Essay Home Office FCE

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Nowadays, as a consequence of the covid -19 pandemic and mandatory quarantine, the
home office is more frequently and common. There are two postures about this topic.
On the on hand, there are ones that may argue that home office is a “dream came true”
because of its comfort. On the other hand, there are other people, probably older, who
believe that the office work cannot be replaced by home office. I will discuss both
points of view and express my opinion.
To begin with, home office is a new and comfortable way of working. Employees can
save a great deal of time and money since they do not have to travel, deal with traffic
problems or spend money in vehicles so often. Consequently, their work probably is
more productive and efficient. Besides, home office may be more pleasant and
comfortable than office work because of the facilities that staying at home bring.
On the other side of the argument, there are also some drawbacks of working at home.
Those companies which work a lot with customer service and contact with people face
to face are disadvantaged with home office. Moreover, presencial work allows to be
better communicated with coworkers and thus this fact increases the teamwork. In
addition, it is also true that presencial work impose consistency on the daily routine of
an employee.
On balance, it seems to me that home office definitely cannot replace the traditional
way of work, although it can be a really useful tool in some cases of job and in some
circumstances. I think that a balance of both ways of work is the best option for

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