Project Guidelines

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1. Definition of “Project” for Statistics for Business

Project is a statistical study to obtain quantitative information to support decision making in

economics, business and management, which includes:

- a clear definition of the statistical research problem or its rationale,

- statement of the objective of the statistical study,
- the information that needs to be collected to meet statistical research objectives,
- primary data collection methods: target survey subjects, sampling methods, collection tools
(online questionnaire), sample description,
- analysis: performing descriptive statistics (tables, graphs, numerical measures), performing
inferential statistics (statistical estimation, statistical hypothesis testing, forecasting on time
- implication of statistical results for decision-making by those who need information from
the statistical research,
- project limitations and conclusions.
2. Implementation
- Project will be done by a group of 4-5 students in the same class.
- The topic is chosen by the group, approved by the lecturer
- Collecting data only after lecturer agree on research problem, research objectives and
collection methods (form/questionnaire approval)
- data collected and presented preliminary (but not limited to) by Google Forms. Students can
use support tools and other software.
3. Report

Result report is in English, in form of a Word/PDF file, includes:

1. List of group members

2. Each member's contribution to the group project: the maximum level is 100%, the minimum
level is 0%.
3. Summary
4. Introduction to the statistical research project
5. Implementation method
6. Results and discussion
7. Limitations, conclusions and recommendations
8. References


 A4 page, margins: 2cm above, 2cm below, 2cm left, 2cm right.
 Number the pages in the bottom right corner, 0.8cm from the bottom edge, page numbering:
 Time New Roman font size 12 points
 Spacing before 6 points
 Line spacing: 1.2 lines
4. Rubrics

criteria Weight Excellent good fair poor

(%) (9-10 điểm) (7-8 điểm) (4-6 điểm) (1-3)

Active interaction
defining research with Less interaction
interaction with with
problem, research instructors and with instructor
20 instructor and instructors, do
objectives, and making and less
making good not make
information need adjustments as adjustment
revision adjustments
as required
The data
Very detailed collection plan Less detailed Sketchy data
Data collection
10 and clear data is quite and unclear data collection
collection plan detailed and collection plan plan
Collect data Collect data
Collect data Collect data
from suitable from
from the from suitable
target unsuitable
accurate target target
Data collection 10 respondents and target
respondents and respondents
sample size is respondents
sample size is and sample
not large and sample
large enough size is enough
enough size is small
Summarizing and 20 Presenting Presenting Presenting Presenting
presenting data results in a very results in a results in a results in a
clear, short, clear, short, rather clear, long and
comprehensive comprehensive short, unclear way
way; very way; creative comprehensive

creative data data
visualization visualization
Meaningful No meaningful
Inferential meaningful No inferential
10 Inferential Inferential
statistics Inferential statistics
statistics statistics
Excellent Good
Interpretation of Interpretation Interpretation of
of results and
results and of results and results and
Implication and no
10 excellent good recommendatio
recommendation recommendati
recommendation recommendati n for decision
on for
for decision on for decision makers
makers makers
Articulate Good wording,
Very biased
wording, very simple, Biased writing;
simple, unbiased unbiased structure of the
structure of
Quality of report 20 writing; writing; report is not
the report is
structure of the structure of the exact as
not as
report as exactly report as required
as required required

5. Submission
- Report should be submitted by the group leader at
- In the report, write the name of group members and his/her contributions, and attach a
picture of all group members.

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