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Sample Gang Quests/ Plot Hooks

I’m sending this to you but I want the campaign to be as much of a surprise as possible so these are just
general ideas that might help


1. To prove your worth to a higher up, they send you on a simple shakedown. Find this person, get
something from them (item, information, etc.) and bring it back.
a. Decide to follow instructions
b. Take loot for themselves (item they have on them is valuable to the party or something)
2. Upon arrival, task is not as simple as it was made to seem.
a. NPC you were sent to is someone met before that was friendly to the party
b. NPC is a fellow member of the gang
c. NPC convinces party to start their own gang, under their own leadership or betrayal of
some sort
d. NPC is already dead, killed by a rival, sparks questioning about why this person was so

An Ally in Need

1. After finding out that a hit has been called out on an ally (political, legal, some sort of asset to
the gang). You must save them
a. Choose to let them kill him for a price
b. Sneak him out of town, smuggle type shit
c. Face the enemy head on and battle it out.

The Mandalorian

1. We’ve been instructed that a particularly bothersome NPC needs to be taken out.
a. Contract kill ends up being something that some characters are okay with killing but
others not.
b. Contract kill is a child (oof this one felt wrong to type out, this shits dark as hell)
c. TOUGH DECISIONS ( how evil are you really?)

The Harder the Fall

1. Higher up is starting to slip, seems to be making the wrong decisions.

a. Party can choose to stay with and see if anything changes
b. create their own gang and fight against what used to be their allies.
2. Ryan was mentioning political conflict and a disagreement with leadership seemed easy enough
but up to you
Drug Bust

1. This one is a meme but I liked the idea lol

2. Word gets out that someone is pedaling that illegal good good on our turf. Take em out
a. Upon arrival, the drugs theyre pedaling turn users into wild magic sorcerers.
b. Users are just as surprised they have magic as the party
c. More drugs = more magic
d. This would be such a hectic fight

12 Parsecs

1. Rob a bank or a castle of something and smuggle it out of the city undetected.
2. Have to be quick before gaurds/ruler notices
3. Failure results in jail
4. Party has to escape from jail, lockpick doors, trick gaurds, etc.

One of us

1. Infiltrate a rival gang and gain information on how to take them down from the inside or for
information on upcoming attacks or whatever.
2. Could be funny to hear to what the party comes up as far as deception goes.

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