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Using Steam Tables Pt.

NORSU-CEA Lecture Notes

Engr. Winston Gomez

The Constant Pressure Curve This is how the constant pressure curve (A-
B-C-D) looks in a Ts chart. It is not straight
but it looks more like a staircase. For
example, we have water at 20oC at 101.325
MPa. This is a subcooled liquid hence
located at point A. The imaginary path A-B-
D C-D is a constant pressure curve which is
equal to the given 101.325 kPa. Adding
heat to the water causes its temperature to

rise until it reaches saturation point

(boiling point) which is at 100oC at point B.
B C At this point, it is still saturated liquid. It
does not turn directly to vapor unless
further heat is added. As heating
progresses, it undergoes phase change
A from saturated liquid (point B) to
saturated vapor (point C) at constant
temperature. Any point between B and C
is what we call wet steam or simple
mixture. At point C (saturated steam),
further heating this causes its temperature
to rise again beyond the boiling point until
Entropy it becomes a superheated steam (point D).
The curve A-B-C-D holds also for
condensation which is the opposite of
boiling or evaporation.
Using the T-s chart
Example #1.
What is the quality of steam whose pressure is 1.0 Mpaa and has an entropy of 5.9 kJ/kg-K?
Solution .
Step 1: Locate the pressure line for 1.0 Mpa.


1.0 MPa
Using the T-s chart
Example #1.
What is the quality of steam whose pressure is 1.0 MPaa and has an entropy of 5.9 kJ/kg-K?
Step 2: Intersect the pressure line
with the saturated steam curve (RED). With
this, the intersection point will be a steam
condition whose pressure is 1.0 MPa and
saturated steam. But we are not done yet
because what we are to find is the quality of
steam mixture not saturated steam!

Step 3:
From the point of Point of intersection
project a Temperature 178oC
horizontal line to
the left since the
wet steam region
is inside the bell
curve. Take note
that this horizontal
line is also
matching the
temperature Entropy

Using the T-s chart

1.0 MPa
Step 4:
Project a vertical line (yellow) downward for the entropy 5.9 kJ/kg-
K. From the intersection point, CAREFULLY TRACE the quality curve
(green) as shown. The quality of the steam is found to be 85%. Take
note, one can easily be confused with the quality curves and
enthalpy curves as they look similar and are sometimes almost Point of intersection
overlapping. For example, let enthalpy curve be the orange line, if
one chose the wrong curve (enthalpy instead of quality) he will get
a value of 2,475 kJ/kg. It is only through practice that one becomes
familiar with the difference between the two. A useful hint is that
the curves with huge values, for example in thousands, are the
enthalpy curves while the quality curves are only between 0 to
100. In the next page, it shows a crude sketch showing how the
quality and enthalpy curves differ from each other.
h=2,475 kJ/kg

5.9 kJ/kg-K
85% quality
Using the T-s chart

The green lines are the quality

curves while the orange lines are
the enthalpy curves.

Using the T-s chart
Example #2.
What is the enthalpy of the steam whose pressure is 1.0 MPa and temperature is 420oC?
Solution .
Step 1: Locate the pressure line (green) for
1.0 MPa. Trace the temperature line for
420oC shown as the blue line then intersect it
with the 1.0 MPa line. With this, we have a
steam condition that has a pressure of 1.0
MPa and a temperature of 420oC

Step 2:
Trace the enthalpy
(orange) curve
from the point of Temperature

intersection. The
enthalpy of the
superheated steam
is approximately 1.0 MPa
3,308.3 kJ/kg.
Point of intersection

h=3,308.3 kJ/kg
Using the T-s chart
Example #3.
What is the specific volume of saturated steam whose pressure is 1.0 MPa?
Solution .
Step 1: Locate the pressure line for 1.0 Mpa.


1.0 MPa
Using the T-s chart
Example #3.
What is the specific volume of saturated steam whose pressure is 1.0 MPa?
Step 2: Intersect the pressure line
with the saturated steam curve (RED). With
this, the intersection point will be a steam
condition whose pressure is 1.0 MPa and
saturated steam.

Step 3:
From the point of
CAREFULLY TRACE Point of intersection
the broken line. Temperature
The broken lines in
the Ts chart
represents the
specific volume. It
is the only unique
curve and easily
distinguishable in
the Ts chart. The
value we read is Step 4:
200. The actual value of specific volume is 0.2 m3/kg. It is because the lines are labelled
as “Volume x 103”. This means that Volumex103 = 200. To get the volume (actually
specific volume), we transpose 103 to the other side. Thus, we now have
Volume=200/(103). This results to 0.2 m3/kg.
Using the T-s chart

The broken purple lines are the

specific volume curves. Notice that
it changes direction when it hits
the saturated vapor curve.


Watch these videos

Answer the following questions. Use exactly the

recommended steam tables book.
1)What does it mean by sensible heat?
2) What does it mean by latent heat?
3) On the right, a Ts diagram, where can you find sensible heating?
How about latent heating?

4) What is the quality, temperature, specific volume,& entropy of water if it has a pressure of 2.0 MPa and
enthalpy of 2,525 kJ/kg? What is the state of the water substance?
5) What is the quality, specific volume, enthalpy,& entropy of the water if it has a pressure of 0.3 MPa and a
temperature of 210oC? What is the state of the water substance?


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