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FEMS Microbiology Reviews 24 (2000) 225^249

The roots of microbiology and the in£uence of Ferdinand Cohn on

microbiology of the 19th century
Gerhart Drews *
Institute of Biology 2, Microbiology, Schaenzlestr. 1, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany

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Received 9 June 1999; received in revised form 5 January 2000; accepted 6 January 2000


The beginning of modern microbiology can be traced back to the 1870s, and it was based on the development of new concepts that
originated during the two preceding centuries on the role of microorganisms, new experimental methods, and discoveries in chemistry,
physics, and evolutionary cell biology. The crucial progress was the isolation and growth on solid media of clone cultures arising from single
cells and the demonstration that these pure cultures have specific, inheritable characteristics and metabolic capacities. The doctrine of the
spontaneous generation of microorganisms, which stimulated research for a century, lost its role as an important concept. Microorganisms
were discovered to be causative agents of infectious diseases and of specific metabolic processes. Microscopy techniques advanced studies on
microorganisms. The discovery of sexuality and development in microorganisms and Darwin's theory of evolution contributed to the
founding of microbiology as a science. Ferdinand Cohn (1828^1898), a pioneer in the developmental biology of lower plants, considerably
promoted the taxonomy and physiology of bacteria, discovered the heat-resistant endospores of bacilli, and was active in applied
microbiology. ß 2000 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords : Concepts in microbiology ; Infectious disease ; Spontaneous generation ; Inheritable feature; Taxonomy of bacteria ; Physiological diversity ;
Bacillus endospore ; Ferdinand Cohn


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
2. The roots of modern science originated in the 17th and 18th centuries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
3. The progress of biology in the 19th century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
3.1. The progress in chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
3.2. Anatomy, microscopy, developmental cell biology, and sexuality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
3.3. The development of the evolutionary view in biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
4. The discovery of microorganisms and their ¢rst classi¢cation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
4.1. The bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
4.2. The fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
4.3. The protozoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
5. The concepts of taxonomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
5.1. The species problem in bacteriology and new concepts for classi¢cation . . . . . . . . . . . 231
6. Spontaneous generation vs. evolution of microorganisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
7. The concepts of biological diversity of bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
7.1. The organismic and chemical theories of fermentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
7.2. Autotrophy, chemolithotrophy, and phototrophy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
7.3. Putrefaction and pathogenicity of bacteria, and immunology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
8. The achievements of Ferdinand Cohn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246

* Tel. : +49 (761) 2032607; Fax: +49 (761) 2032779; E-mail :

0168-6445 / 00 / $20.00 ß 2000 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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226 G. Drews / FEMS Microbiology Reviews 24 (2000) 225^249

1. Introduction natural and supernatural worlds and to place the knowl-

edge of nature within theological space [1]. The mechanis-
Progress in science has never been a continuous process. tic-materialistic view was supported and extended by
Discoveries, revolutionary ideas, and new concepts were Georges Louis Leclerc Comte de Bu¡on (1707^1788),
very often neglected, misunderstood, or attacked if they who published a universal history of nature with descrip-
did not follow the mainstream of the time. Although bac- tions from minerals up to humans (Histoire Naturelle,
teria were discovered by observation under the microscope Gënëral et Particulie©re, 1749^1804, 54 volumes, completed
in the 17th century, they were believed to generate sponta- by Etienne de Lacëpe©de after Bu¡on's death). Bu¡on
neously and to be transformed into other morphological stressed the importance of fossils as witnesses of earlier
and physiological types (pleomorphism). It was not clear periods of life on earth, but he denied the descent of extant
whether bacteria and other infusoria were the cause or the organisms from those of earlier periods because bastards
products of biological or chemical processes. Discussions are sterile and evidence of intermediates between present
on controversial concepts initiated experimental work to and extinct forms was lacking. He believed the Newtonian
prove or disprove theories. Rational empiricism slowly concept that organic molecules from the decomposition of

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overcame speculative reasoning. organisms generate or can be incorporated into a new
organism [2]. In his work both the inductive method and
the deductive method were used. By the end of the 17th
2. The roots of modern science originated in the 17th and century, even those naturalists and philosophers in£uenced
18th centuries by the mechanical perception of nature doubted Descartes'
e¡ort to derive the generation of animals from a mecha-
In the 17th century, people began to trust the testimony nistic nature [3].
of nature more than the testimony of human ideas. A Scientists who preferred the inductive method were con-
scientist proceeds from the evidence of his own observa- fronted with problems such as how precarious instrumen-
tion, but also from the basis of human written authority. tally mediated experience could be and how much work
Modern empiricism was borne on the concept that proper was required to declare observations as reliable. Another
knowledge ought to be derived from a direct sensory ex- problem accompanying the more modern use of individual
perience of reality in nature. The inductive method for sensory experience was the evaluation of traditionally es-
scienti¢c work in which the conclusion is based on obser- tablished knowledge [1,3^5].
vations and measurements was proposed by Francis Ba- Although the inductive method was used more and
con (1561^1626). The classical method of deduction, more in research, philosophers and many scientists, in£u-
which solved scienti¢c problems by sharp reasoning, was enced by philosophical ideas, believed until far into the
still in use then, but empirical research was favored. Renë 19th century that they could solve biological problems
Descartes (1596^1650) propagated that conclusions were by reasoning and explain physiological functions by un-
only valid if they could be mathematically proven (in Prin- clearly de¢ned abstract terms like `vital forces'. Immanuel
ciples of Philosophy, published in 1644). It was still a long Kant (1724^1804) believed that in our thoughts we pass
road to the modern ideas that there is no absolute truth in from a mechanistic view of the parts to a teleological view
biology and that a working hypothesis disproved by ex- of the whole, and we cannot separate these classes of view;
perimental evidence has to be replaced by a new hypoth- there is a hidden basic principle of nature which unites the
esis. mechanistic and teleological views. Georg Christoph Lich-
Galileo Galilei's Discourse Concerning Two New Scien- tenberg (1742^1799), a mathematician and physicist in
ces (1620), Robert Boyle's Excellence and Grounds of the Go«ttingen, should be mentioned because he personi¢ed
Mechanical Hypothesis (1666), and Isaac Newton's (1643^ the experimenter who was critical and skeptical of his
1727) Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy own results and rejected any speculative philosophy. He
(1687) introduced a mechanistic view of nature. Physical represented an example of the English empiricism in the
forces were put forth as the cause of biological processes. age of enlightenment.
There was no dissonance between reductive causal explan-
ation, the omnipresence of God and his part in the vital
principle, and mathematical abstraction. In addition to the 3. The progress of biology in the 19th century
material world, the spiritual world was stressed by Baruch
Spinoza (1632^1677). In the 19th century, many biologists made an imperfect
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646^1716), who reacted fusion of the Kantian scheme with materialism, as for
positively to the discovery of the world of microorganisms, example by the `Naturphilosophen' such as Lorenz Oken
tried to harmonize religious belief with the aspects of the (1779^1851), who contributed considerably to embryol-
new science. The animalcules were designated as a very ogy, but who tried to construct a biology that could re£ect
low order of monads. The philosophers of that time found the action of the human mind in the animal kingdom and
in the revelations of the microscope a way to combine the who considered `natural sciences as the science of the eter-

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nal transubstantiation of God in the world' (1848); Gott- fermentation, and photosynthesis, but the problem of en-
fried D. Nees von Esenbeck (1776^1858); and Carl Gustav ergy coupling, i.e. the linkage between energy-yielding and
Carus (1789^1869), who made careful comparative studies energy-consuming processes, was not resolved before the
in di¡erent ¢elds, but tried to explain biological phenom- 1940s and 1960s.
ena by teleological principles. These men proposed `ideal
forms' and linked them with the conception of the purpose 3.2. Anatomy, microscopy, developmental cell biology, and
that is inherent in living things. The ideas of Naturphilo- sexuality
sophie, which dominated in the ¢rst half of the 19th cen-
tury, especially in Germany, were replaced by the unifying In the 16th to 18th centuries, the great diversity of
idea of natural sciences in order to discover the laws of plants and animals was recognized and the anatomy of
nature and to rule humanity. One exponent of this think- humans, animals, and plants was described in numerous
ing was the German pathologist and anthropologist Ru- comprehensive articles.
dolf Virchow (1821^1902) [5,6]. The ¢rst microscopes consisting of one or two optical
lenses were build by Johannes and Zacharias Janssen

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3.1. The progress in chemistry about 1590. The propagation of light and its re£ection
and refraction by an optical lens has been known since
In addition to the mechanistic view of biological pro- the work of Christian Huygens (1629^1695). He con-
cesses, the beginning of chemical analysis was important structed simple microscopes and telescopes. The magni¢-
for the progress in biological research. Antoine Laurent cation of these microscopes was low, and the pictures of
Lavoisier (1743^1794) disproved the phlogiston theory of objects were a¡ected by the chromatic and spherical aber-
Georg Ernst Stahl (1660^1734) by determining the weights ration of their lenses because the light rays of various
of products from chemical reactions. Oxygen, dinitrogen, wavelengths do not focus in the same plane. It is remark-
and carbon dioxide were discovered as components of air. able that Marcello Malpighi (1628^1694), Nehemiah Grew
Joseph Gay-Lussac (1778^1850) isolated the metals of the (1628^1711), Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1632^1723), and
alkaline-earth group and formulated the law of combining Robert Hooke (1635^1703) observed and described bacte-
volumes of gases. In 1811, Amadeo Avogadro described ria, protozoa, fungi, spermatozoa, erythrocytes, and tis-
the distinction between molecules and atoms and proposed sues of plants and animals in ¢ne detail using these prim-
the concept that equal volumes of di¡erent gases contain itive instruments. Leonhard Euler (1707^1783) postulated
the same number of particles under the same physical and several scientists such as G.B. Amici and A. Chevalier
conditions. The modern system of chemical symbols and constructed the ¢rst achromatic lenses by combining lenses
formulas was developed and many new elements were dis- of di¡erent refraction indices. The objectives and oculars
covered by Jo«ns Berzelius (1779^1848). He also coined the of the commercially produced microscopes were, until late
term `catalysis' for a process in which a compound a¡ects in the 19th century, of variable quality because they were
the velocity of a chemical reaction, but remains unchanged produced by empirical methods of trial and error. A pro-
and does not contribute to the substrate or products of the gressive step was taken when the physicist Ernst Abbe
reaction. Friedrich Wo«hler (1800^1882) and Justus von (1840^1905) developed a theory of the image formation
Liebig (1803^1873) strongly in£uenced biology through in the light microscope and constructed, in cooperation
their analysis and synthesis of organic compounds and with the mechanic Carl Zeiss (1816^1905) and the pro-
by disproving the role of a vital power in the synthesis ducer of optical glass Friedrich Otto Schott (1851^1935),
of organic compounds. They refuted, however, the role oil-immersion lenses with a high numerical aperture and
of microorganisms in fermentation and putrefaction and the Abbe condenser for optimal illumination of the speci-
proposed, instead of `the metamorphosis' by an organic men ¢eld. The problem of spherical aberration, which
product of decomposition, the `ferment'. caused blurred ¢gures in the periphery of the microscope
Although bioenergetics and thermodynamics were not ¢eld of view, was solved by a combination of di¡erent
included in textbooks until late in the 19th century and lenses. These new improved microscopes were made pop-
thermodynamic calculations were not considered for met- ular in the cell biology and microbiology institutes about
abolic processes, the unde¢ned and obscure term `vital 1877^1878 by Ferdinand Cohn and Robert Koch, who
force' was replaced by the understanding that activities tested these objectives and Abbe's condenser [8,9]. Since
of living things require the performance of work, whether then, microscopes ¢tted with oil-immersion lenses that
chemical, mechanical, osmotic, or electric [7]. The theory bring about a maximal resolution of 0.2 Wm have been
of heat and conservation and the correlation of energy was available. The documentation of bacteria was decisively
proposed by Julius Robert Mayer in 1845 and the law of improved by Robert Koch (1843^1910). He developed
the conservation of energy and the calculation of heat the method of staining smears in cooperation with C.
units were proposed by Hermann L. Helmholtz in 1846 Weigert [10] and the method of ¢xation of bacteria on
and James Prescott Joule in 1843. Scientists slowly became cover slips, and introduced microphotography [11,12] us-
aware that energy is supplied by metabolism, respiration, ing a heliostat for illumination [11^14]. The di¤cult prob-

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lems in the preparation of microphotographs were vividly aware that extant life forms were organized di¡erently
described by Heymann [13]. than those of earlier periods of the Earth's history. It
The cells as building stones of tissues and organisms was also realized that most organisms live in restricted
were described by C.F. Wol¡. The great period of cell areas, in natural habitats. The question of the origin of
biology began in the 1840s with the availability of an species was realized and the descent of species from com-
improved microscope, the knowledge of comparative his- mon ancestors was discussed, but the static view of nature
tology increased, and new thoughts on the role of cells and the belief that all organisms could be traced back to
grew [15]. Johannes E. Purkinje (1787^1869) was the ¢rst creation or di¡erent forms of spontaneous generation,
to use the term protoplasm [16] and proposed the idea of such as abiogenesis or heterogenesis, dominated
the similarity of animal and plant cells. Hugo von Mohl [3,27,28]. Species were believed to be invariable.
(1805^1872) and Matthias J. Schleiden (1804^1881) were Jean Baptiste Antoine de Monet Chevalier de Lamarck
recognized as the founders of the cell theory; they consid- (1744^1828) was one of the ¢rst to explain the multiplicity
ered the cell as an independent living entity of all organ- of forms of organization and their gradation from primi-
isms [17^19]. Initially the protoplasm was considered as a tive to highly developed species by a process of evolution

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very simple mucous material. In the 1880s, the nucleus was [28,29]. Impressed by the comprehensive comparative
shown to be an indispensable constituent of animal and studies of fossils and living organisms, he postulated that
plant cells, and mitotic cell division was described by E. the fossil species are ancestors of the living species. La-
Strasburger, Francis Balfour, L. Auerbach, and W. Flem- marck proposed that the environmental conditions
ming. changed over long periods and that low to high complex-
Microorganisms were believed to be very variable (pleo- ity evolved by an inherent potential and by adaptation to
morphic) and to generate spontaneously. In the period of the changed environmental conditions. He believed that
£ourishing cell biology around 1840, many scientists began the acquired properties were transmitted to the next gen-
to study the developmental history of lower algae, fungi, eration. Although he did not explain the mechanism, his
and protozoa, and later of bacteria. Ferdinand Cohn theory of evolutionary change replaced the static view of
(1828^1898) investigated the unicellular algae Protococcus nature.
pluvialis Ku«tzing and Stephanosphaera pluvialis and eluci- Georges Lëopold Cuvier (1769^1832) contributed to the
dated the di¡erent stages of development and the di¡er- theory of evolution with comprehensive comparative stud-
ence between vegetative and generative multiplication of ies on the anatomy of vertebrates and invertebrates and
swarm cells (macrogonidia and isogametes) [20^24]. About with paleontological studies, but continued to believe the
the same time, but independently, the sexuality of algae constancy of species. He and the geologist Charles Lyell
was discovered in 1854 by Gustave Thuret in Fucus, of believed that extinction of species was caused by changes
Vaucheria in 1855 by Nathanael Pringsheim (1824^1894), in environmental conditions during geological periods and
and of Sphaeroplea annulina and Oedogonium in 1855/1856 that new species originated discontinuously by creation,
by Cohn [22,24]. The fecundation of the egg cell in the spontaneous generation, or sudden changes.
oogonium by the spermatozoids or the fusion of isoga- Charles Robert Darwin (1809^1882) founded his theory
metes in cryptogamae, algae, and fungi was carefully of the evolution on the basis of his own studies and the
studied by Cohn, Heinrich Anton de Bary, Thuret, Prings- numerous published observations of comparative anatomy
heim, and others [19]. It was concluded that sexuality is a of living and fossil organisms [30]. He concluded that all
peculiarity not only of higher but also of lower organisms. organisms have a common origin. Darwin assumed a con-
The discovery by Cohn [25,26] of the complex develop- tinuous formation of a large and inexhaustible supply of
mental cycle, functional di¡erentiation, and sexual repro- genetic, i.e. inheritable, variations. In subpopulations of
duction of Volvox globator and many other microorgan- species, living in a separate habitat, natural selection
isms was not only interesting from the point of cell caused diversity even within a species. Individuals and
biology, but also important for modern taxonomy and populations formed that changed their features slowly
physiology. The concept that shape and function of each from that of the original species. New species originate
higher organism is based on a special plan was developed from varieties. Natural selection was, in the view of Dar-
by the comparative anatomy studies in the 17th and 18th win and Alfred Russel Wallace (1823^1913), not an acci-
centuries. The progress in chemistry and comparative cell dental process, but was caused by di¡erential success in
biology extended this concept to cells as the building reproduction and competition within the population of the
stones of all organisms which are structurally and func- organisms and was determined by the interactions with the
tionally di¡erentiated during the development of the or- speci¢c physical, chemical, and biological conditions of its
ganism. habitat. New varieties optimally adapted to their sur-
roundings survived and dominated in their habitat; less
3.3. The development of the evolutionary view in biology adapted varieties disappeared [28,30,31]. The principles
of natural selection, evolution, and origin of species were
Several scientists of the 17th and 18th centuries became not accepted immediately by the scienti¢c community of

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the 19th century, and the concept of spontaneous gener- causal analysis of infectious diseases will be dealt with in
ation by abiogenesis was revived to explain the formation Section 7.3.
of the ¢rst organisms on Earth [6,27]. Carl von Linnë classi¢ed the microscopic organisms in
the genus `chaos' (1773^1776). Otto Friedrich Mu«ller
(1730^1784) criticized the scientists of this epoch for con-
4. The discovery of microorganisms and their ¢rst templating the infusoria without any critical characteriza-
classi¢cation tion and classi¢cation. In his book Animalcula infusoria
£uviatilia et marina, he classi¢ed the infusoria by morpho-
4.1. The bacteria logical and biological criteria, such as movement, habitat,
and formation of aggregates. From the 18 genera he pro-
The supposition that various diseases are caused by mi- posed, only several characteristic types, especially Flagel-
croorganisms was expressed several times in the early lit- lata and Ciliata, can be identi¢ed. Bacteria, but also Pro-
erature [29]. In 36 BC, Marcus Terentius Varro wrote that tozoa, appear under the taxa Monas and Vibrio. He
animals (animalia quaedam minuta) that cannot be fol- described 10 species of Monas and 31 species of Vibrio.

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lowed by the eye were transferred through the air to other The description of the infusoria was documented by ¢g-
persons and caused serious diseases. It is clear from his ures [37]. The knowledge of the larger forms of infusoria,
publication that he described malaria, which is caused by the protozoa and unicellular algae, was improved in the
the sporozoon Plasmodium and is spread by the mosquito following decades, but the studies on bacteria concen-
Anopheles [32]. Girolamo Fracastoro (1478^1553) studied trated on the question of their origin (see Section 6).
the `French disease' syphilis and wrote in 1546 that the Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg used an improved micro-
`contagion is an infection that passes from one thing to scope, ¢tted with achromatic combinations of lenses, to
another' by direct contact between two persons, by con- study the `Infusionsthierchen als vollkommene Organis-
taminated material, or over long distances. He also de- men' (infusoria-animalcules as complete organisms) [38].
scribed the pathology of a contagious disease, presumably The largest part of this book was devoted to the protozoa.
spotted fever caused by Rickettsiae [29,33]. Athanasius The most simple organisms he observed were classi¢ed as
Kircher (1602^1680) studied infectious diseases caused by Monadina and Vibrionia. The tail-less, lip-less, eye-less,
a contagium animatum. In contrast to the medical doctors most simple monadina were subdivided into sphere mo-
of his time, who believed that diseases are caused by pu- nads and rod monads. The genera Monas, Bacterium, Vi-
trefaction of the body humor or miasma, he observed brio, Spirillum, Spirochaeta, and Spirodiscus were de-
`vermes' in the blood or lymph nodes of people su¡ering scribed, but the species were less well characterized.
from bubonic plague caused by Yersinia pestis. Presum- Fëlix Dujardin subdivided the bacteria, combined in the
ably he did not see the bacteria, but rather particles in family Vibrioniens, into the genera Bacterium, Vibrio, and
the tissues. Spirillum [39]. Four species of Bacterium ^ B. termo, B.
The ¢rst clear evidence for the existence of bacteria was catenula, B. punctum, and B. triloculare ^ were described.
given by Leeuwenhoek. He was an optician by hobby and The species Vibrio lineola, V. rugula, V. serpens, and V.
constructed, as did many contemporaries, numerous mi- bacillus were distinguished from Spirillum undula, S. vol-
croscopes. The important step forward came from his very utans, and S. plicatile by their shape and movement. The
careful and imaginative style of observation. In more than organisms described by both authors cannot easily be
200 letters to the Royal Society in London, which were identi¢ed by present taxonomic characteristics. The work
published in the Transactions of the Royal Society, and in of Maximilian Perty [40] did not improve the taxonomy.
letters to Robert Hooke, he described di¡erent forms of He confused the characterization by mixing up develop-
bacteria, yeasts, and protozoa [1,4,34^36]. He also per- mental stages with species. He subdivided the so-called
formed some simple experiments, e.g. he studied the in£u- animal-plants or Phytozoidia, into Filigera, Sporozoidia,
ence of acetic acid on the mobility of bacteria, which he and Lampozoidia, and further subdivided the latter into
called animalcules, beesjes, or cleijne schepsels. The de- Vibrionida, Spirillina, and Bacterina. Allied to the Spiril-
tailed description of bacteria from tooth plaque, water lina, the species Spirochaeta plicatilis, Spirillum volutans,
samples, and hay infusion is remarkable considering the Spirillum undula, and Spirillum rufum were mentioned.
low magni¢cation and resolution of his simple instru- The Bacterina were subdivided into Vibrio, Bacterium,
ments. The bacteria he saw were documented by drawings. Metallacter and Sporonema.
The size of the bacteria was determined by comparison
with grains of sand or erythrocytes. The movement of 4.2. The fungi
bacteria was described in detail. The new knowledge on
the animalcules or vermes quickly circulated and initiated The large fruiting bodies of basidiomycetes and ascomy-
many microscopy studies in order to ¢nd infusoria in or- cetes, conspicuous to the unaided eye, may have been
ganic material or tissues from sick people [36]. The devel- known to man since primitive times. Humans have used
opment of the idea of the contagium animatum up to the fungi, often unknowingly, for fermentation in wine, beer,

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and bread making. Fungi were also used as food, drugs, or development of the fungus inside the wheat plant [49]. In
poison. the same year, Felice Fontana published the results of his
In the 16th and 17th centuries, the shape, appearance, microscopy studies on the rust of grain. Bënëdict Prëvost
and usefulness for man of numerous fungi were described, (1755^1819), who was not familiar with these important
for example, by Charles de L'Ecluse (Clusius ; 1526^1609) observations, published in 1807 his detailed and careful
[41]. Gaspard Bauhin (1560^1624) was the ¢rst to discern studies on the germination of bunt or smut spores and
genera and species in his detailed and illustrated descrip- the infection and development of the fungus in wheat
tion of plants. In his book, 2700 species of plants and 100 plants. He observed that copper sulfate inhibits the germi-
species of fungi were described. The fungi were separated nation of spores, and he demonstrated by ¢eld experi-
into esculentii, noxii, and perniciosi [42]. Joseph Pitton de ments that the disease can be controlled by soaking the
Tournefort (1656^1708) presented a hierarchical ordered wheat seeds in a solution of copper sulfate [50]. Although
system with detailed descriptions of genera [43]. Fungi this method was not widely accepted at that time, it was a
were separated into six groups: (1) centrally stalked with precursor of the Bordeaux mixture, introduced by Pierre
cap; (2) centrally stalked without cap; (3) laterally Millardet in 1885, which became in combination with the

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stalked ; (4) globose without stalk, including myxomy- lime-sulfur solution the world's outstanding preventive
cetes; (5) subterranean forms; and (6) corraloid forms. fungicide, used at ¢rst to ¢ght downy mildew on vine
Developmental stages, e.g. teleutospores of rust or myce- leaves caused by Plasmopara viticola [51].
lium of fungi, as described by Robert Hooke, were not A new period of research in mycology began with Hein-
included. rich Anton de Bary (1831^1888). He and many of his
How fungi propagated was not known, and they were students and coworkers, such as O. Brefeld, E. Fischer,
believed to originate from decaying substances. The revo- A. Meyer, P. Millardet, and M. Woronin, published im-
lutionary idea that all plants produce seeds was proposed portant papers in the ¢eld of sexual and asexual reproduc-
by Porta in 1590. He described spores, which he called tion, development, and parasitism of fungi [52^55,60]. In
seeds, isolated from numerous fungi. M. Malpighi pic- 1893, Pierre Dangeard observed nuclear fusion in the tele-
tured in his book of the anatomy of plants [44] sporo- utospores of a rust fungus, and in 1894 in Peziza. He
phores, sterigmata, and spores, and speculated whether interpreted this process correctly as a fecundation. This
spores were units of propagation. Pier Antonio Micheli progress in developmental biology was the basis of a mod-
(1679^1737), although he never received an academic de- ern taxonomy of fungi. Ferdinand Cohn studied the devel-
gree, made great progress in the description of cryptoga- opment of the zygomycete Pilobolus crystallinus and of the
mae. He introduced the names of many generic names, entomophthoracea Empusa muscae [56,57].
such as Mucor, Aspergillus, and Polyporus, and his de- Johann Scho«nlein in 1839 and David Gruby in 1841
scriptions of species are so detailed that they can be iden- described Trichophyton and Candida albicans as infectious
ti¢ed today. With a primitive microscope, he observed fungal parasites of man and founded the ¢eld of medical
seeds (spores) and sporophores in many groups of fungi, mycology [29].
and he cultured certain molds on pieces of fruit. He fol- The ¢rst systematics of fungi was published by Christian
lowed the germination of spores and the growth and de- Persoon [58]. He understood that mushrooms are only
velopment of fungi up to the fruiting bodies, and con- fruiting bodies and are not the whole plant. He recognized
cluded that each fungus formed its own seeds and is two types of fruiting bodies: those in which the hymenium
reproduced only by its own kind [45]. Carl von Linnë is uncovered during maturation of the spores and those in
(1707^1778) included the described fungi as a class of their which the hymenium is enclosed, e.g. the pu¡ball (bovist).
own in his book on species plantarum [46], where he es- He established a herbarium containing the type species.
tablished the binomial system of nomenclature. He did The fungi known at that time were divided into 71 genera.
not, however, contribute to a better understanding of fun- Other systematic treatments of fungi were published by
gi. Elias Magnus Fries [59], and in 1837^1854 by August
In the second part of the 18th century, many detailed Corda [29]. These early systematic studies were based ex-
descriptions of fungi were published and illustrated with clusively on morphological data. De Bary emphasized the
excellent drawings [47]. Phenomena of infected plants had importance of the developmental history and of the sex-
been known since the classical period. Phytopathology, uality for classi¢cation of fungi [53].
based on empirical research, was initiated by Mathieu Till- Nutritional physiology and the development of exact
et (1714^1791). He studied loose smuts and hard smut of methods to analyze growth and nutrition of fungi were
wheat and showed that they are infectious diseases. He founded by Jules Raulin, who elucidated the mineral re-
observed that seeds (spores) from smutted kernels produce quirements of Aspergillus niger [61]. The growth of fungi
smutty wheat [48]. In 1767, Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti, a on a mineral medium completed with an organic carbon
disciple of Micheli, described the infection of plants by source was introduced by Louis Pasteur, but Raulin was
germinating rust spores. He observed the penetration of the ¢rst to determine quantitatively the growth of fungi
the epidermis through the stomata by germ tubes and the and the consumption of the nutrients. He recognized that

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besides the macroelements and one organic carbon source, than morphological characteristics for classi¢cation, e.g.
trace elements were essential for the growth of Aspergillus, physiological and ecological features; and whether the
but their exact analysis required improved methods for characters should be weighted. The re¢ned and extended
puri¢cation, which were not available at that time. knowledge of organisms living in di¡erent parts of the
world and the revolution in philosophical thinking made
4.3. The protozoa the downward classi¢cation of essentialism unsuitable for
classi¢cation. Practical considerations led to the adapta-
The protozoa, called `infusoria', have been described in tion of an upward classi¢cation of empirical grouping us-
many monographs since the 17th century. Christian Gott- ing numerous characteristics. This method started with the
fried Ehrenberg (1795^1876) was well known for his de- characterization of species, followed by sorting of species
tailed and comprehensive description of more than 500 into groups of similar ones, and combining these groups
species [38]. He observed that the small animals take up into a hierarchy of higher taxa [28]. In 1772, Adanson
particles of carmin or indigo into vesicle-like structures, introduced the use of multiple characteristics for classi¢-
which he called stomach. He proposed the concept that cation. He recognized that di¡erent characteristics have

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protozoa have complex internal structures similar to those di¡erent taxonomic signi¢cance.
of higher organisms. Felix Dujardin (1801^1862), who Taxonomy was revolutionized in the 19th century by
stressed the importance of the work of Ehrenberg, rejected Charles Darwin, the founder of evolutionary taxonomy.
this hypothesis as most of his contemporaries did. Dujar- Darwin explained why groups of species are related to
din improved the systematics of protozoa and observed each other. In the thirteenth chapter of The Origin of
that sodium phosphate, ammonium oxalate, sodium bicar- Species [30], he developed the theory of classi¢cation.
bonate, and ammonium nitrate were used by the infusoria His theory of common descent provided reasons for the
as nutrients [39]. degrees of similarity among organisms and an explanation
for the hierarchy and for the homogeneity of taxa in a
natural classi¢cation. Darwin also discussed methods
5. The concepts of taxonomy and di¤culties of classi¢cation. He stressed that true clas-
si¢cation is genealogical and, therefore, the taxonomical
The comparative anatomy studies in the 17th and 18th value of all characters has to be weighted. Similarities due
centuries brought together a comprehensive knowledge of to descent have to be separated from similarities due to
the shape, structure, and organization of organisms. The convergence. However, the Darwinian revolution had only
great diversity in the world of living beings, the purely a minor impact on the methodology of classi¢cation. Up-
practical need to bring order into the richness of life, ward classi¢cation had already been introduced before
and the desire to investigate the perfect harmony of nature Darwin [28].
and its diversity were motives to study systematics. In The classi¢cation of microorganisms, especially of high-
the era of Linnaeus, systematics had enormous prestige er taxa, was improved in the 19th century by the discovery
and dominated all other contemporary research. Linnaeus of sexuality and of the development of fungi, lower algae,
and his contemporaries believed that genera and higher and protozoa. In earlier times, very often di¡erent stages
taxa are creations of God and that therefore his sys- in the life cycle or zoospores were described as di¡erent
tematics represented a natural system. This systematics species or interpreted as polymorphy. The discovery of the
was based on essential properties and originated from ascus and the basidium and their role as meiosporangia
creationist thinking in the absence of an evolutionary was decisive for the grouping of ascomycetes and basidio-
theory (essentialism). The principle of logical downward mycetes.
division is based on the similarity of organisms and £owed
from the higher to the lower taxa using the method 5.1. The species problem in bacteriology and new concepts
of dichotomy. It was a purely descriptive work, but it for classi¢cation
was a rich source of information. Linnë not only intro-
duced binary nomenclature, he also completed the species Bacteria have been known since the early observations
description by adding remarks on the habitats of the of Leeuwenhoek, and many studies were published after
species. that time which describe `small animals' or `infusoria' as
The quite di¡erent systems which originated in the 17th contagion (Jakob Henle (1809^1885), contagium vivum
and 18th centuries were in£uenced by the choice of the [62]) or as `ferment' of butyric acid fermentation [63,64].
characteristics used for the ¢rst division [28]. Even within Unfortunately, no scientist carefully isolated the particular
a system, the type of characteristic was changed, e.g. from microorganisms and studied them in their environment.
fructi¢cation to vegetative growth, or from morphological The bacterial forms observed with the microscope were
to physiological features. It was discussed whether one described as a new species without consideration of the
should use only a single key characteristic or multiple forerunner. The work of Ehrenberg and Dujardin was
characteristics; whether one could use characteristics other an exception, but they did not characterize the species

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su¤ciently. The problem of the origin of bacteria and of ment, chemical features, and descent could only be an-
independent, distinct species was still not solved by 1850. swered in the future when new chemical methods became
Ferdinand Cohn (1828^1898) stressed that in the ¢eld of available [65,66,76]. From the beginning of his studies,
bacteriological systematics, one has to start at point zero Cohn was convinced that the kingdom of bacteria con-
[65,66]. His taxonomic studies were based on an excellent sisted of species with inherent characters. He defended
knowledge of the unicellular algae, lower fungi, protozoa, this concept against Theodor Billroth (1829^1894) and
and bacteria. He noticed that the cellular organization and many other contemporaries who believed that all spherical
other structural details of bacteria could not be resolved, bacterial forms and all rod-shaped bacterial forms each
even when the bacteria were observed with the strongest belong to only one species of plants and have `only one
oil-immersion objective of the microscope (the methods of form of life' (`eine einzige Lebensform') which can adapt
phase-contrast microscopy and staining of bacteria were to di¡erent conditions of the environment and change
still not discovered) [65,66]. Only a few characteristics their form accordingly (pleomorphy): Micro-, Meso-,
were available for classi¢cation, and it was not known Megacoccus and Micro-, Meso-, and Megabacteria. Bill-
whether they are stable and species-speci¢c stages of de- roth combined all genera proposed by Cohn in the poly-

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velopment, or variations caused by environmental condi- morphic species Coccobacteria septica, except for Spiril-
tions. Sexual reproduction of bacteria was unknown. lum and Spirochaete, which he did not consider [77,78].
The isolation of single cell clones and the pure culture Joseph Lister defended the idea that bacteria are generated
technique were slowly developed from the cultivation on from conidia of fungi and that they change their morphol-
solid media and enrichment cultures. The growth of col- ogy during culture on di¡erent media [76,79]. From the
ored bacteria on starch-containing food was described by description of his experiments, it seems clear that he trans-
Herrmann Ho¡mann ([36], p. 110). Joseph Schroeter, a ferred a mixture of di¡erent organisms to new media and
coworker of Cohn, transferred colonies of pigmented bac- that speci¢c microorganisms were selected during growth.
teria, grown on slices of cooked potato, to another piece During this time, several pathologists described microor-
of solid food to separate the colored from the colorless ganisms in di¡erent diseased tissues, but they did not iso-
bacteria [67]. Clone cultures of fungi were obtained in the late and characterize the bacteria [36]. Although they
laboratories of de Bary and Brefeld by sowing single speculated that these organisms cause the illness, no ex-
spores on solid media ([54], pp. 2 and 5; [60,68]). Scientists periments were undertaken to identify the organisms and
became rapidly acquainted with the culture of bacteria on to study their e¡ect on the human body.
solid media and the technique was used in the laboratories During a period of about 20 years Cohn and coworkers
of Cohn and Koch starting in about 1875 [36]. The sepa- studied numerous distinctive characteristics of bacteria,
ration of single cells by streaking bacteria on solidi¢ed such as cytological details, movement, growth under var-
gelatin was introduced by Koch in 1877 [12] and the use ious conditions in mineral media substituted with one car-
of plates with gelatin was introduced by Koch [12,14,69] bon source or on complex media, appearance of pigments,
and Esmarch [70,71]. Frankland [72] and Petri [73] devel- and the formation and germination of endospores (Fig. 1).
oped a small, practical culture chamber, the Petri dish, to The structure of £agella and the swarming phenomenon
keep the cultures free of contamination through the air. were detected, and the function of £agella was correctly
The introduction of agar as a solidifying agent greatly interpreted [66,67,76,80]. On the basis of these investiga-
improved the isolation and culture of bacteria because tions and his being impressed by Darwin's theory of ori-
agar is inert for most bacteria and is still solid at 37³C, gin, evolution, and selection of species, Cohn developed a
the temperature at which most pathogenic bacteria were new concept of bacterial classi¢cation. Bacteria were de-
cultivated [74,75]. ¢ned as mostly pigment-free cells of characteristic shape
Cohn noticed that species and genera of bacteria have that multiply by cross division and live as single cells,
meanings di¡erent than those of higher organisms, be- ¢lamentous cell chains, or cell aggregates. They contain
cause generative propagation was not known. The classi- a plasma membrane and sometimes refractile granules.
¢cation of bacteria had to start from the characterization They form a distinct kingdom of microorganisms that
of `form-genera' and `form-species'. The question whether are discernible by heritable characteristics that allow the
these species are related to each other in their develop- classi¢cation into distinct species with typical character-

Fig. 1. Di¡erent bacteria, drawn by Cohn. A: (Table V in [66]). 8) Cladothrix dichotoma, described on p. 185 in [66], similar to Scytonema, false
branching; 9) Bacillus anthracis, from blood of a cow which died from anthrax; 10) mobile bacteria with endospores from rennet ; 11) bacilli with endo-
spores from butyric acid fermentation; 12) Micrococcus and spores from rennet ; 13) Micrococcus bombycis from silkworm, sick from £accid disease.
B: (Table VI in [66]). 9, 10) Lamprocystis (Clathrocystis) roseopersicina ; 11) Chromatium (Monas) warmingii ; 12) Chromatium (Monas) okenii; 13) Chro-
matium vinosum (Monas vinosa); 14) Rhabdomonas rosea containing sulfur globules, pink colored; 15) Ophidomonas (Spirillum) sanguinea, large, red col-
ored with light-scattering granules (Thiospirillum jenense?); 16) Spirochaete Obermeieri, Borrelia recurrentis with red blood cells; 17) Bacillus ruber
Frank (p. 181 in [66]), red colored, growing on cooked rice; 18) Myxococcus (Micrococcus) fulvus, red colored colonies.

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istics, which are transmitted to the following generation

when bacteria multiply. Cohn proposed that within the
species, varieties originate, which transmit their new fea-
tures to the next generation. He was convinced that bac-
teria belong to the plant kingdom and that they are related
to algae [66,76,80^82]. From his studies on development,
he concluded that bacteria are closely related to the Phy-
cochromaceae (Rabenhorst 1865), which were also known
as Myxophyceae (Wallroth 1833), Schizophyceae, or Cya-
nophyceae (Sachs 1874); today they are named cyanobac-
teria ([83], p. 1711). Schizophyceae and Schizomyceae
(bacteria) were combined in the group of Schizophyta (¢s-
sion plants) [76,80,84,85]. The close relationship between
bacteria and Schizophyceae was exempli¢ed by compari-

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son of the chlorophyll- and phycocyan-containing Oscilla-
toria with the colorless Beggiatoa (Fig. 2). These two gen-
era have the same shape and cellular organization and the
same type of movement, which is a combination of gliding
forwards and backwards, a rotation around the longitudi-
nal axis, and a vivid bending of the trichomes. The Chroo-
coccaceae were compared with Micrococcus and Bacte-
rium, Merismopedia with Sarcina, and Spirulina with
Spirillum. A relationship between groups of bacteria, phy-
cochromaceen, £orideen (red algae), and lichen was de-
duced mainly on the basis of the pigments chlorophyll,
phycocyan, and phycoerythrin and the type of cell divi-
sion, movement, and reproduction [84,85]. Cohn supposed
that the Phycochromaceae were early inhabitants of the
earth because of their ability to grow in extreme habitats,
their simple way of reproduction, and their fossil record.
The fungi were considered as a group of microorganisms
not related to the bacteria and phycochromaceen [76,86].
Cohn classi¢ed the bacteria into: (I) Sphaerobacteria
Fig. 2. Beggiatoa species, from Cohn, F. (1866) Hedwigia 5, 161^166.
(sphere-shaped) with the genus Micrococcus, (II) Micro-
bacteria (rod-like) with the genus Bacterium, (III) Desmo-
bacteria (¢lamentous bacteria) with the genera Bacillus ternitz, and others still believed that bacteria originated
and Vibrio, and (IV) Spirobacteria (screw-like bacteria) from decaying plant and animal tissues ([36], p. 130) or
with the genera Spirillum and Spirochaeta [76,80,81]. Mi- spontaneously [27,76]. E. Hallier supported the germ
crococcus was divided into three groups of species based theory of infectious diseases, but he believed that the mi-
on the characteristics chromogen (pigmented), zymogen crococci he isolated from pathogenic material were trans-
(fermenting), and contagion (pathogen). Bacterium termo formed into fungi [87]. The fungus theory of Hallier was
was speci¢ed as the cause of putrefaction. Contagion and strongly refuted by de Bary because of Hallier's faulty
putrefaction were discerned as speci¢c features. In the de- experiments [88]. Hallier considered the succession of dif-
scription of the screw-like bacteria, Cohn followed the ferent organisms that he observed in his culture apparatus
names proposed by Ehrenberg : Spirochaeta plicatilis, Spi- as stages of the same organism, which he regarded as
rillum volutans, S. tenue, and S. undula. The bacteria were genetically connected [87]. Billroth, Lister, Na«geli [89],
cultivated on synthetic media with various carbon sources and other contemporaries defended the opinion that the
or on complex media. The inheritance of features, e.g. morphological and physiological di¡erences between the
pigmentation, was supported by their stability in following species are caused by nutrition and other growth condi-
generations. The pigments were di¡erentiated by solubility tions [35,36]. T.A. Edwin Klebs (1834^1913), a patholo-
or insolubility in water and their color and were analyzed gist, agreed with the hypothesis that bacteria can be clas-
by simple chromatographic, spectroscopic, and chemical si¢ed into di¡erent species, and he defended the germ
methods. The genus Sarcina [66,76] was determined by theory of infectious diseases ; in addition to micrococci
the occurrence of division in three perpendicular planes. and bacilli, he proposed microsporines and monadines
The principles of Cohn's bacterial taxonomy were not [90,91]. Ray Lankester observed enrichments of purple
generally accepted. H. Karsten, A. Wiegand, Estor, Win- bacteria in decaying organic material and named the pig-

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ment bacteriopurpurin and the bacterium Bacterium rubes- ilarity leaves room for genomic and phenotypic di¡erences
cens [92]. He thought that all the bacteria that contained due to the di¡erent life history of the strains, but simulta-
bacteriopurpurin but which had di¡erent shapes were neously allows the combination of these strains in a spe-
phases of one and the same organism (pleomorphism) cies, which has for practical purposes enough common
[93]. Cohn, Ehrenberg, Engelmann, Warming, N. Winog- features. There are several reasons for not changing the
radsky, and Zopf described many species of purple bacte- present classi¢cation of prokaryotes on the basis of a rig-
ria (the name was coined by Engelmann) mainly on the orous use of this species de¢nition: (i) not enough data on
basis of their morphology, pigmentation, physiology, and strain diversity and interspecies relationships are available,
cell inclusions (Fig. 1) [38,76,80,81]. (ii) di¡erent criteria have been applied to identify species,
An important achievement of Cohn was the species con- (iii) very closely related strains are for diagnostic purposes
cept, founded on the hypothesis that distinct species-spe- still separate species, e.g. in the group of enteric bacteria,
ci¢c populations have several inheritable characteristics in and (iv) evolutionary systematics, as proposed by C. Dar-
common, which di¡erentiate them from other species. The win, is the only way to come to a `true natural system' of
concept was solidi¢ed as soon as pure cultures of bacteria bacteria.

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were isolated which had stable markers such as pathoge- An increasingly robust map of evolutionary diversi¢ca-
nicity, e.g. Bacillus anthracis [94], or nitri¢cation, e.g. Ni- tion has been compiled, and the progress in the construc-
trosomonas [95^97]. The principle of upward classi¢cation tion of phylogenetic trees on the basis of true DNA/DNA
based on invariable, multiple characteristics remained the homologies is impressive. The recognition of Archaea as a
method of choice for decades. The progress in methods to distinct kingdom of organisms has in£uenced thoughts on
study bacteria and the increasing knowledge of the phys- the evolutionary relationships among living organisms.
iological and biochemical features of bacteria led not only This phylogenetic classi¢cation will be the ¢nal objective
to the identi¢cation of new species, but also to grouping of of systematics, although at present there is no general
the species into higher taxa. The concept of bacteria as an agreement about the domain concepts of C.R. Woese
independent group of microorganisms with di¡erent inher- (Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya), the ¢ve-kingdom classi¢ca-
itable characteristics and their relationship to the Schizo- tion of L. Margulis (Prokaryotes [Monera], Eukaryotes
phyceae (Cyanobacteria) was con¢rmed and extended by [Plants, Animals, Fungi, Protists]), or the division of pro-
R. Stanier and C.B. van Niel [98], who proposed the term karyotes in Monodermata, having a single `cell membrane'
prokaryotic cell organization, which di¡ered from the (Gram-positive) and Didermata, having two `cell mem-
organization of eukaryotic cells. This fruitful concept branes' (Gram-negative) [103]. The important role of pro-
was quickly accepted by the scienti¢c community and later karyotes in the evolution of life seems to be evident, but
extended by the discovery of archaebacteria as an inde- the origin of the di¡erent groups of eukaryotic and pro-
pendent group of prokaryotes distinct from eubacteria and karyotic organisms and their evolutionary relationship re-
cyanobacteria [99,100]. mains open to further studies. The same is true for the
The concept of a bacterial species, however, is still open species concept for bacteria. A phylogenetic classi¢cation
to discussion. Since prokaryotes do not have the same is the ¢nal goal, but an arti¢cial classi¢cation is still in use,
form of sexuality as higher organisms, of which species even though we know that markers such as phototrophy,
are de¢ned as groups of interbreeding natural populations autotrophy, pathogenicity, and methanogenesis are not
that are reproductively isolated, a bacterial species has characteristic for a phylogenetic group [102,103].
been regarded as ``a collection of strains that share
many features in common and di¡er considerably from
other strains'' [101]. This de¢nition is unsatisfactory be- 6. Spontaneous generation vs. evolution of microorganisms
cause it remains in the opinion of the taxonomist to de¢ne
a new species. It is known that bacteria can exchange The hypothesis of spontaneous generation of living
genetic material even over large phylogenetic distances, beings from the elements or from putrefaction, decaying
but the extent to which homologous recombination be- organic matter, and humidity was an old belief described
tween host and foreign DNA takes place di¡ers strongly. by Aristotle and other philosophers and poets of antiquity
In modern bacterial taxonomy, morphological character- that occupied the attention of many scientists over the
istics, which dominated the classi¢cation in the past cen- centuries and adhered to a wide spectrum of philosophical
tury, are of minor importance. The weight of the genomic views until modern times [1,3,4,27,29,35,104]. All propo-
characterization has increased over that of the chemical nents of spontaneous generation believed that living enti-
composition of cell constituents, e.g. the components of ties can arise suddenly by chance from inorganic matter
the cell wall and metabolic products and pathways. It is (abiogenesis) or from organic matter, which was itself de-
recommended that strains which share at least approxi- rived from organisms (heterogenesis), independently of
mately 70% nucleotide sequence identity and a di¡erence any parents. Vitalists deny any possibility of abiogenesis
of less than 5³C in the melting point of DNA/DNA du- by chance, while others, following the universality of
plexes belong to the same species [102]. This level of sim- strictly deterministic natural laws in the mechanistic phi-

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losophy of R. Descartes, believed in the abiogenetic way malcules. He found that the heating period required to
of spontaneous generation. The doctrine of spontaneous render an infusion sterile is variable, and he concluded
generation has long been considered as an inhibitor of that Needham's infusions were contaminated by air
scienti¢c progress. It will be shown here by a few examples [108]. Needham commented that in Spallanzani's experi-
that the controversial discussion on this theory became ments, the prolonged heating destroyed the vegetative
¢nally a driving force of scienti¢c progress because it ini- force and modi¢ed the air. In response to Needham's ob-
tiated numerous experiments and resulted in new concepts jections, Spallanzani repeated his experiments and con-
and experiments [27]. cluded that animalcules developed in £asks that were
The extensive studies on the anatomy of higher and corked, but not in hermetically sealed £asks that were
lower plants and animals in the 17th century revealed heated for 0.5^2 h. He also did experiments with £asks
that animals and plants developed from eggs and semen. having capillary necks to avoid diminishing the `elasticity
Francesco Redi (1626^1697) discovered that putrefying of the air', as accused by Needham. Two types of animal-
matter is not the material from which animals generate, cules were described : those of superior order, which were
but a substrate on which animals deposit their eggs. He easily destroyed in 30 s at 100³C, and the other exceed-

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observed that £ies lay their eggs on £esh and that maggots ingly minute organisms that sometimes survived boiling
generate from eggs, and £ies from maggots. Leeuwenhoek for 30 min. He also showed that boiling water is much
was convinced that no living things came from putrefac- more e¡ective in sterilization than hot air and that boiling
tion, but that they derived from those created in the be- media for long periods did not prevent growth of animal-
ginning [4]. He studied the development of insects and cula [108,109].
vermes from eggs. From his results the following questions The opposition to Spallanzani and like-minded people
arose: (1) is air needed to support life?, (2) do all animals rested on the adherence to the traditional 18th century
come from eggs?, and (3) can seeds and eggs survive for mechanistic concept of spontaneous generation. Oppo-
inde¢nitely long periods? [1,4]. nents of spontaneous generation were faced with the prob-
Leeuwenhoek rejected the idea of spontaneous genera- lem of the generalization of an experimental result: the
tion also for the microscopic organisms and believed that statements that all organisms arise from parents or that
the animalcules were distributed by air in the form of no organism arises spontaneously from matter can be dis-
seeds or germs, but he did not prove this hypothesis [4]. proved for one organism, but neither can be proven with
The distribution of germs by air was a controversial issue absolute certainty. Moreover, Spallanzani had several lim-
in the 19th century. Louis Joblot (1645^1723) also denied itations; most importantly, his microscope was insu¤cient
the doctrine of spontaneous generation, and this standing to see bacterium-sized objects. He attacked the doctrine of
was considered to be contrary to all reason and religion. spontaneous generation from an a priori belief in the hy-
He experimented with heated infusions to see whether they pothesis that all living things arise from parents. Thus, the
could produce animalcules. He boiled fresh hay and dis- experiments of Spallanzani and the critical thoughts of
tributed the infusion into two vessels, one of which was Leeuwenhoek did not convince the adherents to the doc-
closed and the other was left open. After a considerable trine of spontaneous generation of animalcules, and the
time he observed animalcules only in the open vessel [105]. doctrine remained a widely held belief and was supported
Like Leeuwenhoek, he believed that the eggs of animal- by many biologists, such as O.F. Mu«ller, Treviranus, La-
cules were carried by air into the uncovered vessel. John marck, Ku«tzing, and Dujardin far into the 19th century
Turberville Needham (1713^1781) performed similar ex- [27,35,36]. Although cell biologists and histologists pro-
periments, but he used closed and open vessels in which vided more and more examples of organisms that arise
he heated meat extract. In both vessels a dense population from parents and argued by analogy that all living things
of organisms was observed after several days of incuba- were produced in the same way, the doctrine survived in a
tion. Needham repeatedly observed that after heating dif- transformed view. Lamarck believed that spontaneous
ferent kind of infusions and careful closing to avoid con- generation is necessary in order to understand the discon-
tamination from air, innumerable ¢laments swelled from tinuities in fossil records and the evolution from the lower
an internal force and became perfect zoophytes or micro- forms on the escalator of life to the more complex higher
scopic animalcules [106]. He and also Bu¡on concluded organisms [104].
that in each living material is a vegetative force ^ a uni- The spreading of microorganisms through the air was
versal semen that can initiate new life in any organic sub- very often thought to be a source of contamination. F.
stance. Bu¡on developed the idea that vitality is an inde- Schulze [110] gassed heat-sterilized infusions with air
structible property of living things [107]. sucked through concentrated sulfuric acid. No growth of
Abbë Lazzaro Spallanzani (1729^1799) observed in in- organisms was observed until the vessel with the infusion
fusions a sequence of di¡erent animalcules. In numerous was exposed to open air. Felix-Archime©de Pouchet and
experiments, he showed that heating prevents the appear- Hughes Bennet, however, observed growth in the appara-
ance of animalcules in infusions if the £asks are sealed tus described by Schulze. J. Tyndall (1820^1893) noticed
hermetically and the air in the bottle did not contain ani- that the air has to pass slowly through the sulfuric acid;

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otherwise, the gas bubbles could transfer microorganisms. was prejudiced, decided the discussion in favor of Pasteur.
Theodor Schwann (1810^1882) designed an apparatus It was not seriously considered that Pasteur worked with
consisting of a £ask that contained an infusion sterilized yeast extract or other de¢ned media, while Pouchet used
by boiling. Air was conducted through a heated glass tube hay infusions. Pasteur refuted the doctrine of spontaneous
before reaching the infusion. Such £asks kept for 6 weeks generation not only because of the results of his steriliza-
did not show any growth of microorganisms, but after tion experiments, but also because of preconceived ideas
opening the £ask, the infusion became putrid. Schwann that speci¢c fermentations, such as butyric, alcoholic or
concluded that the germs or seeds of infusoria in the air lactic acid fermentation, are caused by speci¢c microor-
were destroyed by heat. In the same apparatus, the £asks ganisms even when no oxygen is present and because of
were ¢lled with boiled sugar solution and yeast. In £asks his anti-materialistic belief in a Creator God [63,64,104,
with unheated air, the sugar was degraded, alcohol was 114^117].
formed, and the yeast cells grew ([35], pp. 86^87). A new The heterogenists and others continued to carry out
principle of air sterilization was introduced by H. di¡erent types of experiments to prove or disprove spon-
Schro«der and T. von Dusch [111]. They ¢ltered air taneous generation [1,27,29,35,104]. Charlton Bastian

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through cotton-wool before passing it through the infu- (1837^1915) was not convinced that germs were trans-
sion. The ¢lter trapped the germs, and no growth was ferred through the atmosphere, and he opposed the theory
observed in the heated infusion. Although these and other that diseases are caused by parasites. His experiments
scientists showed experimentally that no animalcules de- showed that some germs may be much more thermoresis-
veloped in boiled infusions and therefore no spontaneous tant than had been previously supposed. The practice of
generation occurs if the air is free of germs, the number of heating liquids to 115^120³C for sterilization was intro-
opponents did not decrease. duced by Pasteur and Chamberland. Chamberland devel-
One of the opponents was F.A. Pouchet (1800^1872), oped the autoclave and in 1884, a ¢lter made of porous
who began his experiments with the aim of proving spon- porcelain to remove all microbes from water [27,35].
taneous generation. He believed that life was generated by John Tyndall (1820^1893), a great experimenter and in-
a vital force coming from pre-existing living matter (het- genious thinker, was an opponent of spontaneous gener-
erogenesis [27,112]). According to his theory, the main ation. He developed a method to make particles in air
factors of heterogenesis are organic matter, water, access visible using light scattering and compared the infectious-
of air, and a suitable temperature. He repeated the experi- ness of the particle density in air with the growth density
ments of Schwann and Schulze, but obtained contrasting in the culture vessels in his apparatus. He observed that
results. At this time, Louis Pasteur (1822^1895) extracted the `power of air' to develop life in sterile media paralleled
germs from the cotton-wool after ¢ltration of air and ob- its capacity to scatter light. Air from which all particles
served them under the microscope, thereby demonstrating were sedimented was shown to be sterile [118]. He con-
that germs are distributed through air [63]. The presence cluded that air is a carrier of germs. Tyndall observed, as
and distribution of microorganisms in the air was also W. Roberts [119], F. Cohn [76,82], and Eidam [120] did,
studied in Cohn's laboratory. In a simple set-up, air was that neutralized hay infusion withstands long-term boiling.
sucked through a previously sterilized medium. The aer- He concluded that bacteria have phases of development ^
ated medium was incubated at di¡erent temperatures, and one phase is relatively thermolabile and is destroyed by
the growing fungi and bacteria were studied microscopi- heating at 100³C in 5 min, whereas the other phase, which
cally [113]. Mi£et showed that the number and type of was regarded as the germ of the bacterium, is thermore-
microorganisms growing in the aerated media were depen- sistant to boiling temperatures [121]. F. Cohn discovered
dent on the source of air (laboratory, garden, or open in the same year that the heat-resistant phase in the devel-
¢eld). Similar experiments were performed by Pasteur opment of the hay bacillus is the endospore (Fig. 1). He
and coworkers, who showed that air in the mountain re- described the whole life cycle of Bacillus subtilis and the
gion of the Alps at 2000 m altitude contained far fewer formation and germination of endospores by detailed mi-
germs than air in locales in Paris [63,104,114]. Pasteur also croscopy studies [82]. On the basis of his results, Tyndall
concluded that alkaline infusions required a higher tem- elaborated the important method of fractional steriliza-
perature or prolonged periods of boiling to destroy the tion, known today as tyndallization [121]. By this method,
germs than acidic infusions [104,114,115]. In order to vegetative and heat-sensitive stages of bacteria are killed
avoid contamination, but to allow access of air to the by boiling of the suspension. After a certain period, which
infusion, he used £asks with a neck that had been heated is necessary for the heat-resistant germ to pass into a heat-
and pulled out into a capillary and bent several times: the sensitive state, the infusion was boiled a second time. Tyn-
boiled infusion in these £asks remained sterile. The spon- dall determined the time for the interval and the number
taneous-generation proponent Pouchet did not give up. He of repetitions necessary for complete sterilization. The re-
conducted an extensive series of experiments similar to sults of Cohn and Tyndall explained many of the contro-
Pasteur's, but again came up with contrasting results. Fi- versial results of the advocates and opponents of the doc-
nally, a commission of the Academy of Sciences, which trine of spontaneous generation, especially the observation

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that hay infusion, which very often contains heat-resistant cyanobacteria, have a complex phylogenetic structure
spores, resists boiling. [122]. The three groups of organisms ^ eubacteria, arch-
If infusoria are not generated spontaneously from or- aebacteria, and eukaryotes ^ are now generally accepted as
ganic matter, how are they originated and propagated ? major phylogenetic branches of the tree of life. Woese and
After publication of Darwin's The Origin of Species in Fox [99] proposed the progenote as a primitive hypothet-
1859 and the increasing evidence of earlier periods of life ical ancestor of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. However, the
on earth, the concept that organisms share a common unraveling of the true evolutionary relationships of the
origin and subsequently diverged through time was slowly three kingdoms remains a matter of speculation and fur-
adopted by scientists. However, Darwinism revived the ther studies [123^126].
discussion on spontaneous generation, although it was re- Archaebacteria have, besides their own typical features,
stricted to the question of the beginning of life and the markers which are characteristic of eukaryotes or eubac-
origin of microorganisms. In France, Darwinian evolution teria [103,126,127]. It has been discussed whether they are
was regarded as a doctrine allied with the forces that polyphyletic and relatives of Gram-positive bacteria [103].
threatened church and state [104]. Ray Lankester in Eng- Some physiological attributes, e.g. molecules of the photo-

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land believed that abiogenesis was a necessary and integral synthetic apparatus, are distributed throughout taxa that
part of the universal evolution theory [27]. The discussion are phylogenetically not closely related. However, the pho-
on how the archetype of organisms originated on Earth is tosynthetic apparatus seems to have evolved only once
still open. [128^130]; the genetic information for their components
Ernst Haeckel, one of the early propagandists of Dar- possibly spread by lateral transfer to di¡erent phylogenetic
win's theory, constructed various phylogenetic trees of or- groups. Anoxygenic photosynthesis ¢rst developed about
ganisms [31]. Phylogeny, a term coined by Haeckel, is the 3.5 Gyr ago; oxygenic photosynthesis dominated about
attempt to reconstruct the evolutionary history of life. 2 Gyr ago [128,129]. For recent literature on the evolution
Haeckel divided the organisms into three main groups: of microorganisms, see [103,126,131^135].
animals, plants, and protists. Since the knowledge about
bacteria at this time was very meager, Haeckel included
them in the collective term infusoria. Cohn, who likewise 7. The concepts of biological diversity of bacteria
was convinced of the theory of evolution, speculated that
the ¢rst living germs arrived from other planets and that The end products of metabolic processes, such as alco-
all organisms evolved from these primitive organisms ^ hol or lactic acid, have been known since ancient times,
new heritable varieties originated and were separated in but they were not traced back to the activities of microbes.
speci¢c habitats by natural selection. He proposed that In the 19th century, the understanding increased that not
the phycochromaceen were early inhabitants of the Earth unde¢ned vital forces, but organisms can metabolize or-
because of their ability to adapt to extreme habitats, their ganic and inorganic substrates. This insight was based
simple way of reproduction, and the fossil records [76,79^ mainly on the progress in chemical analysis and the ob-
81,84,85]. servation under the microscope of microorganisms in fer-
Over much of the next century, biologists' interest in menting, putrefying, and infectious organic material, and
phylogeny was minimal, but it was rekindled with the was also supported by an increase in rational experimental
accumulation of new phylogenetic data from the ¢eld of analysis in biology.
molecular biology. The development of DNA and RNA
sequence technology and of mathematical methods to 7.1. The organismic and chemical theories of fermentation
compare conserved sequences in rRNA and proteins rev-
olutionized evolutionary and phylogenetic biology, espe- For a long time, chemists dominated who proposed that
cially of bacteria, which developed from an area receiving fermentation is caused by a spontaneous internal transfor-
little attention to one playing a central role in the phylo- mation of organic material ([29], p. 23) or by a `ferment'
genetic tree ¢rst proposed by Carl Woese and coworkers (`Ga«hrungssto¡') [136,137]. Lavoisier quantitatively
[99,100]. The concept of the prokaryotes and the eukary- studied alcoholic fermentation. He concluded that the sug-
otes as two groups of organisms, each of which comprises ar was split into an oxidized portion (carbon dioxide) and
a large evolutionary diversi¢cation [99], was largely con- a reduced portion (alcohol) [138]. Gay-Lussac observed
¢rmed and later extended to a tripartite classi¢cation of that oxygen is necessary to start fermentation, but not
Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya [99,100]. The concept of for its continuation [139]. The hypothesis that fermenta-
Cohn [76,84,86] that cyanophyceae (now cyanobacteria) tion, putrefaction, and contagiousness are the result of
are related to bacteria was supported by the concept of some spontaneous chemical change in the organic matter
the prokaryotic cell [98]. Cyanobacteria were recognized as or tissues (microzymas) and that microorganisms are just a
one of the nearly 20 main lines of descent in the domain of product but not the causative agent of disease and fermen-
Bacteria [101]. The phylum cyanobacteria and the chloro- tation [35] was proposed by Liebig [136,137] and Bëchamp
plasts, which were proposed to derive from endosymbiotic [140].

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Yeast was considered by Berzelius as a catalyst, like plants by Jan Ingenhousz (1730^1799) and Nicolas Thëo-
platinum, which was not transformed during fermentation. dore de Saussure (1767^1845) [148^150]. The term auto-
Liebig postulated that the `ferment' is produced from trophy was introduced by Wilhelm Pfe¡er [7]. Ingenhousz
`Kleber' (gluten) by oxidation with the oxygen from water showed that plants in the presence of light absorb carbon
[136,137]. G.V.M. Fabbroni [141] suggested that the de- dioxide and liberate oxygen and that the CO2 is used for
composition of sugar during fermentation is caused, in nutrition [148,149]. Saussure determined quantitatively the
absence of oxygen, by a vegetative-albumenoid substance. increase of the plant dry weight and the decrease of CO2
Caniard de la Tour (1777^1859), Theodor A.H. during the day in correlation with the light intensity, and
Schwann (1810^1882) and Traugott Ku«tzing (1807^1893) he observed that during the night, oxygen is consumed
were the ¢rst to propose independently of each other that and CO2 is released [150]. Liebig, Boussinggault, and
alcoholic fermentation is a biological process and that Sachs studied the nutritional physiology of plants grown
yeast is a reproducing, living thing (sugar fungus, Saccha- in a pure mineral solution [19,151]. The term photosyn-
romyces) [142^144]. Schwann and Ku«tzing described yeast thesis for the light-induced assimilation of CO2 was coined
in detail. Liebig and Wo«hler anonymously published a late in the 19th century. Research on oxygenic (oxygen-

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persi£age of the theory of fermentation caused by living producing) photosynthesis increased very slowly, yielding
cells [Annalen der Pharmazie 24 (1839) 100]. In a serious some important results in the middle of the last century
article, Liebig [137] described fermentation, putrefaction, (e.g. chloroplasts as the site of photosynthesis, and starch
and decomposition as processes attributed to the instabil- as the product [151]), and culminated in the 1960s with the
ity of certain substances, which are able to communicate discovery of the CO2 -¢xation cycle, the water-splitting sys-
their instability to other substances in succession. He tem in photosystem II, and the generation of the proton-
called these unstable, nitrogen-containing substances `fer- motive force by light-driven electron transport [152]. After
ment', which he believed arose as a modi¢cation of a the discovery of photosynthetic CO2 ¢xation, it was be-
vegetable saccharine solution exposed to air; the fermen- lieved that oxygen is generated by the splitting of CO2 ; the
tation continued in the absence of air. The chemist Mitch- origin of oxygen from water was not discovered before
erlich concluded from his own observation that yeast is 1941 [153].
essential for fermentation, but acts by contact, following Autotrophy and photosynthesis were discovered much
the catalytic theory of Berzelius [145]. later in bacteria than in plants and algae. For many dec-
Louis Pasteur (1822^1885) took a great step forward in ades, CO2 ¢xation was assumed to be restricted to plants
research on fermentation by studying not only the sub- [76]. Pigmented, bacteriochlorophyll (bacteriopurpurin)-
strate and the products of growth and fermentation, but containing bacteria have been described since the 1830s
also the organisms in the fermentation broth. He investi- by Cohn, Ehrenberg, Esmarch, Perty, Warming, Winog-
gated the formation of lactic, butyric, acetic, and tartaric radsky, Zopf and others [38,76,81,92,154^157]. Wilhelm
acids and of alcohol [64,114^117] and observed anaerobic Engelmann (1843^1909) investigated the in£uence of
life by butyric acid fermentation [64]. In the book Etudes the quantity and quality of light on the movement (photo-
sur la Bie©re [116], Pasteur summarized and extended his kinesis) and phototaxis of these bacteria [155^157]. He
work on fermentation and life without oxygen. The mod- was the ¢rst to conclude from growth experiments with
ern view that yeast might ferment sugar through the pro- these bacteria under anoxic conditions in the light that
duction of a soluble ferment or enzyme was proposed as the `purple schizomycetes' assimilate CO2 like the green
early as 1858 by Moritz Traube [146]. Finally in 1897, plants and that they are able to transform the absorbed
Eduard Buchner (1860^1907) isolated `zymase' from yeast light energy into chemical energy [157]. Twenty years
juice which catalyzed the formation of alcohol from sugar passed before the anoxygenic type of bacterial photosyn-
[147]. He opened the door to the fruitful studies of the thesis was con¢rmed by Molisch [154]. Engelmann was not
biochemistry of enzymes, cofactors, and enzymatic pro- sure because he had contradictory results and was possibly
cesses in the 20th century. convinced that oxygen liberation is connected with CO2
This short overview on the history of fermentation assimilation.
shows that the concepts of catalysis and species-speci¢c In 1877, T. Schloesing and A. Mu«ntz observed the bac-
metabolic capacities of microorganisms, experimentally terial oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and nitrate. R. War-
proved by new analytical and microbiological methods, ington found that this is a two-step process. Nikolaevitch
paved the way for modern research of this ¢eld. The multi- Winogradsky (1856^1953) isolated the nitrifying bacteria
tude of theories, their controversial discussion, and new and discovered that the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite by
experimental approaches accelerated the progress. Nitrosomonas and the oxidation of nitrite to nitrate by
Nitrobacter yielded free chemical energy, a process which
7.2. Autotrophy, chemolithotrophy, and phototrophy has been named chemolithotrophy [95^97]. He also ob-
served that these bacteria can grow with CO2 as the
Autotrophy, i.e. growth of organisms with carbon diox- only carbon source. Thus, these bacteria are chemoli-
ide as the only carbon source, was discovered in green thoautotrophs.

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Cohn described the presence of hydrogen sul¢de in stag- into ammonia and other compounds and assimilate am-
nant water bodies and the formation and degradation of monia as nitrogen source [76].
sulfur droplets in Beggiatoa (Fig. 2). Erroneously he con-
cluded that Beggiatoa is responsible for the synthesis of 7.3.1. Bacteria as contagion
H2 S [66]. The oxidation of hydrogen sul¢de to sulfur and The process of putridity was more and more associated
sulfuric acid under microaerophilic conditions in Beggia- with the idea of sepsis as a cause of septicemia, pyemia,
toa was demonstrated by Winogradsky [158]. The reduc- and putrid infection. B. Gaspard administered putrid ma-
tion of sulfate to sul¢de by Bacterium desulfuricans was terial to experimental animals and observed the develop-
¢rst described by M. Beijerinck [159]. ment of symptoms. The nature of pyemia and septicemia,
In 1885, H. Hellriegel (1831^1895) and H. Wilfarth dis- however, remained a mystery [35]. The pathological e¡ects
covered the ¢xation of dinitrogen in root nodules of legu- of putrid infections on the cellular level were described by
minous plants, and they showed that the combined nitro- Virchow [167]. He and other scientists studied the e¡ect of
gen compounds formed in the nodules were supplied to dose on the symptoms of septic shock, intoxication, ab-
the plants. The causative bacteria were isolated and de- scesses, and cytopathic modi¢cations of tissues [36,166^

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scribed by Beijerinck [160]. The reduction of N2 to ammo- 168]. Koch [14,69] investigated the histology of infected
nia by the free-living, aerobic bacterium Azotobacter tissues, and he examined with a microscope ¢tted with
chroococcum was shown by Beijerinck and van Delden an oil-immersion lens system and an Abbe condenser the
[161,162], and dinitrogen ¢xation by the anaerobic bacte- germs in slide preparations stained with aniline colors. He
rium Clostridium pasteurianum was discovered by Winog- stressed that each type of infection resulted in a character-
radsky [163]. Dinitrogen ¢xation by phototrophic bacteria istic histological picture caused by the microorganisms
was detected in cyanobacteria by G.E. Fogg in 1942 and speci¢c for the illness; the bacterial causative agent had
in purple bacteria by H. Gest in 1950. These important to be isolated from the tissue [14]. Several scientists, such
results and the progress in the analysis of fermentation as E.v. Bergmann (1868), Hiller (1879), and Blumberg
and oxidation/reduction processes led to modern concepts (1885), were opponents of the germ theory of putrefaction
of metabolism in the 20th century, e.g. the unifying theory and proposed that putrefaction is caused by toxic com-
of microbial metabolism proposed by Albert J. Kluyver pounds [35,36]. The observation of vibriones (Treponema
[164,165]. pallidum) in syphilitic pus and Trichomonas vaginalis in the
vagina by Donnë, the detection of the anthrax bacillus by
7.3. Putrefaction and pathogenicity of bacteria, and C.J. Davaine [169], the description of a mold, called Bo-
immunology trytis bassiana (Beauveria) as a causative agent of a silk-
worm disease by A.M. Bassi [170], and other observations
Putrefaction was always observed as a process of decay motivated Jacob Henle (1840) to reactivate the germ
of organic material, a source of unpleasant odor, and a theory of disease and to study infectious diseases [62].
possible cause of disease in man and animals. The exact This was at about the same time that Pasteur's studies
nature of the putrid process was, however, for a long time revealed speci¢c microorganisms as the causative agents
a matter of speculation because no experimental approach of di¡erent fermentations.
was available [1,14,35,36,166]. In the second part of the The numerous cholera epidemics, the observations of
19th century, growth experiments using selected and de- Davaine on anthrax, of Traube (1864) and E.K. Klebs
¢ned media with cultures of microorganisms enriched in (1869) on urethritis and nephritis, of Rind£eisch (1869)
one species revealed that microorganisms have speci¢c, on a¡ections in the heart muscle, the demonstration of
inheritable features for the production of pigments or fer- Borrelia recurrentis only during an attack of fever in the
mentation products or for the oxidation of inorganic com- blood of patients su¡ering from relapsing fever by
pounds. Putrefaction was traced back to the activity of O. Obermeier [171], and other observations on infected
bacteria able to decompose nitrogen-containing organic tissues [172] stimulated E. Hallier (1831^1904) to isolate
material. The standpoint of Liebig, that putrefaction is a and cultivate germs from infected tissues in his culture
rearrangement of molecules, was refuted [76,116]. Four glass [173,174]. Unfortunately he interpreted the germs,
possibilities for the mechanism of putrefaction were dis- isolated from humans and animals infected by cholera,
cussed by Cohn [76]: (i) bacteria assimilate proteins and typhus, gonorrhea, diphtheria, and pox virus, as forms
transform them into their own cell material ; (ii) bacteria of fungi (polymorphism). This incorrect interpretation
produce and excrete a ferment-like compound which sol- was rejected by the mycologists de Bary and Brefeld and
ubilizes and decomposes protein (like barley grains, which bacteriologists such as Cohn, Rind£eisch, and Burdon-
produce diastase, which splits starch into sugar); and (iii Sanderson [35,36]. In spite of the inconsistent results of
and iv) bacteria oxidize or reduce protein enzymatically the numerous observations, the view that bacteria and
with oxidizing or reducing ferments. It was concluded other microorganisms may be the causative agents of the
that pigmented bacteria or other bacteria split protein diseases received increasing consent ([36], pp. 86^103).
molecules after uptake directly or by excreted ferments The crucial experiments showing that one distinctive

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species causes a speci¢c infectious disease were performed infectious diseases. By repeated passages of pathogenic
by Robert Koch (1843^1910). The decision to select an- germs on arti¢cial media at high temperatures (42³C), in
thrax for the ¢rst series of experiments was fortunate be- non-host animals, or in speci¢c tissues, they obtained bac-
cause the infected tissues contain numerous bacilli (Bacil- teria with attenuated virulence. These attenuated cultures
lus anthracis). Koch isolated the bacteria from an animal were used to inoculate animals or humans. The vaccinated
that died of anthrax and set up cultures in a moist cham- individuals were shown to be resistant to the virulent
ber, where the growth, division, and sporulation of the strains of fowl cholera, anthrax, swine erysipelas, or rabies
bacilli were observed with the microscope and documented [183^186].
by microphotography, which was developed by Koch [12].
In the decisive experiment, it was shown that B. anthracis, 7.3.3. Disinfection
isolated from the diseased animal, and not Bacillus subtilis, The observation that carbolic acid inhibits growth of
caused anthrax in mice. Koch wrote to Cohn, who was at microorganisms and the formation of pus in wounds
this time an internationally recognized authority in bac- [187] and the numerous observations that microorganisms
teriology, that he would like to demonstrate his results in cause fermentation, putrefaction, and infections stimulated

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Cohn's laboratory. The demonstration of his decisive re- Joseph Lister (1827^1912) to develop the antiseptic system
sults in Cohn's laboratory in Breslau in the presence of [188,189]. He worked out procedures for treating wounds
Julius Cohnheim and Carl Weigert, both pathologists in with phenolic compounds that were generally accepted
Breslau, was an important step in the progress of infec- and introduced into the medical practice after a long peri-
tious biology and the ¢rst proof that distinct bacterial od of uncertainty. Koch and others tested many other
species can cause a disease with typical symptoms. The disinfectants [190,191].
results were published [94] after Cohn's article on the spor-
ulation of B. subtilis [82] in the journal Beitra«ge zur Biol- 7.3.4. Immunology
ogie der P£anzen, founded by Cohn. The experimental From studies on the interactions of warm-blooded
proof of infectious disease, later described as Koch's pos- bodies with inoculated parasites and the successful ¢ght
tulates, was the beginning of modern medical microbiol- against infectious diseases, research in the large ¢eld of
ogy [13,35,36]. The postulates comprise the isolation of the immunology was initiated and the theories of humoral
microorganism from the infected tissues, the growth of the and cellular immunity were developed [29,35]. E. Metch-
microorganism in pure culture using the plate and slide niko¡ (1845^1916) studied phagocytosis [192], and E. von
technique [69,175], the improved methods of observation Behring (1854^1917) and S. Kitasato (1852^1931) detected
using microscopy, staining and documentation of the bac- the antitoxins against infections of Clostridium tetani and
teria [10,12,175], the achievement of the typical symptoms Corynebacterium diphtheriae [193]. Paul Ehrlich (1854^
of the disease by inoculation of the isolated bacteria into a 1915) published important articles on toxins and antitox-
sensitive host [176^178], and the isolation of the same ins and their standardization and on the speci¢city of anti-
microorganism from the newly infected host. The ¢rst bodies against antigens [194,195]. The extreme complexity
success was followed by the discovery of Mycobacterium of the immune system was revealed at the end of the 19th
tuberculosis as the causative agent of tuberculosis century.
[177,178]; of Corynebacterium diphtheriae, which causes
the toxigenic disease diphtheria [179]; and of Vibrio cho-
lerae, which causes cholera [180]. A. Ogston, using Koch's 8. The achievements of Ferdinand Cohn
technique to isolate and determine the number of micro-
cocci in pus, cultivated cocci in glass cells with Cohn's or Ferdinand Cohn was born on January 24, 1828 in Bres-
Pasteur's £uid under oxic or anoxic conditions and con- lau, now Wroclaw, into a Jewish family. His life-long
cluded that Streptococcus (Rosenbach) and Staphylococcus interest in history and the classical languages Latin and
cause in£ammation and suppuration [181,182]. Rosenbach Greek was born during his education at the Maria Mag-
[172] subdivided the genus Staphylococcus into species. In dalena Gymnasium (Fig. 3). After the ¢nal examination at
summary, the development of several new techniques and this Gymnasium he began his studies of natural sciences
the concept that speci¢c infectious diseases are caused by with the main subject botany in Breslau in 1844 (Fig. 4).
distinct species of bacteria having inheritable virulence Cohn continued his studies from 1846 to 1849 in Berlin
factors were the prerequisite for placing research on the because his application for admission to the doctoral ex-
etiology of infectious diseases on a valid scienti¢c ground. amination at the university in Breslau was refused because
of his Jewish faith. He received his doctoral degree in
7.3.2. Control of infectious diseases Berlin on November 13, 1847 at the age of 19. In 1849,
While Koch and his coworkers and disciples were con- Cohn returned to Breslau full of ideas for studying devel-
centrating on the isolation and characterization of para- opmental cell biology, especially of lower plants and mi-
sitic and saprophytic bacteria, the French school under the croorganisms by means of microscopy methods. He com-
guidance of Pasteur was directed toward the prevention of pleted his Habilitation (second dissertation) in October

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Fig. 3. Maria-Magdalenen Gymnasium in Breslau at 1867, the high school of Ferdinand Cohn, destroyed during World War II, now replaced by a
hotel opposite the Maria-Magdalenen church. From: Unbekanntes Portra«t einer Stadt, catalogue of an exhibition, by Iwona Binkowska and Marzena
Smolak, translated by Jerzy Pasieka, Muzeum historyczne we Wroclawiu, Ratusz wroclawski 1997.

1850, became a lecturer (auMerplanma«Miger Professor) on June 25, 1898 (Fig. 9). The details of his career have been
April 2, 1857, and an associate professor on July 30, 1859. described recently [79,196].
He married Pauline Reichenbach in 1866, and was ap- Cohn contributed to a broad ¢eld of topics in biology.
pointed full professor on April 17, 1872 (Fig. 5). In His reserve in self-representation and his modesty may be
1866, he founded the Institute of Plant Physiology and the reason why his name is at the present time much less
established a research group (Fig. 6). A new building for known than that of Koch and Pasteur. Cohn's major ¢eld
plant physiology, a herbarium, and a museum of botany during his studies in Breslau and Berlin was botany. In
were constructed in the botanical garden of the university Berlin he received a decisive intellectual stimulus for his
and were opened in 1888 (Figs. 7 and 8). Cohn died on subsequent research. His studies on plant cells and on the

Fig. 4. The main building of the university of Breslau (north side), alma mater Viadrina, founded by Leopold III, picture taken about 1867, published
in, see Fig. 3.

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Fig. 5. Letter of appointment of Ferdinand Cohn as full professor. Text translated: Your Honorable is informed by order of the Mr. Minister of Intel-
lectual A¡airs, most devoted, that in instance of the philosophical faculty your Majesty, the emperor and king has signi¢ed his pleasure, to appoint you
as full professor in the philosophical faculty of this university. With my best congratulations, I send herewith the at April 17 by his majesty accom-
plished appointment, and request you, for the purpose of an imprint, to give the carrier 15 Sgr. You will receive a further order for the suitable in-
crease of your salary. To the royal professor of the university, Mr. Dr. Ferdinand Cohn, right honourable. Transcript of the order is herewith commu-
nicated to the philosophical faculty by order of the Mr. Minister of Intellectual A¡airs with regard to the proposal of the 13th March. The royal
curator of the university Con¢dential councillor and president.

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244 G. Drews / FEMS Microbiology Reviews 24 (2000) 225^249

mental stages of approximately 90 plants should be ob-

served and documented by volunteers throughout the year
at di¡erent places in Silesia. Cohn reported and coordi-
nated the registered changes in the vegetation for many
years [202]. Cohn published important contributions on
the movement of plants induced by external stimuli (light,
chemical, and mechanical) [203^208].
Cohn's comprehensive knowledge in many ¢elds of bi-
ology was combined with a deep interest in history and
art. Cohn felt obliged to mediate knowledge of natural
sciences to a wide audience. He was convinced that edu-
cation in natural sciences was as important as training in
cultural sciences and that scienti¢c thoughts are important
not only for scientists, but also for the general public to

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open their minds. He stressed and practised this idea dur-
ing his entire life. All those who listened to him were im-
pressed by his gifted, clear, rhetorical, and brilliant speech.
His popular description of a broad spectrum of botanical
knowledge was combined in the collected lectures on
plants, which was published in 1882, and in a second,
revised edition in 1897 [209]. The article on `Plants in
the ¢ne arts' [210] presents a retrospect on the description
of plants in art and science during several epochs. In 1856
he gave a lecture in Berlin on the history of gardens.

Fig. 6. The only room with windows of the Institute of Plant Physiol-
ogy, founded in 1866 by Cohn in an old building of the university. On
the right side in the foreground the sea water aquarium, a kind of en-
richment culture, from which many bacteria and protozoa have been
isolated and described; in the background F. Cohn with his coworkers.
From [214].

development and sexuality of algae and fungi established

his early distinction in the scienti¢c community [18,20^
25,56,57,65]. The leading role of Cohn in the evolution
of the principles of modern bacterial taxonomy was de-
scribed in Sections 4.1 and 5 [66,76,79,81,84^86] and his
comprehensive studies of bacterial physiology were de-
tailed in Section 7 [65,66,76,82,85]. In addition, Cohn
was an important promoter of applied microbiology. He
gave lectures in agricultural botany, advised farmers on
the diagnosis and treatment of plant diseases caused by
fungal infections, became a pioneer in the analysis of
water as one possible source of infectious diseases, and
described in detail the damage to trees by hurricanes
and lightning [80,197^200].
In 1875 on the 50th anniversary of the doctorate of his
mentor Professor Go«ppert, Cohn initiated the work on the
£ora of cryptogams in Silesia and then published the work
in several volumes between 1877 and 1908 [201]. In the
`Schlesische Gesellschaft fu«r Vaterla«ndische Kultur' (the
Silesian Society of National Culture), a type of academy
in which he served as the secretary of the botanical section Fig. 7. The new Institute of Plant Physiology and Museum of Botany,
for more than 30 years, it was decided that the develop- opened 29 April 1888. Photographed 25 June 1998.

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One of the postulates that Cohn defended during his

oral doctoral examination was the need for an Institute
of Plant Physiology. During his academic career, he never
neglected this goal, but the realization was impeded by
many obstacles. By his continuous e¡ort, he was allowed
in 1866 to use several empty and dark rooms in the old
convent of the university located in the center of the town
to set up a laboratory of plant physiology (Fig. 6). By
di¤cult and continuous negotiations with the ministers
of agriculture and culture, he received a small amount of
¢nancial support for the costs of the equipment, lighting,
sanitary installation, and the salary of a technician. Very
often, Cohn himself laid out the money and was reim-
bursed after many months [211^213]. Many students and

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scientists came from abroad to study with him and many
of these students later obtained leading positions. The in-
adequacy of rooms for research and teaching and the need
for a museum of botany ¢nally led, after many years of
planning and discussion, to a successful proposal for a
new building, which was opened with a ceremony on April
29, 1888. The new building, located in the botanical gar-
den, contained the herbarium and the museum, a lecture
room, the Institute of Plant Physiology with laboratories
and the library, the o¤ce for the director of the botanical
garden, and apartments for employees [213]. The building
is still in use (Fig. 7).

Fig. 9. Gravesite of Ferdinand Cohn and his wife Pauline Cohn in the
Jewish Cemetery in Breslau (Wroclaw). The German and Polish texts of
the inscription on the tablet translate as follows: Ferdinand Julius
Cohn, 1828^1898. Botanist and Microbiologist, Pioneer in Modern Mi-
crobiology and the Taxonomy of Microorganisms, Founder of the Insti-
tute of Plant Physioloy of the University of Breslau (1866), Promoter of
Robert Koch. On the 100th Anniversary of his Death on June 25, 1998
in Breslau. Vereinigung fu«r Allgemeine und Angewandte Mikrobiologie,
Deutsche Gesellschaft fu«r Hygiene und Mikrobiologie, und Gesellschaft
fu«r Virologie, Muzeum Historyczne we Wroclawin.

From the beginning of his career, Cohn communicated

with many of his contemporaries by letter and by personal
contact during meetings and private journeys [214]. Dur-
ing the last decade of his life, when he was no longer at the
forefront of science, he published articles on historical
aspects and overview articles, e.g. on Tabaschir or man-
dragora [215], the history of botany and botanical gardens
[216^218], Caspar Schwenckfeld [219], and Laurentius
Scholz von Rosenau [220]. Cohn was honored by numer-
ous distinctions from academies, societies, universities, and
his home town Breslau. The German Society of Hygiene
and Microbiology awarded a Ferdinand Cohn medal in
the 1980s. His great personality and his important work
have been illuminated in several articles [35,79,196,212,
Cohn was a personality molded by an education in clas-
Fig. 8. Ferdinand Cohn (from [214]). sical art. His Jewish faith and his modesty led him to

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avoid political activities, although as a student he partici- Sphaeroplea annulina. Monatsber. K. Akad. Wissensch. Berlin, pp.
pated actively in the 1848 revolution in Berlin. His sus- ë ber Stephanosphaera pluvialis.
[23] Cohn, F. and Wichura, M. (1856) U
tained importance in biology was in two ¢elds: the sex- Acad. Caes. Leopold. Nova Acta 26, 3^31.
uality and development of lower plants and the concept [24] Cohn, F. (1855) U ë ber das Geschlecht der Algen. Jahrb. Schles. Ges.
that bacteria are organisms with distinct, heritable charac- Vaterl. Kultur 33, 95^105.
teristics. He proposed principles of bacterial taxonomy, [25] Cohn, F. (1856) Beobachtungen u«ber den Bau und die Fortp£anzung
von Volvox globator. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Bot.) 5, 323^332.
knowing that at his time the methodical means to elabo-
[26] Cohn, F. (1875) Die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Gattung Volvox.
rate a modern taxonomy on a phylogenetic basis were not Beitr. Biol. P£anz. 1, 93^115.
available. Cohn discovered the development and heat re- [27] Farley, J. (1977) The Spontaneous Generation Controversy from
sistance of bacterial endospores. Descartes to Oparin. John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.
[28] Mayr, E. (1982) The Growth of Biological Thought. Harvard Uni-
versity Press, Cambridge, MA.
[29] Lechevalier, H.A. and Solotorovsky, M. (1965) Three Centuries of
Microbiology. McGraw-Hill, New York.

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[54] Brefeld, O. (1872) Botanische Untersuchungen u«ber Schimmelpilze. [84] Cohn, F. (1866) U ë ber die Physiologie und Systematik der Oscillari-
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