World War I - Topics

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World War I - Topics

World War I pitted Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire
against Great Britain, the United States, France, Russia, Italy and Japan. New
military technology resulted in unprecedented carnage. By the time the war
was over and the Allied Powers claimed victory, more than 16 million people
—soldiers and civilians alike—were dead.

World War I Battle of Vimy Ridge

Archduke Franz Ferdinand Tensions had This World War I skirmish in 1917 marked
been brewing throughout Europe— the first time that the Allies’ four Canadian
especially in the troubled Balkan region of divisions attacked together as the
southeast Europe—for years before World Canadian Corps. The corps launched their
War I actually broke out. A number of… offensive at Vimy on Easter Sunday, and…

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Treaty of Versailles Henri-Philippe Pétain

The Fourteen Points In a speech to Henri-Philippe Pétain (1856-1951) was a

Congress in January 1918, Wilson laid out World War I French general who was later
his idealistic vision for the world after imprisoned for treason. A 58-year-old
World War I, which was at the time colonel at the start of battle in 1914, Pétain
sometimes referred to as “the war to end… earned acclaim for stopping the Germans…

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John J. Pershing Erich Ludendorff

General John Joseph “Black Jack” Pershing Erich Ludendorff was a prominent general
began his rise through the ranks of the U.S. and war hero who played a crucial role in
Army with distinguished service in the shaping and overhauling Germany’s World
Spanish-American War and the Philippines. War I tactics. His innovative approaches to
After leading U.S. forces in pursuit of the… modern warfare left a lasting impression,…

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