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S.Y. 2022-2023

The learners demonstrate understanding of...
● different science processes;
Content ● application of the different science processes;
Standard ● ways of observing matter;
● classification of matter as solid, liquid, and gas;
● ways of sorting materials and describing them as solid, liquid, or gas based on observable properties; and
● differences between physical and chemical changes.
The learners should be able to. . .
● apply simple science processes through activities;
Performa ● use and handle properly common solids and liquids found at home;
nce ● communicate and describe something you observed and experienced to someone;
Standard ● describe characteristics of matter;
● group common objects found at home and in school according to solids, liquids, and gas; and
● perform various activities to demonstrate the differences between physical and chemical changes.
Term/ Content/ Learning Competency/ Learning Activities/Procedures/Tasks Performance Mode of
Date Written Works
Duration Lesson Title Lesson Objectives Tasks Delivery
Week 1 August 8-12, Psychosocial Psychosocial support Family Feud
2022 activities activities are designed Blended
to encourage children to Divide the class into two teams. One member of each team faces the other in Learning
establish healthy routines a face-off as the teacher reads the question off the game board. The team that
and help them connect with buzzed in with the correct answer receives control of the board and has the
their peers. option of playing or passing control to the other team. The team that has the
control tries to reveal all of the correct answers to the question before
receiving three strikes. (If the answer is not on the board, click the Try
Again button.)
If the team receives three strikes without clearing the board, control is passed
to the other team. The team that now has the control is able to give one
answer in the hopes that it is found on the board. If it is, points are added to
the team's score. If not, the other team gets the points. Points are collected as
each team finds its answers to the question on the board. (Click
the Score button to add points to the appropriate team's score.) Continue the
game repeating steps two through seven.
Each team tries to collect the most points. The team with the most points wins
the game! (Click on Team 1 or Team 2 on the Score slide to move to
the You've Won slide.)
● Activity on making
Observe some observations
properties of objects ● Board work Sharing
● Focused Listening
● Practice exercises experiences
● Think-Pair-Share
Tell how the senses ● Assignment or tasks
● Pair activity on describing partner’s hair Blended
Week 2 August 15-19, LESSON 1 help know more about ● Seatwork
● Whole-class discussion about observing as a science process skill Learning
2022 Observing things around them ● Questions under Doing a pair
● Deductive approach on posing questions about the lesson
Express Your activity on
● Picture analysis of illustrations in Energize Your Mind
Tell how each sense Learning describing
● Activity on making observations
works during an ● Long tests partner’s hair
observation ● Teacher-made
chapter test
Classify objects according
● Activity on how
to their shape and to the
objects can be
materials they are made of
● Board work
Classify objects according Working with a
● Practice exercises
to whether they float or sink ● Whole-class discussion on classifying objects group to do the
● Assignment Blended
August 22-26, LESSON 2 in water ● Think-Pair-Share activity on
Week 3 ● Seatwork Learning
2022 Classifying ● Task card grouping together
● Questions under
Identify objects that float or ● Collaborative activity on grouping and classifying objects and classifying
Express Your
sink in water objects
● Long tests
Recognize how objects are
● Teacher-made
alike and different from one
chapter tests
Week 3 August 22-26, LESSON 3 Look for a basis for ● Whole-class discussion on comparing and contrasting ● Activity on Working with a Blended
2022 Comparing comparing things ● Think-Pair-Share on writing the similarities and differences between one’s comparing objects group to compare Learning
and partner ● Exercises on objects
science process
● Board work
● Practice exercises
Compare and contrast
● Assignment
properties of some objects
● Picture analysis of a mother holding two shirts ● Seatwork
● Comparing and contrasting ● Questions under
Use the comparison to
Express Your
select the best object
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
Measure objects using a
● Activity on
measuring objects
Compare the lengths of
● Think-Pair-Share ● Board work
● Whole-class discussion on measuring ● Practice exercises
● Deductive approach ● Assignment
August 29- Measure other properties Working with a Blended
LESSON 4 ● Task Card ● Seatwork
Week 4 September 2, such as weight, time, and group to measure Learning
Measuring ● Workstations ● Questions under
2022 Temperature objects
● Picture analysis of a dressmaker taking measurements Express Your
● Demonstrating the proper ways of using measuring Learning
Express the correct unit
● Describing the difference between objects tools ● Teacher-made
of each measurement
Chapter tests
● Long tests
Determine the correct
unit of each measurement
Week 5 September 5-9, LESSON 5 Explain how one tells ● Think-Pair-Share ● Activity on ● Working with a Blended
2022 Communicati Something ● Whole-class discussion on communicating information communicating/ group to find the Learning
ng ● Deductive Approach survey results number of children
Communicate ideas, ● Task Card ● Board work who likes playing
observations, and activity ● Workstations ● Practice exercises particular games
results ● Collaborative activity on asking questions, recording responses, ● Assignment
and communicating results ● Seatwork ● Conducting a
Use bar graphs to ● Playing charades about the topic discussed ● Questions under survey
communicate results Express Your
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Items under Size
• Activities on
o matter occupying
o weighing objects
o other properties of Weighing and
Describe matter
● KWL chart matter comparing the
● Whole-class discussion on the properties of matter ● Board work weights of objects
LESSON 1 Observe some properties Blended
September 12- ● Exit Ticket ● Practice exercises
Week 6 Properties of of matter Learning
16, 2022 ● Picture analysis of a living room ● Assignment Working with a
● Brainstorming on the concept of volume ● Seatwork group to list
Tell the use of a material
● Collaborative activity on listing materials used in an activity and their uses ● Questions under materials and their
based on its property
Express Your uses
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Activity on phases
Identify the three phases of of matter
matter ● Focused listening ● Board work
● Four sides approach ● Practice exercises
Tell how the solid phase, ● Whole-class discussion on the phases of matter ● Assignment Differentiate the
LESSON 2 Blended
Sept. 19-23, the liquid phase, and the ● Scaffolding ● Seatwork solid, liquid, and
Week 7 Phases of Learning
2022 gas phase differ from one ● Exit Ticket ● Questions under gas
another ● Picture analysis of different objects Express Your phases of matter
● Show and Tell activity on pictures showing each phase of matter Learning
Give examples of the three ● Use of a graphic organizer to summarize the lesson ● Teacher-made
phases of matter chapter tests
● Long tests
Week 7 Sept. 19-23, LESSON 3 Demonstrate how to handle ● Think-Pair-Share ● Activities under Demonstrating Blended
2022 Proper some materials Properly ● Whole-class discussion on proper handling of matter Explore Around proper handling of Learning
● Board work
● Practice exercises
● Assignment
● Seatwork
● Four sides approach ● Questions under
pointed object
Handling of Explain why some ● Task card Express Your
through a role-
Matter materials need to be ● Picture analysis of a kitchen Learning
play presentation
handled with care ● Use of a cause-and- effect chart on handling liquids ● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Items under Size
● Activity on phase
Tell what a physical ● Focused listening ● Board work
change is ● Four-Sides approach ● Practice exercises
Working with a
● Whole-class discussion on phase changes ● Assignment
LESSON 1 group to create a Blended
Sept. 26-Oct. 1, Give examples of physical ● Scaffolding ● Seatwork
Week 8 Phase structure or figure Learning
2022 changes ● Exit ticket ● Questions under
Change using popsicle
● Setting up three stations to show phase change Express Your
sticks or clay
Describe what happens ● Picture analysis of children eating ice cream Learning
during a phase change ● Activity on phase changes ● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
Week 9 Oct. 3-7, 2022 LESSON 2 Tell what happens when ● Think-Pair-Share ● Activity on kinds Molding clay Blended
Change in the size or shape of matter ● Class discussion on change in size and shape of Learning
Size and is changed ● Four-Sides approach physical changes
Shape ● Task card ● Board work
● Hands-on activity about physical change ● Practice exercises
● Assignment
● Seatwork
● Exercises on
● Questions under
Express Your
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Items under Size

Prepared by: WENNIE LYN A. BATIN Checked by: JOE-MAR O. TOLEDO

Subject Teacher School Principal

The learners demonstrate understanding of . . .
● body parts and function of each part;
● care for the body;
● basic needs of man to live;
Content ● characteristics of animals;
Standard ● similarities and differences among animals;
● needs of animals;
● things animals give us;
● plants and its parts;
● needs of plants in order to grow; and
● ways of caring for the plants.
The learner should be able to . . .
● point correctly at his/her body parts;
● do an action that will show body parts working together;
● practices care for the body to make it healthy and fit;
Performance ● classify animals that are alike;
Standard ● show care for animals;
● provide the needs of some animals;
● point at the parts of plants;
● explain the use of the body parts of plants; and
● practice caring for plants.
Content/Lesson Learning Competency/ Learning Activities/Procedures/Tasks Mode of
Term/Duration Date Written Works Performance Tasks
Title Lesson Objectives Delivery
● Activity about
body parts
Name the external parts ● KWL chart ● Board work
of the body ● Class discussion on the parts of the body ● Practice exercises Making an album of
October 10-14, LESSON 1 Explain the use and ● Exit ticket ● Questions under body parts using Blended
Week 1
2022 Parts of the Body importance of each ● Game of Stop dance and naming the body parts Express Your magazines and art Learning
body part involved when playing the game Learning materials
Label the body parts ● Activity on body parts and their functions ● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Activity under
Explore Around
● Board work
Tell how to care for the ● Practice exercises
● Video and film presentations
body parts ● Assignment
LESSON 2 ● Think-Pair-Share Practicing healthful Blended
Week 1 October 10-14, Practice care for your ● Seatwork
Care for Your ● Whole-class discussion on healthful habits ways of caring for Learning
2022 body parts ● Questions under
Body ● Four sides approach one’s body
Practice care to make Express Your
● Picture analysis of a healthy child and a sickly child
one healthy and fit Learning
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
Week 2 October 17-21, LESSON 3 Tell the basic needs of ● Think-Pair-Share ● Activity on basic • Interviewing other Blended
2022 Your Basic Needs people ● Class discussion on basic needs of humans needs families about their Learning
Classify the basic needs ● Four Sides approach ● Board work needs and activities
of people ● Task Card ● Practice exercises • Doing a Show and
Explain the importance ● Picture analysis of different things and identifying ● Assignment Tell of one’s
of each basic need whether they are needed or not ● Questions under interpretation of the
● Conducting an investigative activity on activities and Express Your body’s needs
needs of people Learning
● Show and Tell of one’s interpretation of the needs of ● Teacher-made
the body chapter tests
● Long tests
● Items under Size
● Activity on
similarities and
Recognize some Animals differences among
● Whole-class discussion on similarities and differences
Identify some common animals
of animals
characteristics of animals ● Board work
● Investigations on characteristics of animals in the • Working with a
Compare the traits of ● Practice exercises
LESSON 1 house or community group to classify Blended
October 24-28, some common animals ● Assignment
Week 3 Animals are Alike ● Venn diagram of similarities and differences between animals based on their Learning
2022 Tell how some animals ● Seatwork
but Also Different two animals similarities and
are alike ● Questions under
● Use of a graphic organizer to summarize the lesson differences
Tell how some animals Express Your
● Collaborative activity on listing animals and their
are different Learning
similarities and differences
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
• Activity about
shelters of some
Identify the needs of
• Board work
Enumerate the needs of
• Practice exercises
animals • Video/film presentation about needs of an animal
LESSON 2 • Assignment • Sharing experiences Blended
October 24-28, Describe each need of • Show and Tell
Week 3 Animals and Their • Seatwork and doing tasks with Learning
2022 animals • Class discussion on animals and their needs
Needs • Questions under others
Differentiate the • Think-Pair-Share on describing an animal
Express Your
classification of food
animals eat
● Teacher-made
Recognize some animals
chapter tests
● Long tests
Week 4 October 31- LESSON 3 Tell what animals give ● Video and film presentation ● Activity under ● Sharing experiences Blended
November 4, 2022 Things Animals you ● Mind mapping Explore Around and doing tasks with Learning
Give Give specific benefits we ● Show and Tell of drawings of best things people get ● Board work others
You get from animals from animals ● Practice exercises ● Working with a
● Class discussion on things that animals give to people ● Assignment group to match the
● Picture analysis of a family eating ● Seatwork pictures of food with
● Playing a guessing game about what animals can give ● Questions under the pictures of
Express Your
animals that provide
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Activity under
Explore Around
● Board work
● Video and film presentation ● Practice exercises
● Sharing experiences
● Hands-on activities ● Assignment
and doing tasks with
Tell why you should ● Show and Tell ● Seatwork
others Blended
November 14-18, LESSON 4 care for animals ● Class discussion on care for animals ● Questions under
Week 5 ● Demonstrating with Learning
2022 Care for Animals Describe ways of caring ● Poem about a girl and her pets Express Your
a partner the proper
for animals ● Picture analysis of animals Learning
ways of caring for
● Think-Pair-Share on demonstrating proper ways of ● Teacher-made
caring for animals chapter tests
● Long tests
● Items under Size
● Activities on
o comparing plants
o the function of
● KWL Chart stems
● Class discussion on plants and their parts ● Board work
Identify the common ● Exit Ticket ● Practice exercises
LESSON 1 Blended
November 21-25, parts of a plant ● Conducting investigative activities on plant parts ● Assignment Drawing the parts of a
Week 6 Plants and Their Learning
2022 Describe how each part ● Tour around the school garden to observe plants ● Seatwork plant
of a plant works ● Using a graphic organizer to summarize the lesson ● Questions under
● Drawing the different parts of plants and writing the Express Your
uses of each part Learning
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
Week 7 November 28- LESSON 2 Investigate the needs of ● Investigations ● Activity on the • Doing a group Blended
December 2, 2022 Needs of Plants variety of different parts ● Hands-on activities needs of plants presentation of the Learning
Tell what plants need to ● Class discussion on needs of plants ● Board work ways to take care of
● Practice exercises
● Assignment
● Seatwork
● Picture analysis of a healthy plant and a withered plant ● Questions under
Explain why the needs of
● Planting mongo seeds and observing their growth Express Your plants
plants should be met for
● Tour of the school garden Learning
them to grow
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Activity under
Explore Around
● Board work
● Practice exercises
● Assignment
● Think-Pair-Share on ways of caring for plants in the
● Seatwork
Show how you can care school garden Blended
December 5-9, LESSON 3 ● Questions under ● Role-playing ways
Week 8 for the plants around ● Class discussion on care for plants Learning
2022 Care for Plants Express Your of taking care of plants
you ● Hands-on activities
● Picture analysis of a family taking care of plants
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Items under Size

The learners demonstrate understanding of...
Content ● forces that move objects;
Standard ● different forms of energy;
● importance of the different forms of energy; and
● different sources of the different forms of energy.
The learner should be able to ...
● apply force to do work;
Performance ● practice care in moving around;
Standard ● practice safe and wise use energy;
● use wisely some forms of energy; and
● demonstrate how some forms of energy are produced.
Content/Lesson Learning Competency/ Learning Activities/Procedures/Tasks Mode of
Term/Duration Date Written Works Performance Tasks
Title Lesson Objectives Delivery
● Activity on forces
and motion
Tell the difference
● Board work
between a push and a ● KWL chart ● Playing tug-of-war to
● Practice exercises
pull ● Investigation on what moves objects apply and experience
● Assignment
LESSON 1 Observe the effects of ● Hands-on activities on different forces that make force
● Seatwork Blended
Week 1 January 2-6, 2023 Forces that Move force objects move ● Creating a paper
● Questions under Learning
Objects Show examples of the ● Class discussion on forces windmill
Express Your
effects of force ● Tug-of-war game ● Doing a blow
Identify the different ● Picture analysis of children doing some activities painting
● Teacher-made
kinds of forces
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Activity under
Explore Around
● Board work
● Practice exercises
● Assignment
● Seatwork
Tell when an object ● Telling if things
moves ● Learning teams around the ● Working with a
Week 2-3 LESSON 2 Describe how an object ● Playing stop dance classroom can be partner to move
January 9-20, 2023 Learning
Motion moves ● Picture analysis of a parked car and a car running moved objects from a
Tell what a reference ● Discussion of motion ● Questions under reference point
point is Express Your
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Items under Size
Week 4-5 January 23- LESSON 1 Tell the importance of ● KWL chart ● Activity on how ● Illustrating how Blended
February 3, 2023 Light and Heat light energy ● Investigations on how light and heat work heat and light affect energy changes Learning
Energy Identify natural and ● Hands-on activities objects things and its
● Board work
● Practice exercises
● Assignment
● Class discussion on light and heat ● Seatwork
● Going outside the classroom to observe and feel the ● Drawing different importance in
artificial sources of light sun’s effects sources of light everyday life.
and heat energy ● Picture analysis of a forest where the sun’s rays are ● Questions under ● Drawing different
shining through Express Your sources of light
● Show and Tell of drawings of different sources of light Learning
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
• Activities on
o where sounds
● KWL chart come from
● Think-Pair-Share on different kinds of sounds heard o describing sounds
Tell what sound is every day and their sources ● Board work
Identify the sources of ● Whole-class discussion on sound energy ● Practice exercises
● Making a musical
sound ● Hands-on activities on sources and properties of sound ● Assignment Blended
February 13 March LESSON 2 instrument using
Week 6-8 Describe how sound is ● Going outside the classroom to listen to and describe ● Seatwork Learning
3, 2023 Sound Energy indigenous or readily
formed different sounds ● Questions under
available materials
Recognize the different ● Picture analysis of children with a tablet, girl watching Express Your
kinds of sounds TV, and dog barking Learning
● Collaborative activity on drawing and describing ● Teacher-made
sources of sound chapter tests
● Long tests
● Items in Size Up!
Week 9 March 6-10, 2023 LESSON 1 Identify the landforms ● Think-Pair-Share Formative Show and Tell about a Blended
Parts of the Earth and water forms of the ● Class discussion on the parts of the Earth • Activities on landform and a water Learning
Earth ● Investigative activities on some o comparing form visited with one’s
Describe the different Philippine mountains and on water forms in Camiguin different highlands in family
landforms and water ● Video presentations on Mount Samat Shrine and the country
forms of the Earth Cagayan River o being familiar with
Compare the following: ● Show and Tell about a landform and a water form water forms in
• mountain and hill visited with one’s family Camiguin
• plain and valley ● Review of the lesson ● Board work
● Practice exercises
● Assignment
● Seatwork
• ocean and sea
• lake and pond
● Questions in
• river and stream ● Summarizing important concepts
Express Your
• bay and gulf
• waterfall and spring
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Activity on what
● Listening to calming music or sounds from the forest or plants give people
sea ● Board work
● Video and film presentation ● Practice exercises
● Hands on activities on collecting pictures of different ● Assignment
natural resources or products from Earth ● Seatwork Making a collage of Blended
Things We Get Name things that the
Week 9 March 6-10, 2023 ● Using a graphic organizer to summarize the lesson Summative things from plants and Learning
from Earth gives to people
● Whole-class discussion on Earth’s resources ● Questions under animals
the Earth
● Listening to sounds from the forest or the sea Express Your
● Picture analysis of products from a market Learning
● Show and Tell using a collage of things from plants and ● Teacher-made
animals chapter tests
● Long tests
● Activity on causes
● Pictures of heavy flooding
of flooding
Tell how people cause ● Videos and film presentations about a trip to the
● Board work
harm on the Earth rainforest and the state of Pasig River
● Practice exercises
Describe the greenhouse ● Hands-on activities
● Assignment
LESSON 3 effect ● Using a graphic organizer to summarize the important Blended
● Seatwork Making a slogan about
Week 10 March 13-17, 2023 Things Happening Tell what happens when concepts Learning
● Questions under saving Mother Earth
on Earth people cut trees on the ● Whole-class discussion
Express Your
mountains ● Picture analysis of heavy flooding and of people
Give the effects of air evacuating due to flood
● Teacher-made
and water pollution ● Show and Tell using a slogan about saving Mother
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Activities under
Explore Around
● Board work
● Practice exercises
Tell how resources from ● KWL chart
● Assignment
the Earth can be used ● Think-Pair-Share
● Seatwork
wisely ● Whole-class discussion on caring for Earth Making a hanging
LESSON 4 Summative Blended
Give the meaning of ● Hands-on activities on recycling plant
Week 10 March 13-17, 2023 Caring for the ● Questions under Learning
conservation ● Picture analysis of a house in a clean environment pot/container using
Earth Express Your
Explain how to conserve ● Trip around the school grounds to observe the recyclable materials
the resources in the land, surroundings
● Teacher-made
forest, water, and air ● Reviewing and summarizing important concepts
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Items under Size

Prepared by: WENNIE LYN A. BATIN Checked by: JOE-MAR O. TOLEDO

Subject Teacher School Principal

The learners demonstrate understanding of...
● parts of the Earth;
● thing we get from Earth;
Content ● things happening on Earth;
Standard ● care for the Earth;
● day to day weather;
● weather and what people do;
● staying healthy during different weather condition; and
● the objects in the sky at daytime and nighttime.
The learners should be able to...
● observe the different landforms and water forms;
● make a simple pictograph comparing heights of mountains;
Performance ● make slogan on saving our Earth;
Standard ● exhibit caring for the Earth;
● observe the weather for a week;
● make outfits or dresses appropriate for a certain weather condition; and
● observe objects that can be seen in the sky at daytime and nighttime.
Content/Lesson Learning Competency/ Learning Activities/Procedures/Tasks Mode of
Term/Duration Date Written Works Performance Tasks
Title Lesson Objectives Delivery
● Activity on kinds
of weather seen
every day
● KWL chart ● Board work
Tell what weather is
● Think-Pair-Share ● Practice exercises
Observe and describe • Drawing activity
LESSON 1 ● Whole-class discussion on weather ● Assignment
the weather for a week • Making different Blended
Week 1-2 March 20-31, 2023 Day-to-day ● Hands-on activities ● Seatwork
Describe the weather in kinds of clouds using Learning
Weather ● Singing a song about the weather ● Questions under
terms of temperature and art materials
● Doing an activity on observing daily weather Express Your
cloud formation
● Show and Tell on the different kinds of clouds Learning
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
Week 3-5 April 17-28, 2023 LESSON 2 Describe what people ● KWL Chart ● Activity on how ● Making models of Blended
The Weather and can wear on rainy days ● Think-Pair-Share weather affects outfits that can be Learning
What You Do and fair-weather days ● Whole-class discussion on how weather affects what people’s activities worn on sunny and
Give activities people people wear and do and clothes they rainy days
can do on a sunny or ● Hands-on activities wear ● Making collages
fair day ● Exit Ticket ● Board work about activities and
Give the activities people ● Playing a game on picking a ball and saying some ● Practice exercises clothes for sunny
can do on a rainy day activities that can be done during the weather that is ● Assignment days and rainy days
indicated in the ball ● Seatwork
● Picture analysis of workers fixing a road ● Questions under
● Going outside the classroom to make observations Express Your
about the weather Learning
● Teacher-made
● Show and Tell using collages of activities and clothes
chapter tests
for sunny and rainy days
● Long tests
● Activity under
Explore Around
● KWL Chart
● Board work
● Think-Pair-Share
● Practice exercises ● Sharing experiences
● Class discussion on keeping oneself healthy during
● Assignment and task with others
LESSON 3 different weather conditions
Tell what you should do ● Seatwork ● Working with a
Staying Healthy ● Hands-on activities Blended
Week 6-7 to keep yourself healthy ● Questions under group to role-play a
May 1-12, 2023 During Different ● Reading a story about siblings and what they do during Learning
during hot, cold, or rainy Express Your TV show discussing
Weather different weather conditions
days Learning how to keep safe
Conditions ● Picture analysis of a girl in the garden on a sunny day
● Teacher-made during a bad weather
● Role-play in a mockup TV talk show giving advice on
chapter tests condition
safety precautions during bad weather
● Long tests
● Providing feedback and making clarifications
● Items under Size
● Creating pictures of
● Activity under blue sky and why it is
Explore Around blue
Name the things you ● KWL chart
● Board work ● Replacing the lyrics
see in the sky during the ● Whole-class discussion on objects in the sky at daytime
● Practice exercises of the chorus part of
day ● Exit Ticket
● Assignment one’s favorite song
LESSON 1 Describe the different ● Outside-the- classroom observation of the day sky Blended
Week 8 ● Seatwork with concepts
May 15-19, 2023 Objects in the Sky objects in the sky at ● Picture analysis of children playing on a sunny day Learning
● Questions under learned in the chapter
at Daytime daytime ● Video presentation of “Day and Night Concept”
Express Your ● Drawing things that
Give the importance of ● Singing nursery rhymes about objects in the sky
Learning can be seen in the sky
the different things in the ● Show and Tell of scrapbook about objects in the
● Teacher-made at daytime
sky during daytime daytime sky
chapter tests ● Making a scrapbook
● Long tests about different objects
in the daytime sky
Week 9 May 22-26, 2023 LESSON 2 Name the different ● Videos and film viewing ● Activity about the ● Creating pictures of Blended
Objects in the Sky objects in the sky at ● Hands-on activities moon phases blue sky and why it is Learning
at Nighttime night. ● Whole-class discussion on objects seen in the night sky ● Board work blue
Describe the objects in ● Learning team ● Practice exercises ● Replacing the lyrics
the sky at night. ● Picture analysis of people looking at the moon at night ● Assignment of the chorus part of
● Seatwork
● Questions under
one’s favorite song
Express Your
with concepts learned
Give the importance of ● Doing the activity about the phases of the moon Learning
in the chapter
the different things in the ● Show and Tell about the how the sky looks at night ● Teacher-made
● Making a Night Box
sky during the night using a night box chapter tests
that shows how the
● Long tests
sky looks at night
● Items under Size

Prepared by: WENNIE LYN A. BATIN Checked by: JOE-MAR O. TOLEDO

Subject Teacher School Principal

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