Lesson Plan Science 3 2022-2023

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S.Y. 2022-2023

The learners demonstrate understanding of...
● different science processes;
Content ● application of the different science processes;
Standard ● ways of observing matter;
● classification of matter as solid, liquid, and gas;
● ways of sorting materials and describing them as solid, liquid, or gas based on observable properties; and
● differences between physical and chemical changes.
The learners should be able to. . .
● apply simple science processes through activities;
● use and handle properly common solids and liquids found at home;
● communicate and describe something you observed and experienced to someone;
● describe characteristics of matter;
● group common objects found at home and in school according to solids, liquids, and gas; and
● perform various activities to demonstrate the differences between physical and chemical changes.
Content/Lesson Learning Competency/ Learning Activities/Procedures/Tasks Mode of
Term/Duration Date Written Works Performance Tasks
Title Lesson Objectives Delivery
Week 1 August 8-12, 2022 Psychosocial Psychosocial support Family Feud
activities activities are designed Blended
-Express Yourself to encourage children to Divide the class into two teams. One member of each Learning
(Getting to know establish healthy routines team faces the other in a face-off as the teacher reads the
each other) and help them connect question off the game board. The team that buzzed in
-Family Feud with their peers. with the correct answer receives control of the board and
has the option of playing or passing control to the other
team. The team that has the control tries to reveal all of
the correct answers to the question before receiving three
strikes. (If the answer is not on the board, click the Try
Again button.)
If the team receives three strikes without clearing the
board, control is passed to the other team. The team that
now has the control is able to give one answer in the
hopes that it is found on the board. If it is, points are
added to the team's score. If not, the other team gets the
points. Points are collected as each team finds its
answers to the question on the board. (Click
the Score button to add points to the appropriate team's
score.) Continue the game repeating steps two through
Each team tries to collect the most points. The team with
the most points wins the game! (Click on Team
1 or Team 2 on the Score slide to move to the You've
Won slide.)
● Activity on making
Observe some properties observations
● Focused Listening
of objects ● Board work
● Think-Pair-Share
● Practice exercises
● Pair activity on describing partner’s hair ● Sharing experiences
Tell how the senses help ● Assignment
● Whole-class discussion about observing as a science or tasks Blended
Week 2 LESSON 1 know more about things ● Seatwork
August 15-29, 2022 process skill ● Doing a pair activity Learning
Observing around them ● Questions under
● Deductive approach on posing questions about the on describing partner’s
Express Your
lesson hair
Tell how each sense Learning
● Picture analysis of illustrations in Energize Your Mind
works during an ● Long tests
● Activity on making observations
observation ● Teacher-made
chapter test
• Doing an activity on
Share ideas and • Activity on oil spills
• Picture analysis of a child writing a letter and of children oil spill
observations by talking • Board work
discussing • Presenting ways of
and listening • Practice exercises Blended
Week 2 LESSON 2 • Cooperative learning on conducting an activity on oil communicating ideas
August 15-29, 2022 • Seatwork Learning
Communicating spills on an event, issue,
Draw and label pictures • Items under
• Experiment on applying science process skills in memorable
to show the results of an Express
planting mongo seeds experience, or
experiment Your Learning
Week 3 August 22-26, 2022 LESSON 3 Compare the shapes, • Using a Venn diagram • Activity on • Categorizing leaves Blended
Comparing sizes, and colors of • Picture analysis of a girl picking flowers comparing and according to Learning
objects • Discussion on comparing science process skills contrasting characteristics in a
• Board work foldable
• Practice exercises • Working with a group
• Experiment on applying science process skills in • Seatwork to make a Venn
Describe how things
planting mongo seeds •Items under diagram of
are the same or different
Express comparisons and
Your Learning contrasts of objects
• Activity on sorting
• Sorting game
Classify a set of objects figures
• Relay game
or organisms based on • Board work • Working in groups to
• Spotting similarities and differences.
their characteristics or • Practice exercises sort figures Blended
LESSON 4 • Picture analysis of clothes inside laundry bag and
Week 3 August 22-26, 2022 properties • Assignment • Working with a group Learning
Classifying clothes organized in a cabinet
• Seatwork to list and classify
• Analysis of an illustration of a girl searching in a room
Arrange objects in a • Items under things
with scattered clothes
particular order Express
• Collaborative activity on sorting figures
Your Learning
• Activity on
measuring objects
Measure the length of a
using standard and
given object using • Picture analysis of an illustration of a mother and son
nonstandard units
nonstandard and measuring a tomato plant
• Board work • Measuring the length Blended
September 5-9, LESSON 5 standard units of • Cooperative learning activity on measuring objects
Week 4 • Practice exercises of an object using a Learning
2022 Measuring measure • Discussion on measuring as a science process skill
• Assignment ruler
• Conducting an experiment on applying science process
• Seatwork
Use different tools to skills in planting mongo seeds
• Items under
measure length
Express Your
Week 4 September 5-9, LESSON 6 Predict what will happen • Collaborative activity on predicting if a substance will • Activity on • Answering questions Blended
2022 Predicting in a given situation or dissolve in water or not predicting Orally Learning
observation • Predicting an outcome from given pictures whether or not an • Predict the outcomes
• Completing the data in a given table item will dissolve in in an experiment
• Discussion on predicting as a science process skill water
• Board work
• Practice exercises
• Assignment
• Seatwork
• Questions or
exercises on
• Homework
• Items under
Your Learning
•Questions under
Express Your
• Chapter tests
• Long tests
• Items under Size
• Activities on
o describing and
Describe different objects
guessing objects
based on their • Let’s Play-Scribe! (Play and Describe)
o measuring mass
characteristics (e.g., • Picture analysis of an illustration of a boy waiting to eat • Working with a pair to
o measuring volume
shape, weight, volume, and his mother who is cooking breakfast guess objects based
o ease of flow
LESSON 1 ease of flow) • Collaborative activity—playing Mystery Bag Guessing on descriptions Blended
September 12-16, • Board work
Week 5 Matter and Its Game where one describes objects by feeling them Learning
2022 • Practice exercises
Properties S3MT-Ic-d-2 • Interactive discussion of properties of matter • Working with a group
• Assignment
Classify objects and • Collaborative activities on measuring mass and volume to measure the mass
• Seatwork
materials as solid, of objects and on ease of flow and volume of objects
• Culminating activity
liquid, and gas based • Using a graphic organizer to summarize the concepts
• Items under
on some observable
Your Learning
Week 6 September 19-23, LESSON 2 S3MT-Ic-d-2 • Relay game, grouping objects/ pictures according to its • Activities on • Measuring the Blended
2022 States of Matter Classify objects and state of matter o the states of volume Learning
materials as solid, liquid, • Picture analysis of an aquarium being looked at by a boy matter of different objects
or gas based on some and a girl Picture analysis of an aquarium being o proper handling of • Working with a group
observable looked at by a boy and a girl materials in classifying matter
characteristics • Collaborative activities on grouping states of matter and • Board work as solid, liquid, or gas
proper handling of common materials • Practice exercises based on their
S3MT-Ie-g-3 • Use of a concept map to summarize the concepts • Assignment properties
Describe ways on the • Seatwork • Working with a group
• Items under
proper use and handling
Your Learning to find out how to
of solid, liquid, and gas
• Chapter test properly handle some
found at home and in
• Long test materials
• Items under Size
• Activities on
Investigate how • Video presentations melting,
temperature causes • Analyses of pictures: Boy with ice pop Changes of state evaporation, and
change in matter in condensation
S3MT-Ih-j-4 matter • Board work
LESSON 1 • Presenting and Blended
September 26-30, Describe changes in • Think-Pair-Share • Practice exercises
Week 7 Changes Affected discussing activity Learning
2022 materials based on the • Discussions • Assignment
by Temperature results
effect of temperature: • Outside-the- classroom observation on how water dries • Seatwork
solid to liquid, liquid to up under the sun and under a shade • Culminating activity
solid, liquid to gas, gas to • Video presentation about melting • Items in Express
liquid, and solid to gas • Collaborative activities on heat and changes in matter Your
Identify some common
materials found at home • Video presentation • Activity on handling
and in school • Picture analysis of a woman cleaning and cleaning materials/products
S3MT-Ic-d-2 materials • Practice exercises
Classify objects and and products • Assignment
materials as solid, liquid, • Discussion • Seatwork • Making a survey on
or gas based on • Name game: identifying materials found at home and in Board work things that should be Blended
Week 8 October 3-7, 2022 observable school • Items under handled with care Learning
Materials at Home
characteristics. • Grouping/ sorting of different materials at home and in Express and precaution
and in School
S3MT-Ie-g-3 school as liquid, solid, or gas Your Learning
Describe ways on the • Creating a 6-tab foldable • Chapter test
proper use and handling • Think-Pair-Share: Symbol match-up, matching the • Long test
solids, liquids, and gases danger symbols with the harmful chemicals • Items under Size
found at home and in • Using a concept map to summarize the concepts Up!
Prepared by: WENNIE LYN A. BATIN Checked by: JOE-MAR O. TOLEDO
Subject Teacher School Principal

The learners demonstrate understanding of....
• the different senses of the human body;
• the parts and functions of the sense organs of the human body;
• the different ways in taking care of the different sense organs;
Content • the parts and functions of animals and their importance to humans;
Standard • external parts of plants and their functions;
• importance of plants to humans;
• characteristics of living and nonliving things;
• reproduction among humans, animals, and plants;
• certain observable characteristics that are passed from parents to offspring; and
• basic needs of plants, animals, and humans
The learners should be able to...
• use the different sense organ properly;
• practice healthful habits in taking care of the sense organs;
Performance • enumerate ways of grouping animals based on their structure and importance;
Standard • demonstrate the proper ways of handling plants;
• illustrate the difference between living and nonliving things;
• given a photo of offspring and parents, makes a checklist of possible characteristics that the offspring inherited from the parents; and
• list down activities which they can perform at home, in school, or in their neighborhoods to keep the environment clean.
Content/Lesson Learning Competency/ Learning Activities/Procedures/Tasks Mode of
Term/Duration Date Written Works Performance Tasks
Title Lesson Objectives Delivery
• Activities on
o the sense of sight
o making an eye
o the sense of
Identify the parts of each hearing
sense organ o making an
Describe the parts and eardrum
• Collaborative activities on sense organs
LESSON 1 functions of the sense model
• Picture analysis of a boy with his family watching a
October 10-14, Sense Organs organs of the human o the sense of smell • Creating a mini Blended
Week 1 movie Playing a game on guessing the sense organ
2022 and their body. o the sense of taste album of sense organs Learning
being acted out
Functions S3LT-IIa-b-1 o the sense of touch
• Use of a graphic organizer to summarize the concepts
Describe the functions • Board work
of the sense organs of • Practice exercises
the human body • Assignment
• Seatwork
• Culminating activity
• Items under
Your Learning
Week 1 October 10-14, LESSON 2 S3LT-IIa-b-2 • Picture analysis of a blind man and person with sunburn • Activity on ● Drawing the tongue Blended
2022 Caring for the Enumerate healthful ● Picture analysis of a boy playing a game in his tablet o blinking and writing ways to Learning
Sense Organs habits to protect the • Discussion o finding out which give it proper care
sense organs. • Role playing material can and ● Creating a mini
• Picture puzzle, completing the missing sense organs cannot be inserted album of the sense
from the picture in the ears organs
• Show and Tell o the common cold
• Use of charts that show care for the different sense o investigating the
organs effect of sunscreen
• Reading a story about a boy playing games in his tablet • Board work
● Use of a graphic organizer to summarize the concepts • Practice exercises
• Assignment
• Seatwork
• Items under
Express Your
• Chapter tests
• Long tests
• Items in Size Up!
• Activity on
animal body parts
Identify some animals • Recording
and functions
S3LT-IIc-d-4 observations and data
• Picture analysis of an elephant and an eagle • Board work
LESSON 1 Identify the external parts in a table to include Blended
Week 2 October 17-21, • Discussion • Practice exercises
Animal Parts and and functions of animals the names of animals, Learning
2022 • Activity on making an animal profile • Assignment
Their Functions S3LT-IIc-d-3 distinctive body part,
• Use of a graphic organizer to summarize the concepts • Seatwork
Describe animals in their and description of
• Culminating activity
immediate surroundings each body part
• Items under
Your Learning
• Activity on spiders
• Shake, Jump, Clap My Way game to identify the three and small insects
LESSON 2 Identify some animals
groups of animals based on body parts they use to • Board work Playing a game with
Classifying S3LT-IIc-d-5 Blended
October 24-28, move around • Practice exercises the class to identify
Week 3 Animals Classify animals Learning
2022 • Interactive discussion of classifying animals according to • Assignment animals according to
According to Body according to body parts
body parts and use • Seatwork body parts
Parts and Use and their use
• Use of a graphic organizer to summarize the concepts Items under Express
Your Learning
• Storytelling about a boy and his puppy
• Picture analysis of a boy drinking milk, a blind man • Relay game
being guided by a dog, and an equestrian riding a • Board work
LESSON 3 Identify some animals horse • Practice exercises
October 24-28, Importance of S3LT-IIc-d-6 • Relay game on the ways by which animals are important • Assignment • Sharing ideas and
Week 3 Learning
2022 Animals to State the importance of to humans • Seatwork activity output
Humans animals to humans • Video presentation on uses and importance of animals • Items under
• Playing a relay game on listing the importance of Express
animals Your Learning
• Use of a graphic organizer to summarize the concepts
• Activity on taking
of and
• Board work
• Practice exercises
Tell how to take care of • Storytelling on caring for animals Making an album of
LESSON 4 • Assignment
animals • Picture analysis pictures and Blended
October 31- Proper Handling • Seatwork
Week 4 S3LT-IIc-d-7 • Video presentation on taking care of animals observations on caring Learning
November 4, 2022 of • Items under
Describe ways of proper • Discussion for and handling
Animals Express
handling of animals • Picture analysis of animals animals
Your Learning
• Teacher-made
chapter tests
• Long tests
• Items under Size
● Local tour: exploring/observing plants in the school/ ● Activity on
Identify the parts of a
community growing
plant and the function/s
● Using realia and talking about the different plants for bean seeds
of each part.
LESSON 1 learners to recognize and remember their names ● Board work
S3LT-IIe-f-8 Drawing different Blended
October 31- Plant Parts and ● Activity on seed planting ● Practice exercises
Week 4 Describe the parts of plants Learning
November 4, 2022 Their ● Use of KWL chart ● Assignment
different kinds of plants and trees
Functions ● Whole-class discussion on plant parts ● Seatwork
Recognize that different
● Exit ticket ● Items under
plants may have different
● Picture analysis of a mango tree Express
● Use of a graphic organizer to summarize concepts Your Learning
Week 5 November 14-18, LESSON 2 Identify some plants ● Think-Pair-Share activity on things people get from ● Activity on things • Making an album of Blended
2022 Importance of Classify the importance trees that things that are made Learning
Plants of plants ● Whole-class discussion on the importance of plants are made from from plants
S3LT-IIe-f-9 ● Hands-on activities on presenting the things people get plants • Making a collage of
State the importance of from plants ● Board work the different things
plants to humans ● Collage making from pictures of things people get from ● Practice exercises people get from plants
plants ● Assignment
● Show and Tell ● Seatwork
● Video presentations and discussion on carnivorous Items under Express
plants Your Learning
● Use of a graphic organizer to summarize concepts
● Activity on how
and handling affect
plant growth
● Storytelling about a rose plant
● Picture analysis of children watering a plant
● Board work
● Activity on what plants need to grow well
● Practice exercises
S3LT-IIe-f-10 ● Think-Pair-Share • Presentation of a
LESSON 3 ● Assignment Blended
November 14-18, Describe ways of caring ● Whole-class discussion on proper care and handling of short role play on the
Week 5 Proper Care and ● Seatwork Learning
2022 and proper handling of plants proper care and
Handling of Plants ● Items under
plants ● Trip around the school campus to water the plants and handling of plants
Express Your
clean the pots
● Hands-on activities on handling plants
● Teacher-made
● Roleplaying proper care and handling of plants
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Items under Size
Tell how humans, plants,
Whole-class discussion on reproduction of humans, ● Board work
and animals reproduce
plants, and animals ● Practice exercises
LESSON 1 S3LT-Iig-h13
• Video presentations on reproduction of plants and ● Assignment Blended
November 14-18, Reproduction of Identify observable Making an album of
Week 5 animals ● Seatwork Learning
2022 Humans, Plants, characteristics that are human life cycles
• Picture analysis of young living things and of different ● Items under
and Animals passed on from parents
organisms and their offspring Express
to (e.g., humans,
• Use of a graphic organizer to summarize concepts Your Learning
animals, plants).
Week 6 November 21-25, LESSON 2 S3LT-IIg-h13 • Think-Pair-Share activity on discussing traits that are ● Activity on Presenting similarities Blended
2022 Inherited Identify observable similar to their parents different in Learning
Characteristics characteristics that are • Picture analysis of living things with their offspring characteristics that physical
in Humans, passed on from parents • Whole-class discussion on inherited traits an offspring can get characteristics
Plants, and to offspring (e.g., • Video and film presentations from a parent and behavioral traits
Animals humans, animals, plants) • Use of a worksheet on one’s family traits ● Board work among family
Examine the importance • Use of a graphic organizer to summarize the lesson ● Practice exercises members
of heredity of living things ● Assignment using a diagram, short
● Seatwork video, song, or other
● Items under forms
Your Learning
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Items under Size
Describe an ecosystem
Identify the basic needs
● Picture analysis of food, air, water, and a house ● Activity on
of humans, plants, and
● Video presentation identifying wants
animals such as air, food,
● Discussion and needs
water, and shelter ● Working with a
Lesson 1 ● Presentation of pictures ● Board work Blended
November 21-25, S3LT-IIi-j-15 group
Week 6 Food, Air, Water, ● Brainstorming ● Practice exercises Learning
2022 Explain how living things to conduct a survey on
and Shelter ● Activities on determining needs from wants ● Assignment
depend on the needs and wants
● Pair activity, listing things one needs every day ● Seatwork
environment to meet their
● Singing a song about needs Items under Express
basic needs
● Using a graphic organizer to summarize the concepts Your Learning
Compare living with
nonliving things
Week 7 November 28- LESSON 2 Tell ways of protecting • Observation activity around the school campus ● Activity about a Creating a useful item Blended
December 2, 2022 Protecting and the environment • Picture analysis of a tree being cut, garbage being way from any old and Learning
Conserving the S3LT-IIi-j-16 burned, and a body of water being littered with trash to conserve the discarded materials
Environment Recognize that there is • Discussion on protecting and conserving the environment
a need to protect and environment ● Board work
conserve the • Show and Tell activity ● Practice exercises
environment • Brainstorming ● Assignment
• creating something new from something old ● Seatwork
• Letter writing about the use of plastic ● Items under
• Using a graphic organizer to summarize the lesson Express Your
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Items under Size

Prepared by: WENNIE LYN A. BATIN Checked by: JOE-MAR O. TOLEDO

Subject Teacher School Principal

The learners demonstrate understanding of...
• the motion of objects;
• sources of light, sound, heat, and electricity; and
• uses or importance of light, sound, heat, and electricity.
Performance The learners should be able to...
• observe, describe, and investigate the position and movement of things around them;
Standard • apply the knowledge of the sources and uses of light, sound, heat, and electricity; and
• use some forms of energy wisely.
Content/Lesson Learning Competency/ Learning Activities/Procedures/Tasks Mode of
Term/Duration Date Written Works Performance Tasks
Title Lesson Objectives Delivery
• Picture analysis of before and after scenario and of ● Working with a
S3FE-IIIa-b-1 ● Board work
objects group to know more
Describe the position ● Practice
● Group activity about locating the
LESSON 1 of a person or an object ● Exercises
● Phrase completion on reference points of objects positions of objects Blended
Week 1 January 2-6, 2023 Position and in relation to a reference ● Assignment
● Discussion of position and reference point ● Playing a game as a Learning
Reference Point point such as chair, door, ● Seatwork
● Cooperative learning game on describing reference group in describing the
another person Items under Express
point of objects reference point of
Define reference point Your Learning
● Use of a graphic organizer to summarize the lesson objects
Determine when an
object has moved
Observe how objects
● Board work
move ● Picture analysis of a weightlifter, a girl pulling a tricycle,
● Practice
S3FE-IIIc-d-2 and a man pushing a boy on a swing in Energize
● Exercises
Identify things that can Your Mind and things that make objects move in
● Assignment • Expressing ideas Blended
Week 2-3 LESSON 2 make objects move such Equip Yourself
January 9-20, 2023 ● Seatwork and answering Learning
Motion as people, water, wind, ● Demonstration
● Culminating questions orally
magnets ● Discussion on things that cause objects to move and
Practice safety measures keeping safe around moving objects
Items under Express
when around moving ● Using a graphic organizer to summarize the lesson
Your Learning
Week 4-5 January 23- LESSON 3 S3FE-IIIe-f-3 ● Picture analysis of a slinky and objects that move in ● Activity on making • Making an album of Blended
February 3, 2023 Comparing Describe the movements different ways objects move pictures that show Learning
Moving Objects of objects such as fast or ● Discussion of how objects move ● Board work moving objects with
slow, forward or ● Group activity on making objects move ● Practice a description of each
backward, and stretching ● Drawing objects given some descriptions ● Exercises object
or compressing ● Demonstrating how force affects the movement of an ● Assignment
Draw the directions of object such as a book ● Seatwork
moving objects ● Use of a graphic organizer /concept map to summarize ● Items under
the lesson Expressing Your
● Teacher-made
chapter tests
● Long tests
● Items under Size
• Activities on
● Showing devices that work because of energy (laptop, o source of light
radio, and flashlight) o batteries • Working with a
Identify sources of
● Picture analysis of activities that can be done during a o sound energy group to know more
light, heat, sound, and
LESSON 1 sunny day and sources of light, heat, sound, and ● Board work about the sun and
electricity Blended
February 13-17, Sources of Light, electricity ● Practice moon as sources of
Week 6 S3FE-IIIg-h-4 Learning
2023 Heat, Electricity, ● Group activities about light, heat, sound, and electricity ● Exercises light
Describe sources of
and Sound as forms of energy and their sources ● Assignment • Working with a group
light and sound, heat,
● Discussion of forms of energy ● Seatwork to make musical
and electricity
● Brainstorming ● Items under instruments
● Game of Charades on sources of energy Express Your
● Activities under
Explore Around
● Board work
Enumerate the uses of
● Picture analysis of a boy entering a dark room and ● Practice Making a bookmark
light, sound, heat, and
switching on the light and uses of light, heat, sound, ● Exercises about things that one
LESSON 2 and electricity ● Assignment can do because of
Uses of Light, ● Demonstration of a use of heat energy ● Seatwork light, Blended
February 20- March Describe the different
Week 7-8 Heat, ● Discussion of the uses of light, heat, sound, and ● Items under sounds that one Learning
3, 2023 uses of light, sound,
Sound, and electricity Express enjoys
heat, and electricity in
Electricity ● Conducting group activities on the uses of light, heat, your Learning hearing, or things that
everyday life
sound, and electricity ● Teacher-made use electricity that one
Describe how light,
● Using a concept map to summarize the concepts chapter tests can live without
heat, sound, and
● Long tests
electricity help us
● Items under Size
Prepared by: WENNIE LYN A. BATIN Checked by: JOE-MAR O. TOLEDO
Subject Teacher School Principal

The learners demonstrate understanding of...
• people, animals, plants, lakes, rivers, streams, hills, mountains, and other landforms and their importance;
• the different types and effects of weather as they relate to daily activities, health, and safety; and
• natural objects in the sky and how they affect one’s daily activities.
Performance The learners should be able to...
Standard • express their concerns about their surroundings through teacher-
guided and self-directed activities;
• express ideas about safety measures during different weather
conditions creatively (through artwork, poem, and song); and
• list down natural objects in the sky which affect their daily activities.
Content/Lesson Learning Competency/ Learning Activities/Procedures/Tasks Mode of
Term/Duration Date Written Works Performance Tasks
Title Lesson Objectives Delivery
Name things that you
see on Earth
Describe the different ● Show and Tell using pictures of landforms
● Activity on living
landforms ● Picture analyses of a twenty-peso bill and Banaue Rice
things in the school
Identify the living things Terraces in Energize Your Mind and different landforms in
garden ● Sharing experiences
found in the different Equip Yourself
● Board work and doing tasks
LESSON 1 landforms ● Exploring nature around the school grounds Blended
Week 1 March 6-10, 2023 ● Practice exercises together
Earth’s Landforms S3ES-IVa-b-1 ● Research work Learning
● Assignment ● Presenting activity
Describe the things ● Concept mapping/using a graphic organizer to
● Seatwork output
found in the surroundings summarize the lesson
Items in Express
S3ES-IVc-d-2 ● Group activity on looking at living things found in the
Your Learning
Relate the importance school garden
of surroundings to people
and other living things
Observe different bodies ● Activity under
of water near your home, Explore Around
school, and community ● Board work
Describe the different ● Library work ● Practice Exercises
bodies of water ● Picture analysis of water forms in Energize Your Mind ● Assignment
LESSON 2 Making a diorama of a Blended
S3ES-Iva-b-1 and in Equip Yourself ● Seatwork
Week 2 March 13-17, 2023 Earth’s Bodies of landform or body of Learning
Describe the things found ● Discussion ● Items in Express
Water water
in the surroundings ● Exploring nature around the school grounds Your Learning
S3ES-IVc-d-2 ● Using a graphic organizer to summarize the lesson ● Teacher-made
Relate the importance of chapter tests
surroundings to people ● Long tests
and other living things ● Items in Size Up!
Week 3 March 20-31, 2023 LESSON 1 Identify the different ● Constructing a rainmaker ● Activity on Constructing a Blended
Changes in the kinds of weather ● Picture analysis of weather conditions observing the rainmaker Learning
Weather Describe how the ● Discussion of kinds of and changes in weather and weather
weather changes over weather symbols ● Board work
Tell the months when
the weather is sunny and ● Practice exercises
warm ● Video presentation ● Assignment
Tell the months where ● Concept mapping/using a graphic organizer to ● Seatwork
the days are cool or rainy summarize the lesson Summative
S3ES-IVe-f-3 ● Observation activity on the weather for a period of time Items under Express
Describe the changes in Your Learning
the weather over a period
of time
Communicate how ● Picture analysis of activities that can be done on
different types of weather particular weather conditions ● Activity on one’s
affect activities in the ● Discussion of different weather conditions weather activities
LESSON 2 community. ● Group activity on composing a poem or song about ● Board work ● Group activity on
Effects of Describe the effects of weather activities ● Practice exercises composing a poem or
Week 4 April 17-28, 2023 Learning
Weather on weather in people’s ● Enhancing ideas using Extend Your Understanding ● Assignment song about weather
People’s Activities activities ● Discussion of the effects of weather in people’s ● Seatwork activities
Investigate the activities Items under Express
importance of weather ● Using a graphic organizer/concept map to summarize Your Learning
in the success of the lesson
people’s activities
Week 5 May 1-12, 2023 LESSON 3 Identify the problems ● Picture analysis of ways to protect oneself during sunny ● Board work Composing a song or Blended
Safety Measures that is caused by days and rainy days ● Practice exercises poem about weather- Learning
for certain weather ● Video presentation ● Assignment appropriate activities
Different Weather condition ● Group activity on ● Seatwork
Conditions Practice ways of discussing things learned and presenting key points from ● Listing down ways and protecting oneself
protecting oneself a video about severe weather and composing a to protect oneself from harsh weather
during the different song/poem about protecting oneself form harsh from a weather
weather conditions weather condition
S3ES-IVg-h-5 ● Discussion on precautionary measures for different ● Items under
Enumerate and weather conditions Express Your
practice safety and ● Using a concept map to summarize the lesson Learning
precautionary measures ● Teacher-made
in dealing with different chapter tests
types of weather ● Long tests
● Items under Size
Identify the things to
● Picture analysis of the natural objects in the sky
see in the sky during
● Discussion of the natural objects in the sky
daytime and night time ● Doing a role play on
● Video presentation
S3ES-IVg-h-6 ● Board work the legend of the sun,
● Reading a story about the legend of the sun, moon, and
Describe the natural ● Practice exercises moon, and stars
LESSON 1 stars Blended
objects that are found ● Assignment ● Making a collage of
Week 6 May 15-19, 2023 Natural Objects in ● Optional activity: role-play on the legend of the sun, Learning
in the sky during daytime ● Seatwork different activities that
the Sky moon, and stars
and nighttime Items under Express can be done when the
● Concept mapping/using a graphic organizer to
Give the importance of Your Learning natural sky objects are
summarize the concepts
the different things in the out
● Collage making and paragraph writing about activities
sky during daytime and
that can be done when
night time
● Activity: playing under the sun and doing things to
protect oneself from the sun’s heat and light ● Board work
● Discussion of the situations in the pictures ● Practice exercises
● Picture analysis of activities affected by natural objects ● Assignment Blended
Activities Affected Communicate how the
Week 7 May 22-26, 2023 in the sky ● Seatwork Making a signboard Learning
by Natural natural objects in the sky
• Discussion of activities affected by natural objects in the Summative
Objects in the Sky affect daily activities
sky Items under Express
● Video presentations about safety under the sun Your Learning
● Show and Tell activity
Week 7 May 22-26, 2023 LESSON 3 Tell why people have to • Discussion of situations in and similar to the introductory • Activity on the Making an essay on Blended
Avoiding the avoid sun’s heat and pictures effects how to avoid the Learning
Harmful Effects of light • Picture analysis of things that would protect one from of the sun’s heat Harmful Effects of the
the Sun’s Heat S3ES-IVg-h-8 the sun’s harmful effects and Sun’s Heat and Light
and Light Enumerate safety • Discussion of avoiding the harmful effects of the sun’s light
measures to avoid the heat and light • Board work
harmful effects of the • Practice exercises
sun’s heat and light • Assignment
• Seatwork
• Items under
Your Learning
• Teacher-made
chapter tests
• Long tests
• Items under Size

Prepared by: WENNIE LYN A. BATIN Checked by: JOE-MAR O. TOLEDO

Subject Teacher School Principal

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