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: “uy 3.3. Newton’s forward interpolation formula. [W.B.U.T., CS-312, 2002, 209 Let y =f(x) be a real valued function of x defined in ay interval [a, b] and the (n +1) entries y; = f(x;)(i = 0,1, 2 are known for the corresponding (n + 1) equispaced argumeni, x,(i=0,1,2,...,2) such that x; =x +ih (i=0,1,2,., with x) =a,x, =b and h is the space length. Let us no, construct a polynomial function p(x) of degree not greater tha, n such that, Plei) =flei)=94 = 0,2,2, 050) ~ Since p(x) is a polynomial of degree 20.%1 Xn]... (88) mple Apply Newton’s divided difference formula to find the polynomial of lowest possible degree which satisfies the ‘conditions f(-1) = 21, f(1)= 15, f(2)=12, f(8)=3 olution. Let us first construct the following divided difference Flo. 21] 18. 3 : ‘ 1 79 _f[X0. #1, x2] Flxo, x15 %2, x3] Using the above table, we have from Newton’s divided lifference formula, F(x)=-214 (x+1)x 18 + (xt Ie-1(—7) +(x + I(x— (x-2)%1 © sx9 9x7 417x+6- ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLES a 1. Given the following table of function F(x) = By find 335 2 2.7 2.8 0.3704 0.3571 0.3448] ~ [W.B.U.T., CS-312, 2008] NUMERICAL METHOWS- Theoretical ¢ Py ee, 84 e difference table is Solution + Th To find F(2.72), we use Newton’s forward Giffere, interpolation formula s(s-1) F(x) =yo +shyo + oy Here x) =2.7,h=0.1 Byote xt) _ 272-27 _g9 nh OL i «. From (1), we get F(2.72)= 0.3704 + 0.2x (-0.0133) 20a) x 0.0010 = 0.36766 i. Thus 27g 36766. So the error is =L-ose7 a79 098766 =_13x10% aa 2. Find the polynomial of the least degree which aie prescribed values of the given points : Hence find y for x = i have _ Y=34xxK34 x2+0 x(x -1) 2! =x? +2043 the required polynomial is Y=? 42043 : y(11) = (11)? +2x1143 =641 3. Values of x (in de * gree) and sinx are given in the ing table : . 15 20 25 30 + 0.2588190 0.3420201 0.4226183 205 35 40 0.5735764 0.6427876 mine the value lati of sin38° by Newton’s backward difference on formula, (W.B.U.T., CS-312, 2010] 86 NUMERICAL METHODS-Theoretcal » i “a table : Solution. The difference 0.0832011 -0.0026029 -0.0006136 0.0805982 ~0.0000, -0.0032165 ‘ -0.0005888 0.0773817 —0.0038053 —0.00002% 0.0735764 -0.0005599 —0.0043652 0.0692112 To find sin38°, we choose x, = 40 Here h =5,x =38 as=AF B= -04 h So the Newton’s backward difference formula s(s +1) f()= 9, + 8VY_ + ( i Dy 2y ee gives 04)-04+) : (38) =0.6427876 -0.4x0.0692112 COOKED ooo PANG. IN-04+2) _go0 58) 3 ; PALO + N04 + 2)-0.4+ 8) _p g90028 4! = 0615662777 in 38 = 0.615663, correct upto six decimal places- i t! Ex. 4. Using approximate formula find (0.29) Fo" following table NTERPOLATION 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30 Here we apply Newton’s backward difference interpolation formula for finding f (0.29), For that we take x, =0.30 as x=029 ign Bq 020-080 25 h 0.02 Then using Newton’s backward formula stl fle) = 94 +8¥y, +29) _ We get . Vey tee 0.0003 _ £(0.29)=1.7139 + (-05) x 0.0115 + foe) =170777 =1708, correct upto three decimal places. Ex. 5. The function y =sinx is tabulated as given below : 1.0 0.70711 88 NUMERICAL METHODS-Theoreticat & p, etic Find the value of sing * sing Lagrange’s interpolation form, la, pto 5 places of docimneli (W.B.U.T., C.8-312, 999, » 2004 correct UW ’s interpolation formula, : » We obtain Solution : Using Lagrange (fers), ted nena) Es (o-ale-a ve, EEF --{-4) 16x0.70711 18(x Lt 2) _ x 4 x1 r sin 2X (0.414922 + 0.457110) Tv «sin ae S54 -0/ 414227 +0: 4st) 3 a = 0.850764 = 0.85076, correct upto 5 places of decimal. Ex. 6. Construct Lagrange’s interpolation polynomial by using the following data : x B 40 45 50 55 15.22 13.99 12.62 11.13 [W.B.U.T., CS-312; Solution : Using Lagrange’s interpolation formula, we have 20011 _(2=45)(2— 50)(e—55)_ (40 45)(40-50)(40 - 55) Meee (2402 50\(x—55)_ 13.99 (4 40)(45—50)(45 — 55) L,(x)= (x - 40)(x - 45)(x - 55) ce 40\(50 — 45)(50 58) «16? _(%—40)(x ~ 45)(x - 50) (65 — 40)(55 — 45)(55 — 50) x1113 _ =27x10%x9 - 64 x10%x? +153 x10 x +17.62 » Ex. 7. Find the polynomial f(x) and hence calculate f(5.5) for e given data : x 18g 0 2 3 5 7 f(x) 2 1 47 97 251 477 [W.B.U.T., CS-312, 2006, 2008) lution : Applying Lagrange’s interpolation formula, we have (2=2)(x-3)(x—5)(2-7) ‘ = I Tal) = = 9)(0=3)0-5)(0—7) * g 4 Me 3Ylx— 5E— 7) 4g (2-0)(2-3)(2-5)(2-7) (x — 0)(x — 2)(x -5)(x -7) (8—0)(3-2)(3-5)(3-7) (x= 0)(x-2)(x-3)(x-7) (5-0)(5-2)(5 -3)(5- a 4 EMH = 2)(x-3)(e- 5) 407 (7-0)(7 - 2)(7-3)(7-5) _ (&-2)(x-3)(x-5)(x-7) i x(x —8)(x-5)(x—7) 210. —« =30 Han MNe~ BET) gg , HE MERSE—D) + A x97+ a0 x251 4 Me-2Ne- 3)(x—5) 280 x97 x47 90 NUMERICAL METHODS Theoretica, &ng 7 “a a) =922 +5041 + /165)* 965)" +5554. 8, Use Newton's divided difference formula to fag from the following data : fi TO 2 Si 4 kT) eB f(x): 4 26 58 112 466 G68 (W.B.U.T. CS-312, 2099) Solution : The divided difference table is given below ; 1st 2nd 8rd ath F(x) div. div. div. div, Using Newton’s divided difference interpolation formula P(2)* Flexo) + (x— x9) lity, 23] + (2-9) (e— 21) f[%0 HB] we get {(8)=4+(5~0)x11+(5—0)(5 -2)x7+(5-0)(6- 26-9)" =194. Ex. 9. Find the equation of the cubic curve which Pa) through the points (4,- 43), (7, 88), (9,327) ‘and (12,1088 Hence find f(10) ion: la, Solution : Here we use Newton’s divided difference formu! F(z) =f(xq) +(x ~20)flxo. x] +(x —x9)(x we fleorto tt INTERPOLATION Flexo] fxo*%2] f[X0>%1%25X3] From (1), we get Fx) =-48 + (x —4) x 42+ (x -4)(x —7) x164(x—4)(x -7)(e—9) x1 =x5 4x? —7x-15 <- f(10) = 108 - 4 x10? -7x10-15 BE =515 | Ex. 10. Using Newton’s forward formula compute 12 given | that 949 = 600, a9 = 512 Yan = 489,940 = 346 50 = 248 Solution. The forward difference table is [= | y Ay Ay ay 92 NUMERICAL METHODS.Theoretical &b, a To find Ji2, we choose x» = 10, so that _x-X) 12-10 = = 0.2 h “10” F Then Newton’s forward difference interpolation formula 1 Y=IJo + sdyo+ Head) YBa gives 0.2(02-1) 02(02-1/(02-9) Jie *600+02x(-88) +E x5 See a9 0.2(0.2 - 1)(0.2 — 2)(0.2 — _,02(02-102-2)02-8) 4! = 578.008 ng = 578 Exercise I. SHort ANSWER QUESTIONS 1, Fit a polynomial of degree three which takes the following values x : 3 4 5 6 y Z 6 24 60 120 Hence find (1). 2. Find f(0.3) where f(x) = 5* , taking 0 and Las interpolating points by the methods of interpolation. 3. Using Newton’s forward interpolation formula fin polynomial of degree 3 passing through the points (-1,1), (0. (1, 1) and (2, -3). 4. Find the forward interpolation polynomial for the functi? f(x) wheref(0) = -1, f(1) =1, (2) =1 and f(8)=-2- 5. Find Newton’s forward interpolation polynomial of N® function f(x) when /(0) =1,7(1) = 2, f(2)=1 and f(8) =!” d the 1), INTERPOLATION g appropriate interpolation formula, find the value of the following data : 4 6 8 13.2 43.7 56.4 . Find f(102) having given 7 SEPT < 1.10 1.20 1.30 f(x) 0.8415 0.8912 0.9320 0.9636 “8. Evaluate zu ms from we — — of x and f(x) 9. Using appropriate interpolation formula, find the value of e function f(x) when x =7 from the following data. 2 edie f(z): 15 28 «56 89 0... Find Newton’s backward difference interpolation - polynomial against the tabulated values : hess at AL Find the value of y when x =19; given 2. Co 72) — the Sin datas : fe) os ue 4 a 3. Use Temangel ’s interpolation formula to find the value of ue) for x =0, given the ae table : : WB. U.T., CS-312, 2007] 94 NUMERICAL METHODS.Theoretica ig Ca) ) is zi function defined on [0, 1] having values 4 ang Oat x=0,> 1 and 1. Find the two degree polynomial (2 2) =, fla such that 40) =/00}4 3) =/(] and ot) =f 15. Find the Lagrangian polynomial for the following tabulate d value : 16. Find Lagrange’s interpolation polynomial for the function f(x) when f(0)=4,f(1) =3, f(2)= 17. Find Lagrange’s interpolation polynomial for the function f(x) =sinanwhen 9 = 0x, = ete 9: Also compute the value of sinn/3. : 18, Find the parabola passing through the points (0, 1), (1,3) and (3, 55) using Newton’s divide interpolation formula. 19. Using Newton’s divide interpolation formula, find old) when p(1)=10 p(2)=15 and p(5)=42. 20. Given Find f(4) Answers 1x82? 42x,0 2.2.2 3. 1-24(2? = 1/13 4. ~G (x? +32” -16r +6) 5. 29 Tx? + 6x +1 6.26.7 7. 0.8521 8, 4.0625 9725 30. x3 3x? +22 12.17.93 14, §(x) = 4x? -4e IDERPOLATION 3 gt 1G. 2x? -Br44 17, -3e" +E, 0.8333 6x+1 19.31 20. 31 Lone ANSWER QUESTIONS 8, y(15) = 324, »(20) = 292, »(25) = 261, = 205, find (12) using d interpolation formula. (W.B.U.T., CS-312, 2010] sing Newton’s forward difference formula for = f(x) is given by the following table. Find able formula. 1 2 3 4 176 185 194 203 212 220 229 alue of /2 correct upto four significant figures 2.1 2.3 2.5 2.7 784 1.4491 1.5166 1.5811 1.6432 1135) using suitable formula : 1145 1.150 1155 1160 1.165 | 103. 0.135410.13976 0.14410 1.14842 0.15272] E (W.B.U.T,, CS-312, 20071 6 NUMERICAL METHODS -Theoreti = meee . ermine the polynomial 7. 1 of de; 3 fr 7. Det gree 3 from the table: {ll yi 8. Find the equati the points (0, ~5), (1, 10), (25 -9), ( ‘on of the cubic curve that passes th; 3, 4) and (4, 35), (W.B.U.T., C8-312, 294 9. Compute the values of (35) and f(75) using Newtoy interpolation from the following table: 5 3 4 5 66 7 8 125 216 343 512 [W.B.U.T., CS-312, 2008) =sinx are given below for different valu 29, (ii) x= 52°. 64 10. The values of y of x. Find the values of y for (i) x =3 z T3036" —«40?— 45° 50° a =sinz : 0.5000 0.5735 0.6428_0.7071 0.7660 0.8192 0.29) from the following at 41. Using appropriate formula find f( x: 0.20 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 f(x): 1.6596 1.6698 1.6804 41,6912 1.7024 ur given below 12. The population of a city for five census are year 71941 1951 1961 j971 1981 3991 population : 46.52 66.23 81.01 93.70 101.58 wnt (in lacs) 4 Using suitable formula estimate the population of the oY the year 1985 find f' () olation formula to F(7) =108 gl itl 13. Apply Lagrange’s interp« F(t) =2,f(2) = 4, (8) = 8, (4) =16 and (W.B.U.T, 14. Use Lagrange’s interpolation fara to the following data. Hence find (4) 8-312, 3! fit a PO . Find the fourth degree curve y = f(x) passing through the ints (2, 3), (4, 43), (7, 778) and (8, 1515), using Newton's vided difference formula. (W.B.U.T., CS-312, 2006] Using Newton’s divided difference formula to find (3.4) 3 2.5 2.8 3.0 3.1 3.6 iy: 12.1825 16.4446 20.0855 22.1980 36.5982 z (W.B.U.T., CS-312, 2007] . Using divided difference interpolation formula, compute (27) from the following data: = : 14 17 31. 35 Fle): 68.7 64.0 44.0 39.1 . Find f(8) using Newton’s divided difference formula given zi 4 5 7 10 11 13 f(x): 48 100 294 | 900 1210 2098 . Use Newton’s divided difference formula’ to approximate 0.05) fromthe following table x: O0@ 02 .°. 04 0.6 08 f(x): 1.0000 1.22140 1.49182 1.82212 2.22554 [W.B.U.T., CS-312, 2002 . Find the values of (i) logyo(111) and log;9(17.8) from the lowing table io: 1.0414 1.0792 1.1139 1.1461 1.1761 1.20411.2304 : Answers 8345 2.3.4 3. 177.67 4, 1.414 5. 6.65 98 NUMERICAL METHODS.Theoreticn 14m, i 8.x3-5x242x-3 10 0.5299, 0.7888 ff ul 1 (743 - 31x” + 28x +18),13.6 12, 107.03 14. g(x) ~ Ble" + 28x ),13.66 15, 18x° -124x7 +400x - 405 17.49.3 18, 44g 20. 1.0453, 1.2504 IIL. Mu.tieLe CHOICE QUEsTIoNS 1. In Newton's forward interpolation, the interval shoul be (a) equally spaced (b) not equally spaced _ (c) may be equally spaced (d) both (a) and (b) . ([W.B.U.T., CS-312, 2008] 2. Newton’s forward interpolation formula is used to interpolate (a) near end (b) near central position (d) none of these ‘wton’s forward difference interpolatio. (c) near beginning 3. The coefficient of Ne formula are ( 62) =f -n+1) ®) a(s +1)... (s+n-1) n! (9 S=D-e-n +1) (n-1)! (d) none of these ¥-Xy [where $= ie = an Newtotia forward difference interpolation, the valve fa FL lies between @land2 qy 5. Newt “land 1 (0 and « (a) 0and1 a on’s ‘ interpolate backward erpolation formula is 45 (@) near eng “© near " ; (b) near central position © beginning (a) none of these ee ion on the interpolating points for Newton’s ‘kward formulae is be so large in arithmetic progression * in geometric progression in positive of Newton’s backward difference interpolation o) u(u +1)... ie +n-1) n} (d) none of these (where y =*—*0} ackward difference interpolation formula, the “ should lie between (b) 0 and © (d) no restriction (b) 26 (c) 25 (d) 39 12,f(8)=6 and f(4)=8, then the linear tion f(x) is 12 (b) x? 5x (c) x8—x? 5x (A) x? 5x +12 : ” [W.B.U.T., CS-312, 2010] NUMERICAL METHODS. Theoretica p ree 12, For a given set of values of x and f(x), the interpo ; ati polynomial is (a) unique none 13. The degree whose values ar (a) 5 (b) 6 ()7 (d) 8 ot be recommended to construct an interpolay; (b) not unique (c) has degree 53 of the interpolation polynomial of a fun e known at 8 points is ctr 14, It cann’ polynomial for a function f(x) if (a) f(x) is nota polynomial ) f(x) is not derivable some where (©) f(x) has abrupt changes (d) graph of f\ (x) is unknown. 15. Lagrange’s interpolation formula deals with (a) Equispaced arguments only (b) Unequispaced arguments only (c) both (a) and (b) (d) none of there [W.B.U.T., CS-312, 2007, 2 16. The restriction on the interpolating points for Lagrans formula is (a) should be unequal spacing (b) should be equal spacing (c) both (a) none Eisen known only at (o+1) distinct interpo™™ agrangian polynomial has degre? (a) atmost n (b) at least 7 (c) exact): yn (d) exactly n+1 Lagrange’s polynomial the sum of the coefficients of , ie., the sum of the Lagrangian coefficient is (b) 0 ()1 (a) none -ange’s interpolation polynomial of f(x) where 12 (b)x?-12 22-4 @) none polynomial function f(x) constructed from the datas Lf (4) =5, f(5) =15 is (b) x? - 8-5 5 (@) 2x? 8x45 ically the Lagrange’s interpolation formula for two iterpolation represents a (b) straight line | (d) none Answers 3a 4d 5.a 6b 7b 8a 9d 10.b 1Bc 14c 15.c 16.c 17.a 18c 19.a 20.¢ &

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