their social media profiles to the highest privacy level, limiting the

information visible to the public got only an average of 4.


Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn.

1. Out of 20 respondent’s majority of them belong to ages 41 and above.

And as for the ranking, most of them are Master Sergent and Chief

Master Sergent. And the majority of them had already served for almost 6


2. As to the positive effect of social media on police work performance in

Sorsogon City the respondents said that through social media police can

share crime prevention tips and techniques with the community

3. As to the negative effects of social media on police work performance in

Sorsogon City the respondents said that social media profiles can

compromise the privacy and safety of police officers.

4. As to the solution offered, the police should establish their procedures for

verifying information before acting on it, emphasizing the importance of

accuracy in crime reporting.


From the conclusions, the researchers offer the following


1. Develop a strong social media presence to effectively communicate and

engage with the community.

2. Share updates regularly to share timely updates on crime incidents, traffic

advisories, and safety tips to keep the community informed.

3. Encourage community participation to report suspicious activities or

provide information through social media channels.

4. Collaborate with Local Influencers to amplify important messages and

reach a wider audience.

5. Highlight community policing efforts to showcase community policing

initiatives, such as neighborhood watch programs or community outreach

events, to build trust and strengthen relationships with residents.

6. Provide safety education to educate the public about crime prevention

strategies, personal safety tips, and emergency preparedness.

7. Address concerns and complaints and respond promptly and

professionally to address them.

8. Foster positive interactions by responding to comments, questions, and

messages, fostering positive interactions, and demonstrating a

commitment to serving the public.

9. Utilize multimedia content such as photos and videos, to effectively

convey messages and engage with the community on social media.

10.Evaluate and adapt by continuously monitoring the impact of social

media efforts on police work performance in Sorsogon City, and adapt

strategies based on feedback and data analysis to improve effectiveness


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