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The c02 emissions and the pollution caused by the use of fossil fuels widely concerns the

international community. Even more, a sustainable development goal was launched years ago
to eradicate the use of contaminating energies sources. As a result, some countries have
implemented policies to minimize the use of fossil fuels and improve environmental care. Let
me shed some light on two of these government’s measures and decide which is the most

On the one hand, by increasing fossil fuels fees and by imposing taxes to the industry; not only
would governments collaborate to the environment but also, they would take profit to
enhance the renewable energy industry. Despite arguments that green energies have also
consequences to the environment, they undeniably are much better for the environment than
fossil fuels.

On the other hand, another alternative is to replace it with nuclear energy. Nuclear plants emit
minimal greenhouse gasses during its production, and thus it is a low- carbon alternative to the
fossil fuels. Nevertheless, the operation of this energy frequently generates radioactive waste,
that can pose both serious health risks and contamination problems.

To conclude, I firmly believe that the most efficacious way to reduce the use of fossil fuels and
therefore the co2 emission is to impose economic barriers to the industry through taxes.
Nonetheless, according to my personal view, there must be a balance between renewable
energy sources and fossil fuels to fulfil our social necessities.


(I’ve learnt about this topic in the united nations model so I really enjoyed writing about it!)

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