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the individual members of the group,

Multidimensional Poverty would inevitably violate basic principles
of rationality or axioms. This academic
as an Instrument of purity of social scientists—forcing them
to be non-judgemental in many situa-
Programmatic Intervention tions demanding immediate interven-
tion—has happily been questioned by
Amartya Sen and Mahbub ul-Haq as
Amitabh Kundu, P C Mohanan they have ventured into ranking coun-
tries based on their levels of human de-

Conceptual and operational ood news has come, belatedly velopment. One can now see a number
issues for constructing though, from the NITI Aayog of national and global organisations
that the percentage of the multi- coming out with multidimensional indi-
multidimensional poverty indices
dimensionally poor in India has gone ces, an important one being MPI. Its ap-
in India are discussed and the down rapidly from 25% to 15%, resulting plication at global, national, and even
possibilities of its application in 135 million people exiting the poverty subregional level suggests that policy
for strategic interventions are trap from 2015–16 to 2019–21. Belated, planners and administrators are willing
because the Oxford Poverty and Human to shake off strict theoretical constraints
examined in this article. It argues
Development Initiative (OPHI)–United in formulating policies and programmes.
that questions concerning the Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Questions have been raised about the
selection of indicators, data had indicated a similar decline in poverty MPI also in the context of the subjectivities
sources, weightages, threshold for India in its Global Multidimensional involved in the selection of indicators,
Poverty Index report, released in October their scaling, and assignment of weight-
limits, etc, have to be addressed
2022, based on the same data set with ages. The suitability of the indicators in
through a consultative process, similar indicators and methodology the OHPI–UNDP report in Indian condi-
keeping it above the short-term (OPHI–UNDP 2022). It had noted that tions, even after the modifications as
politics of the regime. about 139 million people got out of pov- proposed in the NITI Aayog (2023) re-
erty and the rate of reduction in poverty port, has been contentious. Achieving
during the period was higher than that consensus on these issues is a humon-
during the preceding decade. gous challenge. One must, however, note
The multidimensional poverty index that there have been serious questions
(MPI)—computed by multiplying the raised regarding income/consumption-
headcount ratio of the poor with the in- based poverty measures relating to the
tensity of deprivation of the poor—has choice of prices, basket of goods and ser-
come down from 0.117 to 0.066 during vices, discrepancies in the data on con-
the five-year period as per the national sumption expenditure from the NSS and
report, the corresponding figures in the National Income Accounts, etc. More im-
OPHI–UNDP report being 0.122 and 0.069. portantly, these measures have been
Given the controversy on the poverty criticised for not considering health, ed-
figures computed based on the con- ucation, and physical assets.
sumption expenditure and non-availa- Also, in the absence of consumption
bility of this data from the National expenditure data for recent years, re-
Sample Survey (NSS) for any recent year, searchers and administrators have been
the sharp reduction in MPI is likely to be using other data sets with questionable
a significant evidence of the performance validity or have extrapolated household
of the present government. expenditure using simplistic assumptions.
Understandably, the use of demographic
Theoretical Scepticism data that are considered more robust,
There is scepticism among the econo- for assessing people’s vulnerabilities,
mists in using the MPI in development emerges as the second-best solution. It is
planning which can be traced back to in this context that the usage of MPI as
Amitabh Kundu ( the impossibility theorem of Kenneth J an instrument of intervention gains
is professor emeritus, L J University, Arrow which stipulates that the ranking importance. The discussion on contex-
Ahmedabad. P C Mohanan (pcmohanan@ of alternatives—economic or geographic tualisation of the indicators or making is a former member of the states—reflecting the collective preference them more policy-linked would be endless
National Statistical Commission.
of any group, based on the rankings of and come in the way of MPI becoming a
18 AUGUST 19, 2023 vol lViii no 33 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

tool, along with consumption expendi- the household members will be deprived The elaboration of the methodology
ture-based poverty measures, for policy of the positive externalities that arise in the NITI Aayog report unfortunately
intervention or resource allocation. This, from having a formally educated child” creates some confusion which was
in fact, can lead to throwing the baby (NITI Aayog 2023). Similarly, the death of avoidable. It is important to state that
away with the bathwater. Given the fact a child, women not having antenatal the unit of measurement adopted for
that the MPI indicators cover all the care for delivery, or their being malnour- computation is the household, although
three dimensions of human develop- ished are proxy indicators for the health the person-specific information of the
ment and the information base used has of the entire household. The question is: NFHS-5 is used for this purpose in many
generally been considered robust, it How should we determine the depriva- cases, as stated in Section 2.8 of the
makes sense to plead for its greater usage tion score for the household when such report. Section 2.4, however, gives a
in the policy domain. proxies are not available? Should we, for different impression while discussing
It is a matter of some satisfaction that, example, assume that in a family, which the identification of the poor at the
despite the criticism of this institutional has clear manifestation of all-round dep- individual level and aggregating their
database from the highest levels in the rivation based on available information deprivation scores, as reflected in the
recent months, the NITI Aayog has chosen but had no child born in the last five following paragraph:
to use the National Family Health years, the mother would have received Each individual (and in extension everyone
Survey-5 (NFHS-5) to compute the MPI. the desired antenatal care, if a child was in the same household), is first marked as
It, however, does not mean that the MPI born? Many of the indicators, particularly deprived (denoted by 1) or not deprived (de-
noted by 0) in each of the indicators based
represents the ultimate depiction of dep- covering the aspects of health and educa- on their achievement (or lack thereof) in the
rivation. The figures must be compared tion of women and children, would be respective first order cutoffs for each indica-
and cross-checked with a host of other applicable to only a segment of the total tor. (NITI Aayog 2023: 13)
socio-economic indicators and one must households. Would it then be right to as- Section 2.4 elaborates this further by
be conscious of its different implications sume that a household is non-deprived giving an example of two individuals, A
in different regions and for different in an indicator when it is non-applicable and B. A is an 18-year-old individual who
strategic interventions. Hopefully, re- or information on this is not available? has three years of schooling and hence
searchers within and outside the gov- Would it not be more appropriate to assign does not meet the first order cut-off
ernment will analyse the trends and the average derivation score of the house- (six years of schooling for at least one
patterns of the MPI emerging from the hold, computed using information on eligible person).
NITI Aayog report in the coming days, available indicators, to the rest of the in- Therefore, A is considered deprived in the
focusing on their usability in the policy dicators? Interestingly, both the global indicator for years of schooling and assigned
a score of 1 …. Conversely, individual B has 7
domain. This indeed can be a useful tool and national reports consider the house- years of schooling and is 12 years old, there-
to analyse the pattern of backwardness holds to be non-deprived in such cases, fore, B is assigned a score of 0 for the indicator
and deprivation at the district level, con- thereby underestimating poverty. on years of schooling (NITI Aayog 2023: 13).
sidering it alongside other indicators, Moreover, a household is considered Unfortunately, it fails to mention that
including those of income/consumption multidimensionally poor (assigned a score this classification would not be valid,
poverty, if available. 0, if non-deprived and 1, if deprived, for if both belong to the same household,
each indicator) only if its weighted sum since in that case, even A, the deprived
Methodological and Operational of deprivation scores is more than a child, would be considered non-deprived.
Issues for Policymakers third of the total possible score. The The global methodology states it clearly
A few methodological issues are, how- weights assigned to the 10 indicators, that all individuals within a household
ever, important at this point for the con- covering the dimensions of health, edu- get the same score on every indicator,
sideration of policymakers at the global cation, and physical well-being in the which is what has possibly been adopted
and the national level. It is surprising OPHI–UNDP report (12, in the case of the in the NITI Aayog report. One can then
that the methodology section in the NITI NITI Aayog report), are such that these define the poverty headcount as the pro-
Aayog report does not mention with suf- add up to 1. The maximum score possible portion of the population that lives in the
ficient clarity that although the NFHS-5 when a household is deprived in all dimen- poor households to the total population
data for many dimensions are at the in- sions should then be 1, obtained through in a country or region.
dividual level, it is the household which weighted aggregation of its deprivation
gets identified as multidimensionally poor. scores. Is that really the case at the Selection of Indicators
Non-attendance of a child in schools ground level? Many of the indicators, The most important issue is the selection
does not simply imply deprivation for such as those related to children and of the indicators by the NITI Aayog. It
the child but is emblematic of greater women, in specific age groups, would not may be noted that this report has two
“deprivation being experienced by the be applicable to households that do not additional indicators and the high scores
household that acts as an impediment to have them. Migrant households that do in these two due to the current policy
the education of the child. Furthermore, not have cooking arrangements would thrust on them reduce the overall pov-
because the child is not attending school, not use primary sources of fuel. erty in the country. The argument has
Economic & Political Weekly EPW AUGUST 19, 2023 vol lViii no 33 19

been that these additional indicators are applicability of MPI in monitoring devel- Drèze that a household, deprived in any
not at par with other indicators in the opment or welfare programmes. single indicator, must be considered poor,
context of the physical well-being of the Interestingly, at the district level, one one can argue that a certain specific
poor. The indicators pertain to maternal observes the MPI going up for a very few indicator may be considered critical for
health and bank account. The number of districts between 2019 and 2021. This a decent human living and any deficit in
households reporting deprivation in ma- can happen if the districts had a huge that cannot be compensated by other in-
ternal health is not very large since the inflow of migrants. In three districts of dicators. This criticality can be built into
households that had a childbirth in the Delhi, for example, the MPI values have the MPI so that those deprived in terms
last five years would be small. The other gone up. In most such cases, the primary of this indicator are counted as poor,
households would automatically be con- cause of change in the wrong direction even if their deprivation scores are much
sidered as non-deprived. The households could be sampling variations. Survey- below the threshold level in other indi-
with bank accounts are an indicator based indicators are unlikely to include cators. The emphasis on nutritional defi-
where the deprivation would be much the migrant population (living at the ciency in both the national and global
less. The holding of a bank account is not worksite, camps or are homeless) and reports suggests that this could be a pos-
strongly correlated with economic well- more importantly, there has been a de- sible indicator. This would then address
being, particularly when a large number cline in migration to Delhi from other the criticism that the MPI does not
of these accounts are non-operational. It states in the recent decades. exhibit a short-term variation in well-
would be important to have some dis- A real concern regarding the survey being, unlike consumption poverty.
cussion on whether these two can be estimates at the district level is their The greater use of the MPI in the policy
considered at par with other indicators statistical robustness. The NFHS-5 cov- domain for certain strategic interventions
of physical well-being in the MPI. ered around six lakh households cover- and resource allocation at the state- and
Both the national and global reports ing 707 districts. Though the sample size district-level appears to be desirable. A
are making big news for announcing sig- is much larger than other national-level strong political consensus is required for
nificant reductions in poverty. It may, surveys like the NSS, all modules are not this purpose. There would, however, be
however, be argued that the design of canvassed in every household but only several operational issues regarding the
the MPI is such that the possibility of an to a subsample of households. Incidenc- change of indicators, their data sources
increase over time is limited. The values es like childbirth or child/adolescent and weightages that may crop up from
of the indicators pertaining to the stand- deaths are somewhat rare and estimates time to time. These would have to be ad-
ard of living, assessed through access to based on information from a small num- dressed through a consultative process.
drinking water, cooking fuel, bank ac- ber of households would not have statis- The success will depend on keeping this
counts, housing, electricity, etc, are likely tical robustness. The poverty estimates above the short-term politics in a regime.
to only go up over time, unlike income based on these in the case of many dis-
or consumption expenditure-based pov- tricts are likely to have a high standard References
erty indicators. A household having error and hence low reliability and Drèze, Jean (2022): “Recent Claims of Spectacular
these would generally not let it go. A cross-sectional comparability. Poverty Decline under the Modi Government
Miss the Plot,” Indian Express, https://indian-
similar trend is expected in the indica-
tors of education as well. Only the indi- Concluding Remarks ty-decline-modi-government-8286210/.
The final point is about censoring of pov- NITI Aayog (2023): “National Multidimensional
cators on nutrition or child/adolescent
Poverty Index: A Progress Review 2023,” htt-
mortality can show up short-term varia- erty in the methodology. Scholars like ps://
tions. It would, therefore, be normal to Jean Drèze (2022) have argued that cen- National-Multidimentional-Poverty-Index-
see people being lifted out of poverty soring—excluding the people with the
OHPI–UNDP (2022): “Global Multidimensional
rather than falling into it. One can, how- deprivation score of less than 33% of the Poverty Index 2022: Unpacking Deprivation
ever, argue that a household which has maximum possible value—results in an Bundles to Reduce Multidimensional Poverty,”
good education and health, besides access underestimation of poverty. Instead of ments/hdp-document/2022mpireportenpdf.
to the basic amenities and assets, would taking the extreme implicit position of pdf.
not suddenly become vulnerable simply
because of a fall in its current income. EPW Index
A slow movement in and out of poverty
An author-title index for EPW has been prepared for the years from 1968 to 2012.
can, therefore, be considered as a better
reflection of the ground reality. Delinking The PDFs of the Index have been uploaded, year-wise, on the EPW website. Visitors
vulnerability or deprivation from poverty can download the Index for all the years from the site. (The Index for a few years is
would be dangerous. Any measure of yet to be prepared and will be uploaded when ready.)
poverty which does not capture depri- EPW would like to acknowledge the help of the staff of the library of the Indira
vation is an empty statistical box. The Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai, in preparing the index under
non-availability of information at shorter a project supported by the RD Tata Trust.
intervals would, however, reduce the
20 AUGUST 19, 2023 vol lViii no 33 EPW Economic & Political Weekly

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