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Practical Task
Contribute to the Development of
Learning and Development Strategies

BSB80120 - Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)

Scenario...................................................................................................................... 2
Case Study – Simulated work environment.........................................................................................2
About the organisation and your role..................................................................................................................2

Instructions............................................................................................................... 16
Task 1.1 Contribute to learning and development strategy formation.............................................................17
Task 1.2 Contribute to the design of the organisational learning strategy.......................................................21
1.2.1 Learning Needs Analysis...................................................................................................................21
1.2.2 Learning and Development Needs...................................................................................................23
1.2.3 Learning Objectives and Outcomes..................................................................................................24
1.2.4 L&D options......................................................................................................................................24
1.2.5 Learning content...............................................................................................................................24
1.2.6 Technological Requirements............................................................................................................25
1.2.7 Media and delivery methods............................................................................................................25
1.2.8 Resources..........................................................................................................................................25
1.2.9 Assessment Strategy.........................................................................................................................27
1.2.10 Prepare for implementation/testing................................................................................................28
Task 1.3 Implement the L&D strategy................................................................................................................29
Task 1.4 Recommend improvements to strategy..............................................................................................30
1.4.1 Prepare for implementation/testing................................................................................................30
1.4.2 Improvements...................................................................................................................................32

Reference.................................................................................................................. 34

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Please use the simulated work environment described in the Case Study to complete your practical
For the purpose of the assessment, you are at liberty to make any assumptions you feel necessary
concerning the Case Study facts beyond those already provided to you in both the Practical Assessment
Instructions and the Assessment Workbook (Practical as long as those assumptions do not alter the material
elements detailed in the Case Study.

Case Study – Simulated work environment

Beautifulkeepcups have hired you as a Learning Development Consultant (LDS).

The CEO asked you to work in collaboration with managers and:
 Determine learning and development priorities to achieve 1-2 strategic objectives in the next six months

 Design an organisational and development strategy (L&D) to meet the identified priorities

 Implement the strategy, evaluate it and recommend improvements

You will work in simulated work conditions.

About the organisation and your role

XYZ Pty Ltd training as Beautifulkeepcups is an Australian owned start-up that sells
reusable coffee cups online.

They design, produce (outsources to a manufacturing company in the state), and sell
sustainably made keep cups.

They are a young company that hopes to grow and make a difference in sustainable

Their organisational chart is very simple, being a start-up.

The teams are as follows:

Founder and

Manager - CFO 2
BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K

Marketing Client Service Logistic

HR Manager
Team Personnel and responsabilities
Founder and CEO Taylor Smith

 Strategic planning
 Business relationships
 Business development
Finance Team Jacob Brown – Manager, CFO Part-Time 0.5 FTE

 Finance Management
 Finance reporting

Barbara White – Part-Time 0.5 FTE

 Bookkeeping

Marketing Team Louise Smith – Full-Time

 Marketing Strategy
 Public Relations
 Content Writer
 Social Media management

Mark Bill Part-Time 0.8 FTE

 Graphic Designer
 Website maintenance officer
 IT Support
Client Services Daniel Barton – Full-time
 Manage corporate clients' portfolio
 Complaints management -clients
 Client Service Strategy

o Martin Monar – Full-time

o Simon Soyer – Full-time
 Client service support
 Manage client enquiries

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Team Personnel and responsabilities
 Manage orders
 Data entry
 Reporting
 Sales
Logistic Giacinda Nolan – Full-time
 Warehouse management and strategy
 Procurement management
 Logistic management

o Brett Hylon – Full-time

o Samuel Barnet – Full-time
o Grace Varin – Full-time
 Warehouse operations
HR - People and Culture Carl Ovan – Part-time 0.8 FTE
 HR Management
 Staff training
 Employee relationships

The company is located in Melbourne, Victoria and sells its products online.

The business models are:

 B2C – direct to customers who want to purchase reusable cups.Keep cups come in different models and colours
and can be personalised for an additional fee.
 B2B – wholesale to businesses such as gift shops and cafes. Keep cups design can be personalised according to
branding and commercial needs.

Our vision is to be the engine of a greener and brighter future. Our motto is 'Live sustainably'.


Our mission is to deliver sustainable products that minimise waste in our society.


 We promote sustainability as a core driver of everyday life

 We engage internal and external stakeholders in sustainable practices

 We work with integrity in everything we do, being true to our sustainable mission

 We create and sustain a work environment that champions diversity as a

source of innovation

 We encourage the development and production of sustainable products

Value proposition

To take real actions towards a zero-waste future.

Organisational culture

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Market culture

Market culture is all about profit margins and staying ahead of the competition. It is results-oriented with a strong
external focus to ensure customers are satisfied. Examples of companies driven by a market culture are Tesla,
Amazon, and General Electric.

Innovation is critical to the success of these organisations, so there is a constant demand to be more creative and
get new or improved products to the market before their competitors. While this type of culture may secure the
business's longevity, employees often burn out from the high expectations and constant demand to produce. There
may also be less emphasis on the employee experience or employee satisfaction.

(source: )

Strategic objectives

 To gain 35% of the Australian market for compostable and sustainable products in current product lines in the
next two years.

 To become a market leader in Australia for sustainable products in current product lines. 80% of market share
in the next five years.

 To become a brand that is synonymous with sustainable living.

 To implement sustainable work practices. Target for the next year:

o Go paperless
o Re-use and recycle practices embedded into organisational policies and practices
o Reduce energy consumption by 20%
o Move to 100% sustainable procurement practices
o Add more plants to the office
 To provide outstanding customer service to clients. Target: 98% positive feedback from customers.

 Become an employer of choice by:

o Supporting professional development and providing internal career paths for existing employees.
Target: 100% staff participates in professional development each year with tangible learning outcomes.
o Providing a safe work environment where the wellbeing of employees is paramount. Target: 100%
positive feedback on wellbeing and safety initiatives from employees.
o Staff turnover decrease from 5% to 2% in one year.
o Financial target: bring profit margin from 20% to 30%.
 To expand the current product line to 10 different compostable and eco-friendly product types in the next
three years:

o Keep cups
o Reusable food wrap
o Biodegradable tea bags with own line of herbal teas
o Compostable cutlery
o Compostable plates
o Compostable coffee pods with own line of coffee, compatible with home brand machines
o Compostable straws
o Reusable food containers

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
o Reusable and compostable shopping bags
o Reusable storage bags
All products must have a modern and original design, with options for customisation.

Employee development

The company currently only outsourced professional development; however, the CEO is keen to explore in-house
training and digital options to deliver learning.


The brand is currently known but not pervasive. The company now has 15% of the Australian market for
compostable and sustainable products in the existing product lines.


 Goals

o Raising brand awareness

o Increasing engagement

o Getting more leads

o Creating customer evangelists

o Driving more sales

o Boosting customer retention, loyalty, and lifetime value

 Website characteristics-current

o SEO optimised

o Minimalistic yet gorgeous UI

o Intuitive user experience

o Mobile-friendliness (responsive):

 Easy checkout process

 Fast site load speed

 Personalisation strategy- current

o Collect personal information such as name, email addresses, and job titles when getting visitors to sign up
for newsletters, news or promotions

o To personalise effectively using the information collected, segment customers into buyer personas and into
groups based on the data collected and create detailed buyer personas to understand precisely who the
target audience is

o Use retargeting

 Educating Prospects -objectives in the next 3-5 years

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
o Create and share valuable sustainability content that resonates with the target customer

o Share experiences of sustainable living through a blog

o Develop a Youtube Channel dedicated to promoting sustainable living

 Social Proof Strategy- objectives in the next 3-5 years

o Customer reviews/testimonials (website, google, social media, product review sites)

o Case studies about sustainable product design published in reputable online and print magazines

o Celebrity/Influencer endorsements

o Third-party certifications/badges (ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management Systems, Green Tick

Sustainable certified, Carbon Neutral Product Certification)

o Media mentions

o Number of times the product was bought on the website

 Promotion strategies-current

o Email marketing

o Coupons

o Discounts

o Contest

 Social media platforms in use-current

o Instagram

o Facebook

o Youtube – not currently in use

o Tik Tok – not currently in use

o Linkedin

o Pinterest– not currently in use

o Recyclebank

Key partners – objectives in the next three years

 Expand strategic alliances with local shops to distribute and sell products at their stores. Australian Post shops
to be the preferred option.

 Continue working on sustainable procurement

 Sustainability Victoria – Grants, funding and investments

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
 Association for sustainability in business - to become a member

 The Business Council for Sustainable Development Australia (BCSD Australia) - to become a member

Supply Chain

 The supply chain is designed to be a model for a circular economy:

Raw Materia

Recycle Design

Re-use Manufacture

Consumer Retailer


 Below is the distribution chart:

Customer Warehouse
Online Shipping to
selects process
payment customer
product order

Channel of distribution

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
 Direct Sales online (currently only through website).

 Shoppable product feeds on Instagram and Facebook to be developed.

Key Resources

 Physical: buildings (rental property), machines (warehouse and office)

 Intellectual: brands, specialist knowledge, product design, partnerships, and customer relationship
management system.

 Human: staff.

 Financial: cash balance, owner's contribution.

Revenue streams

 Profit income

 Brand licensing opportunities to be explored



Resuable coffee-cup (100% pure silicon)

5 different colours.
 $ 12.50/cup
 Personalised cup (your name and quote) $ 19.50/cup

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K

Glass travel cup

 $ 25 small
 $ 30 tall

Personalised cup (your name and quote) $ 29.5/cup

Biodegradable, compostable plates and utensils

Colour: natural

Microwaveable, freezer safe

50 9-inch paper plates- $ 20.00

50 7-inch dessert plates $ 15.00

50 knives, forks and spoons $ 5.00

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Compostable bioplastic cups for cold use only.

280 ML

100 cups- $ 15


Stainless steel double wall insulated drink bottle in 3 colours

(silver, gold, white).

500 ML.

$ 20/bottle

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K

Stainless steel double wall insulated drink bottle in 5 colours.

750 ML

$ 24/bottle

Sustainable consumers

We target sustainable consumers with different degrees of sustainability awareness, planning to win the hearts of
more naïve and passive consumers in the future.

 The 'Dedicated' archetype represents the growing number of consumers actively seeking more sustainable
products and services to adapt to their current lives.

 'Naïve' consumers try to be as green as possible but fall victim to misinterpretation or a lack of education
around sustainable practices. These are the consumers who, for example, recycle jars without cleaning
them out or removing the label.

 Some of the consumer groups found within the 'Apathetic' persona may have once been 'Dedicated' or
'Naive'. Struggling to stop global
warming single-handedly, they've
instead seen the situation worsen,
leaving them to ask, 'What difference
can one person make?'

 The 'Passive' group is complicated to

target, consisting of consumers who
don't actively participate in
sustainability or recycling for various
reasons. Perhaps because of difficulty
accessing the means to recycle or just a lack of
time, money, or interest. Alongside these users are people who have become disillusioned by sustainability.
More often than not, this is because they feel disassociated from the system and the parties involved. A

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
result is a group of consumers who feel that they needn't act sustainably because others will. It can be very
challenging to transition 'passive' consumers into any of the other areas indicated in this framework.


Among those categories, we also recognise:

 The Enthusiastic Expert is a consumer who prioritises whole-system sustainable thinking. They're often in the
35-45-year-olds age bracket, live in rural areas, and have a medium/high education level. These individuals are
dedicated to sustainable and eco-friendly living, so you will need to put in the hard work to convince them that
your brand meets their high expectations.

 The Inspired Innovators are Gen Z and Millennials from urban and higher-education backgrounds. This group
prioritises innovation and forward-thinking.

 The Considerate Convetionalists slightly older consumers,

usually aged 45-65, live in more rural areas. This audience
appreciates transparency, knowledge, and empowerment.
These are a relatively mainstream bunch of consumers as their
views on sustainability are average compared to the previous
two audiences. Therefore, their opinion on sustainable brands
is that they are important but slightly less so.

 The Reserved Rationalists. This audience is made up of

consumers who are on the lookout for value for themselves.
They are slightly older in the 35-44, 45-55, and 55-65 age groups and often live in urban areas with a medium to
high education. If you're going to have trouble convincing an audience about the positives of sustainability, this
is it. Even though these consumers believe that sustainable products are a good thing, they adhere to the idea
much less than all the other audiences. Laggards that are often unwilling to pay more for sustainable goods,
Reserved Rationalists are neither knowledgeable nor vocal about sustainability.


Green e-commerce

Green e-commerce, or eco-friendly e-commerce, refers to the practice of selling products online using methods
that limit the impact on the environment.

We operate following the following strict principles of green e-commerce:

 Use green web-host

 Use eco-friendly packaging

 Reduce fulfilment errors that lead to returns

 Internal sustainable work practices, including complete digitalisation of work processes and flexible work
arrangements that allow staff to work from home on set days

 Use of companies that support sustainable shipping initiatives

 Sustainable procurement

Customer Relationships

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
 We acquire new customers using a mix of marketing strategies. We focus on:

o Winning minds and hearts. Our customers are educated about our products; they use them, and they fall in
love with them.

o Long-term acquisition strategy. We want to create long-lasting relationships with our customers.

o Exploration and analysis. We progressively explore different market channels, focusing on one at a time to
exploit their full potential.

o Content. We believe that content is a powerful acquisition channel.

o Community. We involve our customers in improving our products (feedback) so that they feel part of our

o Education. We want to acquire the right kind of customers and slowly build other customer segments to
use our products properly (recycling).

 Our LTV (customer lifetime value) to CAC (customer acquisition cost) is 3:1

 We keep customers by providing a seamless customer experience when purchasing online and by providing
excellent customer service.

 We grow customer's spending by using promotional campaigns that specifically target our existing customers
and build on them (rewards, referrals, brand ambassadors)

Buyer Decision Process


Key Resources

 Physical: buildings (rental property), machines (warehouse and office)

 Intellectual: brands, specialist knowledge, product design, partnerships, and customer relationship
management system.

 Human: staff.

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
 Financial: cash balance, owner's contribution.

Revenue streams

 Profit income

Sales Data

Product Price/unit Qty 2020 Qty 2021

Barry personalised $ 19.50 1800 $ 35,100.00 3500 $ 68,250.00
Barry regular $ 12.50 3116 $ 8,950.00 6453 $ 80,662.50
Duncan small $ 25.00 1846 $ 46,150.00 2365 $ 59,125.00
Duncan tall $ 30.00 1723 $ 51,690.00 3115 $ 93,450.00
50 9-inch paper $ 20.00 5318 $ 106,360.00 12360 $ 247,200.00
50 7-inch dessert $ 15.00 2310 $ 34,650.00 5316 $ 79,740.00
50 knives, forks and $ 5.00 4230 $ 21,150.00 9630 $ 48,150.00
Compostable $ 15.00 12361 $ 185,415.00 21316 $ 319,740.00
bioplastic cups
Luna $ 20.00 315 $ 6,300.00 1423 $ 28,460.00
Lupo $ 24.00 610 $ 14,640.00 1326 $ 31,824.00
$ 540,405.00 $ 1,056,601.50

Profit Margin 20%

This section provides detailed assessment instructions.
Beautifulkeepcups have hired you as a Learning Development Consultant (LDS).

The CEO asked you to work in collaboration with managers and:

 Determine learning and development (L&D) priorities to achieve 1-2 strategic objectives in the next six

 Design an organisational and development strategy to meet the identified priorities

 Implement the strategy, evaluate it and recommend improvements

The CEO wants you to focus your strategy around one of the following units of competency:

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
 BSBCMM211 - Apply communication skills
 BSBPEF101 - Plan and prepare for work readiness
 BSBPEF201 - Support personal wellbeing in the workplace
 BSBSUS211 - Participate in sustainable work practices
 SIRXCEG002 - Assist with customer difficulties

Once, you have determined the key learning needs to achieve one or two strategic objectives, choose one of the
units of competency above to develop your learning and development strategy.

The CEO has approved a budget of $ 75,000 to develop and implement the L&D strategy. All managers involved
have been asked to schedule four hours of their time each week to support the development and
implementation of the L&D strategy.
You will have six months to:
 Develop the L&D strategy
 Implement the L&D strategy
 Evaluate the L&D strategy and provide recommendations for improvement

You will work in simulated work conditions. The trainer and assessor will play the role of the CEO of the
Consult and engage with the CEO as needed. The trainer and assessor will confirm that you have consulted with
them and provide feedback on the marking sheet.
You will work in collaboration with departmental managers :
 The Client Service Manager
 The People and Culture Manager
 The Finance Manager
The managers will be played by a group of 2-3 classmates in the simulated work environment.
You will collaborate and/or consult with the group as instructed to carry out your role as a Learning and
Development Consultant (LDC).
Although you will lead and collaborate and/or consult with the group as instructed, the work on your
assessment must be individual and marked as such.
Take turns playing the role of LDC when the task requires group collaboration or consultation. The trainer and
assessor will observe any group work and provide feedback on the Marking Sheet.
Form a management group (3-4 students, including yourself).
Document the name of the students in the table below:

Student Name

Student Name

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Student Name

Student Name

Working in collaboration with stakeholders in simulated work conditions is highly recommended. If you cannot
form a team, please liaise with the trainer and assessor to make alternative arrangements.

Task 1.1 Contribute to learning and development strategy formation

This Task requires you to:
 Evaluate methods of learning and development against organisational requirements
 Analyse the impact of organisational learning and development on the organisation, and consult relevant
 Examine and review options for deploying quality policies and processes in organisational learning
 Analyse and plan requirements for an organisational learning strategy to support organisational strategic
and policy requirements
 Analyse and plan technological and systems requirements for an organisational learning strategy
 Analyse and align organisational learning strategy with human resources and learning requirements and
 Develop procedures to liaise with educators, learners and others and monitor learning and development
strategies and learning and development resources
You will:
 Develop an L&D Prep Report in consultation with relevant stakeholders

Develop an L&D Prep Report to contribute to learning and development (L&D) strategy formation.
 Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 1 and 2 of class to work on the report in consultation
with the management group.
 The trainer and assessor (CEO in the simulated work environment) will provide inputs and feedback to the
group during your consultation meetings.
 This is a Role-Play in simulated work conditions. The trainer and assessor will observe group work and
provide feedback on the marking sheet.
 Suggested duration: 120 minutes/meeting.
 Use the time with the group wisely to gather good feedback and insights from the group. Remember that
your work is individual, and you will complete and finalise your work outside the meeting's time.
A template is provided (Template 1). Use the template provided, and follow the instructions.
Template 1 – L&D Prep Report

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K

Executive Summary
An executive summary is an overview of the report's content; it should:
 Grab the reader's attention
 Tell the reader what the purpose of the report is and what to expect
 Provide an overview of the content
 Be written last
(100-150 words)

Organisational Requirements and Alignment

Discuss your review of organisational requirements based on the Case Study and the input from the CEO in
the simulated work environment. Summarise your discussion in this section addressing all the following
 What are the key priorities for the business?
 Review three (3) units of competency suggested by the CEO, and explain how they could support one or
more strategic objectives. Review each unit.
 Identify budgetary, schedule and quality requirements for the L&D strategy.
 Determine requirements for human resources (for example, upskilling, decreasing turnovers, succession
planning, staff wellbeing, etc.).
 Select one or two strategic objectives to focus on. Justify your selection.The group must agree on this.
 Select the unit of competency to support the achievement of the strategic objective/s through an L&D
strategy and justify your selection. The group must agree on this.
 Explain how the L&D strategy will align with the selected strategic objectives, the HR requirements, and
the budgetary and schedule constraints.
(250-350 words)

Methods of learning and development

Evaluate methods of learning and development against organisational requirements. Summarise your

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
evaluation in this section addressing the following points:
 What L&D methods would best suit meeting/achieving organisational requirements?
 Why?
 Can you see any risks or limitations in those methods?
(100-200 words)

Options for deploying quality policies and processes in organisational learning

Review the following organisational policies and procedures:
 Communication policy
 Continuous Improvement (CI) Policy
 Employee Training and Development Policies
 Quality Management Policy
Address the following:
 Identify 2-3 improvements to the policies (one or more) to support quality policies and processes in
organisational learning

Improvements :

<Add List>

Technological and system requirements

Analyse and plan technological and systems requirements for the organisational learning strategy.
Consider the LMS to use and other digital tools that can support the design, delivery and monitoring of the
(100-200 words)

Key procedures
Develop the following procedures and strategy:
 A strategy to engage stakeholders in providing inputs for and collaborating with the development and
implementation of the L&D strategy
 A procedure to liaise with stakeholders involved in the L&D strategy, such as educators, learners and others.
The procedure could be about communication or consultation, for example.
 A procedure to monitor learning and development strategies
 A procedure to monitor learning and development resources
The procedures can be in the form of a description, a flow chart or a step by step process.
Consider the needs of the L&D strategy, the organisational chart and existing policies and procedures when
developing the three procedures.

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Document the procedures in the space provided below.


Strategy for stakeholder engagement


Liaise with stakeholders


Monitoring L&D strategies


Monitor L&D resources


Task 1.2 Contribute to the design of the organisational learning strategy

This Task requires you to:
 Design, collaboratively with relevant stakeholders, organisational learning and development strategy
 Design and develop flexible learning, development and assessment strategies to support organisational
 Establish processes and procedures for allocating and managing resources and staff required to implement
an organisational learning strategy
 Contribute to the development of compliant assessment processes according to organisational
You will:
 Conduct a Learner Needs Analysis - Task 1.2.1
 Determine learning and development needs - Task 1.2.2
 Identify learning objectives and outcomes - Task 1.2.3
 Assess L&D options - Task 1.2.4
 Determine learning content - Task 1.2.5
 Identify technological requirements - Task 1.2.6
 Determine media and delivery methods - Task 1.2.7
 Develop and document processes and procedures to allocate resources - task 1.2.8
 Develop an assessment strategy - Task 1.2.9
 Prepare to implement and test the L&D strategy - Task 1.2.10
Work in collaboration with the management group, as instructed, and complete the following tasks.
Consult with the CEO (trainer and assessor in simulated work conditions) as needed.
The trainer and assessor will observe group work and provide feedback on the marking sheet.
1.2.1 Learning Needs Analysis

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Conduct a Learning Needs Analysis as follows:
 Ask the management group, including yourself, to self-assess three (3) key competencies that will be
delivered by L&D strategy. Assume that the management group is a reliable sample of the learner
population. Use Template 2 to conduct the analysis and collect results. Summarise the results using
Template 3.
 Conduct a learner analysis by analysing the management group, assuming that it represents a reliable
sample of the learner population. Use Template 4 to document your analysis.
Template 2 – Competency-Self-Assessment
Rate yourself on how well you believe you can perform the task associated with each competency.
1= Not applicable
2= Not very well
3 = Not well
4 = Well
5= Oustanding
Competency: <Add> 1 2 3 4 5
<Add criteria 2-3 /competency>

Competency: <Add> 1 2 3 4 5

Competency: <Add> 1 2 3 4 5

Template 3 – Competency-Self-Assessment - Outcome

Indicate the % of respondents rated 1,2,3,4, or 5 on each competency criteria.
1= Not applicable
2= Not very well
3 = Not well
4 = Well

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
5= Oustanding
Competency: <Add> 1 2 3 4 5
Example: Criteria 1 10% 30% 60%

Competency: <Add> 1 2 3 4 5

Competency: <Add> 1 2 3 4 5

Template 4 – Learner Analysis

Learner Analysis

 Size of the target audience

Here consider the org chart and the information
provided about the business in the Case Study.
Focus on the areas that you have identified for the
L&D intervention.

 Age ranges

 Educational/grade level or academic program year.

How long have they been out of an educational

 Cultural backgrounds

 Primary language

 Internet connectivity?

 Access to technology? Ability to use technology?

 Departmental unit or learner group composition.

Here consider the org chart and the information
provided about the business in the Case Study.
Focus on the areas that you have identified for the
L&D intervention.

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Learner Analysis

For example, the L&D intervention may be

targeting a specific department, all employees or
some sub-groups such as Team members (not

 What motivates the learner?

Remember what you have learned about adult
learning. Ask the management group about what
motivates them to learn, and summarise your
findings here.

 What adult learning model/s and theories will you

apply? Why?

1.2.2 Learning and Development Needs

Determine and document the L&D needs based on your analysis so far. Use Template 5.
Template 5– L&D Needs

Learning and Development Needs for:

Date created Last reviewed Not applicable

Learning and Brief description of Learning and Development aims/objectives

Development required:

Here you can think about What do you aim to achieve? Here align the L&D objectives with the
specific competencies organisational objectives and requirements.
and knowledge

1.2.3 Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Develop three (3) key learning objectives and three (3) key learning outcomes using the Bloom'staxonomy
and/or the BBoydell'smodel.
Document them in the table provided below.

Learning Objectives

Learning Outcomes

1.2.4 L&D options

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
For the purpose of this assessment, you will assume that the CEO prefers the L&D initiative to be developed and
delivered in house. However, here in Task 1.2.4, assess both options and provide independent
1 Research external learning providers that could deliver the L&D initiative. You will mention a preferred
provider in your summary assessment below.
2 Evaluate the pros and cons of developing and delivering the L&D initiatives in house. Consider, for
example, resource requirements.
Compare and contrast the two options using the data and information collected and the outcome of your
Provide recommendations on the most appropriate option considering organisational requirements, budget,
quality and schedule constraints.
Summarise your assessment and document your recommendations in the space provided below.

Summarise your assessment and document your recommendations here.

(80-150 words)

1.2.5 Learning content

For the purpose of this assessment, you will assume that the CEO prefers the L&D initiative to be developed and
delivered in house.
Develop a map or a list of the learning content relevant to the L&D initiative using the learning maps, horizontal
plan or sequencing techniques.
Learning content may include textbooks, articles, videos, customised learning content to be developed etc.
Research what learning content you could source or consider what you could be developed in house.
Document the learning content in the space provided below.

1.2.6 Technological Requirements

Analyse and plan technological and systems requirements for the organisational learning strategy.
Consider the LMS to use and other digital tools that can support the learning's design, delivery, and
Remember to consider if the L&D is delivered face to face, blended or fully online.
(100-200 words)

1.2.7 Media and delivery methods

For the purpose of this assessment, you will assume that the CEO prefers the L&D initiative to be developed and
delivered in house.

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Consider the work completed so far and:
 Determine the most suitable L&D method to use for the L&D initiative. Provide justifications for your
 Identify the most suitable medium/ media to use for the L&D initiative. Provide justifications for your
 Choose a delivery mode for the L&D initiative. Provide justifications for your choice.
 Determine learning activities that you will use for the L&D initiative. Provide justifications for your choice.
Document your work in the table below:

L&D Method


Delivery Mode

Learning Activities

1.2.8 Resources
For the purpose of this assessment, you will assume that the CEO prefers the L&D initiative to be developed and
delivered in house.
Establish processes and procedures for allocating and managing resources and staff required to implement the
organisational learning strategy:
1. Develop Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) using Template 6.
Template 6– RBS

L&D Strategy

Human Outcources
Facilities Equipment Material
Resources Services

Office Laptops L&D Team IT

Software Management

2. Allocate roles and responsibilities to the individuals involved in the development, implementation and
evaluation of the L&D strategy.

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Use Template 7 to document your work.
(4-5 key roles)

Template 7– Roles and responsibilities


Example: Example: Example:

Employee NA Data Entry

X – Admin
Prep reports
Basic communication with team

3. Develop a procedure to allocate resources needed for L&D development, implementation and evaluation to
staff involved in the L&d initiative.

Document the procedure in the space provided below. The procedure can be a description, a flowchart or a
step by step process.

1.2.9 Assessment Strategy

Develop an assessment strategy :
 Identify the learning processes and outcomes to be measured.
 Outline reliable and valid methods of assessing learning and performance. Consider both knowledge and
skill assessment in outlining your chosen assessment methods.
 Ensure that assessment is aligned with instructional goals, anticipated learning outcomes, and instructional
 Ensure the assessment process meets compliance requirements.
Document your assessment strategy in Template 8.

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Template 8– Assessment Strategy

Assessment Strategy

Outcomes to be measures List the learning outcomes to be measured relevant to SKAs and identified

Assessment methods Assessment Method What it will measure/evaluate.

Identify and list the chosen
assessment methods. Specify
what they will
measure/evaluate. Add
additional rows if needed.

Compliance Explain how the assessment strategy meets the following:

 Reliable
 Credible
 Current
 Authentic
 Assessment principles according to Geoff Masters (optional)
(50-100 words)

1.2.10 Prepare for implementation/testing

This is a preparatory task to simulate the implementation of the L&D strategy.
Because you won't be able to implement a complete L&D strategy due to time constraints, you will simulate its
implementation as follow:
In Task 1.3 you will :
 Present the L&D strategy developed here in Task 1.2 to a focus group (Role-Play)
 Prepare a sample of learning content and deliver it to the focus group
 Prepare a sample assessment to evaluate either knowledge or competency related to the learning content
 Ask the focus group to complete the assessment sample
 Collect feedback from the focus group and make it part of your evaluation process in Task 1.4
Please note that the learning content and the assessment samples can be sourced (and customised if needed) or
developed from scratch.
To prepare for Task 1.3:
1. Develop a PowerPoint presentation that summarises the L&D strategy developed in Task 1.2.
6-10 slides with a Q&A slide at the end.
Submit the PP presentation with your assessment.
2. Prepare a sample of the learning content of choice in a format of choice; you can decide to prepare a
presentation, for example, or use an LMS. Some LMSs offer free plans; ask your trainer and assessor to assist
you with the choice, for example, .
Submit evidence of the sample, for example, a screenshot, or upload the sample with your assessment.
BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
3. Prepare a sample assessment relevant to the learning content you will deliver. You can decide to evaluate
both knowledge and competency (skills).
Submit evidence of the assessment sample with your assessment, for example, a screenshot, or upload
the sample with your assessment.
4. Think about how you will organise the learning experience and what material you will need.
5. You will deliver the above in collaboration with the management group; each group member will have to
contribute to preparing and facilitating the focus group.
6. Be aware of time constraints, as your group will have:
o 10 minutes to present the L&D strategy
o 10 minutes to deliver the learning content.
o 15 minutes to conduct the assessment
o 10 minutes to collect feedback
o 15 minutes to organise records and documentation to complete the evaluation in Task 1.4

Task 1.3 Implement the L&D strategy

This Task requires you to:
 Implement the L&D strategy by presenting it to a focus group for feedback and delivering a sample of the
L&D initiative to gather input on improvements.

Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor.

Conduct and deliver a focus group in collaboration with the management group to simulate the implementation
of the L&D Strategy.
The focus group will comprise classmates who will play the role of target learners in the simulated work
This is a Role-Play in simulated work conditions.
The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the Role-Play and provide feedback in the
Observation Checklist.
If you are absent from class, you are responsible for making alternative arrangements with the trainer and
assessor to perform the Role-Play. You can only reschedule once.
Please note ALL group members MUST contribute substantially to completing this task.
Duration: 60 minutes.
Before the focus group
 Develop a PowerPoint presentation that summarises the L&D strategy developed in Task 1.2
 Prepare a sample of learning content
 Prepare a sample assessment relevant to the learning content you will deliver
During the focus group
 Welcome the participants and explain the aim of the focus group
 Present the L&D strategy developed in Task 1.2 using the PP presentation developed in Task 1.3
 Deliver the learning sample to the focus group
BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
 Conduct an assessment relevant to the learning sample
 Collect feedback from the focus group and make it part of your evaluation process in Task 1.4
 Evaluate the assessment outcome
 Use communication practices
 Present persuasively
 Conduct effective learning delivery
 Consider the needs of the learners
 Ask questions to collect feedback
 Answer questions from the participants
 Collaborate effectively with your group
After the focus group
 Collect feedback from the audience, covering the following points:
o What did they think of the L&D strategy? What did they like? What would they improve? Why?
o Was the learning delivery effective? Why?
o What could be improved about the learning delivery?
o Was the assessment aligned with the learning objectives and outcomes? Did they complete the
assessment in a reasonable time? What did they like? What would they improve?
o Was the session well facilitated? What could be improved?
 Summarise the feedback collected in the space provided below.
(100-200 Words)

Summarise the feedback collected from the focus group.

(100-200 words)

 Evaluate the assessment completed by the focus group. What was the outcome? Summarise it in the space
provided below.
o Were all assessments completed?
o Were all assessments completed correctly?
o Was competency or knowledge evidenced by the assessment completion?

Evaluate assessment outcome.

Task 1.4 Recommend improvements to strategy

This Task requires you to:
 Evaluate current organisational learning strategy
 Review performance of resources and people supporting organisational learning strategy
 Construct and present plans for improving organisational learning strategy
 Implement plans for improving organisational learning strategies
You will:

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
 Develop an evaluation report – Task 1.4.1
 Share the executive report with relevant stakeholders – Task 1.4.2
 Provide evidence of implementation of two (2) improvements to the L&D strategy – Task 1.4.2

1.4.1 Prepare for implementation/testing

Develop an Evaluation Report (Template 9).

 Evaluate the L&D strategies based on:
o The feedback collected in Task 1.3
o The assessment outcomes in Task 1.3
o A reflection on the L&D process/es that you used to develop and implement the L&D initiatives
o A review of the performance of resources and people supporting organisational learning strategy
to find areas for improvement.
 Develop a plan for improvement
Template 9 –Evaluation Report


Executive Summary
<Add executive summary>

Findings Summary
<Add findings summary>

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Lessons learned
<Add lessons learned>

L&D Personnel Review

Name Evaluation and Feedback

Your Name
Student Name Consider the following:
 Commitment, reliability and punctuality.
 Active participation in group work.
 Contribution to planning, organisation and strategizing of group work.
 Leadership, communication, conflict resolution and feedback.
 Decision-making, problem-solving, issue resolution.

Student Name <Add>

Student Name <Add>

Recommendations  <Add>
 <Add>
 <Add>
 <Add>

Changes  <Add>
 <Add>
 <Add>

Action Plan
Action Responsibility Timeframe Resources needed KPIs
<Add> <Add> <Add> <Add> <Add>
<Add> <Add> <Add> <Add> <Add>
<Add> <Add> <Add> <Add> <Add>
<Add> <Add> <Add> <Add> <Add>

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
1.4.2 Improvements

1. Write an email (Template 10) to the CEO to share and present the evaluation report.

The email must address the following:

 Summarise the findings of the evaluation
 Present the action plan for improvement and ask for the resources needed to implement it

(100-150 words)

Add the report by writing its title in the attachment row.

Template 10 –Email
Email to CEO
To: <Add>
Cc: <Add>
Bcc: <Add>
Subject: <Add>
Date email is sent: <Add>
Attachments: <Add>


2. Provide evidence of two improvements applied to the L&G strategy.

Examples may include: copying and pasting a section of the L&D strategy, the assessment, or the learning
content and showing the improvements, perhaps writing the updates in red. Liaise with the trainer and
assessor to discuss the best way to show the applied improvements.

Document the evidence in the space provided below.

Introduce each piece of evidence with a short paragraph.

Evidence 1 : <Add>

Evidence 2 : <Add>

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Please include your references below:

(Please refer to this referencing guide if needed or speak to your trainer for any specific referencing
requirements for this assessment)

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V1 2022
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K

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