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The clockmaker of the lost time

Narrator: In a forgotten town in the mountains, an eccentric clockmaker claims

to have a watch that can go back in time. It was a cloudy day and “character 1”
had heard about the eccentric clockmaker in town, he was curious to know if it
was true so he went to visit him.

Character 1: Could it be true what the people of this town say about the

Narrator: “Character 1” comes from far away in search of solving a big problem
from his past, with the help of different people from the town he manages to find
the clockmaker's store. The store had a mysterious and quite peculiar look.

Character 1: *enters to the store* Wow, how impressive this store is. This
store is definitely the one I'm looking for.

Clockmaker: Oh! Welcome to my humble store traveler. Has any watch from
this store caught your attention? Tell me with confidence; I will clear your

Character 1: In fact…I'm not looking for an ordinary watch. In the town they
said that you have a special…watch.

Clockmaker: Certainly, people do not know how to keep their mouths shut in
this town. They are truly nosy.

Character 1: So what the townspeople say is true? Do you really have a watch
that can go back in time?

Clockmaker: Kid, How old are you? You must not be over 18, you must be very
far from your house and you don´t know what you are doing. The power of that
clock is like a curse, think carefully about what you want to do.

Character 1: I'm 18 and I know what I'm doing, sir. That's why I'm standing in
front of you right now.

Clockmaker: I like what I see, a boy who knows what he wants, without so
much detour... I do warn you boy, this watch can cause consequences in your

Character 1: I'm willing to take the risk. I need to make peace with my past.
Can you show it to me?
Clockmaker: Of course! Well boy... This is the mythical clock of lost time. You
just have to turn the knob counterclockwise and think about that moment in the
past that you want to return to.

Narrator: “Character 1” was about to use the time clock when at that same
moment another person made a sudden and unexpected appearance.
Character 2: Wait! Stop! Don´t do it!! *Screams with notable tiredness as he
entered the store by surprise*

Character 1: W-What?! What's wrong with you?! Why are you like this?! Who
are you?!

Clockmaker: Mmm…Wow, it seems that you have realized your mistakes. Ah?

Character 2: Yes and I really need your help! I don't know how to fix this!

Character 1: I don't understand anything... But what did you do?

Character 2: I went back in time, that's what I did... I saved the one I loved but
it was of no use... The same thing always happened... Please don't let him do it
again!! I'm sure that by returning to this moment everything could go back to

Clockmaker: Silly boy... You don't remember what I told you, right? The clock
is powerful and can cause consequences in your present.

Character 1: Can someone please explain me...What's going on here?!

Clockmaker: Don't you see it? That one over you, from the future.

Character 1: Me?... But how?... I just arrived!

Clockmaker: Yes, YOU are here...thank yourself. Your guilt and regret make
you go back and forth from future to past. So now, enough games and give me
the watch.

Character 2: Yes give it to him! Make this all end! Let go of the past!

Narrator: “Character 1” did not want to return the time clock, he had not even
traveled to the past yet. But seeing the concern of his “SELF” of the future he
decided to believe. And I give the time clock.

Clockmaker: Good decision boy, very smart of you.

Character 1: I didn't think such a disaster would happen...I'm sorry I shouldn't
have come in the first place. *Says goodbye and with it leaves the

Clockmaker: Well that leaves me with you…Tell me what are you going to do

Character 2: I... I don't know... Maybe get out of here and never set a foot in
any watch store again!! *Screams with satisfaction also leaving the watch store*

Assistant: Wow that was crazy… *speaks appearing from behind a table* This
has been by far one of your craziest customers so far!

Clockmaker: *Releases an exhausted sigh* Yes…it probably is hahahaha.

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