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Task 2

Contribute to the Development of

Learning and Development Strategies


BSB80120 - Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)

Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have
not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)

◻ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against
me according to the process explained to me

◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit

◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment

◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

BSBHRM613 Contribute to the Development of Learning and Development Strategies

Student name

Student ID

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
------OFFICE USE ONLY-----
For Trainer and Assessor to complete:

◻ Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment

Marking Sheet Comments

Completed successfully

Did the student satisfactorily:

The student has satisfactorily completed and
submitted the following:
 L&D Prep Report in Task 2.1
 Competency-Self-Assessment – Outcome
in Task 2.2.1
 Learner Analysis in Task 2.2.1
 L&D Needs in Task 2.2.2
 Learning objectives and Outcomes in Task
 L&D options in Task 2.2.4
 Learning content in Task 2.2.5
 Technological Requirements in Task 2.2.6
 Media and delivery methods in Task 2.2.7
 Resource Breakdown Structure in Task
 Roles and Responsibilities in Task 2.2.8
 Procedure to allocate resources in Task
 Assessment Strategy in Task 2.2.9
 PP presentation in Task 2.2.10
 Evidence of learning content sample in
Task 2.2.10
 Assessment sample in Task 2.2.10
 Observation Checklist in Task 2.3
 Evaluation Report in Task 2.4.1
 Email to CEO in Task 2.4.2
 Evidence of applied improvements in Task
Demonstrated ability to:
 Contribute to learning and development
strategy formation

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Marking Sheet Comments
Completed successfully

Did the student satisfactorily:

This is evidenced by:
 L&D Prep Report in Task 2.1
Demonstrated ability to:
 Contribute to design of organisational
learning and development strategy
This is evidenced by:
 Competency-Self-Assessment – Outcome in
Task 2.2.1
 Learner Analysis in Task 2.2.1
 L&D Needs in Task 2.2.2
 Learning objectives and Outcomes in Task
 L&D options in Task 2.2.4
 Learning content in Task 2.2.5
 Technological Requirements in Task 2.2.6
 Media and delivery methods in Task 2.2.7
 Resource Breakdown Structure in Task
 Roles and Responsibilities in Task 2.2.8
 Procedure to allocate resources in Task
 Assessment Strategy in Task 2.2.9
 PP presentation in Task 2.2.10
 Evidence of learning content sample in
Task 2.2.10
 Assessment sample in Task 2.2.10
Demonstrated ability to:
 Recommend improvements to strategies
This is evidenced by:
 Observation Checklist in Task 2.3
 Evaluation Report in Task 2.4.1
 Email to CEO in Task 2.4.2
 Evidence of applied improvements in Task

Task Outcome: Satisfactory ✘ Not Yet Satisfactory

Student Name:
Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature:


BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Table of Content

Student Declaration......................................................................................................................................
Assessment for this unit................................................................................................................................
Assessment Workbook – Practical Task.........................................................................................................
Task summary and instructions......................................................................................................................
Task 2.1 Contribute to learning and development strategy formation.............................................................
Task 2.2 Contribute to the design of the organisational learning strategy.......................................................
2.2.1 Learning Needs Analysis...........................................................................................................
2.2.2 Learning and Development Needs.............................................................................................
2.2.3 Learning Objectives and Outcomes...........................................................................................
2.2.4 L&D options............................................................................................................................
2.2.5 Learning content.....................................................................................................................
2.2.6 Technological Requirements.....................................................................................................
2.2.7 Media and delivery methods.....................................................................................................
2.2.8 Resources...............................................................................................................................
2.2.9 Assessment Strategy................................................................................................................
2.2.10 Prepare for implementation/testing...........................................................................................
Task 2.3 Implement the L&D strategy........................................................................................................
Task 2.4 Recommend improvements to strategy.........................................................................................
2.4.1 Prepare for implementation/testing...........................................................................................
2.4.2 Improvements.........................................................................................................................

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Assessment for this unit
Module 3, Build a learning organisation, comprises the following unit/s of competency:

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies

For you to be assessed as competent in this module, you must successfully complete two assessment
 Knowledge Questionnaire – You must correctly answer all questions.
 Practical Task – You must complete all practical tasks as instructed.

It is advisable that you:

 Make yourself familiar with the assessment requirements,
 Read the Case Study Scenario where provided,
 Consider the organisational policies and procedures when provided with the assessment,
 Complete the assessment progressively,
 Review the advice provided by your trainer and assessor,
 Meet the deadline for submission,
 Adhere to the relevant policies and procedures and assessment submission instructions at
Greenwich Management College,
 Complete all tasks as instructed,
 Ask for assistance and support from your trainer and assessor if needed,
 Make good use of the learning support at Greenwich Management College.

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Task 2 – Prepare to Contribute to the Development of Learning and
Development Strategies
Task summary and instructions
What is this This task has been designed to demonstrate your competence and
assessment task knowledge according to:
 Elements and performance criteria
 Performance evidence
 Foundation skills
for the unit of competency included in this module
 BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and
development strategies, please refer to the unit outline at .
The assessment conditions for this unit have also been taken into
The task has been designed to create realistic conditions that reflect
those typically found in the workplace, and it uses a range of
assessment methods:
✘ Direct observation - assessed in a simulated off-the-job situation
that reflects the workplace, including role-plays.
✘ Product-based assessment - structured assessment activities such
as reports, displays, work samples, role plays, presentations, or a
portfolio of validated pieces of evidence.
You are required to address the following:
 Task 2.1 Contribute to learning and development strategy
o Develop an L&D Prep Report
 Task 2.2 Contribute to the design of the organisational learning
o Conduct a Learner Needs Analysis
o Determine learning and development needs
o Identify learning objectives and outcomes
o Assess L&D options
o Determine learning content
o Identify technological requirements
o Determine media and delivery methods
o Develop and document processes and procedures to allocate

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
o Develop an assessment strategy
o Prepare to implement and test the L&D strategy
 Task 2.3 Implement the L&D Strategy
o Present to the focus group as instructed
o Summarise feedback collected
o Evaluate assessment completion
 Task 2.4 Recommend improvents to strategy
o Develop an evaluation report
o Share the executive report with relevant stakeholders
o Provide evidence of implementation of two (2) improvements
to the L&D strategy
Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a
work environment, the assessment submission is individual and will
be marked as such.

 Submit the completed assessment tasks, according to

 Adhere to the Greenwich Management College's submission
guidelines and timelines for submission,
 Complete all tasks with sufficient detail and professionally present
 Use your own words and reference sources appropriately,
 Meet the word count where required,
What do I need to do
 Use the scenario provided where required or agree on
to complete this task
alternatives with your trainer and assessor,
 Use the templates provided as instructed,
 For your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this
assessment task, you must satisfactorily meet the elements and
performance criteria, performance evidence and foundation skills
for this unit of competency,
 If part/s of this task is not completed satisfactorily, you will be
asked to resubmit according to Greenwich Management College's
policies and procedures.
Specifications You must deliver/participate in:
 Consult with the management and the CEO when developing the
L&D Prep Report in task 2.1 in simulated work conditions
 Work in collaboration with the management group when
addressing Task 2.2, and consult with the CEO in simulated work
 Implement the L&D Strategy by conducting a focus group in Task
2.3. Role-Play in simulated work conditions.

You must submit to GOALS:

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
 L&D Prep Report in Task 2.1
 Competency-Self-Assessment – Outcome in Task 2.2.1
 Learner Analysis in Task 2.2.1
 L&D Needs in Task 2.2.2
 Learning objectives and Outcomes in Task 2.2.3
 L&D options in Task 2.2.4
 Learning content in Task 2.2.5
 Technological Requirements in Task 2.2.6
 Media and delivery methods in Task 2.2.7
 Resource Breakdown Structure in Task 2.2.8
 Roles and Responsibilities in Task 2.2.8
 Procedure to allocate resources in Task 2.2.8
 Assessment Strategy in Task 2.2.9
 PP presentation in Task 2.2.10
 Evidence of learning content sample in Task 2.2.10
 Assessment sample in Task 2.2.10
 Observation Checklist in Task 2.3
 Evaluation Report in Task 2.4.1
 Email to CEO in Task 2.4.2
 Evidence of applied improvements in Task 2.4.2
 Computer with Internet access for research
 Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software
 Learning material
 Case Study - Scenario for assessment provided in the practical
Resources and
assessment instructions document
 Relevant policies and procedures provided in a separate folder
 Templates as provided
 Access to Canvas Learning Management System
 Practical assessment instructions document.
Re-submission You will be provided feedback on your performance by the assessor.
opportunities The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the
requirements of each part of this task.
Suppose any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed. In that
case, the assessor will explain why and provide you with written
feedback and guidance on what you must improve to demonstrate
satisfactory performance.
Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date.
You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if
you feel you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate
grounds for an appeal.

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
You are encouraged to consult with the assessor before attempting
this task if you do not understand any part of this task or have any
learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any
part of the assessment.

Complete the following tasks:

Task 2.1 Contribute to learning and development strategy formation
This Task requires you to:
 Evaluate methods of learning and development against organisational requirements
 Analyse the impact of organisational learning and development on the organisation, and consult
relevant stakeholders
 Examine and review options for deploying quality policies and processes in organisational learning
 Analyse and plan requirements for an organisational learning strategy to support organisational
strategic and policy requirements
 Analyse and plan technological and systems requirements for an organisational learning strategy
 Analyse and align organisational learning strategy with human resources and learning requirements
and plans
 Develop procedures to liaise with educators, learners and others and monitor learning and
development strategies and learning and development resources

You will:
 Develop an L&D Prep Report in consultation with relevant stakeholders

Please refer to the Practical Assessment Instructions document for further instructions and detail
about this task.

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Template 1 – L&D Prep Report


Executive Summary

Organisational Requirements and Alignment


Methods of learning and development


Options for deploying quality policies and processes in organisational learning

 <Add>

Improvements :


Technological and system requirements


BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Key procedures

Strategy for stakeholder engagement


Liaise with stakeholders


Monitoring L&D strategies


Monitor L&D resources


Task 2.2 Contribute to the design of the organisational learning strategy

This Task requires you to:
 Design, collaboratively with relevant stakeholders, organisational learning and development
 Design and develop flexible learning, development and assessment strategies to support
organisational requirements
 Establish processes and procedures for allocating and managing resources and staff required to
implement an organisational learning strategy
 Contribute to the development of compliant assessment processes according to organisational
You will:
 Conduct a Learner Needs Analysis - Task 2.2.1
 Determine learning and development needs - Task 2.2.2
 Identify learning objectives and outcomes - Task 2.2.3
 Assess L&D options - Task 2.2.4
 Determine learning content - Task 2.2.5
 Identify technological requirements - Task 2.2.6
 Determine media and delivery methods - Task 2.2.7
 Develop and document processes and procedures to allocate resources - task 2.2.8
 Develop an assessment strategy - Task 2.2.9
 Prepare to implement and test the L&D strategy - Task 2.2.10

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Please refer to the Practical Assessment Instructions document for further instructions and detail
about this task.

1.2.1 Learning Needs Analysis

Conduct a Learning Needs Analysis, and a Learner Analysis.
Template 2 – Competency-Self-Assessment
Rate yourself on how well you believe you can perform the task associated with each competency.
1= Not applicable
2= Not very well
3 = Not well
4 = Well
5= Oustanding
Competency: <Add> 1 2 3 4 5
Competency: <Add> 1 2 3 4 5
Competency: <Add> 1 2 3 4 5

Template 3 – Competency-Self-Assessment - Outcome

Indicate the % of respondents rated 1,2,3,4, or 5 on each competency criteria.
1= Not applicable
2= Not very well
3 = Not well
4 = Well
5= Oustanding
Competency: <Add> 1 2 3 4 5

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
<Add> 10% 30% 60%
Competency: <Add> 1 2 3 4 5
Competency: <Add> 1 2 3 4 5

Template 4 – Learner Analysis

Learner Analysis

 Size of the target audience <Add>

 Age ranges <Add>

 Educational/grade level or <Add>

academic program year.

 Cultural backgrounds <Add>

 Primary language <Add>

 Internet connectivity? <Add>

 Access to technology? Ability to <Add>

use technology?

 Departmental unit or learner <Add>

group composition.

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Learner Analysis

 What motivates the learner? <Add>

 What adult learning model/s and <Add>

theories will you apply? Why?

1.2.2 Learning and Development Needs

Determine and document the L&D needs.
Template 5– L&D Needs

Learning and Development Needs for: <Add>

Date created <Add> Last reviewed

Learning and Brief description of Learning and Development aims/objectives


<Add> <Add>

1.2.3 Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Develop three learning objectives and key learning outcomes.

Learning Objectives <Add>

Learning Outcomes <Add>

1.2.4 L&D options

Document the review of L&D options.


BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
1.2.5 Learning content
Document the learning content.


1.2.6 Technological Requirements

Document technological requirements.


1.2.7 Media and delivery methods

Document media and delivery modes.

L&D Method <Add>

Medium/Media <Add>

Delivery Mode <Add>

Learning Activities <Add>

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
1.2.8 Resources
Develop Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) using Template 6.
Template 6– RBS

L&D Strategy

Human Outcources
Facilities Equipment Material
Resources Services

Office Laptops L&D Team IT

Software Management

Allocate roles and responsibilities to the individuals involved in the development, implementation and
evaluation of the L&D strategy.
Template 7– Roles and responsibilities

<Add> <Add> <Add>

<Add> <Add> <Add>

<Add> <Add> <Add>

<Add> <Add> <Add>

<Add> <Add> <Add>

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Develop a procedure to allocate resources needed for L&D development, implementation and
evaluation to staff involved in the L&d initiative.


1.2.9 Assessment Strategy

Develop an assessment strategy .
Template 8– Assessment Strategy

Assessment Strategy

Outcomes to be measures <Add>

Assessment methods Assessment Method What it will measure/evaluate.

<Add> <Add>

<Add> <Add>

<Add> <Add>

Compliance <Add>

1.2.10 Prepare for implementation/testing

To prepare for Task 2.3:
1. Develop a PowerPoint presentation
Submit the PP presentation with your assessment.
2. Prepare a sample of the learning content
Submit evidence of the sample, for example, a screenshot, or upload the sample with your
3. Prepare a sample assessment
Submit evidence of the assessment sample with your assessment, for example, a screenshot, or
upload the sample with your assessment.

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Task 2.3 Implement the L&D strategy
This Task requires you to:
 Implement the L&D strategy by presenting it to a focus group for feedback and delivering a sample
of the L&D initiative to gather input on improvements.

OBSERVATION CHECKLIST 2.3 is required here.

Please refer to the Practical Assessment Instructions document for further instructions and detail
about this task.
 Summarise the feedback collected


 Evaluate the assessment completed by the focus group.


Task 2.4 Recommend improvements to strategy

This Task requires you to:
 Evaluate current organisational learning strategy
 Review performance of resources and people supporting organisational learning strategy
 Construct and present plans for improving organisational learning strategy
 Implement plans for improving organisational learning strategies
You will:
 Develop an evaluation report – Task 2.4.1
 Share the executive report with relevant stakeholders – Task 2.4.2
 Provide evidence of implementation of two (2) improvements to the L&D strategy – Task 2.4.2

Please refer to the Practical Assessment Instructions document for further instructions and detail
about this task.

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
1.4.1 Prepare for implementation/testing
Develop an Evaluation Report.
Template 9 –Evaluation Report


Executive Summary
<Add >

Findings Summary
<Add >

Lessons learned
<Add >

L&D Personnel Review

Name Evaluation and Feedback
Your Name <Add >

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Name Evaluation and Feedback
<Add >
Student Name <Add >
<Add >

Student Name <Add>

<Add >

Student Name <Add>

<Add >

Recommendations  <Add>
 <Add>
 <Add>
 <Add>

Changes  <Add>
 <Add>
 <Add>

Action Plan
Action Responsibility Timeframe Resources needed KPIs
<Add> <Add> <Add> <Add> <Add>
<Add> <Add> <Add> <Add> <Add>
<Add> <Add> <Add> <Add> <Add>
<Add> <Add> <Add> <Add> <Add>

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
1.4.2 Improvements
Email to the CEO.
Template 10 –Email
Email to CEO
To: <Add>
Cc: <Add>
Bcc: <Add>
Subject: <Add>
Date email is sent: <Add>
Attachments: <Add>


Provide evidence of two improvements applied to the L&G strategy.

Evidence 1 : <Add>

Evidence 2 : <Add>

For the purpose of the assessment, you are at liberty to make any assumptions you feel necessary
concerning the Case Study facts beyond those already provided to you in both the Practical
Assessment Instructions and the Assessment Workbook (Practical as long as those assumptions do
not alter the material elements detailed in the Case Study.

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Please include your references below:

(Please refer to this referencing guide if needed or speak to your trainer for any specific referencing
requirements for this assessment)

Version Control Number Date

V2.0 1st Jan 2022
V2.1 17th May 2023

BSBHRM613 - Contribute to the development of learning and development strategies V2.1 2023
RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K

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