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Name : Muhammad Lowelfit

Class : 4A English Education Department
NIM : 12210410646
Chat GPT it is the best AI I've ever used and it's already changing the World by
writing books that are being sold on Amazon creating super popular tweets for influencers
and even writing and passing University exams so I decided to push it to the limits and
find the top 10 best things you can do with it that'll change your life [Music] so to get
started open your browser and head on over to It'll ask you to sign up so
just pop in your details and then you're pretty much good to go and one of the first
powerful things you've got to do with it is ask it to summarize, things like if you have a
web link to a super long article that you don't necessarily want to spend your time reading.
You can go ahead copy that link and then hop into chat GPT and actually ask it to
summarize this article for you in one sentence then just paste the link and watch the magic
happen as chat gbt does an incredible job at summarizing what would have been a fairly
long article to read into a couple of sentences that you can read in seconds but what really
blew my mind is you can ask it to summarize YouTube videos and this is really useful
especially when the videos along like this podcast which was an hour and 12 minutes all
you do is select the link hit that copy button and once again in chat gbt ask it to summarize
this video then paste the link but importantly head on back to YouTube video and also
copy the title then paste that title just below the link it's not gonna lie without using the
title you can sometimes get some mixed results but once again instantly it gives you a
summary of what was actually in the video without having to spend an hour and 12
minutes where things get really crazy is it can summarize hundreds of pages in seconds
so again instead of spending hours of reading through files or documents you can literally
just copy the pages of text then go into chat GPT and type out too long didn't read then
just ask it to summarize in two sweet sentences for you paste all those pages of text and
watch as this bad boy spits out the quickest summary you've ever seen and what's crazy
is just how fast it can do it another thing you can do
If you're on your phone with the same web link you can ask chat GPT to
summarize or explain something that went on in the news or old history and it'll make it
so much quicker and easier to understand but that is just the start there is so much more
you can do with it like it can teach you pretty much anything now let's say you wanted to
learn something really quickly well instead of searching through Google or going through
manuals you can ask chatgpt to teach you whatever it is you want and amazingly it
actually gives you a really detailed guide and step by step on how to get started it told me
the chord what fret and even what string I needed to put my finger on to get started with
playing guitar and from what I tested it also does a really good job at teaching you
different languages and even certain software like Photoshop and remember what's totally

wild is this is all for free and what's also so crazy is if you're stuck on a project or
some super annoying math homework you can just put it into chat GPT and ask it to solve
it for you honestly I wish I had this when I was back in school because it explains
everything you need to know convenient and after all that you can still then ask it to check
your project or even grade your homework for you so for example you could ask it to
grade your paper out of 100 and the BAM not only does it grade your homework or project
but it even gives you a reason as to why it gave that so I mean you can turn chatibility
into teach GPT but you can also turn it into dark GPT okay so of course chat GPT is not
a real doctor but it can help you get really healthy and this seriously blew my mind so
let's just say you want to get fit healthy gain some muscle and maybe lose some weight
you can ask it for a detailed exercise plan and honestly it gives some great advice and an
amazing plan to follow and if this isn't detailed enough for you remember you can ask it
to get even more specific

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