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The aim of this report is to describe an event that have taken place in our city, outline

its advantages and problems, and therefore make some recommendations to improve
The Musical event
On October 28th, in Bragado city a musical event, called spring sound, took placed in an
open air stage in the main park of the city, where a great deal of bands of different
musical genres played and it was an enjoyable afternoon.
There were some food carts that offered several options for afternoon snacks, such as
cookies, milkshakes, juice, cereals, tea, coffees or cakes. Furthermore, everyone,
regardless the age, was allowed to assist, for that reason it was a familiar event mainly.
An important fact to outline is that it was free because Bragado is a small city. In
addition, the event happened in a wonderful time of the year since it was in spring.
Problems and recommendations
From my point of view, as it is such a good event, more people should participate in it,
due to the fact that not many people participated in the last one. I would make
publicity of it by putting some posters and leaflets all over the city, and also a good
idea is to post in the social media advising people when and how it is going to be, so as
to encourage the largest number of people.
The autumn sound is a lovely event to go with your family, where you can eat a
delicious cake watching a variety of bands, that is why I believe that we must work in
how attract more people.

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