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Heat Treatment for Seed

Effects of Dry Hear

Disinfection on Germination in Vegetables

Division of Cultivation and Plant Physiology, Vegetable and Ornamental

Crops Research Station
(Ano, Age, Mie, 514-23 Japan)

In the 1960s, we faced a difficulty in Japan phosphate (tribasic) has been used to disinfect
in growing cucumbers and watermelons, due viruses, but they are not always effective to
to infection of CGMMV (cucumber green internally borne pathogens of seeds.
mottle mosaic virus). In the 1970s, growth of The physical methods mainly depend on a
watermelons was damaged by Fusarium wilt thermal effect for pathogens. For example,
occurred in bottle gourd used widely as a the hot water treatment by immersing the
root stock for watermelon plants, and that of seeds for 20 to 30 min at about 50°C is
cucumbers by angular leaf spot. In conse- widely used. However, this method also is not
quence of the occurrence of these diseases, the effective for viruses. In addition, it is diffi-
yields of these vegetables decreased and the cult to maintain the whole of a seed lot at
market values of the products were reduced. 50°C and to dry it rapidly without inducing
These diseases were almost simultaneously germination.
prevalent all over the country. Plant path- On the other hand, a research on dry heat
ologists showed that seed infection was the treatment was performed in 192210). By dry
primary cause of these diseases. Thus, atten- heat treatment, it is possible to disinfect vari-
tion had been paid to the importance of ous pathogens, fusarium, other fungi, bacteria,
methods for seed disinfection. and viruses. Nevertheless this treatment was
Furthermore, infection of seeds by various not practical, because dry heated seeds often
pathogens has increased recently in Japan be- failed to germinate.
cause of the shortage of labor and regulation Research on the method for dry heat dis-
of usage of disinfection agents. Under these infection has been recently conducted in some
circumstances, the necessity fo r development countries, especially in Japan, where a big
of the methods for seed disinfection has be- damage due to the seed borne diseases took
come urgent. place as mentioned above.
Methods for seed disinfection are classified The experimental results of dry heat dis-
as chemical and physical ones. In the former, infection of vegetable seeds reported by Japa-
MMC (methoxyethyl mercury chrolide) had nese investigators are summarized in Table 1.
been widely used as the most effective fungi- On the basis of these data, the dry heat treat-
cide. In 1973, however, the use of this chemi- ment of seeds is carried out as a routine pro-
cal was prohibited, due to its toxicity. Sub- cedure by some seed companies, agricultural
stitutes such as Benlate T and Chemichlon G cooperatives and farmers.
have been used as fungicide and sodium In this paper, the experimental results of
heat treatment of bottle gourd and other
* Present address: Okinawa Branch, Tropical vegetables for seed disinfection will be pre-
Agriculture Research Center (Maesato, Ishi- sented together with some useful information
gaki, Okinawa, 907-01 Japan) related to dry heat treatment.
244 JARQ Vol. 15, No. 4, 1982

Table 1. Examples of experime11ts 011 the heat treatments of vegetable seed s fol'
contl'olliug seed borne diseases

Dry heat treatment

Vegetable Pathogen concerned Source
Temperature Duration
Tomoto Co1-ynebacteriuni michiganense 10°c 4-6 days Murata et al. (1970) 3>
Cucumber CGMMV 10°c 2 days Nishi et al. (1967) 8>
Cucumber Pseudmonas laclvrym.ans 10°c 3 days Umekawa et al. (1980) 9>
Netted melon CGMMV 10° c 3 days Furuki (1975) 1>
Bottle gourd CGMMV { 10°c 3 days
Nagai et al. (1974)"
Watermelon or 73°C 2 days
Bottle gourd Fusa1·ium oxsvorum f. sp. lagenwria 1s0 c 7 days Kuniyasu et al. (1978)Z'

Some factors affecting heat tent. When the moisture content was lower or
higher than 1.5%, the heat resistance of seeds
resistance of bottle gourd decreased exponentially.
seeds Fig. 2 O> shows the heat resistance of the
It is well known that seeds with low mois- seeds with higher moisture content than 4%.
ture content should be stored under low tem- All seeds with 8% moisture content held at
perature conditions to prevent loss of viability. 75°C for two hrs failed to germinate, whereas
Most important factors affecting heat resis- the seeds with 4% moisture content, held
tance of seeds are also temperature and mois- at the same temperature for 24 hrs, showed
essentially no loss of germinability. When
the duration time of dry heat treatment
As indicated in Fig. 1~>, the seeds with 1.5%
at 75°C was longer, the non-lethal moisture
moisture content (on wet weight basis)
content of seeds declined. From these results,
showed the highest heat resistance compared
with those of seeds with other moisture con-

35 8


>, ~ G
"'" 14 '- Lethal line

., "'
C: 4
..c: 7 0 Non-lethal line
C 3 2
.~ 3.5 ·o
:, ::a
1.4 0 6 12 18 24
0 2 3 4
Duration of heat treatment at 7S°C, hours
Moisture content of seeds
(wet weight basis),% F ig. 2. Germinability of bottle gourd seeds as
related to seed moisture content and
Fig. 1. Heat resistance of bottle gourd seeds duration of heat treatment at 75 °C.
expressed in terms of 50% 1·eduction In the zone below the non-lethal line,
of germination (at the first count on more than 90% of seeds were germi-
the 4th clay of germination), as ef- nated, whereas all seeds were killed in
fected by moisture content of seeds the zone above the lethal line. Ger-
and duration of dry heat treatment mi nabili ty decreased between the two
at 75°CG>, curvesO>.

days decreased to one half of that of untreated

seeds. Therefore, the upper limit of temper-
ature of dry heat treatment for a week may
be about 75 to 80°C.

.,8 Some inf01·mation on practice of
g"" dry heat ti·eatment of seeds
ti?. 10
c· As mentioned above, the seeds with high
.s 5
moisture contents loose their germinability
under high temperature conditions, while the
0 low moisture contents can keep it under the
same conditions of temperature. If t he seeds
containing 10% of moisture are heated at
I .__..._..._......___.___.__...._....._....___._..._...__.__ 75°C, t he treatment for a few min is lethal
0 8 16 24 32 40 48 for all seeds. In order that the seeds may be
Duration of heating, days treated at high temperature without damage
Fig. 3. Effect of heat treatment under cir- in viability, they should be pre-dried to a
culating air at 75°C on the rate of moisture level less than 5% within 2 hrs.
germinatiol1 of bottle gourd seeds with If a small quantity of seeds are spread out
moisture content of 0.6 to 1.1 % 0 >. in a drying chamber used usually in labora-
A: First count on 4th day tories in a layer of about 1 cm depth and are
B: Final count on 7th day
heated, seeds are dried rapidly. In such a
case, the dry heat treatment can be performed
1.5% was found to be the optimal moisture in a dr ying chamber at an appropriately high
content when seeds were held at 75°C. temperature without pre-drying. But if a large
After the seeds were air-dried at 75°C for quantity of seeds are subjected to the dry
about 24 hrs, the moisture content of seeds heat treatment in the same way, drying oc-
reached the equilibrium with the moisture of curs slowly .. In this case, pre-drying procedure
atmosphere that is 0.5 to 2%, although the at a low temperature (e.g. 40°C) is required
moisture content at the equilibrium is slightly to reduce the moisture content of the seeds
higher in June-July, the rainy season in to a critical level, usually less than 5%, prior
Japan. Thus, the moisture content of bottle to the treatment of heating at a higher tem-
gourd seeds could be maintained at the de- perature. By this procedure, damage by heat-
sirable percent, i.e. close to 1.5%, under circu- ing seeds with high moisture content can be
lating air at 75°C except the rainy season. minimized.
As shown in Fig. 3°>, the bottle gourd seeds,
held at 75°C for 12 days with 0.6 to 1.1 % Vegetable crops with high heat
moisture, germinated still at approximately
their original level. Kuniyasu et al. 2J reported
resistance of seeds
that seven days were the enough period to Although the dry heat treatment is an effec-
disinfect the fungi in bottle gourd seeds tive method for disinfection of seeds as men-
(Table 1). Therefore, the heat resistance of tioned above, the kinds of vegetable crops to
seeds of bottle gourd is supposed to be higher which this t reatment has been applied are
than that of the pathogens. limited. Therefore, t he possibility of the ap-
Other experiments0 > showed that the heat plication of this method to other vegetable
resistance of seed decreased exponentially as crops t han bottle gourd should be investigated.
temperature of the treatment rose; the rate of Thus, the heat resistance of 23 common
germination of the seeds held at 90°C for five vegetables were examined under the severe
246 JARQ Vol. 15, No. 4, 1982

100 soybean, snap bean, pea, celery, green
pepper, edible burdock, and Welsh onion.

,.-.. 50 A In the case of green pepper, germinability
is reduced by the dry heat treatment at 73°0
"' New seeds l1arvestcd in 1979 for 3 days. However, the treatment is still
.fe. applicable, because this treatment is very
r: 100 effective on preventing a serious seed borne
"' disease caused by virus .
E 50
Q" One-year old seeds Some problems associated with
harvested in 1978
t dry heat treatment
0 8 16 24 32 40 48
The dry heat treatment has, more or less,
Duration of dry heal treatment, days
unfavorable effects on the seeds, resulting in
Pig. 4. Changes in the rate of germination in the decrease in the physiological and bio-
Chinese cabbage seeds under the cir- chemical activity of seeds. Therefore, the
culating air at 75°C. storage condition after treatment is impor-
A: First count on 2nd day
B: Final count on 6th day
tant to maintain the viability.
When the seeds were subjected to a dry
heat treatment, emerged seedlings occasionally
condition, that is, at 75°C for 7 daysn.
showed abnormalities; a cracked hole was ob-
For example, the change in germinability
served on the center of a cotyledon or one
of Chinese cabbage seeds during dry heat
cotyledon did not develop 5 •7 >. Abnormal seed-
treatment is shown in Fig. 4n. It is obvious
lings increased when the moisture of the seeds
from Fig. 4 that both the new and one-year
was high at the beginning of the treatment
old seeds of Chinese cabbage withstood the
or the treatment duration was long. To avoid
heat treatment for longer duration than bottle
the occurrence of abnormal seedlings, the
gourd (Fig. 3). In Chinese cabbage, there-
seeds should be rapidly dried and it is neces-
fore, the dry heat treatment may be applicable
sary to choose an appropriate temperature
for disinfecting seed borne diseases. The re-
and duration of a dry heat treatment in
sults obtained with other vegetables were
vegetable crops such as daikon, cabbage, and
summarized as follows:
turnip in which abnormal seedlings often
I) Vegetable crops in which the dry heat
appeared by this treatment.
treatment is applicable are:
The dormancy of bottle gourd seeds was
spinach, watermelon*, cucumber, bottle
broken by dry heat treatmentG> Seeds of many
gourd*, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, car-
vegetables have the dormancy for several
rot, and tomato*.
months after harvest. Dry heat treatment
2) Vegetable crops in which the further
may also be effective in promoting the simul-
investigation is necessary to adopt this
taneous germination of those vegetable seeds
method are:
in fields.
turnip, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli,
In conclusion, the dry heat treatment is a
daikon, eggplant, pumpkin, and onion.
useful and effective disinfection method of
3) Vegetable crops to which application of
seeds for controlling the seed borne diseases
this method is considered to be difficult
in vegetables, although the treatment should
be carefully performed to maintain the ger-
* For vegetables with an asterisk, dry heat treat-
ment is routinely pe1·formed in some seed com- minability of seeds.
panies in Japan for seed disinfection.

References Sta. Japan, Ser. A, 4, 119- 149 (1978) [In

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1) Furuki, I.: Studies on seed disinfection by 6) Nakamura, H. & Yamada, H .: Effects of the
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( Received for publication, March 31, 1981 )

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