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00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

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Using information contained in this document or any other document is deemed as that you
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Revision date of the operation manual: September 7, 2021

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Chapter I Knowledge Required for System Operation............................................................................ 2

1-1 Scope of Application ................................................................................................................. 2

1-2 Using This Manual .................................................................................................................... 2

1-3 Warning Information ................................................................................................................. 3

1-4 Definition of Terms ................................................................................................................... 3

1-4-1 Acronyms used in this manual ....................................................................................... 5

1-4-2 International agreement of X-ray computed tomography .............................................. 5

1-5 Definition of Authorized User................................................................................................... 6

1-5-1 Service and maintenance professionals ......................................................................... 6

1-5-2 Installation professionals (installers) ............................................................................. 6

1-5-3 System operators ............................................................................................................ 7

1-5-4 Users .............................................................................................................................. 7

Chapter II General Principles ................................................................................................................ 10

2-1 Intended Use ........................................................................................................................... 10

2-1-1 Indication for use ......................................................................................................... 10

2-1-2 Applicable populations and contraindications ............................................................. 10

2-1-3 Cautions ....................................................................................................................... 10

2-2 Applicable Regulation Information and Standards ................................................................. 11

2-2-1 System classification ................................................................................................... 12

2-2-2 Product Safety.............................................................................................................. 12

2-3 Electromagnetic Compatibility ............................................................................................... 12

2-3-1 Table for standard accessories and cables of the product ............................................ 14

2-3-2 Suggestions and warnings for use................................................................................ 15

2-3-3 Compatibility tables ..................................................................................................... 16

2-4 System Change ........................................................................................................................ 19

2-5 Contact Information ................................................................................................................ 19

2-5-1 Manufacturer Information............................................................................................ 19

2-5-2 Customer service ......................................................................................................... 19

2-5-3 Contact information of the EC representative ............................................................. 19

2-6 Installation Information........................................................................................................... 20

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2-7 Movement Information ........................................................................................................... 20

Chapter III General Safety Information ................................................................................................ 22

3-1 Conventional Warnings and Safety Cautions .......................................................................... 22

3-2 Safety Precautions ................................................................................................................... 25

3-3 Safety Signs, Symbols and Identifiers .................................................................................... 28

3-3-1 Safety signs and symbols ............................................................................................. 28

3-3-2 Safety and information identifiers ............................................................................... 28

3-4 Patient Safety .......................................................................................................................... 36

3-5 Electrical and Mechanical Safety ............................................................................................ 38

3-6 Basic Safety and Essential Performance ................................................................................. 40

3-6-1 Basic safety: ................................................................................................................. 40

3-6-2 Essential performance:................................................................................................. 40

Chapter IV System Overview ................................................................................................................ 42

4-1 General Process of CT Scan .................................................................................................... 42

4-2 System Composition ............................................................................................................... 43

4-3 Introduction of System Components ....................................................................................... 44

4-3-1 Gantry .......................................................................................................................... 44

4-3-2 Patient table ................................................................................................................. 44

4-3-3 Operator’s console ....................................................................................................... 45

4-3-4 Power distribution unit (PDU) ..................................................................................... 45

Chapter V System Control..................................................................................................................... 48

5-1 Gantry ..................................................................................................................................... 48

5-1-1 Control panel on the gantry ......................................................................................... 48

5-1-2 Display screen of the gantry ........................................................................................ 54

5-1-3 Back indicators ............................................................................................................ 56

5-2 Patient Table ............................................................................................................................ 57

5-3 Operator’s Console.................................................................................................................. 59

5-3-1 Control desk of the operator’s console ........................................................................ 60

5-3-2 Scan control display ..................................................................................................... 60

5-3-3 Image display ............................................................................................................... 60

5-3-4 Pod ............................................................................................................................... 60

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5-3-5 Keyboard...................................................................................................................... 66

5-3-6 Mouse .......................................................................................................................... 66

5-3-7 Console rack ................................................................................................................ 67

5-4 Power Supply-Power Distribution Unit (PDU)....................................................................... 69

Chapter VI System Startup and Shutdown ............................................................................................ 74

6-1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 74

6-2 System Startup ........................................................................................................................ 74

6-3 System Shutdown .................................................................................................................... 76

6-3-1 Computer shutdown ..................................................................................................... 76

6-3-2 Hardware shutdown ..................................................................................................... 76

6-4 System Login and Logoff........................................................................................................ 77

6-4-1 Login ............................................................................................................................ 77

6-4-2 Logoff .......................................................................................................................... 77

Chapter VII Service ............................................................................................................................... 80

7-1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 80

7-1-1 Function introduction................................................................................................... 80

7-1-2 Service interface .......................................................................................................... 80

7-2 Daily Preparation for Image Quality ....................................................................................... 81

7-2-1 Function introduction................................................................................................... 81

7-2-2 Tube warm up .............................................................................................................. 81

7-2-3 Air calibration .............................................................................................................. 82

7-3 Protocol Management ............................................................................................................. 84

7-3-1 Function introduction................................................................................................... 84

7-3-2 Interface introduction................................................................................................... 84

7-3-3 Operation procedure of protocol management ............................................................ 89

7-4 Environmental diagnosis ......................................................................................................... 90

7-5 Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 90

7-5-1 Function introduction................................................................................................... 90

7-5-2 Corner configuration .................................................................................................... 92

7-5-3 User account ................................................................................................................ 92

7-5-4 RIS configuration......................................................................................................... 94

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7-5-5 PACS configuration ..................................................................................................... 95

7-5-6 Printer setting ............................................................................................................... 96

7-5-7 Raw data configuration ................................................................................................ 96

7-6 Voice Management .................................................................................................................. 97

7-6-1 Function introduction................................................................................................... 97

7-6-2 Interface introduction................................................................................................... 97

7-5-3 View automatic message .............................................................................................. 98

7-5-4 Creat a new automatic message ................................................................................... 99

7-5-5 Delet an automatic message ......................................................................................... 99

7-5-6 Importing an automatic message ............................................................................... 100

Chapter VIII Exam .............................................................................................................................. 102

8-1 Overview ............................................................................................................................... 102

8-2 Patient registration ................................................................................................................ 103

8-2-1 Function introduction................................................................................................. 103

8-2-2 Interface introduction................................................................................................. 103

8-2-3 Patient registration ..................................................................................................... 105

8-2-4 Operation procedure of the Patient Schedule List ..................................................... 105

8-3 Patient Positioning ................................................................................................................ 107

8-4 Scanning Protocol Selection ................................................................................................. 108

8-4-1 Interface introduction................................................................................................. 108

8-4-2 Operation procedure .................................................................................................. 108

8-5 Scanning Protocol Setting ..................................................................................................... 109

8-5-1 Interface introduction................................................................................................. 109

8-5-2 Operation procedure .................................................................................................. 114

8-6 Scout Execution .................................................................................................................... 116

8-6-1 Scanning procedure of scout ...................................................................................... 116

8-6-2 Scanning parameters of scout .................................................................................... 117

8-6-3 Double scout .............................................................................................................. 119

8-7 Scanning Protocol Execution ................................................................................................ 120

8-7-1 Start the scan .............................................................................................................. 120

8-7-2 Axial scanning ........................................................................................................... 122

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8-7-3 Helical scanning......................................................................................................... 126

8-7-4 Contrast scan.............................................................................................................. 131

8-7-5 Perfusion scan ............................................................................................................ 132

8-7-6 Interventional scan ..................................................................................................... 133

8-8 Scan Stop and End ................................................................................................................ 134

8-8-1 Stop the scan .............................................................................................................. 134

8-8-2 End the scan ............................................................................................................... 134

8-9 Image Reconstruction ........................................................................................................... 135

8-9-1 Reconstruction task .................................................................................................... 135

8-9-2 Reconstruction parameter .......................................................................................... 135

8-10 32 slices software package (optional features) .................................................................... 137

8-11 Cautions............................................................................................................................... 137

8-12 Error message for doctors during scanning ......................................................................... 138

Chapter IX Patient Browser ................................................................................................................ 156

9-1 Overview ............................................................................................................................... 156

9-1-1 Function introduction................................................................................................. 156

9-1-2 Interface introduction................................................................................................. 156

9-2 Editing Patient Information ................................................................................................... 161

9-3 Deletion ................................................................................................................................. 162

9-3-1 Automatic deletion of raw data .................................................................................. 162

9-3-2 Ways of raw data deletion .......................................................................................... 162

9-4 Data Import ........................................................................................................................... 163

9-5 Data Export ........................................................................................................................... 163

9-5-1 Export cautions .......................................................................................................... 163

9-5-2 Export ways ............................................................................................................... 164

9-6 Image Data ............................................................................................................................ 165

9-6-1 Study .......................................................................................................................... 165

9-6-2 Image data series........................................................................................................ 165

9-6-3 Image ......................................................................................................................... 165

9-6-4 Selecting data ............................................................................................................. 166

9-7 Status Information ................................................................................................................. 166

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Chapter X secondary reconstruction ................................................................................................... 168

10-1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 168

10-1-1 Function introduction............................................................................................... 168

10-1-2 Interface introduction ............................................................................................... 168

10-2 Data Import ......................................................................................................................... 169

10-3 Secondary Reconstruction Parameters ................................................................................ 169

10-4 Operation Procedures .......................................................................................................... 172

10-4-1 Adding reconstruction tasks ..................................................................................... 173

10-4-2 Editing reconstruction parameters ........................................................................... 173

10-4-3 Deleting reconstruction tasks ................................................................................... 173

10-4-4 Executing reconstruction tasks ................................................................................ 173

Chapter XI Image Review ................................................................................................................... 176

11-1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 176

11-1-1 Function introduction ............................................................................................... 176

11-1-2 Interface introduction ............................................................................................... 176

11-2 Image Import ....................................................................................................................... 177

11-3 Image Export ....................................................................................................................... 177

11-4 Image Display Window ....................................................................................................... 177

11-5 Patient Information Display Window .................................................................................. 177

11-6 Toolbar Window .................................................................................................................. 178

11-6-1 Common................................................................................................................... 178

11-6-2 Interface ................................................................................................................... 180

11-6-3 Image operation ....................................................................................................... 181

11-6-4 Tool .......................................................................................................................... 183

11-6-5 Interface ................................................................................................................... 185

11-6-8 Other functions ........................................................................................................ 185

11-7 Diagnostic Report (Optional) .............................................................................................. 186

11-7-1 Function introduction ............................................................................................... 186

11-7-2 Interface introduction ............................................................................................... 186

11-7-3 Report list ................................................................................................................. 189

11-7-4 Diagnostic Report Input interface ............................................................................ 189

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11-7-5 Diagnostic report...................................................................................................... 192

Chapter XII 3D View .......................................................................................................................... 194

12-1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 194

12-1-1 Function introduction............................................................................................... 194

12-1-2 Interface introduction ............................................................................................... 194

12-1-3 Import ...................................................................................................................... 195

12-2 Toolbar Window .................................................................................................................. 195

12-3 VR ....................................................................................................................................... 198

12-3-1 Tools of VR image window ..................................................................................... 198

12-3-2 Function bar window ............................................................................................... 198

12-3-3 Three-D template ..................................................................................................... 199

12-3-4 Surface shaded display............................................................................................. 200

12-3-5 Maximum intensity projection (MIP) ...................................................................... 200

12-3-6 Image operation ....................................................................................................... 201

12-4 MPR .................................................................................................................................... 201

12-4-1 Function bar window ............................................................................................... 201

12-4-2 MPR Recon .............................................................................................................. 202

12-4-3 Image operation ....................................................................................................... 203

12-5 CPR ..................................................................................................................................... 204

12-5-1 Function bar window ............................................................................................... 204

12-5-2 CPR Curve ............................................................................................................... 204

12-5-3 Image operation ....................................................................................................... 205

12-6 Mouse function ................................................................................................................... 206

Chapter XIII Film ................................................................................................................................ 208

13-1 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 208

13-1-1 Function introduction............................................................................................... 208

13-1-2 Interface introduction ............................................................................................... 208

13-2 Image Import ....................................................................................................................... 209

13-3 Film Display Window ......................................................................................................... 209

13-3-1 Layout ................................................................................................................... 209

13-3-2 Printing rules ............................................................................................................ 209

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13-3-3 Film title................................................................................................................... 210

13-4 Patient Information Display Window.................................................................................. 210

13-5 Toolbar Window .................................................................................................................. 210

13-5-1 Layout ...................................................................................................................... 210

13-5-2 Common .................................................................................................................. 211

13-5-3 Show/Hide ............................................................................................................... 213

13-5-4 Measure & ROI........................................................................................................ 214

13-5-5 Print ......................................................................................................................... 215

13-5-6 Function Button ....................................................................................................... 216

13-5-7 Page turning ............................................................................................................. 216

13-6 Other Functions ................................................................................................................... 216

13-6-1 Mouse function ........................................................................................................ 216

13-6-2 Multiple selection .................................................................................................... 218

Chapter XIV Technical Information for Users .................................................................................... 220

14-1 Environment (Air Temperature) Control Requirement ....................................................... 220

14-1-1 Overview.................................................................................................................. 220

14-1-2 Heat load .................................................................................................................. 221

14-2 Network Requirement ......................................................................................................... 221

14-2-1 Basic information..................................................................................................... 221

14-2-2 Risk management..................................................................................................... 223

14-3 System Performance Characteristics ................................................................................... 224

14-3-1 Milliampere (mA) and milliampere second (mAs).................................................. 224

14-3-2 Kilovolt (kV) and kilovolt peak (kVp) .................................................................... 224

14-3-3 Half value layer (HVL) ............................................................................................ 225

14-3-4 Accuracy of tube voltage (KV) ................................................................................ 225

14-3-5 Tube current (mA) accuracy .................................................................................... 225

14-3-6 Nominal tube voltage and current ............................................................................ 226

14-3-7 System filtration....................................................................................................... 226

14-4 Image Quality...................................................................................................................... 226

14-4-1 Image noise .............................................................................................................. 227

14-4-2 Accuracy of CT number ........................................................................................... 228

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14-4-3 High contrast resolution (HCR), also known as spatial resolution (SR) ................. 230

14-4-4 Modulation transfer function (MTF) ....................................................................... 231

14-4-5 Low contrast resolution (LCR) ................................................................................ 233

14-4-6 Uniformity of CT number in image layer ................................................................ 234

14-4-7 Artifact ..................................................................................................................... 236

14-5 Nominal Slice Thickness..................................................................................................... 237

14-6 Dose information................................................................................................................. 238

14-6-1 CTDI calculate formula ........................................................................................... 238

14-6-2 CTDI100 .................................................................................................................... 240

14-6-3 CTDI free air ................................................................................................................ 242

14-6-4 Dose Distribution Curve and Sensitivity Distribution Curve of Phantom ............... 243

14-6-5 Z-axis geometric efficiency ..................................................................................... 246

14-6-6 X-ray output repeatability ........................................................................................ 249

14-6-7 Linearity of X-ray output ......................................................................................... 250

14-6-8 Scattering measurement ........................................................................................... 251

14-6-9 Residual radiation protection ................................................................................... 253

14-7 Characteristics of X-ray Tube and Sleeve ........................................................................... 254

14-7-1 Part number and product model of X-ray tube ........................................................ 254

14-7-2 Characteristics.......................................................................................................... 254

14-7-3 Heating and cooling curves...................................................................................... 256

Chapter XV System Accessories ......................................................................................................... 258

Chapter XVI Maintenance and Service of the Whole System ............................................................ 260

16-1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 260

16-2 System cleaning and service ............................................................................................... 260

16-2-1 System cleaning and disinfection ............................................................................ 260

16-2-2 System service ......................................................................................................... 262

16-3 Quality Control ................................................................................................................... 263

16-3-1 Air filter replacement ............................................................................................... 264

16-3-2 Air filter cleaning ..................................................................................................... 264

16-4 Preventive Maintenance Plan .............................................................................................. 265

Chapter XVII Environmental Protection Information ......................................................................... 268

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00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Chapter I Knowledge Required for System
Please read and understand all warnings, safety precautions and operation guides in this manual before

operating the equipment. This manual shall be kept with the equipment and reviewed regularly. This

chapter generally describes how to use this manual.

1-1 Scope of Application

This manual only describes how to use X-ray computed tomography, rather than providing any medical

or radiological training.

Only trained, authorized and qualified personnel can use the

information and operation procedures provided by this manual.
(Refer to Section 1-5)
Note 1-1

Our company shall not be liable for any loss or damage which
may result from the use of the contents of this manual, including
loss of profits, debts, equipment damage, personal injury, death,
or any accident.
We have not authorized or acted as the procurator for the
content of this manual and its application, and clearly deny any
authorization and procuration for them in any implied form.
Note 1-2

1-2 Using This Manual

The beginning section of this manual has a linked directory (see page 3) that helps operators navigate

specific chapters. This manual also provides the function of clicking the mouse link to jump to the

corresponding page so that users can more easily browse the chapter information. Notes, terms and

international terms used in this manual are described in sections 1-3.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
1-3 Warning Information
Table 1-1 below lists the signs used in this manual, i.e., danger, warning, caution, notice and note. The

operator shall read carefully and be familiar with each definition.

Table 1-1 Sign type

Sign type Description

This sign is used for indicating the high-level danger which will lead to
death or serious injury if not avoided.

This sign is used for indicating the medium-level danger which may lead to
death or serious injury if not avoided.

This sign is used for indicating the low-level danger which may lead mild
or medium injury if not avoided.

This sign is used for highlighting the product information.

This sign is used for supplementing or informing.

1-4 Definition of Terms

Table 1-2 defines the terminologies used by this system and this manual. Table 1-3 describes the usage

and meaning of various formats that can be seen in this manual. Section 1-4-1 is related to acronyms

used in this manual. Section 1-4-2 is related to international articles of X-ray computed tomography


Table 1-2 General terms of the system

Term Description
System This system has four major hardware components, i.e., the gantry, the
patient table, the operator’s console, and the power distribution unit (PDU).
Each of them has a separate basic function and can be physically separated
from each other.
Gantry The gantry includes the X-ray emitter, the detector, the motor control
system and the integrated electronic device.
Patient table During the scanning, the patient table can move the patient in and out of
the gantry under the computer control.
Operator’s console The operator’s console is the interface with which the operator operates the
system and receives the raw data and images. The operator’s console
includes the operation console rack and relevant control system.
Power The PDU is used to restrict and isolate the power source, protect the
distribution medical imaging device from the disturbance of spike noise, harmonic
unit (PDU) noise and background noise, and ensure the clear and accurate scanning of
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 1-2 General terms of the system

Term Description
Button An area on the display which will trigger an action after it is selected or
Click Press and release the (a specific button in general) mouse button once
Cursor A pointer on the display which can move with the mouse of the operator
or the Tab and arrow key of the keyboard. The pointer can be in the shape
of an arrow (when you select an item), a vertical bar (when it is positioned
to a place for typing) and a cross (when it is positioned in an observation).
Display The area can be used for observation on the display.
Drag Press a specific mouse button to drag the cursor, icon or information to a
suitable place.
Drop-down menu A menu will appear when the operator selects an item.
Enter Input specific or necessary information and press the Enter key.
Enter key The Enter key on the keyboard
Highlight When the operator selects a button, an icon or a menu item, or moves the
cursor over it, its color and appearance change.
Hold (or hold Hold and not release until an instruction is received.
Icon A small picture on the display which indicates a function or
Icon button A small area with an icon on the display which will trigger an action
when it is selected or clicked.
Left-click Press and release the left mouse button once.
Left-double-click Press and release the left mouse button twice quickly without any pause.
Menu A list of commands or selections which will trigger an action when one of
them is selected or clicked.
Mid-click Press and release the middle mouse button (in the doctor’s
workstation only) once
Mid-double-click Press and release the middle mouse button (in the doctor
workstation only) twice quickly without any pause.
Press Press and release.
Right-click Press and release the right mouse button once.
Right-double-click Press and release the right mouse button twice quickly without any pause.
Screen The area on the display with which you watch or collect various information,
menus and windows.
Select Use the mouse, and the Tab key or the arrow key on the keyboard to select
an item, icon button or area on the display.
Tab An area in the window which indicates a specific page. The control or
information in this page can be used in this window. Select and click the
TAB to open the page.
Tab key The Tab key on the keyboard.
Toolbar A set of various buttons.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 1-2 General terms of the system

Term Description
Type Input specific or necessary information.
Window A blocked region on the display, which has specific use.

Table 1-3 Font format used during operation

Font format Description

Regular Standard text
Bold Texts need special attention or to emphasize the name of the menu, button
and window
Italics Some titles and selections; pressing the Enter key and clicking are required.
Underline A space to which the user can input

1-4-1 Acronyms used in this manual

In this manual, acronyms (the first letters of a term made of several words) will be clearly defined when

they are used for the first time, and will be simply used thereinafter. The operator will run into the

following acronyms in this manual:

• CT: X-ray computed tomography system

• DICOMDIR: A DICOM directory file (DICOMDIR), which is a DICOM file that serves as

directory to all relevant DICOM files which may be a part of a special study or paper

• DICOM: Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine

• E-STOP: Emergency Stop

• GBPS: One billion bits per second

• GUI: Graphical User Interface

• HIS/RIS: Hospital Information System / Radiology Information System

• LED: Light-emitting diodes

• MIP: Maximum Intensity Projection

• PACS: Picture Archiving and Communication System

• PDU: Power Distribution Unit

• ROI: Region of interest

• VAC: Volts of alternating current

1-4-2 International agreement of X-ray computed tomography

All standard international agreements on X-ray computed tomography are applicable.
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

1-5 Definition of Authorized User
Any person, who operates, installs, services and maintains the system, must receive the training on

radiological safety and the special (occupational) training on the system. Occupational training will be

described in Section 1-5-1 and Section 1-5-3.

This system contains movable components, dangerous voltage

parts and radiation hazards which may result in serious
casualties by extrusion, electric shock or radiation exposure. To
avoid possible casualties, the person, who does not receive any
suitable training or is not approved by our company to maintain
this equipment, shall not try to install, open or maintain this
equipment. All safety procedures and safety precautions
described in Chapter 3 shall be complied with.
Warning 1-1

1-5-1 Service and maintenance professionals

Service and maintenance Professionals refer to the personnel who have been trained and authorized by

our company and passed the qualification. They execute the following operations according to the

established safety criteria:

• Execute the procedure with the safety lock and the safety label.

• Diagnose errors and faults of electronic, electrical and mechanical parts.

• Maintain and replace spare and accessory parts.

• Maintain the performance index of the equipment through the calibration procedure.

• Diagnose, maintain, install and upgrade the software.

1-5-2 Installation professionals (installers)

Installation professionals refer to the personnel who have been trained and authorized by our company

and passed the qualification. They execute the following operations according to the established safety


• Move, install, fix and assemble the equipment of our company to a designated site.

• Install and assemble electronic equipment and electronic circuits, parts, control cabinets and

controllers to a designated site.

• Label the circuit and the equipment component.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
1-5-3 System operators
Operators refer to medical professionals who have received the following training:

 Radiology

 Radiation safety and protection

 Influence of radiation on the human body

 The person who can correctly execute and explain the radiological imaging

 Additional training is required to execute specific operation and monitor the system.

The owner of the system shall be responsible for the authorized operator. The owner of this system must

register all authorized operators and users.

1-5-4 Users
Users are the personnel who have received the radiation safety training and been authorized by the owner

of the system to use the system and perform safety management.

The owner of the system will be responsible for the authorized user. The owner of this system must

register all authorized operators and users.

Improper operation upon scanning may lead to excessive X-ray

dose, resulting in the patient’s unnecessary exposure to X-ray.
Therefore, the operator shall strictly follow the rules and
comply with parameter setting of the scanning protocol to avoid
the above condition.
Warning 1-2

The operator shall strictly follow the procedure and prevent

unintentional operation to avoid any unpredictable
consequences, including the safety of the patients or the
machine. The operator must pay attention to his own safety
when operating the patient table.
Caution 1-1

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Chapter II General Principles
This chapter summarizes the system.

2-1 Intended Use

2-1-1 Indication for use
Indication for use: This product is used for routine clinical CT examination (except heart and coronary


2-1-2 Applicable populations and contraindications

1. The heart and coronary arteries are excluded.

2. It applies to the population in need of CT examination. Women, who are preparing for pregnancy, in

pregnant and in their lactation period, shall follow the doctor’s advice for CT scanning.

The system itself does not have any contraindications. Contraindications of the contrast agent, however,

shall be considered when you perform the enhancement for the patient, such as, the patient who is

allergic to the iodic contrast agent, has severe impairment of hepatic and renal function or has severe

thyroid diseases (hyperthyroidism).

2-1-3 Cautions
Any CT scanning may lead to the adverse reaction of some implanted or external electronic medical


The adverse reaction of some implanted or external electronic medical devices includes but not limited


• Accident stimulus (impact) of the nerve stimulator

• Pump fault

• Pacemaker fault

• Transient change of the output impulse frequency of the pacemaker

• Generation of stray signals, including cardiac defibrillation pulses

• Signal misreading caused by taking X-ray for actual biological signal

• Missing examination of actual biological signals

• Resetting or reprogramming of equipment setting

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
2-2 Applicable Regulation Information and Standards
The system complies with standards and regulations described in Section 2-3-2 (slight differences are

made for the target countries).

Table 2-1 Applicable standards and regulations of the system

Regulatory authority Requirements

and standard

The System shall be designed in conformance with the applicable

NMPA National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) regulations for the
design, sales and service of the system.
The System shall be designed in conformance with our company
Quality Management System that meets the requirements of 21 CFR
FDA 820, the Quality System Regulation.
When and where FDA performance regulations apply, the system shall
comply. These are in 21 CFR sections 1000-1005, 1010, and 1020.
The shall be designed in conformance with:
IEC 60601-1;
IEC IEC 60601-1-2 Group 1 Class A Device for Radiated Emission;
IEC 60601-1-3;
IEC 60601-2-44;
The System shall be designed in conformance with:
ISO 14971 – Medical devices -- Application of risk management to
ISO medical devices
ISO 13485 – Application of quality management system for the design
and manufacture of medical devices.
The system shall comply with the applicable requirements of the MDD
with the objective of applying the CE mark to the system.

The System shall be designed to be compliant with the RoHS directive.


The company shall comply with the requirements of the REACH

REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals)
regulation where applicable.
The System shall be designed to remain in place during seismic

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

2-2-1 System classification
In accordance with 21 CFR 892.1750, the System is a Class II Medical Device.

In the European Union, the System is a Class IIb Medical Device.

In China, the System is a Class III Medical Device.

2-2-2 Product Safety

1. Type of protection against electric shock: Class I equipment;

2. Degree of protection against electric shock: Patient table (Type B);

3. Protection against harmful ingress of water or particulate matter: Ordinary equipment IPX0 (foot

switch IPX1);

4. The system is not suitable for use in the presence of a flammable anesthetic mixture with air or with

oxygen or nitrous oxide;

5. Possible interference with other equipment: IEC 60601-1-2 Group 1 Class A Device for Radiated


6. Mode of operation: Continuous mode;

7. Rated voltage and frequency of equipment: Three phase 380V/400V/440V/480V, 50/60Hz;

8. Input power of equipment: 65kVA;

9. Does the equipment have the applied part that protects against the defibrillation discharge effect:


10. Does the equipment have the signal input or output part: Yes;

11. Permanently installed equipment or non-permanently installed equipment: Permanently installed


2-3 Electromagnetic Compatibility

This system generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. The equipment may cause radio

frequency interference to other medical and non-medical devices and radio communications.

To provide reasonable protection against such interference, this product complies with the radiated and

conducted emission levels as per CISPR11 Group1 Class A standard limits.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
The system is suitable for use in the professional healthcare
facility environment.
Warning 2-1

Use of this equipment adjacent to or stacked with other

equipment should be avoided because it could result in
improper operation. If such use is necessary, this equipment and
the other equipment should be observed to verify that they are
operating normally.
Warning 2-2

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

2-3-1 Table for standard accessories and cables of the product
Table 2-2 Standard accessories and cables of the product
Is the cable
Name of accessory/cable Max. cable length (m)
Main power 15m Unshielded

System PE 15.5m Unshielded

HV power 15m Unshielded

Maindriver power 15m Unshielded

Gantry power 15m Unshielded

Gantry PE 15m Unshielded

Console power 15m Shielded

Ethernet signal 15m Shielded

Intercom signal 15m Shielded

Power control 15m Shielded

Console PE 15.5m Shielded

Fiber 15m Unshielded

Keyboard USB 2.8m Shielded

Mouse USB 2.8m Shielded

POD speaker 2.8m Shielded

POD Mic 2.8m Shielded

E-Stop Control 25m Unshielded

Display1 DVI 2.8m Shielded

Display1 power 2.8m Unshielded

Display2 DVI 2.8m Shielded

Display2 power 2.8m Unshielded

Indicator signal 15m Unshielded

Door switch signal 15m Unshielded

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
2-3-2 Suggestions and warnings for use
1. Use of accessories, transducers and cables other than those specified or provided by the

manufacturer of this equipment could result in increased electromagnetic emissions or decreased

electromagnetic immunity of this equipment and result in improper operation.

2. Portable RF communications equipment (including peripherals such as antenna cables and

external antennas) should be used no closer than 30 cm (12 inches) to any part of the system,

including cables specified by the manufacturer. Otherwise, degradation of the performance

of this equipment could result.

3. NOTE The EMISSIONS characteristics of this equipment make it suitable for use in

industrial areas and hospitals (CISPR 11 class A). If it is used in a residential environment

(for which CISPR 11 class B is normally required), this equipment might not offer adequate

protection to radio-frequency communication services. The user might need to take

mitigation measures, such as relocating or re-orienting the equipment.

4. This equipment may also be interfered by other equipment even if the latter meet the emission

requirements of CISPR.

5. The existence of electrical fast transient may produce image artifacts which cannot be used

for diagnosis.

6. This equipment shall be installed in a place far away from other electronic equipment.

7. Use of devices that can emit radio waves adjacent to this equipment, such as, mobile phones,

transceivers and mobile radio-controlled toys, may result in unstable function of this

equipment. The power of these devices shall be cut around this equipment.

8. Do not touch the connector pin labelled with the static warning. The connector cannot be

connected unless the anti-static precaution is taken.

9. The Service Engineers must take the anti-static precaution for equipment maintenance, e.g.,

wearing the anti-static clothing or the anti-static bracelet.

10. The installation site shall keep away from the vibration source, such as parking lot, highway,

subway, railway, train, water pump and large motor, to protect the system against any


11. Adjacent high-voltage power lines, transformers and large generators and motors shall be


00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

12. No change is allowed for this product. Any change to the product by the user will lead to

EMC performance reduction. Changes to this product include changes to the cable (length,

material and wiring, etc.), the installation layout, the system configuration or parts, and the

method to fix the system or parts, etc.

13. All bolts shall be tightened upon maintenance. Bolt looseness will result in EMC performance


14. All necessary instructions for maintaining BASIC SAFETY and ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE


 recommendations for maintenance or service intervals;

 service procedures to maintain effectiveness of shields and grounds;

 precautions to take if the use location is near (e.g. less than 1,5 km from) AM, FM or

TV broadcast antennas.

2-3-3 Compatibility tables

Table 2-3 Electromagnetic emissions

Guidance and manufacture’s declaration – electromagnetic emissions

The system is suitable for use in the specified electromagnetic environment (s) and it meets
emission requirements of the following standard.
Phenomenon Professional healthcare facility environment

Conducted and radiated RF emissions CISPR 11, Group 1, Class A

Harmonic distortion Not applicable

Voltage fluctuations and flicker Not applicable

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 2-4 Electromagnetic immunity

Guidance and manufacture's declaration – electromagnetic immunity

The system is suitable for use in the specified electromagnetic environment (s) and it meets
the following immunity test levels. Higher immunity levels may lead to the essential
performance lost or degradation of the system.
Basic EMC standard or Professional healthcare facility
test method environment
+/- 8 kV contact
Electrostatic discharge IEC 61000-4-2 +/- 2 kV, +/- 4 kV, +/- 8 kV, +/- 15 kV
Radiated RF EM fields IEC 61000-4-3 80MHz-2.7GHz
80%AM at 1kHz
Proximity fields from
RF See the RF wireless communication
wireless IEC 61000-4-3 equipment table in “Recommended
communications minimum separation distances”.
Rated power frequency
IEC 61000-4-8 30A/m; 50 Hz or 60Hz
magnetic fields
Input a.c. power PORT: ± 2 kV, 100
Electric fast transient kHz repetition frequency;
IEC 61000-4-4
bursts Signal input/output parts PORT: ± 1
kV, 100 kHz repetition frequency
Line to line: ±0.5kV, ±1kV
Surges IEC 61000-4-5
Line to earth: ±0.5kV, ±1kV, ±2kV
Conducted 3 V, 0.15 MHz – 80 MHz, 6 V in ISM
disturbances induced IEC 61000-4-6 bands between 0.15 MHz – 80 MHz,
by RF fields 80 % AM at 1 kHz
< 5 % UT
Voltage interruptions IEC 61000-4-11 (>95 % dip in UT) for
5 seconds

NOTE: UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 2-5 Recommended minimum separation distances
Recommended minimum separation distances
Nowadays, a lot of RF wireless equipment has being used in various healthcare locations where
medical equipment and/or systems are used. When they are used in close proximity to medical
equipment and/or systems, the medical equipment and/or systems’ basic safety and essential
performance may be affected. This system has been tested with the immunity test level in the table
below and meets relevant requirements of IEC 60601-1-2:2014. The customer and/or user should
help keep a minimum distance between RF wireless communications equipment and the system as
recommended below.
Test Maximum Immunity
Band Distance
frequency Service Modulation power test level
(MHz) (m)
(MHz) (W) (V/m)
385 380-390 TETRA 400 modulation 1.8 0.3 27
GMRS 460 ±5 kHz
450 430-470 2 0.3 28
FRS 460 deviation
1 kHz sine
710 Pulse
LTE Band 13,
745 704-787 modulation 0.2 0.3 9
780 217Hz
810 GSM 800/900,
870 TETRA 800, Pulse
800-960 iDEN 820, modulation 2 0.3 28
930 CDMA 850, 18Hz
LTE Band 5
1720 GSM 1800;
1845 CDMA 1900;
1700- GSM 1900;
modulation 2 0.3 28
1990 DECT;
1970 217Hz
LTE Band 1, 3,
4, 25; UMTS
WLAN, Pulse
2450 802.11 b/g/n, modulation 2 0.3 28
RFID 2450, 217Hz
LTE Band 7
5240 Pulse
5100- WLAN 802.11
5500 modulation 0.2 0.3 9
5800 a/n
5785 217Hz


SYSTEMS, so that the equipment has not been tested for radiated RF immunity over the entire frequency
range 80MHz-6000MHz.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
This equipment has been tested for radiated RF immunity only
at selected frequencies, and use nearby of emitter at other
frequencies could result in improper operation”.
Warning 2-3

See Table 2-5 for frequencies and modulations used to test the immunity of this system.

2-4 System Change

Our company is not responsible for the system disturbance caused by using the nonconforming cable or

unauthorized modification, replacement or transformation. The user may lose his/her rights to operate

the equipment due to unauthorized alteration, replacement or modification.

2-5 Contact Information

2-5-1 Manufacturer Information
MinFound Medical Systems Co., Ltd.
Floor 1-2, Building 5, No.129 Yifeng Road, Hangzhou Economic and Technological
Development Zone, Hangzhou City, 310018 Zhejiang, P. R. China

2-5-2 Customer service

• Customer Service Hotline: 400 035 8898
• Phone: +86-0575-85855888
• Fax: +86-0575-85855888
• Mailbox:
• Website:

2-5-3 Contact information of the EC representative

MedNet EC – REP GmbH
Borkstrasse 10, 48163 Muenster, Germany

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

2-6 Installation Information

This equipment is very heavy. The movable parts, dangerous

voltage parts and the radiation hazard contained in the system
may lead to serious personal injury or death by extrusion,
electric shock or radiation exposure, etc. DO NOT try to install,
open or maintain this equipment to avoid personal injury or
death. This equipment must be installed or maintained by
employees trained and authorized by our company. (Please
check Section 1-5-1 and Section 1-5-2)
Warning 2-4

Refer to the following documents for the installation information of the system:
 Installation Preparation Instruction for the System

 Installation Guidance for the System

2-7 Movement Information

The system is not a portable system and cannot be moved after installation.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Chapter III General Safety Information
This chapter describes general safety information used for protecting the user and the patient.

3-1 Conventional Warnings and Safety Cautions

People within the region will be injured by the X-ray, if the

established safe operation procedures on radiation are not
followed strictly. Enough prevention measures must be taken to
avoid unnecessary radiation, radiation leakage and radiation
Only the personnel authorized by our company can install,
operate or maintain this equipment (refer to Section 1-5). The
personnel, who are authorized to operate, participate in the
operation of or guide the operation of this equipment, must be
familiar with and comply with the existing safe operation
procedures on radiation. The personnel, who operate,
participate in the operation of or guide the operation of this
equipment (except the patient), must stay in the shielded region
during the X-ray scanning, or have used correct personal
protective equipment (such as lead screen or lead glass shield).
This equipment can be operated only after all covers are closed
without any damage.
In addition to the national standard compliance inspection
performed by the manufacturer after installation, a complete
investigation shall be performed after each change of the
equipment, the total working load or the operating condition,
because these changes may significantly increase the possibility
that the human body receives the radiation far more than the
maximum permissible dose.
Warning 3-1

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
If this system is not installed or operated as a complete system,
serious casualties or equipment damage will be caused.
All the equipment (listed above) shall be installed correctly to
avoid casualties or equipment damage. The equipment shall
not be transformed or replaced by other equipment.
Warning 3-2

Since this equipment contains movable parts and dangerous

voltage components and can produce radiation hazards, it may
result in serious personal injury or death through extrusion,
electric shock or radiation exposure, etc. DO NOT try to install,
open or maintain this equipment to avoid personal injury or
This equipment must be installed or maintained by the person
trained and authorized by our company. (Please refer to Section
1-5-1 and Section 1-5-2).
Do not transform this equipment or replace the ancillary
equipment with any other equipment without the authorization
of our company.
If this equipment is transformed, suitable inspection and tests
must be arranged by our company to ensure the safety of it.
Do not operate this equipment, if its housing is not properly
closed or is damaged.
Be sure to comply with all safe operation procedures and safety
precautions described in this manual.
Warning 3-3

Unexpected results or wrong data will be generated, if the software

used by this system is not provided by our company. Do not run any
software which is not supplied by our company.
Warning 3-4

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

The performance and the safety of the X-ray tube will be
reduced if it is not correctly maintained or replaced. To avoid
the performance and safety degradation of the X-ray tube:
• Replace the X-ray tube with the preventative maintenance
plan (refer to Chapter XVI)
• Only the maintenance personnel trained and authorized by
our company are permitted to maintain this equipment (refer to
Section 1-5-1).
• Only the X-ray tube accepted by our company can be used to
Caution 3-1

The use of unsuitable accessories (such as, head support or

positioning device) will influence the radiation dose and the
image quality. Do not use accessories not accepted by our
company in order to ensure normal radiation dose and good
image quality. (Refer to Chapter XV)
Caution 3-2

If the system is not correctly installed, its safety and

performance will be reduced. Please install as per the following
instructions to ensure its safety and performance:
• The installation address of the system shall be selected in
accordance with the Installation Preparation Instruction.
• Only the installation personnel trained and authorized by
our company are permitted to install the equipment (refer to
Section 1-5-2).
• Refer to Section 2-5 for more installation information.
Caution 3-3

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
The illustrations of all equipment and user interface in this
manual are just examples.
Due to the options installed, the configuration of the system,
and continuous development, there may be some differences in
the details of the system.

The duplication of images may result in loss of details.

Therefore, the photos in this manual do not represent true
image quality.
All patient names in images or illustrations are completely
fictitious. Any similarity is purely coincidental.
Note 3-1

3-2 Safety Precautions

Since this equipment contains movable parts and dangerous

voltage components and can produce radiation hazards, it may
result in serious personal injury or death through extrusion,
electric shock or radiation exposure, etc. Please comply with the
following instructions to avoid any injury or death caused to the
operator, the patient or accompanying people:
Using this equipment by unauthorized
personnel is not allowed.
DO NOT run, calibrate or test this equipment when an
unauthorized person is in the scanning room.
Leaving the patient unattended is strictly
Be sure to comply with all safety procedures and safety
precautions described in this manual.
Warning 3-5

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

If the air inlet is blocked, the system will be too hot or too cold
which will have unpredictable impact on the system
performance. A minimum clearance of 152mm (6 inch) shall be
maintained around the air inlet filter of the air conditioner, to
prevent overheating. (Refer to Section 16-3-4)
Caution 3-4

Information and procedures described in this manual only can

be used by the personnel who have been trained and authorized
to operate this equipment and passed the verification. (Refer to
Section 1-5)
Notice 3-1

Our company does not take any responsibility for any possible
damage that may be caused by using the content of this manual,
including profit shrinkage, debt, equipment damage, person
injury, death or accident.
We have not authorized or acted as the procurator for the
content of this manual and its application, and clearly deny any
authorization and procuration for them in any other implied
Note 3-2

Be sure to observe the following safety precautions when you operate the system:

1. This manual shall be placed on the operator’s console, used as a reference book and reviewed


2. Before operating this equipment, the operator shall be familiar with and comply with all safety

precautions, warnings and operation instructions mentioned in this manual.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
3. Before operating this equipment, the operator must be familiar with the equipment, its functions and

control of the equipment as well as its restrictions and specifications. (Refer to Chapter IV and

Chapter V for more information)

4. Only the personnel authorized by our company are permitted to install, maintain or operate this

equipment (refer to Section 1-5). Using this equipment by unauthorized personnel is strictly


5. Watch out for abnormal operation or fault of this equipment. Handle properly as per this manual. If

necessary, close the equipment and contact the Service Department of our company immediately.

6. Before start the equipment, instruct the patient and the visitor to follow the directions to avoid

possible injury

7. Please ensure that the operator, the patient and everyone in the region clearly know the position and

the meaning of the indicator and the indicator light which indicate X-ray ON.

8. Leaving the patient unattended is strictly prohibited.

9. The operator shall not install, maintain or operate the system if he/she is not well trained for it, is

not fully aware of potential safety dangers, or does not fully understand all control keys and safety


10. The operator shall not try to open or maintain this equipment, if he/she has not been trained and

authorized by our company to maintain it.

11. Except that the manufacturer confirms the equipment’s compliance to all applicable national
standards after installation, a complete debugging shall also be performed after each change of the
equipment, the working load or the operating condition, because these changes may significantly
increase the possibility that the human body receives the radiation far more than the maximum
permissible dose.
12. Without the written permission of our company in advance, do not modify, change, add or remove

any part of this system.

13. Before starting the equipment, please ensure that all housings are correctly installed and not

damaged. Do not operate this equipment, if its housing is not properly closed or is damaged.

14. Select the correct protocol according to the scanning type (refer to the radiological and medical

knowledge from the operator’s training and the description in this manual) and analyze the scanning


15. Smoking and eating are forbidden in the room containing the equipment.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

16. Do not disassemble the UPS and the built-in rechargeable battery to avoid the electric shock.

Excessive consumption of electricity in the UPS will reduce its service life, therefore, don’t do

like that.

3-3 Safety Signs, Symbols and Identifiers

The following paragraphs below describe safety signs and symbols used in the system.

3-3-1 Safety signs and symbols

Image signs and symbols (Table 3-1) will appear at different places of the system. In this manual, safety

signs or symbols often combine with detailed description on the specific danger type or how to protect

the operator and avoid the danger (or both sometimes). However, there are only signs or symbols in

some cases (e.g., due to the space limitation). If there is no detailed description, refer to Table 3-1 and

attached documents for instruction.

3-3-2 Safety and information identifiers

Safety signs and symbols (Table 3-1) will appear at different places of the system and this manual, to

warn the operator of various specific dangers or provide useful information. Safety identifiers of the

system (Table 3-2) warn the operator of various dangers, and describe the type of danger or how to avoid

the danger (or both sometimes). The system information labels (Table 3-3) provide useful information

or guide the operator to browse relevant documents.

Table 3-1 Safety signs and symbols
Symbol Description
CAUTION, Radiation hazard
Potential radiation is existed. Please
follow the safety information
obtained from the sign and relevant
Casualties or equipment damage
may be caused. Please follow the
safety information obtained from the
sign and relevant documents.
CAUTION, electric shock risk
Exposed contact or wiring in this
region will expose you to the
potential risk of electric shock.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 3-1 Safety signs and symbols
Symbol Description
Please keep your hands away from
them and DO NOT touch.
CAUTION, Laser hazard
The high-energy laser beam in this
region can lead to eye injury or
blindness. Do not look at the laser
CAUTION, Movable mechanical
Movable parts in this region can
extrude, cut and collide. Keep each
part of your body, hair, jewelry and
clothes away from this region.
CAUTION, Dangerous voltage
Exposed contact or wiring in this
region will expose you to the
potential risk of electric shock.
Please keep your hands away from
them and DO NOT touch.
CAUTION, Hot surface
The surface may get hot. Do not
touch before it has been cooled.

CAUTION, Movable fan blades

Movable fan blades in this region
may cut your finger or hand. Keep
your hand away from this region.

CAUTION, Risk of fire

There are flammable substances in
this region. Keep the spark, naked
flame and other heat sources away
from this region.
CAUTION, High temperature
High temperature region. Keep body
parts and flammable substances
away from this region.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 3-1 Safety signs and symbols
Symbol Description
CAUTION, mechanical squeeze
Movable parts in this region may
squeeze or cut your finger or hand.
Keep your body parts, fingers,
jewelry and clothes away from this
ESD sensitive devices
Appropriate ESD treatment is

Nonionizing radiation

No stopping

Do not touch

Consult attached documents

Protective grounding terminal

Functional grounding terminal

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 3-1 Safety signs and symbols
Symbol Description


Table 3-2 System safety identifiers

Tab Description Location
CAUTION, Stay clear of On the patient table
moving parts It is fixed to the top of
When the patient table moves, the patient table
the bed board will move housing near the
relatively to the housing of the gantry.
patient table. The user shall not
touch the moving region.
CAUTION, Stay free from On the patient table
hand crush It is fixed to the front
Caution, the moving patient of the patient table
table may pinch your hand. housing near the

CAUTION, Stay free from foot On the patient table

crush It is fixed to the back of
Caution, the moving patient the patient table
table may pinch your foot. housing near the foot
end of the patient table.

Limited weight: 205kg On the patient table

The safe weight of the patient It is fixed to the top of
table is limited to 205kg. The the patient table
user should not place a patient housing near the foot
or an object of the weight end of the patient table.
exceeding 205kg, otherwise,

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 3-2 System safety identifiers
Tab Description Location
unknown danger will be
CAUTION, Laser hazard On the gantry
Invisible laser radiation. Fixed to the place
Do not expose to laser. around laser
Class 2 laser product

CAUTION, Radiation hazard Operator’s console

Warning—If the operator fails (see Fig. 5-8)
to comply with safety cautions, On the pod
operation instructions and
maintenance procedures, the X-
ray device will endanger the
patient and the operator.

Table 3-3 Information labels of the system

Tab Description Location
Patient table IN Patient table (see Fig.
Used to move the patient table 5-6)
into the gantry Left pedal
(Controlled by the left pedal)

Patient table IN Patient table (see Fig.

Used to move the patient table 5-6)
into the gantry Right pedal
(Controlled by the right pedal)

Patient table OUT Patient table (see Fig.

Used to move the patient table 5-6)
out of the gantry Left pedal
(Controlled by the left pedal)

Patient table OUT Patient table (see Fig.

Used to move the patient table 5-6)
out of the gantry Right pedal
(Controlled by the right pedal)

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 3-3 Information labels of the system
Tab Description Location
Hold by hand Patient table (see Fig.
Release the machine control of 5-6)
the patient table; permit the Handle control at the
operator’s manual movement foot end of the patient
of the patient table. (Handle table
control at the foot end of the
patient table: When movement
fault occurs, this device can
prevent the patient from being
nipped and release the patient)
(Handle control at the foot end
of the patient table)
Nameplate of the X-ray Rear bottom of the
computed tomography system housing

Label of the Gantry Rear bottom of the


Label of the Detector Side face of the


00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 3-3 Information labels of the system
Tab Description Location
Label of the Collimator Side face of the

Label of the Patient table Side face of the Patient

table which is near the

Label of the Power Distribution Top left of the Power

Unit Distribution Unit

Label of the Console Rack Top left of the Console


Label of the Pod The bottom of the pod

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 3-4 Manufacturer’s Identification Label Icon Descriptions
Label Description
Date of manufacture

Serial number


Authorized representative in the

European community

Temperature limitation

CE marking of conformity

Do not discard in landfill

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

3-4 Patient Safety

Certain types of scanning procedure involve in multiple scans

for the same CT plane (or the same position), which may
increase the exposure dose. To reduce the potential influence of
dose, please follow the instructions below:
• When you select the scanning procedure involving in multiple
scans for the same CT plane, please observe the warning
appeared on the display of the operator’s console.
• Use and record the displayed dose information (CT dose index
[CTDIvol] and dose-length product [DLP])
• Select the correct procedure according to the scanning type
(refer to the radiological and medical knowledge from the
operator’s training and the description in this manual) and
analyze the scanning process.
• Maximally reduce the patient’s exposure dose under the
premise that the image quality required by diagnosis is
Warning 3-6

X-ray generated in the examination process may interfere with

some implanted or external electronic medical devices,
including but not limited to:
• Cardiac pacemaker
• Implanted defibrillator
• Nerve stimulator
• Insulin injection pump, including
insulin pump
• Cochlea implant
• Retina implant
To avoid patient injury or death, please observe cautions
mentioned in this manual.
Warning 3-7

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Long-term X-ray radiation to a point will result in red skin or
radiation burn. To ensure operation safety, the user must clearly
know the used technique and the radiation time.
Caution 3-5

Normal operation of this equipment involves in the movement

of many electric parts and mechanical parts. Warning signs are
fixed to the corresponding part to prevent the collision of
movable parts and fixed parts and unpredictable risks.
Warning 3-8

This equipment involves in coordinated operation of many parts.

Unintentional operation may lead to unpredictable consequence
which may endanger the patient. Therefore, this equipment has a
safety interlock function. An inter-related parameter will be set for
the tilt of gantry, the height of patient table, and the length of bed
board into the gantry. When the machine scans, if the scanning
parameter falls into the preset interlock value, the bed movement
and the gantry tilting will be stopped; When the machine is standby
and the moving parts are operated manually, the operation interface
will pop up a prompt and the corresponding button will turn red if
any condition is going to reach the preset interlock value. If the
operator operates continuously, the corresponding control button
will be disabled when the preset value is reached and the indicator
light will be OFF
To prevent any accidental bug of the abovementioned interlock
function or its failure caused by the operator’s maloperation, we add
a touch sensor region on the gantry housing. When the patient’s body
or any other part touches the touch sensor, all moving parts of the
machine will be stopped, providing a double protection.
Meanwhile, when the operator finds that the patient is going to
collide or has collided with the gantry, the operator can stop the
moving parts and the X-ray release through the emergency stop
Warning 3-9

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This system contains class Ⅱ laser products, do not look
directly at the beam.
Caution 3-6

3-5 Electrical and Mechanical Safety

If a part (such as, a certain light, motor, display, indicator light or

moving part) still works after the system shutdown, the electrical
hazard is existed.
To prevent serious casualties or equipment damage, please
disconnect the system power with the circuit breaker and contact
the Service Department of our company immediately.
Danger 3-1

Additional movable socket or extension cable should not be

connected to this system.
The maximum permissible load of any socket used in this system
must be clearly marked.
The socket provided by the system only can be used for the
equipment forming this system.
Warning 3-10

Since this equipment contains movable parts and dangerous

voltage components and can produce radiation hazards, it may
result in serious personal injury or death through extrusion,
electric shock or radiation exposure, etc. Please comply with the
following instructions to avoid any injury or death caused to the
operator, the patient or accompanying people:
Do not try to open or remove the housing, or maintain this
equipment. Only the maintenance personnel trained and
authorized by our company are permitted to maintain this
equipment (refer to Section 1-5-1 and Section 1-5-2).
Do not operate this equipment, if its housing is not properly
closed or is damaged.
Be sure to comply with all safety procedures and safety
precautions described in this manual.
Warning 3-11

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
The equipment shall have pleasant appearance, smooth and
clean surface and even color, and be free from defects such as
scratches and cracks. Please contact our company immediately,
if you find something abnormal.
Notice 3-2

To avoid the risk of electric shock, this equipment can only be

connected to the supply network with the protective grounding.
Warning 3-12

When the bed board cannot be withdrawn automatically upon

scanning due to the power failure, the operator shall withdraw
the bed board manually as soon as possible and pacify the
Caution 3-7

After power outage or the emergency stop is pressed, all moving

parts will be stopped, and the gantry will stop tilting within 0.3°.
The patient table will stop the horizontal movement within
Caution 3-8

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

3-6 Basic Safety and Essential Performance
3-6-1 Basic safety:
1. The Creepage Distances and Air Clearance should meet the requirements.

2. The protective earthing should meet the requirements.

3. The Leakage Current should meet the requirements.

3-6-2 Essential performance:

According to the standard IEC 60601-2-44, no Essential Performance of the product is defined.

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00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Chapter IV System Overview
The system utilizes the attenuation information of X-ray when it penetrates the human body, and

reconstructs the CT images of the body which can be used for clinical diagnosis. This system has

24 rows of detectors, 360°scan can be up to 16 slices image at most in the same time.

4-1 General Process of CT Scan

After the patient positioning is completed, the operator selects the scanning protocol through the

operator’s console.

After the scan is started, the gantry rotates to the set speed; the X-ray tube emits X-ray; X-ray is

received by the detector after it has penetrated the human body; the detector turns the optical signal

into the electric signal;

The computer image processing system turns the abovementioned electric signals into digital

signals, and reconstructs the images with these data. The images are displayed on the display of the

operator’s console. The images can also be printed by the printer, or transmitted to the advanced

image workstation for diagnosis and other treatments as needed.

The images can be exported to the local and DVD, and the raw data of the image can be exported to

the local.

The operator shall try the best to operate according to the

procedure and prevent unintentional operation. Maloperation
may lead to unpredictable consequences and endanger the
safety of the patient or the machine. The operator must exercise
caution when operating the operator’s console.
Caution 4-1

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
4-2 System Composition
This system includes main parts and accessories. Main parts include the following:

 Gantry

 High voltage generator: CT70PN50X4393

 X-ray tube assembly (CTR2150), X-ray tube (DU5008B)

 Beam limiting device: 02-0024

 Detector: 02-0022

 Operator’s console

 Pod: 17-0068

 Console rack, display, mouse, and keyboard

 Patient table: PAT-006

 Power distribution unit (PDU): PDU-001

 Computer image processing system: ScintVue

 Accessories:

• Mattress

• Head support

• Headrest

• Extension plate

• Belt

• Knee-joint cushion

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

4-3 Introduction of System Components
4-3-1 Gantry
The gantry is the core part of CT scan, which mainly performs X-ray scan and data collection. In addition

to the X-ray tube, the high-voltage generator, the detector and the beam limiting device, the gantry also

includes some electronic and mechanical equipment required for scan. Input of the gantry is 3~380V,

50/60Hz, 76A (Max); 1~220V, 50/60Hz, 5A; 3~220V, 50/60Hz, 5A. Power of the gantry is 15 KVA.

The aperture of gantry is 700 mm±5 mm.

The following main parts are included on the gantry housing:

 Operation Panel

 Emergency stop switch

 Indicator light

 Display screen

 Laser positioning light

4-3-2 Patient table

The patient table is the carrier supporting the patient and the patient’s main access point to the system.

The patient table realizes positioning or completes scan through vertical or horizontal movement.

The movement of patient table is controlled by the operator’s command or the manual control of

the operator’s console. The vertical movement range of the patient table is not less than 500mm.

The horizontal movement range is not less than 1800mm. Maximum load of the patient table: 205kg.

The longitudinal positioning accuracy of the patient table does not exceed ±1mm. The return difference

of the patient table does not exceed ±1mm. Input of the patient table is 3~380V, 50/60Hz, 3A.

Control panel and indicator light of the patient table are described in Section 5-2 in details.

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4-3-3 Operator’s console
The operator’s console controls and monitors the operation of the system. The operator can set up the

scanning condition, control the scan, browse patient images, output or transmit images and data, etc.

through the operator’s console. The operator’s console is the main interface of the system. Input of the

console rack is 1~220V, 50/60Hz, 3A.

The operator’s console should include the following main parts:

 A desk

 A scan control display for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM)

 An image display

 A pod

 A keyboard

 A mouse

 Console rack

The control computer is put in the console rack. The operator uses it to complete normal scan, display

scanning images and execute auxiliary operation.

Control panel and indicator light of the operator’s console are described in Section 5-3 in details.

4-3-4 Power distribution unit (PDU)

The power distribution unit (PDU) restricts and distributes the power source to the gantry, the patient

table, the operator’s console and the console rack. The PDU provides the circuit breaker and overload

protection for components of the system. Input of the PDU is 3~380/400/420/440/460/480V, 50/60Hz.

Control panel and indicator light of the PDU are described in Section 5-4 in details.

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Chapter V System Control
This chapter describes the gantry, the patient table and the operator’s console of the system and their


5-1 Gantry
The gantry (see Fig. 5-1) contains necessary electronic and mechanical equipment to collect raw data of

the patient.

5-1-1 Control panel on the gantry

The gantry has two sets of independent control panels on the left and right side of the gantry respectively

(see Fig. 5-2). Two sets of control panels have the same function. Both have an emergency stop button

(E-STOP) and 16 function keys. Table 5-1 describes the function of each function key. The function key

does not have any backlight under normal circumstances. When it is permitted to use and activated, it

will have different colors of backlights.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
No. Description
1 Gantry
2 Display screen (Refer to Section 5-1-2)
3 Left control panel of the gantry (Refer to Section 5-1-1)
4 Right control panel of the gantry (Refer to Section 5-1-1)
5 Back indicator (Refer to Section 5-1-3)
6 Patient table (Refer to Section 5-2)
7 Inner ring cover of gantry
Fig. 5-1 Gantry

No. Description
1 Gantry
2 Left control panel of the gantry (Refer to Table 5-1)
3 Right control panel of the gantry (Refer to Table 5-1)
Fig. 5-2 Controller on the gantry

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 5-1 Function keys of the gantry controller
Button Description
Emergency stop (E-STOP)
Press this button to stop the scanner under emergency circumstances. After
the E-STOP button is pressed, the X-ray emission, the movement of patient
table and the tilting of the gantry will be stopped, and the laser positioning
light will also be turned off. Any ongoing scan will be stopped. This button is
always activated.
Start scanning
The system will start the scan after this button is pressed. This button can be
activated only when the system is ready.
You must wear suitable X-ray protective devices in the scanning room.
Stop scanning
The X-ray emission and the patient table movement will be stopped when it is
pressed. This button is activated only during scanning.

Press the reset key to cancel the emergency stop state. This button is activated
only when the E-STOP is activated.

Laser positioning light for the patient

Press it to open or close the laser positioning light for the patient This button
is activated only in the non-scanning period.

External laser positioning light (left control panel of the gantry)

After it is pressed, the system will set the corresponding bed position of the
external laser positioning light as the 0 position from which the next scan
begins. This button is activated only in the non-scanning period.

External laser positioning light (right control panel of the gantry)

After it is pressed, the system will set the corresponding bed position of the
external laser positioning light as the 0 position from which the next scan
begins. This button is activated only in the non-scanning period.

Internal laser positioning light (left control panel of the gantry)

After it is pressed, the system will set the corresponding bed position of the
internal laser positioning light as the 0 position from which the next scan
begins. This button is activated only in the non-scanning period.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 5-1 Function keys of the gantry controller
Button Description
Internal laser positioning light (right control panel of the gantry)
After it is pressed, the system will set the corresponding bed position of the
internal laser positioning light as the 0 position from which the next scan
begins. This button is activated only in the non-scanning period.

Tilting limitation/movement limitation

After it is pressed, the display screen of gantry will display the present tilting
limitation of the gantry and the movement limitation of the patient table. This
button is activated only in the non-scanning period.

Breathing demonstration
Press it to demonstrate the breathing procedure needed by the patient during
the scan This button is activated only in the non-scanning period.

Upward movement of the patient table (left control panel of the patient table)
Press and hold to control the upward movement of the patient table. This
button is activated only in the non-scanning period.

Upward movement of the patient table (right control panel of the patient table)
Press and hold to control the upward movement of the patient table. This
button is activated only in the non-scanning period.

Downward movement of the patient table (left control panel of the patient
Press and hold to control the downward movement of the patient table. This
button is activated only in the non-scanning period.

Downward movement of the patient table (right control panel of the patient
Press and hold to control the downward movement of the patient table. This
button is activated only in the non-scanning period.

Patient table OUT (left control panel of the gantry)

Press and hold to move the patient table out of the gantry. This button is
activated only in the non-scanning period.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 5-1 Function keys of the gantry controller
Button Description
Patient table OUT (right control panel of the gantry)
Press and hold to move the patient table out of the gantry. This button is
activated only in the non-scanning period.

Patient table IN (left control panel of the gantry)

Press and hold to move the patient table into the gantry. This button is activated
only in the non-scanning period.

Patient table IN (right control panel of the gantry)

Press and hold to move the patient table into the gantry. This button is activated
only in the non-scanning period.

Position reset (left control panel of the gantry)

Press and hold to make the gantry tilt zero, return the patient table to the
absolute zero position horizontally and to the extreme lower position
vertically. This button is activated only in the non-scanning period.

Position reset (right control panel of the gantry)

Press and hold to make the gantry tilt zero, return the patient table to the
absolute zero position horizontally and to the extreme lower position
vertically. This button is activated only in the non-scanning period.

Accelerated movement of the patient table (left control panel of the gantry)
Press and hold both this button and any table movement button to increase the
movement speed of the patient table. This button is activated only after a
movement button of the patient table is pressed.

Accelerated movement of the patient table (right control panel of the gantry)
Press and hold both this button and any table movement button to increase the
movement speed of the patient table. This button is activated only after a
movement button of the patient table is pressed.

Negative tilting of the gantry (left control key of the gantry)

If this button is pressed and held, the gantry will tilt negatively, that is, the
gantry top tilts towards the patient table. This button is activated only in the
non-scanning period.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 5-1 Function keys of the gantry controller
Button Description
Negative tilting of the gantry (right control key of the gantry)
If this button is pressed and held, the gantry will tilt negatively, that is, the
gantry top tilts towards the patient table. This button is activated only in the
non-scanning period.

Positive tilting of the gantry (left control key of the gantry)

If this button is pressed and held, the gantry will tilt positively, that is, the
gantry top tilts oppositely to the patient table. This button is activated only in
the non-scanning period.

Positive tilting of the gantry (right control key of the gantry)

If this button is pressed and held, the gantry will tilt positively, that is, the
gantry top tilts oppositely to the patient table. This button is activated only in
the non-scanning period.

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5-1-2 Display screen of the gantry
There is a display screen (see Fig. 5-1) on the gantry to indicate the horizontal and vertical position of

the patient table, the tilt angle of the gantry, current kV and mA, the state of laser positioning light

(ON/OFF), the state of X-ray (ON/OFF) (refer to Fig.5-4 and Fig. 5-3).

No. Description No. Description

1 Display screen of the gantry 9 Tilting angle of the gantry
2 E-Stop state (OFF) 10 Vertical position of the patient table
3 Laser light state (OFF) 11 Horizontal position of patient table
4 State of anti-collision switch 12 Patient information
5 State of patient table lock (unlocked) 13 X-ray tube (voltage) KV
6 X-ray state (OFF, non-emission) 14 X-ray tube (current) mA
7 Breathing indicator (OFF) 15 Exposure time S
8 Rotation status of the gantry (Rotation 16 Prompt information
Fig. 5-3 Function explanation for indicators on the display panel of the gantry

(All indicators are OFF in the figure, which is for function explanation only and will not happen

in practice)

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
No. Description No. Description
1 Display screen of the gantry 9 Tilting angle of the gantry
2 E-Stop state (ON) 10 Vertical position of the patient table
3 Laser light state (ON) 11 Horizontal position of patient table
4 State of anti-collision switch (triggered) 12 Patient information
5 State of patient table lock (locked) 13 X-ray tube (voltage) KV
6 X-ray state (ON, emission) 14 X-ray tube (current) mA
7 Breathing indicator (ON, Orange: The 15 Exposure time S
patient shall hold breathe; Green: The
patient can breathe normally. Both states
are given in the above figure.)
8 Rotation status of the gantry (under 16 Prompt information
Fig. 5-4 Function explanation for indicators on the display panel of the gantry
(All indicators are ON in the figure, which is for function explanation only and will not happen in


00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

5-1-3 Back indicators
There is an indicator light and ECG equipment wiring panel on the back of the gantry (refer to Fig. 5-


• X-ray state (X-ray ON/OFF icon)

No. Description
1 Gantry (back)
2 X-ray state indicator (OFF, no X-ray generated)
3 X-ray state indicator (ON, generating X-ray)
4 ECG equipment connection panel
Fig. 5-5 Indicators on the back of gantry

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5-2 Patient Table
The patient table (see Fig. 5-6) is used for moving the patient into the gantry of the system.

There are four ways to move the patient table:

 The patient table moves automatically according to the scanning parameter input by the

operator, which can be realized only during scanning.

 The patient table’s movement is controlled by the keys on two control panels of the gantry

(refer to Table 5-1)

 The patient table’s movement is controlled by the keys on the pod (refer to Fig. 5-8)

 The patient table’s movement is controlled by the foot switch between the patient table

and the gantry (see Fig. 5-6, refer to Table 5-2)

There is a button respectively on two sides of the top edges and near the handle of the patient table (see

Fig. 5-6), which can enable/disable the manual control for the horizontal movement of the patient table.

Table 5-2 describes the control identifiers of the patient table.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

No. Description No. Description
1 Manual control at the end of patient 5 Foot switch for patient table IN (right)
table (manual table movement after
2 Manual control (manual table 6 Manual control (manual table movement
movement after activation) after activation)
3 patient table (front section, facing the 7 Foot switch for patient table OUT (left)
4 Foot switch for patient table OUT 8 Foot switch for patient table IN (left)
Fig. 5-6 patient table

Table 5-2 Foot control symbols of the patient table

Foot switch Description
Patient table IN
Used to move the patient table into the gantry (left pedal control)

Patient table IN
Used to move the patient table into the gantry (right pedal control)

Patient table OUT

Used to move the patient table out of the gantry (left pedal control)

Patient table OUT

Used to move the patient table out of the gantry (right pedal control)

Hold by hand
Release the machine control of the patient table, permit the operator’s
manual movement of the patient table. (When movement fault occurs, this
device can prevent the patient from being nipped and release the patient)

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5-3 Operator’s Console
On the operator’s console (see Fig. 5-7), the operator can start or close the system, set up scanning

parameters, process scanned images and conduct ordinary scan. The operator’s console should include

the following main parts:

• A desk

• A scan control display which can display the scanned image (DICOM) and the

scanning parameter

• A reading display

• A pod

• A keyboard

• A mouse

• A console rack

No. Description No. Description

1 Console rack 5 Pod
2 Operation control desk 6 Mouse
3 Scan control display 7 Keyboard

4 Scanned image display

Fig. 5-7 Operator’s console

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

5-3-1 Control desk of the operator’s console
To use the system, the operation control desk is required to place a series of monitoring and control


5-3-2 Scan control display

The scan control display (on the left side of the operation control desk) controls the scan of the system

and displays relevant patient and scanning information.

5-3-3 Image display

The image display (on the right side of the operation control desk) displays the image on the screen.

5-3-4 Pod
With the pod, the operator can control the patient table, start/stop the scan and communicate with the

patient. The pod has the following control command and indicators (refer to Fig. 5-8):

 Emergency stop (E-STOP)

 X-ray ON/OFF indicator

 Scan control keys

 Automatic scanning key

 Manual scanning key

 Pause scanning key

 Stop scanning key

 Patient table movement keys

 Patient table UP key

 Patient table DOWN key

 Patient table IN key

 Patient table OUT key

 Gantry negative tilting key

 Gantry positive tilting key

 Controller for internal communication between console and gantry

 Microphone

 Talking key

 Volume UP key for the patient’s (scanning room) speaker

 Volume DOWN key for the patient’s (scanning room) speaker

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 Volume UP key for the operator’s (control room) speaker

 Volume DOWN key for the operator’s (control room) speaker

The function key does not have any backlight if not activated. When they are activated, they will have

the backlight and the icon will turn into a specific color, which indicates that they can be used.

No. Description No. Description

1 Pod 7 Scan control key (Refer to Table 5-3)
2 Emergency stop (E-STOP, refer to 8 Caution and warning symbol (refer to
Table 5-3) Table 5-3)
3 Talking key (Refer to Table 5-3) 9 Gantry tilting key (Refer to Table 5-3)
4 Volume key for pod’s (control room’s) 10 Patient table movement key (Refer to Table
speaker (Refer to Table 5-3) 5-3)
5 Talking volume adjustment key (Refer 11 Microphone
to Table 5-3)
6 X-ray ON/OFF indicator (Refer to 12 Speaker
Table 5-3)
Fig. 5-8 Pod

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Table. 5-3 Pod and indicator
Nonactivated Activated key Description
Emergency stop (E-STOP)
It is pressed in an emergency to stop scanning, the
movement of the patient table and the tilting of the
gantry. When the E-STOP key is pressed, the X-ray
emission and the movement of the patient table and the
gantry will be stopped, and the laser positioning light
will be turned off. Any ongoing scan will be stopped.
This key is always activated.
X-ray ON/OFF indicator
This indicator is yellow during the X-ray emission
(indicating that radiation is existed). This indicator is
turned off when there is no X-ray emission.
Do not enter the scanning room when the

X-ray ON/OFF indicator is ON. You must

use suitable X-ray protective devices in the

scanning room.

Stop scanning
Press it to stop X-ray emission and patient table
movement. This key is activated only during scanning.

Pause scanning
Press it to pause the scanning process. When this key
is pressed, the system will compete the present
scanning and pause until continue scanning is selected
from the display screen. This key is activated only
during scanning.
Automatic scanning
Press it to start a preset scanning plan. This key is
activated only after the system completes the scanning

Manual scanning
Press it to start a preset current scanning plan. This key
is activated only after the system completes the
scanning preparation.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table. 5-3 Pod and indicator
Nonactivated Activated key Description
Speaker volume UP
Press it to increase the volume of speaker in the
scanning room or the control room. The key on the side

Never of talking symbol influences the patient’s

speaker (scanning room). The key on the side of

listening symbol influences the operator’s

speaker (control room). This key is always activated.
Speaker volume DOWN
Press it to decease the volume of speaker in the
scanning room or the control room. The key on the side

Never of talking symbol influences the patient’s

speaker (scanning room). The key on the side of

listening symbol influences the operator’s

speaker (control room). This key is always activated.
Push to talk
Never Push it to talk to the patient in the scanning room.
This key is always activated.
Patient table UP
Press and hold to control the upward movement of the
patient table. This key is activated only in the non-
scanning period.
Patient table DOWN
Press and hold to control the downward movement of
the patient table. This key is activated only in the non-
scanning period.
Move the patient table out of the gantry
Press and hold to control the patient table OUT. This
key is activated only in the non-scanning period.

Move the patient table into the gantry

Press and hold to control the patient table IN. This key
is activated only in the non-scanning period.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table. 5-3 Pod and indicator
Nonactivated Activated key Description
Gantry negative tilting
If this key is pressed and held, the gantry will tilt
negatively, that is, the gantry top tilts towards the
patient table. This button is activated only in the non-
scanning period.
Gantry positive tilting
If this key is pressed and held, the gantry will tilt
positively, that is, the gantry top tilts oppositely to the
patient table. This button is activated only in the non-
scanning period.


With the E-STOP key, the operator can stop the scanner and the equipment movement in case of

emergency. After this key is pressed, the X-ray emission, the movement of patient table and the gantry

will be stopped, and any ongoing scan will be terminated.

When the E-STOP button is pressed, the horizontal movement of the patient table can be stopped within

10mm; the tilting of the gantry will be stopped within 0.5°.

2. Scan control keys and indicators

 Start key and start indicator

The start key includes the start key for manual scan and the start key for automatic scan. The start

key enables the operator to start the prepared scan under the ready state. The start key is ready when its

backlight turns green. After the start key under the ready state is pressed, the system will start the

presently selected scan protocol, and X-ray will be emitted. When the X-ray is emitting, the indicator of

the start key will go off.

 Pause key and pause indicator

With the pause key, the operator can temporarily stop the present scan plan, but the ongoing scan

will be completed. When the present scan plan is paused, the operator can select to continue the present

scan plan, or continue the unfinished scan after having modified the scanning parameter, or terminate

the whole scan plan. When the pause function is valid, the backlight of the pause key turns yellow.

 Stop key and stop indicator

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The stop key enables the operator to stop the present scan. After it is pressed, the ongoing scan will

be terminated immediately, and the system will go back to the working directory management before

the scan start. When the stop function is valid, the backlight of the stop key will turn red.

With the stop key, the operator can also stop the present scan after data collection. At this time, the

operator can go back to the working directory management, or press the continue key to continue the

remaining scan protocol. When the stop function is valid, the indicator of the stop key will turn red.

3. Control keys of the patient table

 Patient table UP key

With this key, the operator can use the pod to move the patient table up.

 Patient table DOWN key

With this key, the operator can use the pod to move the patient table down.

 Patient table IN key

With this key, the operator can use the pod to move the patient table into the gantry.

 Patient table OUT key

With this key, the operator can use the pod to move the patient table out of the gantry.

4. Controller for the intercommunication system of operator’s console and gantry and its indicator

The controller enables the operator to control the volume both in the scanning room and the control

room. The intercom controller includes a microphone, a speaker and five keys: taking key and volume

keys for the control room and the scanning room.

 Speaker

With the speaker, the operator can hear the voice from the microphone of the scanning room.

 Talking key

When the talking key is pressed, the microphone of the control room is activated. Then the operator

can talk to the people in the scanning room.

 Control room’s volume keys and indicators

Pressing these keys, the operator can control the volume of the speaker in the control room. These

keys are always activated, and the indicator is white.

The operator can increase or decrease the volume of the speaker in the control room with the volume

control key.

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 Scanning room’s volume keys and indicators

Pressing these keys, the operator can control the volume of the speaker in the scanning room. These

keys are always activated, and the indicator is white.

The operator can increase or decrease the volume of the speaker in the scanning room with the

volume control key.

5-3-5 Keyboard
The keyboard is s standard alphanumeric keyboard (US/UK key code). The keyboard is connected to

the system with a standard USB connector.

5-3-6 Mouse
The mouse has two buttons and a wheel button. The mouse is connected to the system through a standard

USB interface.

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5-3-7 Console rack
The console rack (see Fig. 5-7) contains the computer of the operator’s console. This computer provides

hardware and software support for the process from raw CT data processing to 3D imaging, and produces

the DICOM format needed by the picture archiving and communication system (PACS). The system

needs a high-performance UPS (uninterruptible power supply), which can prevent the loss of important

data in the console PC caused by unexpected power outage.

No. Description
1 Console rack
2 Uninterruptible power supply (UPS)
3 ON/OFF button (blue means ON)
4 PC
5 Firewall
6 Console rack door
Fig. 5-9 Console rack (front view)

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No. Description
1 Console rack
2 Back door lock
3 Back door (open)
4 Electrical control box
5 By-pass switch of UPS
Fig. 5-10 Console rack (rear view with the back door open)

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5-4 Power Supply-Power Distribution Unit (PDU)
The power distribution unit (PDU, see Fig. 5-11) supplies power to the gantry, the patient table and the

operating console. The PDU provides the circuit breaker and overload protection for components of

the system. The PDU has the following control elements and indicators. (See Fig. 5-11):

• Rotary switch

• Power indicator

• Turn the Rotary switch to on, and the power supply is on; Turn the Rotary switch to off, each

electrode will separate with the circuit of the supply network simultaneously. See the Rotary switch in

the blue box in the figure below:

 If the installation or the wiring of the external guard wire is in doubt, the equipment shall be
supplied by internal power source.
 The power line of PDU shall have an internal resistance of 0.149Ω, the thickness (specification)

of 2AWG, a length ≤ 15m. The pattern of the supply network is as shown below:

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No. Description
1 Power distribution unit
2 Rotary switch, On state (the rotary switch points the red label)
3 Rotary switch, Off state (the rotary switch points the green label)
4 PDU cabinet door lock
5 Power indicator (the indicator light shows green that it is running,
and the indicator light goes off that it is off)
Fig. 5-11 Power distribution unit

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To prevent inclination or sliding of PDU under normal use, be
sure to fix the four casters under PDU after installation.
Caution 5-1

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Chapter VI System Startup and Shutdown
6-1 Introduction
This chapter describes the startup and shutdown procedure of the system.

6-2 System Startup

Before performing any test and protocol, please start the system as per the following steps.

Objects inside the scanning channel or adhered to the gantry

may result in errors. Please confirm that there is no such thing
that can interfere with the test.
Caution 6-1

 Power on the PDU (see Fig. 6-1): Turn the PDU rotary switch to On, and the power indicator

lights up.

 Power on the PDU (see Fig. 6-2).

 Wait for the energization of the operator’s console and the electrical cabinet.

 The CT system software will be started automatically after the console computer is started.

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No. Description
1 Power distribution unit
2 Rotary switch, On state (the rotary switch points the red label)
3 Rotary switch, Off state (the rotary switch points the green label)
4 PDU cabinet door lock
5 Power indicator (the indicator light shows green that it is running,
and the indicator light goes off that it is off)
Fig. 6-1 Circuit breaker of PDU

No. Description
1 Console rack
2 ON button of UPS
OFF button of UPS
3 Indicator
Fig. 6-2 Start the UPS (in the console rack)

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6-3 System Shutdown
The system must be shut down before any system parts are disassembled. This procedure is not needed

at the end of daily work. When the system has been left unused for a long time (more than four hours),

only a soft restart is needed.

6-3-1 Computer shutdown

If the computer is not shut down correctly, the Windows

operating system may be damaged. Please follow the correct
shutdown procedure described in Section 6-3.
Caution 6-2

 Click the icon on the left bottom of GUI and select [shut down].

 Select [Confirm] in the pop-up dialog box.

 After all programs are automatically shut down, select restart/shut show the system in the pop-

up dialog box.

 If you select to shut down the system, please press the ON/OFF button after the computer

shutdown. If you select to restart the system, the system will be restarted automatically after

system shutdown.

 If the UPS is used, the user shall shut down the UPS at first (see Fig. 6-2 for key description),

and then shut down breakers on the PDU according to the method of Section 6-3-2.

6-3-2 Hardware shutdown

It’s safe to shut shown the hardware power supply after the above steps are completed. On the PDU,

turn the rotary switch to off. (See Fig. 6-1).

 The whole shutdown procedure is completed if it is conducted at the end of the day or other rest


 If shutdown is conducted for mechanical or electrical maintenance, the main breaker on the external

control panel also shall be shut down.

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6-4 System Login and Logoff
Users with different rights can log in the system.

6-4-1 Login
1. Login

 Start the software, select a username from the drop-down menu or input the username

manually in the login interface;

 Input the password;

 Click [Login] to log in the system.

2. Emergency login

 Start the software, click [Emergency] in the login interface for emergency login. The user is

only permitted to use Daily Preparation, Patient Scan and Patient Browser in the Service


6-4-2 Logoff
1. User logoff

 In the software operation interface, click the icon in the left bottom of GUI to display the

drop-down menu;

 Click [Log off] in the drop-down menu to log off the user.

2. Shutdown

 In the software operation interface, click the icon in the left bottom of GUI to display the drop-

down menu;

 Click [Shut down] in the drop-down menu to shut down the system.

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Chapter VII Service
7-1 Overview
7-1-1 Function introduction
1. This chapter mainly describes the function and operation of Service.

2. Service mainly includes Daily Preparation, Protocol Management, Environmental diagnosis,

Configuration and Voice Management, etc.

3. Users with different rights can use different functions.

 Rights of operators include Daily Preparation, Protocol Management, Environmental

diagnosis and Configuration.

 Rights of the Supervisor include Daily Preparation, Protocol Management, Environmental

diagnosis, Configuration and Voice Management.

7-1-2 Service interface

After the CT system starts, click the [Service] button at the bottom right corner of the screen,
and the [System Maintenance] interface appears in the pop-up box:

No. Key Function

1 Daily Preparation Enter the Daily Preparation interface
2 Protocol Management Enter the Protocol Management interface
3 Environmental diagnosis Enter the Environmental diagnosis interface
4 Configuration Enter the Configuration interface
5 Voice Management Enter the Voice Management interface
Fig. 7-1 Service interface

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7-2 Daily Preparation for Image Quality
7-2-1 Function introduction
 Daily Preparation for Image Quality includes Tube Warm up and Air Calibration.

 The objective of Daily Preparation for Image Quality is to ensure that the system and parts

work under a good condition, and to guarantee the stability of system performance and image


7-2-2 Tube warm up

The cold tube is warmed up to avoid the influence on its service life by high-power exposure.

If the system has not been used for two hours or more or the system prompts that the heat capacity is

too low, the user needs to perform the tube warm up.

 No scan, except the emergent scan, can be conducted when the thermal capacity of tube

is less than 5%.

 Scan is not recommended when the thermal capacity of tube is less than 10 %.

1. Tube Warm up interface

No. Key Function

1 Start Start the Tube Warm up procedure
2 Cancel Cancel the Tube Warm up procedure
3 Fast mode Perform a short Tube Warm up procedure
4 Go back to the Tube Warm up interface

Fig. 7-2 Tube Warm up interface

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2. Operation procedures of Tube warm up

 In the [Service] interface, click [Daily Preparation] to enter the interface.

 In the [Daily Preparation] interface, click [Tube Warm up] to enter the [Tube Warm up]


 Make sure that no one is in the scan room, click [OK] to execute the tube warm up. When the

heat capacity of the tube reaches 30%, the tube warm up procedure stops. Click [Fast mode]

to execute the fast mode of the tube warm up. When the heat capacity of the tube reaches 15%,

the fast mode of the tube warm up procedure stops. Or click [Back] to go back to the [Daily

Preparation] interface.

 When the tube warm up is executed, a progress bar indicating the warm up progress will appear.

Meanwhile, the [Abort] key is activated. Click [Abort] to abort this operation.

 It is not recommended to abort during the tube warm up unless it is emergent;

 If you must abort, it is recommended to set the time for the operation below for more than

30s on the GUI: Warm up-→Abort warm up-→Re-warm up. The time can be

prolonged considering the protection of the X-ray tube.

 The pop-up reminds the operator of warm up completion. Click [Finished] to go back to the

[Daily Preparation] interface; or click to go back to the [Tube Warm up] interface.

7-2-3 Air calibration

Air Calibration is to reduce the influence on image quality by temperature and humidity of the scanning

room. The system recommends that the operator do an air calibration before using the system every day

(or every 24 hours). Please perform Air Calibration immediately in case of the following conditions.

 Temperature and humidity of the scanning room have a dramatic change within a short


 The image has thin circular artifacts.

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1. Air Calibration interface

No. Key Function

1 Start Confirm the selected Air Calibration
parameters and enter the scan interface
2 Cancel Cancel the air calibration procedure
3 Exit the Air Calibration interface

Fig. 7-3 Air Calibration interface

2. Operation procedure of Air Calibration

 In the [Service] interface, click [Daily Preparation] to enter the interface.

 In the [Daily Preparation] interface, click [Air Calibration] to enter the [Air Calibration]


 Select scanning parameters in the [Air Calibration] interface.

 There are multiple options for each scanning parameter.

 Click [OK] to execute Air Calibration and display the scan progress; or click [Back] to exit the

[Air Calibration] interface.

 Please ensure that there is no object or person on the patient table during scanning.

 If the system has not been used for more than two hours or the system prompts that the

heat capacity is less than 30%, preheat the Tube Warm up before performing air calibration.

 After the completion, click [Back] to exit the Air Calibration interface and go back to the

[Daily Preparation] interface.

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7-3 Protocol Management
7-3-1 Function introduction
The system provides common scanning protocols and also permits the user to customize scanning

protocols. With the Protocol Management, the user can create and edit the customized protocols.

This chapter mainly describes the basic operation processes to edit, manage, import and export scanning


7-3-2 Interface introduction

1. Protocol Management interface

No. Key Function

1 MinFound Default scanning protocols which are not editable
2 User Protocols which can be renamed and edited by the user
3 Adult Scanning protocol for adults
4 Child Scanning protocol for children
5 Import Import protocols
6 Export Export protocols
7 Provide Chinese and English field editing function for
Field editing
editing Chinese and English conversion fields
8 Exit the Protocol Management interface and go back to
the main interface of Service
Fig. 7-4 Protocol Management interface

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2. Protocol setting interface

No. Key Function

1 SetDefault Right click to set the selected scanning protocol as the
default scanning protocol for this part
2 Rename Right click to rename the scanning protocol
3 Delete Right click to delete the scanning protocol
4 Copy Right click to copy the scanning protocol
5 Edit Enter the protocol editing interface to edit the scanning
6 Cancel Cancel the editing and go back to the main interface of
Protocol Management
7 Paste Right click to paste the copied scanning protocol
8 Exit the Protocol Management interface and go back
to the main interface of Service
Fig. 7-5 Protocol setting interface

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3. Protocol editing interface

No. Key Function

1 Save Save the modification
2 Recover Recover the parameter
3 Exit the Protocol Management interface and go back
to the main interface of Service
Fig. 7-6 Protocol editing interface

Interface 1

Interface 1 is mainly used for selecting positions.

Eight positions: anteroposterior supine position, anteroposterior left lateral position, anteroposterior

prone position, anteroposterior right lateral position, posteroanterior supine position, posteroanterior left

lateral position, posteroanterior prone position, posteroanterior right lateral position

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anteroposterior supine position HFS
anteroposterior prone position HFP
posteroanterior supine position FFS
posteroanterior prone position FFP
anteroposterior left lateral position HFDL
anteroposterior right lateral HFDR
posteroanterior left lateral position FFDL
posteroanterior right lateral FFDR

Interface 2

Interface 2 is mainly used for editing the protocol series.

Table 7-1 Protocol series editing
Keys and functions
No. Key Function
1 Add new scanning series using all scanning protocols as the
Add Series
2 Repeat scanning series
Repeat Series
Right click on the selected series, and the following keys will be appeared
No. Key Function
3 Scout/DualScout Change the Scout mode
4 Rename Rename the selected protocol
5 Insert Series Insert scanning series under the selected scanning protocol
6 Delete Series Delete the selected scanning series
Right click on the selected reconstruction series, and the following keys will be appeared
7 Repeat reconstruction Series Repeat the selected reconstruction series
8 Delete reconstruction Series Delete the selected reconstruction series
Interface 3

Interface 3 is mainly used for modifying default parameters of the user protocol, including scanning

parameters and reconstruction parameters. Different protocol types contain different parameters, please

refer to the interface for specific parameters.

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Interface 4

Interface 4 is mainly used to display the currently edited scanning protocol, and pull down to display all

the scanning protocols under the current part.

4. Export Protocol interface

Key Function
USB/DVD Select the export way
Export Start to export the protocol
Exit the Export Protocol interface and go
back to the Protocol Management interface
Fig. 7-8 Export Protocol interface

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7-3-3 Operation procedure of protocol management
1. Set the default scanning protocol

 In the [Service] interface, click [Protocol Management] to enter the [Protocol

Management] interface.

 In the [Protocol Management], select the scanning subject: Adult /Child.

 Select the protocol group: MinFound/User.

 Select the corresponding body part of the scanning protocol to enter the [protocol setting]


 Select the scanning protocol in the [Protocol Setting] interface.

 Right click [SetDefault] to set the selected scanning protocol as the default scanning

protocol for this part.

2. Edit the scanning protocol

 In the [Service] interface, click [Protocol Management] to enter the [Protocol

Management] interface.

 In the [Protocol Management], select the scanning subject: Adult / Child.

 Select the protocol group: MinFound/User.

 Select the corresponding body part of the scanning protocol to enter the [protocol setting]


 Select the scanning protocol in the [Protocol Setting] interface.

 Click [Edit] or double-click the selected scan protocol to enter the [Protocol Editing]


 The user can edit the series of the scanning protocol in the series editing region.

 The user can change default parameters of the protocol after selecting the series of the

scanning protocol.

 Click [Save] to save and apply the operation; click [Recover] to cancel the operation.

3. Import protocol

 In the [Service] interface, click [Protocol Management] to enter the [Protocol

Management] interface.

 In the [Protocol Management] interface, click [Import] to enter the [Import Protocol]


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 In the [Import Protocol] interface, select the protocol to be imported. Select the target

protocol from the import source.

 Click [OK] to import; choose to add, replace or discard the agreement with the same name;

click [X] or [Cancel] to cancel the operation and go back to the [Protocol Management]


4. Export protocol

 In the [Service] interface, click [Protocol Management] to enter the [Protocol

Management] interface.

 In the [Protocol Management] interface, click [Export] to enter the [Export Protocol]


 Select the needed protocol in the [Export Protocol] interface.

 The protocol can be exported to Local/DVD.

 Click [Export] to export; or click [X] to cancel the operation and go back to the [Protocol

Management] interface.

7-4 Environmental diagnosis

Environmental diagnosis includes detector temperature, temperature and humidity, and raw data disk


1. Detector temperature

Real-time display of current detector temperature.

2. Temperature and humidity

The temperature and humidity of the current environment are displayed in real time.

3. Raw data disk capacity

Real-time display of the storage status of current raw data disks, including used capacity and available

storage capacity.

7-5 Configuration
7-5-1 Function introduction
This chapter mainly involves in Corner Configuration, User Account, RIS Configuration, PACS

Configuration, Printer Setting and Rawdata Configuration.

The software can be controlled by accounts with different rights (Engineer, Service, Supervisor,

Operator and Emergency).

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Users with different rights can use different functions.

 The Operator can use the Corner Configuration function.

 The Supervisor can use Corner Configuration, User Account, RIS Configuration, PACS

Configuration, Printer Setting and Rawdata Configuration function.

Fig. 7-9 Configuration interface

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7-5-2 Corner configuration
1. Information list

Display the information that can be displayed on the corner of the reconstructed image. The user can

drag and drop the information in the list to a specified position in the image display area.

The right image displays the corner information selected by the user in real time.

2. Keys and functions of corner configuration

Table 7-3 Keys and functions of corner configuration
Key Function
Save Save current settings
Exit Exit the Configuration interface and go back to
the Service interface

Only the Supervisor can use User Account, RIS Configuration,

PACS Configuration, Printer Setting and Rawdata
Note 7-1

7-5-3 User account

1. Keys and functions of User Account
Table 7-5 Keys and functions of User Account
Key Function
Add Account Add new user
Delete Account Delete the selected user
Change Password Change the password of a selected user
Exit Exit the Configuration interface and go back
to the Service interface

2. Add Account

 The registration list will appear after [Add Account] is clicked.

 Input a new account name which is different from the existing accounts.

 Input the password. (The password can use a combination of letters and numbers to increase

the password strength)

 Input the password again.

 Select the operation level for the account.

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 Click [OK] to generate a new account; click [Cancel] to cancel the operation.

3. Delete Account

 Select the account that needs to be deleted, click [Delete Account], and a prompt will appear

in the pop-up box.

 Click [OK] to delete this account. Click [Cancel] to cancel the delete operation.

4. Change Password

 Click [Change Password] to show the change password list.

 Input the old password.

 Input the new password.

 Input the new password again.

 Click [OK] to change password successfully; click [Cancel] to cancel this operation.

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7-5-4 RIS configuration
1. Options of RIS configuration
Table 7-6 Options of RIS configuration
Option Description
RIS IP Input
RIS port Input
CT AET Input
Default select
MPPS select
2. Keys and functions of RIS configuration
Table 7-7 Keys and functions of RIS configuration
Key Function
Save Save the setting
Test Connect the corresponding equipment, the
connection is successful or unsuccessful will pop up
a box
Exit Exit the Configuration interface and go back to the
Service interface

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7-5-5 PACS configuration
Users can configure PACS as needed and display the list of existing systems. Click any system to display

its details on the right, including PACS name, PACS AET, PACS port, PACS IP and Default Selected,

Upload Dose Report, Auto Retransmission and PACS No Private Tag options. Automatic retransmission

is checked by default. PACS No Private Tag can filter private tags in PACS transmission. When PACS

cannot be transmitted successfully, check the PACS No Private Tag function and try again.

Key Function
Test Connect corresponding equipment. The popped-up
dialog box will indicate whether the connection is
successful or not.
New Create a new system
Delete Delete the system
Save Save the change
Exit Exit the Configuration interface and go back to the
Service interface
Fig. 7-10 PACS configuration interface

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7-5-6 Printer setting
1. Information list
Three printers can be selected. There are corresponding parameters under each printer.
Table 7-8 Printer setting option
Option Description
Printer Name Input
Printer AET Input
Printer IP Input
Printer Port Input
Virtual Printer Select
2. Keys and functions of printer setting
Table 7-9 Keys and functions of printer setting
Key Function
Test Test whether the printer can be connected normally
Save Save the setting for the printer
Exit Exit the Configuration interface and go back to the
Service interface

7-5-7 Raw data configuration

1. Raw data configuration options

You can set up the parameter only when you selected Auto Delete for raw data.
Table 7-10 Raw data configuration options
Option Description
High Threshold Input a figure between 50 and 90
Low Threshold Input a figure between 40 and High Threshold
Protected Day Input
Auto Delete Input
2. Keys and functions of raw data configuration
Table 7-11 Keys and functions of raw data configuration
Key Function
Save Save the setting for raw data
Exit Exit the Configuration interface and go back to the

Service interface

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7-6 Voice Management
7-6-1 Function introduction
As one of important functions of the scanning protocol, automatic (voice) message is mainly used for

reminding the patient of corresponding activities in the scanning process. With the Voice Management,

the user can record and manage automatic message. This chapter mainly describes the creation and

management of automatic messages.

7-6-2 Interface introduction

1. Voice Management interface

Key Function
Drop down and click the language
New Message Create a new automatic message
Delete Message Delete an automatic message
Inspiration Play the inspiration message
Breath Play the breath message
Import Import an automatic message
Exit Exit the interface and go back to the Service
Fig. 7-11 Voice Management interface

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2. [Create New Message] interface

Key Function
Drop down and click the language
Start recording

Play record

Finish recording

Save Save the recorded automatic message and go back

to the previous interface
Cancel Cancel the operation and go back to the previous
Fig. 7-12 Create New Message interface

7-6-3 View automatic message

 Select a language in the [Voice Management] interface, and all corresponding messages

will be displayed in the message list.

 Select a message from the message list to view.

 Select a segment to play: inspiration and breath.

 Click [Play] to play the recorded message.

 Click [Play] to pause the play.

 Click [Exit] to exit the interface and go back to the [Service] interface.

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7-6-4 Create a new automatic message
 Click [New Message] in the Voice Management interface to enter the [Create New

Message] interface.

 Select the language and input information of message: name, and recorder.

 Select a segment to record: inspiration and breath.

 Click [Start recording] to record the message (Continuous recording).

 Click [Finish recording] to finish the recording.

 Click [Save] to save the message; if the message is not saved, it will be deleted

automatically upon the next recording.

 Click [Play record] to play or pause the recorded message.

 Click [Cancel] to exit the interface and go back to the Voice Management interface.

7-6-5 Delete an automatic message

 Select a language in the [Voice Management] interface, and all corresponding messages

will be displayed in the message list.

 Select a message to be deleted from the message list.

 Click [Delete Message] to display the delete dialog box.

 Click [Yes] to delete the selected automatic message; or click [No] to cancel the operation.

 Click [Exit] to exit the interface and go back to the [Service] interface.

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7-6-6 Importing an automatic message

Import rule:
A message must contain tips for both “inspiration” and “breath”
which should be imported simultaneously;
The two tips should be named after the same name beginning with
‘Pre’ and ‘Post’, e.g., PreDefault and PostDefault.
Note 7-2

Import procedure

1. Click [Import] in the Voice Management interface to display the import rule, click [OK].

2. Select the automatic message from local files.

3. Click [OK] to import; click [Cancel] to cancel the operation.

4. Click [Exit] to exit the interface and go back to the [Service] interface.

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Chapter VIII Exam
8-1 Overview
1. This chapter mainly describes basic function modules of the exam tab.

 Patient registration

 Patient positioning

 Scanning protocol selection

 Scanning protocol setting

 Scout execution

 Scanning protocol execution

 Scan stop and end

 Caution

2. Main interface of Exam:

Fig. 8-1 Main interface of Exam

Pictographic icons in the operation interface should strictly

comply with relevant provisions to prevent the user’s
maloperation caused by misunderstanding.
Caution 8-1

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8-2 Patient registration
8-2-1 Function introduction
Patient registration is used to record patient information, realize the interaction with the Hospital

Information System (HIS) and facilitate hospital management.

The Patient Schedule List, which contains relevant information of the patient, is obtained from HIS/RIS.

8-2-2 Interface introduction

1. Patient Information interface

No. Key Function

1 Patient Schedule List

2 Last Patient

3 Emergency Register

Fig. 8-2 Patient Information interface

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2. Patient Schedule List interface

No. Key Function

1 Update work list information

2 Add new patient information

3 Quit the work list

4 Delete Right click patient and the button will

appear. Delete patient
5 View more info Right click patient and the button will
appear. View more information of the
Fig. 8-3 Patient Schedule List interface

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8-2-3 Patient registration
The patient registration can be realized by multiple ways, including input registration, registration by

Patient Schedule List, and Emergency Registration.

1、 Input registration:

 Select [Exam] in the [Main Interface] to enter the [Patient Information] interface.

 Select the patient information region in the [Patient Information] interface.

 Input or select relevant information in the patient information region. Patient ID is


2、 Registration by Patient Schedule List

 Select [Exam] in the [Main Interface] to enter the [Patient Information] interface.

 Click [Patient Schedule List] in the [Patient Information] interface, to enter the [Patient

Schedule List] interface.

 In the [Patient Schedule List], double click the patient information, to automatically

import the selected patient information into the patient information region. The patient

information can be re-edited in the patient information region.

3、 Emergency Register:

 Select [Exam] in the [Main Interface] to enter the [Patient Information] interface.

 Click [Emergency Register] in the [Patient Information] interface, and the system will

automatically enter the Emergency Register mode. It is permitted to directly select the

scanning protocol without inputting any patient information.

8-2-4 Operation procedure of the Patient Schedule List

1. Add patient

 Click [Patient Schedule List] in the [Patient Information] interface, to enter the [Patient

Schedule List] interface.

 Click [Add Patient] in the [Patient Schedule List] interface, to enter the [Add Patient] interface.

 Input patient information in the [Add Patient] interface. Patient ID is required.

 Click [Accept] to save and add this patient to the work list; click [Close] to cancel the operation.

2. Delete patient

 Click [Patient Schedule List] in the [Patient Information] interface, to enter the [Patient

Schedule List] interface.

 Select the patient to be deleted in the [Patient Schedule List] interface.

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 Right Click [Delete] to display the confirmation message, click [OK] to delete the selected

patient; click [Cancel] to cancel the operation.

3. Query patient

 Click [Patient Schedule List] in the [Patient Information] interface, to enter the [Patient

Schedule List] interface.

 In the [Patient Schedule List] interface, you can query patients based on query criteria.

 Accession Number, Patient ID, Patient Name, Procedure Description can query

patients based on input query criteria.

 Gender, Time can query patients based on select query criteria.

 Click [Update] to update the queried patient to the work list interface.

4. View detailed patient information

 Click [Patient Schedule List] in the [Patient Information] interface, to enter the [Patient

Schedule List] interface.

 In the [Patient Schedule List] interface, select the patient to be queried, right click [View

More info] to enter the [Detailed Patient Information] interface to view the patient’s basic

information and additional information.

 Click [Close] to quit the [Detailed Patient Information] interface.

5. Update patient information

 Click [Patient Schedule List] in the [Patient Information] interface, to enter the [Patient

Schedule List] interface.

 Click [Update] to refresh the patient information list.

 Even if it is not refreshed manually, the patient information interface will be timed

automatically refreshed.

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8-3 Patient Positioning
1. Install the head support or the extension plate to the front end of the patient table towards the

gantry according to the scan needs.

2. Lower the patient table so that the patient can sit on it by himself/herself or be positioned on


3. Guide the patient to lie on the patient table.

 Fix the patient with the belt to prevent his/her movement during the trunk scan.

4. Turn on the laser light to position

 Use the internally or externally installed laser light to position.

 The laser light of this equipment can provide assistant positioning for the starting position

of the scan. There are positioning lights for the sagittal plane and the cross section. When the

0.6mm slice thickness is selected, the difference between the center of the cross-section

positioning light and the center of slice shall be within 2mm.

When positioning, please keep the patient's eyes closed to prevent

the laser from damaging the eyes.
Caution 8-1

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

8-4 Scanning Protocol Selection
8-4-1 Interface introduction
When a body part is clicked in the [Protocol Selector] interface, an interface on the right will be appeared:

Fig. 8-4 Protocol Selector interface

8-4-2 Operation procedure

1. After the patient registration is completed in the [Patient Information] interface, select the needed

protocol in the [Protocol Selector] interface.

2. Select the scanning subject: Adult/Child.

3. Select a body part, and select the protocol for this part. You can select the default protocol or select

the protocol from the scan protocol list for this part.

 Use the default protocol:

 Click to select the default protocol of the scanned part from the Protocol Selector region.

 Use the protocol in the protocol list:

 In the Protocol Selector region, click a scanning part in the figure to display the protocol

list for this part.

 Select a protocol from the protocol list and click [Done].

 Use common protocols in the protocol favorites list:

 There will be a "☆" icon in the upper right corner of the protocol list, hover the mouse

pointer here, and the list of favorite protocols will be expanded automatically.

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 Move the mouse pointer to select the scanning protocol, and click it. It will enter the

scanning interface automatically.

4. The page will automatically jump to the scan page after protocol selection.

8-5 Scanning Protocol Setting

8-5-1 Interface introduction

Fig. 8-5 Scan interface

Interface 1

Interface 1 is the window of patient name, gender, age, patient ID and the body position selection. The

body position information sees 7-3-2 Interface introduction --3 Protocol editing interface for details.

The patient position in the protocol shall be consistent with the

practical patient position.
Note 8-1

Interface 2

Interface 2 is the toolbar window.

Keys and functions

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Table 8-1 Toolbar
No. Key Option Function
1 Laser Laser light control switch, click once to turn on or off the laser
positioning positioning light.
light button
2 External External positioning can be performed after clicking.
3 Move the After clicking, the patient table can be moved to the position of the
patient internal laser positioning light or external laser positioning light by
table inputting the location of puncture positioning. The value in the input
box can change the position value of the preview image by the value
of the roller. You can do multiple moves.
4 Polaris Polaris interface display switch. When the camera is turned off, press
Navigation the button once to display the Polaris interface.
5 Cross Scale Show/Hide the Cross Scale. After it is clicked, the center shows the
Cross Scale.
When multiple images are selected, previously selected images have
the same status as the later selected images.
6 Corner Show/Hide Corner Information.
Information When multiple images are selected, previously selected images have
the same status as the later selected images.
7 WW/WL Click it to display the drop-down list of WW & WL, which includes
several preset WWs & WLs.
8 Bilateral Show/Hide the Bilateral Ruler Scale.
Ruler Scale When multiple images are selected, previously selected images have
the same status as the later selected images.
9 Reset Recover image view parameters to the original state.

10 Ellipse Click to label an oval ROI graphic in the image and display
corresponding information.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected in
the process.
11 Length Click it to label a linear length graphic in the image and display the
corresponding distance of the labeled graphic.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected in
the process.
12 Pixel Lens Click it to display the pixel information. It is in the shape of cross.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected in
the process.
Interface 3

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Interface 3 is the window for scanning series editing.

Table 8-2 Keys and functions of scanning series editing

No. Key Function
1 Replace Replace scanning protocol
2 Add Protocol Add scanning protocol
3 Add series Add scanning series
4 Repeat Copy scanning series
5 Continue After the scan is over, can continue to scan the
6 Insert Series Select a series, right click to insert the scanning
7 Rename series Select a series, right click to rename the
scanning series
8 Delete Series Select a series, right click to delete the scanning
Interface 4

Interface 4 is the parameter editing window.

Only the unscanned series can be edited.

There is no reconstruction task for the scout, i.e., there is no editable
reconstruction parameter.
Note 8-2

Interface 5

Interface 5 is the window for exposure operation prompts, including scan start and end, exposure

warning, exposure time prompt and manual trigger prompt.

Keys and functions

Table 8-3 Keys and functions of exposure operation prompt
No. Key Function
1 Start Start the scan
2 End End the scan

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Interface 6

Scanning progress bar display, used to display scanning progress and time. Different scan types

have different display methods.

1. Regular scanning progress bar

1) The scout and helical scanning progress bar

 The first progress bar indicates the scanning progress of the scout, and the second progress bar

indicates the progress of the helical scanning. If the scout is highlighted in the selected state,

and the scan has not yet started.

 The number at the end of the progress bar represents the time required for this exposure. (the

specific time is determined by the actual scanning conditions, this picture is for reference only.)

 The small speaker on the top indicates that the scan will play a breathing prompt sound.

(If not, it means that the function is not enabled. Depending on the different scanning parts,

some protocols will enable this function by default. You can also manually check this function

in the protocol management. For protocol management, refer to section 7-3 of this manual.)

2) The scout and Axial scanning progress bar

 The first progress bar represents the scanning progress of the scout, and the following progress

bar represents the progress of the axial scanning.

 The axial scan progress bar, each segment represents a scan.

 The small speaker on the top indicates that the scan will play a breathing prompt sound.

(If not, it means that the function is not enabled. Depending on the different scanning parts,

some protocols will enable this function by default. You can also manually check this function

in the protocol management. For protocol management, refer to section 7-3 of this manual.)

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2. Contrast scan progress bar

Time-triggered contrast scan

 The first progress bar indicates the scanning progress of the scout.

 The second scan progress bar indicates the progress of the axial scan.

 The third progress bar indicates the first phase of contrast scan.

 The fourth progress bar indicates the second phase of enhanced scan.

 Contrast scan can drag on the time track to change the delay time.

 The syringe icon indicates that the contrast agent is being injected at this moment.

 The small speaker on the top indicates that the scan will play a breathing prompt sound.

(If not, it means that the function is not enabled. Depending on the different scanning parts,

some protocols will enable this function by default. You can also manually check this function

in the protocol management. For protocol management, refer to section 7-3 of this manual.)

Interface 7

Interface 7 is the image preview window.

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8-5-2 Operation procedure
1. Replace protocol

 Click [Replace protocol] in the [Exam] interface, and the interface jumps to the [Protocol

Selector] interface.

 In the [Protocol Selector] interface, select the scanning part and the type of scanning protocol.

 Click [Confirm], replace the selected protocol; or click [Cancel] to cancel the operation.

 Automatically skip the scanned series.

2. Add protocol

 Click [Add protocol] in the [Exam] interface, and the interface jumps to the [Protocol

Selector] interface.

 In the [Protocol Selector] interface, select the scanning part and the type of scanning protocol.

 Click [Confirm], select a protocol, and add new protocol after the selected protocol; or click

[Cancel] to cancel the operation.

 Automatically skip the scanned series.

3. Add series

 Click [Add series] in the [Exam] interface, and the interface jumps to the [Protocol

Selector] interface.

 In the [Protocol Selector] interface, select the scanning series of this scanning part.

 Click [Confirm], select a protocol, and add new series after the selected series; or click [Cancel]

to cancel the operation.

 Automatically skip the scanned series.

4. Repeat series

 Select the protocols and series in the [Exam] interface.

 Click [Repeat] , to add a new protocol or series after the selected protocol

 Automatically skip the scanned series.

5. Edit scanning parameters

 Select series in the [Exam] interface.

• Only the unscanned series can be edited.

• Scanning parameters of the selected series are displayed in the scanning parameter region.

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 In the scanning parameter area, in the scan parameter page (including conventional parameters,

dose parameters, and injection parameters), select the parameters that need to be modified. By

default, only the conventional parameters are displayed. If you need to change the dose parameters

and injection parameters, click the icon on the right. The parameter interface will expand,
click [OK] to close the interface after editing.

• Scanning parameters of the injection page are only applicable to contrast scan and

perfusion scan.

 Select or input corresponding scanning parameters.

6. Edit reconstruction parameters

 Select reconstruction series in the [Exam] interface.

• Only the unscanned series can be edited.

• Reconstruction parameters of the selected series are displayed in the scanning parameter


• There is no reconstruction task for the scout, i.e., there is no editable reconstruction


 For the scan series, the reconstruction parameters can be edited for each reconstruction series

(task). When a reconstruction series is selected, the edit interface will displayed the

reconstruction parameters.

• Multiple reconstruction tasks can be set up for each series.

• Each reconstruction series (task) can individually set reconstruction parameters.

 For each reconstruction task, select the parameter box that needs to be modified, and the

interface displays conventional parameters by default. If you need to edit more parameters and

workstation transmission settings, click the icon on the right. The parameter interface
will expand, click [OK] to close the interface after editing.

 Select or input corresponding reconstruction parameters.

7. Continue series

 In normal scanning, click [Continue] after the scan is over.

 Continue to adjust the scan range in the original scan direction. And other parameters cannot

be modified.

 Click [start] button to start a complementary scan.

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 After the scan, the twice scan images are saved for a series.

8-6 Scout Execution

With the Scout, the user can determine the SFOV and the scanning range.

8-6-1 Scanning procedure of scout

1. Scout scan

 Register the patient information in the [Patient Information] interface.

 Select the body part and the protocol, and the system will jump to the scanning interface.

 Select the patient position in the scanning interface.

 Scanning series in the protocol can be edited.

 Scanning parameters of the scout scan can be edited.

 Scanning parameters of the scout scan. See 8-6-2 Scanning parameters of scout for details.

 The scout scan does not have any reconstruction parameter.

 Click [Start] to start the scan according to set parameters.

 In the progress of scout scan, the image display area will display the obtained scout image.

 The scan can be stopped and ended.

2. Scout box setting

 After the completion of scout scan, the image preview window will display the scout

image which will display the scout box.

 Multiple series correspond to multiple scout boxes.

 By selecting any series, the user can edit the corresponding scout box and adjust the SFOV

and the range.

 Select a scout box, left click and drag to move the scout box.

 Select a node of the scout box, left click and drag to zoom the scout box.

 Select the tilt node of the scout box to rotate it. Only when the tube position parameter of

the scout is set to 90°or 270°, the displayed scout box has a tilt node.

 When the axial scanning or the helical scanning is started, the scout image will display

the scout line which corresponds to the current scanning position.

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8-6-2 Scanning parameters of scout
1. Tube voltage (kV) [kV]

 kV is the scanning voltage parameter.

 kV options include 80, 100, 120 and 140kV. The needed voltage can be selected from kV

parameter options.

2. Tube current (mA) [mA]

 mA is the scanning current parameter.

 The mA range is 10 mA - 420 mA. The mA value can be input to the mA parameter box.

 The product of kV value and mA value must be less than 50kW.

3. Start Position [mm]

 Start Position means the start position of the scan image.

 The Start Position value can be input into the Start Position parameter box.

4. End Position [mm]

 End Position means the end position of the scan image.

 The End Position is related to the Start Position and the Scan Length. The End Position

will be calculated automatically after the Start Position and the Scan Length are set.

 The End Position can be viewed only and cannot be edited.

5. Scan Length [mm]

 Scan Length means the scan length of the scan image.

 The Scan Length value can be input into the Scan Length parameter box.

6. Tube Position

 Tube Position means the tube exposure position.

 Tube Position parameters include 0, 90, 180 and 270 which can be selected from the Tube

Position parameter option.

7. Table Speed [mm/s]

 Table Speed means the movement speed of the patient table during the scan.

 It can be selected from the Table Speed parameter option.

8. Table Direction

 Table Direction means the movement direction of the patient table during the scan.

 Table Direction is related to the patient position.

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 Table Direction includes In and Out which can be selected from the Table Direction

parameter option.

9. Shape Filter

 Shape Filter means the type of the Shape Filter.

 The selectable Shape Filter options include Large and Small.

10. Auto Voice

 Auto Voice means automatically playing the voice.

 Corresponding Auto Voice parameter box can be checked.

 Select the voice from the [Voice Management] module in the Service interface.

11. Windowing

 There are several commonly used WW and WL in the Windowing option, which can be

used to set the gray value of the positioning film image.

 Windowing is influenced by the scanning part, and the selection of Windowing will affect

the parameters of WW and WL.

 The needed WW and WL can be selected from Default Windowing options.

12. WW and WL

 The WW and WL can be selected through Windowing, or the WW and WL values can be

entered in the WW and WL parameter boxes.

13. Series Desc.

 Series Desc. can be used for adding series description.

 Description can be input to the Series Desc. parameter box.

 Series Desc. can be left blank.

14. Automatic transmission (PACS)

 Before the scan start or the execution of secondary reconstruction, the user can select the

corresponding post-processing workstation or the hospital’s PACS system after clicking

the button on the right of PACS in the reconstruction parameter interface. After the end of

image reconstruction, the system will automatically send the reconstructed image to the

selected workstation for the doctor’s reference.

15. Auto Film
 Before starting the scan, after checking Auto Film on the parameter interface, it will be

automatically sent to the film for printing after the scan is over.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
8-6-3 Double scout
1. Double scout:

 The protocol with double scout should be selected for the scan.

 Double scout includes the anteroposterior scout and the lateral scout.

 Double scout positioning:

 Each series has a scanning box both in the anteroposterior scout and the lateral scout.

 Scanning boxes in the double scout are correlated.

 Double scout view

 Browse and view the double scout image with the wheel or the scroll bar in the scout

display area.

2. Scanning procedure of double scout:

 Register the patient information in the [Patient Information] interface.

 Select the body part and the protocol containing double scout, and the system will jump

to the scanning interface.

 Select the patient position in the scanning interface.

 Scanning series in the protocol can be edited.

 Scanning parameters of the scout scan can be edited.

 Scanning parameters of the scout scan. See 8-6-2 Scanning parameters of scout for details.

 The scout scan does not have any reconstruction parameter.

 Click [Start] to start the scan according to set scanning parameters.

 In the progress of scout scan, the image display area will gradually display the obtained

scout image.

 Click the trigger key on the pod twice to complete the scan of the anteroposterior scout

and the lateral scout, and move to the next scan.

 The scan can be stopped and ended.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

8-7 Scanning Protocol Execution
8-7-1 Start the scan
1. Start the scan

 Click [Start] to start the scan as per the protocol series and prepare for the exposure

 After the preparation is completed, the scanning interface will display the exposure start

reminder, and the manual trigger button on the pod is activated.

 Press the Manual or Auto exposure key on the pod to start the exposure.

 Manual trigger: Set the trigger mode as Manual in the scanning parameter. After the

preparation is completed, the manual scan light on the pod is ON. Press the key to start


 Auto trigger: The auto trigger mode generally corresponds to the contrast scan protocol.

Set the trigger mode in the scanning parameter as Auto, and set up the corresponding delay

time according to the scanning interval. After the preparation is completed, the auto scan light

on the pod is ON. Press the key to start exposure. The subsequent scanning series will be

triggered automatically according to the set delay time.

 The scanning state information will be displayed in the scanning process.

 The scanning state information is detailed below.

 During the scan, the user can communicate with the patient through the taking key in the


 In the scanning process, the scout image will display the scout line which corresponds to

the current scanning position. Meanwhile, the image display area will display the

corresponding quick viewing image.

 After the completion of scanning series, the user can view the scan image quickly.

 Except the scout image, the real-time images of helical scanning and axial scanning are

quick reconstruction images which are used for viewing only.

2. Scanning state information

The following state information will be displayed in the scanning process:
 Exposure Identifier

 The Exposure Identifier indicates whether exposure is in progress during the scan.

 The lit Exposure Identifier means that the exposure is in progress.

 Horizontal
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
 Horizontal means the horizontal movement position of the current patient table.

 Height

 Height means the vertical movement height of the current patient table.

 Tilt

 Tilt means the tilt angle of the current gantry.

 mAs

 mAs is equivalent to 1s scan mA, represents the amount of exposure generated by the X-

ray generated by a specific current during the scanning process.

 mAs is related to Tube Current and Rotation Time.

 CT dose index (CTDIVol)[mGy]

 CTDIVol means the average dose under the current scan.

 CTDIVol is related to kV, mA, Slice Thickness, Scan Length and Rotation Time.

 Dose-length product (DLP) [mGy x cm]

 DLP is the product of CTDIVol and Scan Length, which indicates the total dose of the


 DLP is related to kV, mA, Slice Thickness, Scan Length and Rotation Time.

 Scan Time [s]

 Scan Time means the total time needed by the current scan.

 Scan Time is related to Scan Length, Collimation, Rotation Time and Pitch.

 Accumulated DLP(Acc.DLP) [mGy x cm]

 Accumulated DLP means the total DLP accumulated to the current time.

 Accumulated DLP is related to kV, mA, Slice Thickness, Scan Length and Scan Time.

3. Rapid image viewing

 Move

 After the end of series scan, select scout or rapid reconstruction image in the scanning


 Right click and drag the image to the target position.

 Zoom

 After the end of series scan, select scout or rapid reconstruction image in the scanning


 Long press the Ctrl key and drag the wheel until the image is zoomed to a suitable size.

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 Adjust WW & WL

 After the end of series scan, select scout or rapid reconstruction image in the scanning


 Left click and drag the mouse to adjust WW & WL of the image.

8-7-2 Axial scanning

1. Axial scanning introduction

Axial scanning refers to: When the axial scanning of a certain slice is conducted, the patient table keeps

still; the X ray tube moves around the gantry to perform continuous rotation exposure; meanwhile, the

detector collects data. If multiple-slice scan is needed, the patient table will automatically move to the

next position after the completion of a slice until all axial scans are completed.

2. Execution of axial scanning

 Select [Exam] in the operation interface of the software to enter the [Patient Information]


 Register the patient information in the [Patient Information] interface.

 Select the body part and the axial scanning protocol, and the system will jump to the

scanning interface.

 Select the patient position in the scanning interface.

 Scanning series in the protocol can be edited.

 The axial scanning parameters can be edited. See 8-7-2 Axial scanning—3 Axial scanning

parameters for details.

 Click [Start] to start the scan according to set scanning parameters. After the completion

of each series scan, real-time reconstruction and quick viewing of the image can be conducted.

 The scan can be stopped and ended.

 After the completion of the scanning protocol, click [End] to end the scan.

3. Axial scanning parameters

 Tube voltage (kV) [kV]

 kV is the scanning voltage parameter.

 kV options include 80, 100, 120 and 140kV. The needed voltage can be selected from kV

parameter options. The deviation to nominal value of tube voltage should be not more than ±


 Tube current (mA) [mA]

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
 mA is the scanning current parameter.

 The range of current of X-ray tube is 10 mA - 420 mA. The mA value can be input to the

mA parameter box. The tube current error is not more than ±20%.

 The product of kV value and mA value must be less than 50kW.

 Rot. Time [s]

 Rot. Time means the rotation speed of the scan. It represents the time needed by the gantry

to move a round.

 Rot. Time options include 0.5 s/360°, 0.75 s/360°, 1.0 s/360°, 1.5 s/360°and 2.0s/360°.

The deviation from nominal speed should not exceed ±5%. The needed speed can be selected

from the Rot. Time options.

 Expose time

 Expose time: 0.5s, 0.75s, 1.0s, 1.5s and 2.0s. The deviation to nominal value should be

no more than ±10%.

 Start Position [mm]

 Start Position means the start position of the scan image.

 The Start Position value can be input into the Start Position parameter box.

 End Position [mm]

 End Position means the end position of the scan image.

 The End Position is related to the Start Position and the Scan Length. The End Position

will be calculated automatically after the Start Position and the Scan Length are set.

 The End Position can be viewed only and cannot be edited.

 Scan Length [mm]

 Scan Length means the scan length of the scan image.

 The Scan Length value can be input into the Scan Length parameter box.

 As for the axial scanning, if the set Scan Length is not the integral multiple of Collimation,

it will be automatically adjusted to the adjacent integral multiple.

 Table Direction

 Table Direction means the movement direction of the patient table.

 Table Direction includes In and Out which can be selected from the Table Direction

parameter option.

 Collimation

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 Collimation means the corresponding configuration of the collimation.

 Selectable collimation options include 16×1.2, 16×0.6, 8×0.6, 4×0.6, 2×0.6.

 No. of Scans

 No. of Scans means the number of scans.

 After the relevant Collimation and Scan Length are set, the No. of Scans will be calculated


 Its value can be input to the No. of Scans parameter box. After the No. of Scans is input,

the system will automatically calculate and change the Scan Length value.

 Tilt [o]

 Tilt means the tilt angle of the gantry.

 The maximum Tilt is ±30o, with the error of ±2°.

 The Tilt value can be input to the Tilt parameter box.

 Focal Spot

 Focal Spot means the size of the tube focal spot.

 The selectable Focal Spot options include Large and Small.

 Focal Spot parameter (nominal, IEC 60336): 0.5 × 1.0 mm /1.0 × 1.0 mm.

 Shape Filter

 Shape Filter means the type of the Shape Filter.

 The selectable Shape Filter options include Large and Small.

 X-ray dose adjustment technology (ImA)

 ImA (Intelligent mA) indicates the function of intelligently adjusting X-ray dose. That

is, through ImA intelligent adjustment, the existing dose can be used more effectively

and the X-ray dose received by the patient can be reduced.

 ImA OFF means not using ImA function. If you need to use the ImA function, click the

OFF button and a pop-up box will display the ImA parameter: Z modulation and XY

modulation. Check the Z modulation option or the XY modulation option, the ImA

function is selected, and the following parameters appear:

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
a) Z modulation: Turn on/off ImA function.

b) XY modulation: Turn on/off ImA function.

c) Related parameters:

i. NoiseIndex: Set the noise figure. The larger the index, the lower the average current

during scanning, and the greater the noise of the final image. The setting range of the

index is 1.0~15.0, and one decimal place can be reserved.

ii. Avaerage mA: Display the average current of the current curve under the current


d) Matters needing attention:

i. You need to complete the scout to enable the ImA function.

ii. The scanning range of axial scanning is best set to not exceed the scanning range

of the positioning sheet. If the scan range of the axial scan exceeds the scan range

of the positioning sheet, the excess ImA function will not take effect.

iii. Please complete other parameters before setting ImA parameters. If you modify

other parameters after setting the ImA parameters, please confirm whether the

ImA parameters meet the requirements.

iv. When using the ImA function, the current parameter in the scan interface cannot

be set.

v. When using the ImA function, the large focal spot (Large focal spot) is used by


 Scan Trigger

 Scan Trigger means the trigger mode of the series.

 Scan Trigger modes include Manual and Auto which can be selected from the Scan

Trigger parameter option.

 Auto Voice

 Auto Voice means automatically playing the voice.

 Corresponding Auto Voice parameter box can be checked.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

 Select the voice from the [Voice Management] module in the Service interface.

4. Reconstruction parameters of axial scanning:


 Start Position [mm]

 End Position [mm]

 Slice Thickness

 Slice Interval

 Windowing

 WL

 WW

 Kernel

 Recon Matrix

 No. of Image


Note: Refer to 8-9-2 Reconstruction parameter for specific description of the reconstruction parameter.

8-7-3 Helical scanning

Longest time of helical scanning: 100 s.

Longest distance of helical scanning: 1700 mm.
Notice 8-1

1. Helical scanning introduction

Helical scanning refers to: During the scan, the X ray tube moves around the gantry to perform

continuous rotation exposure; meanwhile, the patient table performs the synchronous uniform

movement along the longitudinal axis; the detector collects data. It is called the helical scanning since

the scanning trace is helical.

2. Execution of helical scanning:

 Select [Exam] in the operation interface of the software to enter the [Patient Information]


 Register the patient information in the [Patient Information] interface.

 Select the body part and the helical scanning protocol, and the system will jump to the scanning


00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
 Select the patient position in the scanning interface.

 Scanning series in the protocol can be edited.

 The helical scanning parameters can be edited.

 Helical scanning parameters. See 8-7-3 Helical scanning—3 Helical scanning parameters

for details.

 Click [Start] to start the scan according to set scanning parameters.

 After the completion of each series scan, real-time reconstruction and quick viewing of

the image can be conducted.

 The scan can be stopped and ended.

 After the completion of the scanning protocol, click [End] to end the scan.

3. Helical scanning parameters:

 Tube voltage (kV) [kV]

 kV is the scanning voltage parameter.

 kV options include 80, 100, 120 and 140kV. The needed voltage can be selected from kV

parameter options. The deviation to nominal value of tube voltage should be not more than


 Tube current (mA) [mA]

 mA is the scanning current parameter.

 The range of current of X-ray tube is 10 mA - 420 mA. The mA value can be input to the

mA parameter box. The deviation to nominal value should be not more than ±20%.

 The product of kV value and mA value must be less than 50kW.

 Rot. Time [s]

 Rot. Time means the rotation speed of the scan. It represents the time needed by the gantry

to move a round.

 Rot. Time options include 0.5 s/360°, 0.75 s/360°, 1.0 s/360°, 1.5 s/360°and 2.0s/360°.

The deviation from nominal value should not exceed ±5%. The needed speed can be selected

from the Rot. Time options.

 Expose time

 The deviation to nominal value should be no more than ±10%.

 Start Position [mm]

 Start Position means the start position of the scan image.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

 The Start Position value can be input into the Start Position parameter box.

 End Position [mm]

 End Position means the end position of the scan image.

 The End Position is related to the Start Position and the Scan Length. The End Position

will be calculated automatically after the Start Position and the Scan Length are set.

 The End Position can be viewed only and cannot be edited.

 Scan Length [mm]

 Scan Length means the scan length of the scan image.

 The Scan Length value can be input into the Scan Length parameter box.

 Table Direction

 Table Direction means the movement direction of the patient table.

 Table Direction includes In and Out which can be selected from the Table Direction

parameter option.

 Collimation

 Collimation means the corresponding configuration of the collimation.

 Selectable collimation options include 16×1.2, 16×0.6, 8×0.6, 4×0.6, 2×0.6.

 Focal Spot

 Focal Spot means the size of the tube focal spot.

 The selectable Focal Spot options include Large and Small.

 Focal Spot parameter (nominal, IEC 60336): 0.5 × 1.0 mm /1.0 × 1.0 mm.

 Shape Filter

 Shape Filter means the type of the Shape Filter.

 The selectable Shape Filter options include Large and Small.

 Pitch

 Pitch means the movement speed of the patient table during helical scanning.

 Pitch options include 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5 and 1.75. The needed Pitch can be

selected from these options.

 Scan Time

 Scan Time can be viewed only and cannot be edited.

 X-ray dose adjustment technology (ImA)

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
 ImA (Intelligent mA) indicates the function of intelligently adjusting X-ray dose. That

is, through ImA intelligent adjustment, the existing dose can be used more effectively

and the X-ray dose received by the patient can be reduced.

 ImA OFF means not using ImA function. If you need to use the ImA function, click the

OFF button and a pop-up box will display the ImA parameter: Z modulation and XY

modulation. Check the Z modulation option or the XY modulation option , the ImA

function is selected, and the following parameters appear:

a) Z modulation: Turn on/off ImA function.

b) XY modulation: Turn on/off ImA function.

c) Related parameters:

i. NoiseIndex: Set the noise figure. The larger the index, the lower the average

current during scanning, and the greater the noise of the final image. The

setting range of the index is 1.0~15.0, and one decimal place can be


ii. Avaerage mA: Display the average current of the current curve under the

current setting.

d) Matters needing attention:

i. You need to complete the scout to enable the ImA function.

ii. The scanning range of axial scanning is best set to not exceed the scanning range of

the positioning sheet. If the scan range of the axial scan exceeds the scan range of

the positioning sheet, the excess ImA function will not take effect.

iii. Please complete other parameters before setting ImA parameters. If you modify

other parameters after setting the ImA parameters, please confirm whether the ImA

parameters meet the requirements.

iv. When using the ImA function, the current parameter in the scan interface cannot be


v. When using the ImA function, the large focal spot (Large focal spot) is used by
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)


 Scan Trigger

 Scan Trigger means the trigger mode of the series.

 Scan Trigger modes include Manual and Auto which can be selected from the Scan

Trigger parameter option.

 Auto Voice

 Auto Voice means automatically playing the voice.

 Corresponding Auto Voice parameter box can be checked.

 Select the voice from the [Voice Management] module in the Service interface.

4. Reconstruction parameters of helical scanning:


 Start Position [mm]

 End Position [mm]

 Slice Thickness

 Slice Interval

 Windowing

 WW

 WL

 Kernel

 Recon Matrix

 No. of Image


Note: Refer to 8-9-2 Reconstruction parameter for specific description of the reconstruction parameter.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
8-7-4 Contrast scan
1. Introduction to contrast scan

Contrast scan refers to the scan after the intravenous injection of a certain amount of contrast agents.

During the contrast scan, the delay time of different scanning series can be set according to the change

of contrast agent in human body over time. The single- or multi-phase contrast scan can be conducted

respectively. The doctor can make a further diagnosis according to different enhancement characteristics

of the lesion in each phase.

2. Execution of contrast scan

 Select [Exam] in the operation interface of the software to enter the [Patient Information]


 Register the patient information in the [Patient Information] interface.

 Select the body part and the contrast scan protocol, and the system will jump to the

scanning interface.

 Select the patient position in the scanning interface.

 Scanning series in the protocol can be edited.

 The contrast scan parameters can be edited.

 Parameters can be set in the injection interface of the scanning parameter region.

 See 8-7-3 Helical scanning—3 Helical scanning parameters for general scanning

parameters and reconstruction parameters of the contrast scan; see 8-7-4 Contrast scan—3

Contrast scan parameters for special scanning parameters.

 Click [Start] to start the scan according to set scanning parameters.

 After the completion of each series scan, the image can be viewed quickly.

 Inject the contrast agent to the patient after the completion of the first helical scanning,

and then perform the subsequent scan.

 The scan can be triggered both manually and automatically. Multi-phase scan can be


 After the completion of the scanning protocol, click [End] to end the scan.

3. Contrast scan parameters:

 Contrast

 Contrast indicates whether the contrast is used during the scan.

 The user can select to use the contrast or not in the Contrast parameter box.
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

 Injection Delay Time

 Injection Delay Time means the exposure delay time after the contrast injection.

 This parameter can be edited only after the user selects to use the contrast.

 Corresponding value can be input into the Injection Delay Time parameter box.

 Agent

 Agent means the agent used as the contrast in practice.

 This parameter can be edited only after the user selects to use the contrast.

 Corresponding agent can be selected from the Agent parameter option according to the

actual condition.

 The dose required for contrast scan is generally higher than that of normal scan. Before

the contrast scan, the patient and his/her family members should be informed in advance. The

reminder shall be set in the scanning interface.

 Automatic exposure control (AEC)

 The contrast scan involves in multiple scan series. The AEC mode is adopted for multi-

phase scan. Each scan series will be started automatically after the preset delay time is over.

8-7-5 Perfusion scan

1. Introduction to perfusion scan
CT perfusion scan is different from the dynamic scanning. After the intravenous bolus injection of the
contrast, the perfusion scan conducts continuous CT scan to the region of interest (ROI) and obtains the
time-density curve of the ROI. Various perfusion parameters can be calculated utilizing different
mathematical models. Therefore, the blood perfusion change of local tissue can be effectively quantified.
It is important to determine the blood supply of a specific focus. It is widely used for the early detection
of cerebral infarction.
2. Execution of perfusion scan

 Select [Exam] in the operation interface of the software to enter the [Patient Information]


 Register the patient information in the [Patient Information] interface.

 Select the body part and the corresponding perfusion scan protocol, and the system will jump

to the scanning interface.

 Select the patient position in the scanning interface.

 Scanning series in the protocol can be edited.

 The perfusion scan parameters can be edited.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
 Parameters can be set in the injection interface of the scanning parameter region.

 See 8-7-3 Helical scanning—3 Helical scanning parameters for general scanning

parameters and reconstruction parameters of the perfusion scan; see 8-7-4 Contrast scan—3

Contrast scan parameters for special scanning parameters.

 Click [Start] to start the scan according to the setting.

 After the completion of each series scan, real-time reconstruction and quick viewing of

the image can be conducted.

 Inject the contrast agent to the patient after the completion of the first helical scanning,

and then perform the subsequent scan.

 The scan can be triggered both manually and automatically. Multi-phase scan can be


 After the completion of the scanning protocol, click [End] to end the scan.

8-7-6 Interventional scan

1. Introduction to interventional scan

Interventional scan refers to that the expected scan image of each trigger phase is obtained utilizing the

puncture technique in clinic. Interventional CT scan mainly has two objectives: 1. CT guided diagnosis;

2. CT guided treatment. For the purpose of diagnosis, interventional CT scan can be used for the biopsy

of brain, lung, mediastinum, liver, pancreas, kidney, adrenal gland, posterior peritoneum, pelvic masses

or lymph nodes, deep muscle and bone tissue. For the purpose of treatment, interventional CT scan can

be used for puncture drainage and intracavity drug injection of intracranial, thoracic, abdominal, and

pelvic organ hematoma or abscess, as well as CT-guided percutaneous puncture and incision for

prolapsed intervertebral disc. The effect is good.

2. Execution of interventional scan

 Select [Exam] in the operation interface of the software to enter the [Patient Information]


 Register the patient information in the [Patient Information] interface.

 Select the body part and the corresponding interventional scan protocol, and the system will

jump to the scanning interface.

 Select the patient position in the scanning interface.

 Scanning series in the protocol can be edited.

 The interventional scan parameters can be edited.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

 Parameters can be set in the injection interface of the scanning parameter region.

 See 8-7-3 Helical scanning—3 Helical scanning parameters for general scanning

parameters and reconstruction parameters of the interventional scan; see 8-7-4 Contrast

scan—3 Contrast scan parameters for special scanning parameters.

 Click [Start] to start the scan according to the setting.

 After the completion of each series scan, real-time reconstruction and quick viewing of

the image can be conducted.

 Puncture and inject the drug (or contrast agent) after the completion of the first helical

scanning, and then perform the subsequent scan.

 The scan can be triggered both manually and automatically. Multi-phase scan can be


 After the completion of the scanning protocol, click [End] to end the scan.

8-8 Scan Stop and End

8-8-1 Stop the scan
Stop the scan:

 During the series scan, click [Stop] or press the Stop key on the pod to stop the current scan.

Exposure and all movements will be stopped immediately. The interface pops up the Abort


8-8-2 End the scan

End the scan:

 After the scan completion, click [End] to end the current scan.

 New patient registration or scan for the next patient can be conducted.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
8-9 Image Reconstruction
Image reconstruction is an important tool to visualize raw data. It can transform raw data into DICOM3.0

images that can be viewed. Reconstruction is mainly to execute the reconstruction task generated by the

scan. The image is reconstructed according to the set reconstruction parameter. After the end of scan,

the system automatically creates the reconstruction task and sends it to the reconstruction manager.

8-9-1 Reconstruction task

 After the end of scan, the system creates the reconstruction task according to the

set scanning parameter and sends it to the reconstruction manager.

 Refer to 8-9-2 Reconstruction parameter for specific description of the

reconstruction parameter.

 The user can click the reconstruction manager on the interface bottom to view

the current reconstruction progress.

8-9-2 Reconstruction parameter

1. DFOV [mm]

 DFOV means the diameter of the reconstruction image.

 DFOV cannot exceed SFOV (500mm).

 DFOV value can be input into the DFOV parameter box.

2. Start Position [mm]

 Start Position means the start position of the reconstruction image.

 The Start Position value can be input into the Start Position parameter box.

3. End Position [mm]

 End Position means the end position of the reconstruction image.

 The End Position value can be input into the End Position parameter box.

4. Slice Thickness [mm]

 Slice Thickness means the slice thickness of the reconstruction image.

 Slice Thickness is related to Collimation. Slice Thickness ≤ Collimation.

 The needed Slice Thickness can be selected from Slice Thickness parameter options.

5. Slice Interval [mm]

 Slice Interval means the slice interval of the reconstruction image.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

 Slice Interval is related to Slice Thickness. After the Slice Thickness is selected, the Slice

Interval will be calculated automatically.

 If it is the axial scan, Slice Interval can be viewed only and cannot be edited; if it is the

helical scan, Slice Interval can be edited.

6. Windowing

 Windowing contains several common WW and WL which can be used for the

reconstruction image.

 Windowing is influenced by the scanning part. The Windowing option influences WW and


 The needed WW and WL can be selected from Default Windowing options.

7. WW and WL

 WW and WL means those of the reconstruction image.

 WW and WL are influenced by Default Windowing.

 WW and WL can be selected from Default Windowing or input into the corresponding

parameter box.

8. Kernel

 Kernel is the algorithm selected for the reconstruction image. It is used to sharpen or

smooth the image and obtain high-quality reconstruction image.

 The needed algorithm can be selected from Kernel parameter options.

9. Recon Matrix

 Recon Matrix means the matrix size of the reconstruction image.

 Recon Matrix options include 512-dot matrix. The user can select the needed matrix size.

10. No. of Image

 No. of Image means the quantity of reconstructed images.

 No. of Image is related to Slice Thickness, Slice Interval, Start Position and End Position.

The corresponding No. of Image is calculated automatically after Slice Thickness, Slice

Interval, Start Position and End Position are determined.

 No. of Image can be viewed only and cannot be edited.

11. Automatic transmission

 Before the scan start or the execution of secondary reconstruction, the user can select the

corresponding post-processing workstation or the hospital’s PACS system after clicking the

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
button on the right of PACS in the reconstruction parameter interface. After the end of image

reconstruction, the system will automatically send the reconstructed image to the selected

workstation for the doctor’s reference.

12. Iterative reconstruction (NDI+)

 NDI+ iterative noise reduction has two options: On and Off. Use the On/Off button to

turn on/off the NDI+ iterative noise reduction function. When the NDI+ function option

is On, you can set the NDI+ Level and use iterative calculation to reduce the image

noise level.

 NDI+ Level option can choose a value from 1 to 5. This option can set the degree of

image noise reduction. The higher the value set, the lower the noise level of the image.

8-10 32 slices software package (optional features)

X-ray source component rotate 360°, at a single axial scan can obtain the biggest scanning slices image

number is 32.

8-11 Cautions
Before the scan, the operator shall confirm the following conditions:

1. The patient carries or wears any object influencing the image. For example, metal objects or other

objects that highly attenuate X-ray, including accessories, jewelry and bras, etc. The patient shall

remove such objects or place them outside the scanning range before the scan.

2. The scanned part has metal implanted devices or the false tooth. The operator shall select a suitable

protocol and dose.

3. The scanned part has implanted or carries electronic medical devices. For example, cardiac pacemaker,

defibrillator, nerve stimulator, infusion pump, artificial organs and retinal implant. The operator

shall confirm with the patient or relevant experts that CT scan will not influence their function.

4. The patient is a woman who is preparing for pregnancy, pregnant or in their lactation period. The

operator shall determine to scan or not combining with the patient’s diagnosis and inform the patient of

the risk.

5. For pediatric patients. The operator shall select a suitable protocol and dose.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

8-12 Error message for doctors during scanning
In the scanning process, if the machine is not running normally, there will be an error message prompt,

according to the prompt operation can be normal scanning.

Num Description

ber Description and suggestion

2 Error code
Figure 8-6 Error Message

The system has problems, click “OK” and try to scan again. If still can’t scan, please restart the system

in 2 minutes. The report will be sent to Minfound. The doctor can follow the instructions to rescan or

restart the machine to restore the scan.

If you see the following error message, you can also operate according to the error message to restore

normal scanning.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 8-4 Error message
Scan instance miss match Abnormalities were detected, you can resume operation by
clicking “OK”. A report will be sent to Minfound.
Current series has error parameters Scan parameters error, you can resume by clicking “OK”.
when parameters setting Please check the scan parameters then attempt to scan again.
check auto series parameters has Automatic scan series parameters error, you can resume by
error clicking “OK”. Please check the scan parameters then attempt
to scan again.
Wait press button too long time. Start button not pressed. Please press the expose start button
on the POD. You can resume the operation by clicking “OK”.
Aborted! Abnormalities were detected. You can resume the operation
by clicking “OK”.
System is busy! Scan denied! Abnormalities were detected. You can resume the operation
Aborted Timeout by clicking “OK”. A report will be sent to Minfound.
Normal scanning, plotting normal, Scan was successful and RAW data collected successfully, but
but the number is not in line with the number of images seems abnormal. Please click “OK” and
expectations check the number of images. If the issue continues, please
carry out a second recon. If the second recon fails, please
restart the system and reattempt a second recon. A report will
be sent to Minfound.
Initialization: Error on Abnormalities were detected, please restart the system in 2
SendPrepMessage minutes, then resume the operation. A report will be sent to
Oil pump has failed. Scan denied! Hardware failure detected. Please contact our services
Please call service! immediately: 400 035 8898
Detector temperature is wrong! The Detector temperature is wrong! The quality of images is not
quality of images is not very good. very good. Please contact the Service to check the detector
Please contact the Service to check temperature (400 035 8898)! Continue to scan?
the detector temperature! Continue
to scan?
Disk space is not enough! Scan will Scan interrupted, insufficient disc storage space for scan;
be aborted. automatic deletion malfunction detected. Please contact our
services immediately: 400 035 8898
Kernels file and system config not Software configuration is abnormal. Please contact our
match! services immediately: 400 035 8898
Won’t call, code error or obsoleted An abnormality was detected, click “Confirm” and reattempt
the scan. A report will be sent to Minfound.
Parameter file or format error User reconstruction parameter setting error, click “Confirm”
and attempt to scan again after checking the reconstruction
Copy calibration vector error An abnormality was detected, click “Confirm” and reattempt
the scan. A report will be sent to Minfound.
Call ipp lib error A user operation or system abnormality was detected, click
“OK” and restart the system in 2 minutes. A report will be
sent to Minfound.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 8-4 Error message
External parameter error User reconstruction parameter setting error, click “Confirm”
and attempt to scan again after checking the reconstruction
Internal parameter error An abnormality was detected, click “Confirm” and reattempt
Memory map file error the scan. A report will be sent to Minfound.
Data abnormal
Read data error
Write data error
CRC too much
Internal unknown error, generate
Internal process error
Internal unknown error, generate
Parameter file or format error. User reconstruction parameter setting error, click “Confirm”
and attempt to scan again after checking the reconstruction
Call RPC error A user operation or system abnormality was detected, click
“Confirm” and attempt another scan in 2 minutes. If the
abnormality continues to occur, please soft restart the system
and try again. A report will be sent to Minfound.
RPC server error A user operation or system abnormality was detected, click
Message error “OK” and restart the system in 2 minutes. A report will be
sent to Minfound.
Prepare data acquisition failed due The system is abnormal, please hard restart the system. If the
to generate offset vector failed error continues, please contact customer service: 400 035
issues. 8898
Collecting data failed due to scan Abnormal system configuration. Please contact customer
task Uid mismatch service: 400 035 8898
Collecting data failed due to The system is abnormal, please hard restart the system and try
collection error caught again. If the error continues please contact customer service:
400 035 8898
Fiber disconnected The system is abnormal, please hard restart the system. If the
error continues, please contact customer service: 400 035
Mandatory Parameter Missing Invalid value entered, please check and try again.
Mandatory Parameter Missing
Mandatory Parameter Missing
Position has illegal value; Invalid value entered, please check and try again.
has invalid value;
invalid command
has invalid parameter
HVEXPOSE fault detect The system has problems, click “OK” and attempt to scan
CanBus Communication failed again. If the issue continues, please restart the system and try
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 8-4 Error message
Start data acq failed again. If the problem persists after the restart. Please contact
Tried StopAcq Failed customer service: 400 035 8898
Stop Offset Failed.
Reset table position failed. The system has problems, click “OK” and attempt to scan
Specify EITHER aperture or filter as again.
Neither 'aperture' or 'filter' was
Specify an aperture slot (2*0.6,
closed, etc.)
Specify EITHER center (default) or
offset with slot
Specify a valid aperture slot (2*0.6,
closed, etc.)
Specify a filter shape (large, small,
Specify a valid shaped filter (Large,
Small, etc.)
Home Aperture Failed.
Move Aperture Failed.
Move Filter Failed
Stop Aperture Failed.
Stop Filter Failed.
Ask Filter Failed.
Read Collimator Firmware Version
Cannot Turn Laser On.
Cannot Turn Laser Off
Scan check failed; In the Idle state The system has problems, please restart the system and try to
machine, the “ReceivedScanCheck” scan again. The report will be automatically sent to Minfound.
transfer failed.
Scan preparation failed; In the The clutch switch is pressed. Please release the clutch switch
Fetching state machine, Clutch and try to scan again.
Engaged, Cannot move table.
Scan preparation failed; In the The system has problems, please restart the system and try to
Fetching state machine, the scan again. The report will be automatically sent to Minfound.
“ClutchEngaged” transfer failed.
Scan preparation failed; In the The configuration parameter has problems. Please contact
Fetching state machine, the scan customer service: 400 035 8898
parameters in the
function are incorrect.
Scan preparation failed; In the The system has problems, please restart the system and try to
Fetching state machine, the scan again. The report will be automatically sent to Minfound.
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 8-4 Error message
transfer failed.
Scan preparation failed; In the The system has problems. Please contact customer service:
CheckLaserStatus state machine, no 400 035 8898
rotation error message was received.
Scan preparation failed; In the The system has problems, please restart the system and try to
PrepMinionsTilt state machine, the scan again. The report will be automatically sent to Minfound.
“PrepDoneTilt” transfer failed.
Scan preparation failed; In the The configuration parameter has problems. Please contact
PrepMinionsTilt state machine, the customer service: 400 035 8898
parameter GantryTilt is empty.
Scan start failed; In the
ScanInProgress state machine, Step
Number Mismatch.
Scan preparation failed; In the The system has problems. Please contact customer service:
PrepMinionsTilt state machine, no 400 035 8898
tilt error message was received.
Scan preparation failed; In the The system has problems, please restart the system and try to
PrepMinions state machine, the scan again. The report will be automatically sent to Minfound.
“MinionInitializeError” transfer
Scan preparation failed; In the The system has problems. Please contact customer service:
PrepMinions state machine, no 400 035 8898
RTManager MoveTo error messages
were received.
Scan start failed; In the
ScanStartMinions state machine, the
RT Manager program start failed.
Scan preparation failed; In the
PrepMinions state machine, no
RTManager Move error messages
were received.
Scan preparation failed; In the
PrepMinionsTilt state machine, the
TILT Manager program prepare
Scan preparation failed; In the The system has problems, please restart the system and try to
PrepMinions state machine, the scan again. The report will be automatically sent to Minfound.
“PrepDoneMinionError” transfer
Scan preparation failed; In the
PrepDone state machine, the
“ReceivedScanStart” transfer failed.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 8-4 Error message
Scan preparation failed; In the
PrepDone state machine, the
“ReceivedScanStartSAS” transfer
Scan preparation failed; In the
PrepFailed state machine, the
“AllPrepMinionsAborted” transfer
Scan start failed; In the
ScanStartMinions state machine, the
“MinionStartError” transfer failed.
Scan start failed; In the
ScanStartMinions state machine, the
“AllMinionsStarted” transfer failed.
Scan start failed; In the
ScanInProgress state machine, the
transfer failed.
Scan start failed; In the
ScanInProgress state machine, the
transfer failed.
Scan start failed; In the
ScanInProgress state machine, the
“ScanDoneMinionError” transfer
Scan start failed; In the
ScanInProgress state machine, the
“SkipCurrentScan” transfer failed.
Scan start failed; In the EndOfScan
state machine, the
“AllMotionsStoppedError” transfer
Scan start failed; In the EndOfScan
state machine, the
“AllMotionsStopped” transfer
Scan start failed; In the ScanDone
state machine, the
“ReceivedEndOfExam” transfer
Scan start failed; In the EndOfExam
state machine, the

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 8-4 Error message
“AllMotionsStopped” transfer
Scan start failed; In the ScanFailed
state machine, the
“AllScanMinionsAborted” transfer
Scan abort failed; The
“ReceivedAbort” transfer failed.
Scan abort failed; In the Aborting
state machine, the
“AllMinionsAborted” transfer
Scan reset failed; The The system has problems, please restart the system and try to
“ReceivedReset” transfer failed. scan again. The report will be automatically sent to Minfound.
Unexpected Parameters were The system has problems, click “OK” and try to scan again.
detected. If the issue continues, please restart the system in 2 minutes.
The report will be sent to Minfound.
Home command error; Only
'traverse' or 'rotate' requests is
Scan start failed; In the The system has problems. Please contact customer service:
ScanInProgress state machine, no 400 035 8898
RTManager MoveTo error messages
were received.
Scan start failed; In the
ScanInProgress state machine,
parsing the RTManager MoveTo
message failed
Scan start failed; In the EndOfScan
state machine, no RTManager stop
error messages were received.
Scan start failed; In the EndOfScan
state machine, parsing the
RTManager stop message failed.
Home command error; Must specify The system has problems, click “OK” and try to scan again.
either 'traverse' or 'rotate'. If the issue continues, please restart the system in 2 minutes.
Rotate home command error; Parse The report will be sent to Minfound.
timeout value failed. The system has problems, click “OK” and try to scan again.
Rotate home action failed; Rotate If the issue continues, please restart the system in 2 minutes.
Home action in progress. The report will be sent to Minfound.
Rotate home action failed; Cannot The system has problems, click “OK” and try to scan again.
send command. If the issue continues, please restart the system in 2 minutes.
Rotate home action failed; Operation The report will be sent to Minfound.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 8-4 Error message
Traverse home command error; The system has problems, click “OK” and try to scan again.
Parse timeout value failed. If the issue continues, please restart the system in 2 minutes.
Traverse home action failed; There The report will be sent to Minfound.
is an action currently in progress. The system has problems, click “OK” and try to scan again.
Traverse home action failed; If the issue continues, please restart the system in 2 minutes.
Traverse Home action in progress. The report will be sent to Minfound.
Traverse home action failed; Cannot The system has problems, click “OK” and try to scan again.
send command. If the issue continues, please restart the system in 2 minutes.
Traverse home action failed; The report will be sent to Minfound.
Operation Timeout.
Move command error; Only
'traverse' or 'rotate' requests is
Move command error; Must specify
either 'traverse' or 'rotate'.
Rotate move command error; Parse
timeout value failed.
Rotate move command error; Parse
speed value failed.
Rotate move command error; The
rotate speed value is outside the
specified range.
Rotate move command error; No
rotate speed value is set.
Rotate move action failed; Anode is
not open; the rotation speed cannot
exceed 30.
Rotate move action failed; Rotate
Move action in progress.
Rotate move action failed; Cannot
send command.
Rotate move action failed; Operation
Traverse move command error;
Parse timeout value failed.
Traverse move command error;
Parse speed value failed.
Traverse move command error; The
traverse speed value is outside the
specified range.
Traverse move command error; No
traverse speed value is set.
Traverse move command error;
Only 'in' or 'out' requests is allowed.
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 8-4 Error message
Traverse move command error;
Must specify either 'in' or 'out'.
Traverse move action failed; There
is an action currently in progress.
Traverse move action failed;
Traverse Move action in progress.
Traverse move action failed; Cannot
send command.
Traverse move action failed;
Operation Timeout.
Moveto command error; Only
'traverse' or 'rotate' requests is
Moveto command error; Must
specify either 'traverse' or 'rotate'.
Rotate moveto command error;
Parse timeout value failed.
Rotate moveto command error; Only
'angle' or 'delta' requests is allowed.
Rotate moveto command error; Must
specify either 'angle' or 'delta'.
Rotate moveto command error;
Parse angle value failed.
Rotate moveto command error;
Parse delta value failed.
Rotate moveto action failed; There
is an action currently in progress.
Rotate moveto action failed; Rotate
MoveTo action in progress.
Rotate moveto action failed; Cannot
send command.
Rotate moveto action failed;
Operation Timeout.
Traverse moveto command error;
Parse timeout value failed.
Traverse moveto command error;
Parse speed value failed.
Traverse moveto command error;
The traverse speed value is outside
the specified range.
Traverse moveto command error;
Parse position value failed.
Traverse moveto command error;
Only 'in' or 'out' request is allowed.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 8-4 Error message
Traverse moveto command error;
Must specify either 'in' or 'out'.
Traverse moveto command error;
Parse In value failed.
Traverse moveto command error;
Parse Out value failed.
Traverse moveto action failed; There
is an action currently in progress.
Stop command error; Only 'traverse'
or 'rotate' requests is allowed.
Rotate stop command error; Parse
timeout value failed.
Stop command error; Must specify
either 'traverse' or 'rotate'.
Traverse stop action failed;
Operation Timeout.
Undefined error messages.
Unexpected Parameters were
Lift home command error; Must
specify either 'lift' parameter.
Lift home command error; Parse
speed value failed.
Lift home action failed; Not send
message to RTManager.
Tilt moveto action failed; Cannot
send command.
Tilt moveto command error; No
angle value is set.
Traverse move action failed; The The Foot Pedal is stepped down. Please release the Foot Pedal
footpedal action is executing. and continue the operation.
Undefined error messages. The system has problems. Please contact customer service:
400 035 8898
Rotate home action failed; The touch sensor is triggered. Please check if the touch sensor
TouchSensor Trigger. is stepped on by human factor and try to scan again.
Rotate home action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Rotate home action failed; Motor Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
unresponsive. service: 400 035 8898
Traverse home action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Traverse home action failed; Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
Canopen connecting failed. service: 400 035 8898

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 8-4 Error message
Traverse home action failed; The touch sensor is triggered. Please check if the touch sensor
TouchSensor Trigger. is stepped on by human factor and try to scan again.
Traverse home action failed; The Foot Pedal is stepped down. Please release the Foot Pedal
Footpedal Action Underway. and continue the operation.
Traverse home action failed; Clutch The clutch switch is pressed. Please release the clutch switch
Disabled. and try to scan again.
Traverse home action failed; Motor Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
unresponsive. service: 400 035 8898
Rotate move action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Rotate move action failed; Canopen Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
connecting failed. service: 400 035 8898
Rotate move action failed; The touch sensor is triggered. Please check if the touch sensor
TouchSensor Trigger. is stepped on by human factor and try to scan again.
Rotate move action failed; Motor Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
unresponsive. service: 400 035 8898
Traverse move action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Traverse move action failed; Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
Canopen connecting failed. service: 400 035 8898
Traverse move action failed; Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
Canopen connecting failed. service: 400 035 8898
Traverse move action failed; The touch sensor is triggered. Please check if the touch sensor
TouchSensor Trigger. is stepped on by human factor and try to scan again.
Traverse move action failed; The Foot Pedal is stepped down. Please release the Foot Pedal
Footpedal Action Underway. and continue the operation.
Traverse move action failed; Clutch The clutch switch is pressed. Please release the clutch switch
Disabled. and try to scan again.
Traverse move action failed; Motor Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
unresponsive. service: 400 035 8898
Rotate moveto action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Rotate moveto action failed; Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
Canopen connecting failed. service: 400 035 8898
Rotate moveto action failed; The touch sensor is triggered. Please check if the touch sensor
TouchSensor Trigger. is stepped on by human factor and try to scan again.
Rotate moveto action failed; Need Please press Table In/Out button on the pod to the Home
HOME First. action. If the button is not flashing, please restart the system.
Rotate moveto action failed; Motor Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
unresponsive. service: 400 035 8898
Traverse moveto action failed; The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
EStop Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Traverse moveto action failed; Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
Canopen connecting failed. service: 400 035 8898

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 8-4 Error message
Traverse moveto action failed; The touch sensor is triggered. Please check if the touch sensor
TouchSensor Trigger. is stepped on by human factor and try to scan again.
Traverse moveto action failed; The Foot Pedal is stepped down. Please release the Foot Pedal
Footpedal Action Underway. and continue the operation.
Traverse moveto action failed; The clutch switch is pressed. Please release the clutch switch
Clutch Disabled. and try to scan again.
Traverse moveto action failed; The touch sensor is triggered. Please check if the touch sensor
Position Not In Correct Range. is stepped on by human factor and try to scan again.
Traverse moveto action failed; Need Please press Table In/Out button on the pod to the Home
HOME First. action. If the button is not flashing, please restart the system.
Traverse moveto action failed; Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
Motor unresponsive. service: 400 035 8898
Rotate stop action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Rotate stop action failed; Canopen Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
connecting failed. service: 400 035 8898
Traverse stop action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Traverse stop action failed; Canopen Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
connecting failed. service: 400 035 8898
Traverse stop action failed; The Foot Pedal is stepped down. Please release the Foot Pedal
Footpedal Action Underway. and continue the operation.
Lift home action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Lift home action failed; The touch sensor is triggered. Please check if the touch sensor
TouchSensor Trigger. is stepped on by human factor and try to scan again.
Lift home action failed; Footpedal The Foot Pedal is stepped down. Please release the Foot Pedal
Action Underway. and continue the operation.
Lift home action failed; RS232 Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
communication error. service: 400 035 8898
Lift move action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Lift move action failed; The touch sensor is triggered. Please check if the touch sensor
TouchSensor Trigger. is stepped on by human factor and try to scan again.
Lift move action failed; Footpedal The Foot Pedal is stepped down. Please release the Foot Pedal
Action Underway. and continue the operation.
Lift move action failed; RS232 Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
communication error. service: 400 035 8898
Lift moveto action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Lift moveto action failed; The touch sensor is triggered. Please check if the touch sensor
TouchSensor Trigger. is stepped on by human factor and try to scan again.
Lift moveto action failed; RS232 Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
communication error. service: 400 035 8898
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 8-4 Error message
Lift stop action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Lift stop action failed; Footpedal The Foot Pedal is stepped down. Please release the Foot Pedal
Action Underway. and continue the operation.
Lift stop action failed; RS232 Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
communication error. service: 400 035 8898
Tilt home action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Tilt home action failed; TouchSensor The touch sensor is triggered. Please check if the touch sensor
Trigger. is stepped on by human factor and try to scan again.
Tilt home action failed; RS232 Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
communication error. service: 400 035 8898
Tilt move action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Tilt move action failed; TouchSensor The touch sensor is triggered. Please check if the touch sensor
Trigger. is stepped on by human factor and try to scan again.
Tilt move action failed; RS232 Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
communication error. service: 400 035 8898
Tilt moveto action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Tilt moveto action failed; The touch sensor is triggered. Please check if the touch sensor
TouchSensor Trigger. is stepped on by human factor and try to scan again.
Tilt moveto action failed; RS232 Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
communication error. service: 400 035 8898
Tilt stop action failed; EStop The Estop button is triggered. Please press the Estop
Trigger. recovering button in the Keypad.
Tilt stop action failed; RS232 Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
communication error. service: 400 035 8898
Command is not acceptable in The system has problems, click “OK” and attempt to scan
current state again. If the issue continues, please restart the system in 2
minutes. The report will be sent to Minfound.
Missing scan parameter Invalid value entered. Please check and try scan again.
StateMachine threw an exception The system has problems. Please contact customer service:
400 035 8898
Series Id in ScanStart and ScanPrep Invalid value entered. Please confirm and try scan again.
do not match
Invalid scan type Invalid value entered. Please confirm and try scan again.
Message reply timeout The system has problems, click “OK” and attempt to scan
again. If the issue continues, please restart the system in 2
minutes. The report will be sent to Minfound.
Minion Sync Error The system has problems, click “OK” and attempt to scan
again. If the issue continues, please restart the system in 2
minutes. The report will be sent to Minfound.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 8-4 Error message
No more Axial steps The system has problems. Please contact customer service:
400 035 8898
Nothing to abort The system has problems, click “OK” and try to scan again.
The report will be sent to Minfound.
Mandatory parameters are missing The system has problems, click “OK” and try to scan again.
If still can’t scan, please restart the system in 2 minutes. The
report will be sent to Minfound.
Operation is aborted Operator canceled this scan, please confirm and try again.
Gantry is spinning. Stop command Gantry is spinning, to protect the tube, please end the scan
is not allowed before performing the current operation.
Current state does not accept this The system has problems, click “OK” and try to scan again.
command If still can’t scan, please restart the system in 2 minutes. The
Invalid parameters report will be sent to Minfound.
Access database failed
Table Speed Deviation is too large
Cannot find ima map file
XrayManager is already owned by
other programs
Cannot release XrayManager owned
by other programs
Unable to compute filament current
Safety factor has invalid value
kv has invalid value
ma has invalid value
exposure_time has invalid value
table_start_position has invalid
table_end_position has invalid value
table_speed has invalid value
filament_current has invalid value
encoder_trigger has invalid value
x_deflection_voltage has invalid
theta has invalid value
integration_limit has invalid value
pitch has invalid value
xgrid_voltage_delta has invalid
delay_time has invalid value
Message response timeout
Oil pump failed Hardware State has problems. Please contact customer
Oil flow failed service: 400 035 8898
Case is too hot
Oil is too hot
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Table 8-4 Error message
XrayOn status is not received after The system has problems, click “OK” and try to scan again.
ARM command is issued If still can’t scan, please restart the system in 2 minutes. The
XrayOff is not received within report will be sent to Minfound.
Anode or Cathode arcing
Failed to compute grid voltages
Failed to compute final heat
Failed to setup Ima
Arm Failed
Timeout error
HvConnect failed response from
HvStart failed response from
HvStop failed response from
HvAbort failed response from
HvBoost failed response from
HvPrepare failed response from
HvReset failed response from
HvWrapup failed response from
Invalid Command
Invalid State Transition
Invalid Parameters
Unable to receive message response
XrayManager timeout to respond
ABORT request
Warm-up protocol is empty. Maybe
XrayManager is not started yet
Seasoning protocol is empty. Maybe
XrayManager is not started yet
Tube heat should be above 10% Tube heat is too low. Please do warmup first.
before seasoning
The Command is not acceptable in The system has problems, click “OK” and try to scan again.
current state The report will be sent to Minfound.
Receive message timeout
Invalid Fetched Parameters Invalid value entered. Please check and try to scan again. If
Invalid scan type still can’t scan. Please contact customer service: 400 035 8898
Failed to fetch scan parameters
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 8-4 Error message
Tracker was exhausted before The threshold is not reached within the specified time. Please
reaching expected CT number check if the contrast injection is normal and try to scan again.
The report will be sent to Minfound.
Tube will be overheated after Tube will be overheated after exposure,
exposure Please wait a few minutes and try again.
Warm-up needed before exposure Tube heat is too low, Image quality may be affected. Please
do warmup first.
Door is open Door is open, please close the door and try again.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Chapter IX Patient Browser
9-1 Overview
9-1-1 Function introduction
1. The Patient Browser is used for managing the patient’s image data and raw data. With the

Patient Browser, the user can view, import and export data.

2. Data are mainly sourced from patient scan.

3. This chapter mainly describes the function and the operation procedure of the Patient Browser.

9-1-2 Interface introduction

1. Patient Browser interface

Fig. 9-1 Patient Browser interface

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Interface 1: Toolbar
Table 9-1 Toolbar
No. Key Option Function
1 Import Image import; import data from external devices to the Patient

2 Export Image export; export data from the Patient Browser to external
devices; multi-select is supported

3 Refresh Click this key to refresh the current page and display the newly
added patient data

Interface 2: Study list

Interface 2 is the study list window.

Table 9-2 study list information
No. Option Description
1 Lock Study protection state. It includes lock state and unlock state. In the lock state,
the image date of the study cannot be deleted. In the unlock state, the right
button can delete the image date of the study.
2 Archive When all series for this study are archived, tick the study.
3 Accession Provided by RIS or manually added
4 Patient Provided by RIS or manually added
5 Study time Time to create study
6 Patient ID Provided by RIS or manually added
7 Gender Provided by RIS or manually added
8 Age Provided by RIS or manually added
9 Body part Include Head, Orbit, Softfttissue, UpperExtremity, Chest, Spine, Abdomen,
Pelvis, LowerExtremity.
10 PACS Display the address of PACS transmission. Can display multiple addresses.
address The study bar displays the archive address after the complete series transfer.
11 Study Provided by RIS or manually added
12 Print After any series is printed, the print status of the study is shown tick
13 Virtual print After the transfer of virtual printing of any series is completed, the print status
of the study is shown tick

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

1. Search bar

 Condition screening:

Conditions such as Lock, Archive, Study Time, Gender, Body Part, Print and Virtual Print can be

filtered by conditions, and each condition has multiple options. When Study Time selects a custom

range query, a window will pop up, select the date of the query, and you can customize the query


 Support fuzzy search:

Accession NO., Patient name, Patient ID, Age, PACS address, Study description, Study description

support for fuzzy queries. The data in the list can be queried, case-insensitive, without the need to enter

*. Query for data that contains input characters in the corresponding entry. Only numeric and alphabetic

input is supported.

2. Study list

Right-click the selected patient, the following buttons will appear.

Table 9-3 study list information
No. Option Description
1 Lock The image data and the raw data that are locked at the same time cannot be
2 Unlock Unlock the study image data and raw data at the same time.
3 Delete Delete the selected patient data. Only the engineer and the supervisor have
the right to delete. If the series are not uploaded to the PACS, the pop-up
will prompt the user and asks if you still want to delete.
4 Edit The user can edit patient information and save the edited record.
5 New Study Select a study (multiple selection is not supported) to perform a new scan.
6 Export Image export, export data from the Patient Browser to external devices;
multi-select is supported.
7 Review Import the selected study images to the Review interface.
8 Film Import the selected study images to the film interface.
9 Interval Select the study images according to the number of intervals and import them
Print to the film print interface.
10 Open in Used to import external DICOM data.

Interface 3
Interface 3 is the scanning series window.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 9-3 search bar
No. Option Description
1 Number Automatic generation
2 Image Display the middle one of the thumbnails for the current series.
3 Type Scout, helical, axial and so on
4 Count Display the number of the series images
5 Kernel Display the series kernel. It is from reconstruction parameters
6 Slice Display the series slice thickness. It is from reconstruction parameters
7 Body Part Head,Orbit,Softfttissue,UpperExtremity,Chest,Spine,Abdomen,
8 Description User input the description in the Exam interface parameters
9 PACS The series of the transfer success shows the PACS address. Multiple PACS
Address addresses can be displayed
10 C.E. Contrast scan series shows C+

Interface 4

Interface 4 is the image preview window.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

2. Patient Information editing interface

Fig. 9-2 Patient Information editing interface

Table 9-4 Patient Information editing options
No. Option Description
1 Accession The study number which is automatically generated by the RIS
No. system and cannot be changed. It is unique for the study. The
Accession Number accumulates according to study times. It is
left blank when there is no number and cannot be edited.
2 Patient ID (Required) Patient ID is provided by HIS/RIS in general and can
be changed. It is unique for the patient. Different ID is generated
according to the emergency registration times. The user will be
prompted when the same ID is entered, but the scan is allowed.
The patient is deemed as the same patient if the ID number is the
3 Patient name (Required) name
4 Gender (Required) Gender options include Male, Female and Other
5 Birthdate
Birthdate; select the date with

6 Age Age; It is calculated automatically through birthdate and can be

7 Weight Weight

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 9-4 Patient Information editing options
No. Option Description
8 Referring Referring physician
9 Operator Operator
10 History History
11 Study Study Description
12 Edit by The name of the editor, which can be different from the current
login name; It cannot be left blank. The default display is the
current login name.

Table 9-5 Patient Information editing keys and functions

No. Key Function
1 EditLog Display the EditLog interface
2 Cancel Cancel the edit and exit the interface
3 Accept Save the change
4 Enter the worklist interface and select the patient double click in
the list. It can fill the patient information in the editing
worklist information. The patient information for patient browser can be
replace with the patient information in worklist.

9-2 Editing Patient Information

1. Select a study in it, right click [Edit] to edit the patient information.

2. Edit information (refer to patient registration information)

3. Click [EditLog] to display the Edit Log on the left side of [Patient Information] interface.

 Edit time (YYYY/MM/DD, hh: mm: ss), editor, content before and after the edit.

 All editing operations of this patient will be recorded. The edit log will be automatically

updated to the txt file. The log clear rule is the same as that of the [Service] log (The data clear

period is tentatively fixed at once a month).

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

9-3 Deletion
At least 250000 images can be saved to the local disk.

In order to ensure the normal operation of the machine, when the capacity of the DICOMS storage

disk is less than 10% (please note the mark in the lower right corner of the interface), please
manually back up the older DICOMS to a removable storage device (if the hospital is equipped with a

PACS system, after confirming that those DICOMS have been transferred to PACS, users should

decide for themselves whether they still need to back up those old DICOMS), and then delete those

relatively old DICOMS.

9-3-1 Automatic deletion of raw data

Description on automatic deletion: The earliest study data are automatically deleted using study as a

unit. Automatic deletion can be repeated many times until the free space exceeds the minimum threshold.

Automatic deletion will automatically skip the locked study and retain raw data for at least 7 days.


1. The locked image data cannot be deleted. Image data in use cannot be deleted.

2. If the selected study or series is locked or not archived, the user will be reminded with a pop-up.

3. The user can select to automatically delete raw data or not in the raw data configuration in [Service].

 Automatic deletion is selected by default.

9-3-2 Ways of raw data deletion

1. Power-on Self-test

 If the Power-on Self-test finds that the free space is less than 30%-40%, raw data will be

automatically deleted until the free space is 30%-40%.

2. Fixed interval deletion

 A test will be conducted to the raw data disk according to the interval set by the user in

the Service. If the available space is less than 20%, raw data will be automatically deleted until

the free space is 20%.

3. Real-time deletion

 After new data are added to the Patient Browser, if the free space of the raw data disk is

less than 10%, raw data will be automatically deleted until the free space is 10%.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
9-4 Data Import
1. Click [Import] in the [Patient Browser] interface.

2. The selection interface is popped up. Click [OK] to select data from the local disk. Click [OK]

to import or click [Cancel] to cancel the operation.

 In case of import failure, the system will prompt with pop-up and explain the reason (such

as, repeated import). In case of transmission interruption caused by PACS, DVD and USB

removal or network interruption, etc., the user will be prompted by pop-up. The pop-up will

prompt about transmission progress and successful transmission.

 Repeated import is not supported. (Main DICOM information is consistent)

9-5 Data Export

9-5-1 Export cautions
1. Data selection: Under the hospital account, only the export of DICOM is supported.

2. Repeated export is supported.

3. The pop-up will prompt about transmission progress and successful transmission. Remind the

user when the export fails, and prompt the reason. In case of transmission interruption caused

by PACS, DVD removal or network interruption, etc., the user will be prompted by pop-up.

4. Anonymous patient: The user can select to hide the patient ID and patient name by using the

anonymous option when data are exported by DVD.

5. Emergency patient: Corresponding information of the emergency patient must be filled in,

otherwise data cannot be exported. Patient ID and patient name of the emergency patient are filled

in automatically.

Hospital accounts cannot use USB to export DICOM.

Caution 9-1

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

9-5-2 Export ways

Image data can be exported.

 In the [Patient Browser] interface, select one or more study (multi-selection supported), one

or more image series (multi-selection supported), and click [Export].

 Select PACS in the popped-up data selection interface.

 Path: Select PACS (drop-down list).

 Patient Name: The Patient Name of the first study by default.

 Data Counts: Total number of study images

 Data Size: Total data memory

 Select PACS device from the drop-down list, and click [OK] to transmit the image

 The image transmission status can be viewed through the transmission interface of the task


2. DVD

Image data can be exported. Support for anonymous export and export DICOM viewer.

 In the [Patient Browser] interface, select one or more study (multi-selection supported), one

or more image series (multi-selection supported), and click [Export].

 Select DVD in the popped-up data selection interface.

 Path: Select DVD path (drop-down list) and can be formatted.

 Name: Show the DVD name and can rename it. Enter the name, and click [OK].

 Space: Show remaining space.

 Patient Name: The Patient Name of the first study by default.

 Data Counts: Total number of study images

 Data Size: Total data memory

 Saving as anonymous image: Saving as anonymous image option can be selected

 Dicom Viewer: Dicom Viewer option can be selected

 Select DVD from the drop-down list, and click [OK] to transmit the image

 If the size of image data is larger than the DVD space, the export interface will be closed,

and the user will be prompted by pop-up. Click [OK] to go back to the [Patient Browser]


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 The image transmission status can be viewed through the transmission interface of the

task manager.

9-6 Image Data

9-6-1 Study
List information

 Display: Lock, Archive, Accession NO., Patient name, Study time, Patient ID, Gender,

Age, Body part, PACS address, Study description, Print, Virtual print

 Status: Lock, Unlock

 Study: Display total studies

 Studies are ranked in the reversed order of scanning time by default.

 No operation is permitted for the unfinished study.

9-6-2 Image data series

1. List information

 Display: Number, Image, Type (Scout, Axial and Helical, etc.), Count, Kernel, Slice

Thickness, Body Part, Description, PACS Address, C.E.

 Series: Total series in the selected study.

 Linkage with the image: Click the image series to display the corresponding

reconstruction image in the image area.

2. Automatic generation rules

The 5-digit number is automatically generated by the system.

 The first digit represents the source of the image: 1.scan, 2. Second recon, 3.dose, 4.VR,

5.CPR, 6.MPR;

 The second and third digits represent the scan series number of the study, and it increases


 The fourth and fifth digits represent the reconstructed number of the series, and it

increases progressively

9-6-3 Image
1. Click to select any image series and display the image information.

2. Image Counts: Display total images of the selected series.

 Page turning by wheel is supported.

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9-6-4 Selecting data
Select the image data of any study in the Study List window.

 In the Study List, click the needed patient scan and select all images of this study.

 In the scan series window, select the image data of one or more series.

 In the Study List, click the needed patient scan, the series list refreshes and display the

series information of this study.

 Select one or more series from the series list: Click to select one series; Ctrl + left-click

to select multiple series, or Shift + left-click to select multiple continuous series.

9-7 Status Information

Some status information is displayed in the lower right corner of the system, and the specific status

information is as follows:

1. Tube Heat

 Display the current tube heat in real time.

2. Task manager

 Display the current status of reconstruction, transmission, and printing tasks in real time.

3. Service

 Some tools and functions of service, please refer to Chapter 7 Service for details.

4. Detector Temperature

 Display the temperature of the current detector in real time.

5. DICOMS disk storage status

 Display the free space of the current DICOMS disk in real time.

6. Door Status

 Display the current door status in real time. Door Status: white means closed; yellow

means open.

7. Time and Date

 Display the current date and time in real time.

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Chapter X secondary reconstruction
10-1 Overview
10-1-1 Function introduction
1. This chapter mainly describes the function and the operation procedure of the secondary


2. With the secondary reconstruction function, the user can perform second image reconstruction

for the completed scan utilizing the obtained raw data

3. Secondary reconstruction is not supported by Scout. In Bolus tracking, secondary

reconstruction is supported only by plain scan and contrast scan series.

10-1-2 Interface introduction

Fig. 10-1 Secondary reconstruction interface

Interface 1

Interface 1 displays the patient name and the position information of the study, which cannot be edited.

Interface 2

Interface 2 displays the scanning information, click the plus button to increase the reconstruction

series. It is possible to add or delete the reconstruction series that has not been reconstructed (final

reconstructed series cannot be deleted).

Interface 3

Interface 3 is the image preview window.

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Interface 4

Interface 4 displays the reconstruction parameter information.

It displays the corresponding parameter information of the selected series. Recon parameters of

reconstructed series cannot be edited.

Click the button to display all reconstruction parameters.

Interface 5
Table 10-1 keys and functions
No. Key Function
1 Start Start the reconstruction task
2 End Exit the secondary reconstruction

10-2 Data Import

Select a non-scout series in the [Patient Browser] interface, right click [SecondRecon] to switch to the

[Second Recon] interface.

 The selected series and the corresponding scout are imported automatically.

10-3 Secondary Reconstruction Parameters

1. DFOV [mm]

 DFOV means the diameter of the reconstruction image.

 DFOV cannot exceed SFOV.

 DFOV value can be input into the DFOV parameter box.

2. Start Position [mm]

 Start Position means the start position of the reconstruction image.

 The Start Position value can be input into the Start Position parameter box.

3. End Position [mm]

 End Position means the end position of the reconstruction image.

 The End Position value can be input into the End Position parameter box.

4. Slice Thickness [mm]

 Slice Thickness means the slice thickness of the reconstruction image.

 Slice Thickness is related to Collimation. Slice Thickness ≤ Collimation.

 The needed Slice Thickness can be selected from Slice Thickness parameter options.

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5. Slice Interval [mm]

 Slice Interval means the slice interval of the reconstruction image.

 Slice Interval is related to Slice Thickness. After the Slice Thickness is selected, the Slice

Interval will be calculated automatically.

 If it is the axial scan, Slice Interval can be viewed only and cannot be edited; if it is the

helical scan, Slice Interval can be edited.

6. Windowing

 Windowing contains several common Wnd Widths and Wnd Levels which can be used

for the reconstruction image.

 Windowing is influenced by the scanning part. The Windowing option influences Wnd

Width and Wnd Level.

 The needed Wnd Width and Wnd Level can be selected from Default Windowing options.

7. Wnd Width and Wnd Level

 Wnd Width and Wnd Level means those of the reconstruction image.

 Wnd Width and Wnd Level are influenced by Default Windowing.

 Wnd Width and Wnd Level can be selected from Default Windowing or input into the

corresponding parameter box.

8. Kernel

 Kernel is the algorithm selected for the reconstruction image. It is used to sharpen or

smooth the image and obtain high-quality reconstruction image.

 The needed algorithm can be selected from Kernel parameter options.

9. Recon Matrix

 Recon Matrix means the matrix size of the reconstruction image.

 Recon Matrix options include 512-dot matrix. The user can select the needed matrix size.

10. No. of Image

 No. of Image means the quantity of reconstructed images.

 No. of Image is related to Slice Thickness, Slice Interval, Start Position and End Position.

The corresponding No. of Image is calculated automatically after Slice Thickness, Slice

Interval, Start Position and End Position are determined.

 No. of Image can be viewed only and cannot be edited.

11. Automatic transmission

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 Before the scan start or the execution of secondary reconstruction, the user can select the

corresponding post-processing workstation or the hospital’s PACS system after clicking the

button on the right of PACS in the reconstruction parameter interface. After the end of image

reconstruction, the system will automatically send the reconstructed image to the selected

workstation for the doctor’s reference.

12. Metal artifact removal (MAR)

 MAR means to metal artifact removal. This function reduces the adverse effects of metal

artifacts on the image to obtain higher quality reconstructed images.

 MAR has two options: On and Off. You can choose whether to activate the function of

metal artifact removal through the reconstructed image. If you use the MAR function and

select the On option, a pop-up box will display the MAR parameter: MAR. Check the

MAR option to select the function of metal artifact removal, and the following parameters

will appear:

i. MetalThreshold: Set the minimum CT number of the metal part in the image. Any

part greater than this value is considered to be metal.

ii. UseSFOV: That is, whether to use SFOV in the metal removal process. When the

metal part is inside the DFOV and part is outside the DFOV, this switch should be

turned on.

13. Iterative reconstruction (NDI+)

 NDI+ iterative noise reduction has two options: On and Off. Use the On/Off button to

turn on/off the NDI+ iterative noise reduction function. When the NDI+ function option

is On, you can set the NDI+ Level and use iterative calculation to reduce the image

noise level.

 NDI+ Level option can choose a value from 1 to 5. This option can set the degree of image

noise reduction. The higher the value set, the lower the noise level of the image.
14. Auto MPR

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 Auto MPR means that after the reconstruction of the transverse is completed, the MPR
reconstruction of coronal and sagittal will be performed automatically, without the need
for manual reconstruction, which reduces the doctor's operation steps and saves
operation time.

 If you use the Auto MPR function, click MPR Setting, and the relevant parameters will
be displayed in the pop-up box, as shown in the figure below:

 After setting the parameters, select this protocol to scan, the coronal and sagittal images
can be automatically reconstructed, which can be viewed in the Patient Browser.

15. Auto Film

 After checking, select this protocol to scan, and the image can be automatically printed
after the scan is completed.

10-4 Operation Procedures

The reconstructed reconstruction task cannot be edited or deleted.

Note 10-1

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10-4-1 Adding reconstruction tasks
Click the Add button in the series display area to add a new reconstruction series.

 Multiple reconstruction tasks can be added. All unreconstructed tasks of

the selected series will be sent simultaneously at the time of each


10-4-2 Editing reconstruction parameters

The user can edit the newly added reconstruction series parameters in the reconstruction interface. See

10-3 Secondary Reconstruction Parameters for details

 Reconstruction range<=Scan range.

10-4-3 Deleting reconstruction tasks

1. In the [Recon] interface of the parameter display area, select the reconstruction task series to be


2. Right click and click [Delete Current Recon].

10-4-4 Executing reconstruction tasks

1. Select an unreconstructed series, click [Start] to reconstruct, and then the interface is disabled

(Parameters cannot be edited).

 The system sends a reconstruction task to the reconstruction queue, and sends

reconstruction parameters to the background program.

 The user can click the task manager in the lower right corner of the interface to browse

the reconstruction interface and view the current reconstruction progress.

2. After the end of reconstruction, the interface is enabled.

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Chapter XI Image Review
11-1 Overview
11-1-1 Function introduction
Image Review is mainly used for viewing, editing and modifying the image, so that the user can further

observe and analyze the patient’s focus. After the completion of image edit, the image can be saved to

the Patient Browser, or sent to 3D View, or sent to Film for printing.

11-1-2 Interface introduction

Fig. 11-1 Image Review interface

Interface 1

Interface 1 is the image display window.

Interface 2

Interface 2 is the patient information display window.

Interface 3

Interface 3 is the toolbar window.

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11-2 Image Import
Images can be imported from the Patient Browser based on the study or series, and imported from

external resources.

1. The image can be imported from the Patient Browser based on the study: Select a study and click


2. The image can be imported from the Patient Browser based on series: Select a single series of the

study and right click [Review] or double click the series to import the selected series.

3. Images also can be imported from external resources: In the [Review] interface, click [Interface] and

then click [Open File] button to open one or more images under the external directory.

 After the series is imported to Review, the user cannot delete or modify it from the Patient

Browser, until it is exited from Review.

11-3 Image Export

1. Images can be exported to [Film] based on the image.
 All selected images of the same study, including one or more images, and images of one
or more series, can be exported based on the image.
2. Images can be exported to [3D View] based on the series.
 When images are exported based on the series, no less than 3 images of the same series
(non-scout) must be exported each time.
3. Images can be exported to [Report] based on the image. (Report is the optional function.)
 When images are exported based on the image, one image can be exported each time. Six
images can be exported at most.
4. Images can be repeatedly exported.

11-4 Image Display Window

1. The image display window remains the same for single study and multiple studies. The default layout

of the Review interface is the 2×2 stack layout.

2. After the import, the window can simultaneously display 4 studies, 4 series and 4 images at most.

11-5 Patient Information Display Window

1. It only displays information of the first study.

2. The displayed information includes Patient Name, Study Part.

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11-6 Toolbar Window
11-6-1 Common
Table 11-1 Toolbar--common
No. Key Option Function
1 Stack/Effuse Images display in the way of stack. Each box displays one image of
the series, with the other images stacked behind it.
Images display in the way of effuse. Each box displays one image.

2 Layout In stack mode, including:

1x2, 2x1, 2x2
In effuse mode, including:
3x3, 3x4, 3x5, 4x4, 4x5, 5x6, 6x7, 7x8
3 Linkage can be conducted for series selected under the stack mode.

4 Automatically display the selected image of series selected under the

stack mode. There are three speed options:
1. Slow;
2. Middle (default);
3. Fast.

5 Click to switch to the Scout Mode. The layout turns into 1*2. The
Scout Mode
scout image of the scout line is displayed on the left, while the
corresponding image series is displayed on the right.
Click to view the tag information of dicom
7 Preset Click it to display the drop-down list of WW & WL, which includes
Window several preset WWs & WLs.

8 Recover Recover the Pan, Zoom, Smooth, Sharpen, Edge Preservation,

Rotate, Contrast Enhancement, Pseudo Color, Invert, and WW/WL
9 Previous Click this key to turn to Previous Series of the imported series
10 Next Series Click this key to turn to Next Series of the imported series

11 Images are displayed in the positive sequence.

After it is clicked, images are displayed in the negative sequence.
After it is clicked again, images return to the positive sequence.

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Table 11-1 Toolbar--common
No. Key Option Function
12 Magnifier Click it to magnify the image part clicked by the mouse (with fixed
magnification box); left-click and drag the mouse to view different
image parts; the magnification is 2-fold (fixed).
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
13 Show/Hide the coordinate position and the CT number. After this
function is turned on, the position coordinate value and CT value of
CT number
the mouse pointer will be displayed in the middle of the left edge of
the image.
14 Corner Show/Hide Corner Information.
Information This operation will be applied to all images in the selected series.
15 After it is clicked, the center shows the Cross Scale.
Cross Scale
This operation will be applied to all images in the selected series.
16 Bilateral Show/Hide Bilateral Ruler Scale.
Ruler Scale This operation will be applied to all images in the selected series.
17 Gridding Show/Hide Gridding.
This operation will be applied to all images in the selected series.
18 Manual input Manually input WW & WL value, press Enter, and click [Apply].
of WW & This operation will be applied to all images in the selected series.
1. Description on manual input of WW & WL

 The range of WW is an integer from 1 to +4096, and the range of WL is an integer from -8192
to +8192. If the entered value is not within this range, it will be automatically adjusted to a
reasonable value.
 The Apply key is enabled only when both WW and WL are correct.

2. Description on common WW & WL setting

Table 11-5 Description on common WW & WL setting
No. Key Function
1 Add Add WW & WL. The name, WW and WL can be edited.
2 Delete Delete WW/WL
3 Modify Modify the selected WW/WL. The name, WW and WL can be modified.
4 Cancel Cancel the operation to go back to the Review interface.
3. Scout Mode description

 Click to switch to the Scout Mode. The layout turns into 1*2. The scout image of the scout
line is displayed on the left, while the corresponding image series is displayed on the right.
 When the image page is turned, the scout line changes accordingly.

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 After the key is clicked again, the layout recovers to the stack mode.
 When the user selects to display all scout lines,
 The scout lines will be displayed with an interval if they are too many, but the page
number of the first and the last image must be displayed (such as, 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 26).
 The number beside the scout line means the page number of the image.
 The current scout line is a full line, while other scout lines are dotted lines.

4. Description on Bilateral Ruler Scale

 The Bilateral Ruler Scale always displays in the middle on the right end of the image window.
 When the image is zoomed, the width of the Bilateral Ruler Scale will be adjusted accordingly.
The displayed unit number remains unchanged within a certain range. When the image is
zoomed to a certain proportion, the unit number will change, and the width of the Bilateral
Ruler Scale will change synchronously. If the magnification of the Bilateral Ruler Scale stops,
the magnification of the image will stop too.
 Variation range of the unit number:
 Zoom in: 100, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 (mm)
 Zoom out: 150, 200, 250 …1150 (mm)

11-6-2 Interface
Table 11-2 Toolbar--interface
No. Key Option Function
1 Save the image information. Click this key to save the modified image
(ROI). Only ROI is saved. The effect of Pan, Zoom, WW/WL,
Sharpen, Smooth, Pseudo Color, Rotate and Rollover will not be saved.
Open File Open one or more image (s) under the external directory.

3 Patient
Switch to the Patient Browser interface.
4 Diagnose
Click to generate the diagnose report. (This function is optional and
not displayed by default).
1. Description on image storage

 The popped-up dialog box provides options including storage types (selected image, current

series) and image types (DICOM, JPEG, BMP).

 Only when [Selected Series] is selected from the storage type, can AVI be selected. The whole

series can be saved as video in the speed of medium.

 Storage path: Storage path can be selected.

2. Image open
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A dialog box will be popped up, if a non-DICOM image is imported externally, and the original image

will not be cleared.

3. Diagnose report (Optional, default none)

It will assist the doctor in filling in the diagnosis report, see 11-7 Diagnose Report for details.

11-6-3 Image operation

Table 11-3 Toolbar--image operation tools
No. Key Option Function
Adjust After this button is clicked, left-click and move can adjust WW and
Window Width WL.
and Window After the button is clicked once, WW and WL of the image can be
Level adjusted continuously until the button is clicked again.
After this button is clicked, left-click and move can pan the image.
2 After the button is clicked once, the image can be panned
continuously until the button is clicked again.
Rotate After clicking the button, press and hold the left button to move to
rotate the image at any angle.
After this button is clicked, left-click and move to Zoom In/Out the
4 Zoom
After the button is clicked once, the image can be zoomed out
continuously until the button is clicked again.
Turn Left 90° After it is clicked, the image turns left 90°.
Azimuth information and ROI change accordingly.
Turn Right 90° After it is clicked, the image turns right 90°.
Azimuth information and ROI change accordingly.
Mirror Click it to achieve horizontal rollover of the image.
7 Horizontal Mirror Horizontal, azimuth information and ROI change
Mirror Vertical Click it to achieve vertical rollover of the image.
Mirror Vertical, azimuth information and ROI change accordingly.
Contrast After it is clicked, a pop-up will appear. Click the slider to adjust
Enhancement the enhancement effect.
Each enhancement uses the current image enhancement as the
initial enhancement.
Edge After it is clicked, a pop-up will appear. Click the slider to adjust
Preservation the parameter.
Pseudo Color The user can click it and change the color setting of the current
image from the drop-down list.
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Table 11-3 Toolbar--image operation tools
No. Key Option Function
Sharpen Click it to sharpen the whole image. It can be clicked repeatedly.

Smooth Click it to smooth the whole image. It can be clicked repeatedly.


Image Invert Click it to invert the color of the image and obtain the positive &
negative image.

1. Linkage description
 Linkage can be conducted for series selected under the stack mode.
 When the Linkage key is clicked, the images with the focus spot are ready for linkage.
After another image is clicked, the two images are linked. The linked images can be turned
simultaneously. For example, Series 1 has 10 images, while Series 2 has 22 images. The final
linkage effect is that Series 1 displays 10 images/Series 2 displays the 22nd image. Moreover,
regardless of the position of the focus spot, the linkage is terminated when the Linkage key is
clicked again.
 The image having the focus spot displays the border indicating the linkage.
2. Description on Edge Preservation

 Click the slider to adjust the parameter.

 Click [OK] to apply the changed parameter; click [Cancel] to cancel the operation.

3. Description on Contrast Enhancement

 Click the slider to adjust the enhancement effect. Each enhancement uses the current

image enhancement as the initial enhancement.

 Click [OK] to apply the changed parameter; click [Cancel] to cancel the operation.

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11-6-4 Tool
Table 11-6 Toolbar--Tool
No. Key Option Function
Ellipse Click to label an oval ROI graphic in the image and display
corresponding information.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Rectangle Click to label a rectangular ROI graphic in the image and display
corresponding information.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Any Click to label any ROI graphic in the image and display
Graphics corresponding information.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Length Click it to label a straight line in the image and display the
corresponding length of the labeled graphic. The length measuring
4 error of the image is ≤±0.5mm.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Pencil Click it to label a curve length graphic in the image and display the
corresponding length of the labeled graphic.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Press to label an arrow in the image.
6 Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Click it to label an angle graphic in the image and display the
corresponding angle of the labeled graphic. The angle measuring
7 error of the image is ≤±0.5°.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Click it to label a cobb angle graphic in the image and display the
Cobb Angle corresponding angle of the labeled graphic.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Marker Mark on the image.
9 Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.

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Table 11-6 Toolbar--Tool
No. Key Option Function
Click it to display the pixel information. It is in the shape of cross.
10 Pixel Lens Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Clear Clear all ROIs of the image with the focal spot selected.
1. ROI display content
 Area (mm2), mean (HU) and standard deviation (Std).
 During zooming, the thickness of ROI line as well as the font size and thickness remain
 When the ROI is the same as the image, the remarks display in the box.
 The dotted line on the image can be dragged, but cannot exceed the image region.
2. Tools setting

 The user can move Tools, adjust their sizes and move corresponding notes.
 When the image is zoomed, the ROI size changes accordingly (The actual physical region
remains unchanged.), but the font size of notes shall remain unchanged.
 The user can delete the selected ROI with right-click.
 All operations are continuous operations. The image can be labeled repeatedly. When
another button is clicked, the corresponding mode is switched automatically.

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11-6-5 Interface
Table 11-8 Toolbar--interface
No. Key Option Function
1 Transfer the selected image to the [Film] interface, please refer to
Chapter XIII for [Film].
2 Transfer the selected image to the [3D Viewer] interface, please refer
to Chapter XII for [3D Viewer].
3 Clear the current image browsing record, exit the Image Review
Close interface, and automatically return to the [Patient List] interface.
Click it to close all series and recover to the Patient Browser interface.

11-6-8 Other functions

1. Page turning

 Turn page using the mouse wheel or the wheel on the right side of the image region.
2. Multiple selection
 Shift + left click: select multiple continuous objects.
 Ctrl + left click: select multiple discontinuous objects.
 Click: Click to cancel multiple selection, and select the current image using the mouse.
3. Mouse
 Hold the left key and drag: WW & WL of the whole series’ image change.
 Hold the right key and drag: The window of the whole series’ image pans.
 Directly roll the wheel: Turn the image page.
 Hold the wheel and drag: Zoom in and zoom out the image.
Note: It acts on the whole series’ image.
 Right-click shortcut (click and release):
 Film: selected image, current series, manually selected image
 Save
 Send to 3D Viewer

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11-7 Diagnostic Report (Optional)
11-7-1 Function introduction
With the Diagnostic Report function, the user can perform clinical pathological analysis and diagnosis,

and print the result in the form of Diagnostic Report which facilitates the doctor and the patient’s


11-7-2 Interface introduction

1. Diagnostic Report interface

Fig. 11-2 Diagnostic Report interface

Interface 1: Toolbar
Table 11-9 Keys and functions of Diagnostic Report interface
No. Key Option Function
1 Save report Save the Diagnostic Report

2 New report Create a new report and enter the input interface of the
Diagnostic Report
Print report Print the diagnostic report

Setting default The user can set up the font size, and select to save the
title label or not and display the Logo or not.

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Table 11-9 Keys and functions of Diagnostic Report interface
No. Key Option Function
After the user selects to save the label, the original
template will be covered and is unrecoverable.
Interface 2: Diagnostic Report interface

 The Diagnostic Report interface can be modified, Including hospital name, label and

Table 11-10 Right-click keys and functions
No. Key Function
1 Cut Cut the image
2 Copy Copy the image
3 Paste Paste the image
Interface 3: Report List interface

The user can view the diagnostic report in the Report List interface. Meanwhile, this interface displays

all diagnostic reports of the selected patient, including the following information: number, status (printed,

unprinted), report name (including modified report. The name of the modified report has a “0” in the

end.), report doctor, report date, check doctor, study part and report type (negative and positive).

Interface 4: Temporary image area

Display the image temporarily saved in the [Review] interface.

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2. Diagnostic Report Input interface

Fig. 11-3 Diagnostic Report Input interface

Interface 1: Examine Data window

Interface 2: Diagnosis text window

Interface 3: Image temporary storage window

Interface 4: Report type window

Interface 5: Diagnose Model window

Interface 6: Function operation window

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11-7-3 Report list
1. View list

After a diagnostic report is double clicked, the system will automatically jump to the diagnostic report

interface. In this interface, the user can print the report or modify the content. See 11-7-5 Diagnostic

report for details.

2. New report

After the [New Report] button is clicked, the system will automatically pop up the Diagnostic Report

Input interface. See 11-7-4 Diagnostic Report Input interface for details.

3. Modify report

 After a diagnostic report is selected, the system will automatically jump to the
diagnostic report interface. The user can modify the report in this interface.
 The modified report will be saved as a new series. The original report is not affected. The

default name is xxx (0). The date of the modified report is the current time by default.

 Both the modified report and the original report can be viewed, printed and edited.

11-7-4 Diagnostic Report Input interface

1. Examine Data window

Examine Data window is used for inputting basic information and examine information of the patient,

mainly including patient name, age, gender, examine method and part. The displayed information is the

registration information of the selected patient and can be modified.

2. Diagnosis text window

Diagnosis text window includes Clinical Performance, CT Performance and Image Diagnose.

 Clinical Performance should be input manually by the user and can be left blank.

 CT Performance: It can be input and modified manually. Meanwhile, corresponding

contents can be imported automatically after a template is selected from the Diagnose Model


 Image Diagnose: It can be input and modified manually. Meanwhile, corresponding

contents can be imported automatically after a template is selected from the Diagnose Model


3. Image temporary storage window

This window is used for storing the inserted image which will be displayed in the print report.

 Operation steps
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 Select a type of image from the [Review] interface, and click the [Temporary Storage]


 A single image can be stored.

 Click [Diagnostic Report], and the image will appear at the temporary image interface.

 At this time, the image temporary storage window will display the stored image.

 Temporary storage period: When the user closes the [Diagnose Report], all temporary images

will be emptied.

4. Report Type window

The drop-down menu of the report type includes negative and positive.

5. Diagnose Model window

With the Diagnose Model, the doctor can fill in [CT Performance] and [Image Diagnose] quickly.

This window is mainly divided into the following two parts:

 Disease selection area

 CT device has two subsets: public model and private model.

 The private model is blank by default. The doctor can right click and select [New Category]

to customize the private model, see right-click function for specific methods.

 The private model can be modified by the current login account only (For example, if

Doctor Zhang creates a private model named Doctor Zhang, only Doctor Zhang’s account can

modify the Doctor Zhang model).

 Double click [Public Model] or [Private Model] to unfold the case model list, double click

a case in the model, or click [Apply] button after clicking a case, and then corresponding

contents of the case model will display in [CT Performance] and [Image Diagnose] of the

diagnose text window.

 Right-click function

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Table 11-11 Right-click function
Right-click function
No. Key Function
1 New The user can click this key, input contents in the popped-up dialog box, and click
Category [OK] button to add a new sub-category under the root category.
The new model is blank. The doctor can edit and click [Save Model].
2 Modify The user can click this key, input contents in the popped-up dialog box, and click
Category [OK] button to modify the name of the target category.
3 Delete The user can click this key, and click [OK] button in the popped-up dialog box
Category to delete this category and all case models under this category.
4 Export Click this key, select a target path, and save the target model as a *.xml format
models file.
 Function selection area
Table 11-12 Keys and functions of the function selection area
No. Key Function
1 Add Double click different cases to add new contents to [CT Performance] and
[Image Diagnose] of the diagnose text window based on existing contents.
2 Replace Double click different cases. Corresponding contents of the new model will
replace contents in [CT Performance] and [Image Diagnose] of the original
diagnose text window. The system selects replace by default.
3 Apply Select a specific case from the disease selection area and click [Apply Model]
Model to display model contents in [CT Performance] and [Image Diagnose] of the
diagnose text area. The effect is the same as that of double-clicking a specific
4 Save Select a specific case using the mouse, modify any content in [CT Performance]
Model and [Image Diagnose] of the diagnose text area, and click the [Save Model]
button to change the model content.
6. Function operation window

Function operation area includes: report information, image setting, common tools, and create report.

 Report information

Including Report Doctor, Report Time, Check Doctor, Check Time.

The report time is the current time by default and can be modified.

 Create Report

Click the [Create Report] button to jump to the Diagnose Report interface, see 11-7-5 Diagnose Report

for details.

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11-7-5 Diagnostic report
After the user inputs contents and click the [Create Report] button, the content will be imported to the

Diagnostic Report interface. The content of the diagnose report can be viewed and modified. Supported

function of this page: save, create, modify and print.

1. Diagnostic report contents:

 Diagnostic Report labels can be modified.
 Patient information is displayed in the following sequence:

Name, gender, age, patient ID, admission No., method, part, submitting doctor;

 Doctor information is displayed in the following sequence:

Report Doctor, Report Time, Check Doctor, Check Time;

 Diagnosis results are displayed in the following sequence:

CT Performance, Image Diagnose.

2. Save

Click the [Save Report] button in the toolbar to save the current Diagnose Report to the temporary


When it is saved for the first time, the system will pop up the following box. The default name of the

report is YYYY/MM/DD hh: mm: ss, which can be modified.

3. Print

Click the [Print Report] button, and select the printer and copies to print the final Diagnose Report.

If the user closes this page before saving or printing, the user will be prompted by a pop-up.

After the Diagnose Report interface is closed, the system exits the interface and goes back to the

[Review] interface.

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Chapter XII 3D View
12-1 Overview
12-1-1 Function introduction
3D View is mainly used for reconstructing and viewing 3D images which will facilitate the doctor’s


12-1-2 Interface introduction

Main interface of 3D View

Fig. 12-1 Main interface of 3D View

Interface 1

Interface 1 is the window for VR images

Interface 2

Interface 2 is the window for transverse section images

Interface 3

Interface 3 is the window for coronal plane images

Interface 4

Interface 4 is the window for sagittal plane images

Interface 5

Interface 5 is the window for the patient information and the list of the series.
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Interface 6

Interface 6 is the function bar window

Table 12-1 Reconstruction method
No. Reconstruction Description
1 VR 3D reconstruction
2 MPR Multiple plane reconstruction
3 CPR Curved plane reconstruction

Interface 7

Interface 7 is the toolbar window

12-1-3 Import
Import way

1. Select a series (3 ≤ contained images ≤ 1000) from the [Patient Browser]

interface, and right click the [3D] button to enter the [3D View] interface.

2. Select a series (3 ≤ contained images ≤ 1000) from the [Review] interface,

and click the [3D Viewer] button to enter the [3D View] interface.

3. Select a series (3 ≤ contained images ≤ 1000) from the [Review] interface,

and right click the [3D Viewer] button to enter the [3D View] interface.

4. Click [Open File] button in the [3D View] interface to import external images

(3 ≤ quantity ≤ 1000).

12-2 Toolbar Window

Table 12-2 Toolbar
No. Key Option Function
1 Show/Hide Show/Hide control lines of all images.
MPR Control It acts on all images.
2 Show/Hide Show/Hide the corner information of all images.
Corner It acts on all images.
3 Show/Hide
Show/Hide Bilateral Ruler Scale.
Bilateral Ruler
It acts on all images.

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Table 12-2 Toolbar
No. Key Option Function
4 Show/Hide Show/Hide the cube on the bottom right corner of the
Image image. The system shows the cube by default.
Orientation It acts on all images.
5 Linkage After this button is clicked, valid operations for all
images (except 3D images) include WW/WL, Zoom,
Pan and Show Other Orientation; after it is clicked
again, the synchronizing function is invalid.
The status is synchronous by default.
6 Ellipse Click this button to draw a circular ROI on the 2D image

7 Rectangle Click this button to draw a rectangular ROI on the 2D

8 Polygon Click this button to draw irregular ROI on the 2D image

9 Length Measure the length of the selected distance.

Act on a single image.
10 Text Write marking on the selected image.
Act on a single image.
11 Arrow Draw an arrow on the selected image.
Act on a single image.
12 Mark the image.
Act on a single image.
13 Measure the angle of the selected position

14 Remove Rois Clear all measurement marking objects.

15 Reset After clicking the button, the default orientation of the

window will be restored, including rotation, zoom,
translation, WW and WL. (Return to the center of the
cross ruler)
Act on all images (except 3D images)
16 WW/WL The default effect on all images (except 3D images,
image synchronization adjustment), the default
synchronization state
17 Pan After pressing the button, press and hold the left button
to pan the image
18 Zoom Click this button to zoom in and out of the image.

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Table 12-2 Toolbar
No. Key Option Function
19 Save Image Click the button, select the save type, save window, and
picture type in the pop-up box, and click the [Save]
button to save.
The save types are divided into: save single image and
save series;
The save window is divided into: current window, all
The saving format is divided into: DICOM, JPEG, BMP.
20 Open Click the button to select a folder to import, and all files
in this folder are in file format.
21 Quit Clear all images and records on the 3D page.

1. Preset WW/WL
 Click it to display the drop-down list of WW & WL, which includes several preset WWs
& WLs.
 Click setting to pop up the following dialog box. The user can edit the present WW/WL,

including add, modify and delete.

2. Description on custom setting of preset WW/WL

Table 12-3 Description on custom setting of preset WW/WL
No. Key Function
1 Add Add WW/WL. The name, WW and WL can be edited.
2 Delete Delete WW/WL.
3 Modify Modify the selected WW/WL. The name, WW and WL can be modified.
4 Close Exit the interface and go back to 3D View interface
3. Marker setting
 By clicking the [Marker] button, the user can define the text and the text attributes (Font,
font size, word color, border color).
 Select the words and double click to modify markers in the pop-up.

4. Others

Right-click function of ROI: Delete the current marker.

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12-3 VR
12-3-1 Tools of VR image window
In the [VR] interface, the VR image window has the following quick access toolbar.
Table 12-4 Quick access tools of the VR image window
No. Key Key name Function
1 Internal Cut Click once to execute Internal Clipping a time.

2 External Cut Click once to execute External Clipping a time.

3 Previous Click once to undo the clipping operation once. The icon
turns gray until there is no previous step.
4 Clear All Cut Undo all clipping operations

12-3-2 Function bar window

Table 12-5 Function bar of VR
No. Key Option Function
1 Internal Cut Click once to execute Internal Clipping a time.

2 External Cut Click once to execute External Clipping a time.

3 Previous Click once to undo the clipping operation once. The

icon turns gray until there is no previous step.
4 Clear All Cut Undo all clipping operations

5 Reset Cancel the changed effect.

6 Remove Bed Automatically remove the bed board after clicking

7 Save VR Click the button to enter the rotation save interface

8 Save as DICOM After clicking, save the VR image as a sequence

9 Send to Film After clicking, send the image or series to the film

10 VRT LUT Click the button, and the Three-D Template selection
interface will pop up on the left
11 Edit LUT Click the button to enter the Three-D Template editing

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12-3-3 Three-D template
1. CT number and transparency

 The horizontal axis represents the CT number, while the longitudinal axis represents the

transparency. The red dot represents an adjustment point on the plane formed by two axes. Its

coordinate is (CT number, transparency).

 Left click the plane formed by two axes to add an adjustment point; right click the

adjustment point to delete this dot.

 Move the mouse over the white dot, left click and drag to move the adjustment point.

 After the user moves the mouse over the straight line between two adjustment points, right

clicks and drags horizontally, this straight line will move horizontally, and the 3D image

changes accordingly.

2. 3D image dyeing scheme

 Double click, there is a color adjustment point on the scale corresponding to a certain CT
 Right click the vernier of a scale to delete this vernier.

 Move the mouse over the vernier to display its coordinate; left click and move the mouse

to move the vernier; the color between two verniers is gradient.

3. Save

 Click [OK] to save the Three-D Template.

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12-3-4 Surface shaded display
 Click on the slice mode, select the surface reconstruction SSD, and the interface will

switch to the surface reconstruction interface.

 Click the corresponding scale of a surface value, to display the vernier of this surface

value on the scale; drag the vernier horizontally to change the surface value. Drag the vernier

towards the left to decrease the surface value; drag the vernier towards the right to increase

the surface value.

 The reconstructed image of the surface is displayed in the VR image window. After the

reconstruction parameters are set, click the [Apply] button to reconstruct the surface 3D


12-3-5 Maximum intensity projection (MIP)

Intensity projection refers to that the maximum/minimum intensity projection points are selected from

the raw data field utilizing relevant algorithms to reconstruct 3D images. The image information of the

iso-density bone tissue can be rapidly extracted utilizing the intensity projection technique.

After [Slice Mode] in the top right corner of the VR image is clicked, keys in the table below will appear.
Table 12-6 Slice Mode (Top right corner of the VR image)
No. Key Function
1 VR Click it to switch the Slice Mode of the VR image to VR
2 Maximum Intensity Click it to switch the Slice Mode of the VR image to
Projection (MaxIP) MaxIP
3 Minimum Intensity Click it to switch the Slice Mode of the VR image to
Projection (MinIP) MinIP

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12-3-6 Image operation
3D image operation includes: zoom 3D image, rotate 3D image, change WW/WL, change layout.

1. Move image

Click the three-dimensional image with the mouse, press the left and right buttons of the mouse at the

same time and move, the image of the window can be moved.

2. Change the tissue filling effect

The user moves the left mouse button over the 3D image. The tissue filling effect of this image will

change with the movement of the mouse.

3. Rotate the image

When the user moves the 3D image with the right mouse button. This image will rotate with the

movement of the mouse. When the right button is released, the image is rotated to the target angle.

4. Zoom images

Hold down the middle mouse button and move up and down to zoom the image.

5. Change the layout

 Non-1×1 layout: Double click the 3D image to switch to the 1×1 layout, double click
again to back to the non-1×1 layout (including the focal spot state).
 1×1 layout: Double-click to return to the 2x2 layout.

12-4 MPR
12-4-1 Function bar window
Table 12-7 MPR function bar
No. Key Option Function
1 Add MPR Click this key to add MPR Recon
Recon item

2 Remove MPR Click this key to remove MPR

Image Image

3 Save as DICOM Click this key to save MPR Image

4 Send to Film After clicking, send the image or

series to the film
5 MPR Template Click and select the template in the
drop-down list to apply the
previously saved MPR template
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12-4-2 MPR Recon
1. Add MPR Recon
 Click to select an operating plane from the transverse section, the sagittal plane or the coronal
plane. Click the [Add MPR Recon] button in the toolbar.
 Set up slice thickness, slice interval, slice quantity and mode in the MPR Recon dialog box.
 Move the mouse over the current operating plane, click to define the MPR Recon plane. Move
the control point pointed by the arrow to rotate the MPR series and change the reconstruction
range. The user also can move the whole reconstruction area through dragging any point in the
reconstruction area, and the reconstruction image also changes accordingly.
2. Reconstruction item list
 The list of added MPR Recon plane displays below the MPR Recon button. After the
MPR Recon name is double clicked, the image window loads relevant MPR images.

 To add an MPR group, click the plus sign to add multiple MPRs on the same plane.

 Click the MPR template save button to save the MPR group as an MPR template.

 Click the delete button to delete the MPR task.

3. Preview and save MPR images

 Preview MPR Image
In interface 1, display the MPR reconstruction preview image, scroll the middle mouse button

to turn the page, or drag the scroll bar to turn the page, and the corresponding reconstruction

position is displayed in the original image.

 Save MPR Image
Adjust the reconstruction range and the orientation in the reconstruction plane window, and

save the reconstructed images. Click the [Save MPR Image] button to pop up the dialog box.

Fill in the series No., series description, and separate storage of scout. Click [Save] to save

data; click [Cancel] to cancel operation.

 View reconstructed images
The user can view the image series in the Patient Browser.

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12-4-3 Image operation
Image operation includes: turn the image page, zoom the image, pan the image, change the WW/WL,

change the layout.

1. Turn the image page

 Image page turning can be realized using the mouse wheel.

 If the mouse moves over the right side of the image, the originally hidden scroll bar will

appear. The user can turn the image page by moving the scrollbar with the mouse.

2. Zoom the image

 Click the target window using the mouse, simultaneously press the left & right mouse

button and move up and down, and the image in the window will change accordingly.

 Move up to zoom in the image; Move down to zoom out the image.

 Note: If linkage is used, when the MPR image is zoomed, images of other windows will

be zoomed synchronously. If linkage is not used, when the MPR image is zoomed, only images

of the current window will be zoomed.

3. Pan the image

 Use the mouse to move the target image while holding down the left and right buttons,

and the image will move with the mouse.

4. Change the WW/WL

 When the user moves the target image with the right mouse button. The WW/WL of this
image will change with the movement of the mouse.
 Move up to increase the WW; move down to decrease the WW; move left to increase the
WL; move right to decrease the WL.
Note: If linkage is used, when the MPR image is panned, the WW/WL of images in other windows will

be changed synchronously. If linkage is not used, when the MPR image is panned, only the WW/WL of

images in the current window will be changed.

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12-5 CPR
12-5-1 Function bar window
Table 12-8 CPR function bar
No. Key Option Function
1 Add CPR Click this key to add CPR Polyline
(Polyline) item
2 Add CPR Click this key to add CPR Curve
(Curve) item
3 Save CPR Image Click this key to save CPR image

4 Send to Film After clicking, send the image or

series to the film

12-5-2 CPR Curve

1. Add CPR Curve

 Click to select an operating plane from the transverse section, the sagittal plane or the coronal

plane. Click the [Add CPR Curve] button in the toolbar.

 Set up slice thickness, mode and CPR Curve in the CPR Curve dialog box.

 Move the mouse to the current operating plane, left click on the image of the current operating

plane to define the curve, right click to end the curve definition after the last point is defined.

During the definition, the curve displays as green.

 Move the control point (line) pointed by the arrow to change or move the curve, and the

reconstructed plane also changes accordingly.

2. Reconstruction item list
 The list of added CPR Curve plane displays below the CPR Curve button. After the CPR

Curve name is double clicked, the image window loads relevant CPR images.

 Click the delete button to delete the selected CPR reconstruction project.

3. Save CPR Image

 Click the [Save CPR Image] button to pop up the dialog box. Fill in the series No., series
description, and separate storage of scout. Click [Save] to save data; click [Cancel] to cancel
 View reconstructed images
 The user can view the reconstructed image in the original examine data.

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12-5-3 Image operation
Image operation includes: turn the image page, zoom the image, pan the image, change the WW/WL,

change the layout.

1. Turn the image page

 Image page turning can be realized using the mouse wheel.

 If the mouse moves over the right side of the image, the originally hidden scroll bar will

appear. The user can turn the image page by moving the scrollbar with the mouse.

2. Zoom the image

 Click the target window using the mouse, simultaneously press the left & right mouse

button and move up and down, and the image in the window will change accordingly.

 Move up to zoom in the image; Move down to zoom out the image.

 Note: If linkage is used, when the CPR image is zoomed, images of other windows will

be zoomed synchronously. If linkage is not used, when the CPR image is zoomed, only images

of the current window will be zoomed.

3. Pan the image

 Use the mouse to move the target image while holding down the left and right buttons,

and the image will move with the mouse.

4. Change the WW/WL

 When the user moves the target image with the right mouse button. The WW/WL of this
image will change with the movement of the mouse.
 Move up to increase the WW; move down to decrease the WW; move left to increase the
WL; move right to decrease the WL.
Note: If linkage is used, when the CPR image is panned, the WW/WL of images in other windows will

be changed synchronously. If linkage is not used, when the CPR image is panned, only the WW/WL of

images in the current window will be changed.

5. Change the layout

 Non-1×1 layout: Double click the image to switch to the 1×1 layout, double click again

to back to the non-1×1 layout (including the focal spot state).

 1×1 layout: Double-click does not have any corresponding operation.

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12-6 Mouse function
Table 12-9 Common function of the mouse
No. Key Function
Drag with the left To change the tissue filling effect of the 3D reconstructed image.
button To change the WW/WL of the reconstructed plane image.
Drag with the right To rotate the 3D reconstructed image. The cube displaying the image
button orientation also rotates accordingly.
Drag with both Image movement.
4 Move the wheel Zoom in and zoom out of the 3D reconstructed image.
Non-1×1 layout: Double click the image to switch to the 1×1 layout,
Double click the left
5 double click again to back to the non-1×1 layout (including the focal
spot state).

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Chapter XIII Film
13-1 Overview
13-1-1 Function introduction
Utilizing the Film, the user can print DICOM3.0 image, view and print patient images, perform simple

editing for the image, set up printing parameters, connect the printer to print the film. Images can be

imported from Review, Patient Browser.

13-1-2 Interface introduction

Fig. 13-1 Film interface

Interface 1

Interface 1 is the film display window.

Interface 2

Interface 2 is the patient information display window.

Interface 3

Interface 3 is the toolbar window.

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13-2 Image Import
1. Import (examine/series/image) from [Patient Browser] using the button in the menu bar or the right

mouse button.

 The user can import current examine, current series, or Interval Print to [Film] through

right clicking.

 For the option of Interval Print, the user can set up the image selection range, including

the start and end position of the import (The maximum image quantity of the series is displayed

by default) as well as the interval. Each series is imported to [Film] using the same initial

position and the same interval.

2. Import (image/series) from [Review] using the button in the menu bar or the right mouse button.

 The user can import selected image, selected series, or Interval Print to [Film] through

right clicking.

 For the option of Interval Print, the user can set up the image selection range, including

the start and end position of the import (The maximum image quantity of the series is displayed

by default) as well as the interval. Each series is imported to [Film] using the same initial

position and the same interval.

13-3 Film Display Window

All imported images are displayed in this window.

13-3-1 Layout
1. The system will record the layout set last time as the default layout.

2. The displayed aspect ratio in the film display window is the same as the film size.

3. The user can switch to any layout.

13-3-2 Printing rules

1. The default printing sequence is: The user clicks [Print]. The image is generated and then emptied

in the image area, and enters the print queue. The user can import other patient images. You can

check the printing status in the print interface of the task manager in the lower right corner.

2. Markers imported to the image cannot be operated (including being deleted and moved, etc.)

3. In case of failure, the image shall be printed again.

4. The [Patient Browser] interface displays the status of normal printing and virtual printing. If the

image is printed successfully, there will be a tick.

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13-3-3 Film title
Before printing, the user can select to display the film title or not in the [Print setting]. See chapter 13-

5-5 for details.

When the user selects to show the film title, the successfully-printed film will display the following

information on top of the page:

Left: Center: Right:

Registration No. Study ID Hospital Name

Patient Name Sex/Age Study time

13-4 Patient Information Display Window

 It only displays information of the first study.

 The displayed information includes Patient Name, Study Part, Series Number, Preview image,

Scan Type and Image Count.

13-5 Toolbar Window

13-5-1 Layout
Table 13-1 Toolbar—Layout
No. Key Option Function
1 Custom The user can select the row and the column
Layout through the button or manually input the
target value.
2 Layout Select common layout format
Set up the layout format, standard setting,
row setting and column setting
3 Common Common layouts can be selected, and the
Layout common layouts can be customized by
 Setting Layout

Click the drop-down box of the layout, in addition to some common layouts, you can also set the layout

independently. When self-setting, click on the setting, the layout setting box will pop up, and you can

edit the format layout of the film printing.

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Table 13-2 Format setting
No. Option Description
1 Standard Select Standard to set up the row and the column. For example, 3 and 4
represent 3 rows and 4 columns.
2 Horizontal By selecting Horizontal, the user can set up the columns of each row. For
example, 2, 3 and 4 represent 2 columns of the first row, 3 columns of the
second row, and 4 columns of the third row, respectively.
3 Vertical By selecting Vertical, the user can set up the rows of each column. For
example, 3, 4, 5 and 6 represent 3 rows of the first column, 4 rows of the
second column, 5 rows of the third column, and 6 rows of the fourth column,

13-5-2 Common
Table 13-3 Toolbar--common
No. Key Option Function
1 Recover Recover the Pan, Zoom, Smooth, Sharpen, Edge Preservation,
Rotate, Contrast Enhancement, Pseudo Color, Invert, and
WW/WL. It acts on all images.
2 Pan After this button is clicked, left-click and move can pan the image.
It acts on all images.
3 Zoom After this button is clicked, left-click and move to Zoom In/Out
the image.
It acts on all images.
4 Common The user clicks this button and selects preset WW/WL from the
WW/WL popped-up drop-down list. Then the WW/WL of the selected
image turns into the preset WW/WL. It acts on all images of the
current series.
5 Insert Scout Select one or more image (s) and click this button to insert a scout
before the first image. Press once for a single treatment. Images
can be randomly selected in the process.
6 Select All Click this button to select all images in the interface.

7 Delete Selected Select a certain image and click this button. Press once for a single
Image treatment. Images can be randomly selected in the process.
8 Mirror After this button is clicked, horizontal rollover of the image is
Horizontal achieved; Mirror Horizontal, azimuth information and ROI
change accordingly.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly
selected in the process.

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Table 13-3 Toolbar--common
No. Key Option Function
It acts on a single image.
9 Mirror Vertical After this button is clicked, vertical rollover of the image is
achieved; Mirror Vertical, azimuth information and ROI change
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly
selected in the process.
It acts on a single image.
10 Turn Left 90° After this button is clicked, the image turns left 90°, azimuth
information and ROI change accordingly.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly
selected in the process.
It acts on a single image.
11 Turn Right 90° After this button is clicked, the image turns right 90°, azimuth
information and ROI change accordingly.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly
selected in the process.
It acts on a single image.
12 Drag Click the [Drag] button, click one or more image (s) and drag,
make it/them before the image with selected focal spot.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly
selected in the process.
13 Rotate Rotate angle, you can do it multiple times.

14 Positive/ Images are in Positive Sequence by default. After this button is

Negative clicked, images rank in Negative Sequence. After it is clicked
Sequence again, images return to the Positive Sequence.
15 Manually input Manually enter the WW and WL value, press Enter, and click
WW and WL [Apply] to set.
In the common WW and WL, in addition to the preset WW and WL, you can also customize.
Table 13-4 Description on common WW & WL setting
No. Key Function
1 Add Add WW & WL. The name, WW and WL can be edited.
2 Delete Delete WW/WL
3 Modify Modify the selected WW/WL. The name, WW and WL can be modified.
4 Cancel Cancel the operation to go back to the Review interface.

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13-5-3 Show/Hide
Table 13-5 Toolbar--Show/Hide
No. Key Option Function
Corner Show/Hide Corner Information.
Information The default selection is Show. This button acts on all images.
Bilateral Ruler Show/Hide Bilateral Ruler Scale.
Scale The default selection is Show. This button acts on all images.
ROI Show/Hide ROI button.

Scout Show/Hide Thumbnail button.

The default selection is Hide. It acts on a single image.
Thumbnail The button to Show/Hide the scout line of Thumbnail

1. Description on Show/Hide Bilateral Ruler Scale

 The Bilateral Ruler Scale always displays in the middle on the right end of the image


 When the image is zoomed, the width of the Bilateral Ruler Scale will be adjusted

accordingly. The displayed unit number remains unchanged within a certain range. When the

image is zoomed to a certain proportion, the unit number will change, and the width of the

Bilateral Ruler Scale will change synchronously. If the magnification of the Bilateral Ruler

Scale stops, the magnification of the image will stop too.

 Variation range of the unit number:

Zoom in: 100, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 (mm)

Zoom out: 150, 200, 250 …1150 (mm)

2. Description on Show/Hide Thumbnail

Click the arrow on the right side of the [Scout] button. The popped-up menu displays options of upper

left, lower left, upper right, and lower right.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

13-5-4 Measure & ROI
Table 13-6 Toolbar--Tools
No. Key Option Function
Ellipse Click to label an oval ROI graphic in the image and display
corresponding information.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Rectangle Click to label a rectangular ROI graphic in the image and display
corresponding information.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Any Click to label any ROI graphic in the image and display
Graphics corresponding information.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Length Click it to label a straight line in the image and display the
corresponding length of the labeled graphic.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Pencil Click it to label a curve length graphic in the image and display the
corresponding length of the labeled graphic.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Press to label an arrow in the image.
6 Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Click it to label an angle graphic in the image and display the
Angle corresponding angle of the labeled graphic.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Click it to label a cobb angle graphic in the image and display the
Cobb Angle corresponding angle of the labeled graphic.
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Marker Mark on the image.
9 Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Magnifier Click it to magnify the image part clicked by the mouse (with fixed
10 magnification box); left-click and drag the mouse to view different
image parts; the magnification is 2-fold (fixed).
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 13-6 Toolbar--Tools
No. Key Option Function
Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Click it to display the pixel information. It is in the shape of cross.
Pixel Lens
11 Press once for a single treatment. Images can be randomly selected
in the process.
Clear All Clear all ROIs of the image with the focal spot selected.

13-5-5 Print
Table 13-7 Toolbar--Print
No. Key Option Function
Print Setting To set up printing parameters

2 Preview Mode The options include Normal and Overview. The default option is
Under the Overview Mode, the interface will display all films, and
all operations of the Normal Mode can be conducted to each image.
Click on the print settings, the initial print parameter setting interface will pop up, and you can set the

relevant parameters on this interface. The specific interface is as follows:

Fig. 13-2 Print Init Parameter Settings interface

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13-5-6 Function Button
Table 13-8 Function Button
No. Key Function
1 Print the film of all images and clear the film display area after printing
2 Save it as an electronic film, which can be viewed in the Patient Browser, and it
needs to be printed and imported into the film again for printing.
3 Click it to close all series, recover to the initial interface and automatically switch
to the Patient Browser interface

13-5-7 Page turning

Table 13-9 Toolbar--Page turning
No. Key Option Function
1 Click this key to show the first page.
First page

Page up Jump to the previous page.

Page display Display Page */*. The page number also can be manually input.

Page down Jump to the next page.

Last page Click this key to show the last page.

13-6 Other Functions

13-6-1 Mouse function
Table 13-10 Mouse function
No. Option Function
1 Drag with the Click only one image and drag the mouse within this image to change the
left button WW/WL of this image. It acts on all images of the series.
2 Drag with the The image pans in its window. It acts on all images.
right button
3 Directly roll To turn the image page under the Normal Mode and turn the film page under
the wheel the Overview Mode. It acts on all images.
4 Hold the wheel To zoom in and zoom out the image. It acts on all images.
and drag
5 Double-click After an image is double clicked, the magnified image will be shown in the
function center of the interface. The user can turn page using the wheel or view other
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 13-10 Mouse function
No. Option Function
If the magnified image is panned or its WW/WL is changed, the
original image in the film will be changed accordingly. Moreover, when
the window is closed, the original image in the film remains changed.
When the image is magnified, the user still can turn page using the
mouse wheel.
It acts on all images.

Right-click function

Only when one or more image (s) is selected, can the right-click be enabled.
Note 13-1

Table 13-10 Right-click function

No. Option Function
1 Delete Delete the selected image
2 Cut Cut the current image
3 Copy Copy the current image
4 Paste Paste the copied or cut image to before the selected image
5 Paste To After Paste the copied or cut image to after the selected image
6 Paste To End Paste the copied or cut image to the end of all images
7 Font Size Select the size of corner information from the drop-down box. Only “large”,
“medium” and “small” are selectable at present. The medium font is
displayed by default. It acts on all images.
8 Select Page Select all images of the page
9 Select Series Select all images of the series
10 Select Study Select all images of the study
11 Cancel Select Cancel the status of multiple selection
12 Internal format Apply the selected internal layout to the selected single image window. It
acts on all images.
13 Cancel Internal Cancel the selected internal format

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

13-6-2 Multiple selection
 Shift + left click: select multiple continuous objects

 Ctrl + left click: select/cancel multiple discontinuous objects

 Delete: Select with the mouse, press the Delete key in the keyboard, and click OK in the


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Chapter XIV Technical Information for Users
This chapter provides some technical parameter information of the system.

14-1 Environment (Air Temperature) Control Requirement

14-1-1 Overview
The environment temperature required for the safe operation of the system is 18℃-26℃. The workplace

shall be equipped with the air conditioner (AC) to control the temperature. The AC must be on 24h a

day and 7 days a week. Do not replace the AC with the counter-flow heat exchanger (insufficient thermal

cooling quantity within the same time). The temperature control conditions are listed in Table 14-1. The

system can be powered on only after its operating condition has been maintained for at least 24h.
Table 14-1 Temperature control requirement
Scanning room
Temperature Humidity (Non- Atmospheric
condensing) pressure
Maintain Maximum Recommendation
increase/decrease speed
18 °C to 26 °C 1.5 °C/hour 30%-70% (Non- 70kPa-110kPa
64.4 °F to 78.8 °F 2.7 °F/hour condensing)
Operation control room
Temperature Humidity (Non- Atmospheric
condensing) pressure
Maintain Maximum Recommendation
increase/decrease speed
15ºC - 30ºC 3 °C/hour 30%-80% (Non- 70kPa-110kPa
59 °F to 86 °F 6 °F/hour condensing)

PDU room (if separated with the scanning room)

Temperature Humidity (Non- Atmospheric
condensing) pressure
Maintain Maximum Recommendation
increase/decrease speed
18 °C to 26 °C 1.5 °C/hour 30%-70% 70kPa-110kPa
64.4 °F to 78.8 °F 2.7 °F/hour

Storage or transportation of equipment

Temperature Humidity (Non- Atmospheric

condensing) pressure
-30 °C to +70 °C 10%-90% (Non- 70kPa-110kPa
-22 °F to 158 °F condensing)

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The running noise of the system is not more than 75 dB (A).
Notice 14-1

14-1-2 Heat load

The heat of this equipment depends on the scan quantity, the

scanning condition and the scanning time.
Notice 14-2

14-2 Network Requirement

14-2-1 Basic information
The CT software system has 3 types of external communication interfaces: local, LAN and Internet. As

shown in the figure below:

Fig. 14-1 Communication interface

The medical data (including image data) exchange mode and the transmission protocol of three

communication interfaces are detailed below.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

1. Local communication
The patient’s medical image data collected by CT are stored to local and DVD storage media through

local interface. There is no network connection involved. The data format is DICOM. It is a

unidirectional health data exchange.

2. LAN communication
The CT console obtains the patient’s registration information from the RIS system (bidirectional health

data exchange. CT makes a request, while the RIS system replies). Then the patient’s medical image

data collected are sent to the hospital’s PACS system or image workstation for storage and image

processing (unidirectional health data exchange). The data format is DICOM. The CT console can be

connected to the printer in the LAN to print the image data (unidirectional health data exchange). The

LAN is limited to the hospital’s network facilities. The LAN is isolated and protected by the firewall

and uniformly managed by the Information Department of the hospital.

3. Internet communication

The built-in RMS system of the CT software system remotely connects to the data center of the

equipment through TCP/IP. The RMS system has the function of remote equipment information

management, remote equipment monitoring and remote equipment maintenance, etc. The RMS system

remotely monitors the working condition of the equipment through collected telemetry data. It belongs

to the unidirectional equipment data exchange.

Main hardware of RMS: 1. Repeater, 2. Firewall, 3. Router/WLAN card, 4. Servers: web server,

application server, database server; as shown below:

Fig. 14-2 Main hardware of RMS

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14-2-2 Risk management
1. Local risk management
The CT software system assigns different rights for the software function, system configuration and user

data to 5 types of users which include “Emergency User”, “Operator”, “Supervisor”, “Service” and

“Engineer”, to ensure that relevant data can only be accessed and used by the authorized user through

the expected way within the authorized time.

User types and permissions
 User identification

Use account number and password to log in. The password can use a combination of letters and numbers

to increase the strength of the password.

 User type and permissions

Emergency User: Only can perform scanning and daily calibration and warm-up functions.

Operator: In addition to Emergency User permissions, they also can browse the images, manage the

patient information and print the films and.

Supervisor: Supervisor permissions are in addition to Operator permissions, they also have voice

management, protocol management, dose management, PACS configuration and printer setting


Service: Service permissions are in addition to Supervisor permissions, they also have part of the

functionality of the service tool. They can calibrate the detector, X-ray tube and the Image Quality. They

also can update the software.

Engineer: Engineers have full functional permissions. They can set up the user information for operator,

supervisor and service.

In addition, when the user stores the image data to DVD and local, the CT software system provides the

function option of anonymous storage, which can prevent the disclosure of the patient’s privacy and

ensure the confidentiality and availability of medical data.

2. LAN risk management

When medical image data are transmitted to the hospital PACS system and the image
workstation through LAN, abnormal conditions, such as inability to transmit, interruption of
transmission, inability of PACS system to receive and identify data, inability of image data
storage caused by mismatch of patient information and medical image information, may occur.
Therefore, when the CT image data transmission management module starts, it will detect

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whether the network is abnormal and whether the image data information is complete. If the
transmission is abnormally interrupted, the image data transmission management module
provides a manual retransmission function to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the
image data.

3. Internet risk management

The remote operation and maintenance system isolates different network applications
physically or logically, establishes a dedicated VPN encryption system and isolates data
transmission from other subsystems, and adopts a professional firewall that can provide reliable
security and reliability for users of remote operation and maintenance system. The full firewall
protection and IP Security Virtual Private Network (VPN) are especially suitable for protecting
the privacy and stability of data.

14-3 System Performance Characteristics

This section describes the performance characteristics and the accuracy of system in detail.

14-3-1 Milliampere (mA) and milliampere second (mAs)

Milliampere (mA) is the measurement unit of current or flow of electrons. Milliampere second (mAs)
is the application time of a certain current (mA). Current (mA) × Exposure Time (S) = Milliampere
Second (mAs). It is the coefficient that controls the amount of X-ray generated in the target area. The
overall exposure (projection) of the image is controlled by mAs.
• Increasing mAs = Increasing the main signal intensity
• Reducing mAs =Reducing the main signal intensity

14-3-2 Kilovolt (kV) and kilovolt peak (kVp)

Kilovolt (kV) is the voltage of the X-ray tube. The kilovolt peak (kVp) is the maximum voltage applied

to the X-ray tube during X-ray generation. The kVp controls the contrast of X-ray image (the number

of gray levels between black and white in the image).

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14-3-3 Half value layer (HVL)

Half value layer (HVL) is the thickness of a specific absorber (aluminum) at which the intensity of
radiation entering it is reduced by one half.

• HVL accuracy

The following equipment shall be used to test the full HVL accuracy:

• Meter (S): Piranha S / N CB2-11080164

• Detector (S): MPD S / N MP2-11080166

Test results are shown in Table 14-2.

Table 14-2 Results of full HVL accuracy test
Test No. # Tube voltage (kV) HVL (mm Al)
1 80 3.72
2 100 4.70
3 120 5.73
4 140 6.68

14-3-4 Accuracy of tube voltage (KV)

The accuracy of tube voltage (80kV, 100kV, 120kV and 140 kV, respectively) shall be tested with the
following equipment:
• Meter (S): Piranha S / N CB2-11080164
• Detector (S): MPD S / N MP2-11080166

Test result: the voltage of X-ray tube is 80 KV, 100 KV, 120 KV and 140 KV respectively, and the error

of tube voltage is not more than ±10%.

14-3-5 Tube current (mA) accuracy

The accuracy of tube current (10mA—420mA) shall be tested with the following equipment:
• Meter (S): Piranha S / N CB2-11080164

• Detector (S): MPD S / N MP2-11080166

Test result: the current of X-ray tube is 10 mA-420 mA, and the error of tube current is not more than


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14-3-6 Nominal tube voltage and current

1. The corresponding nominal X-ray tube voltage and the maximum X-ray tube current that can be

obtained from the high voltage generator when the X-ray tube is operated under the following voltage

Table 14-3 Maximum current under different voltages
Test No. # Tube voltage Maximum tube current
1 80kV Max mA=420
2 100kV Max mA=420
3 120kV Max mA=410
4 140kV Max mA=350
2. The tube current is 420 mA, and the corresponding maximum tube voltage is 100 kV.

3. The X-ray tube voltage and the X-ray tube current combination that produces the maximum output


kV=120 mA=410; kV=140 mA=350

4. The electric power of 50kW should be given together with the X-ray tube voltage (120kV), the X-ray

tube current (410mA) and the loading time (4s).

14-3-7 System filtration

table 14-4 filtration of the parts

Part Collimator Filter X-ray tube Bed board
Filtration 0.08mm Cu (equivalent to 4.00 mmAl 2.0 mm <1.8mmAl
1.51mm aluminum equivalent) Al@140kV @120kV
See other accessories filtration parameters in chapter 15 system accessories.

14-4 Image Quality

Image quality can be determined by image noise (SD), accuracy of CT number, consistency of images,

uniformity of CT number in image layer, modulation transfer function (MTF), high contrast resolution

(HCR) and low contrast resolution (LCR). Several typical factors will be explained in this manual.

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14-4-1 Image noise

Noise refers to the deviation degree of the CT number of an area in the homogeneous substance image

from the mean value. The noise amplitude is expressed by the standard deviation (SD) of the CT number

of homogeneous substance in the region of interest.

1. Test conditions:

Table 14-5 Typical test conditions of image noise

Central dose of adult head Central dose of adult body
Image noise
≤40mGy ≤18mGy
Scan type CT CT

Protocol Routine head examination Routine abdominal examination

Tube voltage 120kV 120kV

Tube current 190mA 210mA

Rotation time 1s 1s
Collimation 16×1.2mm 16×1.2mm
9.6mm 9.6mm
Tube current
190mAs 210mAs
time product

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2. Test result:

Fig. 14-3 image noise

3. Under typical scanning conditions, the image noise of system:

 Image noise should be no more than 0.35% (The central dose is not more than 40 mGy) at

typical adult head protocol.

 Image noise should be no more than 0.35% (The central dose is not more than 18 mGy) at

typical adult body protocol.

14-4-2 Accuracy of CT number

The CT number reflects the average value of X-ray attenuation represented by each pixel area in the CT

image. Range of CT number display: -1024 - +3072(HU).

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1. Test conditions:

Table 14-6 Typical test conditions for accuracy of CT number

Accuracy of CT Accuracy of CT number Accuracy of CT number of

number of adult head adult body
Scan type CT CT

Protocol Routine head examination Routine abdominal examination

Tube voltage 120kV 120kV

Tube current 190mA 210mA

Rotation time 1s 1s

Collimation 16×1.2mm 16×1.2mm

9.6mm 9.6mm
Tube current
190mAs 210mAs
time product
2. Test result :

Fig. 14-5 accuracy of CT number

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3. Under the above test conditions, the CT number accuracy of the system can meet:

 Accuracy of CT number of adult head: air: -1000±10HU; water: 0±4 HU

 Accuracy of CT number of adult body: air: -1000±10HU; water: 0±4 HU

14-4-3 High contrast resolution (HCR), also known as spatial

resolution (SR)

It refers to the CT scanner’s ability to distinguish different objects during imaging, under the condition

that compared with the noise, the difference on attenuation degree between the object and the

background is large enough.

1. Test conditions:
Table 14-7 Test conditions of HCR test items
Test Rotation Bowtie Focal Slice
KV mA FOV Collimation Kernel
project time Filter Spot Thickness
HCR 120 190 1 120 Small Small 16x0.6 0.6mm HIRES

2. Test result:

Fig. 14-5 HCR

3. Under the above test conditions, the HCR of the system is not less than 13 lp/cm.

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14-4-4 Modulation transfer function (MTF)

MTF “quantitatively” reflects the spatial resolution, while the HCR “qualitatively” reflects the spatial


1. Test conditions:

Table 14-8 Typical test conditions of MTF

Central dose of adult head Central dose of adult body
≤40mGy ≤18mGy
Scan type CT CT

Protocol name Routine head examination Routine abdominal examination

Tube voltage 120kV 120kV

Tube current 150mA 180mA

Rotation time 1s 1s

Collimation 16×0.6mm 16×0.6mm

0.6mm 0.6mm

Tube current
150mAs 180mAs
time product


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2. Test result :

Fig. 14-6 MTF

3. The normalized modulation curve is plotted in MTF curve. The origin point value is normalized to 1

and the value decrease to 0 with the frequency increasing. (Modulation value 1 corresponds to no loss

of input signal with specified frequency. Modulation value 0 corresponds to fully loss of the input signal

with specified frequency.

• Adult:

 At typical adult head protocol with central dose no more than 40mGy (center CTDI100 value

in 16cm PPMA phantom). The spatial resolution is greater than or equal to: 10.5 lp/cm@MTF

50%, 13 lp/cm@MTF 10%;

 At typical adult body protocol with central dose no more than 18mGy (center CTDI100 value

in 32cm PPMA phantom). The spatial resolution is greater than or equal to: 10.5 lp/cm@MTF

50%, 13 lp/cm@MTF 10%;

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14-4-5 Low contrast resolution (LCR)

The low contrast resolution (LCR) refers to the CT scanner’s ability to distinguish objects with low

contrast to homogeneous substance.

1. Test conditions:
Table 14-9 Typical test conditions of LCR
Central dose of adult head Central dose of adult body
≤40mGy ≤18mGy
Patient type Adult Adult
Scan type CT CT
Protocol name Routine head examination Routine abdominal examination
Tube voltage 120kV 120kV
Tube current 190mA 210mA
Rotation time 1s 1s
Collimation 16×1.2mm 16×1.2mm
9.6mm 9.6mm
Tube current
190 mAs 210 mAs
time product
2. Test result :

Fig. 14-7 LCR

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3. Under the above typical test conditions, the system shall meet the following requirements:

 At typical adult head protocol with central dose no more than 40mGy (center CTDI100 value
in 16cm PPMA phantom), the dot of 3.0mm with 0.3% contrast in Catphan phantom can be

 At typical adult body protocol with central dose no more than 18mGy (center CTDI100 value
in 32cm PPMA phantom), the dot of 3.0mm with 0.3% contrast in Catphan phantom can be

14-4-6 Uniformity of CT number in image layer

It refers to the uniformity of CT number at different positions of the same layer. According to the

standard, the deviation should not exceed 4HU.

1. Test conditions:

Table 14-10 Typical test conditions of CT number uniformity

Uniformity of CT number uniformity of CT number uniformity of

CT number adult head adult body

Scan type CT CT

Protocol name Routine head examination Routine abdominal examination

Tube voltage 120kV 120kV

Tube current 190mA 210mA

Rotation time 1s 1s

Collimation 16×1.2mm 16×1.2mm

9.6mm 9.6mm

Tube current
190mAs 210mAs
time product


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2. Test result

Fig. 14-8 CT number uniformity

3. Under the above test conditions, the system shall meet:

 CT number uniformity should be no more than +-4HU at typical adult head protocol.

 CT number uniformity should be no more than +-4HU at typical adult body protocol.

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14-4-7 Artifact

Artifact refers to abnormal density changes that are inconsistent with the actual anatomical structure in

the image. Artifacts would affect the diagnosis of the disease. Common artifacts include ring artifacts,

oblique artifacts, and windmill artifacts, etc.

1. Test conditions:

Table 14-11 Typical test conditions of Artifacts

Artifact Adult head artifacts Adult body artifacts

Scan type CT CT

Protocol name Routine head examination Routine abdominal examination

Tube voltage 120kV 120kV

Tube current 190mA 210mA

Rotation time 1s 1s

Collimation 16×1.2mm 16×1.2mm

Convolution kernel STND STND

2. Under the above typical test conditions, the system shall meet the following requirements:
• The CT image of water phantom shall not have artifact.

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14-5 Nominal Slice Thickness

1. Nominal value and deviation of slice thickness of axial scan:

0.6mm ±0.5 mm

1.2 mm ±0.6 mm

2.4 mm ±1.0mm

4.8 mm ±1.0 mm

9.6 mm ±1.0 mm

2. Nominal value and deviation of slice thickness of helical scan:

0.6mm ±0.5 mm

1.0 mm ±0.5 mm

1.5mm ±0.75mm

2.0mm ±1.0 mm

2.5mm ±1.0 mm

3.0mm ±1.0 mm

4.0mm ±1.0 mm

5.0mm ±1.0 mm

6.0mm ±1.0 mm

7.0mm ±1.0 mm

8.0mm ±1.0 mm

9.0mm ±1.0 mm

10.0mm ±1.0 mm

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

14-6 Dose information

14-6-1 CTDI calculate formula

1. CTDI100

Integral of the DOSE PROFILE representative of a single axial scan along a line perpendicular to the

TOMOGRAPHIC PLANE divided by N ×T according to the following:

For N ×T less than or equal to 40 mm

CTDI100 = ∫ dz
N × T
Variate Description
D(z) Is the DOSE PROFILE representative of a single axial scan along a
line z perpendicular to the TOMOGRAPHIC PLANE, where dose is
reported as ABSORBED DOSE in air and is evaluated within a
polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) dosimetry PHANTOM
N Is the number of TOMOGRAPHIC SECTIONS produced in a single
axial scan of the X-ray source


Value defined as

1 2
CTDIw = CTDI100(𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑒) + CTDI100(𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑝ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙)
3 3
Where CTDI100(centre) is the value of CTDI100 measured in the centre of a dosimetry PHANTOM, and

where CTDI100(peripheral) is the average of the four values of CTDI100 measured around the dosimetry

PHANTOM periphery.

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3. CTDIvol

a) For axial scanning

Variate Description
N Is the number of TOMOGRAPHIC SECTIONS produced in a single
axial scan of the X-ray source
∆𝐝 Is the PATIENT SUPPORT travel in z-direction between consecutive
b) For helical scanning

CTDIvol =
CT𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟
CTpitch factor is defined as:

CT𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 =
c) For scanning without movement of the PATIENT SUPPORT

CTDIvol = 𝑛 × CTDI𝑊
In the formula:

n---maximum number of preset rotations.

The value unit of CTDIvol is mGy and should be displayed one the console which can reflect the

inspection method of the selected head or body part and operation condition of CT.

If the current mA in the X-ray tube changes during a scan, the value of CTDIvol is calculated by

applying the preset loading factor that determines the maximum possible value of CTDIvol.

If the number of rotations is not preset, the value of CTDIvol per second is displayed and the unit is

mGy/s. The value of CTDIvol accumulated by the scan during the inspection should also be displayed

and the unit is mGy.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

14-6-2 CTDI100

The dose data shown in the table below (CTDI100) are measured under typical scanning conditions.

Conditions of scanning:

• Head mode: 120 kV, 200 mA, 1-s scan, Focal Spot S, filter S, 0.6 mm × 16 slice thickness,

160-mm-diameter phantom

• Body mode: 120 kV, 200 mA, 1-s scan, Focal Spot L, filter L, 0.6 mm × 16 slice thickness,

320-mm-diameter phantom

CTDI100 under typical radiation conditions

Table 14-12 CTDI100 under typical radiation conditions
Head mode (mGy) Body mode (mGy)
Center 38.27 13.65
The following table shows normalized data of head and body modes (Assuming that CTDI100 central,

peripheral mean, peripheral maximum, radiation conditions 120 kV, 200 mA, 1s, 0.6mm*16 are

normalized to 1), indicating that dose changes depend on scanning conditions.

Table 14-13 The ratio of surface to center CTDI100 under scanning condition
Head mode Body mode
Center 1.00 1.00
Periphery (0°) 1.20 2.45
Periphery (90°) 1.11 2.13
Periphery (180°) 1.03 1.88
Periphery (270°) 1.08 2.05
CTDIW 1.07 1.75

Table 14-14 CTDI100 normalized value under different mAs

Head mode Body mode
10mAs 0.05 0.05
200mAs 1.00 1.00
410mAs 2.05 2.05

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Table 14-15 CTDI100 normalized value under different collimator apertures
Head mode Body mode
2*0.6mm 3.74 3.73
4*0.6mm 2.11 2.11
8*0.6mm 1.36 1.36
16*0.6mm 1.00 1.00
16*1.2mm 0.85 0.85

Table 14-16 CTDI100 normalized value under different KV

Head mode Body mode
80kV 0.32 0.33
100kV 0.63 0.62
120kV 1.00 1.00
140kV 1.41 1.43

Table 14-17 The conversion from the CTDIvol (Φ32cm) based on the 32cm phantom
to the CTDIvol (Φ16cm) based on the 16 cm phantom
The conversion CTDIvol(Φ16cm)/ CTDIvol
Radiation conditions
80kV 1.71
100kV 1.71
120kV 1.71
140kV 1.71

Table 14-18 Tube current * scanning time (mAs) when the maximum peripheral dose
of CTDI100 exceeds 1Gy
Scanning condition Head mode Body mode

80 12503 16800
Tube 100 6793 9128
voltage(kV) 120 4306 5786
140 3040 4085

The error range of the CTDIvol and DLP which is displayed and recorded in the system is ±15%.

The ionization chamber with the effective measurement length of 100mm and the acrylic acid cylinder

with the diameter of 160mm and 320mm (length: 150mm) are used to measure the central and peripheral

dose. The error of dose measurement is about ±20%.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

14-6-3 CTDI free air

The dose data (CTDI free air) in the table below are measured under typical scanning conditions.

Scanning condition:

• Head mode: 120 kV, 200 mA, 1-s scan, Focal Spot S, filter S, 0.6 mm × 16 slice thickness

• Body mode: 120 kV, 200 mA, 1-s scan, Focal Spot L, filter L, 0.6 mm × 16 slice thickness
Table 14-19 CTDI free air under typical conditions
Head mode(mGy) Body mode(mGy)
Center 56.32 56.37

The CTDI free air dose depends on the slice thickness and the tube voltage (normalized value) (typical

scanning conditions underlined).

Table 14-20 CTDI free air normalized value under different KV
Tube voltage (KV) Head mode CTDI free air Body mode CTDI free air
80 0.31 0.33
100 0.62 0.64
120 1.00 1.00
140 1.42 1.43

Table 14-21 CTDI free air normalized value under different collimator apertures
Head mode Body mode
2*0.6mm 3.74 3.73
4*0.6mm 2.11 2.11
8*0.6mm 1.36 1.36
16*0.6mm 1.00 1.00
16*1.2mm 0.85 0.85

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
14-6-4 Dose Distribution Curve and Sensitivity Distribution Curve
of Phantom

The dose shall be determined using the CTDI phantom. The phantom is a cylinder 15cm in length and

1.19 +0.01 g/cm3 in density. The head test condition: 16 cm CTDI phantom, Small Focal Spot, Small

filter. The body test condition: 32 cm CTDI phantom, Large Focal Spot, Large filter.

The dose distribution curve and the sensitivity distribution curve will be given in the following graph.

The blue curve is the dose distribution curve. The green curve is the sensitivity distribution curve, and

the red curve is the size of the collimator aperture.

The following is the dose distribution curve of the head phantom.

2*0.6mm collimation, 16cm CTDI phantom

Normalized Dose

-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Distance (mm @ ISO)

4*0.6mm collimation, 16cm CTDI phantom

Normalized Dose

-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Distance (mm @ ISO)

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

8*0.6mm collimation, 16cm CTDI phantom
Normalized Dose

-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Distance (mm @ ISO)

16*0.6mm collimation, 16cm CTDI phantom

Normalized Dose

-40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
Distance (mm @ ISO)

16*1.2mm collimation, 16cm CTDI phantom

Normalized Dose

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Distance (mm @ ISO)

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The following is the dose distribution curve of the body phantom.

2*0.6mm collimation, 32cm CTDI phantom

Normalized Dose

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance (mm @ ISO)

4*0.6mm, 32cm CTDI phantom

Normalized Dose

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance (mm @ ISO)

8*0.6mm collimation, 32cm CTDI phantom

Normalized Dose

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance (mm @ ISO)

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

16*0.6mm collimation, 32cm CTDI phantom
Normalized Dose

-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
Distance (mm @ ISO)

16*1.2mm collimation, 32cm CTDI phantom

Normalized Dose

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Distance (mm @ ISO)

14-6-5 Z-axis geometric efficiency

The Z-axis geometric efficiency refers to the integral of the dose profile along the Z-axis, integrated

over the width range of the detector elements used during sampling, expressed as a percentage of the

total integral of the dose profile in the Z-axis. The width range of the detector elements is defined as the

smaller of the geometric width of the selected detector elements and the width of the rear collimator

used during sampling. The dose profile should be measured when there is no object in the X-ray beam.

The following is the dose distribution curve in the air. The blue curve is the dose distribution curve. The

green curve is the sensitivity distribution curve, and the red curve is the size of the collimator aperture.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Normalized Dose

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Distance (mm @ ISO)

Normalized Dose

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Distance (mm @ ISO)

Normalized Dose

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
Distance (mm @ ISO)

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Normalized Dose

-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

Distance (mm @ ISO)


Normalized Dose




-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
Distance (mm @ ISO)

The following is the Z-axis geometric efficiency calculated according to the dose distribution curve in

the air. For slices whose effective thickness is less than 70%, the true geometric efficiency along the Z-

axis direction should be displayed on the console. The following results were measuring under the small

focal spot.
Table 14-22 Test results
No. Collimation aperture Z-axis geometric efficiency
1 16*1.2mm 81.5%
2 16*0.6mm 71.0%
3 8*0.6mm 50.5%
4 4*0.6mm 32.8%
5 2*0.6mm 19.6%

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
14-6-6 X-ray output repeatability

Table 14-23 Test conditions

Tube Tube Scan Milliampere

Focal Measuring
No. voltage current time second FILTER Aperture Phantom
spot position
(kV) (mA) (s) (mAs)
1 80 200 1 200 S 16*0.6 Small Air Center
2 100 200 1 200 S 16*0.6 Small Air Center
3 120 200 1 200 S 16*0.6 Small Air Center
4 140 200 1 200 S 16*0.6 Small Air Center
5 80 200 1 200 L 16*0.6 Large Air Center
6 100 200 1 200 L 16*0.6 Large Air Center
7 120 200 1 200 L 16*0.6 Large Air Center
8 140 200 1 200 L 16*0.6 Large Air Center

Test result: The measurement at each time is within ±10% of the average, see the table below for details.

Table 14-24 Test results

CTDI free air/(mGy)

NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The1st time 3.19 4.97 6.97 9.29 3.37 5.23 7.30 9.56

The 2nd time 3.22 4.95 6.93 9.33 3.38 5.28 7.32 9.59

The 3rd time 3.20 4.92 6.93 9.32 3.38 5.26 7.34 9.61

The 4th time 3.22 4.92 6.95 9.33 3.36 5.26 7.34 9.61

The 5th time 3.18 4.95 6.96 9.28 3.38 5.29 7.32 9.58

The 6th time 3.22 4.93 6.95 9.33 3.38 5.27 7.35 9.58

The 7th time 3.23 4.95 6.96 9.33 3.36 5.27 7.35 9.61

The 8th time 3.19 4.93 6.93 9.35 3.36 5.27 7.35 9.60

The 9th time 3.22 4.96 6.96 9.33 3.36 5.26 7.34 9.60

The 10th time 3.22 4.96 6.96 9.34 3.37 5.27 7.34 9.61

Average 3.21 4.94 6.95 9.32 3.37 5.27 7.34 9.60

90% 2.89 4.45 6.26 8.39 3.03 4.74 6.60 8.07

110% 3.53 5.44 7.65 10.26 3.71 5.79 8.07 10.55


00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

14-6-7 Linearity of X-ray output

Tube current mA

Tube current mA

Fig. 14-11 Linearity of X-ray output

Linearity of X-ray output: when focal spot and tube voltage are fixed, the correlation coefficient of tube

current and dose is 1.00.

Limitation of standard maximum tube voltage: The maximum allowable voltage of this CT device is

140 kV.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
14-6-8 Scattering measurement

Fig. 14-9 and 14-10 provide a stray radiation dose map based on the following conditions:

• The numerical unit of the map is μGy/1000mAs

• Measurement conditions: The maximum opening of collimator is19.2mm, 140 kV; the
horizontal plane is 100cm from the floor, passing through the system axis.

• A 32cm PMMA cylindrical phantom (15cm long, located at the center of the X-ray
tomography plane) is used to generate the scattering dose map.

• Adjust the water phantom (φ32cm PMMA water phantom) to the center of the scanning plane.

• The rotation center is used as the reference point. The horizontal and vertical planes are made
into 50cm*50cm grids (Horizontal plane: the range of monitoring points
horizontally/perpendicularly to the rotation axis is at least 3m. Vertical plane: the range of
monitoring points below the scanning point is 0.5m, and the range of monitoring points above
the scanning point is 1.5m). Measuring points are determined on the grid, and stray radiation
is measured with a dosimeter.

1. Measuring points of the horizontal plane:

Fig. 14-9 Horizontal measuring points for the scattering dose of the system

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Measurement results of the horizontal plane:
Table 14-25 Stray radiation dose measurements of the horizontal plane (μGy)
1 2.70 11 21.58 21 56.36 31 68.40 41 61.72 51 49.74 61 14.96
2 1.44 12 4.50 22 109.70 32 153.60 42 124.60 52 23.34 62 5.00
3 1.06 63 1.48
4 1.20 64 1.68
5 5.04 15 48.54 25 217.50 35 430.80 45 280.20 55 52.70 65 6.16
6 30.56 16 55.90 26 90.08 36 116.70 46 104.90 56 67.38 66 34.64
7 26.36 17 35.01 27 50.02 37 51.22 47 48.68 57 39.64 67 30.24
8 20.06 18 23.90 28 28.80 38 29.08 48 28.62 58 24.86 68 21.44
9 13.62 19 16.40 29 17.64 39 18.46 49 18.20 59 17.04 69 15.10
10 11.16 20 11.44 30 13.20 40 11.86 50 12.46 60 12.88 70 12.22
2. Measuring points of the vertical plane:

Fig. 14-10 Vertical measuring points for the scattering dose of the system

Measurement results of the vertical plane:

Table 14-26 Stray radiation dose measurements of the vertical plane (μGy)
1 12.34 11 14.81 21 11.86 31 1.64
2 19.46 12 22.38 22 18.46 32 1.34
3 25.79 13 30.57 23 29.08 33
4 35.06 14 45.74 24 51.22 34
5 52.88 15 98.39 25 116.70 35
6 15.83 16 228.25 26 430.80 36 169.45
7 17 27 37
8 18 28 38
9 5.09 19 127.80 29 153.60 39 100.55
10 33.92 20 63.78 30 68.40 40 56.23

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
14-6-9 Residual radiation protection

Test points 64 and 37 in the figure correspond to points A and B below.

Test conditions:

140kV/1s/16*1.2mm/Filter L

In order to improve the measurement accuracy of dose A (measuring point 64: 500mm from Iso Center),

the maximum tube voltage is used to measure and 1,000 mAs is used to convert. Dose B (measuring

point 37: 1,500mm from Iso Center) is converted by 1000 mAs.

The stray radiation doses of point A (the nearest horizontal position A from the gantry) and point B (the

same distance from the rotating center on the rotation axis of the patient’s bracket) on the slice plane are

measured under various tube voltages, and the results are shown in the table below:
Tube voltage Dose A(※1) Dose B(※2) A/B Qualified or
Criteria %
kV [μGy] [μGy] [%] not
140kV 1.68 51.22 3.28 Below 25 OK

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

14-7 Characteristics of X-ray Tube and Sleeve

14-7-1 Part number and product model of X-ray tube

The X-ray tube of each system has a separate number on its sleeve label.

14-7-2 Characteristics

The X-ray tube has the following characteristics

• Material of X-ray tube and sleeve (see Table 14-27)

• Electrical characteristics of X-ray tube and sleeve (see Table 14-28)

• Heat capacity and dissipation of X-ray tube and sleeve (see Table 14-29)

• X-ray Tube Filtration (see Table 14-30)

Table 14-27 Material of X-ray tube and sleeve
Component Material
Anode material TZM, W, Re, Graphite.

Anode angle 7°
Maximum weight of the X-ray tube 98.1 kg
assembly, incl. cooling unit

Table 14-28 Electrical characteristics of X-ray tube and housing

Characteristics Value
Rated voltage 140 kV (max.)
Anode input power (small focal spot) 36 kW @ 4.0 seconds
Anode input power (large focal spot) 50 kW @ 4.0 seconds
Focal spot (small, according to standard 0.5×1.0 mm
IEC 60336)
Focal spot (large, according to standard 1.0×1.0 mm
IEC 60336)
Filament working range (small focal 5.2 A
spot, maximum in a short time)
Filament working range (large focal 5.2 A
spot, maximum in a short time)
Standby filament current 2.2 A
Radiation leakage factor 140 kV, 43 mA
Stator resistance 8.27 Ω
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Table 14-29 Heat capacity and dissipation of X-ray tube and sleeve
Characteristics Value
Maximum anode heat content 5.3 MHU
Maximum anode heat dissipation 9.6 kW
Continuous anode input power 6 kW
Transportation and storage -30 ºC to 70 ºC
temperature range
Transportation and storage relative 5 to 95% non-condensing
humidity range
Operating temperature range 5ºC to 35 ºC
Operating relative humidity range 10 to 90% non-condensing
Maximum cooling rate 6.0 kW

Table 14-30 X-ray tube filtration

Characteristics Value
Permanent filtration (AI equivalent) 0.5 mm Al/75 kV
Additional filtration (AI equivalent) 2.0 mm Al 75 kV/HVL 2.5 mm A
Total filtration (AI equivalent) 2.5 mm Al/75 kV

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

14-7-3 Heating and cooling curves

1. Heating and dissipation curve

Fig. 14-12 Heating and cooling curves

2. Anode heat and dissipation curve

Ambient temperature ≤ 25°C

Fig. 14-13 Anode heat and dissipation curve

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00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Chapter XV System Accessories
Accessories of the system include head support, headrest, knee-joint cushion, mattress, extension plate,

belt, which can be used to better position the scanned patients and for daily calibration.

 Head support

Head support is installed in the front of the patient table. The user shall fully push it into the socket
on the front end of the patient table. The head support helps when standard examinations are performed
to the skull.
Maximum load: 15kg
 Headrest

The headrest is installed above the head support. The user shall place it above the center of the head
support, push it until the headrest and the head support are fully fit. With the headrest, the user can easily
place and fix the patient’s head, and the patient feels more comfortable too.
 Knee-joint cushion

The knee-joint cushion can be placed under the knee and calf of the scanned patient as needed. It
increases the comfort level of the patient’s lower limbs, and reduces the lumbar load. With the knee-
joint cushion, the patient can easily maintain the same posture without any discomfort.
 Mattress

The mattress is placed in the middle of the patient table. The sticker shall stick perfectly. With the
mattresses, the patient can stay in bed for a long time and easily maintain the same posture without any
 Extension plate

The extension plate is installed in the front of the patient table. The user shall fully push it into the
socket on the front end of the patient table. The extension plate assists in performing all standard
posteroanterior examinations.
Maximum load: 30kg
 Belt

The belt can fix the patient’s body to the patient table. With the belt, the patient can stay in bed for a

long time and easily maintain the same posture without any discomfort.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Chapter XVI Maintenance and Service of the
Whole System

16-1 Introduction

Only the personnel authorized by our company can replace the component of the system (see Section 1-

5-1), maintain the system and update the system, including system installation, setup, after-sales

maintenance (such as replacing X-ray tubes) and troubleshooting, etc.

Users of the system shall perform some routine inspections and calibrations to keep the normal operation

of the system (see Section 16-3). The system records all maintenance activities of the user.

Routine preventive maintenance must be performed the technician authorized by our company only (as

described in Section 1-5-1). The user of the system is responsible for making the preventive maintenance

plan. Regular routine maintenance is required for the normal operation of the system.

16-2 System cleaning and service

The air filter of the system can be cleaned and replaced by the after-sales service personnel of our

company. Meanwhile, the gantry and the patient table must be cleaned and disinfected regularly, and the

ring in the gantry must be cleaned carefully. After the scan of each patient, the user shall check whether

the machine surface would affect the scan of the next patient. If necessary, execute the following

procedures partially or fully.

16-2-1 System cleaning and disinfection

1. Clean up residual or spilled fluid on the equipment surface, such as the fluid for intravenous infusion.

2. Remove all things of the previous patient from the scanner (clothes, blanket, paper, intravenous

infusion device, etc.).

3. Please clean and disinfect after the device is shut down. If cleaning and disinfection are performed

during power on, the wrong triggering of device may result in injury. In addition, inflammable gases

and liquids may cause fire and explosion when they enter the product.

4. Please do not spray water, detergent or other liquids to the device or the ground. When the liquid

enters the device, it will cause electric leakage and malfunction, which may lead to current overload and
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
injury. The liquid’s entrance into the product or the wiring duct can easily lead to system failure or


5. Do not use a mixture of banana water and oil, etc., or a detergent with abrasive material to wipe this


6. Product cleaning

 Wipe the dirt with a cloth dipped in water or neutral detergent.

 Please dilute the neutral detergent to the concentration specified by the manufacturer before

use. Do not use liquids other than clean water or neutral detergent (corrosive, abrasive, soluble

liquids or detergent).

 Squeeze the cloth to ensure that no detergent will be dripped before using it to clean the


 After removing the dirt, wipe with a dry cloth.

 Gently wipe the inner ring of the gantry (don’t press or wipe the material with too much force),

and clean the inner ring cover of the gantry.

 Clean and disinfect the control panel of the gantry as needed (do not get the control wet).

7. Please use the specified disinfectant and follow the instructions for use.

 Disinfectant that can be used to disinfect products:

 Benzalkonium chloride

 Alcohol for disinfection (not for disinfection of synthetic rubber and synthetic resin)

 Disinfectant that cannot be used to disinfect products:

 Chlorine disinfectants and other disinfectant having strong corrosiveness to metal, plastic and


 Disinfectant which is not suitable for metal, plastic and coatings as indicated in the instructions

for use.

 Formalin gas and spray-type disinfectant that may enter the interior of the product

 Disinfection method

 Gently squeeze the cloth containing the disinfectant and wipe the surface of the device (wipe

quickly within 10 seconds for 20-25 times). Do not get the disinfectant into the product.

8. Indoor cleaning

 Clean up the dust and waste in the room with a vacuum cleaner.

 Please use squeezed non-dripping mop and cloth to mop the floor.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

9. Cleaning frequency: The equipment housing and the accessories contacted by patients are

recommended to be cleaned once a day. In case of vomiting and other accidents, cleaning should be

done immediately. The cleaning frequency of other components depends on the patient flow of each


10. After cleaning and disinfection, please thoroughly ventilate the room, and then turn on the device.

If flammable gases remain in the room, fire and explosion may occur when the device is turned on.

The inner ring cover of the gantry (see Fig. 5-1 of the section 5-1-1)
may be damaged under excessive pressure or friction. If you don't
know how to clean the lid, consult your Minfound dealer
representative (see Section 2-5 for contact information).
Caution 16-1

16-2-2 System service

Our company will arrange the after-sales personnel to perform biannual or annual service and

maintenance to important components such as sliding ring, encoder, air spring, belt of moving

components. Please refer to Section 16-3-1 and 16-3-2 for the cleaning or replacement of the air filter.

After the service is completed, the after-sales personnel shall confirm that the components are normal

and free from any abnormal condition, the service meets the requirements, and the machine works

normally before leaving.

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
16-3 Quality Control

This section describes the procedures that must be executed regularly to maintain safe and reliable

performance of the system. Table 16-1 describes necessary procedures, execution time, and the person

in charge.
Table 16-1 Quality control requirements
Necessary Execution time Person in charge Procedure/step
System cleaning After the use of each patient (if User or operator Section 16-2
necessary) group
Tube warm-up When the system has been stopped User or operator Section 16-3-1
procedures for two hours or longer, and the group
system indicates that the heat
capacity of the tube is insufficient.
Daily calibration Each day before using the system User or operator Section 16-3-2
Air filter At the maintenance time planned by Technicians No step for users
cleaning the user or when the maintainer of authorized by our or operators
our company considers necessary company
Air filter At the maintenance time planned by Technicians No step for users
replacement the user or when the maintainer of authorized by our or operators
our company considers necessary company
Routine quality At the maintenance time planned by Technicians No step for users
control the user or after the maintenance authorized by our or operators
inspection procedure company
System-wide At the maintenance time planned by Technicians No step for users
calibration the user or after the maintenance authorized by our or operators
procedure company
X-ray tube At the maintenance time planned by Technicians No step for users
replacement the user or when the maintainer of authorized by our or operators
our company considers necessary company
System software when the maintainer of our company Technicians No step for users
update considers necessary authorized by our or operators

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

16-3-1 Air filter replacement

 Users should replace the air filter after the end of the maintenance period set by the user or

when the maintainer of our company considers necessary.

 The system has two replaceable air filters, which are located at the bottom of the right-side

gantry and on the right side of the gantry bottom, respectively.

When the system is running, the fan always rotates. Changing the air filter

at this time may injure you. Please make sure that the system is shut down

when performing this operation.

Caution 16-2

16-3-2 Air filter cleaning

1. The filter screen is a reusable component (a consumable which should be replaced regularly) and
can be used continuously after cleaning and drying.

2. General household mild detergent can be used for cleaning filter screen.

3. After washing, rinse with clean water repeatedly until the rinsed water is clear.

4. It can be reused after drying.

Since filter screens of the system are consumables, the user should
replace them periodically as advised by our company service
Notice 16-1

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
16-4 Preventive Maintenance Plan

The system has a designed service life of 10 years. The date of manufacture can be found on the system

nameplate. Main components, such as high-voltage generators, detectors, and collimators, can be used

for 10 years under normal maintenance. The quality assurance of X-ray tube assemblies is determined

by the agreement between the buyer and the seller.

In order to maintain the safe and reliable performance of the system, preventive maintenance procedures

must be executed regularly. Our company recommends the user to execute the preventive maintenance

once every six months. Table 16-1 describes necessary procedures, execution time, and the person in


The X-ray tube is a consumable, it needs to pay attention to

the service life and carry out regular maintenance. The service
engineer will regularly check the condition of the X-ray tube
oil pump.
Caution 16-3

The user’s failure to execute necessary regular maintenance for

the system may lead to consequences such as performance
reduction, and our company will not be responsible for such
Warning 16-1

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00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

Chapter XVII Environmental Protection
Table 17-1 Hazardous substances or elements

Component Hazardous substances or elements

Name Pb Hg Cd Cr(Ⅵ) PBB PBDE

Housing ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
structural ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Cable ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
PCB circuit
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
x ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
○: means that the content of the hazardous substance in all homogeneous materials of the
component is within the limit specified by the standard.
X: means that the content of the hazardous substance in at least one homogeneous material
of the component exceeds the limit specified by the standard.

Lead content of components: Both the tube and the beam limiting device in the X-ray emitter contain



• The equipment itself does not produce any waste or residue, etc.

• When some accessories malfunction during use or fail to reach their service life, they should

be processed carefully. With respect to the UPS battery, APC (the UPS manufacturer) itself

does not have official battery recycling business. If necessary, APC can entrust a third-party

company to recycle batteries regularly for us. APC has a globally-certified professional

recycling company which will properly process the recycled batteries according to strict


• Improper disposal of the waste air spring in the tilting section may lead to rupture and

explosion of the component. Therefore, the waste air spring should be disposed very carefully

to minimize the risk and prevent the injury of the waste disposal personnel.
00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)
Hazardous substances should be centralized, properly stored and handed

over to relevant departments for recycling. Some spare parts should be stored

together and judged for their recyclability. If they cannot be reused, they

should be processed as specified or by relevant departments.

Caution 17-1

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

00-0003-IFU-ENG-01 (Revision F)

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