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Numbers 11:16

The children of Israel had left Egypt and were on their way to the Promised Land.
And as they journeyed, they began to murmur, and this displeased the Lord and
Moses as well. As a result of the discouragement that this brought upon Moses, the
Lord asked him to choose seventy men who would assist Moses in the ministry,
“And the LORD said unto Moses, Gather unto me seventy men of the elders of
Israel, whom thou knowest to be the elders of the people, and officers over
them; and bring them unto the tabernacle of the congregation, that they may
stand there with thee. And I will come down and talk with thee there: and I
will take of the spirit which is upon thee, and will put it upon them; and
they shall bear the burden of the people with thee, that thou bear it not
thyself alone.” (Numbers 11:16-17). And after this, Miriam and Aaron murmured
against Moses on his marital life.

For this new year, we need a new anointing, a new power for the new year.


Numbers 11:1,4; Malachi 2:13

In the previous chapter, they had celebrated the Passover and had invited Moses’
father-in-law. But now, they despised what the Lord had done for them. Do you
despise the opportunities and favours of the Lord in your life, family, and ministry?
Any time we murmur or belittle what the Lord has done for us, He is displeased
and not happy with us. “And when the people complained, it displeased the
LORD: and the LORD heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the
LORD burnt among them, and consumed them that were in the uttermost
parts of the camp. And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a
lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, Who shall give
us flesh to eat?” (Numbers 11:1,4). Not only did they complain, but the mixed
multitudes among them also murmured and complained. They always have
something to murmur about. But we don’t have to murmur, complain, or grumble
in this new year. For any challenge or problem that we confront in this new year,
we need to pray and have faith in God. The people who murmur or complain do not
pray. Weeping of unbelief, self-pity and not having faith in God do not please the
Lord. “And this have ye done again, covering the altar of the LORD with tears,
with weeping, and with crying out, insomuch that he regardeth not the
offering any more, or receiveth it with good will at your hand.” (Malachi
2:13). Think about this, every time you want to ask your parents for what they
provided already, you have to start by weeping. That is a bad lifestyle. A real child
of God will come to the Lord with faith, excitement, and confidence to claim the
promises of the Lord.

Moses had married before coming back to Israel, and yet the marriage did not
hinder the manifestation of the power of God through Moses, and the great
deliverance that God brought their way. So why is it that at this late hour, they
began to murmur and complain about the marriage of Moses? Moses did not chide
with them, he was the meekest among men, but God heard their murmuring
against Moses. Any time we grumble and murmur against the man of God, His
servants and ministers, God hears. We must be careful. God departed from them,
and Miriam became a leper, and Aaron had to take care of her. But when Aaron
repented and apologised, they were forgiven through the intercession of Moses for
them. So the problem was solved.

Then Moses went ahead and told the Lord about the workload upon him, and the
lack of meat for the people. The Lord asked Moses to leave those problems with
Him. When we leave our problems with God, He will solve all our problems.


Numbers 11:16-17; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8

The Lord was the One that chose the seventy. These were men who loved the truth,
did not belong to the camp of murmurers, labourers willing and able to do the work.
There were two, Eldad and Medad, that were in the camp not in the Tabernacle
with the others chosen. The Spirit of the Lord came upon them right there in the
camp, because their hearts were right with God. Today, we have the promise of the
Holy Spirit. If we are saved and sanctified and our hearts are right with God, with
no murmuring nor complaining in our hearts and lives, the Lord will pour His Spirit
upon us. As you pray and believe the Lord, His anointing will be poured upon our
lives in Jesus Name.

What does it take to have the same outpouring and anointing like Moses? You must
have the same consecration, and purpose of heart, seeing the Invisible in all
situations, having the same commitment, and abandonment unto the Lord. Those
seventy were not there to do something contrary to Moses, they aligned themselves
to his purpose and work. If we must have the same anointing as the Moses of our
time, Pastor (Dr) W.F Kumuyi, we must align ourselves, walk in the same direction
and have the same purpose of mind as him. We must not walk and work contrary
to the direction of the church leadership. A critic of the leadership will not have the
same power and anointing with the leader. We have the mandate to preach the
gospel to every creature. Are you doing that? Are you telling others how to be saved
and sanctified as well? Are you part of the people who pull down the leadership,
discourage and despise Church leadership? Pray that this year, things will change,
and we will support the Church leadership and walk in the same direction to fulfil
the Christ-given mandate.
Ezekiel 36:25-27; Matthew 3:11; Acts 19:2a; Micah 3:8; Acts 2:39

The anointing that came upon the Lord. The Spirit that comes upon us is to work.
The Lord saves us so that we can tell others about our salvation through our
righteous living and testimony. We must come to that point of conversion before we
can come into a covenant relationship with the Lord. After conversion, we must
come to the Lord for the second purging, so that we are sanctified and made holy
by God. Then after this, He will pour His Spirit upon us as we thirst and ask in
faith for the fulfilment of this promise of the Spirit’s Baptism. Have you received
the Holy Ghost since you believed? If you have the Holy Ghost, there will be
evidence. Moses had the Holy Ghost, and he did mighty signs and wonders in
Egypt. Joshua had the Holy Ghost, conquered nations, and stopped the sun from
shining. David, Elijah, Elisha, Micah, John the Baptist, Peter, Stephen, Philip, and
Paul the Apostle, all had the Holy Ghost and did mighty works for the Lord. If you
are going to do service for the Lord, you need the power of the Holy Ghost. And we
must pray fervently and ask in faith to receive the power of the Holy Ghost. You
will partake of the Spirit’s fullness, and you will not remain empty this year. For
those out there, known in the Church, but are serving your own interest, and are
hiding from the leadership of the Church, the Lord needs you. Come out of hiding,
and surrender yourself for the work of the ministry. There is something to do for
more souls to be saved, and the standard to be lifted higher. And the Lord needs
you. Come and surrender yourself to be part of the seventy that will do the work of
God with the church leadership. We need possessors and partakers of the Holy
Ghost, and not the timekeepers of the service. Come to the Lord today and receive
the power of the Holy Ghost.

Quotable Quotes from Pastor (Dr) W.F Kumuyi.

Any time we murmur or belittle what the Lord has done for us, He is displeased and
not happy with us.

The people who murmur or complain do not pray.

Weeping of unbelief, self-pity and not having faith in God do not please the Lord.

A real child of God will come to the Lord with faith, excitement, and confidence to
claim the promises of the Lord.

Any time we grumble and murmur against the man of God, His servants and
ministers, God hears.

A critic of the leadership will not have the same power and anointing with the leader.

This is an outline from the message preached by Pastor (Dr) W.F Kumuyi, the General Superintendent of the
Deeper Christian Life Ministry Worldwide at the Sunday Covenant Worship Service in Lagos HQ Church,
Nigeria, West Africa on Sunday 21st January 2024.

Watch the GS Message Video -

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