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(Robert Frost)

Direction. Work in pair (2 members for each group). This task must be submitted the latest is
at 5pm today, Monday, October 30, 2023.
1. What element of nature are being used by Frost the poem The Silken Tent.
2. How woman is being described in the poem. Find some evidence from the poem to
back up your analysis. Elaborate this using 300-350 words.

Group Name:
1. Surya Saputra (E1D022038)
2. Sarky Yudan Firdaus (E1D020191)

1. Element of Nature:
 Sukken Tent
 Sunny Summer Breeze
 Dew
 Ropes
 Central Cedar Pole
 Heavenward
 Capriciousness of Summer Air

2. Analysis
In Robert Frost’s poem “The Silken Tent,” a woman is vividly described as a delicate
and yet resilient entity, and this portrayal is achieved through a combination of metaphors and
imagery. The poem compares the woman to a silken tent in a field on a sunny summer day.
This analogy beautifully captures various aspects of the woman’s character and her role in
human life.

The woman, like the silken tent, is depicted as a structure of grace and elegance. Her
presence is akin to the gentle sway of the tent in the midday breeze after the dew has dried.
This suggests her ability to adapt to changing circumstances with poise and serenity. The
imagery of the tent swaying at ease in the breeze symbolizes her flexibility and grace in
navigating life’s challenges.

The central cedar pole of the tent, described as its pinnacle to heavenward and
signifying the sureness of the soul, represents the woman’s inner strength and resilience. She
is portrayed as having a strong and unwavering core, much like the central pole that supports
the tent. This symbolizes her spiritual and emotional fortitude.

Furthermore, the woman’s connection to the world is depicted through the countless
silken ties of love and thought that loosely bind her to everything around her. These ties
represent her relationships, emotions, and intellectual connections. They illustrate the depth
of her engagement with the world and the people in it.

The poem also touches on the transient and unpredictable nature of life by mentioning
the capriciousness of summer air. It suggests that despite her inherent strength, the woman
remains aware of the slight bondage of existence and the ever-changing nature of

In essence, “The Silken Tent” portrays a woman as a figure of both strength and
vulnerability. She embodies grace and adaptability while maintaining a profound connection
to the world through her relationships and inner resilience. This portrayal captures the
complexity of the human experience, emphasizing the delicate balance between strength and
sensitivity in the face of life’s unpredictability.

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