Noli Me Tangere Characters

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Crisostomo Ibarra
- is the main protagonist in the novel Noli Me Tangere
-The character’s full name is Juan Crisostomo Ibarra y Magsalin. In the book, he is
frequently referred to as Ibarra.
-Crisostomo Ibarra is the mestizo (mixed-race) son of Filipino businessman Don Rafael
Ibarra. The young man studied in Europe for seven years. His fiancé is the beautiful lass
María Clara.

Maria Clara
-full name Maria Clara de los Santos
- the daughter of Capitan Tiago
- the fiancee of Crisostomo Ibarra.

Padre Damaso
- Spanish friar living in the Philippines
- Father Dámaso is an arrogant and pedantic priest
-despite having lived amongst Filipinos and hearing their confessions for over twenty

-An outlaw and vagabond revolutionary who resents the power the Catholic church and
Spanish government have over the Philippines.
-He also tries to convince Ibarra to join him and a band of disenchanted revolutionaries who
want to retaliate against the abusive Civil Guard.
- After Ibarra saves his life from a vicious crocodile, Elías swears to protect the young man
from his enemies, which are legion.

Padre Salvi
-A serious and committed Spanish friar who takes over Father Dámaso’s post in San Diego as
the town’s priest.
Fray Salví is a meticulous and cunning man who uses his religious stature for political
influence, benefitting both himself and the church.

Kapitan Tiago
-A Filipino socialite and well-respected member of the country’s wealthy elite.
-. Close with high-ranking clergy members like Father Salví and Father Dámaso, Captain
Tiago is one of the richest property owners in Manila and San Diego.
-e is concerned with making sure his daughter, María Clara, marries an affluent man with
ample social capital.

Pilosopo Tasyo
-An old man who used to study philosophy and who prefers secular knowledge to Catholicism.
- Tasio respects Ibarra and hopes dearly that Ibarra will succeed in building a school that is
independent of the church.

Don Rafael Ibarra

-Crisostomo Ibarra’s father

- Don Rafael perished in prison after Father Damaso accused him of heresy and

Crispin and Basilio

-They trained to become a sexton
-There mother is sisa
- They are maltreated by Priest

-The mother of crispin an Basilio.
-married to a drunk gambler who provides nothing in the way of financial or even emotional
-she goes crazy after losing her boys.

Don Tiburcio De Espadana

-A Spaniard who speaks with a stutter and looks significantly older than his thirty-five years.
-Don Tiburcio came to the Philippines as a customs officer, but was dismissed upon his
-When María Clara falls ill, though, Tiburcio is once again falsely practicing medicine.

Donya Victorina
-A Filipina woman married to Don Tiburcio.
-Above all else, Doña Victorina cares about her image as a beautiful and admired socialite.
-She is only in her thirties but looks much older, and she quickly adopts the latest trends,
often changing her patterns of speech to reflect the sound of high society members.

Donya Consolacion
-An older Filipina woman married to the ensign.
-Doña Consolación is a brutal, vulgar partner who berates the ensign, engaging him in
intense physical fights heard across the town.
-Rizal depicts Doña Consolación as incredibly crass and very ugly, writing that her one
“sterling trait” is that she seems to have “never looked in the mirror.”

Captain General
-An unnamed representative of Spain, and the highest government official in the Philippines.
- Civil Guard members, townspeople, and friars alike deeply respect him and defer to his
judgment, each set of people volleying for his favor.
- Fortunately for Ibarra, the Captain General is not an enthusiastic supporter of the church
and its over-inflated power.

-Doctor Tiburcio de Espadaña’s nephew from Spain.
-Linares has a law degree and is the most intelligent member of the de Espadaña family, a
fact that endears him to Dona Victorina.

Don Filipo Lino

-The deputy mayor of San Diego.
- Don Filipo is described as “almost liberal” and represents the informal party of the
younger, more open-minded generation.

Minor Characters
Crispín and Basilio’s mother, who goes crazy after losing her boys. Sisa wanders the town and forests in vain,
hoping to find her children, though when she actually meets Basilio, she is apparently unable to recognize him
at first. When she does, she dies of surprise and happiness.
Father Sibyla
A priest in Binondo, a district in Manila. Sibyla is a skillful and sly debater who agitates Father
Dámaso at Ibarra’s welcome-home party. He is an even-tempered, rational religious figure that contrasts the
absurd Dámaso and the corrupt Salví.
Captain Basilio
Sinang’s father, a pedantic man who is the speaker of San Diego’s conservative party. An enemy and rival
of Don Rafael, Basilio fashions himself after famous Roman orators, advocating for a strict adherence to the
The Yellow Man’s brother. Wanting revenge on Ibarra, he teams up with Father Salví to frame the young man as
the ringleader of the group of bandits that attacks the military barracks.
Captain Pablo
The leader of the band of “persecuted” men who want revenge on the Civil Guard. Elíasmeets with Pablo and
asks him to delay his plan to attack civilization, convincing him that it would be best if Ibarra represented them
so they can achieve their goals nonviolently.
Társilo’s brother, who dies the night of the barracks attack. Before his death, Bruno repeats what Lucas has told
him—namely, that Ibarra is the leader of the rebellion.
Aunt Isabel
Captain Tiago’s cousin, and the woman who raised María Clara after her mother’s death during childbirth.
Captain Tinong
A friend of Captain Tiago’s. Like Tiago, Tinong only cares about his own image. When it seems as though
Tiago’s family has been disgraced because of its association with Ibarra, he quickly turns his back on his friend.

The Chief Sexton

The man in charge of taking care of the church. The sexton essentially does Father Salví’s dirty work, like
beating Crispín or hanging Lucas after the attack on the barracks.
One of María Clara’s friends, and one of her cousins.
One of María Clara’s friends. Andeng has known María Clara for a very long time, having even shared the same
wet-nurse as an infant.
One of María Clara’s friends and cousins.
One of María Clara’s friends.
The Gravedigger
A cemetery worker who, on Father Dámaso’s orders, exhumes Don Rafael’s body. Ibarrainterrogates this man,


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