Essay Sports FCE

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Nowadays more are more people is becoming to be interested in sports.

Some of them
do it as a hobby and others do it for health. However, all of us should be aware that
doing sports reduce the stress.
To begin with, at the present most of the people, more than ever, use to be stressed
due to daily duties, such as job and school homework. That is why, it is important to
know the benefits that sports bring to know how reduce our stress. Playing sports
improves your mood immediately. For instance, doing a team sport allows you to
socialize, have fun and open your mind. On the other hand, when playing an individual
sport, as running, you can listen to music and connect with yourself.
Secondly, some diseases are consequence of stress, such as cholesterol. For that
reason, doctors recommend patients to change their lifestyle. One of the changes that
they suggest is becoming active, apart from changing their diets to a healthy feeding.
To sum up, when we are in an emotional crisis, we must notice that playing a sport,
like yoga, tennis, football or whatever sport you want, would help you.

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