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1. ABCX model can be applied to address Illegal, Unregulated, and Unreported

(IUU) fishing in Ghana in the following ways:

A (Antecedents): Identify the history, root causes and factors that lead to IUU
fishing in Ghana. These may include open access to fisheries due to poor
regulations, high unemployment rates which lead many people to try every
available means to make ends meet even if it includes breaking laws, lack of
alternative livelihood options, rivalry between artisanal and industrial fleets, and
increased demand for fish protein. These antecedents create an environment
conducive to IUU fishing practices. Understanding the antecedent paves the way
for solution formulation as understanding the problem is half of the solution.

B (Behavior): Focus on changing the behavior related to IUU fishing. To change

behavior stricter regulations have to be implemented. Enforcement mechanisms
have to be enhanced and also, sustainable fishing practices practiced. Measures
such as licensing artisanal fleets, monitoring fishing activities, and cracking down
on illegal practices like discarding of fish, fishing in restricted zones, and using
illegal gears are crucial to combat IUU fishing.

C (Consequences): The consequences of IUU which includes but not limited to

depletion of fish stocks, environmental degradation, economic losses, and social
injustices affecting fishing communities, impact the society and country directly..
Emphasizing the negative impacts can raise awareness and support for addressing
IUU fishing effectively. Many people have a basic understanding of right and
wrong and sometimes due to economic conditions or environmental conditions
they tend to overlook these principles. A good fashion reminder or enlightenment
on the consequences of IUU will definitely go a long way to change the view point
of those engaged in this.

X (Resolution): Propose solutions and interventions to address IUU fishing in

Ghana. These may include creating marine protected areas, enhancing surveillance
and monitoring systems, promoting community engagement in fisheries
management, and strengthening enforcement through collaborations between
government agencies, NGOs, and local communities. Implementing the ABCX
model effectively can lead to sustainable fisheries management and the
preservation of Ghana's marine resources.

2. By applying the ABCX model, Ghana can take a comprehensive approach to

combating IUU fishing, addressing the root causes, changing behaviors,
understanding consequences, and implementing effective solutions to ensure the
sustainability of its fisheries sector.

The ABCX model can be applied to discuss the security implications of Ghana's
inability or refusal to address the issue of illegal, unregulated, and unreported
(IUU) fishing in its waters:

A - Antecedent Conditions

The presence of corrupt practices, lack of effective enforcement mechanisms, and

weak governance structures within the fisheries sector are antecedent conditions.
These create an environment where IUU fishing thrives, leading to
overexploitation of fish stocks, depletion of marine resources, and economic losses
for local communities dependent on fishing.

This leads to shortages in the supply of fish for the country and potentially could
lead to hunger. Hunger also leads to insecurity as people will do anything to
survive. The state has a responsibility to ensure food security in the nation and its
failure to tackle the antecedent conditions favoring IUU could directly lead to food

B - Balancing Resources and Demands

The imbalance between the resources available for combating IUU fishing and the
demands of effectively addressing this issue poses a significant challenge. Ghana
struggles to allocate sufficient resources, both financial and human, to combat IUU
fishing effectively. This imbalance hampers enforcement efforts, monitoring, and
control measures, allowing illegal activities to persist.

C - Coping Strategies
Ghana's coping strategies in dealing with IUU fishing involve international
cooperation, as evidenced by partnerships with the EU and other organizations. By
engaging in collaborations and adopting measures like the UN Port State Measures
Agreement, Ghana aims to strengthen its capacity to combat IUU fishing.
However, internal challenges such as corruption and inadequate enforcement
mechanisms hinder the effectiveness of these strategies.

X - Outcomes

The outcomes of Ghana's inability or reluctance to address IUU fishing have far-
reaching security implications. These include food insecurity due to the depletion
of fish stocks, economic losses for local communities reliant on fishing, and social
unrest resulting from conflicts over dwindling marine resources. Moreover, the
lack of effective governance in the fisheries sector contributes to a cycle of
corruption, further exacerbating the IUU fishing problem and undermining national
security. By applying the ABCX model to the issue of IUU fishing in Ghana, it
becomes evident that addressing this challenge is crucial not only for
environmental sustainability but also for ensuring food security, economic
stability, and social harmony within the country.

Operational Monitoring of Illegal Fishing in Ghana through Exploitation of

Satellite Earth Observation and AIS Data by Andrey A. Kurekin, Benjamin R.
Loveday, Oliver Clements, Graham D. Quartly, Peter I. Miller, George Wiafe and
Kwame Adu Agyekum

EU Commissioner: Ghana ‘a role model’ for combating IUU : Jason Holland

2015Environment & Sustainability

6 Facts you may not know about IUU fishing. Unseen costs of illicit activities at
sea extend to ecosystems and communities; Gina Flore and Peter Horn 2023

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