Method 1

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Experimental Design and Treatment

A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) will be used in this

experiment, with four (4) treatment and three (3) replication. A
total of one hundred twenty (120) heads of day-old broiler will
be used. Each treatment will be distributed of 10 broiler chicks
per replication.

Table 1. Experimental layout showed the location of treatment


Treatment Replication
T1 T2R1 T1R2 T3R3
(10 broiler (10 broiler (10 broiler
chicks) chicks) chicks)
T2 T4R1 T3R2 T1R3
(10 broiler (10 broiler (10 broiler
chicks) chicks) chicks)
T3 T3R1 T2R2 T4R3
(10 broiler (10 broiler (10 broiler
chicks) chicks) chicks)
T4 T1R1 T4R2 T2R3
(10 broiler (10 broiler (10 broiler
chicks) chicks) chicks)
Whereas the treatment as follow:

T 1 = 95% commercial feeds with 5% of golden apple snail meal

T2 = 90 % commercial feeds with 10 % of golden apple snail


T 3 = 85 % commercial feeds with 15 % of golden apple snail

T4 = 100 % commercial feed
Preratation of golden apple snail

Golden apple snail will be gather in the rice fields at the

Brgy . san Francisco catubig nothern samar . these snail will be
placed in the big cooking pot and will be boil for about 10 ( ten
) minutes at 100% c° and the meat was separated from shell the
meat will chop into small pieces and it will sun - dried for 2-3
days until the meat contained moisture and will be grend using
Hammermill the shells are also will be sundried and will be pound
and both of these will pass throught a fine sieve separately and
then will be mix together and make ready to use

Preparation of Experimental cages

The experimental with the size of 1×1×2ft are prepare before

the start of the experiment. They are disinfected and dried under
the heat of the sun. The V- net is use to enclose the whole cages
to protect the chicks from the predator and rain. Experimental
cages are label following to the Completely Randomized Design
(CRD) and birds will distribute in the cages by draw lots method.
The manure will be removed every day during brooding and every
seven (7) days of succeeding days until termination. Proper
sanitation and management will be observed during the entire
duration of the study.

Care and Management of Broiler

The cages must be thoroughly clean and disinfect one week

before the arrival of the chicks to ensure good sanitation. Two
pieces of one hundred (100) watt bulbs will use to provide
artificial heat during brooding. Feeding troughs and watering
throughs will be wash and dry under the heat of the sun to kill
the harmful organism. Chicks will be brood together for fourteen
(14) days and will be provide chick booster mash. For the first
three (3) days, feeds will scatter on the paper matting which
serves as feeding troughs in which Ad Libitum system of feeding
and watering will be practice. During this period, the behavior
of the chicks will serve as basis in determining the temperature.
If the chicks are scatter and come closer to each other, the
light of the incandescent bulbs are adjust higher and lower
respectively to avoid stress.

Feeding management

The experimental broilers will fed with commercial feed available

in the locality and was given ad libitum. The shifting of feeds
was done gradually in every stages of growth and development.

Water management

The experimental broiler will be provided with water regularly

according to it's experimental design and treatment of the study.

Wastage Management

The remaining feed will be collected after each feeding and it will be weighted to measure how
much was for dealing with the broiler waste,the broiler droppings will be swept
away from beneath the cage and gathered using a dustpan and broom.

Data gathered

1. Growth rate (kg)

•Initial weight gain of broilers in kilograms- broiler chicks

was weighed upon the start of the study.

•Weekly weight of broiler in kilograms-this was the weekly

weight of broilers during the experiment.

•Final weight of broilers in kilograms- Refers to the final

weight of broilers at the end of the study.
•Average gain in weight-This was the difference of initial
weight and final weight of broilers.

2.Feed consumption (kg)- This was calculated through getting the

total feed given on minus from the total feed wastage.

3.Feed conversation ration (FCR)- This was calculated by dividing

the total feed consumed by the total live weight broilers.

FCR= total feed consumed

total live weight of broilers

4.Water consumption rate in liters- This was the total water

intake of broilers throughout the experiment by measuring the
water given and water wastage every feeding session.

5. Relative return on investment (ROI)- This was calculated at

the end of the study using the formula:

RROI= Net income ×100

Relative investment

The RROI was calculated based on the net income from the sold
of live broilers at farm gate prices and the production cost
that varied between the treatments.

Data Analysis

All data gathered was interpreted using completely Randomized

Design (CRD) and was analysed using Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
4. Mortality rate

This will be computed by dividing the number of the dead

birds from the start up to the end of the study by the number of
birds from the start of the study.

Mortality rate % = Total number of dead birds + Initial number of

bird x 100.

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