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Introduction: 2

Initializing the study on XYZ institution: 2

Nature of business: 2

Lines Of Business(s): 2

Interior maintenance: 2

Fun-interaction activities: 2

Operations and the activities of the business: 2

Network connectivity: 2

Hardware safety: 2

Capabilities of the institution: 3

Challenges of 2022: 3

Culture of the business: 3

The marketing culture: 4

The hierarchy culture: 4

Current IT infrastructure of the institution: 4

Software-defined infrastructure: 4

Cloud infrastructure: 4

The development of enterprise architecture accessibility to the business and the future of the organization:

Service discipline: 5

Cost reduction: 6

Productive outcome: 6

Employee recruitment: 6

Work environment: 6

Client’s feedback: 7

The risk factors of enterprise architecture: 7

Initial funding problems: 7

Internal politics: 7

Enterprise architecture is defined as an illustrated vision of upholding the business. This might include the
relationships of workers and devices, the employers and office site, the employers and the hardware, the
company site and the software, etc. To execute a fully furnished business, it is mandatory to choose data,
analysis, and solution strategy.

Initializing the study on XYZ institution:

Here we opt to study the business strategies that are being operated in XYZ institution to produce some
creative analysis about the current procedure of it and find clues for the betterment of the business.

Nature of business:
The XYZ institution is working on the principle of exchanging commodities and services with their
customers. We initialized our studies on private telecommunications providing services that deal with the
provision of communication services to their clients and they also provide commodities like routers, and
fiber net cables to ensure quality communication for their customers.

Lines Of Business(s):
The XYZ business institution is found to be the executor of the following LOBs by providing them to its

Interior maintenance:
It was observed that the office interior has been so managed and the workers are not seemed to be
suffered from any obstacles in their working. office interior is an underrated factor in the working
outcome of an institution but psychology proved that it is one of the most effective factors to execute the
productive outcome of the business.

Fun-interaction activities:
The employers have been provided with some fun activities to open their minds and improvise their
creative thought processes to encourage them to produce more creative stuff for the clients. most
businesses do not pay attention to the learning of their employers but XYZ institution is found to be an
impressive one in this aspect.

Operations and the activities of the business:

The XYZ institution is found to perform some activities for the betterment of their business, which are as

Network connectivity:
The XYZ institution is found to provide 5G network connectivity to its users. It is found to be the only
provider of 5G internet connectivity in the towns. Therefore, this company is being in a good list of its
customer but still, their customers have some network complaints from it, which need to be solved

Hardware safety:
The XYZ institution is found to provide hardware devices such as fiberoptic cables, routers, and other
devices to their customers. Their customers are satisfied with the material of their devices and in addition
to that, they also provide some safety precautions and guarantee of their product which is also a positive
point to favor them.

Capabilities of the institution:

The institution is seemed to be capable to perform the following tasks.

Provide user-friendly products to their users.

Provide healthy competition to their competitors.

Provide good network connectivity to their clients.

Challenges of 2022:
The XYZ institution is found to face the following challenges by being the business of present times.

To meet the expectations of their client.

To provide their clients with flawless internet connection.

To ensure the on-door reachability to their clients.

Culture of the business:

Any business has a major effect of its culture on its most important aspects that include, including
customer behavior, workforce behavior, and the type of commodities it produced. The under-observed
XYZ organization has inherited a versatile business strategy that indulges stability and control in the
employers, to opt the versatility of the business according to the modern culture.

It is observed that an under-studied organization has inherited two cultures that make the organization
profitably okay and outstanding. These two formats of culture are the market culture and the hierarchy
culture. Each one is explained in detail in the next paragraphs.

The marketing culture:

The main working agenda while working under the banner of marketing culture is to pursue market
credibility and product sustainability in the market.

The hierarchy culture:

This culture induces a co-operative working sense in the employers and that each one is answerable to his
boss which is surely a factor to encourage the betterment in the institution.

Current IT infrastructure of the institution:

IT infrastructure and handling allow the institutions and the customers to come in contact with each
other. This will let the business(s) know about the desires and needs of their customers and likewise,
customers know the psychology of their product provider. This strategy of IT involved business has been
opted globally in the businesses since last two decades and has been proved to be the door of success for
many large as well as small scale businesses.
The XYZ organization is observed to opt for the following infrastructures.

Software-defined infrastructure.

The cloud infrastructure.

Software-defined infrastructure:
Software-defined infrastructure is the one that governs the organization with automated software systems.
For more understandability, consider the case of a carton-producing organization in which the machinery
has a bundle of defined dimensions for carton cutting and processing. Therefore, the workforce is not
bounded to set the dimensions again and again. The machines are doing their jobs by their selves.

Now, for XYZ organization, it was observed that they had cultivated a work environment in their
institutions where internal official affairs of setting the product quality have been defined already to its IT
devices. The workforce has to only monitor the functioning of the machinery and deal with the clients or
perform some official meetings or tasks most of the external communication.

Cloud infrastructure:
Cloud infrastructures let the users of the commodity connect with the producing organization directly. For
an instance, consider the example of the IT strategy of banks. Their software will guide you automatically
even when you are asking for a favor while sitting at home. This infrastructure is good to opt for the
organizations whose targeted audience is not the area specified.

The currently studied, XYZ organization has upgraded its working strategy and set the customer dealing
section on Cloud infrastructure. This initiative was mainly taken to provide ease to the customers as well
as, less workforce would be employed for customer dealing section but on the contrary, there could be a
lot of vacancies for IT experts to manage through the system for a beneficial business outcome.
The development of enterprise architecture accessibility to the business
and the future of the organization:
An enterprise architecture program can lead the business towards mind-blowing success. The main reason
for this success ensuring is that it will provide the organization with some fundamental rules that will help
it run faster. From initiating an idea for the launching of the new product to measuring the critiques in it
and then working on it, to produce a fine product with keeping the note on the environmental and social
impacts of the product and how would it attract the customers towards itself and what are the key features
that would play “the majors” in the accessibility of this product to the customers. The main aspects of
enterprise architecture accessibility to lead the businesses are defined as under:

Service discipline:
It was believed that “the facility that will grant after the vanishing of desire, is not a facility. It’s just the
rightful revenue”. The same scenario falls for the services that institutions are promised to execute for
their customers. But if the customers would not facilitate from their desirable commodities on time, then
they will end up being bored of that lately granted facilities. Because human psychology always believes
in “the needs of today are the needs of today, tomorrow has nothing to do with these today needs”. And
this is a historically proven fact that if a nation would take time in inheriting and executing the needs of
modern culture, then they will lay behind those, who believe in stepping side by side with modernization.
The enterprise architecture program would encourage and somehow force the organization to follow the
timely provision of services to the customers. And it is observed to be the key factor in the lifting up of
the business organizations.

Cost reduction:
Those products which are within the reach of a majority of the customers are termed “customer-friendly
products” in business terminology. According to a financial survey report, about 9.2% of the world’s
population is poor and could not afford expensive facilities and products. On the contrary, we have
witnessed the execution of several law statements about cultivating the behavior of equality across the
globe to lessen the ratio of the people who lose their life because of inferiority complex or else they were
not able to bear their life because it is beyond their financially reachable limit.

To lessen this rate, and to opt for a human-friendly environment, in which one could afford his livelihood
within its financial limit, the optimism of cost reduction strategy is mandatory and mainly, the
stakeholders and businessmen would have to take a step forward to initiate this cost-friendly behavior.

The enterprise architecture program would encourage the sense of provision of commodities and facilities
to make the business reachable for every class and group of people. This would plot an increment in the
graph of audience reach and profit accountability of the business.

Productive outcome:
Many people relate the term “productive outcome” with the increasing profit and the development of a
greater number of business profiles either on-ground or on an online platform. But the term itself is not
associated with only these two aspects. Instead, recruiting creative minds and training them to be
thoughtful individuals is also a productive outcome. Keeping your employees satisfied with facilities and
funds is also a productive outcome. Several productive outcomes are included in the artificial enterprise
program. Some of them are listed below:

Employee recruitment:
Different organizations have different rubrics for the recruitment of employees but artificial enterprise
program encourages the recruitment of minds, that can think beyond the limits and then professionally
execute their ideas.

The main ideology behind the following this “think beyond the limits” concept is to improvise the
currently operational facilities and services to provide the audience with a better quality product than the
previous one. If we ignore this policy then our business would remain in the continuous cycle of
recreating and resupplying the same old commodities and facilities which would bore our customers and
the graph of customer-reachability would be declined.

Work environment:
Several different working cultures are being employed globally across the industries but artificial
enterprise believes in a healthy environment. Where one employer would compete with his fellow
employer in a healthy competitive way. This could be carried out by providing constructive criticism to
each other and encouraging the fellows to work more enthusiastically. Such work environments would
lead the businesses towards the heights but they are not easy to maintain in present times. Therefore, for
the implementation of such policies, the officer would have to remain neutral from both of the competing
parties and would take the decision neutrally by choosing the genuine one. The key factor that kills that
environment is implied favoritism. But it would be served as a productive outcome for the betterment of
the business.

Client’s feedback:
It was internationally believed that if your clients are happy with you, then you are a successful business
holder of the town. But in the present days, socialization has become versatile that there are trust issues
among the first-time users of the facility and the first-time buyers of the commodity. People are deemed
to be in the doldrums even about other users' feedback on that product. Because there is widespread the
rumor that any business could provide happy feedback of their commodity by certainly hiring some
workers to perform that task only.

If this factor is observed keenly then you will hear the alarming situation that many genuine businesses
would face because of the plagiarism of some stakeholders, which is a not fair policy at all.

The artificial enterprise thus encourages its followers to pay keen attention to their client’s feedback and
if some factors are found to be mismanaged according to the clients, then try to fix them rather than hiring
a team of false feedback makers. This policy will be the most favorable one for the clients that they got a
genuine product which will increase the market reach for that product and ensures the business stability
too for the stakeholders.

The risk factors of enterprise architecture:

There are immeasurable key points of enterprise architecture, but it inherits some risk factors of also,
which are explained below:
Initial funding problems:
Enterprise architecture is a very productive scheme to opt for, but people of today believed in the
universality and the surety of gaining their capital amount back with some guaranteed profit, which is not
a certain prospect of enterprise architecture. To invest your capital in this scheme, there should be a risk
margin because this is purely a creative intellect type of scheme. Therefore, people avoid investing their
capital in this scheme.

Internal politics:
The unfair official favoritism would be an alarming situation for the success of enterprise architecture.
Because, this is a creative type of business scheme for which, the officials and especially the hierarchy
should need to be neutral and the resistive to internal politics. Otherwise, the institution opting for
enterprise architecture would face a big failure.

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