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Complete e-book for printing technology

Printing technical question & answer with model paper

1. Ink consists of pigments or dyes, a vehicle (binder) to attach the pigment to the
a) True
b) False
1. स्याही में वर्णक या रं जक होते हैं, वर्णक को कागज से जोड़ने के लिए एक वाहन (बाइं डर) क
) सत्य
ख) असत्य
2. Ink consists of pigments such as __________ to supply color and opacity and a vehicle
to carry the pigment and bind it to the paper.
a) Silicon oxide
b) Aluminium oxide
c) Titanium oxide
d) Zinc oxide
2. स्याही में रं ग और अस्पष्टता प्रदान करने के लिए __________ जैसे वर्णक होते हैं और वर्णक
को िे जाने और इसे कागज से बां धने के लिए एक वाहन होता है।
a) लसलिकॉन ऑक्साइड
b) एल्यु लमलनयम ऑक्साइड
c) टाइटे लनयम ऑक्साइड
d) लजंक ऑक्साइड
3. Pigments which are _________ variant of organic dyes are called vat dyes.
a) Soluble
b) Insoluble
c) Acidic
d) Basic
3. वर्णक जो काबणलनक रं गों के _________ रूप हैं, वैट डाई कहिाते हैं।
a) घुिनशीि
b) अघुिनशीि
c) अम्लीय
d) क्षारीय

4. Ink __________ are often heavy metal salts of (unsaturated fatty acid) soaps that
promote oxidation and/or polymerization.
a) Ink paper sizing

b) Ink receptivity
c) Ink additives
d) Ink visibility
4. स्याही __________ अक्सर (असंतृप्त वसा अम्ल) साबुन के भारी धातु के िवर् होते हैं जो
ऑक्सीकरर् और/या पोिीमराइजेशन को बढावा दे ते हैं।
a) इं क पेपर साइलजंग
b) इं क ररसेलिलवटी for video visit this link -

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c) इं क एलडलटव्स
d) इं क लवलजलबलिटी

5. __________ of the ink vehicle leaves the solid ink with rosin esters and metal binders
behind; this is utilized in magazine and catalogue grades utilizing letterpress or heat set
web offset printing.
a) Sublimation
b) Liquation for video visit this link -
c) Evaporation
d) Solidification
5. स्याही वाहन का __________ ठोस स्याही को रोलसन एस्टर और धातु बााँधने के पीछे छोड़ दे ता
है; इसका उपयोग पलिका और कैटिॉग ग्रेड में िेटरप्रेस या हीट सेट वेब ऑफ़सेट लप्रंलटं ग का उपयोग
करके लकया जाता है।
a) उर्ध्णपातन
b) द्रवीकरर्
c) वाष्पीकरर्
d) जमना
6. __________ of a drying oil with multifunctional carboxylic acids and alcohols left on the
paper surface after the vehicle is absorbed into the paper might promote
a) Oxidation
b) Reduction
c) Radiation
d) Cracking
6. वाहन के कागज में अवशोलित होने के बाद कागज की सतह पर छोड़े गए बहुलियाशीि
काबोक्जिलिक एलसड और अल्कोहि के साथ सुखाने वािे तेि का __________ पोिीमराइजेशन को
बढावा दे सकता है।
ए) ऑक्सीकरर्
बी) कमी
सी) लवलकरर्
डी) िैलकंग
7. __________ curing cautilizes monomers or pre-polymers in the vehicle to form
polymers; it’s useful with acrylics.
a) Oxidation
b) Reduction
c) Radiation
d) Cracking
7. __________ इिाज वाहन में मोनोमसण या प्री-पॉलिमर को पॉलिमर बनाने के लिए सावधानी
बरतता है; यह ऐिेलिक के साथ उपयोगी है।
ए) ऑक्सीकरर्
बी) कमी
सी) लवलकरर्
डी) िैलकंग
8. Infrared hardening , precipitation of binders, gelation, and cooling of hot
thermoplastic inks utilized in electrostatic printing.
a) True
b) False
8. इिेक्ट्रोस्टै लटक लप्रंलटं ग में उपयोग लकए जाने वािे गमण थमाणप्लाक्जस्टक स्याही के इन्फ्रारे ड हाडण लनं ग,
बाइं डसण, जेिेशन और कूलिंग की विाण ।
क) सत्य
ख) असत्य

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9. __________ is the amount of paper that could be covered by ink to achieve a specified
print density under operating conditions of a press.
a) Ink tack
b) Ink mileage
c) Ink additives
d) Ink visibility
9. __________ कागज की वह मािा है लजसे एक प्रेस की पररचािन क्जथथलतयों के तहत एक
लनलदण ष्ट लप्रंट घनत्व प्राप्त करने के लिए स्याही से ढका जा सकता है।
a) इं क टै क
b) इं क माइिेज

c) इं क एलडलटव्स
d) इं क दृश्यता
10. ____________ is a measure of the force or energy required to split a film of ink. In this
regard the ink is like a contact adhesive.
a) Ink tack
b) Ink mileage
c) Ink additives
d) Ink visibility
10. ___________ स्याही की लिल्म को लवभालजत करने के लिए आवश्यक बि या ऊजाण का माप
है। इस संबंध में स्याही एक संपकण लचपकने की तरह है।
a) इं क टै क
b) इं क माइिेज
c) इं क एलडलटव्स
d) इं क दृश्यता
1 a 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 c 6 b 7 c 8 b 9 b 10 a

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1. Multicolor presses utilize printing units in tandem to apply several colors, often 2
or 4 colors.
a) True
b) False
1. बहुरं गा प्रेस कई रं गों, अक्सर 2 या 4 रं गों को िागू करने के लिए लमिकर मुद्रर् इकाइयों का
उपयोग करते हैं।
क) सत्य
ख) असत्य
2. ________ printing will be considered when a single color press can be utilized by a
skilled craftsman to produce multicolor prints by utilizing several passes through the
press with a change of ink b/w passes.
a) One colour
b) Two colour
c) Three colour
d) Four colour
2. ________ मुद्रर् पर लवचार लकया जाएगा जब एक कुशि लशल्पकार द्वारा स्याही बी / डब्ल्यू
पास के पररवतणन के साथ प्रेस के माध्यम से कई पासों का उपयोग करके बहुरं गी लप्रंट का उत्पादन
करने के लिए एक एकि रं ग प्रेस का उपयोग लकया जा सकता है।
a) एक रं ग
b) दो रं ग
c) तीन रं ग
d) चार रं ग

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3. Most of the colors can be adequately reproduced with translucent yellow, magenta,
and cyan inks. Since these inks ________ black ink is utilized to give the overall shade to a
particular color.
a) Absorb light for video visit this link -
b) Do not absorb light
c) Absorb only white
d) Absorb radiations
3. अलधकांश रं गों को पारभासी पीिे, मैजेंटा और लसयान स्याही के साथ पयाण प्त रूप से पुन: प्रस्तुत

लकया जा सकता है। चूंलक ये स्याही ________ कािी स्याही का उपयोग एक लवशेि रं ग को समग्र
छाया दे ने के लिए लकया जाता है।
a) प्रकाश को अवशोलित करता है
b) प्रकाश को अवशोलित नहीं करता
c) केवि सिेद को अवशोलित करता है
d) लवलकरर् को अवशोलित करता है
4. The 4 process colors are known as the ________ color system, where K indicates black
if it were designated B it may be confutilized with blue or key.
4. 4 प्रलिया रं गों को ________ रं ग प्रर्ािी के रूप में जाना जाता है, जहााँ K कािे रं ग को इं लगत
करता है यलद इसे B नालमत लकया गया था तो इसे नीिे या कुंजी के साथ भ्रलमत लकया जा सकता
ए ) सीवाईएमके
बी )
सीएनडब्ल्यू के सी) टीटीएसके
डी) एचआईएमवाईएम

5. The process colors have the same names globally. The shades are uniform in ________
but a various. set of shades is utilized in Europe.
a) South America
b) North America
c) Asia
d) Australia
6. __________ is the process of making 4 halftone negatives for colour pictures.
a) Color separation
b) Color combination
c) Chromatography
d) Electrolysis

7. If a coloured object is photographed through a ________ and is transmitted, while blue

and green colours are blocked.
a) Red light
b) Blue light
c) Green light
d) White light
8. Since this photograph is a negative, it best represents the blue and green areas of
the object. The red negative will be printed with ________
a) Red
b) Violet
c) Cyan
d) Green

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9. Not entire colour printing process can now be accomplished with the usage of
computer controlled scanners, but the method of collecting the information doesn’t
change the theory of the colour printing process.
a) True
b) False
10. A colour _________ that is made smaller is choked, while one that is made bigger is
a) Spread
b) Spot
c) Slit
d) Tip
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1 a 2 d 3 b 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 A

1. Screen printing utilizes a ___________ to control the location of the ink.

a) Layer
b) Mask
c) Point
d) Spot

1. स्क्रीन लप्रंलटं ग स्याही के थथान को लनयंलित करने के लिए ___________ का उपयोग करती है।
a) िेयर
b) मास्क
c) पॉइं ट
d) स्पॉट
2. ___________ is the only commonly utilized stencil printing method utilized. It utilizes a
fine mesh screen mounted to a frame.
a) Copper screen printing
b) Zinc screen printing
c) Silk screen printing
d) Linen screen printing
2. ___________ एकमाि सामान्य रूप से उपयोग की जाने वािी स्टैं लसि लप्रंलटं ग लवलध है। यह
एक रेम पर िगे महीन जािी वािी स्क्रीन का उपयोग करता है।
a) कॉपर स्क्रीन लप्रंलटं ग
b) लजंक स्क्रीन लप्रंलटं ग
c) लसल्क स्क्रीन लप्रंलटं ग
d) लिनन स्क्रीन लप्रंलटं ग
3. The ___________ is held against the surface to be printed, and ink is forced through the
___________ (and supporting screen) with utilize of a squeegee.
a) Pin
b) Stencil

c) Point
d) Impression
3. ___________ को छपाई की जाने वािी सतह के क्जखिाि रखा जाता है, और एक स्क्वीजी के
उपयोग से स्याही को ___________ (और सहायक स्क्रीन) के माध्यम से मजबूर लकया जाता है।
ए) लपन
बी) स्टैं लसि
सी) प्वाइं ट
डी) इं प्रेशन

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4. Mimeographing is the other common method of stencil printing, although it is

seldom utilized anymore.
a) True
b) False
4. माइमोग्रालिंग स्टैं लसि लप्रंलटं ग की अन्य सामान्य लवलध है, हािां लक अब इसका उपयोग शायद ही
कभी लकया जाता है।
क) सत्य
ख) असत्य
5. The ___________ process was introduced by the Xerox company in 1960.
a) Ink jet printer
b) Photocopy
c) Printhead
d) Ribbons

5. 1960 में जेरॉक्स कंपनी द्वारा ___________ प्रलिया शुरू की गई थी।

ए) इं क जेट लप्रंटर
बी) िोटोकॉपी
सी) लप्रंटहेड
डी) ररबन
6. ___________ spray the ink directly through a series of holes onto the surface of paper
as the printhead scans back and forth across the paper.
a) Ink jet printer
b) Photocopy
c) Thermal printers
d) Ribbons

6. ___________ स्याही को सीधे कागज की सतह पर छे दों की एक श्ृंखिा के माध्यम से स्प्रे

करें क्ोंलक लप्रंटहेड कागज पर आगे और पीछे स्कैन करता है।
ए) इं क जेट लप्रंटर
बी) िोटोकॉपी
सी) थमणि लप्रंटर
डी) ररबन
7. ___________ printers utilize a dye from a page size ribbon that vaporizes and
condenses on the paper. This method allows a continuous tone of ink intensities to be

a) Dye sublimation
b) Dye freezing
c) Dye evaporation
d) Dye saturation
7. ___________ लप्रंटर पृष्ठ आकार के ररबन से डाई का उपयोग करते हैं जो कागज पर वाक्जष्पत
और संघलनत होता है। यह लवलध स्याही की तीव्रता के लनरं तर स्वर का उत्पादन करने की अनु मलत
दे ती है।
ए) डाई उच्च बनाने की लिया
बी) डाई रीलजंग
सी) डाई वाष्पीकरर्
डी) डाई संतृक्जप्त
8. ___________ crystals surrounded by ink vibrate, cautilizing a droplet to form and pass
through a fine nozzle, a very small electric heater boil the ink to transfer it to the paper.
a) CuSO 4
b) SiO 2
c) Methamphetamine
d) Piezoelectric
8. स्याही से लघरे ___________ लिस्टि कंपन करते हैं, एक छोटी बूंद को बनाने और बारीक

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नोजि से गुजरने के लिए सावधानी बरतते हुए, एक बहुत छोटा इिेक्जक्ट्रक हीटर स्याही को कागज में
थथानां तररत करने के लिए उबािता है।
a) CuSO 4
b) SiO 2
c) मेथामिेटामाइन
d) पीजोइिेक्जक्ट्रक

9. ___________ are generally reserved for instrumentation. For example, E.K.G. machines
and other “chart recorders,” many FAX receivers, some computer printers, and other
devices utilize this method.
a) Ink jet printer
b) Photocopy
c) Thermal printers
d) Ribbons

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9. ___________ आमतौर पर इं स्टूमेंटेशन के लिए आरलक्षत होते हैं। उदाहरर् के लिए, ईकेजी
मशीन और अन्य "चाटण ररकॉडण र," कई िैक्स ररसीवर, कुछ कंप्यूटर लप्रंटर और अन्य लडवाइस इस
पद्धलत का उपयोग करते हैं।
ए) इं क जेट लप्रंटर
बी) िोटोकॉपी
सी) थमणि लप्रंटर
डी) ररबन
10. Printing occurs by a ____________ that heats appropriately as it scans. This method
has the advantage that ink will not clog in equipment that gets intermittent utilize so
that the reliability is greatly improved.
a) Print head
b) Thermal head
c) Pressure head
d) Density head
10. मुद्रर् एक __________ द्वारा होता है जो स्कैन करते समय उलचत रूप से गमण होता है। इस
पद्धलत का यह िाभ है लक स्याही उन उपकरर्ों में बंद नहीं होगी जो रुक-रुक कर उपयोग करते हैं
तालक लवश्वसनीयता में बहुत सुधार हो।
a) लप्रंट हेड
b) थमणि हेड
c) प्रेशर हेड
d) डें लसटी हेड
1B 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 A 8 D 9 C 10 A

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1. Measuring strength properties C.D. refers to the test force applied in the machine
a) True
b) False
1. शक्जि गुर्ों को मापना सीडी मशीन की लदशा में िागू परीक्षर् बि को संदलभणत करता है।
क) सत्य
ख) असत्य

2. Measuring strength properties M.D. refers to the test force applied in the cross
machine direction.

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a) True
b) False
2. शक्जि गुर्ों को मापना एमडी िॉस मशीन लदशा में िागू परीक्षर् बि को संदलभणत करता है।
क) सत्य
ख) असत्य

3. The paper properties must be measured under standard conditions of temperature

and relative humidity since these affect the __________
a) MD
b) CD
c) EMC
d) EHM
3. कागज के गुर्ों को तापमान और सापेक्ष आद्रण ता की मानक क्जथथलतयों के तहत मापा जाना चालहए
क्ोंलक ये __________ को प्रभालवत करते हैं
ए) एमडी
बी) सीडी
सी) ईएमसी
डी) ईएचएम
Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) in most environments is normally within
the range of moisture contents to which timber is seasoned.

4. Paper should be stored in a hot, dry room before placement in the standard room so
that the ___________ of paper approaches its __________ by adsorbing water from the
a) Moisture content and EMC
b) Rate of forward reaction and rate of backward reaction
c) Moisture content and triple point
d) Fusion and fusion point
4. मानक कमरे में रखने से पहिे कागज को एक गमण, सूखे कमरे में संग्रलहत लकया जाना चालहए
तालक कागज का ___________ वातावरर् से पानी सोखकर अपने __________ तक पहुंच जाए।
a) नमी की मािा और EMC
b) आगे की प्रलतलिया की दर और पीछे की प्रलतलिया की दर
c) नमी की मािा और लटर पि पॉइं ट
d) संियन और संियन लबंदु

5. Due to __________ effect, a slightly higher E.M.C. would result if paper approached the
E.M.C. for a given relative humidity and temperature, by releasing water.
a) Tyndall effect
b) Hysteresis effect
c) Intermolecular effect
d) Van der waal effect
5. __________ प्रभाव के कारर्, यलद पेपर पानी छोड़ कर लकसी लदए गए सापेक्ष आद्रण ता और
तापमान के लिए ईएमसी से संपकण करता है, तो ईएमसी थोड़ा अलधक होगा।
a) लटं डि प्रभाव
b) लहस्टै ररसीस प्रभाव
c) इं टरमॉलिक्ुिर प्रभाव
d) वैन डे र वाि प्रभाव

6. It’s crucial to know the rate of __________ gain or loss of paper to achieve equilibrium
in order to understand how long it takes to condition samples.
a) Lignin
b) Pulp
c) Moisture
d) Poison

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6. नमूने को कंडीशन करने में लकतना समय िगता है, यह समझने के लिए संतुिन हालसि करने
के लिए कागज के __________ िाभ या हालन की दर जानना महत्वपूर्ण है।
ए) लिलिन
बी) पल्प
सी) नमी
डी) जहर

7. Paper should be placed in a hot, dry room (20-40°C or 68-105 °F, at 10-35% relative
humidity) before placement in the __________
a) Pumping extractor room
b) Radiation room
c) Standard room
d) Recycle room
7. पेपर को __________ में रखने से पहिे एक गमण, सूखे कमरे (20-40°C या 68-105 °F, 10-
35% सापेक्ष आद्रण ता पर) में रखा जाना चालहए
) a) पक्जपंग एक्सटर ै क्ट्र रूम
b) रे लडएशन रूम
c) स्टैं डडण कमरा
डी) रीसायकि कमरा

8. __________ installed several of his early air conditioning units in textile and printing
shops at the turn of this century because of controlling the relative humidity at the
time of paper and textile processing.
a) Willis Carrier
b) John Carter
c) William Defoe
d) Willis Defoe
8. __________ ने कागज और कपड़ा प्रसंस्करर् के समय सापेक्ष आद्रण ता को लनयंलित करने के
कारर् इस शताब्दी के मोड़ पर कपड़ा और छपाई की दु कानों में अपनी कई शुरुआती एयर कंडीशलनं ग
इकाइयां थथालपत कीं।
ए) लवलिस कैररयर
बी) जॉन काटण र
सी) लवलियम डे िो
डी) लवलिस डे िो

9. The __________ of today, manufactured from bleached kraft pulp, probably behaves
somewhere in between kraft wrapping and sulfite derived __________
a) Fine papers
b) Bond papers
c) Greaseproof papers
d) Linerboard
9. आज का __________, प्रक्षालित िाफ्ट पल्प से लनलमणत है, संभवतः िाफ्ट रै लपंग और सल्फाइट
व्युत्पन्न __________ के बीच कहीं व्यवहार करता है
a) िाइन पेपर
b) बॉन्ड पेपर
c) ग्रीसप्रूि पेपर
d) िाइनरबोडण
10. This paper uses concoated chemicals on the backside of one sheet that react with a
chemical on the front of the adjacent sheet to give color. What is the type of paper?
a) Sulfurless paper
b) Carbonless paper
c) Hydrogenless paper
d) Oxygenless paper
10. इस पेपर में एक शीट के पीछे कोकोटे ड केलमकि का इस्तेमाि होता है जो रं ग दे ने के लिए

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बगि वािी शीट के सामने वािे केलमकि से ररएक्शन करता है। कागज लकस प्रकार का होता है?
a) गंधक रलहत कागज
b) काबणन रलहत कागज
c) हाइडरोजन रलहत कागज
d) ऑक्सीजन रलहत कागज
1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 C 7 C 8 AB 9 B 10 B

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1. A particular area of paper’s artwork is characterized by relatively large areas of

black or white, but not gray.
a) True
b) False
1. कागज की किाकृलत का एक लवशेि क्षेि कािे या सिेद रं ग के अपेक्षाकृत बड़े क्षेिों की
लवशेिता है, िेलकन ग्रे नहीं।
क) सत्य
ख) असत्य
2. A ___________ is the opposite of line art and is continuous tone with various shades of
gray. However, areas of various shades of gray cannot be printed directly as gray.
a) Photograph
b) Film
c) Negatives
d) Video
2. एक ___________ रे खा किा के लवपरीत है और ग्रे के लवलभन्न रं गों के साथ लनरं तर स्वर
है। हािााँ लक, ग्रे के लवलभन्न रं गों के क्षेिों को सीधे ग्रे के रूप में लप्रंट नहीं लकया जा सकता है।
ए) िोटोग्राि
बी) लिल्म
सी) नकारात्मक
डी) वीलडयो
3. By use of the ___________ it is based on the optical illusion that areas of very small
black dots appear as gray, since the eye cannot distinguish the individual dots without
a) No tone screen
b) Full tone screen
c) Half tone screen
d) Medium tone screen
3. ___________ के उपयोग से यह ऑलिकि भ्रम पर आधाररत है लक बहुत छोटे कािे डॉट् स के
क्षेि ग्रे के रूप में लदखाई दे ते हैं, क्ोंलक आंख लबना आवधणन के अिग-अिग डॉट् स को अिग नहीं
कर सकती है।
ए) नो टोन स्क्रीन
बी) िुि टोन स्क्रीन
सी) हाि टोन स्क्रीन
डी) मीलडयम टोन स्क्रीन

4. The sizes of the dots are such that on the order of 50 (newspapers) to 200 (high
quality reproduction of photographs) occur per ___________
a) Linear mm
b) Linear cm
c) Linear m
d) Linear inch
4. डॉट् स का आकार ऐसा है लक 50 (समाचार पिों) से 200 (िोटोग्राि का उच्च गुर्वत्ता

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पुनरुत्पादन) के िम में प्रलत ___________ होता

है a) रै क्जखक लममी
b) रै क्जखक सेमी
c) रै क्जखक m
d) रै क्जखक इं च

5. The first edition of a book uses ___________ dots per inch in which screen is aligned so
that the rows and columns are at a 45° angle in the printed product.
a) 200
b) 100
c) 150
d) 10
5. पुस्तक के पहिे संस्करर् में ___________ डॉट् स प्रलत इं च का उपयोग लकया गया है लजसमें
स्क्रीन को संरेक्जखत लकया गया है तालक मुलद्रत उत्पाद में पंक्जियााँ और स्तंभ 45° के कोर् पर हों।
a) 200
b) 100
c) 150
d) 10

6. These patterns of ___________ are prepared with half—tone screens, special

photographic techniques, and other methods.
a) Dots
b) Spots
c) Cylinders
d) Layers
6. ___________ के ये पैटनण हाि-टोन स्क्रीन, लवशेि िोटोग्रालिक तकनीक और अन्य तरीकों से
तैयार लकए जाते हैं।

ए) डॉट् स
बी) स्पॉट
सी) लसिेंडर
डी) परतें

7. ___________ percentage of tones are produced by a checkerboard pattern of black and

white squares.
a) 100%
b) 50%
c) 25%
d) 5%
7. कािे और सिेद वगों के चेकरबोडण पैटनण द्वारा ___________ प्रलतशत टोन का उत्पादन लकया
जाता है।
ए) 100%
बी) 50%
सी) 25%
डी) 5%

8. The ___________ is defined as the relative area that is inked or the overall area that’s
inked multiplied by the transmittance of the printed area.
a) No tone screen
b) Full tone screen
c) Half tone screen
d) Medium tone screen
8. ___________ को उस सापेक्ष क्षेि के रूप में पररभालित लकया गया है लजस पर स्याही िगाई
गई है या समग्र क्षेि जो मुलद्रत क्षेि के संप्रेिर् से गुर्ा लकया गया है।

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ए) नो टोन स्क्रीन
बी) िुि टोन स्क्रीन
सी) हाि टोन स्क्रीन
डी) मीलडयम टोन स्क्रीन

9. ___________ printing is a modification of angled, conventional halftone printing.

a) Stochastic

b) Redemption
c) Scrutinizing
d) Haphazard
9. ___________ लप्रंलटं ग एं गल्ड, पारं पररक हाफ़टोन लप्रंलटं ग का एक संशोधन है।
ए) स्टोचैक्जस्टक
बी) ररडे पशन
सी) स्क्रूटनीलजंग
डी) बेतरतीब
10. In ___________ Frederick Ives developed tonal reproduction by usage of the halftone
a) 1996
b) 1896
c) 1886
d) 2006
10. ___________ में रेडररक इवेस ने हाफ़टोन स्क्रीन के उपयोग द्वारा टोनि प्रजनन लवकलसत
a) 1996
b) 1896
c) 1886
d) 2006
1A 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 C 6 A 7 B 8 B 9 A 10 C
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1. Runnability is usually more of a consideration in offset processes than with the other
a) True
b) False
1. अन्य प्रलियाओं की तुिना में ऑिसेट प्रलियाओं में रनने लबलिटी आमतौर पर अलधक लवचार है।
क) सत्य
ख) असत्य
2. The utilize of tacky inks and lightweight magazine papers in web offset printing
requires a considerable _________ on the paper to pull it through the press.
a) Tension
b) Texture
c) Material
d) Index
2. वेब ऑफ़सेट लप्रंलटं ग में लचपलचपी स्याही और हल्के मैगजीन पेपर के उपयोग के लिए कागज पर
प्रेस के माध्यम से खींचने के लिए कािी _________ की आवश्यकता होती है।
ए) तनाव
बी) बनावट
सी) सामग्री
डी) सूचकां क
3. If a stack of paper is of appreciably lower _________ than it would be in the ambient
atmosphere, moisture will be adsorbed, cautilizing wavy edges.
a) Vapour pressure

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b) Partial pressure
c) Saturation pressure
d) Equilibrium moisture content
3. यलद कागज का ढे र पयाण प्त रूप से कम _________ का है, तो यह पररवेशी वातावरर् में होगा,
नमी अलधशोलित हो जाएगी, िहरदार लकनारों को सावधानी से।
ए) वाष्प दबाव
बी) आं लशक दबाव
सी) संतृक्जप्त दबाव
डी) संतुिन नमी सामग्री
4. _________ of curl in paper is temperature especially in multiple printing operations
such as four colour printing.
a) Bend

b) Curl
c) Crease
d) Torn
4. कागज में किण का _________ लवशेि रूप से चार रं ग मुद्रर् जैसे कई मुद्रर् कायों में तापमान
होता है।
ए) बेंड
बी) किण
सी) िीज
डी) िटा हुआ
5. Mechanical _________ is cautilize by stress whose origin is not from moisture content
a) Bend
b) Curl
c) Crease
d) Torn
5. यां लिक _________ तनाव से सावधान होता है लजसकी उत्पलत्त नमी की मािा में उतार-चढाव से
नहीं होती है।
ए) बेंड
बी) किण
सी) िीज
डी) िटा हुआ
6. _________ process works with the less viscosity of ink utilized in this process, could
work well with reasonably rough paper surfaces.
a) Torn
b) Calendered
c) Gravure
d) Letterpress
6. _________ प्रलिया इस प्रलिया में उपयोग की जाने वािी स्याही की कम लचपलचपाहट के साथ
काम करती है, यथोलचत खुरदरी कागज सतहों के साथ अच्छी तरह से काम कर सकती है।
a) िटा हुआ
b) कैिेंडडण
c) ग्रेव्योर
d) िेटरप्रेस

7. The _________ of offset printing could conform to surface imperfections to some

a) Steel sheet
b) Pulp line
c) Rubber blanket
d) Starch layer
7. ऑफ़सेट लप्रंलटं ग का _________ कुछ हद तक सतह की खालमयों के अनु रूप हो सकता है।

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ए) स्टीि शीट
बी) पल्प िाइन
सी) रबड़ कंबि
डी) स्टाचण परत

8. A paper’s _________ is also increment by increment moisture content.

a) Compressibility
b) Visibility
c) Expandability
d) Receptivity
8. नमी की मािा बढने से कागज के _________ में भी वृक्जद्ध होती है।
a) संपीड्यता
b) दृश्यता
c) लवस्तारशीिता
d) ग्रहर्शीिता
9. _________ is a measure of the amount of ink that is transferred from the plate to the
a) Ink papersizing
b) Ink receptivity
c) Ink expandability
d) Ink visibility
9. _________ प्ले ट से कागज पर थथानांतररत होने वािी स्याही की मािा का एक माप है।
ए) इं क पेपराइलजंग
बी) इं क ररसेलिलवटी
सी) इं क एक्सपेंडेलबलिटी
डी) इं क लवलजलबलिटी

10. ___________ relationship is very temperature to ink receptivity, as sizing of paper

must always be considered in terms of the liquid against which paper is sized.
a) Ink papersizing
b) Ink receptivety
c) Ink expandibility
d) Ink visibility
10. ___________ संबंध स्याही की ग्रहर्शीिता के लिए बहुत ही तापमान है, क्ोंलक कागज के
आकार को हमेशा उस तरि के संदभण में माना जाना चालहए लजसके लवरुद्ध कागज का आकार होता
ए) इं क पेपराइलजंग
बी) इं क ररसेलिलवटी
सी) इं क एक्सपेंडेलबलिटी
डी) इं क लवलजलबलिट
1 A 2 A 3 D 4 B 5 B 6 C 7 C 8 A 9 B 10 A

1. __________ (also called intaglio) utilizes an indented area of the plate from which
to print.
a) Screen printing
b) Gravure printing
c) Cadmium sulphide printing
d) Stencil printing

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1. __________ (लजसे इं टैक्जियो भी कहा जाता है) प्लेट के एक इं डेंटेड क्षेि का उपयोग
करता है लजससे लप्रंट लकया जाता है।
ए) स्क्रीन लप्रंलटं ग
बी) ग्रेव्योर लप्रंलटं ग
सी) कैडलमयम सल्फाइड लप्रंलटं ग
डी) स्टें लसि लप्रंलटं ग
2. In the gravure process the leaves with raised areas free of ink, and the ink is
transferred from the __________
a) Gravure plates
b) Depressed area
c) Rotogravure
d) Spot
2. ग्रेव्योर प्रलिया में स्याही से मुि उभरे हुए क्षेिों वािी पलत्तयााँ , और स्याही को
__________ से थथानां तररत लकया जाता है
a) ग्रेव्योर प्ले ट्स
b) दबे हुए क्षेि
c) रोटोग्राव्योर
d) स्पॉट
3. Web printing with the gravure process is called __________ The edges of printed
areas have a serrated appearance.
a) Gravure plates
b) Depressed area
c) Rotogravure
d) Spot
3. ग्रेव्योर प्रलिया के साथ वेब लप्रंलटं ग को __________ कहा जाता है, मुलद्रत क्षेिों के
लकनारों में एक दााँतेदार उपक्जथथलत होती है।
a) ग्रेव्योर प्ले ट्स
b) लडप्रेथड एररया
c) रोटोग्राव्योर
d) स्पॉट

4. Gravure printing is usually carried out as a web process on lightweight.

a) True
b) False
4. गुरुत्वाकिणर् मुद्रर् आमतौर पर हल्के वजन पर वेब प्रलिया के रूप में लकया जाता है।
क) सत्य
ख) असत्य

5. The major components of a rotogravure press is the engraved cylinder.

a) True
b) False
5. रोटोग्राव्योर प्रेस के प्रमुख घटक उत्कीर्ण लसिेंडर हैं।
क) सत्य
ख) असत्य
6. The __________ is held in the plate by a series of cells or wells etched in a metal
surface, often copper.
a) Starch
b) Pulp
c) Ink
d) Lignin
6. प्लेट में __________ को धातु की सतह, अक्सर तां बे में उकेरी गई कोलशकाओं या कुओं की
एक श्ृंखिा द्वारा आयोलजत लकया जाता है।
क) स्टाचण
ख) गूदा

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ग) स्याही
घ) लिलिन
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7. The resolution of gravure is __________ or more lines per inch.

a) 10
b) 20
c) 140
d) 150
7. ग्रेव्योर का रे जोल्यूशन __________ या अलधक िाइन प्रलत इं च है।
ए) 10

बी) 20
सी) 140
डी) 150

8. __________ methods utilize a computer controlled oscillating diamond that penetrates

variable distances to cut the copper plate, which results in pyramid shaped cells of
variable depth and variable area.
a) Electro chemical
b) Mechanical
c) Electro-mechanical
d) Chemical
8. __________ लवलधयां एक कंप्यूटर लनयंलित ऑलसिेलटं ग डायमंड का उपयोग करती हैं जो तां बे
की प्ले ट को काटने के लिए अिग-अिग दू री में प्रवेश करती है, लजसके पररर्ामस्वरूप चर गहराई
और चर क्षेि के लपरालमड आकार की कोलशकाएं होती हैं।
a) इिेक्ट्रो केलमकि
b) मैकेलनकि
c) इिेक्ट्रो-मैकेलनकि
d) केलमकि
9. ___________ is a method which utilizes a mechanically engraved or chemically etched
copper or steel plate. Ink is applied to the plate and doctored off.
a) Zinc engraving
b) Aluminium engraving
c) Steel engraving
d) Copper plate engraving
9. ___________ एक ऐसी लवलध है जो यां लिक रूप से उत्कीर्ण या रासायलनक रूप से उकेरी गई
तां बे या स्टीि प्ले ट का उपयोग करती है। स्याही को प्ले ट पर िगाया जाता है और डॉक्ट्रे ट लकया
जाता है।
a) लजंक उत्कीर्णन
b) एल्यू मीलनयम उत्कीर्णन
c) स्टीि उत्कीर्णन
d) कॉपर प्लेट उत्कीर्णन

10. This method is capable of very sharp images and is utilized for printing currency
and certificates with fine details. What is the name of the method?
a) Zinc engraving
b) Aluminium engraving
c) Steel engraving
d) Copper plate engraving
10. यह लवलध बहुत तेज छलवयों में सक्षम है और मुद्रा और प्रमार्पिों को ठीक लववरर् के साथ
लप्रंट करने के लिए उपयोग की जाती है। लवलध का नाम क्ा है?
a) लजंक उत्कीर्णन

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b) एल्यू मीलनयम उत्कीर्णन

c) स्टीि उत्कीर्णन
d) कॉपर प्लेट उत्कीर्णन

1 B 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 A 6 C 7 D 8 C 9 C 10 C
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1. Lithography was invented by __________ in 1796.

a) Alois Senefelder
b) John Denver
c) Billy Armstrong
d) Manuel Neuer
1. लिथोग्रािी का आलवष्कार __________ द्वारा 1796 में लकया गया था।
ए) एिोइस सेनेिेल्डर
बी) जॉन डे नवर
सी) लबिी आमणस्टरां ग
डी) मैनुअि नेउर
2. The surface is treated with a __________ that is soaked into the image area, but
avoided the H 2 O treated, non-image area.
a) Polar ink
b) Non-polar ink
c) Silk screen
d) Pressure screen
2. सतह को एक __________ से उपचाररत लकया जाता है जो छलव क्षेि में लभगोया जाता है,
िेलकन एच 2 ओ उपचाररत, गैर-छलव क्षेि से बचा जाता है।
a) ध्रु वीय स्याही
b) गैर-ध्रु वीय स्याही
c) लसल्क स्क्रीन

d) दबाव स्क्रीन
3. The H 2 O solution utilised to prevent printing in the non-print areas is called the
a) Laser solution
b) Electrophotocopy solution
c) Fountain solution
d) Dye solution
3. गैर-लप्रंट क्षेिों में छपाई को रोकने के लिए उपयोग लकए जाने वािे एच 2
ओ समाधान को __________ कहा जाता है ए) िेजर समाधान
बी) इिेक्ट्रोिोटोकॉपी समाधान
सी) िाउं टेन समाधान
डी) डाई समाधान
4. Laser printing method is sometimes called planographic printing since the image and
non-image areas are in the same plane.
a) True
b) False
4. िेजर लप्रंलटं ग पद्धलत को कभी-कभी प्लानोग्रालिक लप्रंलटं ग कहा जाता है क्ोंलक छलव और गैर-
छलव क्षेि एक ही ति में होते हैं।
क) सत्य
ख) असत्य
5. The system utilised to apply the H 2 O solution to the plate surface is called the

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a) Dissociating system
b) Dampening system
c) H 2 O hating system
d) Littering
5. प्लेट की सतह पर H2O घोि को िागू करने के लिए उपयोग की जाने वािी प्रर्ािी को
__________ कहा जाता है
a) लवयोजन प्रर्ािी
b) नमप्रर्ािी
c) H2o घृर्ा प्रर्ािी
d) कूड़े दान
6. The plate surface is often a thin __________ plate wrapped tightly around a cylinder.
Every time the cylinder rotates, a copy can be made.

a) Copper
b) Magnesium
c) Calcium
d) Aluminium
6. प्लेट की सतह अक्सर एक पतिी __________ प्ले ट होती है जो एक लसिेंडर के चारों ओर
कसकर िपेटी जाती है। हर बार लसिेंडर के घूमने पर उसकी नकि की जा सकती है।
ए) कॉपर
बी) मैिीलशयम
सी) कैक्जशशयम
डी) एल्यू मीलनयम
7. Most lithography is carried out as offset printing; the image on the ink plate is
transferred to a rubber sheet and from the blanket to the paper.
a) True
b) False
7. अलधकांश लिथोग्रािी ऑफ़सेट लप्रंलटं ग के रूप में की जाती है; स्याही की प्लेट पर छलव को एक
रबर शीट और कंबि से कागज पर थथानां तररत कर लदया जाता है।
क) सत्य
ख) असत्य
8. The __________ balance in offset lithographic printing is critical. Also, the utilization of
the dampening system complicates the press and its operation and adds to its initial
a) Ink/H 2 O
b) Starch/H 2 O
c) Pulp/solvent
d) Ink/starch
8. ऑिसेट लिथोग्रालिक लप्रंलटं ग में __________ संतुिन महत्वपूर्ण है। इसके अिावा, नम प्रर्ािी
का उपयोग प्रेस और उसके संचािन को जलटि बनाता है और इसकी प्रारं लभक िागत में वृक्जद्ध
करता है।
a) इं क/H 2 O
b) स्टाचण/H 2 O
c) पल्प/सॉल्वेंट
d) स्याही/स्टाचण

9. __________ must be designed especially for this system to be effective; the principal
difference is that the __________ vehicle that’s selected must give suitable rheological
properties such as a fairly high viscosity.
a) Ink
b) Steel
c) Aluminium
d) Copper

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9. इस प्रर्ािी के प्रभावी होने के लिए __________ को लवशेि रूप से लडजाइन लकया जाना
चालहए; मुख्य अंतर यह है लक लजस __________ वाहन का चयन लकया गया है, वह कािी उच्च
लचपलचपाहट जैसे उपयुि ररयोिॉलजकि गुर् प्रदान करता है।
a) इं क
b) स्टीि
c) एल्यु लमलनयम
d) कॉपर

10. Dot gain in the mid tones is said to be about __________ lower than with conventional
a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 30%
d) 40%
10. पारं पररक लिथोग्रािी की तुिना में लमड टोन में डॉट गेन को िगभग __________ कम कहा
जाता है।
a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 30%
d) 40%

1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 D 7 A 8 A 9 A 10 C
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1- Labels are usually printed on small format flexopresses called as :

(A) Normal Web
(B) Wide Format Web
(C) Narrow Web
(D) Micro Web
1- िेबि आमतौर पर छोटे प्रारूप वािे फ्लेक्सो प्रेस पर मुलद्रत होते हैं लजन्हें कहा जाता है:
(ए) सामान्य वेब
(बी) वाइड िॉमेट वेब
(सी) संकीर्ण वेब
(डी) माइिो वेब

2- The _______ is a circle that is 3/8 inch in diameter and has 72 wedges
(A) Dot Gain Scale
(B) Star Target
(C) Slur Gauge
(D) Colour Bar
2- _______ एक वृत्त है लजसका व्यास 3/8 इं च है और इसमें 72 वेजेज हैं
(ए) डॉट गेन स्केि
(बी) स्टार िक्ष्य
(सी) स्लर गेज
(डी) रं ग

3- Which of the following processes media in a roll that is transported by rollers and wraps itself
around a roller that moves the media during exposure.
(A) Flatbed image setters
(B) Drum image setters
(C) Capstan image setters
(D) Digital image processing

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3- लनम्न में से कौन मीलडया को एक रोि में प्रोसेस करता है जो रोिसण द्वारा िे जाया जाता है और एक रोिर के
चारों ओर िपेटता है जो एक्सपोजर के दौरान मीलडया को थथानांतररत करता है।
(ए) फ्लैटबेड छलव सेटसण
(बी) डरम छलव सेटसण
(सी) Capstan छलव सेटसण

(डी) लडलजटि इमेज प्रोसेलसं

4- Which of the following has great potential for development in process safety, user and
automation, environmental compatibility etc.
(A) Advanced image processing
(B) Digital image processing
(C) Conventional image processing
(D) Hybrid image processing
4- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकसके पास प्रलिया सुरक्षा, उपयोगकताण और स्वचािन, पयाण वरर्
अनु कूिता आलद में लवकास की कािी संभावनाएं हैं।
(ए) उन्नत छलव प्रसंस्करर्
(बी) लडलजटि इमेज प्रोसेलसंग
(सी) पारं पररक छलव प्रसंस्करर्
(डी) हाइलिड इमेज प्रोसेलसंग
5- Which of the following when increased, will reduce the tonal range of limited image and
increase dot gain in offset printing.
(A) Screen Display
(B) Screen Collation
(C) Screen Ruling
(D) Screen Angle

5- लनम्न में से कौन बढाए जाने पर, सीलमत छलव की टोनि रें ज को कम करे गा और ऑफ़सेट लप्रंलटं ग में डॉट गेन
(ए) स्क्रीन लडथप्ले
(बी) स्क्रीन संयोजन
(सी) स्क्रीन रूलिंग
(डी) स्क्रीन कोर्

6- Which of the following defines a uniform data structure and associated coding for the data that
is necessary for the complete technical production?
(A) Press Production Format
(B) Print Production Format
(C) Print Creation Format

(D) Print Production Setup

6- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से कौन डे टा के लिए एक समान डे टा संरचना और संबद्ध कोलडं ग को पररभालित करता है जो
पूर्ण तकनीकी उत्पादन के लिए आवश्यक है?
(ए) प्रेस उत्पादन प्रारूप
(बी) लप्रंट उत्पादन प्रारूप
(सी) लप्रंट लनमाण र् प्रारूप
(डी) लप्रंट उत्पादन सेटअप

7- Which of the following is necessary for judging the quality of multi-color print?
(A) Ammonia Proof
(B) Black & white Proof
(C) Duo tone Proof
(D) Color Proof

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7- मल्टीकिर लप्रंट की गुर्वत्ता को आं कने के लिए लनम्नलिक्जखत में से कौन सा आवश्यक है?
(ए) अमोलनया सबूत
(बी) ब्लैक एं ड व्हाइट सबूत
(सी) डु ओ टोन सबूत
(डी) रं ग सबूत

8- Which of the following is used in conventional offset process to separate image & non
(A) Aluminum Oxide
(B) Hydrochloric Acid
(C) Dampening Solution
(D) Ortho Phosphoric Acid

8- लनम्न में से लकसका उपयोग पारं पररक ऑिसेट प्रलिया में छलव और गैर छलव क्षेिों को
अिग करने के लिए लकया जाता है:
(ए) एल्यू लमलनयम ऑक्साइड
(बी) हाइडरोक्लोररक एलसड
(सी) लभगोना समाधान
(डी) ऑथो िॉस्फोररक एलसड

9- The ink film is ______ each time, while it transfers from one surface to another surface.
(A) Piled
(B) Split
(C) Washed up
(D) Overlapped
9- स्याही की लिल्म हर बार ______ होती है, जबलक यह एक सतह से दू सरी सतह पर
थथानां तररत होती है।
(ए) पाइल्ड
(बी) क्जथप्लट
(सी) धोया गया
(डी) ओवरिैप्ड
10- What is the PH value of the dampening solution?
(A) 5.2 to 5.4
(B) 4.7 to 5.7
(C) 3.8 to 5.6
(D) 4.8 to 5.5

10- भीगने वािे लवियन का PH मान क्ा होता है?

(ए) 5.2 से 5.4
(बी) 4.7 से 5.7
(सी) 3.8 से 5.6
(डी) 4.8 से 5.5
1-(C), 2-(B), 3-(C), 4-(B), 5-(C), 6-(B), 7-(D), 8-(C), 9-(B), 10-(D)
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11- Paper less than 50 gsm is called

(A) Manifold Paper
(B) (B) Bible Paper
(C) (C) Both A & B

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(D) (D) None of theabove

11- 50 जीएसएम से कम के पेपर को कहा जाता है
(ए) मैलनिोल्ड पेपर (बी) बाइलबि पेपर(सी) ए और बी
दोनों(डी) उपरोि में से कोई नहीं

12- EPS stands for:

(A) Encapsulated Past Script(B) Encapsulated Pre Script(C) Encapsulated Post Script(D)
Encapsulated Preface Script
12- ईपीएस का अथण है:
(ए) एनकैप्सुिेटेड पास्ट क्जस्क्रि(बी) एनकैप्सुिेटेड प्री क्जस्क्रि(सी)
एनकैप्सुिेटेड पोस्ट क्जस्क्रि(डी) एनकैप्सुिेटेड प्रीिेस क्जस्क्रि

13- Which cylinder accommodates grippers to hold substrate while printing?

(A) Plate Cylinder(B)Blanket Cylinder(C) Transfer Cylinder(D) Impression Cylinder

13- कौन सा लसिेंडर लप्रंट करते समय लग्रपर

को सब्सटर े ट रखने के लिए समायोलजत करता है?
(ए) प्ले ट लसिेंडर(बी) कंबि लसिेंडर(सी) थथानां तरर् लसिेंडर(डी)
इं प्रेशन लसिेंडर

14- Screen Printing is also called as :(A) Relief Process(B) Intaglio Process(C) Stencil Printing
Anilox Printing Process
14- स्क्रीन लप्रंलटं ग को इस नाम से भी जाना जाता है :
(ए) राहत प्रलिया(बी) इं टैक्जियो प्रलिया(सी) स्टैं लसि लप्रंलटं ग प्रलिया(डी) अलनिॉक्स लप्रंलटं ग प्रलिया

15- Which of the following is mandatory for accurate alignment of 4 separation films / plates?(A)
Register(B) Direct Screen(C) Gray Scale(D) Exposing
15- 4 पृथक्करर् लिल्मों/प्ले टों के सटीक संरेखर् के
लिए लनम्नलिक्जखत में से कौन सा अलनवायण है?(ए) लपन रलजस्टर(बी) डायरे क्ट् स्क्रीन(सी) ग्रे स्केि(डी) एक्सपोलजंग

16 Originals are
(A) Drawings(B) Photographs(C) Paintings(D) All of the above
16- मूि हैं
(ए) लचि (बी)तस्वीरें (सी) पेंलटं ग (D। उपरोि सभी

17- Which of the following is of same diameter as the pitch diameter of the driving gear?

(A) CylinderBearer(B) Plate Cylinder(C) Inking Roller Diameter(D) Blanket Cylinder

17- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से कौन

डराइलवंग लगयर के लपच व्यास के समान व्यास का है?
(ए) लसिेंडर वाहक(बी) प्ले ट लसिेंडर(सी) इं लकंग रोिर व्यास
(डी)कंबि लसिेंडर
18- JPEG stands for :
(A) Join Photographic Export Group
(B) Joint Photographic Expert Group
(C) JointPhotographic Exposed Group
(D) Joint Photographic Expected Group
18-जेपीईजी का मतिब है:

(ए)िोटोग्रालिक लनयाण त समूह में शालमि हों

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(बी) संयुि िोटोग्रालिक लवशेिज्ञ समूह

(सी) संयुि िोटोग्रालि उजागरसमूह
(डी) संयुि िोटोग्रालिक अपेलक्षत समूह

19- As the _______ continues to grow, the sale of goods and services via networks is increasingly
regarded as new method of generating sales by many printers
.(A) News Papers(B) Inflation(C)
Internet(D) Electricity
19- जैसे-जैसे _______ बढता जा रहा है, नेटवकण के माध्यम से वस्तुओं और सेवाओं की
लबिी को कई लप्रंटरों द्वारा लबिी उत्पन्न करने का नया तरीका माना जाता है।
(ए) समाचार पि(बी) मुद्रास्फीलत
(सी)इं टरनेट(डी) लबजिी

20- Which of the following terms is used to describe – Adjusting the space between the given pair
characters in a line.(A) Scaling(B) Kerning(C) Tracking(D) Ligature
20- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकस शब्द का
प्रयोग वर्णन करने के लिए लकया जाता है - एक पंक्जि में लदए गए वर्ों के जोड़े के बीच के थथान को समायोलजत
करना। (ए) स्केलिंग (बी) केलनिं ग (सी) टर ै लकंग (डी) संयुिाक्षर

21- Which of the following drives the printing unit via a gear train?(A) Ink Roller Train(B) Blanket
Cylinder(C) Plate Cylinder(D) Impression Cylinder
21- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से कौन लप्रंलटं ग यूलनट को लगयर टर े न
के माध्यम से चिाता है?(ए) इं क रोिर टर े न(बी) कंबि लसिेंडर(सी) प्ले ट लसिेंडर(डी) इं प्रेशन लसिेंडर

22- PDF Stands for(A) Portable Document Format(B) Paper Document Format(C) Ported Document
Format(D) Post Document Format
22- पीडीएि के लिए है
(ए) पोटे बि दस्तावेज प्रारूप
(बी) पेपर दस्तावेज
प्रारूप(सी) पोटे ड दस्तावेज प्रारूप(डी) पोस्ट दस्तावेज प्रारूप

23- Which of the following is used as plate preservative?

(A) Aluminum Oxide(B) Varnish(C) Acetic
Acid(D) Gum Arabic
23- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकसका उपयोग प्ले ट परररक्षक के रूप में लकया जाता है?
(ए)एल्यू लमलनयम ऑक्साइड(बी) वालनण श(सी) एलसलटक एलसड(डी) गम अरबी
24- Which of the following is involved in the production of print media comprising of prepress,
press and
post press?(A) The Production Flow(B) The Finishing Flow(C) The Marketing Flow(D) The
24- लनम्न में से कौन प्रीप्रेस, प्रेस और पोस्ट प्रेस वािे लप्रंट मीलडया के उत्पादन में शालमि है?(ए) उत्पादन
प्रवाह(बी) लिलनलशंग फ्लो(सी) लवपर्न प्रवाह(डी) लवतरर् प्रवाह

25- Which of the following is a set of all characters like alphabet, punctuation symbols etc.(A)
Italic(C) Font(D) Reverse
25- लनम्न में से कौन-सा अक्षर, लवराम लचह्न आलद सभी वर्ों का समुच्चय है।(ए)
सेररफ़(बी) इटै लिक(सी) फ़ॉन्ट(डी) ररवसण

26- _______ maintenance is done when a Technical person is called to repair a machine.(A)
Preventive(B) Emergency(C) Regular(D) Routine
26- __________ रखरखाव तब लकया जाता है जब लकसी
तकनीकी व्यक्जि को मशीन की मरम्मत के लिए बुिाया जाता है।(ए) लनवारक(बी) आपातकाि(सी) लनयलमत(डी)

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27- The contact line between the blanket cylinder and impression cylinder is called the:

(A) PrintingNip(B) Ink Splitting(C) Cylinder Nip(D) Emulsification

27- ब्लैंकेट लसिेंडर और इम्प्रेशन लसिेंडर के बीच की संपकण
रे खा कहिाती है:(ए) लप्रंलटं ग लनपो(बी) स्याही बंटवारे (सी) लसिेंडर लनपो(डी) पायसीकरर्

28- When a halftone increases in size and the desired dot of the print image has a shadow like
it is called:(A) Mottle(B) Moire(C) Doubling(D) Hickey
28- जब एक हाफ़टोन आकार में बढ जाता है और लप्रंट
छलव के वां लछत लबंदु में समोच्च जैसी छाया होती है, तो इसे कहा जाता है:(ए) मोटि(बी) मोइरे (सी) दोहरीकरर्(डी)

29- Which of the following describes computer controlled direct imaging of printing plates from
data?(A) Computer to Blanket(B) Computer to Chip(C) Computer to Processor(D) Computer to Plate

लनम्नलिक्जखत में से कौन लडलजटि डे टा से लप्रंलटं ग प्ले ट के कंप्यूटर लनयंलित प्रत्यक्ष इमेलजंग का वर्णन करता है?

( a) कंप्यूटर से कंबि(बी) कंप्यूटर से लचप(सी) कंप्यूटर से प्रोसेसर(डी) कंप्यूटर से प्लेट

30- Which of the following means that printing plate is imaged directly and the intermediate step of
imaging on film is skipped:
(A) CtP(B) CtF(C) W2P(D) AR

30- लनम्न में से लकसका अथण है लक लप्रंलटं ग प्ले ट को सीधे इमेज लकया जाता है और लिल्म पर इमेलजंग के
मध्यवती चरर् को छोड़ लदया जाता है:
(ए) सीटीपी(बी) सीटीएि(सी) W2P(डी) एआर

11-(C), 12-(C), 13-(D), 14-(C), 15-(A), 16-(D), 17-(A), 18-(B), 19-(C), 20-(B)

21-(D), 22-(A), 23-(D), 24-(A), 25-(C), 26-(B), 27-(A), 28-(C), 29-(D), 30-(A)
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31- Which of the following is used to remove an unwanted spot from the image (in Photoshop).
(A) Heating Brush
(B) Crop Tool
(C) Magic Wand
(D) Freeform Pen
31- लनम्न में से लकसका प्रयोग इमेज से लकसी अवां लछत थथान को हटाने के लिए लकया जाता
है (फ़ोटोशॉप में)।
(ए) ताप िश
(बी) िसि उपकरर्
सी) जादू की छड़ी
(डी) रीिॉमण पेन
32- Which of the following joins two rolls while both are stationary, but the press is still running:
(A) No Splicer
(B) Fast Splicer
(C) Zero Speed Splicer

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(D) Auto Splicer

32- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से कौन दो रोि को जोड़ता है जबलक दोनों क्जथथर हैं, िेलकन प्रेस अभी भी चि रहा है:
(ए) नो क्जथप्लसर
(बी) िास्ट क्जथप्लसर
(सी) जीरो स्पीड क्जथप्लसर
(डी) ऑटो क्जथप्लसर

33- Which of the following is used to measure specific gravity.

(A) Packing Gauge
(B) Thermo Meter
(C) Rheometer
(D) Hydrometer
33- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकसका प्रयोग लवलशष्ट गुरुत्व मापने के लिए लकया जाता है।
(ए) पैलकंग गेज
(बी) थमो मीटर
(सी) ररयोमीटर
(डी) हाइडरोमीटर
34- Printing industry has developed an approach to continuous improvement process, it is called :
(A) Kaizen
(B) 5 S
(C) ISO 9000
34- मुद्रर् उद्योग ने लनरं तर सुधार प्रलिया के लिए एक दृलष्टकोर् लवकलसत लकया है, इसे कहते हैं :

(ए) काइजेन
(बी) 5 एस
(सी) आईएसओ 9000
(डी) दीन

35- When image elements overlap onto subsequent image areas in print direction, it is called
(A) Smokey Effect
(B) Ghosting
(C) Blistering
(D) Chalking
35- जब छलव तत्व लप्रंट लदशा में बाद के छलव क्षेिों पर ओवरिैप करते हैं, तो इसे कहा जाता है
(ए) स्मोकी प्रभाव
(बी) घोक्जस्टंग
(सी) क्जब्लस्टररं ग
(डी) चालकंग

36- Which of the following is the corresponding term used in production of stencils for screen
(A) Computer to Shade
(B) Computer to Screen
(C) Computer to Shelter
(D) Computer to Shadow
36- स्क्रीन लप्रंलटं ग के लिए स्टेंलसि के उत्पादन में उपयोग लकया जाने वािा संगत शब्द लनम्न में से कौन सा है:
(ए) कंप्यूटर से छाया
(बी) कंप्यूटर से स्क्रीन
(सी) कंप्यूटर से आश्य
(डी) कंप्यूटर से छाया

37- Which of the following is described as process of transferring ink on paper via a printing

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(A) Printing
(B) Binding
(C) Print Finishing
(D) Thermography
37- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकसे एक मुद्रर् सतह के माध्यम से कागज पर स्याही थथानां तररत करने की प्रलिया के
रूप में वलर्णत लकया गया है:
(ए) मुद्रर्
(बी) बाध्यकारी
(सी) लप्रंट लिलनलशंग
(डी) थमोग्रािी
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38- Which of the following is used as Quality Control device to maintain colour
(A) Ink Trapping
(B) Over Trapping
(C) Color Control Bar
(D) Wet Ink Trapping
38- रं ग प्रजनन गुर्वत्ता को बनाए रखने के लिए लनम्न में से लकसका उपयोग गुर्वत्ता लनयंिर् उपकरर् के रूप
में लकया जाता है।
(ए) इं क टर ै लपंग
(बी) ओवर टर ै लपंग
(सी) रं ग लनयंिर् बार
(डी) गीिी स्याही िाँसाना

39- Which of the following is the tool to transfer Ink to the substrate.
(A) Printing Plate
(B) Dampening Roller
(C) Doctor Blade
(D) Inking Rollers
39- इं क को सब्सटर े ट में थथानांतररत करने के लिए लनम्न में से कौन सा उपकरर् है।
(ए) लप्रंलटं ग प्ले ट
(बी) डं लपंग रोिर
(सी) डॉक्ट्र ब्लेड
(डी) इं लकंग रोिसण
40- In Sheet fed offset press the infeed of the sheet from the feeder is mostly conveyed by :
(A) Ink duct roller stripping
(B) Suction and Friction
(C) Scuff resistance
(D) Sand donning
40- शीट िेड ऑफ़सेट प्रेस में िीडर से शीट का इनिीड ज्यादातर लकसके द्वारा पहुाँचाया जाता है:
(ए) इं क डक्ट् रोिर क्जस्टरलपंग
(बी) सक्शन और घिणर्
(सी) स्कि प्रलतरोध
(डी) रे त दान
41- In which of the following printing processes the interaction of surface tension between plate
and ink is achieved by the addition of dampening solution.
(A) Digital Offset
(B) Conventional Offset
(C) Flexographic
(D) Gravure
41- लनम्न में से लकस मुद्रर् प्रलिया में प्ले ट और स्याही के बीच सतह तनाव की परस्पर लिया को भीगने वािे
घोि के जोड़ से प्राप्त लकया जाता है।
(ए) लडलजटि ऑिसेट

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(बी) पारं पररक ऑिसेट

(सी) फ्लेक्सोग्रालिक
(डी) गुरुत्वाकिणर्

42- Flexography is also called as :

(A) Intaglio Printing
(B) Stencil Printing
(C) Double Printing
(D) Relief Printing
42- फ्लेक्सोग्रािी को इस प्रकार भी कहा जाता है:
(ए) इं टैक्जियो लप्रंलटं ग
(बी) स्टैं लसि लप्रंलटं ग
(सी) डबि लप्रंलटं ग
(डी) राहत मुद्रर्

43- What is GCR

(A) Grey Color Replacement
(B) Grey Contrast Replacement
(C) Grey Component Replacement
(D) Grey Construction Replacement
43- जीसीआर क्ा है
(ए) ग्रे किर ररप्ले समेंट
(बी) ग्रे कंटर ास्ट ररप्ले समेंट
(सी) ग्रे घटक प्रलतथथापन
(डी) ग्रे लनमाण र् प्रलतथथापन

44- _______ is used to measure the quality of printed image.

(A) Densitometer
(B) Durometer
(C) Colorimeter
(D) Thermometer
44- _______ का उपयोग मुलद्रत छलव की गुर्वत्ता को मापने के लिए लकया जाता है।
(ए) डें लसटोमीटर
(बी) ड्यूरोमीटर
(सी) वर्णमापी
(डी) थमाण मीटर
45- Lower case letter main element height is called.
(A) Type Family
(B) Type Face
(C) X – Height

(D) Cap – Height

45- िोअर केस िेटर मेन एलिमेंट हाइट कहिाती है।
(ए) पररवार टाइप करें
(बी) टाइप िेस
(सी) एक्स - ऊंचाई
(डी) कैप - ऊंचाई

46- The essential difference between gravure and offset printing Ink is the
(A) Tinting
(B) Cording
(C) Viscosity

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(D) Marking
46- ग्रेव्योर और ऑफ़सेट लप्रंलटं ग इं क के बीच आवश्यक अंतर है
(ए) लटनलटं ग
(बी) ररकॉलडिं ग
(सी) लचपलचपाहट
(डी) अंकन

47- High Speed presses processing large formats are exclusively equipped with:
(A) Solid Lay
(B) Single Sheet Feeders
(C) Stream Feeder
(D) Marking
47- बड़े प्रारूपों को संसालधत करने वािे हाई स्पीड प्रेस लवशेि रूप से सुसक्जित हैं:
(ए) ठोस िे
(बी) लसंगि शीट िीडर
(सी) स्टर ीम िीडर
(डी) अंकन

48- Which of the following when implemented, reduces the number of steps in the process and
subsequently cost of production.
(A) Digital Pre Press
(B) Digital Work Flow
(C) Digital Post Press
(D) None of the above
48- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से कौन सा िागू होने पर, प्रलिया में चरर्ों की संख्या और बाद में उत्पादन की िागत को
कम कर दे ता है।
(ए) लडलजटि प्री प्रेस
(बी) लडलजटि कायण प्रवाह

(सी) लडलजटि पोस्ट प्रेस

(डी) उपरोि में से कोई

49- Which of the following has image engraved on the cylinder surface:
(A) Offset
(B) Screen
(C) Flexography
(D) Gravure
49- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकसके लसिेंडर की सतह पर छलव उकेरी गई है:
(ए) ऑिसेट
(बी) स्क्रीन
(सी) फ्लेक्सोग्रािी
(डी) गुरुत्वाकिणर्

50- Which of the following dampening rollers contact image and non-image areas of the plate?
(A) Form Rollers
(B) Fountain Roller
(C) Oscillator Roller
(D) Distributor Roller
50- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से कौन सा भीगने वािा रोिसण प्लेट की छलव और गैर-छलव क्षेिों से संपकण करता है?
(ए) िॉमण रोिसण
(बी) िाउं टेन रोिर
(सी) ऑसीिेटर रोिर
(डी) लवतरक रोिर

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31-(A), 32-(C), 33-(A), 34-(A), 35-(B), 36-(B), 37-(A), 38-(C), 39-(A), 40-(B)
41-(B), 42-(D), 43-(C), 44-(A), 45-(C), 46-(C), 47-(C), 48-(B), 49-(D), 50-(A)

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51- Which of the following is used to adjust the blanket surface to the pitch diameter of the gear
(A) Calibrated packing sheets
(B) Clothes
(C) Perfectors
(D) Rollers
51- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकसका उपयोग कंबि की सतह को लगयर के लपच व्यास में समायोलजत करने के लिए
लकया जाता है
(ए) कैलििेटेड पैलकंग शीट
(बी) कपड़े
(सी) परिेक्ट्सण
(डी) रोिसण

52- Oil based varnishes are used to increase

(A) Printed Ink’s brilliance
(B) Achieve Specific matte effect
(C) Improve Rub resistance
(D) All of the above
52- तेि आधाररत वालनण श का उपयोग बढाने के लिए लकया जाता है
(ए) मुलद्रत स्याही की चमक
(बी) लवलशष्ट मैट प्रभाव प्राप्त करें
(सी) रगड़ प्रलतरोध में सुधार
(D। उपरोि सभी

53- Which of the following comprises of single unwind unit within feed device and paper guide,
and many printing units, hot foil stamping unit etc.

(A) Vertical Design

(B) Horizontal Design
(C) Satellite Design
(D) Modular Design
53- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकसमें िीड लडवाइस और पेपर गाइड के भीतर लसंगि अनलवंड यूलनट, और कई लप्रंलटं ग
यूलनट, हॉट फ़ॉइि स्टैक्जपंग यूलनट आलद शालमि हैं।
(ए) िंबवत लडजाइन
(बी) क्षैलतज लडजाइन
(सी) सैटेिाइट लडजाइन
(डी) मॉड्यूिर लडजाइन

54- Ink fountain has a tendency to “Back Away” from fountain roller. To avoid this, which of the
following is used on printing machine?
(A) Ink Agitator
(B) Ink Roller Train

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(C) Fountain Roller

(D) Keys on Fountain
54- इं क िाउं टेन में िाउं टेन रोिर से "बैक अवे" की प्रवृलत्त होती है। इससे बचने के लिए लप्रंलटं ग
मशीन पर लनम्न में
से लकसका प्रयोग लकया जाता है?
(ए) स्याही आंदोिनकारी
(बी) इं क रोिर टर े न
(सी) िाउं टेन रोिर
(डी) िाउं टेन पर कुंजी

55- _______ is the process of putting pages in correct sequence so that after folding all pages will
appear one after the other in correct order.
(A) Signature
(B) Registration
(C) Paste up
(D) Imposition
55- _______ पृष्ठों को सही िम में रखने की प्रलिया है तालक सभी पृष्ठों को मोड़ने के बाद एक के बाद एक
सही िम में लदखाई दें ।
(एक हस्ताक्षर
(बी) पंजीकरर्
(सी) पेस्ट करें
(डी) थोपना

56- Scheduled inspection, cleaning, lubrication and parts inspection is called as

(A) Breakdown Maintenance
(B) Preventive Maintenance

(C) House Keeping

(D) Emergence Downtime
56- अनु सूलचत लनरीक्षर्, सिाई, स्नेहन और भागों के लनरीक्षर् को कहा जाता है
(ए) िेकडाउन रखरखाव
(बी) लनवारक रखरखाव
(सी) हाउस कीलपंग
(डी) इमजेंस डाउनटाइम

57- Dampening system is used in which of the following printing process.

(A) Flexography
(B) Screen
(C) Gravure
(D) Offset
57- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकस लप्रंलटं ग प्रलिया में डै क्जपंग लसस्टम का उपयोग लकया जाता है।
(ए) फ्लेक्सोग्रािी
(बी) स्क्रीन
(सी) गुरुत्वाकिणर्
(डी) ऑिसेट

58- When one material becomes suspended into another, it is called:

(A) Scumming
(B) Emulsification
(C) Tinting
(D) Bleeding
58- जब एक पदाथण दू सरे में लनिक्जित हो जाता है तो उसे कहते हैं :
(ए) स्कलमंग
(बी) पायसीकरर्

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(सी) लटनलटं ग
(डी) रिस्राव

59- Which of the following is used in between printing units, for printing in line on both sides of
(A) Blanket
(B) Soft Case
(C) Perfector
(D) Hard Case
59- सब्सटर े ट के दोनों तरि िाइन में लप्रंलटं ग के लिए लप्रंलटं ग यूलनट के बीच में लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकसका उपयोग
लकया जाता है:
(एक किि
(बी) सॉफ्ट केस
(सी) परिेक्ट्र

(डी) हाडण केस

60- In which of the following stages the printed ink film solidifies:
(A) Inking
(B) Drying
(C) Emulsification
(D) Transferring
60- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकस चरर् में मुलद्रत स्याही लिल्म जम जाती है:
(ए) इं लकंग
(बी) सुखाने
(सी) पायसीकरर्
(डी) थथानां तरर्
61- Which of the following is used to make printing Ink softer, flexible and adherent
(A) Waxes
(B) Wetting Agents
(C) Stiffening Agents
(D) Plasticisers
61- लप्रंलटं ग इं क को नरम, िचीिा और अनु याई बनाने के लिए लनम्न में से लकसका उपयोग लकया जाता है?
(ए) वैक्स
(बी) गीिा एजेंट
(सी) सख्त एजेंट
(डी) प्लाक्जस्टसाइजर

62- Which of the following is an optical phenomenon, a sensory impression conveyed by the eye
and the brain.
(A) Ink
(B) Hue Error
(C) Colour
(D) Density
62- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से कौन एक प्रकालशक घटना है, जो आाँख और मक्जस्तष्क द्वारा संप्रेलित एक संवेदी प्रभाव है।
(ए) इं क
(बी) रं ग िुलट
(सी) रं ग
(डी) घनत्व

63- Impression cylinders are not found on

(A) Blanket to Blanket Press

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(B) Stack Type Press

(C) Common Impression Press
(D) Inline Press
63- इम्प्रेशन लसलिंडरों पर नहीं पाया जाता
(ए) कंबि से कंबि प्रेस
(बी) स्टै क टाइप प्रेस
(सी) आम छाप प्रेस
(डी) इनिाइन प्रेस

64- The resistance of ink film to splitting is called

(A) Viscosity
(B) Body
(C) Tack
(D) Length
64- स्याही लिल्म के लवभाजन के प्रलतरोध को कहा जाता है
(ए) लचपलचपाहट
(बी) शरीर
(सी) टै क
(डी) िंबाई

65- Drying and chilling units on a web press, are located after
(A) Feeding Unit
(B) Printing Unit
(C) Delivery Unit
(D) Metering Unit
65- वेब प्रेस पर सुखाने और द्रुतशीतन इकाइयााँ , के बाद क्जथथत होती हैं
(ए) िीलडं ग यूलनट
(बी) लप्रंलटं ग यूलनट
(सी) लवतरर् इकाई
(डी) मीटररं ग यूलनट

66- Which of the following is used to wrap text around a picture?

(A) Picture Palette
(B) Text Wrap
(C) Paragraph
(D) Text Flow
66- लचि के चारों ओर टे क्स्ट िपेटने के लिए लनम्न में से लकसका उपयोग लकया जाता है?
(ए) लचि पैिेट
(बी) टे क्स्ट रै प
(सी) पैराग्राि
(डी) पाठ प्रवाह

67- The range of dots in middle tone is

(A) 10% to 20%
(B) 90% to 100%
(C) 5% to 15%
(D) 35% to 70%
67- मध्य स्वर में लबंदुओं की श्ेर्ी है
(ए) 10% से 20%
(बी) 90% से 100%
(सी) 5% से 15%
(डी) 35% से 70%

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68- Hue or color of ink film is called as

(A) Body
(B) Mass tone
(C) Consistency
(D) Viscosity
68- स्याही लिल्म के रं ग या रं ग को कहा जाता है
(एक शरीर
(बी) मास टोन
(सी) संगलत
(डी) लचपलचपाहट

69- In Ballard process of gravure cylinder making, the Cylinder base is electroplated with copper
skin having thickness of
(A) 80 – 100 μm
(B) 90 – 100 μm
(C) 100 – 110 μm
(D) 90 – 120 μm
69- ग्रेव्योर लसिेंडर बनाने की बेिाडण प्रलिया में, लसिेंडर बेस को तां बे की त्वचा के साथ इिेक्ट्रोप्ले ट लकया जाता है
लजसकी मोटाई होती है
(ए) 80 - 100 माइिोन
(बी) 90 - 100 माइिोन
(सी) 100 - 110 माइिोन
(डी) 90 - 120 माइिोन

70- First stage to record image on offset plate is

(A) Exposing
(B) Developing
(C) Etching
(D) Staging
70- ऑिसेट प्ले ट पर इमेज ररकॉडण करने का पहिा चरर् है

(ए) एक्सपोलजंग
(बी) लवकासशीि
(सी) नक़्काशी
(डी) स्टे लजंग

51-(A), 52-(D), 53-(D), 54-(A), 55-(D), 56-(B), 57-(D), 58-(B), 59-(C), 60-(B)
61-(D), 62-©, 63-(A), 64-(C), 65-(B), 66-(B), 67-(D), 68-(B), 69-(A), 70-(A)

71- Which of the following is function to mechanically even out or reduce slight roughness of the
(A) Calendaring
(B) Mapping
(C) Filtering
(D) Water Marking
71- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से कौन सा कागज के मामूिी खुरदरे पन को यंिवत् रूप से बाहर करने या कम करने के
लिए कायण करता है?
(ए) कैिेंडररं ग
(बी) मैलपंग
(सी) लफ़ल्टररं ग
(डी) जि अंकन

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72- Which of the following is now a standard component with inking unit and anilox rollers on all
high end Flexo Presses?
(A) Three Rollers System
(B) Doctor Blade
(C) Enclosed chambered doctor blade system
(D) Open chambered doctor blade system
72- लनम्न में से कौन अब सभी हाई एं ड फ्लेक्सो प्रेस पर इं लकंग यूलनट और अलनिॉक्स रोिसण के साथ एक
मानक घटक है?
(ए) तीन रोिसण लसस्टम
(बी) डॉक्ट्र ब्लेड
(सी) संिि कक्ष वािे डॉक्ट्र ब्लेड लसस्टम
(डी) खु िे कक्ष वािे डॉक्ट्र ब्लेड लसस्टम

73- The Plate having aluminum and copper is called

(A) Wipe on Plate
(B) Presensitised Plate
(C) Electrostatic Plate
(D) Bimetal Plate
73- एल्यु लमलनयम और कॉपर वािी प्ले ट कहिाती है
(ए) प्ले ट पर पोंछें
(बी) संवेदनशीि प्लेट
(सी) इिेक्ट्रोस्टै लटक प्ले ट
(डी) बाईमेटि प्ले ट

74- Roughening of Lithographic Plates is called

(A) Slurring the Plate
(B) Graining the Plate
(C) Sensitizing the Plate

(D) Developing the Plate

74- लिथोग्रालिक प्ले टों का खु रदरापन कहिाता है
(ए) प्ले ट को धीमा करना
(बी) प्ले ट को पीसना
(सी) प्ले ट को संवेदनशीि बनाना
(डी) प्ले ट लवकलसत करना

75- Which of the following is the major raw material for producing paper?
(A) Organic Pigments
(B) Inorganic Pigments
(C) Cellulose Fibers
(D) Cotton Fibers
75- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से कौन कागज के उत्पादन के लिए प्रमुख कच्चा माि है?
(ए) काबणलनक रं गद्रव्य
(बी) अकाबणलनक वर्णक
(सी) सेिूिोज िाइबर
(डी) कपास िाइबर

76- Plates that are factory coated ready to expose, are called
(A) Wipe on Plates
(B) Deep Etch Plates
(C) Presensitised Plates
(D) Bimetal Plates

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76- वे प्ले ट्स जो फ़ैक्ट्री िेलपत होती हैं जो एक्सपोज करने के लिए तैयार होती हैं, कहिाती हैं
(ए) प्ले टों पर पोंछें
(बी) डीप ईच प्लेट्स
(सी) संवेदनशीि प्लेट्स
(डी) बाईमेटि प्ले ट्स

77- Which of the following is used for simple register jobs only as it has poor register accuracy?
(A) Common Impression Press
(B) Stack Type Press
(C) Horizontal Press
(D) Perfecting Press
77- लनम्न में से लकसका उपयोग केवि साधारर् रलजस्टर नौकररयों के लिए लकया जाता है क्ोंलक इसमें खराब
रलजस्टर सटीकता होती है?
(ए) आम छाप प्रेस
(बी) स्टै क टाइप प्रेस
(सी) क्षैलतज प्रेस
(डी) परिेक्जक्ट्ंग प्रेस

78- In which of the following screening of individual dots are spaced the same distance apart but
have same diameter
(A) Frequency Modulation
(B) Hybrid Screening
(C) R M Screening
(D) Amplitude Modulation
78- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकसमें अिग-अिग लबंदुओं की स्क्रीलनं ग समान दू री पर क्जथथत है िेलकन समान व्यास है
(ए) आवृलत्त मॉडु िन
(बी) हाइलिड स्क्रीलनं ग
(सी) आरएम स्क्रीलनं ग
(डी) आयाम मॉडु िन

79- Which of the following makes offset inks eco-friendly as it does not evaporate at ambient
(A) Binders used as oils
(B) Minerals used as pigments
(C) Oils used as solvents
(D) Quartz used as thinners
79- लनम्न में से कौन ऑिसेट स्याही को पयाण वरर् के अनु कूि बनाता है क्ोंलक यह पररवेश के तापमान पर
वाक्जष्पत नहीं होता है?
(ए) बाइं डसण तेि के रूप में इस्तेमाि लकया जाता है
(बी) वर्णक के रूप में प्रयुि खलनज
(सी) सॉल्वैंट्स के रूप में प्रयुि तेि
(डी) क्वाट्ण ज पतिे के रूप में प्रयोग लकया जाता है

80- What is JDF file format?

(A) Joint Display Format
(B) Job Definition Format
(C) Joint Description Format
(D) Job Display Format
80- जेडीएि िाइि िॉमेट क्ा है?
(ए) संयुि प्रदशणन प्रारूप
(बी) नौकरी पररभािा प्रारूप
(सी) संयुि लववरर् प्रारूप
(डी) नौकरी प्रदशणन प्रारूप

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81- Which of the following includes all the steps which are carried out before the actual printing?
(A) Post Press Works
(B) Pre Press Works
(C) Press Works
(D) None of the above

81- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकसमें वे सभी चरर् शालमि हैं जो वास्तलवक मुद्रर् से पहिे लकए जाते हैं?
(ए) पोस्ट प्रेस वक्सण
(बी) प्री प्रेस वक्सण
(सी) प्रेस वक्सण
(डी) उपरोि में से कोई नहीं

82- Ground wood pulp for paper production is also called as

(A) Refiner Pulp
(B) Thermomechanical Pulp
(C) Chemical Pulp
(D) Mechanical Pulp
82- कागज उत्पादन के लिए लपसी हुई िकड़ी के गूदे को के रूप में भी जाना जाता है
(ए) ररिाइनर पल्प
(बी) थमोमेकेलनकि पल्प
(सी) रासायलनक िुगदी
(डी) मैकेलनकि पल्प

83- ODT stands for

(A) Optical Deterrent Technology
(B) Organic Digital Technology
(C) Organic Deterrent Technology
(D) Optical Digital Technology
83- ODT का अथण है
(ए) ऑलिकि लनवारक प्रौद्योलगकी
(बी) काबणलनक लडलजटि प्रौद्योलगकी
(सी) काबणलनक लनवारक प्रौद्योलगकी
(डी) ऑलिकि लडलजटि प्रौद्योलगकी

84- Which of the following contains no shades of grey and prints solid on paper without use of a
halftone screen?
(A) Line Copy
(B) Pencil Drawing Copy
(C) Contone Copy
(D) Photographic Copy
84- लनम्न में से लकसमें लबना हाफ़टोन स्क्रीन के उपयोग के लबना कागज पर ग्रे और लप्रंट ठोस होते हैं?
(ए) िाइन कॉपी
(बी) पेंलसि डराइं ग कॉपी
(सी) कॉन्टोन कॉपी
(डी) िोटोग्रालिक कॉपी

86- Which of the following comes under Security Printing?

(A) Hologram
(B) RTF Tag
(C) Duotone Printing
(D) Metal Printing
86- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से कौन सुरक्षा मुद्रर् के अंतगणत आता है?

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(ए) होिोग्राम
(बी) आरटीएि टै ग
(सी) डु ओटोन लप्रंलटं ग
(डी) धातु मुद्रर्

87- TIFF stands for

(A) Ticket Image File Format
(B) Twin Image File Format
(C) Tab Image File Format
(D) Tag Image File Format
87- टीआईएिएि का मतिब है
(ए) लटकट छलव फ़ाइि प्रारूप
बी) जुड़वां छलव फ़ाइि प्रारूप
(सी) टै ब छलव फ़ाइि प्रारूप
(डी) टै ग छलव फ़ाइि प्रारूप

88- Main ingredient of flexographic inks is

(A) Sulfur
(B) Ethanol
(C) Potassium
(D) Acetic Acid
88- फ्लेक्सोग्रालिक स्याही का मुख्य घटक है
(ए) सल्फर
(बी) इथेनॉि
(सी) पोटे लशयम
(डी) एलसलटक एलसड

89- OCR stands for

(A) Object Capture Record
(B) Optical Character Recognition
(C) Optical Capture Recording
(D) None of the above
89- ओसीआर का मतिब है
(ए) ऑब्जेक्ट् कैप्चर ररकॉडण

(बी) ऑलिकि कैरे क्ट्र ररकलिशन

(सी) ऑलिकि कैप्चर ररकॉलडिं ग
(डी) उपरोि में से कोई नहीं

90- Which of the following is used on High Speed, Large format presses?
(A) Drag Lays
(B) Pull Lays
(C) Push Lays
(D) Pin Lays
90- हाई स्पीड, िाजण िॉमेट प्रेस में लनम्न में से लकसका प्रयोग लकया जाता है?
(ए) डरैग िेज
(बी) पुि िेज
(सी) पुश िेज
(डी) लपन िेज

91- Pigments consist of molecules that are cross linked with one another as crystals having a
particle size of
(A) 0.1 to 2 μm
(B) 0.2 to 3 μm

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(C) 0.2 to 4 μm
(D) 0.1 to 1 μm
91- लपगमेंट में अर्ु होते हैं जो एक दू सरे के साथ जुड़े होते हैं जैसे लिस्टि के कर् आकार होते हैं
(ए) 0.1 से 2 माइिोन
(बी) 0.2 से 3 माइिोन
(सी) 0.2 से 4 माइिोन
(डी) 0.1 से 1 माइिोन

92- Which of the following contains metallic particles and exhibit a change of colour and texture
when viewed at different angle?
(A) Bleeding Ink
(B) UV Ink
(C) Coin Reactive Ink
(D) Iridescent Ink
92- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकसमें धाक्जत्वक कर् होते हैं और लवलभन्न कोर्ों से दे खने पर रं ग और बनावट में
पररवतणन प्रदलशणत करते हैं?
(ए) ब्लीलडं ग इं क
(बी) यूवी इं क
(सी) लसक्का प्रलतलियाशीि स्याही
(डी) इं द्रधनु िी स्याही

93- Which of the following consists of rows of directional straight lines?

(A) Vivid Graphics
(B) Contour Graphics
(C) Vector Graphics
(D) Route Graphics
93- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकसमें लदशात्मक सीधी रे खाओं की पंक्जियााँ होती हैं?
(ए) लवशद ग्रालिक्स
(बी) कंटू र ग्रालिक्स
(सी) वेक्ट्र ग्रालिक्स
(डी) रूट ग्रालिक्स

94- The method of converting continuous tone copy to a printable image is called
(A) Film Assembly
(B) Image Assembly
(C) Stripping
(D) Half Toning
94- कंटीन्यू अस टोन कॉपी को लप्रंट करने योग्य इमेज में बदिने की लवलध कहिाती है
(ए) लिल्म असेंबिी
(बी) छलव लवधानसभा
(सी) क्जस्टरलपंग
(डी) आधा टोलनं ग

95- Waterless printing is also known as

(A) Dry Offset
(B) Sheet fed Offset
(C) Web fed Offset
(D) None of the above
95- लनजणि मुद्रर् को के रूप में भी जाना जाता है
(ए) सूखी ऑिसेट
(बी) शीट िेड ऑिसेट
(सी) वेब िेड ऑिसेट
(डी) उपरोि में से कोई नहीं

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96- Intaglio Printing is also called as

(A) Planography Process
(B) Screen Process
(C) Gravure Process
(D) Relief Process
96- इं टैक्जियो लप्रंलटं ग को के रूप में भी कहा जाता है
(ए) प्लानोग्रािी प्रलिया

(बी) स्क्रीन प्रलिया

(सी) गुरुत्वाकिणर् प्रलिया
(डी) राहत प्रलिया

97- The three main categories into which the papers are divided are:
(A) Writing Paper, Printing Paper & Wrapping (Packaging) Paper
(B) Foolscap Paper, Crown Paper & Demy Paper
(C) Royal Paper, Royal Folio Paper & Royal Quarto Paper
(D) None of the above
97- तीन मुख्य श्ेलर्यां लजनमें पेपर लवभालजत हैं:
(ए) पेपर लिखना, लप्रंलटं ग पेपर और रै लपंग (पैकेलजंग) पेपर
(बी) फ़ूिस्कैप पेपर, िाउन पेपर और डे मी पेपर
(सी) रॉयि पेपर, रॉयि िोलियो पेपर और रॉयि क्वाटो पेपर
(डी) उपरोि में से कोई नहीं

98- Which of the following means flow ability of an ink when certain shearing force acts upon it
(A) Mottling
(B) Linting
(C) Shortness
(D) Misting
98- लनम्नलिक्जखत में से लकसका मतिब स्याही की प्रवाह क्षमता है जब कुछ कतरनी बि उस पर कायण करता है
(ए) मोटलिंग
(बी) Linting
(सी) शॉटण नेस
(डी) लमक्जस्टंग

99- Which of the following is Demy Size?

(A) 15 x 20 Inches
(B) 17 ½ x 22 ½ Inches
(C) 20 x 25 Inches
(D) 22 x 30 Inches
99- लनम्न में से कौन सा डे मी साइज है?
(ए) 15 x 20 इं च
(बी) 17 ½ x 22 ½ इं च
(सी) 20 x 25 इं च
(डी) 22 x 30 इं च

100- Which of the following is most important factor in achieving good quality screen print?
(A) Metal Frame
(B) Squeeze
(C) Wooden Frame

(D) Screen Tension

100- लनम्न में से कौन अच्छी गुर्वत्ता वािा स्क्रीन लप्रंट प्राप्त करने में सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कारक है?
(ए) धातु रेम

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(बी) लनचोड़
(सी) िकड़ी के रेम
(डी) स्क्रीन तनाव

71-(A), 72-(C), 73-(D), 74-(B), 75-(C), 76-(C), 77-(B), 78-(D), 79-(C), 80-(B)
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81-(B), 82-(D), 83-(A), 84-(A), 85-(), 86-(A), 87-(D), 88-(B), 89-(B), 90-(B)


91-(A), 92-(D), 93-(C), 94-(D), 95-(A), 96-(C), 97-(A), 98-(C), 99-(B), 100-(D)

1. A quality control matter used to measure the density of printing ink is called________.
A. colour meter.
B. densitometer.
C. density gauge.
D. crome gauge.
2. ________ page by page layout indicates the position of type and art elements within a design.
A. Comp.
B. Mechanical.
C. Proof.
D. Dummy.

3. Halftone printed in two colours made from black-and-white photograph is called as _________.
A. dot tone.
B. do tone.
C. continuous tone.
D. duo tone. Technician spot youtube channel

4. The earliest form of paper books was called _____________.

A. tablets.
B. gazette. for class video visit this link -
C. accounts.
D. volume.

5. The iron press was developed in__________.

A. Germany
B. France
C. England.
D. Spain.

6. The Metal used for Photo engravings is ______________.

A. steel.
B. zinc.
C. mercury.
D. copper
7. Preparation of art and type separations for printing on a computer is known as _______.
A. electronic prepress.
B. computer prepress.
C. electronic press. Technician spot youtube channel
D. computer press.

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8. The unit of measurement that equals the square of a type point is _______.
A. Em.
B. En.
C. Agate.
D. Picas.

9. The first halftone printing process was patented in _____________.

A. 1870.

B. 1852.
C. 1873.
D. 1875. Technician spot youtube channel

10. Tolbert Lanston invented ________________.

A. desktop publishing.
B. monotype machine
C. linotype machine.
D. lithographic machine.

11. Printing from a raised surface is termed as______________.

A. transfer printing.
B. exposure printing.
C. relief printing.
D. captivity printing.

12. The other name for Lithography is _____________.

A. flat printing.
B. straight printing.
C. planography.
D. flexography.

13. Letter press is ________________.

A. web fed.
B. sheet fed
C. continuous.
D. inverted.

14. The hard cover of books is made out of ________________.

A. binding boards.
B. metal Sheets.
C. leather Sheets.
D. kavastock.

15. Design specifications written on dummy or on manuscript copy are called_________________.

A. schedules.
B. mark-up.
C. manual.
D. mark-up
16. The final proof is also termed ________________.
A. last proof.
B. count down.
C. page proof.
D. okay proof.
17. The process of making four-colour separations analysed by a computer is _________.

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A. colour scanning.
B. colour separation
C. electronic printing.
D. colour printmaking.
18. When a printing surface is on a lower level than the non-printing surface is known as ______.
A. screen.
B. intaglio.
C. letterpress.
D. stereo.
19. Ottmar Mergenthaler invented______________.
A. monotype machine
B. linotype machine
C. manual

D. computer

20. Thumbnail sketch is a ______________.

A. miniature draft
B. rough draft
C. fair draft
D. proof
21. A blank printing unit for spacing is _________________.
A. quad.
B. rack.
C. road.
D. prop.

22. Reversing the colour values to have a white letter on a black background is called _______.
A. black letter.
B. reverse.
C. reverse plate.
D. white letter.

23. Colour printing was invented in Mainz in the year __________.

A. 1498.
B. 1457.
C. 1455.
D. 1492.

24. The printing press was introduced in India during _____________.

A. the thirteenth century.
B. the fourteenth century.
C. the fifteenth century.

D. the sixteenth century.

25. The first illustrated book called the Book of fables was printed in the year ________.
A. 1481.
B. 1471.
C. 1451.
D. 1461.
26. The lithography process was invented by______________.
A. Alois Senefelder
B. Tolbert Lanston
C. Gregory
D. Richard
27. Pixels are ______________.
A. dots of ink from an inkjet printer.

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B. dots on the screen arranged in rows

C. points of light used by a cordless, wireless, optical mouse.
D. points on the end of PDA handheld devices.
28. Software that allows a user to paint pixels on the screen using a pointing device is known as
A. painting software
B. palette software
C. bitmapped software
D. raster graphics software.
29. A bit can contain one of two possible values,______________.
A. 0 or 1
B. 8 or 16
C. 1or 2
D. A or B
30. Indicating type in a layout by simulating the shapes of letters without real words______.
A. greeking.

B. etching.
C. personality.
D. symbolizing.
31. Every copy will have an identification called ______________.
A. slug.
B. indicator.
C. symbol.
D. mark
32. The printing section of a newspaper will always be in the ______________.
A. elevation.
B. ground floor.
C. first floor.
D. second floor.
33. The density of pixels on a screen is known as______________.
A. resolution
B. quality
C. Type ruler.
D. Haberule.
34. The principle of halftone printing was invented by _______.
A. William Henry Fox Tabolt.
B. Tolbert Lanston.
C. Ottmar Mergenthaler.
D. Karl Klic.
35. The principle of halftone printing was invented in the year __________.
A. 1852.
B. 1752.
C. 1892.
D. 1882.
36. The folio Shows ______________.

A. volume number.
B. page number.
C. editors name.
D. place of publication.
37. A digital photograph is a——————————
A. raster graphic
B. bitmapped image
C. raster image
D. interface.
38. Colour printing was invented in Mainz by _______________.

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A. Johann Fust and Peter Schoffer.

B. William Hanna and Joseph Barbera.
C. William Hewlett and Dave Packard.
D. Franklin McCoy and Tyrone McCoy.
39. Bitmapped files are usually—————————
A. large in size
B. smaller in size
C. zipped image
D. very quick and easy to transfer
40. A printing imposition that contains materials to be printed on both sides is called as _________.
A. work and turn.
B. ready page.
C. flat page.
D. double plate.
41. Software that stores lines and shapes rather than individual pixels is known as————————
A. vector graphics software
B. raster graphics software
C. photo database software
D. resolution software

42. The thin paper used for making carbon copies is known as _______________.
A. flimsy.
B. thin sheet.
C. duplicator.
D. copy paper
43. The history of early printing press in India is associated with _______________.
A. invaders of India.
B. Christian missionaries.
C. travellers of India.
D. east India Company.
44. Point system refers to unit of measurement___________.
A. page.
B. book.
C. type. for class video visit this link -
D. none.
45. The first Indian script for which types were made was______________.
A. Malayalam.
B. Marathi.
C. Kannada.
D. Tamil.
46. Litepen is a modern gadget that is used to ________________.
A. draw on the blackboard.
B. draw in computer.
C. pen with a lamp in the tip.
D. lamp with a pen in the end.
47. Previously drawn images that artists can legally use in their own work are known as:
A. copy art
B. clip art
C. shareware

D. free art
48. Register marks guide printer_______________.
A. in letterpress.
B. to design the page.
C. seat individual colours perfectly.
D. none.

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49. A technique in which the background gradually fades away to the surface of the paper is
A. vignetting.
B. fade in.
C. fade out.
D. dissolve.
50. The paper that lacks chemical coating for smoothness is called _________.
A. rough paper.
B. non-coated paper.
C. plain paper.
D. uncoated paper.

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51. An art of type selection that involves style arrangement and appearance is known as _________.
A. typography.
B. planography.
C. caricature.

D. iconography.
52. PowerPoint is an example of————————–
A. presentation graphics software
B. raster graphics software.
C. photo management software.
D. gray-scale graphics software.
53. Quads on letter press printing means_____________.
A. types with special characters.
B. all types.
C. punctuation types.
D. space types.
54. Linotype is composing machine to cast______________.
A. individual types.
B. paragraphs of typefaces.
C. pages of typefaces.
D. lines of typefaces.
55. Posterization is graphic technique to print______________.
A. tone art without screening.
B. tone art with screening.
C. line art without screening.
D. line art with screening.
56. The book binding techniques with wires in spiral form is known as ________.
A. perfect binding.
B. spiral binding.
C. comb binding.
D. stich binding.
57. A process in which the printing image is etched below the non printing area is called_______.
A. offset.
B. letter press.

C. gravure.
D. litho.
58. Formal balance in newspaper make produces mirror image of _____________.
A. top right and bottom right halves.
B. top left and bottom right quarters.
C. left and right halves.
D. none.

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59. When characters are cast by punching holes of paper tapes which are later run through the
caster in
A. linotype.
B. monotype.
C. phototype.
D. electrotype.
60. ___________ printing uses xerographic or electro photographic process and employs powder
rather than liquid.
A. Laser-style.
B. Offset.
C. Rotary.
D. Screen.
61. Insertion of metal strips between lines of hot type to create more space between line is known
A. line spacing.
B. leading.
C. word spacing.
D. line drawing
62. _________ Colour means life and growth.
A. Red.
B. White.
C. Yellow.
D. Green.

63. _________ Printing makes halftone printing more colourful and lively by bringing out the high
intensity of colours.
A. Stochastic.
B. Lithography.
C. Letterpress.
D. Gravure.
64. The outcome of process of visualization is ______________.
A. design.
B. layout.
C. printout.
D. decoration.
65. Many bitmapped images in a sequence is known as——————————-
A. GIF animation
B. TIF animation
C. JPG animation
D. tweening
66. Any unit of a pictorial nature in layout is called ____________.
A. picture.
B. photograph.
C. artwork.
D. illustration.
67. The plate that is used as a guide for the register of other colours is called a ______.
A. mark plates.
B. register plates.
C. key plate.
D. guide plates.
68. In colour printing a set of proofs showing each colour separately and in combination is called as
A. progressive proofs.

B. colour proofs.

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C. separate proofs.
D. combination proofs.
69. The primary text matter that is used in any layout which is descriptive is called __________.
A. bold copy.
B. paragraph copy.
C. body copy.
D. bolded copy.
70. The part of the lower case letter that excluded ascender and descender is called_________.
A. y-column.
B. x-height.
C. overlay.
D. gutter.
71. The type of art that is ready to be photographed or scanned for printing is called_________.
A. photo-ready copy.
B. print-ready copy.
C. scan-ready copy.
D. camera-ready copy.
72. Before files that have been condensed can be opened and used, they must be—————–
A. decompressed
B. decondensed
C. defermented
D. zipped
73. A text that describes an illustration is ________.
A. caption
B. punch line.
C. underline.
D. detail.
74. The first stage of layout is also called_______.

A. first Galley.
B. galley.
C. thumbnail Sketch.
D. first Act
75. The second stage of layout is also called_____________.
A. lay.
B. dummy Art.
C. first Art.
D. rough Layout.
76. The third stage of layout is also called________________.
A. final copy.
B. art copy.
C. Comprehensive Layout.
77. It is better to print a mono-colour hand out on a _____________.
A. laser printer.
B. mini offset press.
C. offset press.
D. none of these.
78. Any letter, number punctuation mark, symbol or figure in copy is known as ___________.
A. text.
B. character.
C. letter.
D. points.
79. The process of copying files to a CD is known as————————
A. burning
B. copying
C. pasting

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D. storing

80. A paper where the surface has been specially treated to improve finish is known as _________.
A. coated lot.
B. coated stock.
C. treated paper.
D. treated stock.
81. Gunning Fog index is a measure of the______________.
A. number of words in a paragraph.
B. degree of abstraction and complexity of words.
C. abstraction and Complexity of words
D. none of these.
82. While writing a long novel _______________.
A. the illustration are not at all important (in the text).
B. the plot is of least importance
C. the font and type size must help the reader read at a quick pace.
D. only a. and c.
83. Using colour filters in scanners or cameras to break the colours within an image is _______.
A. colour matte.
B. colour gain.
C. colour separation
D. plate separation.
84. The distance across the nick or belly side of the type is an important measure called the
A. Set width
B. Height of type
C. Ligature
D. Point Size
85. —————— is defined as any printing operation that is owned by, and serves the needs of, a
company or

A. In-plant training
B. Quick printing
C. Special purpose printing
D. commercial printing
86. Printing means ________ to paper.
A. transfer of ink impression.
B. inserting.
C. impression.
D. pouring.
87. When printing, on an offset machine, is done from a plain surface, the process is called
A. litno offset.
B. rotogravure.
C. photo offset.
D. planography.
88. Letter press is otherwise called as ___________.
A. gravure.
B. platen press.
C. cylinder.
D. intaglio.
89. Movable type printing method was introduced by __________.
A. Alois senerelder.
B. Samuel Simion.
C. Johannes Gutenberg.

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D. Andrews.
90. Intaglio printmaking is a method of ___________.
A. cutting, carving or engraving.
B. printing, proofing and designing.
C. paper, reed or Wood.
D. Machine and assembly

91. Screen printing method was introduced in the year___________.

A. 1796.
B. 1894.
C. 1910.
D. 1609.
92. Expansion of UCR————————.
A. Upper Color Removal
B. Under water reduction
C. Under Color Removal
D. Ultimate Color Removal
93. A color filter transmits only its own color and ————- all other colors.
A. absorbs
B. dissolves
C. disseminates
D. lightens
94. Printing from raised surface is __________.
A. letter press.
B. screen.
C. lithography.
D. gravure.
95. In letter press images are __________ the non-image area.
A. same plane.
B. above.
C. below.
D. between
96. Sans serif font is best suited for———————-
A. text type
B. display type
C. copy type

D. none of the above

97. _______cylinder is used to invert the image in offset press.
A. Impression cylinder.
B. Blanket cylinder.
C. Inking cylinder
D. Offset cylinder.
98. _________ is true example for relief press.
A. letterpress.
B. rubber stamp.
C. visiting card.
D. invitation card.
99. _________ method is used to print on the non-porous substrates such as polythene bags.
A. photo gravure.
B. flexography.
C. letterpress.
D. lithography.

100. In offset press _________ cylinder rotates anti-clock wise direction.

A. inking cylinder.
B. blanket cylinder.

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C. impression cylinder.
D. pressing cylinder.

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Answer sheet question no 1 to 100
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1. B
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. D
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. B
23. B
24. D
25. D
26. A
27. B
28. A
29. A
30. A
31. B
32. B
33. A
34. A
35. A
36. B
37. B
38. A
39. A
40. A
41. A
42. C

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43. B
44. C
45. D
46. B
47. B
48. C
49. A
50. D

51. उउउउउ: A
52.उउउउउ: A
53. उउउउउ: D
54.उउउउउ: D
55. उउउउउ: C
56.उउउउउ: B
57.उउउउउ: C
58.उउउउउ: C
59.उउउउउ: B
60.उउउउउ: A
61.उउउउउ: B
62.उउउउउ: D
63.उउउउउ: B
64.उउउउउ: A
65.उउउउउ: A
66.उउउउउ: D
67.उउउउउ: C
68.उउउउउ: A
69.उउउउउ: C
70.उउउउउउ B
71. उउउउउ :D
72.उउउउउ: A
74.उ उ: C
75.उउउउउ: D
76. उउउउउ: C
77. उउउउउ: B
78.उउउउउ: B
79.उउउउउ: A
80.उउउउउ: B
81.उउउउउ: C
82.उउउउउ: D
83.उउउउउ: C
84.उउउउउ: A
85.उउउउउ: A
86.उउउउउ: A
87. उउउउउ: D
88.उउउउउ: B
89.उउउउउ: C
90.उउउउउ: A
91. उउउउउ: C
92.उउउउउ: C

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93. उउउउउ: A
94.उउउउउ: A
95. B
97. उउउउउ: B
98. उउउउउ: A
99. उउउउउ: B
100. उउउउउ:B

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101. Design is a fundamental activity based on __________.

A. creativity & innovation.
B. idea.
C. content.
D. picture
102. Size of an A4 paper is___________.
A. 212 x 299 mm.
B. 210 x 297 mm
C. 220 x 480 mm.
D. 230 x 297 mm.
103. Red, Green and Blue are called the ——————————.
A. color systems
B. chroma
C. Additive primary colors
D. subtractive primary colors
104. Essential paste of a page-layout is ___________.
A. fitting.
B. paste-up style.
C. page arrangement.
D. alignment.
105. ____________is being used to show true measurement as in metal type.
A. Em
B. Pica.

C. En.
D. Equal.
106. Computer displays are made of a grid with tiny squares which are called __________.
A. pixel.
B. repletion.
C. line.
D. points
107. The method of stenciling which is used screen printing is ___________.
A. photo emulsion.
B. photo illusion.
C. photo isolation.

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D. photoengraving.
108. The main type of scanners used for publishing ___________.
A. desktop flatbed.
B. laser.
C. cylinder.
D. roller.
109. ———————— are also referred to as Blackletter.
A. Serif
B. Sans Serif
C. Roman typefaces
D. Text typefaces
110. ——————–refers to the thickness or weight of the lines that form a character.
A. Stress
B. Stroke
C. Serif
D. Roman
111. The short term for optical character recognition is ___________.

B. scanner.
112. Typefaces of one family and one size is specifically referred to as a ___________.
A. assembly.
B. font.
C. rack.
D. container.
113. Screening is done to reproduce______________.
A. colour.
B. text.
C. picture.
D. page.
114. The printing process in which a blanket cylinder is used _________.
A. offset.
B. flatbed.
C. gravure.
D. letter.
115. The slanted types are known as____________.
A. Roman.
B. Gothic.
C. Italics.
D. Sanskrit.
116. Type writing through photo mechanics is designated as______________.
A. photo typesetting.
C. hot setting.
D. non-metal setting.
117. The largest size in Metal type faces is ____________.

A. 60 Point.
B. 72 Point.
C. 90 Point.
D. 102 Point.
118. Intertype was used to cast_______________.
A. paragraphs.
B. passages.
C. letters.

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D. lines of the word.

119. The machine that was used to cast metal typefaces for headline was called __________.
A. Ludlow.
B. linotype.
C. monotype.
D. intertype.
120. The two most commonly recognised image file formats used in web creation are ——————
D. None of the above
121. The process in which characters are cast one by one is called___________.
A. linotype.
B. monotype.
C. single type.
D. Ludlow type.
122. Expand TIFF.
A. Top Image File Format
B. Transparent Image File Format
C. Tagged Image File Format
D. Temporary Image File Format

123. The standardized units of type size was introduced by ___________.

A. Francois-Ambroise Didot.
B. Hermann Hollerith.
C. Johannes Heinz.
D. Maxim Clarke.
124. Vector images are made up of mathematically described paths called ___________.
A. Vectors
B. Gray-scale
C. Color tone
D. None of the above
125. Checking the type set matter with the original is called as_______________.
A. printing.
B. proofing.
C. composing.
D. coupling.
126. The successful Rotary printing press was invented by ______________.
A. Alosis Senefelder.
B. Richard Hoe.
C. Pi Cheng.
D. Aldexander.
127. The Lino type system of molted lead is known as________________.
A. metal type.
B. phototype.
C. hot type.
D. cold type.
128. The smallest size of type face is called as______________.
A. agate.
B. small letters.
C. thin letter.

D. quad.
129. A set of rules that govern typeface arrangement in a particular newspaper is called as_______.
A. code.
B. type schedule.

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C. type sheet.
D. type body.
130. Selecting an area in a photograph or illustration to be reproduced and eliminating the rest is
A. cropping.
B. stamping.
C. cutting.
D. exiting.
131. The plates used on rotary printing machines to print are called__________.
A. papier mache.
B. roller
C. steren.
D. dry.
132. Types are measured in terms of _____________.
A. didots.
B. points.
C. inches.
D. ciceras.
133. One inch type face will be equal to ______________.
A. 36 Points.
B. 48 Points.
C. 60 Points.
D. 72 Points.
134. When two or more LANs connect a wide geographical area, they are referred to as a

A. Bytes
C. Bits
D. All of the above
135. Hot type casting uses the metal of ___________.
A. molten lead.
B. antimony.
C. nickel.
D. magnesium
136. ———————-refers to a large single sheet which is frequently passed through a printing
and then folded
And trimmed to form a portion of a book or magazine.
A. Signature Imposition
B. Ganged imposition
C. One-side imposition
D. sheetwise imposition
137. Printing a line diagram on a photo graph is called as _____________.
A. imprint.
B. duotone.
C. progs.
D. surprint.
138. The term CTP means____________.
A. cathode Tube Print.
B. crop to print.
C. computer to plate.
D. copy to print.
139. A printing process which gives a recessed look on the paper is______________.
A. debugging.
B. deterring.

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C. debossing
D. embossing.
140. A small ornamental design used to emphasize a copy or decorate a layout is _________.
A. wingding.
B. dingbat.
C. dictum.
D. deco.
141. The ————————is the most important element of the scanner because it has the ability to
change light to an
Electrical signal.
A. Photomultiplier tube
B. Analog to digital conversion
C. RGB filters
D. CMYK filters
142. A type is of 18 points and above is called as _________.
A. dingbat type.
B. wingding type.
C. display type.
D. bold type.
143. Capital Letter W is always counted as __________.
A. 1 Unit.
B. 2 Units.
C. 2½ Units.
D. 3 Units.

144. A measure indicating computer printers resolution is __________.

A. dots per inch.
B. depth per inch.
C. drops per inch
D. damp per inch.

145. A visualized design is reflected through the____________.

A. action-plan.
B. flag
C. dummy.
D. make-up chart.

146. ———————-and QuarkExpress are examples of Page-layout software programs.

A. DreamWeaver
B. Adobe In-design
C. Flash
D. 3-D studio max
147. Object-oriented software programs use the graphic capabilities of the ———————–to
manipulate the art and
A. Postscript language
C. Machine language
D. All of the above
148. The element noticed by the eye first in a layout and design is______________.
A. focal point.
B. execution.
C. image.
D. copy.
149. The oldest known book Diamond Sutra was printed in______________.
A. Korea.
B. Japan.

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C. Taiwan.
D. China.
150. ————–means selectively adding or subtracting space between letters and words.

A. Kerning
B. Tracking
C. Editing
D. Cropping

101 A 102 B 103 C 104 B 105 B 106 A 107 A 108 A 109 D 110 B 111
D 112 B 113 A
114 A 115 C 116 A 117 D 118 D 119 A 120 A 121 B 122 C 123 A 124
A 125 B 126 B
127 C 128 A 129 B 130 A 131 A 132 B 133 D 134 B 135 A 136 A 137
D 138 C 139 C
140 B 141 A 142 C 143 B 144 A 145 C 146 B 147 A 148 A 149 D 150A

1. The quality of fluidity of the printing machine rollers and quick solidification of ink is termed as
Correct Answer:- Option-C

2. Which of the following additive will improve the rub resistance of ink ?
Correct Answer:- Option-B

3. The colour appears to run, the fountain solution and dampening rollers become tinted –
Bleeding is caused due to
A:-excessive driers
B:-insufficient water at the plate
C:-the pigment is hydrophilic
D:-insufficient water at the plate
Correct Answer:- Option-C

4. Yellow is often printed above the magenta and cyan but if opaque yellow is used the order of
yellow printing is
A:-first colour
B:-second colour
C:-third colour
D:-fourth colour

Correct Answer:- Option-A

5. The release of individual small fibers, particles from paper surfaces is termed as

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Correct Answer:- Option-B

6. The machine that prints both sides of the sheet in one pass through the press is
A:-Common impression cylinder
B:-Inline press
C:-Narrow web press for class video visit this link -
D:-Blanket to blanket press
Correct Answer:- Option-D

7. This device in the web offset machine is used to change the direction of the web.
D:-turner bar
Correct Answer:- Option-D

8. The inks that are formulated to dry primarily by evaporation of solvent at high temperature
A:-Quick set ink
B:-Heat set ink
C:-UV ink
D:-All the above
Correct Answer:- Option-B

9. 17 `1/2`” × 23 `1/2`” sized paper is termed as

Correct Answer:- Option-C

10. A condition of ink, when left in a container, thicken and form a light gel structure on the top
Correct Answer:- Option-A

:-The machine that prints both sides of the sheet in one pass through the press is

A:-Common impression cylinder

B:-Inline press
C:-Narrow web press
D:-Blanket to blanket press

Correct Answer:- Option-D

2:-This device in the web offset machine is used to change the direction of
the web.

D:-turner bar

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Correct Answer:- Option-D

3:-The inks that are formulated to dry primarily by evaporation of solvent

at high temperature

A:-Quick set ink

B:-Heat set ink
C:-UV ink
D:-All the above

Correct Answer:- Option-B

4:-17 `1/2`” × 23 `1/2`” sized paper is termed as


Correct Answer:- Option-C

5:-A condition of ink, when left in a container, thicken and form a light
gel structure on the top layer


Correct Answer:- Option-A

6:-A set of colour printed proofs which compraises one print of each
colour, and a print of the combination of subsequent colours as they are
printed in sequence

A:-digital proof
B:-blue proof
C:-progressive proof
D:-soft proof

Correct Answer:- Option-C

7:-An instrument which measures the length and tack of an ink


Correct Answer:- Option-B

8:-The type of blanket used for printing on high speed machine and
substrates like board and coated stock

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A:-medium blanket
B:-hard blanket
C:-soft blanket
D:-all the above

Correct Answer:- Option-B

9:-Which of the following comes under functional printing ?

B:-News paper
C:-QR coding
D:-Flex banner

Correct Answer:- Option-C

10:-Which of the following comes under security printing ?

B:-RFID tags
C:-dutone printing
D:-metal printing

Correct Answer:- Option-A

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Question1:-Photo chemical engraved or etched plates are used is

___________ type of printing process.
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question2:-Name the small shroke projects out from the top or bottom
of the main shroke.
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question3:-Who designed the offset press for indirect lithography ?
B:-Ira Rubel

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C:-Charles Caxton
D:-Allois Senefelder
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question4:-The process of arranging a book's page so that once printed
signature sheets are folded and trimmed, the pages will appear in the
correct order.
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question5:-Two or more connected letters is the same type body are
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question6:-Name the technique used for changing a black and white
continuous tone image is to multicolour reproduction
B:-Colour correction
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question7:-3D printers use file formats called ___________ used to
share 3D objects files for feeding to a 3D printer.
B:-Sterio lithography
Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question8:-The term Hue means

B:-Value of a colour
C:-Base pigment or colour
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question9:-___________ filter is used for producing yellow plate.

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Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question10:-Identify the neutral colour from the following.
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question11:-In page setting the space between two pages or white
space between columns is known as
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question12:-Identify an imposition software from the following.
A:-Line imposition
B:-Quick imposition
C:-Impose once
D:-Flat imposition
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question13:-The range of colours that can be generated within a
colour system is known as
A:-Colour wheel
B:-Additive colours
C:-Colour gamut
D:-Colour corrections
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question14:-In printing, the stretching of halftone dots caused by a
slipping of the cylinders is called
A:-Star target
C:-Dot grain
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question15:-Name the instrument used to view dots of any size in a
printing industry

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A:-Magnifying glass
D:-Dot grain
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question16:-Name the universally accepted method for colour mixing
A:-Pantone colour matching system
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B:-Universal colour correction

D:-Colour fidelity
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question17:-Most appropriate software used as a layout programme in
the following
A:-Adobe Photoshop
B:-Adobe Pagemaker
C:-Adobe InDesign
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question18:-Identify the open software used for page layout.
D:-Corel Draw
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question19:-Linotype machines used for
A:-Letter casting
B:-Line casting
C:-Page casting
D:-Letter typing
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question20:-A smooth change between two or more specified colours
is known as
A:-grey scaling
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question21:-The group of pages on each side of the signature is called
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Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question22:-Name the printing method in which dry ink is used.
A:-Screen printing
B:-Relief printing
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question23:-Identify the commonly used term for the material
receiving the print.
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question24:-Name the imaging system that takes fully paginated
digital materials and expose this information to plates without creating
the films.
A:-Direct imaging

D:-Print production
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question25:-NIPs have images without direct physical contact between
the printing mechanism and the substrate. What is NIP ?
A:-National Integration Programme
B:-National Imaging
C:-Non Impact Printing
D:-Non Image Printing
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question26:-Graphic elements used in producing normal printed
products is called
B:-Pre press
D:-Art work
Correct Answer:- Option-D

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Question27:-Define SMPS.
A:-Standard Multicolour Printing Surface
B:-Switched Mode Power Supply
C:-Switched Modular Power System
D:-Switched Molecule Point System
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question28:-OCR stands for
A:-Organsations Chart Report
B:-Ornamental Character Reasoning
C:-Ornamental Font Design
D:-Optical Character Recognition
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question29:-Name the popular web image format from the following.
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question30:-Identify the device which is not used as a quality control
device in printing industry.
A:-GATF QC strip
C:-Slur gauge
D:-Star target
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question31:-Name the tool in Acrobat and the printers commonly used
the term to check the files before sending it out to the printer.
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question32:-Expand ICC profile of an image.
A:-International Colour Correction
B:-International Cricket Council
C:-International Colour Consortium
D:-Indirect Colour Correction
Correct Answer:- Option-C

Question33:-The image areas are __________ in lithographic plates.

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Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question34:-Photopolymer plates are used in ____________
B:-Screen Printing
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question35:-Bitmap images are also referred to as __________ images.
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question36:-There are several ink drying methods in printing. List out
the ink drying method in which the vehicle is absorbed into the
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question37:-The main ingredient of paper is
A:-Optic fibre
B:-Synthetic fibre
C:-Cellulose fibre
D:-Natural fibre
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question38:-A perfecting blanket to blanket press has ____ plate
cylinders and _________ blanket cylinders.
A:-2, 3
B:-2, 2
C:-3, 2
D:-3, 3
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question39:-The basic ingredient of a dampening solution is

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D:-Drying stimulator
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question40:-A direct rotary printing method that uses relief image
printing plates made of rubber or photopolymer material.
B:-Letter press printing
C:-Gravure printing
D:-Screen printing
Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question41:-The first step in 'Print production work flow' is

B:-Creative production
D:-Idea and concept
Correct Answer:- Option-D

Question42:-Identify the wrong statement regarding screen printing.

A:-Production cost is comparatively low
B:-Any number of colours can be printed
C:-Rate of production speed comparatively larger
D:-Printing can be done on any shaped substrate
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question43:-In printing. the practice of using renewable energy
resources, reducing the use of energy and greenhouse emissions and
using recycled materials is termed as
A:-Green printing
B:-Recycled printing
C:-Vegetable printing
D:-Versatile printing
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question44:-Pick out the non impact printing method.
Correct Answer:- Option-B

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Question45:-A printing process in which the ink is transferred from a

sunken surface
A:-Letter press printing
B:-Gravure printing
C:-Screen printing
Correct Answer:- Option-B
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Question46:-Ink is made up of different ingredients. The ingredient
which provides colour to the ink is
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question47:-In four colour printing, the fourth colour which can also be
formed by the mixing of other three colours.
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question48:-The person who developed the offset press which is
designed for indirect lithography ?
A:-Allois Senefelder
B:-Ira Rubel
C:-Johann Guttenberg
D:-Charles Babbage
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question49:-The ink system rollers and the blankets get shiny and hard
and as a result it looses its ability to absorb ink. This is known as
C:-Set off

Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question50:-An offset lithographic press system that does not use a
dampening system during the printing process
A:-Perfecter presses
B:-Digital presses
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C:-Sheetfed presses
D:-Waterless presses
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question51:-For multicolour printing, different types of web offset
presses are used. The type of offset press which has several plate
cylinders positioned around a single large diameter
cylinder is known as
A:-Common impression cylinder press
B:-Blanket to blanket press
C:-In-line press
D:-Tower press
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question52:-The type of ink that are usually used for printing on dark
coloured papers. This type ink will prevent the colour of the substrate
from influencing the ink colour.
A:-Magnetic ink
B:-Opaque ink
C:-Fluorescent ink
D:-Soy ink
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question53:-The device used for measuring the hardness of a rubber
blanket is
A:-Rockwell hardness tester
C:-Shore durometer
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question54:-One of the parts given below is not a part of gravure
printing unit.
A:-Printing cylinder
B:-Doctor blade
C:-Impression cylinder
D:-Blanket cylinder
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question55:-A leading Indian offset machine manufacturer
C:-AB Dick
Correct Answer:- Option-D

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Question56:-The type of offset press which are typically used for long
run works including the printing of large daily newspapers.
A:-Sheet-fed presses
B:-Web presses
C:-Two cylinder presses
D:-Three cylinder presses
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question57:-The conventional manual plate processing techniques
have been largely replaced by this technique which is capable of
automatic imaging and processing different plate
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question58:-The inking roller in an offset press, which is in direct
contact with the plate cylinder.
A:-Ductor roller
B:-Distribution roller
C:-Fountain roller
D:-Form roller
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question59:-One of the methods used to prepare a printing cylinder in
gravure printing
A:-Laser beam engraving
B:-Solvothermal process
C:-Interfacial polymerisation
D:-Controlled condensation
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question60:-'Printing with Master' is also known as
A:-Impact printing
B:-Non-impact printing
C:-Ink-jet printing
D:-Computer to print
Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question61:-We must be careful about the storage of paper due to its

hygroscopic nature. The store room should be with a
A:-High relative humidity

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B:-Low relative humidity

C:-Moderate relative humidity
D:-High temperature
Correct Answer:- Option-C
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Question62:-A sheet fed offset printing machine will have four units.
From the given below options pick out the one that is not a unit of
offset machine.
A:-Registration unit
B:-Feeding unit
C:-Delivery unit
D:-Colour management unit
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question63:-ISO or International Paper Sizes are denoted in
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question64:-Screen printing stencils can be prepared using different
methods. The stencil which is most suited for an image with complex
and high quality line details.
A:-Hand cut stencils
B:-Tusche and glue stencils
C:-Photographic stencils
D:-Cylindrical screens
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question65:-In flexographic printing press there is a metal or ceramic
roller engraved with cells that carry ink
A:-Plate cylinder
B:-Fountain roller
C:-Impression cylinder
D:-Anilox roller
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question66:-Presses that can print more than one colour during a
single pass are referred to as multicolour presses. It will have

A:-a single printing unit

B:-a series of single printing units
C:-only a series of single plate cylinders

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D:-only a series of single blanket cylinders

Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question67:-The system in an offset press which moisten the plate
consistently throughout the press run
A:-Inking system
B:-Dampening system
C:-Distribution system
D:-Roller system
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question68:-When compared to gravure printing ink, screen printing
ink is
C:-Same viscosity
D:-Same dimensional stability
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question69:-The best printing method for 'high quality', 'short run',
'customized' colour printing
A:-Gravure printing
B:-Flexographic printing
C:-Digital printing
D:-Letterpress printing
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question70:-Papers with different quality are available in the market.
Shelf life and print quality are considered in categorising the paper.
Pick out the lowest grade paper.
B:-Bond paper
C:-Cover paper
D:-Book paper
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question71:-All preparation from mounting the image carrier on the
press to obtain an acceptable image on the press sheet is
A:-Make ready
B:-Casting out
D:-Job schedule
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question72:-The sheets of same weight and surface finish as the final
sheet that are used for initial press set up is termed as

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A:-Packing sheets
B:-Make ready sheets
C:-Masking sheets
D:-Proofing sheet
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question73:-Name of the feeder that works on front separation
A:-Stream feeder
B:-Single sheet feeder
C:-Continuous feeder
D:-Alternate feeder
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question74:-Name of the rollers found in an Offset machine, which are
in direct contact with printing plate
A:-Dandy roller
B:-Ductor roller

C:-Form roller
D:-Dwell roller
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question75:-Which of the following statement is/are correct about
Auto Plate loading ?
i) Plate changeover can take place on all printing unit at the same time.
ii) The operator has to lift the guard and put the lead edge of the plate
in to the clamp.
iii) No operator related error will occur.
A:-Only (ii and iii)
B:-Only (i and iii)
C:-All the above (i, ii and iii)
D:-Only (i and ii)
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question76:-Calculate the press cost to print 16000 pamphlets (Design
size : 4.5"× 7.5", size of pamphlet : 5.5"× 8.5") printed in four colours
on one side on 120 GSM art paper which
cost Rs. 55/kg of 23" × 36" basic sheet size. Gripper and cutting
allowance one inch. (Assume cost for one exposed plate is Rs. 350 and
printing cost for 1000 impressions for one
colour is Rs. 250).

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Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question77:-Any particle that sticks to the blanket or plate that
transfers an imperfection to the printed page is called
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question78:-Which of the following is/are causes the printing problem
"Blinding" in offset printing ?
i) Excess gum in fountain solution
ii) Excess fountain rollers
iii) Fountain solution too acidic
A:-Only (i and ii)
B:-Only (ii and iii)
C:-All of the above (i, ii and iii)
D:-Only (i and iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question79:-Choose the remedies to rectify the printing problem
"Tinting" ?
i) Check the pH of fountain solution
ii) Add varnish to increase tack
iii) Use moisture resistant stock
A:-Only (i and iii)
B:-Only (i and ii)
C:-All the above (i, ii and iii)
D:-Only (ii and iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question80:-The failure of the rollers to transport ink is generally
known as
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question81:-The deposit of unwanted, excess ink and paper residue on
either the plate or blanket is

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Correct Answer:- Option-A

Question82:-A quality control device used to indicate dot reproduction
of half tones and process colours
A:-Gray balance patch
B:-Screen finder
C:-Dot gain scale
D:-Star target
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question83:-Which of the following statement is/are correct about
cloth joint end paper ?
i) The cloth joint end paper has one waste sheet, two paste down
sheets, one stiff leaf, and two fly leaf.
ii) Three folded sheets are used to prepare one cloth joint end paper.
iii) This end paper is sewn with the book as first and last section.
A:-Only (ii and iii)
B:-Only (i and ii)
C:-All the above (i, ii and iii)
D:-Only (i and iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question84:-All the operation after sewing up to covering is called
A:-Ware housing
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question85:-The process of binding the writing material is called
A:-Letter press binding
B:-Library binding
C:-Stationery binding
D:-Miscellaneous binding
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question86:-Which of the following is/are correct about Gauffering ?
i) Solid gilt edges are cut in to different patterns.
ii) The book is kept under a weight board, golden colour is applied with
a brush evenly through the edges.
iii) Gauffering is done with small hot tools.

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A:-Only (ii and iii)

B:-Only (i and ii)
C:-All of the above (i, ii and iii)
D:-Only (i and iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question87:-Calculate the quantity of paper in reams for making
15,000 books of Demy octavo size. Each book contains 480 pages.
Double demy paper is used for the production of
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question88:-Name of the paper folding machine that operates by
forcing a sheet between two rollers and causing it to curve
A:-Knife folder
B:-Parallel folder
C:-Buckle folder
D:-Accordion folder
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question89:-Which of the following statement is/are correct about foil
stamping ?
i) The process that create a three-dimensional raised image on
substrate by pressing it between two dies.
ii) It is a letter press process that transfers a thin layer of metallic tone
to a substrate using heat and pressure.
iii) The relief image presses against the foil and the combination of
heat and pressure transfers the metallic coating on the foil film to
A:-Only (i and ii)

B:-Only (ii and iii)

C:-All of the above (i, ii and iii)
D:-Only (i and iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question90:-A process in which a thin film of plastic with an adhesive
coating is bonded to a printed substrate is called

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Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question91:-Which of the following statement is/are correct about
head band in book binding ?
i) An open weave cotton cloth for good adhesive penetration, pasted
the ends of book.
ii) Head bands were used by book binders to align book signatures and
strengthen the ends of a book.
iii) Head banding is done by the sewing a cord on to the backbone
behind the boards, which secures the signatures together more firmly.
A:-Only (i and iii)
B:-Only (i and ii)
C:-All of the above (i, ii and iii)
D:-Only (ii and iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question92:-Which of the following statement is/are correct about
Blister packs ?
i) The blister is adhered on to a printed paper board backing on which
the product information is displayed.
ii) When heat is applied, it shrinks tightly over whatever it is covering.
iii) Double blisters are formed around both sides of product allowing
for complete product visibility.
A:-Only (i and ii)
B:-Only (i and iii)
C:-All of the above (i, ii and iii)
D:-Only (ii and iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question93:-Name of the wave shaped structure that provides
strength to reinforced corrugated board
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question94:-A material made up of polymer plastic film, when heat is
applied, it contracts tightly over whatever it is covering is called
A:-Bubble wrap
B:-Shrink wrap
C:-Blister wrap

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D:-Vacuum pouch
Correct Answer:- Option-B
Question95:-Which type of binding is an example of pocket book ?
A:-Perfect binding
B:-Half cloth
C:-Quarter cloth
D:-Case binding
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question96:-Which of the following statement is/are correct about
diode ?
i) Diode is an electronic device that restricts current flow chiefly to one
ii) Diode is a passive electronic component used to make a time delay
in a circuit.
iii) Diodes are some times used as rectifiers.
A:-Only (i and ii)
B:-Only (i and iii)
C:-All of the above (i, ii and iii)
D:-Only (ii and iii)

Correct Answer:- Option-B

Question97:-Name an electrical component that limits or regulates the
flow of electrical current in an electronic circuit.
Correct Answer:- Option-C
Question98:-The most common type of gears and have straight teeth
and are parallel to the axis of the wheel
A:-Spur gear
B:-Worm gear
C:-Bevel gear
D:-Helical gear
Correct Answer:- Option-A
Question99:-Which of the following statement is/are correct about
Hydraulics ?
i) Hydraulic systems are commonly powered by compressed air.
ii) Hydraulics deals with the mechanical properties of fluid.

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iii) The major components that make up a hydraulic system are the
reservoir, pump, valves and actuators.
A:-Only (i and ii)
B:-Only (i and iii)
C:-All of the above (i, ii and iii)
D:-Only (ii and iii)
Correct Answer:- Option-D
Question100:-The drawing gives exact details of object to be
manufactured is called
A:-Free hand drawing
B:-Free hand sketching
C:-Finished drawing
D:-Instrumental drawing
Correct Answer:- Option-D
1 The recognizable image or pattern that appears lighter or darker than
surrounding paper when viewed with a light from behind the paper.

• A Guilloches
• B Warning bands
• C High resolution graphics
• D Watermarks

2 The meaning of the Greek word "gyro" in Gyricon e-paper is

• A Oscillate
• B Rotate
• C Jump
• D Run

3 The genuineness of bank notes can easily be checked using the appropriate
illumination to show the -------- in the paper and ink.

• A Microline
• B Fluorescent particles
• C Fibre nature

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• D None of the above

4 In this method, multicolored image on the blanket cylinder segment is first

transferred onto a printing plate and then transferred onto a second blanket

• A Offset method
• B Waterless offset method
• C Orlof method
• D Blanket to blanket method

5 STL file format in 3D printing refers to

• A Standard Template Library

• B Standard Tessellation Language
• C Software Tool Library
• D Stereo Lithography

6 OPC Means

• A Optical Printing Cylinder

• B Organic Printing Cylinder
• C Optical Photo Conductor
• D Organic Photo Conductor

7 The inkjet technology in which the ink drop is generated only if the print image
requires it.

• A Continuous ink jet.

• B Drop on demand
• C Binary deflection continuous jet
• D Multi-deflection continuous jet

8 The expansion for D2T2 which is a shortened term that physically and
chemically defines thermal sublimation

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• A Direct diffusion thermal transfer

• B Direct digital thermal transfer
• C Dye diffusion thermal transfer
• D Direct dye thermal transfer

9 The very fine lines of mathematically generated pattern printed on the

background of a currency note is called

• A Pantograph
• B Code safe
• C Warning bands
• D Guilloches

10 The expansion for XML

• A Xerox Machine Language

• B Xerox Markup Language
• C Extensible Markup Language
• D Extensible Machine Language

11 ---------- problem is called "snow flaking" in Gravure printing.

• A Scumming
• B Doctor blade deflection
• C Missing dots
• D Non impression

12 ------------ instrument that analyzes a color's hue, saturation and lightness.

• A Colorimeter
• B Densitometer
• C Durometer
• D Luxmeter

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13 Expand ICC profile

• A International Color Consortium Profile

• B International Color Consumers
• C International Color Chart
• D International Common Color Profile

14 Men, Machine, money, method and materials of management is called as

• A5 S
• C5M
• D Six Sigma

15----------------- is one of the strategy for customery retention.

• A Conducting Business Survey

• B Good rapport with clients
• C Good rapport with individual customer
• D Good rapport with Employee

16 In SPC, ---------------- are tools which allow for easy collection and anaysis of

• A Flowcharts
• B Checksheets and checklists
• C Scatter diagram
• D Run control charts

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17 ISO 14000 is a generic standard primarily concerned with

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• A Production
• B Servicing
• C Environmental
• D Hospital

18 The control chart for variable is

• A μ chart
• B p chart
• C c chart
• D f chart

19 In quality control, ------------ represents the cost incurred for all the
materials and activities when the job has not been done right the first time.

• A Prevention cost
• B Inspection and appraisal cost
• C Internal failure cost
• D External failure cost

20 Daily maintenance activities are entered in

• A Job Planning Record

• B Maintenance Request Record
• C Equipment Operation and Maintenance Record
• D Process Control Record

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21 In-------------, repair of broken or damaged piece of equipment is done to
restore necessary operating condition.

• A Restoration Maintenance
• B Preventive Maintenance
• C Predictive Maintenance

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• D Preplanned Maintenance

22 ------------- breakdowns result in small amounts of lost time but are very
frequent in occurrence.

• A Sporadic
• B Chronic
• C Massive
D Erratic
23-------------- are classified as the lost time and materials after the makeready is
complete and production sheets are being counted
• A Startup losses
• B Makeready losses
• C Equipment failure losses
• D Speed losses

24 Maintenance done before the parts getting worn-out is

• A Mechanical maintenance
• B Electrical maintenance
• C Predictive maintenance
D Corrective maintenance

25 Maintenance activities performed between two overhauling is called as

• A Repair cycle
• B Checklist
• C History card
• D Paint mark

26 The system that does not use any belt, chain and gear in its drive

27 A Gear drive
28 B Belt drive

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29 C Direct drive technology

30 D Chain drive

27 -------- is one of the positive drive type belts and has no slippage.

• A Timing belt
• B Rope belt
• C Flat belt
• D V-belt

-28 -------- is one of the most accurate, strongest and quietest gear used in
printing m/c today.

• A Helical gear
• B Spur gear
• C Back and Pinion
D Bevel gears

29 lithography invented in 1796

30 The machine is expected to run for 300 days/year, 8 hours/day at 75% of its
capacity. The total hours the machine is utilized in a year will be

• A1200
• B1440
• C1800
• D1680

31 Rates fixed based on specified quantum of work irrespective of the time

actually spent in the production of a job

• A Work rate system

• B Time rate system
• C Direct Departmental Cost

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• D Unit Cost

32 CMHR of the typesetting machine is Rs. 145 and 24 pages can be typeset in 8
hour shift. Find the basic rate per page

• A Rs. 52.28
• B Rs. 50.12
• C Rs. 54.32
• D Rs. 48.33

33 A technique of assessing the sales price of a job or a service scientifically

• A Costing
• B Estimating
• C Cost control
• D Budgetory control

34 A person who sells printing goods and services to customers and print buyers

• A Printing broker
• B Printing sales reps.
• C Customer service reps.
• D Printing consultants

35 Actual expenses (liabilities) incurred in a production job is called as

• A Sales
• B Cost
• C Price
• D Profit

36 The record in which the receipts and issues of materials, tools and
equipments are recorded

37 A Delivery Sheet

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38 B Proforma
39 C Invoice
40 D Stock Record

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37 Splitting a product workflow into two channels

• A Workflow preparation
• B Streaming
• C Combined workflow
• D Joined workflow

38 MIS stands for

• A Member Identification System

• B Management Information System
• C Marketing Identification System
• D Management Improvement System

39 Most of the white papers have the brightness range between -------
depending upon the type and grade.

A7 0-90
B 80-90
C 60-90
D 90-100

40 ----------- results from light being absorbed and diffused as it passes from air
to fiber and back air in paper.

• A Opacity
• B Gloss
• C Haze
• D Transferency

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41 When the temperature changes, the viscosity of all inks changes but paste inks
also lose viscosity or body when they are stirred or otherwise sheard. this
characteristic is called -----------

• A Length
• B Thixotropy
• C Tack
• D Misting

42 The purpose of tamper evident closure in packaging

• A Security purpose
• B Air lock purpose
• C Child resistant
• D Spill proof

43--------------- are used to protect the packaged products during shipping.

• A Paper and board

• B Plastic materials
• C Wood materials
• D Cushioning materials

44 The property of printing ink that describes the degree of its resistance to flow

• A viscosity
• B flowablity
• C density
• D thixotropy

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45 Paper of ------------- gsm is defined as paper board or board by ISO

• A below 200 gsm

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• B 150 gsm
• C 120 gsm
• D over 200 gsm

46 The radiation curing which does not require initiator

• A Ultraviolet
• B Laser
• C IR
• D Electron Beam

47 A binding method that uses wire, plastic combs or metal rings to permanently
join individual sheets of paper together

• A Loose leaf binding

• B Mechanical binding
• C Perfect binding
• D Sewing

• 48 Joining book signatures together by driving the thread through the

center fold

• A Side sewing
• B Saddle sewing
• C Mechanical binding
• D Loose leaf binding

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49 During cutting cycle, when the knife pulls the material from beneath, the
upper layers of the ream are cut shorter than the lower layer. This is termed as

• A Under cut
• B Dip shear cut

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• C Oblique cut
• D Over cut

• 50 ---------- is used in the cutting machine to prevent the knife from

becoming dull and even break.

• A Joggers
• B Lifters
• C Backgauge
• D Cutting stick

• 51 ------- is the process of stabilization of the adhesive binding through

surface pressing after the case in operation.

A Jacketing
• B Smashing
• C Inserting
• D Casing

52 Printed signatures have fold marks, indicated by broken lines, that are used
to set up the folder are said to be

A folded to print
B folded to paper
C right angle fold
D parallel fold

53 In book binding, the knife fold principle in folding is known as

A Buckle fold
B Single fold
C Double fold
D Right angle fold

54 In ------------ type of index cutting, half-moon cuts are made into the book.

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A Step indexing
B Cut-through indexing
C Thumb indexing
D Vowel indexing

55 The three edges decorated in edge decoration of a book are

• A Head, spine, tail

• B Head, spine, fore edge
• C Spine, fore edge, tail
• D Head, fore edge, tail

56------- part of the wire stitching machine closes the stitch.

• A Wire spool
• B Bender
• C Saddle
• D Clenchers

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57 The process of checking the gathered sections of a book for

A Collating
B Gathering
C Collecting
D Checking

58------ is best suited for cutting a specific pattern on paper or board

• A Single knife guillotine

• B Three knife trimmer
• C Die cutter

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• D Scoring knife

59 ---- type of adhesive is used in perfect binding.

• AGum
• BPaste
• CHotmelt
• DGlue

60 In screen printing, screens are used for very close register work, the
allowable tolerance across the screen would be between

• A2-3 N/cm
• B> 5 N/cm
• C0.5-1 N/cm
• D> 7 N/cm

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61 ------ occurs when the centre of mass of a roller does not match the rotational
axis imposed by its supporting bearings.

• A Imbalance
• B Balance
• C Cylinder wear
• D Roller wear

62 In screen printing, the basic optimum exposure time is 4 minutes at a lamp

distance of I meter and if the distance is increased to 2 meters. Calculate the new
exposure time.

• A 16 minutes
• B 9 minutes
• C 5 minutes
• D 12 minutes

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63 The printing process that produces an image by transfering individual

drops of ink from an opening through airgap to a printing surface

• A magnetography
• B electrophotography
• C. inkjet printing
• D dye sublimation

64-------- is a term used to describe the jagger edges which are sometimes
produced in prints that are made from direct stencils.

• A Saw toothing
• B Scroling
• C Degreasing
• D None of the above

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65 On-contact printing in screen printing process is done with

• A underside of the screen in full contact with the substrate

• B upperside of the screen in full contact with the substrate
• C undeside of the screen in moderate contact with the substrate
• D underside of the screen without contact withthe substrate

66 In double twill weaving structure in screen fabric, each thread

• A travels under one and over two threads

• B travels under two and over two threads
• C travels under one and over one thread
• D travels under one and over three threads

67 After exposure, gelatine films must be processed in an oxidizing solution of

• A hydrogen peroxide

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• B polyvinyl alcohol
• C polyvinyl acetate
• D chromate

68 Graphic screen printing inks dry by

• A Oxidation
• B Polymerization
• C Solvent evaporation
• D UV curving

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69 In ---------------infeed system, the feed rolls or vacuum belts, drive the sheet
against the stops on the impression cylinder.

• A swing arm
• B rotary drum
• C overfeed
• D oscillating

70 The device that aids the visual inspection of a moving web as if in a frozen

• A Magnifier
• B Stroboscope
• C Microscope
• D Stereoscope

71 The expansion for RTF in web offset

• A Roller-top-of-folder

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• B Roller-top-of-former
• C Rider-top-of-former
• D Rider-top-of-folder

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72 The method of perfecting on a CIC web press

• A Perfecting
• B Converting
• C Double ending
• D Imprinting

73 The delivery assist device which helps to counter tail-end hook problem

• A Suction slow-down rollers

• B Blow-downs
• C Skeleton wheels
• D Wedges

74 Gear drive for cylinders in quality offset machine consists of

• A Helical
• B Worm
• C Spur
• D Bewel

75 The roller that alternately contacts the ink fountain roller and the first roller
of the inking system

• A Ductor roller
• B Intermediate roller
• C Form roller
• D Fountain roller

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76 A thin coating of aluminium oxide is created for offset plates by a process

• A Galvanizing
• B Burnishing
• C Graining
• D Anodizing

77 The wavelength of thermal laser diode is

• A 532 nm
• B 630 nm
• C 670 nm
• D 830 nm

78 The flexographic plate are attached to the plate cylinder with double sided
adhesive tape called ---------------, which may be solid vinyl or cushion type.

• A backing
• B paste
• C sticky back
• D gumming

79 The most common offset plate metals used is

• A Silver
• B Aluminium
• C Magnesium
• D Iron

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80 Scumming occurs on press when ------------ areas accept ink.

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• A printing area
• B non-image area
• C image area
• D dampening area

81 Sleeve is a plate used in ------------- printing process.

• A offset
• B flexo
• C screen
• D digital

82 Before etching the surface of the gravure/cylinder which is not to be etched is

covered with

• A Copper
• B UV
• C Asphaltum
• D Chloride

83 The common material used for offset plate graining

• A charcoals
• B marbles
• C wood chips
• D lime stones

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84 The device that measures the image area percentage at selected area across
the printing plate

• A Polariscope

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• B Image setter
• C Drum scanner
• D Plate scanner

85 In screen stencils making by 5-star film method, ----------------- is used as an

oxidizing agent.

• A hydrogen peroxide
• B hydrogen chloride
• C ammonium nitrate
• D zinc chloride

86 The process of dissolving unevenly a part of the surface of a metal using an

acid or other corrosive substance

• A Diffusing
• B Diluting
• C Thickening
• D Etching

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87 The electro deposition of an adherent metallic coating on an electrode for the
purpose of securing a surface with properties or dimension different from those
of base material

• A Electrochemical coating
• B Metallised coating
• C Electroplating
• D Metal fusing

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88 The quality control aid that appears along with color bar and helps the press
man to detect any irregularity in the ink spread

• A Plate sensitivity guide

• B Star targets
• C Gray scale
• D Stouffer wedge

89 ------------ process converts screened data into a continuous-tone file.

• A Copydot
• B Descreening
• C Halftoning
• D Magnifying

90 The data format that allows to represent both raster and vector image data


91 ------- rendering intent is used to produce proofs by mapping white point of

the source to destination.

• A Absolute colorimetric
• B Relative colorimetric
• C Perceptual
• D Saturation

92 The process of digitizing an image into raster format is called

• A Editing
• B Scaling

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• C Image scanning
• D Analysing

93 White space on the outer edge of the book page

• A Head
• B Foot
• C Fore edge
• D Backs

94 Half sheet work method used for printing book work is also known as

• A Work and turn

• B Folio
• C Imposition
• D Layout

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95 The lightest or whitest parts in a photograph

• A Shadow
• B Highlight
• C Gray
• D Middle tone

96 The process in which the least dominant process color is replaced with an
appropriate value of black in areas where yellow, magenta and cyan overprint

• A Unsharp masking
• B Retouching
• C Under color removal
• D Gray component replacement

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97 The process of adjusting the color in a scanned image so that it more closely
matches the original image, or to compensate for flaws (such as overexposure,
unexposure or color casts) in the original image

• A Color theory
• B Color matching
• C Color proofing
• D Colour correction

98 The software "Illustrator" allows you to

• A Create spreadsheets
• B Edit Photographs
• C Only draw in straight lines
• D Create your own ilustrations

99 The process used to transfer a coloured layer of wax or thermoplastic material

from a ribbon to a substrate using heat

• A Thermal printing
• B continuous ink jet printing
• C Drop on demand
• D Phase change ink jet printers

100 The expansion for MICR in security printing

• A Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

• B Magnetic Image Character Recognition
• C Magnetic Ink Color Recognition
• D Magnetic Image Color Recognition

101 ---------- layer of the waterless offset plate acts as the non image area

• A Aluminum base layer

• B Photopolymer layer

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• C Silicone layer
• D Polymer layer

102 -------------file format has a main file with a pre-view image in low resolution
and individual files containing high resolution data.


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103 The input resolution is expressed as

• A pixels per inch

• B dots per inch
• C lines per inch
• D screen frequency

104 The invisible image present on the image carrier before developing is
called as

• A embedded image
• B latent image
• C encoded image
• D hidden image

105 ---------- oscillate along the web travel direction and perforate two rows of
stamps running synchronously with the movement of the web.

• A Comb perforators
• B Grinding perforators
• C Slitters

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• D Stroke perforators

106 Metal powder are used as raw material in this 3D printing technology

• A Selective laser sintering

• B Fused deposition molding
• C Electron beam melting
• D Stereo lithography

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107 In computer to plate systems, digitally controlled imaging systems create the
printing image ------------ on the printing plate.

• A dot per dot

• B pixel per dot
• C pixel per pixel
• D dot per pixel

108 In all computer to print systems ----------- is used to convert the digital
supplied in the post script format into a bitmap so that the data can be processed
by printing systems.

• A Image file
• B Digital data
• C Raster image processor
• D CIP3

109 ----------- is the metal used for producting digital imaging by laser engraving
for gravure printing

• A Copper
• B Chormium
• C Zinc
• D Nickel

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110 Equipment downtime loss can be found out by using ------------- formula.

A EA = TD/TO×100
B EA = Tpo/TD×100
C EA = To/Tpo×100
D EA = To×100/Tpo

111 ---------- process delivers perfect products and services by avoiding variation.

• A Six Sigma
• B ISO 9000
• C5S

112 ISO stands for

• A Indian Organization for Standardization

• B Italian Organization for Standardization
• C International Organization for Standardization
• D Islamic Organization for Standardization

113 ----------encompasses those operational techniques and activities used to

fulfill the requirements for quality.

• A Quality Control
• B Quality Assurance
• C Total Quality Management
• D Statistical Process Control

114------------covers the guidelines for implementing quality management in

service type businesses.

• A ISO 9001
• B ISO 9002
• C ISO 9003

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• D ISO 9004

115 The process of measuring a company's level of performance in its various

functions with the performance of successful leaders in similar functions is

• A Trade marketing
• B Bench marketing
• C Reengineering
• D Marketing

116 Thickness of film strip in mm, used to set the roller pressure is

• A0.05
• B0.10
• C0.15
• D0.20

117 Plate Preserving Gum Arabic solution should be in Baume

• A 30-40
• B 15-20
• C 0-5
• D 6-10

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118 In multi-colour printing register deviations beyond which value is

• A 1 micron
• B 0.1 micron
• C 0.4 micron
• D 40.0 micron

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119 pH of neutral water is

• A 1.0
• B 6.0
• C 7.0
• D 14.0

120 Open gears require ----------- maintenance.

• A Daily
• B Monthly
• C Semi annual
• D Annual

121 -------- is a common cause of streaks in dampening system.

• A Frozen cam followers

• B Broken gripper bars
• C Pneumatic control failure
• D Bearing failure

122 Instrument required for blanket fixing is

• A Torque wrench
• B Wrench
• C Spanner
• D Box spanner

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123 Interference pressure in a blanket to blanket press in mm is

• A 1.00

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• B 0.20
• C 1.50
• D 0.50

124 Contacting element of a cam is

• A Disc
• B Groove
• C Roller
• D Follower

125 The voltage across a dark room safety light is 10 V, and the current is 5 A
what is the resistance in ohms

• A 2.00
• B 20.00
• C 0.20
• D 0.02

126 The maintenance carried systematically to prevent sudden failure/shutdown

• A emergency maintenance
• B preventive maintenance
• C predictive maintenance
• D contract maintenance

127 ----------- is a machine element, distorts when loaded and recovers when load
is removed.

• A spring
• B cam
• C follower
• D limit switch

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128 At this level, an order is placed equal to the order quantity, so that it arrives
at the end of the lead time

• A Maximum Inventory Level

• B Minimum Inventory Level
• C Reorder Level
• D Zero Inventory Level

129 A proforma on which directly chargeable and indirectly chargeable hours of

work done by each worker on any day is recorded individually

• A Office Work Ticket

• B Daily Docket
• C Work Instruction Ticket
• D Progress Slip

130 Pasting area per book in m2(A), no. of books (N), coverage power of paste
per kg in m2(P) is given, the paste required (kg) for the job is calculated by

• A (A×N) / P
• B (A)/(N×P)
• C (A+N)/P
• D (A)/(N+P)

131 The formula for calculating the ink consumption (kg) for a print job

• A (SPANKSG)/355
• B (SPAK)/355
• C (SPAN)/355
• D (SANKSG)/355

132 Substance of paper (GSM), the width of the reel (B) and the total length of
paper (L) is wrapped in a reel. The weight of the reel (W R) is calculated by

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A WR= (GSM+B+L) / 1000

B WR= (GSM×B) + L/ 1000
C WR= (GSM×L) + B/ 1000
D WR= (GSM×B×L) / 1000

133 The type of cost that has no direct relationship with the number of copies of
the publication produced

• A Fixed Cost
• B Variable Cost
• C Direct Cost
• D Indirect Cost

134 The total expenditure incurred to produce, store and sell one unit of a
product or service called

• A Fixed Cost
• B Variable Cost
• C Unit Cost
• D Overhead Cost

135 The method of extracting each and every expense related to a job from the

• A Allocation of expenses
• B Recovery of expenses
• C Distribution of expenses
• D Identification of expenses

136 The standard followed for measuring smoothness of paper by air leak
principle is -----------.

• A TAPPI T479
• B TAPPI T538
• C ASTM 478

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• D ISO 489

137------------ is the standard glass colorants for green glasses used in packaging

• A Iron
• B Cobalt oxides
• C Chrome oxides
• D Sulfur

138 ------------- is a measure of the fightners to which the capping machine turns
the closure.

• A Application torque
• B Thickness
• C Rim size
• D Closure design

139 --------- are made by grinding the dry pigment into the varnish and
dispersing with other additives required to modify flow, tack and flim properties

• A Liquid Inks
• B Paste Inks
• C UV Inks
• D EB Inks

140 The reflection densities of magenta, cyan, yellow and their two - colour over
prints are used in the following formula to determine trapping percentage

• A trapping percentage = Dop-D1/D2×100

• B trapping percentage = D1-Dop/D2×100
• C trapping percentage = Dop-D1/D2
• D trapping percentage = D-D1/D2×100

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141 -------- layers of flutes are in Double Wall corrugated board.

• A1
• B3
• C4
• D2

142 ---------- ISO standard defines the measurement of brightness in paper.

• AISO 4698
• B ISO 2461
• C ISO 2469
• D ISO 4662

143 The moisture passing through the film in a given time is measured and
reported as --------- for a packaging film.

• C Gas transmission rate
• D Moisture level

144 The most common application of thermoforms is for various forms of ---------
display pakcaging.

• A pouch
• B blister
• C bags
• D bottles

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145 Screen Printing Inks usually dry by a combination of ----- and ------- process.

• A precipitation and absorption

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• B evaporation and oxidation

• C absorption and penetration
• D setting and drying

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146 The packaging board that has middle layer of mechanical pulp sandwiched
by bleached chemical pulp

• A solid bleached board

• B folding box board
• C solid unbleached board
• D corrugated board

147 The size of A3 paper

• A 148 × 210 mm
• B 210 × 297 mm
• C 297 × 420 mm
• D 420 × 524 mm

148 Binding printed matter by piercing the pages and securing them together
with wire or thread

• A stitching
• B sewing
• C binding
• D perfect binding

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149 Two or more folds parallel to each other with adjacent folds in opposite

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• A Accordion fold
• B Zig zag fold
• C Gate fold
• D Quire fold

150 In saddle stitching, the thickness of the bound should not exceed

• A 9 mm
• B 7 mm
• C 3 mm
• D 4 mm

151 The operation of putting lines on blank or preprinted sheets

• A Ruling
• B Pad making
• C Edge decoration
• D Blocking

152 'Squareness' of trimmed paper is obtained by utilizing the -------------

component of the cutting machine.

• A Back gauge
• B Side plates
• C Clamp plate
• D Cutting stick

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153 Breaking of the fibers in paper or board to facilitate folding or bending

• A Round cornering
• B Numbering
• C Gumming

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• D Creasing

154 In binding, the stitch at the top and bottom of the spine which connects each
signature to the following one.

• A Kettle stitch
• B Wire stitching
• C Saddle stitching
• D Side stitching

155 --------- involve the selective charging of a dielectric surface by exposure to

an electron beam or discharging of a photo conductive surface by exposure to

• A Electrostatic processes
• B Ink jet printing
• C Thermal printing
• D None of the above

156 ----------------- is the ink metering roll in flexographic process and is made of
either steel or ceramic materials.

• A Fountain roll
• B Anilox roll
• C Plate cylinder
• D Impression cylinder

157 A cylinder base design in which the supporting shaft is permanently attached
to the printing cylinder

• A Sleeve cylinders
• B Mandrel shift cylinders
• C Integral shaft cylinders
• D Seamless cylinders

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158 The exposure done to harden or cure the base of the flexographic plates

• A Face exposure
• B Post exposure
• C Main exposure
• D Back exposure

159 Intaglio printing process refers to

• A gravure
• B screen

• C digital
• D offset

160 Specks of dust on the clear areas of the positive as on the contact frame glass

• A Early stencil breakdown

• B Adhesion failure
• C Edge curl
• D Pin holes

161 The coating plated over the surface of a gravure cylinder to have easy

• A chromium
• B copper
• C nickel
• D aluminum

162 Whenever the web stops, the gravure cylinder must continue to rotate slowly
in the ink pen and called as

• A cylinder agitation

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• B electroplating
• C doctor blade floating
• D granty floating

163 The angular measurement where the surface of the gravure cylinder is free
of ink prior to printing

• A dry angle
• B wet angle
• C contact angle
• D set angle

164 The impression roller that automatically change its shape to conform to the
amount of impression roller deflection

• A back up roller
• B dual back up roller
• C turret impression roller
• D flexible impression roller

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165 In -------------- printing problem, it appears as blotches and streaks in the
solids and tones of an overprinted ink film on a press sheet.

• A Hickeys
• B Scumming
• C Back-trap mottle
• D Ghosting

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166 The plate height above bearer is 0.007", the blanket height above bearer is
0.003" and the distance between bearer is 0.008" for the non-bearer contact
press. The squeeze obtained from this setting is

• A 0.001"
• B 0.002"
• C 0.003"
• D 0.004"

167 ------------ roller is used to evenly distribute the dampening film

• A Pan
• B Ductor
• C Form
• D Oscillating

168 The press which can print atleast one color on both sides of a sheet in a single
pass through the press

• A Multi color press

• B Small offset press
• C Perfecting press
• D Single color press

169 In ----------- direction, the blanket is to be mounted around the circumference

of the blanket cylinder.

• A weft direction
• B warp direction
• C left direction
• D draft direction

170 -----------type of blanket resists smash in a better manner.

• A Conventional blanket

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• B Compressible blanket
• C Non-Compressible blanket
• D Under blanket

171 The roller substituted for form roller to reduce ghosting

• A Rider roller
• B Oscillating form roller
• C Ductor roller
• D Fountain roller

172 The formula to calculate the print contrast

• A Ds-D75/Ds×100
• B Ds-D50/Ds×100
• C Ds-D25/Ds×100
• D Ds-D100/Ds×100

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173 A revolving, motorized cone-shaped device that runs on a track from one end
of the ink fountain to the other, keeping the ink soft and flowing

• A fountain splitter
• B fountain height monitor
• C ink agitator
• D ink leveller

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174 The type of feeder that separates and forwards on sheet at a time to the

• A stream feeder
• B air separators

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• C double sheet feeder

• D single sheet feeder

175 A web tension device called a --------------- senses variations in web tension
and corrects this by applying a brake to the red.

• A path roller
• B dancer roller
• C turner bars
• D compensator rollers

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176 The process used to make photographic images visible in film/plate after
exposure to light

• A Developing
• B Fixing
• C Reducing
• D Stop bathing

177 In conventional gravure design, every well on the cylinder has.

• A same width and same depth

• B same width and varying depth
• C varying width and same depth
• D varying width and varying depth

178--------- react not to visible light but to thermal radiation and have distinctive
threshold characteristic during imaging

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• A Thermal sensitive aluminium plates

• B UV based photopolymer plates
• C Laser based polymer plates
• D None of the above

179 In screen printing process printers currently use durable, ------------- mesh
screens that are capable of reproducing remarkable readable 6 pt. type.

• A ordinary iron mesh

• B fine cotton mesh
• C ultra-fine stainless steel mesh
• D fabric mesh

180 The effectve light source for offset plate exposure

• A carbon arc lamps

• B metal halide lamps
• C xenon lamps
• D mercury vapour lamps

181 The process of converting images into bitmap from for display or printing

• A Conversion
• B Rasterization
• C Acceleration
• D Compression

182 The device that is used to measure color values such as hue, lightness or
brightness, and saturation

• A Inspection systems
• B Densitometer
• C Spectrophotometer

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• D Microscope

183 In thermal transfer process, when pigments are involved, the transfer
mechanism is termed as

• A Sublimation
• B Ablation
• C Diffusion
• D Drop on demand

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184 ----------- is concerned with the equilibrium and visual weight of the image.

• A Balance
• B Dominance
• C Proportion
• D Unity

185 ------------ halftone dots are prescribed for print control bars.

• A Square
• B Elliptical
• C Circular
• D Diamond

186 In a typeface, any part of a letter that extends above the X-height

• A Descender
• B Ascender
• C Type face
• D Body height

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187 A one color reproduction printed on a colored sheet is known as

• A Flat color
• B Fake color
• C Process color
• D Four color process printing

188 The process in which small, quick pencil rendering that show the
arrangement of type, line drawings and white space

• A Rough layout
• B Thumbnail sketches
• C Artistic design
• D Layout

189 Digitized color separations are electronically sent from a color scanner to a
proofing mechanisms

• A Instant image proof

• B Transparent color proof
• C Opaque color proof
• D Digital proofing

190 The solid state device that consists of light sensitive elements in linear-or
area-array form


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answer sheet

1 D 2 B 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 D 7 B 8 C 9 D 10 C 11 C 12 A 13 A 14 C 15
C 16 B 17 C

18 A 19 C 20 C 21 A 22 B 23 A 24 C 25 A 26 C 27 A 28 A 29 A 30 C 31 A 32
D 33 B 34 A

35 B 36 D 37 B 38 B 39 C 40 A 41 B 42 A 43 D 44 A 45 D 46 D 47 B 48 B 49
D 50 D 51 B

52 A 53 D 54 C 55 D 56 D 57 A 58 C 59 C 60 C 61 A 62 A 63 C 64 A 65 A 66
B 67 A 68 C

69 C 70 B 71(B ) 72 C 73 D 74 A 75 A 76 D 77 D 78 C 79 B 80 B 81 B 82 C
83 B 84 D 85 A

86 D 87 C 88 B 89 B 90 C 91 B 92 C 93 C 94 A 95 B 96 D 97 D 98 D 99 A
100 A 101 C

102C 103 A 104 B 105 A 106 A 107 C 108 C 109 C 110 C 111 A

112 C 113 A 114 C 115 B 116 B 117 D 118 D 119 C 120 B 121 D 122 A 123
B 124 D

125 A 126 B 127 A 128 C 129 B 130 A 131 A 132 D 133 A 134 C 135 B 136
A 137 C

138 A 139 B 140 A 141 D 142 A 143 A 144 B 145 B 146 B 147 C 148 A 149
A 150 B

151 A 152 B 153 D 154 A 155 A 156 B 157 C 158 D 159 A 160 D 161 B 162
A 163 A

164 D 165 C 166 B 167 D 168 C 169 B 170 B 171 B 172 A 173 C 174 D
175 B 176 A

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177 B 178 A 179 C 180 B 181 B 182 C 183 B 184 A 185 C 186 B 187 B 188
B 189 D

190 B

Model paper 1 printing technology 2022

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1. Name the boards which usually associated with carton work, but
heavier grades are also widely used for the better quality buildings :
(A) Chopper board

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(B) Chip boards

(C) Corrugated board
(D) Mill board

2. Paste inks are used in the ____________ printing process.

(A) Screen Printing
(B) Electrostatic Printing
(C) Bathic Printing
(D) Offset

3. The additive which is used during printing ink formulations in order to

improve the scuff or rub resistance of printed surface is :
(A) Waxes
(B) Dyes
(C) Clay
(D) Thinner

4. Printing on both sides of a sheet, with the tail becoming the lead edge
for the second colour by turning the pile for the second pass through
the press is referred as :
(A) Work and Turn
(B) Work and tumble imposition
(C) Signature
(D) Sideways

5. Stochastic screening is otherwise known as :

(A) Screen ruling
(B) AM Screening
(C) Light Screening
(D) FM Screening
6. In layout, two or more connected letters on a same type body is
known as :
(A) Ligature
(B) Serif
(C) Fillet
(D) Indentation
7. Name the recommended file format to save art (vector) image :

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8. Name the printing method in which the dry ink is used :
(A) Offset
(B) Electrostatic Printing
(C) Gravure
(D) Screen

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9. Pre-sensitized plate coating material is :

(A) Diazo
(B) Albumen
(C) Silver
(D) Gum Arabic

10. Internal curve between the serif and main stroke in a type :
(A) Square serif
(B) San serif
(C) Stroke
(D) Fillet

11. Name of the tool used to view dots in a photograph :

(A) Microscope
(B) Densitometer
(C) Linen tester
(D) Slur gauge
12. UCR stands for :
(A) uv character recognition
(B) under colour removal
(C) bitmap
(D) gray correction
13. Device used to convert digital signal into analog signal
(A) Motherboard
(B) Radar
(C) Modem
14. Carbonless copy paper is known as :
(A) Card board
(B) Newsprint
(C) Mechanical Paper
(D) Auto copying Paper
15. Name the device used to calibrate or to determine actual exposure
time during plate processing :
(A) Sensitivity guide
(B) Side guide
(C) Calibration guide
(D) Printing down frame
16. Name the image carrier in Letterpress :
(A) Type
(B) Cylinder
(C) Plate
(D) Drum
17. Reverse of letterpress :
(A) Flexogxaphy
(B) Xerography
(C) Offset
(D) Intaglio Printing
18. Laser printer reproduce image by using :
(A) Drum

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(B) Ink
(C) Toner
19. Name the programme help to diagnose problems with DTP
documents or post script files .
(A) Preflighting software
(B) Illustrating software
(C) Word-processing software
(D) Trapping Software
20. The universally accepted method for specifying and mixing colours :
(A) Colour matching system
(B) Pantone matching System
(C) CMYK Matching System
(D) RGB Matching System
21. A leaf contains only a green pigment is illuminated with
monochromatic red light. The leaf will appear to be :
(A) Green
(B) Black
(C) Red
(D) Yellow
22. Stochastic screening is otherwise known as :
(A) Angle Screening
(B) AM Screening
(C) FM Screening
(D) Elliptical Screening
23. The page style of a layout programme that appears on every page of
a multipage publication with automatic page numbering :
(A) Key sheet
(B) Master page
(C) Style sheet
(D) Index
24. The packaging used for electronic components, pharmaceutical
tablets, capsules etc :
(A) Plastic packets
(B) Corrugated Packets
(C) Containers
(D) Blister Packets
25. A series of small holes very close to each other is made so that a
position of the sheet of paper may be readily torn away and this
operation is known as :
(A) Punching
(B) Creaaing
(C) Perforating
(D) Stamping
26. Who is the Father of Printing?
(A) Johann Gutenberg
(B) In Rubel
(C) William Caxton
(D) Chestor Carlson

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27. Dandy roll is used for :

(A) Watermark
(B) Inking
(C) Stencil
(D) Colouring
28. Who invented Electrostatic Printing?
(A) Jessie Wright
(B) Chester Carlson
(C) Richard March
(D) Francis Bacon
29. Industrial intaglio printing is called :
(A) Flexography
(B) Lithography
(C) Gravure
(D) Screen Printing
30. Name the birth place of Johann Gutenberg:
(A) France
(B) China
(C) England
(D) Mainz
31. 6 Picas =
(A) 12 inch
(B) 2 inch
(C) 72 inch
(D) 1 inch
32. Number of pixels per linear inch in a scanner is known as :
(A) Resolution
(D) Halftone
33. ___________ has the ability to change light to electrical signal and is
the most important element of the scanner.
(A) Head
(C) Colour tube
(D) Drum
34. Name a page layout software :
(A) Corel Draw
(B) Microsoft word
(C) Microsoft Excel
(D) Calc
35. The method by which align four colour halftone screens is referred
as :
(A) Tint
(B) Gray scale
(C) Resolution
(D) Screen Angle
36. Portable Document Format was developed by Adobe in :
(A) 1995
(B) 1997

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(C) 1993
(D) 1987
37. Recreation of a document for use on the web without altering its
original look :
(A) PDF Publishing
(B) XML publisher
(C) Database
38. A printing machine which prints simultaneously on both sides of the
press sheet as it passes through the printing unit is known as :
(A) Perforating machine
(B) Perfect binding
(C) Perfecting press
39. Device for checking multiple sheets in registration system of a
printing press :
(A) Double Sheet detector
(B) Side lay
(C) Front stop
(D) Suckers
40. Device used for attaching a new web while the printing is going on :
(A) Shaft
(B) Splicer
(C) Tensioner
(D) chopper
41. A roller which is free to move up or down, forward or backward as
the press runs in a web :
(A) Oscillating roller
(B) Dancer roller
(C) Chill rolls
(D) Ductor roller
42. Who is the inventor of lithography?
(A) Johann Gutenberg
(B) Ira Rubel
(C) William Caxton
(D) Allois Senefelder
43. Name the instrument used to draw parallel lines in a layout table :
(A) Light table
(B) Cursor
(C) Ruler
(D) T-square
44. Small particles of paper teat from the surface of each press sheet
and feedback into the inking system causes : –
(A) Set off
(B) Tinting
(C) Hickies
(D) Strike through
45. pH of dampening solution is :
(A) 3 to 4
(B) 4.5 to 5.5

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(C) 5.5 to 7.5

(D) 7
46. In printing, non-image area accept ink causes :
(A) Doubling
(B) Dot grain
(C) Set off
(D) Scum
47. Stencil is used as an image carrier in which type of printing :
(A) Flexography
(B) Screen printing
(C) Lithography
(D) Electrostatic printing
48. The inventor of Heliography is :
(A) Allois Senefelder
(B) Ira Rubel
(C) Joseph Nicephore
(D) William Caxton
49. Paper bulk is measured in :
(B) gms
(C) ream
(D) points
50. Weight of 1000 sheets known as :
(A) Basis WeightArt & Craft, Agriculture & Farm Machinery, Attendant/Operator, Book
Binding, Carpenter, Cutting & Tailoring, Computer Operator Programming Assistant,
Draftsman (Civil), Draftsman (Mechanical), Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic,
Electrician, Electroplater, Fitter, Footwear, Machinist Grinder, Machinist, Mechanic Electronics,
Painter, Plumber, Pump Mechanic, Wire-man, Welder, Turner, Black Smith.
(B) M weight
(C) 1 Ream
(D) Tonne
51. Process of assembling signatures by placing one on another is :
(A) Gathering
(B) Laminating
(C) Punching
(D) Jogging
52. The popular paperback or pocket book is an example of which type
of binding :
(A) Case binding
(B) Quarter cloth
(C) Account book binding
(D) Perfect binding
53. Type Height :
(A) 0.61 inch
(B) 0.918 inch
(C) 1.9 inch
(D) 0.98 inch
54. Scanners sharpness is measured in terms of :
(A) resolution

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(C) dpi
(D) screen
55. Device used for measuring thickness of blanket :
(A) Densitometer
(B) Shoredurometer
(C) Startarget
(D) Ammeter
56. A smeared or double image area on the printed sheet is known as :
(A) Tinting
(B) Slurring
(C) Scumming
(D) Doubling
57. Lithography is invented in the year :
(A) 1900
(B) 1768
(C) 1787
(D) 1798
58. Pick out the roller which relate to flexographic printing process :
(A) Anilox Roll
(B) Dancer roller
(C) Distribution roller
(D) Form roller
59. An array of parallel rectangular bars and spaces that together
represent a single data element or character particularly symbology :
(A) Spine
(B) Binary symbols
(C) Barcode
(D) Bitmap
60. Name the paper characteristic which contributes to actual colour
image for colour work
(A) Reflectance
(B) Bulk
(C) Flat
(D) Opacity
61. A set of blank pages prepared to show the size, shape, form and
general appearance of a printed piece :
(A) Sample
(B) Dummy
(C) Finished Layout
(D) Book
62. Name the roller which touches the Plate cylinder in an offset
machine :
(A) Inking roller
(B) Form roller
(C) Fountain roller
(D) Doctor roller
63. RIP stands for :
(A) Red Image Processing
(B) Raster Image Processing

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(C) Rapid Image Processing

(D) Random Image Processing
64. Nip roller is associated with which type of machine :
(A) Nipping Press
(B) Electrostatic Machine
(C) Sheet fed
(D) Web Press
65. Perfect binding is also known as :
(A) Web Press
(B) Adhesive binding
(C) Perforating Press
(D) Comb binding
66. Brochures commonly used for :
(A) Laminating
(B) Binding
(C) Advertising
(D) Screening
67. Wire stitching machines are used for :
(A) Edge decorating
(B) Stapling
(C) Cutting
(D) Embossing
68. In printing facsimile stands for :
(A) Xerox
(B) Printed copy
(C) Fax
(D) Perfect copy
69. Latent image :
(A) Hidden image
(B) Transparent image
(C) Removed image
(D) Printed image
70. The material in which the image is printed commonly known as :
(A) Bull
(B) Substrate
(C) Paper
(D) Sheet
71. Rendering means:
(A) Copying
(B) Screening
(C) Doubling
(D) Converting
72. Spectrophotometer is a device used for measuring :
(A) Print speed
(B) Exposure time
(C) Density
(D) Colour values
73. Name the property of a substance to flow :
(A) Solid
(B) Resistance

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(C) Liquid
(D) Viscosity
74. Method to find out the number of pages in a printed copy from a
given manuscript
(A) Casting in
(B) Casting on
(C) Casting off
(D) Casting out
75. A plan prepared for graphic design is called _________.
(A) Flat
(B) Layout
(C) Imposition
(D) Design
76. Who is the inventor of type used for printing ?
(A) Johann Gutenberg
(B) William Caxton
(C) Ira Rubel
(D) Benjamin Bailey
77. Name the metals used for making the type alloy.
(A) Aluminiuin & Steel
(B) Zinc, Iron & Aluminiuin
(C) Aluminium & Lead
(D) Lead, Tin & Antimony
78. Define DPI in photographs :
(A) Direct image processing
(B) Desk Top Publishing
(C) Dots per Inch
(D) Direct Print Imaging
79. In press CTP system means :
(A) Computer to Print
(B) Computer to plate
(C) Central Trial Printing
(D) Computer to Proof
80. Who is the founder of printing press ?
(A) William Caxton
(B) Ira Rubel
(C) Johann Gutenberg
(D) Allois Senefelder
81. ___________ is the process of planning for placing the pages in such
a Way that after printing and folding a sheet of paper all the printed
sheets should come in a definite serial numbers.
(A) Layout
(B) Dummy
(C) Imposition
(D) Proof
82. The unwanted reverse impression appear at the back side of the
printed sheet is called ___________.
(A) Scum
(B) Hickies

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(C) Show through

(D) Setoff
83. Printed image appear double in one impression is called
(A) Dot grain
(B) Star target
(C) Hickies
(D) Slur
84. Select the basic principle of lithography.
(A) Oleophilic Non image area
(B) Image area accepts ink
(C) Oil and Water do not mix
(D) Hydrophobic
85. In printing plate the application of ink in the non-image areas causes .
(A) Scum
(B) Setoff
(C) Show through
(D) Creasing
86. Name the tool used for spreading the ink to and fro on the screen
surface in Screen printing
(A) Squeegee
(B) Blender
(C) Thinner
(D) Brush
87. Doctor Blade is used in which type of printing method?
(A) Flexography
(B) Offset
(C) Letterpress
(D) Gravure
88. Process of making the image surface of the paper is raised and
backside degreased.
(A) Hologram
(B) Embossing
(C) Laminating
(D) Gathering
89. M Weight stands for ___________.
(A) Weight of one ream
(B) Weight of 500 sheets
(C) Weight of 1000 sheets
(D) Weight of 100 sheets
90. Identify the paper making machine.
(A) Perforating Machine
(B) Punching Machine
(C) Fordriener Machine
(D) Pulping Machine
91. Name the raw material used for paper making.
(A) China Clay
(B) Boards
(C) Calcium Carbonate
(D) Cellulose Fibre

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92. Name the endless belt which carries the paper to the front lay (front
stop) :
(A) Conveyor belt
(B) Running wheels
(C) Paster
(D) Sheet separator
93. Identify the small gap between the bearer and the cylinder body.
(A) Cylinder
(B) Gutter
(C) Clamp
(D) Strip
94. Name the intermediate roller between the fountain roller and the
distribution roller in an offset machine.
(A) Ductor roller
(B) Forrm roller
(C) Anilox roller
(D) Darnpening roller
95. The rollers that actually in contact with plate cylinder in an offset
machine are called
(A) Blanket
(B) Distribution rollers
(C) Form rollers
(D) Fountain rollers
96. In waterless presses the surface of a waterless plate is a layer of that
repels ink and keeps the non image area separate from the image area.
(A) Toner
(B) Zinc
(C) Antimony
(D) Silicon rubber
97. The printed sheets in the delivery unit are sprayed with to avoid
(A) Chalk powder
(B) Super calendaring
(C) Drying agents
(D) Anti setoff powder
98. Hardness of blanket is measured in terms of ________.
(A) Thickness
(B) Shore hardness
(C) Flexibility
(D) Elasticity
99. Satellite unit is found in which type of presses?
(A) Gravure
(B) Sheetfed
(C) Web presses
(D) Screen Printing
100. A unique mechanism for bringing a new roll of paper into the feed
cycle in web presses is called ___________.
(A) Splicer
(B) Dancer roller

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(C) Tensioner
(D) Folder
101. ___________ is the final preparation of author’s or Writer’s
manuscript for publication.
(A) Editing
(B) Proofing
(C) Typesetting
(D) Printing
102. The process of assembling line and halftone positives or negatives
in to pages has traditionally been called ____________.
(A) Imposition
(B) Stripping
(C) Trapping
(D) Exposing
103. In which type of relief printing process that uses flexible printing
(A) Letterpress
(B) Gravure
(C) Flexography
(D) Electrostatic printing
104. The most commonly used intaglio process is __________.
(A) Ionography
(B) Therrnography
(C) Flexography
(D) Gravure
105. __________ is the process of bringing several signatures together
in the proper order.
(A) Collating
(B) Stripping
(C) Gathering
(D) Binding
106. The segment of the printing industry covers printing facilities
operated by companies whose business is not the production of printed
(A) Related industries
(B) In plant printing
(C) Package printing
(D) Security printing
107. Name the point of contact where two cylinders, gears or rollers
meet or come close to one another.
(A) Nip point
(B) Contact printer
(C) Bearer contact
(D) Dwell ti1ne
108. Expansion of VOC :
(A) Violet Orange Cyan
(B) Vector image Optical Character
(C) Visual Object Copying
(D) Volatile Organic Compound

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109. Name the science of fitting the job to the Worker.

(A) Casting on
(B) Ergonomics
(C) Copy fitting
(D) Casting off
110. 12 points = _________ pica.
(A) One
(B) Two
(C) Six
(D) Twelve
111. Name the device used to measure point size and leading of printed
(A) Slur gauge
(B) Vernier Calliper
(C) E-Gauge
(D) Screw gauge
112. The standard system of print measurement used in Europe.
(A) SI Unit
(C) Point
(D) didot point system
113. Name the device used to measure paper thickness.
(A) Paper Calliper
(B) Vernier Calliper
(C) Shoredurorneter
(D) Densitorneter
114. Name the device used to measure the density of an image.
(A) Linen Tester
(B) Densitometer
(C) Star target
(D) T-Square
115. Name the process of fitting together copy and illustrations in a
specific amount of space.
(A) Justification
(B) Alignment
(C) Copy fitting
(D) Text wrap
116. Name the device used with computers to send and receive digital
information through cable.
(A) Mouse
(B) Scanner
(C) WiFi
(D) Modem
117. _____________ is a positively charged powder that attracted to
negatively charged image dots to make up the printed image on a page.
(A) Ionography
(B) Toner
(C) Screen
(D) NIP technology

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118. A solid state, light sensitive chip receptor that converts light into an
analog charge, commonly built into image capturing device.
119. Name the type of scanner that scans images mounted on a rotating
(A) Drum Scanner
(B) Flatbed Scanner
(D) Laser beam scanner
120. _____________ is a large base sheet to which images have been
attached for exposure on to a printing plate.
(A) Film
(B) Flat
(C) Key Sheet
(D) Dummy
121. Write the term for an Imprinted space allowed at the edge of a
printing sheet.
(A) Bleed
(B) Margins
(C) Gripper Allowance
(D) Spine
122. Name the cloth tube that fits over the body of a dampening roller
and helps it retain fountain solution.
(A) Molleton cover
(B) Blanket
(C) Thermal tube
(D) Plating
123. Name a diamond cutting tool used to form the tiny ink cells on the
metal surface of a gravure cylinder.
(A) Thermal cutter
(B) Engraver
(C) Etching
(D) Stylus
124. Write the translucent design impressed in paper.
(A) Embossing
(B) Reverse
(C) Watermark
(D) Surprint
125. The exact height difference between the cylinder body to the bearer
is called as _________.
(A) Undercut
(B) Gripper
(C) Bearer
(D) Cylinder line
126. Name any two metals used for making printing plate.
(A) Iron and Silver
(B) Aluminium and Copper

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(C) Zinc and Aluminium

(D) Copper and Steel
127. Name the cylinder which is used to transfer the printed sheet from
one printing unit to the next printing unit in multicolour offset machine.
(A) Impression Cylinder
(B) Form roller
(C) Oscillating Cylinder
(D) Transfer cylinder
128. _______ hold and carry the lead edge of the paper from printing unit
to delivery unit.
(A) Gutter
(B) Gripper
(C) Suckers
(D) Guides
129. What is the other name of rider roller?
(A) Scavenger Roller
(B) Ductor roller
(C) Anilox roller
(D) Dancer roller
130. The time taken by the doctor roller to contact and receive
dampening solution from the fountain pan roller and to supply the
dampening solution to the oscillator is called __________.
(A) dwell period
(B) oscillating period
(C) drying time
(D) perfecting
131. ________ is used as the buffer in the fountain solution which
neutralizes the acidity or alkalinity of the solution.
(A) Magnesium Nitrate
(B) Calcium Nitrate
(C) Copper Sulphate
(D) Calcium Carbonate
132. ISO Propyl alcohol is used as _________ and it reduces the surface
tension of Water in the dampening solution.
(A) drying agent
(B) Wetting agent
(C) ink recipient
(D) colouring agent
133. ___________ is used to increase the contact angle and reduce the
surface tension of Water during the use of dampening solution.
(A) Acid
(B) Gum Arabic
(C) Fungicide
(D) Alcohol
134. The metal strips are used in the feeder head which are used to
avoid the passing the double sheet for printing during sheet separation.
(A) Side lay
(B) Conveyor Belt
(C) Metal finger
(D) Running on Wheels

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135. Name the roller used to maintain the flow rate and the control the
Web tension
(A) chill rolls
(B) splicer
(C) steering device
(D) dancer roller
136. Name the splicer which pastes the new Web roll With the running
Web roll when the machine is running at the operating speed.
(A) zero speed splicer
(B) flying speed paster
(C) Web steering device
(D) roll stand
137. What is R.T.F. roller?
(A) Roller top of the former board
(B) Reverse Tag Format
(C) Rotations per minute
(D) Reverse Tiff Format
138. Choose one offset machine manufacturers in India from the
(A) Manugraph
(B) Heidelberg
(C) Fuji
(D) AB Dick
139. Dandy roll is used for :
(A) Rotating
(B) Watermark
(C) Stencil
(D) Colouring
140. Name the tendency of ink to flow more freely after being worked.
(A) Viscosity
(B) Tackness
(C) Opacity
(D) Thixotropy
141. Name the operation that places a series of small cuts or slits in the
substrate using various types of blades or wheels on the press or folder.
(A) Creasing
(B) Collating
(C) Perforating
(D) Jogging
142. A part of a type character extending above the body height or x-
height is called ________.
(A) Descender
(B) Ascender
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(C) Text
(D) Serif
143. The angular relationship of halftone screens used in making black
and white halftone and colour separations for four colour printing
known as _________.

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(A) Bitmap
(B) Wavelength
(C) Screen Angle
(D) Filter
144. An electronic form or paper form used to track costs for labour,
materials and press time of a given printing job is known as
(A) Order form
(B) Job Ticket
(C) Invoice
(D) Business letter
145. An ornamental design used to illustrate and attract attention to
specific text matter is termed ________.
(A) Fillet
(B) Serif
(C) Ligature
(D) Dingbat
146. The pleasing relationship between the elements on the printed page
and the general dimensions of the page itself in a design is termed as
(A) Proportion
(B) Harmony
(C) Unity
(D) Contrast
147. An understandable wavelike or check board pattern visible across a
halftone or screened image caused by misalignment of screens is
known as ________.
(A) Halftone
(B) Bitmap
(C) Moire
(D) Vector
148. Name the printing plate that is exposed with film positive and on
which the ink bearing image area is slightly etched below the non image
(A) PS Plate
(B) Deepetch plate
(C) Wipe on Plate
(D) Egg Albumin Plate
149. The phenomenon of a colour appearing differently under light
sources with different colour balances known as ___________.
(A) Isomerism
(B) Latent image
(C) Moire Pattern
(D) Metamerism
150. Name the press that print on both sides of paper at the same time.
(A) Perfecting press
(B) Offset
(C) Gravure
(D) Inline

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Screen printing is a printing

Printing Press was invented in

(a) 1486

1 (b) 1446

(c) 1436

(d) 1440

Which Printing Press prints on both sides of the paper at the same
time ?

(a) Perfecting Press

(b) Web Press

(c) Offset Press

(d) Duplex Press

Which type of ink is used in Screen Printing ?

(a) Emulsion Remover

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(b) Thinner

(c) Plastisol

(d) Block-out

The latest printing technology is _______

(a) Offset

4 (b) 3D

(c) Screen

(d) Gravure

Which of the following is the most permanent book binding method ?

(a) Mechanical binding

5 (b) Loose leaf binding

(c) Wire staple binding

(d) Sewn binding

Split board binding is best for which type of book?

(a) Small paperback books

6 (b) Small single signature books

(c) Large heavy books

(d) Books with glossy pages

Which type of acid free adhesive is best for book binding?

(a) Rubber cement

7 (b) PVA

(c) PVC

(d) Animal based adhesives

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What type of thread is used in hard book binding ?

(a) Linen

8 (b) Cotton

(c) Polyester

(d) Rayon

An example of wire staple binding is ________

(a) Spiral binding

9 (b) Comb binding

(c) Saddle wire binding

(d) Ring wire binding

The size of A4 paper is

(a) 210 mm x 297 mm

10 (b) 841 mm x 1189 mm

(c) 52 mm x 105 mm

(d) 52 mm x 74 mm

How many types of popular A series paper sizes are available for
printing ?

(a) 8

11 (b) 9

(c) 4

(d) 6

A1 paper is used for


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(a) Presentations, charts, plans

(b) Signs, posters, maps, technical drawings

(c) Everyday printing

(d) Business cards

The paper size of letter is _____

(a) 8.5 inches x 11 inches

13 (b) 8.5 inches x 14 inches

(c) 14 inches x 8.5 inches

(d) 11 inches x 8.5 inches

How many A4 papers can fit in A1?

(a) 10

(b) 8
(c) 4

(d) 16

__________is the other name for A3 paper

(a) Legal

15 (b) Tabloid

(c) Letter

(d) Half letter

What is the smallest and largest font sizes available?

16 (a) 8 and 68

(b) 8 and 72

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(c) 6 and 72

(d) 6 and 68

There are two general families of fonts. They are

(a) Arial and comic sans

17 (b) Times New Roman and Cambria

(c) Stencil and Arial

(d) Sans serif and Sans

Font size is measured in _________

(a) Meters

18 (b) Milimeters

(c) Centimers

(d) Typographic units/ points

Imposition refers to ______of book’s pages before printing

(a) Cutting

19 (b) Trimming

(c) Positioning

(d) Copying

Imposition helps the book to be in the correct _________

(a) Sequence

20 (b) Thickness

(c) Size

(d) All of the above

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Which of the following is NOT a type of imposition?

(a) Head-to-head

21 (b) Head-to-foot

(c) Head-to-side

(d) Side-to-front

Screen printing utilizes a _______to control the location of the ink

(a) Layer

22 (b) Mask

(c) Point

(d) Spot

23 technique where a _______is used to transfer ink onto a substrate.

(a) Filter

(b) Mesh

(c) Paper

(d) Plastic

_________is the only commonly used stencil printing method utilized.

(a) Copper screen printing

24 (b) Zinc screen printing

(c) Linen screen printing

(d) Silk screen printing

Which of the following is NOT a type of screen-printing press?

25 (a) Flat-bed

(b) Cylinder

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(c) Rotary

(d) Circular

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Paper : Cloth Coloring And Printing­II Time: 3 Hours

Ques # :1

The scouring treatment of cotton removes

1) Natural oil, fats and wax
2) Lumen
3) Polymer cellulose
technician spot
4) colour pigment

काउरं ग उपचार वारा सत

ूी व म錁
1) 寎ाकृ
嬝तक ते
ल , वसा और मोम
2) 鱳㨭यम
3) पॉल‫ﶉ‬मर सै
4) रं
गीन वण㲞욘

Ques # :2

Enzyme Desizing is done best at PH technician spot

1) 4.5 ­ 5.5
2) 1.0 ­ 2.0
3) 10 ­ 11
4) 12 ­ 13

जाइम डीसाइिजं
ग के
䨀लए सबसे
उपयुत pH है
1) 4.5 ­ 5.5
2) 1.0 ­ 2.0
3) 10 ­ 11
4) 12 ­ 13

Ques # :3

The treatment which swells the fibre and increases the dye ability is called
1) Desizing
2) Scouring
3) Bleaching
4) Mercerization

वह उपचार जो त तु
को फु
ला दे
ता है
और रं
जक के
अवशोषण को बढाता है
, कहलाता है
1) डी साइिजं

2) 믃駇काउ뼤羯रं

3) वरंजन
4) म䆈स㲞욘
ग technician spot

Ques # :4

The commercial Mercerization treatment is done with the help of which of the following
1) NaOH

technician spot
4) KOH
䋓यवसाᴰयक मस
र鐀करण उपचार ᴰन न म錁
से䠀कसक मदद से
समप न होता है
1) NaOH
4) KOH

Ques # :5

The wax is used as a resisting agent in which of the following

1) Bleaching
2) Dyeing
3) Printing
4) Finishing

ᴰन न म錁से
मोम अवरोधक कारक के
䊠प म錁
काम म錁
आता है
1) वरं
2) रं
जन technician spot
technician spot YouTube channel
3) छपाई
4) प뼤羯रस笸जा

Ques # :6

The application of printing paste on the fabric which destroy base colour is called
1) Direct style
2) Resist style
3) Burnout style
4) Discharge style

कपडे पर 圀ं
ग पे
ट का ऐसा अन
ुयोग जो आधार रं
ग को न䈆ट कर दे
, कहलाता है
1) 寎딨ꬫय㈛莱 शैल‫ﶉ‬
2) अवरोधक शै
3) बन㲞욘
आउट शै
technician spot YouTube channel
4) ‰栘ड믃駇चाज㲞욘

Ques # :7

The reduction of ground colour on the cotton fabric is done with the help of which of the following
1) Sodium sulphoxylate formaldehyde
2) NaOH

4) HCl

ᴰन न म錁 से
सतूी व के जमीनी रं
ग को 䠀कसक मदद से
अपघ餀टत 䠀कया जाता है
1) सो‰栘डयम स鱳㨭फो珌सीले
ट फॉरमे
2) NaOH
4) HCl technician spot

Ques # :8
The direct application of colour on fabric in printing is called
1) Discharge style printing
2) Direct style printing
3) Resist style printing
4) Burnout style

कपडे पर रं
ग का 䋿य䌘Ā अन ुयोग कहलाता है
1) ‰栘ड믃駇चाज㲞욘
ल‫ ﶉ‬क⤵ छपाई
2) 寎딨ꬫय㈛莱 शै
ल‫ ﶉ‬क⤵ छपाई
3) अवरोधक शै
ल‫ ﶉ‬क⤵ छपाई
4) बन㲞욘
आउट छपाई

Ques # :9

The transfer printing is possible on

1) Cotton fabrics
2) Synthetic fabrics technician spot YouTube channel
3) Regenrated fiber fabrics
4) Silk fabric

सफर 圀ं餀टंग संभव है
1) सतूी व믃駇揢 पर
2) सं
षत व믃駇揢 पर
3) पन
त रे
व믃駇揢 पर
4) रे
शमी व믃駇揢 पर

Ques # :10

The reduction of disperse dyes on polyester fabrics ground is done with the help of which of the following
1) Zinc sulphoxylate formaldehyde

4) HCl

पा䨀लएटर व के जमीनी 䰀डपस रं

जक को अपघ餀टत करने
म錁ᴰन न म錁
से䠀कसक मदद ल鐀 जाती है
1) िजं
क स鱳㨭फॉ珌सीले
ट फॉरमे鱳㨭डीहाइड
3) technician spot YouTube channel
4) HCl

Ques # :11

The transfer printing is based on the principle of

1) Migration of dyes
2) Sublimation of dyes
3) Levelling properties of dyes
4) Solubility of dyes

सफर छपाई िजस 䨀स ां
त पर आधारत है
, वह है
1) रं
जक का 믃駇थानां
2) रं
जक का उ늪व㲞욘
3) रं
जक क⤵ समतल‫ﶉ‬करण क⤵ वशे
जक क⤵ घल

Ques # :12

technician spot YouTube channel

1) 1­(a), 2­(b), 3­(c), 4­(d)

2) 1­(b), 2­(d), 3­(a), 4­(c)
3) 1­(b), 2­(c), 3­(a), 4­(d)
4) 1­(c), 2­(a), 3­(d), 4­(b)

1) 1­(a), 2­(b), 3­(c), 4­(d)

2) 1­(b), 2­(d), 3­(a), 4­(c)
3) 1­(b), 2­(c), 3­(a), 4­(d)
4) 1­(c), 2­(a), 3­(d), 4­(b)

Ques # :13

1) It is strong reducing agent

2) It is weak reducing agent
3) It is an acidic agent
4) It is an alkaline agent

1) यह 寎बल अपचयन कारक है

2) यह कमजोर अपचयन कारक है technician spot YouTube channel
3) यह अ밡疼ल‫ﶉ‬य कारक है
4) यह एक ㈛莱ार‫ﶉ‬य कारक है

Ques # :14

The normal sequence for textile printing is (a) Printing (b) Drying (c) Steaming (d) Washing
1) (a) (b) (c) (d)
2) (b) (a) (c) (d)
3) (c) (a) (b) (d)
4) (d) (b) (c) (a)
व छपाई का सामा य म है
­ (अ) छपाई (ब) सख
ुाना (स) भाप दे
ना (द) धल
1) (अ) (ब) (स) (द)
2) (ब) (अ) (स) (द)
3) (स) (अ) (ब) (द)
4) (द) (ब) (स) (अ)

Ques # :15

Why NaOH is not used as an alkali in cotton textile printing.

1) It melts the fibre
2) It dissolves the fibres
3) It damage the printed design by swelling the fibre technician spot YouTube channel
4) It reacts with dye

व छपाई म錁 एक 䌘Āार के䊠प म錁

NaOH का योग य䍒륀 नह鐀ं
होता है
1) यह त눱뿚तु
को पघला देता है
2) यह तं
ुंको घोल दे
ता है
3) यह त눱뿚तु
को फु
ला कर छपे नमनूेको नक
ुसान पहु
चाता है
4) यह रं
जन केसाथ अ䆈भ䋓鎂या करता है

Ques # :16

British gum is used in textile printing as a

1) Thickner
2) Softener
3) Stiffener
4) Solubilizing agent

व छपाई म錁 ꀀ䎓⨠餀टश गम का िजस 䊠प म錁

योग होता है
, वह है
1) गाढ़ापन कारक
2) मद
3) कडकपन कारक
4) घल
ुनशील कारक

Ques # :17

Thiodiethylene glycol is used as a

1) Solvent in dyeing
technician spot YouTube channel
2) Solvent in printing
3) Solvent in finishing
4) Solvent in bleaching

々थयोडाई इथाइ䨀लन 㾀लाईकोल का योग िजस 䊠प म錁

होता है
वह है
1) रं
गाई म⢬䆤वलायक
2) छपाई म⢬䆤वलायक
3) प뼤羯रस笸जा म⢬䆤वलायक
4) वरं
जन म⢬䆤वलायक

Ques # :18

The purpose of wetting agent in textile chemical treatment is to textile which of the following
1) Surface tension
2) Solubility
3) Boiling point
4) Melting point

व 䍒륀 के
रसायᴰनक उपचार म錁
आताकारक䍒륀 के
योग का उे
य ᴰन न म錁
कम करना होता है
1) सतहबल
2) घल
3) 珌वथनां

4) गलनां

Ques # :19

The T.R.O works as a

1) Levelling agent in wet processing of textiles
2) Solvent in wet processing of textiles
3) Wetting agent in vat dyeing of textiles
4) Emulsifier in wet processing of textiles

ट鐀.आर.ओ है ­
1) व믃駇揢 को द‫ ﶉ‬जाने
वाल‫ ﶉ‬गील‫ ﶉ‬寎䋓鎂याओं
समतल‫ ﶉ‬कारक
2) व믃駇揢 को द‫ ﶉ‬जाने
वाल‫ ﶉ‬गील‫ ﶉ‬寎䋓鎂याओं
3) व믃駇揢 को वै
ट रं
जक से
समय आㅯᯒताकारक
4) व믃駇揢 को द‫ ﶉ‬जाने
वाल‫ ﶉ‬गील‫ ﶉ‬寎䋓鎂याओं

Ques # :20

The solubility of dye in water depends on

1) Its chemical structure technician spot YouTube channel
2) Size of molecules
3) Presence of water solublizing groups
4) Combination of (Its chemical structure) and (Presence of water solublizing groups)

पानी म錁
रंजक क घल ुनशीलता ᴰनभ
र करती है
1) उसक⤵ रसाय嬝नक सं
रचना पर
2) अणओ
आकार पर
3) जल म⢬䆤
ुनशील समह
ू क⤵ उपि믃駇थ嬝त पर
4) (1) और (3) पर

Ques # :21

Roller printing has poor performance than screen printing because

1) It has limited number of colour application with controlled devices
2) It has more defect in printing
3) It has uneven printing
4) None of these

 न 圀ं 餀टं
ग क तल ुना म錁रोलर 圀ं
餀टंग का ᴰन䈆पादन कमजोर होता हैय䍒륀䠀क ­
1) इसम⢬䆤
쨐廳揢त साधन के साथ सी䆈मत सं䠖या म⢬䆤
ग का अन寎
ुयोग 䋓कया जाता है
2) इसम⢬䆤
छपाई म⢬䆤
अधक दोष आते
3) इसम⢬䆤
असमान छपाई होती है
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई नह‫ंﶉ‬
Ques # :22

The role of lint doctor blade in roller printing is

1) To clean the fabric
2) To cut the washing blanket
3) To clean the fibric and lint
4) To remove the printing paste

रोलर 圀ं
ग म錁䨀लं
ट डॉ टर ⌀ले
ड का काम है
1) कपडे को साफ़ करना
2) धल
ुाई वाले
कंबल को काटना
3) तं
और 䆈लं
ट को साफ़ करना
4) 寎ं
ग पे
믃駇ट को हटाना

Ques # :23

The lapping in roller printing is used

1) To cover the engraved roller
2) To cover the fabric
3) To cover the control pressure bowl
4) To carry the fabric, to be printed

रोलर छपाई म錁 लै圀पं

ग का योग होता है
1) उ딨ꬫक⤵ण㲞욘
रोलर को ढकने म⢬䆤
2) कपडे
को ढकने
म⢬䆤 technician spot YouTube channel
3) के
눱뿚ㅯᯒ‫ﶉ‬य दबाव पे
षणी को ढकने
4) छापे
व믃駇揢 को धके

Ques # :24

Washing blanket is used in between woollen fabric and fabric to be printed

1) To avoid the colour transfer on woollen blanket
2) To give support to printed fabric
3) To keep clean the lapping
4) To stop the printing on the fabric

ऊनी कपडे और छापेजानेवालेकपडे केबीच म錁 ंकं

वा䨀शग बल का उपयोग होता है
1) ता䋓क ऊनी कपडे
पर रं
ग के믃駇थानां
तरण को रोका जा सके|
2) छपे
ए व믃駇揢 को सहारा 濦춵दया जा सके
3) लै
ग को साफ़ रखा जा सके |
4) कपडे
पर छपाई को रोका जा सके |

Ques # :25

The snappers printing defect appears in the fabric in which of the following
1) Screen printing
2) Roller printing
3) Tie and dye printing
4) Transfer printing

ᴰन न म錁 से䠀कसम錁 कपडे
पर नै
पर 圀ं
ग दोष 餀दखाई दे
1) 믃駇鎂⤵न 寎ं
ग म⢬䆤
2) रोलर 寎ं
ग म⢬䆤
3) टाई एं
ड डाई 寎ं
ग म⢬䆤
4) 枯⚬ां
सफर 寎ं
ग म⢬䆤

Ques # :26

The scumming printing defect appears in the fabric due to

1) Insufficent printing paste removal from roller surface
2) Heavy preasure of engraved rollers
3) Effect produced by washing blankets
4) Poor color preparation

कपडे पर क䨀मं ग 圀ं

ग दोष 餀दखायी देने
का कारण है ­
1) रोलर क⤵ सतह से寎ं
ग पे
믃駇ट को अपया㲞욘
塒痽त मा揢ा म⢬䆤
2) उ딨ꬫक⤵ण㲞욘
रोलर का अ딨ꬫयाधक वजन
3) वा䆈शग बल का 寎भाव उभरना
4) ख़राब रं
ग बनाना

Ques # :27

The maximum number of colour that can be printed on the fabric in rollers printing is
1) 1 ­ 2
2) 2 ­ 3
technician spot YouTube channel
3) 3 ­ 4
4) 5 ­ 6

रोलर 圀ं餀टं
ग म錁
पर छापे
जा सकने
अ々धकतम रं
ग है
1) 1 ­ 2
2) 2 ­ 3
3) 3 ­ 4
4) 5 ­ 6

Ques # :28

For gumming down the cloth before screen printing, the surface used are
1) Rubber or cloth sheet
2) Iron sheet
3) Copper sheet
4) Cemented sheet

 न 圀ं 餀टं
ग से
ू कपडेको ज़माने
के䨀लए िजसका योग 䠀कया जाता है
वह है
1) रबर या कपडे
क⤵ परत
2) लौह परत
3) कॉपर परत
4) सीम⢬䆤
ट परत

Ques # :29

The prepration of screen in textile printing is done by

1) Chemical method
2) Mechanical method
3) Photo chemical method
4) Thermofixation method
व छपाई म錁 िजससे
 न तै
यार क जाती है
, वह है
1) रसाय嬝नक वध
2) यां
쨐廳揢क वध
3) फोटो के 䆈मकल वध
4) थम츘�䋓फ珌से शन वध

Ques # :30

The steaming of printing fabric is done for

1) Reaction of dye with fabric
2) To make dye non reactive
3) To remove the dye from fabric
4) To hydrolyze the dye technician spot YouTube channel

छपे हु
ए व को भाप द鐀 जाती है
ता䠀क ­
1) रं
जक त눱뿚तु
केसाथ अ䆈भ䋓鎂या कर सके
2) रं
जक क⤵ 寎嬝त䋓鎂या को रोका जा सके
3) कपडे
जक को बाहर 嬝नकाला जा सके
4) रं
जक को पानी म⢬䆤
ुनशील बनाया जा सके

Ques # :31

The high temperature steaming of the printed fabric is done for

1) For cellulosic fabric
2) For synthetic fabric
3) For regenrated fibre fabric
4) None of these

वह छपा कपडा िजस पर उ䈆च तापमान म錁

भाप द鐀 जाती है
, होते
1) से
ूो䆈सक व믃駇揢
2) 䆈सं
濦춵टक व믃駇揢
3) पन
त रे
श वाले
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :32

In pigment printing, the thickner for pigments are

1) Kerosene base emulsion thickener
2) Synthetic binders
3) Water based thickners
4) Wax based thickners

圀पगम錁ट छपाई म錁圀पगम錁 ट के䨀लए गाढ़ापन कारक है

1) कै
रो䆈सन आधा뼤羯रत इम鱳㨭शन थकनर
2) सं
षत बां
3) जल आधा뼤羯रत थकनर
4) मोम आधा뼤羯रत थकनर

Ques # :33

Binders are chemically polymer of which of the following

1) Acrylic acid esters, Butadiene and Styrene
2) Methyle cellulose
3) Vinyl alcohol
4) Vinyl Chloride

बा डर ᴰन न म錁 से䠀कसके रसायᴰनक पॉल鐀मर है ­

1) ए鎂े
䆈लक ए䆈सड इ믃駇टर, 磙‫ﳕ‬यट
ूाडीन और 믃駇टर‫ﶉ‬न
2) 䆈मथाइल सै
3) वनाइल ए鱳㨭कोहल
4) वनाइल 珌लोराइङ

Ques # :34

In transfer printing the design is prepared on which of the following

1) Paper
2) Fabric
3) Metal sheet
4) Glass sheet

सफर 圀ं
ग म錁
䰀डजाइन ᴰन न म錁
से䠀कस पर तै
यार 䠀कया जाता है
1) पे
2) कपडा
3) धातु
4) 怔ꯕलास शीट

Ques # :35

In transfer printing the dyes must be

1) Volatile
2) Non volatile
3) Sublimative technician spot YouTube channel
4) Solid

सफर 圀ं餀टं
ग म錁
जक होने
चा餀हए ­
1) वा㬴㧙पशील
2) अवा㬴㧙पशील
3) उ늪व㲞욘
4) ठोस

Ques # :36

In Ink jet printing the components are

1) Design software
2) Computer
3) Printer
4) (Design Software) + (Computer) + (Printer)

क जे ट 圀ं
ग म錁म䆈
ुय घटक है
1) ‰栘डजाइन सॉ녥窼टवे
2) कं
3) 寎ं
4) (1) + (2) + (3)
Ques # :37

The sodium hydrosulphilte is used as

1) Reducing agent
2) Oxidizing agent
3) Acid liberating agent
4) Chelating agent

सो䰀डयम हाइ䆈ोस䆈फाइट िजस 䊠प म錁

युत होता है
वह है
1) अपचयन कारक
2) ऑ珌सीकारक
3) अ밡疼ल उ딨ꬫपि딨ꬫत कारक
4) क⤵ले
ट‫ ﶉ‬कारक

Ques # :38

In continuous ink jet printing the rate of ejection of ink is

1) 50000 ­ 100000 drops/sec
2) 1000 ­ 2000 drops/sec
3) 10000 ­ 20000 drops/sec
4) 20000 ­ 40000 drops/sec

ᴰनय䨀मत इं क जेट 圀ं

餀टंग म錁 इंक के
बाहर ᴰनकलने
क गᴰत होती है
1) 50000 ­ 100000 ꢭ꼗ाप / सै
2) 1000 ­ 2000 ꢭ꼗ाप / सै
3) 10000 ­ 20000 ꢭ꼗ाप / सै
4) 20000 ­ 40000 ꢭ꼗ाप / सै

Ques # :39

The coloured discharge effect with vat dyes require reducing agent is
1) Sodium Sulphide
2) Sodium bi Sulphite
3) Rongalite C
4) Stannous Chloride

ट रं
जक䍒륀 से䰀डचाज भाव ा त करने
के䨀लए िजस अपचायक कारक क आव यकता होती है
वह है
1) सो‰栘डयम स鱳㨭फाइङ
2) सो‰栘डयम बाईस鱳㨭फाइङ
3) रगे technician spot YouTube channel
लाइट सी
4) 믃駇टे
ुस 珌लोराइङ

Ques # :40

In diazotization reaction there is formation of group

1) ­ C = O
2) ­ C = C ­
3) ­ N = N ­

डाइएजोटाइजे शन अ䨀भ䠀 या म錁
िजस समह
ूका ᴰनमा
ण होता है
वह है
1) ­ C = O
2) ­ C = C ­
3) ­ N = N ­

Ques # :41

The hydrochloride form of the base in azoic printing is

1) Water insoluble
2) Water soluble
3) Solvent soluble
4) None of these

एजोईक छपाई म錁
स का हाइ䆈ोल鐀कृ
त 䊠प है
1) जल म⢬䆤
2) जल म⢬䆤
3) वलायक म⢬䆤घल
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई भी नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :42

To get the resist effect in azoic printing

1) Either acid librating agents or reducing agent are used
2) Either base librating agents or reducing agents are used
3) Either acid librating agents or oxidizing agent are used
4) Either base liberating agents or oxdizing agents are used

एजोइक 圀ं 餀टं

ग म錁 अवरोधक भाव पाने
केयोग करते
1) या तो अ밡疼ल उ딨ꬫप눱뿚न करने
कारक अथवा अपचयन कारक
2) या तो ㈛莱ार उ딨ꬫप눱뿚न करने
कारक अथवा अपचयन कारक
3) या तो अ밡疼ल उ딨ꬫप눱뿚न करने
कारक अथवा आ珌सीकृ
त कारक
4) या तो ㈛莱ार उ딨ꬫप눱뿚न करने
कारक अथवा आ珌सीकृ
त कारक

Ques # :43

The printing paste should have viscosity like

1) Newtonion flow
2) Thixotropic flow
3) Dilatant flow
4) Pseudo ­ plastic flow

餀टंग पेट क यनता होनी चा餀हए ­
1) 눱뿚यट
ूो嬝नयन 녥窼लो
2) थ珌सो枯⚬ो पक 녥窼लो
3) डाइलेट⢬䆤
ट 녥窼लो
4) सड
ूो ­ 塒痽लाि믃駇टक 녥窼लो

Ques # :44

In pigment printing we use the thickener emulsion of

1) Water in wax emulsion
2) Colloidal solution
3) Oil in water emulsion
4) Heterogenous mixture of wax and water
圀पगम錁 ट 圀ं
ग म錁
िजस 々थकनर इम䆈शन को योग म錁
, वह होता है
1) पानी म⢬䆤
मोम का इम鱳㨭शन
2) कोलाइङल घोल
3) पानी म⢬䆤
ल का इम鱳㨭शन
4) मोम और पानी का अस陾뛐शघोल

Ques # :45

The use of Sodium Chlorate in textile printing is as

1) Oxidizing agent technician spot YouTube channel
2) Reducing agent
3) Acid liberating agent
4) Enzyme

व क छपाई म錁 सो䰀डयम लोरे

ट का योग िजस 䊠प म錁
होता है
वह है
1) आ珌सीकृ
त कारक
2) अपचयक कारक
3) अ밡疼ल उ딨ꬫप눱뿚न कारक
4) एं

Ques # :46

1) Sulphur dyes
2) Direct dyes
3) Acid dyes
4) Indigo sol dyes

1) स鱳㨭फर रं
2) 寎딨ꬫय㈛莱 रं
3) अ밡疼ल‫ﶉ‬य रं
4) इि눱뿚डगो सोल रं

Ques # :47

Ortho phenyl phenol and Para phenyl phenol are used as a

1) Water chelating agent
2) Swelling agent for polyster
3) Swelling agent for cotton
4) Solubilizing agent

आथ䋿 䠀फनाइल 䠀फनोल और पै

रा 䠀फनाइल 䠀फनोल िजस 䊠प म錁
योग म錁
हैवह है
1) जल मद
2) पॉल‫ﶉ‬ए믃駇टर को फु
लावट दे
वाला कारक
3) सत
ूी व믃駇揢 को फु
लावट दे
वाला कारक
4) घल
ुनशीलता 寎दान करने
वाला कारक

Ques # :48
In textiles Quaternary ammonium compound may be used as a
1) Reducing agent
2) Dye fixing agent in acidic pH
3) Levelling agent
4) Oxidizing agent

र鐀 अमोᴰनयम पदाथ
टैसटाइल म錁
िजस 䊠प म錁
काम म錁
䨀लए जाते
, वे
1) अपचयन कारक
2) अ밡疼ल‫ﶉ‬य pH म⢬䆤
जक 믃駇थायीकरण कारक
3) समतलन कारक
4) आ珌सीकृ
त कारक

Ques # :49

Direct dyes printing is done on textile material

1) Cellulosic based fabric
2) Polyester
3) Nylon
4) Acrylic

䋿य䌘Ā रं
जक䍒륀 से
छपाई िजस व पर होती है
, वह है
1) सै
ूोस आधा뼤羯रत व믃駇揢
2) पॉल‫ﶉ‬ए믃駇टर
technician spot YouTube channel
3) नायलोन
4) ए鎂े

Ques # :50

The colour discharging agents in textile printing are

1) Sodium sulphoxylate formaldehyde, Stannous Chloride, Sodium bi Sulphite
2) Sodium Hydroxide, CMC
3) Sulphuric acid, acetic acid
4) Carbon tetra Chloride, P.V.A

व छपाई म錁 रंग केᴰनतारण कारक䍒륀 के 䊠प म錁िजनका योग होता है , वे

1) सो‰栘डयम स鱳㨭फो珌सीले
ट फाम䩬摿
ि鱳㨭ड़हाइड , 믃駇टै
ुस 珌लोराइङ , सो‰栘डयम बाईस鱳㨭फाइट
2) सो‰栘डयम हाइꢭ꼗ो珌साइङ , सी.एम.सी.
3) स鱳㨭녥窼य뼤羯ू
रक ए䆈सड , ए䆈स濦춵टक ए䆈सड
4) काब㲞욘
न टे
枯⚬ा珌लोराइङ , पी.वी.ए

Ques # :51

The printing of silk fabric is done with dyes

1) Disperse
2) Vat
3) Sulphur
4) Reactive or Acid

शमी व 䍒륀 क छपाई िजन रं
जक䍒륀 से
क जाती है
, वे
1) ‰栘ङ믃駇पस㲞욘
2) वै

3) स鱳㨭फर
4) 䋓鎂याशील अथवा अ밡疼ल‫ﶉ‬य

Ques # :52

The preferred oxidizing agent in vat dye printed fabric is

1) Hydrogen Peroxide
2) Sulfuric acid
3) Sodium Chlorate
4) Potassium di Chromate

ट रंजक䍒륀 सेछपेव 䍒륀 म錁
िजस आ सीकारक को ाथ䨀मकता द鐀 जाती है
वह है
1) हाइꢭ꼗ोजन परअऑ珌साइङ
2) स鱳㨭녥窼य뼤羯ू
रक अ밡疼ल
3) सो‰栘डयम 珌लोरे

4) पोटे
䆈शयम डाइ鎂ोमे

Ques # :53

Textile printing is defined as

1) Localized finishing
2) Application of dyes on entire fabric
3) Localized dyeing
4) None of these

व छपाई को परभा圀षत 䠀कया जा सकता है

1) 믃駇थानीय प뼤羯रस笸जा के
䫪⓯प म⢬䆤
2) स밡疼पण
व믃駇揢 पर रं
जक के
ुयोग के
䫪⓯प म⢬䆤
3) 믃駇थानीय रं
जन के
䫪⓯प म⢬䆤
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई भी नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :54

The moisture content of Polyester is

1) 4 ­ 5 %
2) 2 ­ 3 %
3) 11 ­ 12 %
4) 0 ­ 4 %

पा䨀लएटर म錁 नमी क मा ा होती है

1) 4 ­ 5 % technician spot YouTube channel
2) 2 ­ 3 %
3) 11 ­ 12 %
4) 0 ­ 4 %

Ques # :55

Sodium Chlorite is a preferred bleaching agent in pretreatment of which of the following fibre
1) Wool fibre
2) Silk fibre
3) Linen fibre
4) Synthetic fibre

ᴰन न म錁
से䠀कस रे
उपचार म錁
जन कारक के
䊠प म錁
सो䰀डयम लोराइट को ाथ䨀मकता द鐀 जाती है
1) ऊनी त눱뿚तु
2) रे
शमी त눱뿚तु
3) 䆈लनन त눱뿚तु
4) कृ
쨐廳揢म त눱뿚तु

Ques # :56

Guar gum is obtained from the

1) Stem of the plant
2) Seed of the plant
3) Leaf of the plant
4) Root of the plant

㾀वार गम ा त 䠀कया जाता है

1) पौधेकेतने से technician spot YouTube channel
2) पौधे
केबीज से
3) पौधे
क⤵ प딨ꬫती से
4) पौधे
क⤵ जड़ से

Ques # :57

The diazotization reaction is done at temprature of


शन अ䨀भ䠀 या ᴰन न म錁
से䠀कस तापमान पर सं
पा餀दत होती है

Ques # :58

The moisture content of cotton is

1) 6 ­ 7 %
2) 1 ­ 2 %
3) 2 ­ 3 % technician spot YouTube channel
4) 18 ­ 20 %

सतूी व म錁 नमी क मा ा होती है

1) 6 ­ 7 %
2) 1 ­ 2 %
3) 2 ­ 3
4) 18 ­ 20

Ques # :59

The Melange printing is related with

1) Polyester
2) Silk
3) Wool
4) Cotton

"मेलांज" 圀ं餀टं
ग स बं
々धत है
1) प䆈लए믃駇टर से
2) 䆈स鱳㨭क से
3) ऊन से technician spot YouTube channel
4) कॉटन से

Ques # :60

The Fastran and Dew print process is

1) TAK dyeing
2) Blotch printing
3) Wet heat transfer printing
4) Jet spray printing

फ़ाटरॉन और यू 圀ं
ट 䠀 या है
1) ट‫ ﶉ‬ए के
2) 磙‫ﳕ‬लॉच
3) नमीय珌
ुत ताप 믃駇थानां
तरण छपाई
4) जे
ट फु
हा뼤羯रत छपाई

Ques # :61

Rotary screen printing was originally developed in

1) Denmark
2) Germany
3) Holland
4) France

घणू आवरण छपाई मल

ू䊠प से
圀वक䨀सत हु
ई है
1) डे
2) जम㲞욘
3) हॉल㗦댗

4) 㴡㱺ां

Ques # :62

Burn out printing is similar to

1) Direct printing
2) Screen printing
3) Resist printing
4) Discharge printing

द㾀ध छपाई समान है

1) 寎딨ꬫय㈛莱 छपाई
2) आवरण छपाई
3) 寎嬝तरोध छपाई
4) वरं
जन छपाई

Ques # :63
Which insoluble dyes have no affinity for the fiber and bound to it by an insoluble binding material
1) Developed dyes
2) Azoic dyes
3) Pigment dyes
4) Vat dyes

कौन सा अघल
ुनशील रं
जक है
जो त तु
केᴰत सꀀ यता नह鐀ं
रखता है
तथा िजसे
वाल鐀 अघल
ुनशील साम⌠ी
के मायम से
त तु
केसाथ बां
धा जाता है
1) डवलप रं
2) एजोइक रं
3) पगम⢬䆤ट रं
4) वै
ट रं

Ques # :64

Machine block printing is known as

1) Screen printing
2) Perrotine printing
3) Stencil printing
4) Transfer printing

ꀀ क ठ पा छपाई को कहते
1) आवरण छपाई
2) पे
रोटाईन छपाई
3) 믃駇ट⢬䆤
䆈सल छपाई
4) 믃駇थाना눱뿚तरण छपाई

Ques # :65

Which of the following is an ancient vat dye ?

1) Haematozylon
2) Chrome
3) Tyrian purple
4) Mauveine

technician spot YouTube channel

ᴰन न म錁 से
कौन सा ाचीन रं
जक वै
ट रं
जक है
1) 濦춵हमे
2) 鎂ोम
3) टायरन पप㲞욘

4) मॉ वयन

Ques # :66

Resist dyed warp technique originated in Japan is known as

1) Flocking
2) Kasuri
3) Shibori
4) None of these

जापान म錁 उ䋿प न ᴰतरोध रं

िजत ताना तकनीक को कहते
1) 녥窼लो䋓कं

2) कसरू
3) 䆈शबोर‫ﶉ‬
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :67

A process of engraving of roller is known as

1) Transferring
2) Etching
3) Pricking
4) Embossing technician spot YouTube channel

रोलर को उ䋿क ण करने क 䠀 या को कहा जाता है

1) 믃駇थाना눱뿚त뼤羯रत करना
2) न珌काशी करना
3) वे
ध करना
4) उभारना करना

Ques # :68

The hue of the dye molocule's colour intensify due to

1) Auxochrome
2) Wave length
3) Chromophore
4) Light

जक अणु केरंग के
क तीता का कारण होता है
1) ओ珌सो鎂ोम
2) वे
व ल㗦댗

3) 鎂ोमोफ़ोर
4) लाईट

Ques # :69

Which agents tends to slow down the dye uptake of the fibers
1) Retarding agent
2) Swelling agent
3) Wetting agent
technician spot YouTube channel
4) Foaming agent

ऐसा कौन सा कारक हैजो त तु

केवारा रं
जक के
उ⌠हण को धीमा करता है
1) 뼤羯रटा㲞욘
ग कारक
2) 믃駇वै
ग कारक
3) आㅯᯒता कारक
4) फ़ो䆈मं
ग कारक

Ques # :70

Iron buff is
1) Vegetable dye
2) Mineral dye
3) Animal dye
4) Synthetic dye

आयरन बफ़ है ­
1) वान믃駇प嬝तक रं
2) ख嬝नज रं
3) जा눱뿚तव रं
4) कृ
쨐廳揢म रं

Ques # :71

The natural starches on the fabrics are completely solubilized by ­

1) Water
2) Not in Water
3) Solvent soluble
4) Enzyme soluble technician spot YouTube channel

कपडेपर युत ाकृ

ᴰतक टाच
ᴰन न म錁
ुनशील ह䍍楀
1) जल म⢬䆤
2) जल म⢬䆤
3) घोलक म⢬䆤
4) एं
जाइम म⢬䆤

Ques # :72

Mercerizing is a
1) Stablizing process
2) Textural process
3) Functional effect
4) Temporary process

मस र鐀करण है ­
1) 믃駇था嬝य딨ꬫव 寎दान करने
वाल‫ ﶉ‬寎䋓鎂या
2) पोतय珌
ुत 寎䋓鎂या
3) काया㲞욘
딨ꬫमक 寎भाव
4) अ믃駇थाई 寎䋓鎂या

Ques # :73

Dyes loose colour in the fabric due to fumes in atmosphere is known as

1) Bleeding
2) Gradation
3) Gas fading
4) Barre

वातावरण म錁 धए
ु कारण व के
जक के
ग का कमजोर पड़ना कहलाता है
1) 磙‫ﳕ‬ल‫ﶉ‬‰栘डं

2) ‫ﵰ‬덹े
3) गै technician spot YouTube channel
स फे

4) बर䩬摿

Ques # :74
Reserve style is
1) Direct style
2) Resist style
3) Discharge style
4) Roller style

रज़व शैल鐀 है
1) 寎딨ꬫय㈛莱 शै
2) 寎嬝तरोध शै
3) वरंजन शैल‫ﶉ‬
4) रोलर शै

Ques # :75

A printing which is similar to discharge printing removes portion of the fabric leaving translucent spots
1) Warp printing
2) Burnt out printing
3) Fall on printing
4) Flock printing

ग जो 圀वरं
जन छपाई के
समान होती है
व के
कुछ 餀हस䍒륀 को हटाकर पराभासी ध⌀बे
छोडती है
1) वाप㲞욘
2) बन㲞욘
ट आउट छपाई
3) फॉल ऑन छपाई technician spot YouTube channel
4) 녥窼लॉक छपाई

Ques # :76

In screen printing which fine ­ mesh screen allow greater line details
1) Penta rotary screen
2) Flat screen
3) Square screen
4) None of these

 न छपाई म錁 कौन सी मह鐀न जाल  न से

अ䋿य々धक 圀वतत
खीय 圀ववरण बनाये
जा सकते
1) प⢬䆤
टा घण
ू븹ⴤ आवरण
2) समतल आवरण
3) चौकोर आवरण
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :77

The excess of printing paste is cleaned from the roller surface by thin steel knives known as
1) Serrated blade
2) Lint blade
3) Doctor blade technician spot YouTube channel
4) Conical blade

अᴰतर त 圀ं 餀टं

ग पे
ट को िजस रोलर क सतह से
ट鐀ल ⌀ले
ड से
हटाया जाता है
1) 䆈सररे
ड 磙‫ﳕ‬लेड
2) 䆈लं
ट 磙‫ﳕ‬ले

3) डॉ珌टर 磙‫ﳕ‬ले

4) को嬝नकल 磙‫ﳕ‬ले

Ques # :78

In roller printing for hand engraving the design is drawn on tracing paper with a colour containing
1) Indigo
2) Sulphur
3) Phenol
4) Chrome

रोलर छपाई म錁
हाथ के
वारा खद
ुाई 䠀कये
ूेको 䎌萀े
ग पे
पर पर अं
䠀कत 䠀कये
ग म錁
होता है
1) इि눱뿚डगो
technician spot YouTube channel
2) स鱳㨭फर
3) 䋓फनोल
4) 鎂ोम

Ques # :79

Developed by Dr. Hans Jenny photo printing is the sophisticated form of

1) Microjet process
2) Electrostatic process
3) Cyamatic process
4) Differential process

डॉ. हेस जैनी वारा 圀वक䨀सत फोटो छपाई ᴰन न म錁

से䠀कसका पर䈆कृ
त कार है
1) माइ鎂ोजेट 寎䋓鎂या
2) इले
濦춵टक 寎䋓鎂या
3) सायमै
濦춵टक 寎䋓鎂या
4) ‰栘डफन㲞욘
䆈शयल 寎䋓鎂या

Ques # :80

Vigoureux printing is a variation of

1) Warp printing
2) Blotch printing
3) Duplex printing
4) Spray printing

圀वगोरेस छपाई का 䊠पां

तर है
1) वाप㲞욘
2) बलॉच छपाई
technician spot YouTube channel
3) डू
珌स छपाई
4) 믃駇寎े

Ques # :81

A stamp having a pattern of fine copper strips soldered together used in batik for the application of wax on
the fabric surface
1) Tjanting
2) Tjap
3) Melange
4) Blade

बा餀टक म錁
व क सतह पर मोम लगाने
टेप िजसम錁
मह鐀न कां
य प〄ी के
को एक साथ जोड़ा जाता
, कहलाता है
1) जान濦춵टं

2) जाप
3) मे

4) 磙‫ﳕ‬ले

Ques # :82

Waterless thermostatic controlled glue kettle used in batik is

1) Barlow ­ Whitney glue kettle
2) Woodworker's glue kettle technician spot YouTube channel
3) Double saucepan
4) Improvised wax heater

बा餀टक म錁 योग 䠀कये जानेवाला जलर餀हत थम䋿टा餀टक ᴰनयं

ꀀ त 㾀लू
कैटल है
1) बारलो ­ वटनी 怔ꯕलू
2) वड
3) डबल सॉसपै

4) इ밡疼寎ोवाइ믃駇ङ वै
珌स ह‫ﶉ‬टर

Ques # :83

Which stencil method is most practical adaptable for fine art printing
1) Water stencil
2) Trap stencil
3) Tusche stencil
4) Wood stencil

मह鐀न कला 圀ं 餀टं

ग के
䨀लए अ々धक ायो々गक और अनकल ट錁
ुू 䨀सल 圀व々ध कौन सी है
1) वॉटर 믃駇ट⢬䆤
2) 枯⚬े
प 믃駇ट⢬䆤
3) टू
4) वड

Ques # :84

Chemical name of Glauber's salt

1) Sodium Carbonate
2) Sodium Sulphate
3) Sodium Chloride
4) Anhydrous Sodium Carbonate

"㾀लॉबर सॉ䆈ट" का रसायᴰनक नाम है

1) सो‰栘डयम काब츘�ने

2) सो‰栘डयम स鱳㨭फे

3) सो‰栘डयम कलोराइङ
technician spot YouTube channel
4) एनहायꢭ꼗स सो‰栘डयम काब츘�ने

Ques # :85

Sewn resist pattern in tie and dye is known as

1) Tritik
2) Marbling
3) Pleating
4) Knotted

䨀सले हु
ए ᴰतरोध पै
को टाई और डाई म錁
कहा जाता है
1) 枯⚬‫ﶉ‬ट‫ﶉ‬क
2) माब㲞욘

3) 塒痽ल‫ﶉ‬濦춵टं

4) नौटे

Ques # :86

By means of rubber blade dye paste is pushed through the screen

1) Squeeze
2) Squeegee technician spot YouTube channel
3) Squeezer
4) Squash

रबङ ⌀ले ड िजसक सहायता से

जक पे
ट को  न से
ᴰनकाला जाता है
, कहलाती है
1) 믃駇珌वीज
2) 믃駇珌वीजी
3) 믃駇珌वीजर
4) 믃駇珌वाश

Ques # :87

Automatic flat bed machine screen printing is also known as

1) Craft printing
2) Bleach printing
3) Buser printing
4) Unique printing

꠆लै ट ब䍍楀
ड  न 圀ं
ग मशीन क छपाई को कहा जाता है
1) 鎂ा녥窼ट छपाई
2) 磙‫ﳕ‬ल‫ﶉ‬च छपाई
3) बसर छपाई
4) य嬝ू
नक छपाई

Ques # :88

Heat transfer printing follows the principle of

1) Photography
technician spot YouTube channel
2) Decal
3) Microjet
4) Discharge

ताप था तरण छपाई ᴰन न के

䨀स ां
त का अनस
ुरण करती है
1) फोटो‫ﵰ‬덹ाफ⤵
2) डीकाल
3) माइ鎂ोजे

4) ‰栘ड믃駇चाज㲞욘

Ques # :89

In electrostatic flock printing the fiber stands

1) Bolt upright
2) Die horizontally
3) Stand diagonally
4) Forms a loop

ᴰतक लॉक छपाई म錁
त तु
क िथᴰत होती है
1) सीधे
खड़े䫪⓯प म⢬䆤
2) अन寎
ु믃駇थ पड़े
3) 嬝तरछे
4) लप
ूबना ले

Ques # :90

A finishing process in which warm or hot water is combined with detergents to full the cloth to remove grease
is called as
1) Shearing
2) Scouring
3) Bleaching
4) Desizing

परस जा 䠀 या िजसम錁
गरम जल के
साथ अपमाज
क को 䨀मलाकर व से
々चकनाई हटाई जाती है
, कहलाती है
1) 䆈शय뼤羯रं

2) 믃駇काउ뼤羯रं

3) वरंजन
4) डी साईिजं

Ques # :91

A form of screen printing in which the cloth is secured to the top of table and the printing screen are moved
down on the table
1) Stock printing
2) Swatch printing
3) Table printing
technician spot YouTube channel
4) Teflon printing

एक कार क आवरण छपाई िजसम錁

को टे
बल क सतह पर लगाया जाता है
तथा  न को टे
बल के

ओर घम ुाते
1) 믃駇टॉक छपाई
2) 믃駇वै
च छपाई
3) टे
बल छपाई
4) टे
फलॉन छपाई

Ques # :92

Bleaching a fabric that has already been dyed is called

1) Boiling off
2) Stripping
3) Strike
4) Blooming

ू म錁रंगे
हुए व को 圀वरं
िजत करना कहलाता है
1) बॉइ䆈लं
ग ऑफ़
2) ि믃駇枯⚬ पं

3) 믃駇枯⚬ाइक
technician spot YouTube channel
4) 磙‫ﳕ‬鱳㨭य䆈ू

Ques # :93

A new printing process in which the design is applied by computer to one or both side of a wet cloth
1) Dylon
2) Blob
3) Amblente
4) Fabraprint

नयी 圀ं
ग 䠀 या िजसम錁
䰀डजाइन को कंयट
ूर के
वारा गीले
व के
एक या दोन䍒륀 ओर लगाया जाता है
कहलाती है ­
1) डॉयलान
2) 磙‫ﳕ‬लॉब
3) एम磙‫ﳕ‬ले
4) फाबरा 寎ं

Ques # :94

The removal of slashing material added to the yarn before weaving is

1) Desizing
2) Decating
3) Singeing
4) Shrinking

ुाई से पवू
सूम錁 डाले
लै ंसाम⌠ी को हटाया जाता है
䨀शग ­
1) डी साइिजं
ग 䮻觶वारा
2) डीके
ग 䮻觶वारा
technician spot YouTube channel

3) 䆈सिजं
ग 䮻觶वारा
4) 䆈सकु
डन 䮻觶वारा

Ques # :95

A special scouring to remove the natural impurities from cotton and linen
1) Tentering
2) Shearing
3) Kier boiling
4) Crabbing

वह 圀व䨀श䈆ट कॉरं
ग िजस के
वारा सत
ूी एवं
䨀लनन से
ᴰतक अशिु
दय䍒륀 को हटाया जाता है
1) ट⢬䆤

2) 䆈शय뼤羯रं

3) क⤵यर बॉइ䆈लं
ग technician spot YouTube channel
4) 鎂ै

Ques # :96

This system is very effective with disperse dyes on polyester fabric

1) Conventional heat transfer printing
2) Infrared heat transfer printing
3) Wet heat transfer printing
4) Electrostatic transfer printing

यह णाल鐀 पॉ䨀लएटर त तु पर 䰀डपरस रं

जक䍒륀 के
ुयोग म錁
अ䋿य々धक भावी होती है
1) पार밡疼प뼤羯रक ताप 믃駇थाना눱뿚तरण छपाई
2) इ눱뿚㴡㱺ारे
ड ताप 믃駇थाना눱뿚तरण छपाई
3) नम ताप 믃駇थाना눱뿚तरण छपाई
4) वै
嬝तक 믃駇थाना눱뿚तरण छपाई

Ques # :97

Chlorine bleach compound is used on ­

1) Silk fibre
2) Cellulose fibre
3) Wool fibre technician spot YouTube channel
4) Nylon fibre

लोर鐀न 圀वरं जक 䠀कन रे

श䍒륀 के
उपयुत है
1) 䆈स鱳㨭क रे
श पर
2) वान믃駇प嬝तक रे
श पर
3) ऊनी रे
श पर
4) नायलॉन रे
श पर

Ques # :98

Wool respond better to­

1) Oxidation bleach
2) Reduction bleach
3) Optical bleach
4) None of these

ऊनी रे
शा बे
हतर ᴰत䠀 या दे
ता है
1) ऑ珌सीकारक वरंजक के साथ
2) अवकारक वरंजक केसाथ
3) 寎काशीय वरं
जक के
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई नह‫ंﶉ‬ technician spot YouTube channel

Ques # :99

What removes protruding ends of fibres in order to produce clear, smooth and uniform surface ­
1) Singeing
2) Mercerization
3) Shearing
4) Desizing
䠀कस 䠀 या वारा व क सतह के
अथवा गाँ
ठ䍒륀 को काट कर साफ़ एवं
समतल बनाया जाता है
1) 䆈सं

2) मस㲞욘

3) रोएं
4) डी साईिजं

technician spot YouTube channel

Ques # :100

The correct sequence of mecerization is ­ 1. Tentering to set dimension 2. Wetting out the fabric 3. Saturation
with caustic soda 4. Washing and neutralization 5. Timing to permit mercerization 6. Washing and drying
1) 3, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5
2) 2, 3, 5, 1, 4, 6
3) 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 4
4) 2, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1

ग 䠀 या का सह鐀 मां
क है
­ 1. ट錁
ग 2. कपडे
को गीला करना 3. कािटक सोडे
केघोल म錁
डालना 4.
धोकर साफ़ करना और उदासीन करना 5. मस
र鐀करण के
䨀लए छोड़ना 6. धोना और सख
1) अ ­ 3 , 2 , 1 , 6 , 4 , 5
2) ब ­ 2 , 3 , 5 , 1 , 4 , 6
3) स ­ 1 , 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 4
4) द ­ 2 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 1

Ques # :101

J­Box bleaching method is ­

1) Open width form bleach
2) Rope bleaching
3) Steamer bleach
4) None of these
technician spot YouTube channel
जे ­ बॉ स 圀वरं
जन 䠀 या है
1) खल ुना चौड़ आकार वरं
2) र믃駇सी वरंजन
3) भाप वरं
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई भी नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :102

The finish that adds luster, improves drying characteristics and increases strength ­
1) Calandering
2) Sanforization
3) Mercerization
4) Sizing

परस जा िजस के
वारा व क सतह को सं

ुर , कोमल , 々चकना , चमकदार एवं
ᴰतयुत बनाया जाता है
1) कै

2) से

3) म䆈स㲞욘

4) साइिजं
ग technician spot YouTube channel

Ques # :103
1) On Wool and Cotton no effect
2) Wool deteriorates and on cotton no effect
3) Cotton deteriorates and on wool no effect
4) Cotton and wool deteriorates

1) सत
ूी और ऊनी पर कोई 寎भाव नह‫ंﶉ‬
2) ऊनी व믃駇揢 को नक
ुसान और सतूी व믃駇揢 पर कोई 寎भाव नह‫ंﶉ‬
3) सतूी व믃駇揢 को नक
ुसान और ऊनी व믃駇揢 पर कोई 寎भाव नह‫ंﶉ‬
4) दोन को ह‫ ﶉ‬नक
ुसान पहु
चता है

Ques # :104

Alizarine Red in ancient known as ­

1) Mordant bleach
2) Madder bleach technician spot YouTube channel
3) Market bleach
4) None of these

ू म錁ऐ䨀लजरन रे
ड को िजस 䊠प म錁
जाना जाता था, वह है
1) ब눱뿚धक वरं
2) मैडर वरं
3) बाज़ार वरं
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई भी नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :105

The spiral cylinder with cutting blades is used in ­

1) Tentering finish
2) Napping finish
3) Shearing finish
4) Cropping finish

चदार बे लन िजस पर काटने
वाल鐀 प䋿ती लगती होती है
, उसका उपयोग 䠀कस परस जा म錁
होता है
1) ट⢬䆤

2) रोएं
3) रोएं
काटना technician spot YouTube channel
4) काटना

Ques # :106

Gum arabic is obtained from

1) Tree seed
2) Sea weed
3) Trees and Shrubs
4) Guar Gum

अरेꀀबक ग䍒륀द ा त होती है

1) पे
ड़ के
बीज से
2) समㅯᯒ
ु‫ ﶉ‬अपतण
3) पे
ड़ और झाड़ी
4) 怔ꯕवार गम

Ques # :107

Batik is type of ­
1) Resist priniting
2) Roller printing
3) Sensor printing
4) None of these

बा餀टक छपाई है
1) अवरोधक छपाई
2) रोलर छपाई
3) सं
द छपाई
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई भी नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :108

Sodium alginate Thickening agent is basically a

1) Modified natural gum
2) Natural Gum
3) Starch technician spot YouTube channel
4) None of these

सो䰀डयम ऐलिजने ट जो कड़ेपन का कारक है

, वातव म錁
1) सं
शोधत 寎ाकृ
嬝तक गद
2) 寎ाकृ
嬝तक गद
3) 믃駇टाच㲞욘
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई भी नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :109

Natural Thickening agents belong to group of ­

1) Fatty acids
2) Proteins
3) Saccharides
4) None of these

ाकृᴰतक 々थकᴰनं
ग कारक 䠀कस सं
1) वसा अ밡疼ल
2) 寎ोट‫ﶉ‬न
3) सै
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई भी नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :110

Sodium alginate gum is obtained from ­

1) Locust Bean
technician spot YouTube channel
2) Gum Karaya
3) Seaweed
4) Gum Senegal
सो䰀डयम ए䨀लगने ट ग䍒륀द 䠀कस से
ा त होती है
1) 濦춵ट苘डी बीन
2) गद कराया
3) समㅯᯒ
ु‫ ﶉ‬अपतण
4) गद से
गल (कु

Ques # :111

Photo­sensitive solution used on screen is ­

1) Polvinyl alcohol dichromate
2) Gelatin only
3) Dichromate only
4) Sodium chromate

फोटो ­ स⌠ुाह鐀 ꀀव जो 䠀क  न पर उपयोग होता है

1) पॉ䆈ल वनाइल ऐ鱳㨭कोहोल डाइ鎂ोमे

2) िजले
3) डाइ鎂ोमे
ट के
वल technician spot YouTube channel
4) सो‰栘डयम 鎂ोमे

Ques # :112

Printing of the fabric on both side

1) Screen printing
2) Block printing
3) Duplex printing
4) Roller printing

व पर दोन䍒륀 तरफ क छपाई को कहते

1) 믃駇鎂⤵न छपाई
2) 磙‫ﳕ‬लाक छपाई
3) 䮻觶 व­प㈛莱ीय छपाई
4) रोलर छपाई

Ques # :113

Dye used in paste from and with block ­

1) Duplex printing
2) Screen printing
3) Block printing
4) Roller printing

technician spot YouTube

ट 䊠प म錁 ⌀लाक केमायम से
ग का उपयोग होता है
­ channel
1) 䮻觶 व­प㈛莱ीय छपाई म⢬䆤
2) 믃駇鎂⤵न छपाई म⢬䆤
3) 磙‫ﳕ‬लॉक छपाई म⢬䆤
4) रोलर छपाई म⢬䆤

Ques # :114

The roller printing in textile was first effectively used in ­

1) 1785
2) 1885
3) 1894
4) 1783

सवथम रोलर छपाई का उपयोग हु

1) 1785 म⢬䆤
2) 1885 म⢬䆤
technician spot YouTube channel
3) 1894 म⢬䆤
4) 1783 म⢬䆤

Ques # :115

Stencil printing machine was invented by ­

1) Adam Parikson
2) S.H. Sharp
3) Bell
4) William Morris

ट錁䨀सल छपाई का आ圀व䈆कार 䠀कया था ­

1) एडम प뼤羯रकं
सन ्
2) एस.एच.शाप
3) बै

4) व䆈लयम मॉ뼤羯रस

Ques # :116

Flock and Spray printing is ­

1) Discharge printing
2) Block printing
3) Direct printing
4) Resist printing
technician spot YouTube channel
लॉक छपाई और ेछपाई ­
1) ‰栘ड믃駇चाज㲞욘
2) 磙‫ﳕ‬लॉक छपाई
3) 寎딨ꬫय㈛莱 छपाई
4) अवरोधक छपाई

Ques # :117

In which of the following method the design is cut on flat metal plate or paper steel ­
1) Roller printing
2) Stencil printing
3) Batik printing
4) None of these

सीधे धातुलेट या पे
पर ट鐀ल पर 䰀डजाइन को खोदने
क 䠀 या का उपयोग होता है
1) रोलर छपाई म⢬䆤
2) 믃駇ट⢬䆤
䆈सल छपाई म⢬䆤
3) बा濦춵टक छपाई म⢬䆤 technician spot YouTube channel

4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई नह‫ंﶉ‬
Ques # :118

Sanganeri prints are ­

1) Block prints
2) Stencil prints
3) Photo chemical prints
4) Ink­jet prints

सांगानेर鐀 छपाई क 䠀 या है
1) 磙‫ﳕ‬लॉक छपाई
2) 믃駇ट⢬䆤
䆈सल छपाई
3) फोटो ­ रसाय嬝नक छपाई
4) 믃駇याह‫ ­ ﶉ‬जे
ट छपाई

Ques # :119

The design is first printed on to a flexible non­textile substrate and later transferred by a separate process to a
textile is ­
1) Roller printing
2) Ink­jet printing
3) Transfer printing
4) Photo chemical printing

ूा जो पहले
अव ीय त䋿व पर छापा जाता है
और 䠀फर दस
ूर鐀 䠀 या वारा अन तरत 䠀कया जाता है
कहलाता है­
1) रोलर छपाई
2) 믃駇याह‫ ­ ﶉ‬जे
ट छपाई
technician spot YouTube channel
3) अनु
च쨐廳揢त छपाई
4) फोटो ­ रसाय嬝नक छपाई

Ques # :120

Melt transfer technique is used in ­

1) Transferring pattern on stencil
2) Transfer design for embroider purpose
3) Paper printing
4) None of these

圀वत अन々ु चꀀ त 圀व々ध का उपयोग होता है

1) 믃駇ट⢬䆤
䆈सल पर नमनूेको अनु
च쨐廳揢त करनेम⢬䆤
2) कढ़ाई के
䆈लए नमन
ूेका अन눱뿚त뼤羯रत करने
3) पे
पर छपाई म⢬䆤
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :121

Use of water soluable dyes with ink is used to produce design on paper is ­
1) Sublimation transfer
2) Wet transfer
3) Melt transfer
technician spot YouTube channel
4) None of these
घलुनशील रं ग का याह鐀 के
साथ उपयोग करके
पेपर पर 䰀डज़ाइन छापना कहलाता है
1) उदा딨ꬫतीकरण अंतरण
2) गीला अं
3) ㅯᯒ वत अं
4) इनम⢬䆤सेकोई नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :122

Sublimation Transfer is
1) 'Hot ­ Split' transfer
2) Use of volatile dye in the printed design
3) Transfer of design from release paper using heat and pressure
4) None of these

उदा䋿तीकरण अं तरण है­

1) "गरम ­ ि믃駇प䆈लट" अं
2) छपे हुए नमनूेपर वा㬴㧙पशील रं
जक का उपयोग
3) 뼤羯रल‫ﶉ‬ज पेपर पर ताप और दबाव डाल कर नमन
ूेका अं
4) इनम⢬䆤 सेकोई नह‫ंﶉ‬
technician spot YouTube channel

Ques # :123

From which of the following are the types of transfer printing 1. Wet transfer 2. Screen transfer 3. Melt
transfer 4. Thermal transfer
1) 1, 2, 3
2) 2, 3, 4
3) 1, 3, 4
4) 4, 2, 3

ᴰन न䨀ल䐀खत म錁
कौन से
चꀀ त छपाई के
कार है
­ 1. गीला अं
तरण 2.  न अं
तरण 3. 圀वत अं
तरण 4.
उ䈆मीय अं तरण
1) अ ­ 1 , 2 , 3
2) ब ­ 2 , 3 , 4
3) स ­ 1 , 3 , 4
4) द ­ 4 , 2 , 3

Ques # :124

In digital printing process material is applied to paper by melting a coating of ribbon ­

1) Thermal transfer
2) Melt transfer
3) Sublimation transfer
4) Wet transfer

䰀डिजटल 圀ं餀टं
ग 䠀 या म錁
जक को रबन से
圀पघला कर युत करने
के䠀 या कहलाती है
1) उ㬴㧙मीय अं
2) ㅯᯒ वत अंतरण technician spot YouTube channel

3) उदा딨ꬫतीकरण अं
4) गीला अं
Ques # :125

The Chlorination of wool with bleaching powder is done at pH .

1) Neutral
2) Basic
3) Acidic
4) None of these

⌀ल鐀々चंग केसाथ ऊन का लोर鐀करण िजस pH पर 䠀कया जाता है

, वह है
1) उदासीन
2) ㈛莱ार‫ﶉ‬य
3) अ밡疼ल‫ﶉ‬य technician spot YouTube channel
4) उपय珌त
㲞욘 म⢬䆤
ु सेकोई भी नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :126

Dye ­ sublimation Transfer printing process is also called ­

1) D2 T2
2) Ink ­ jet technology
3) Ti O2
4) None of these

ग उदा䋿तीकरण अं तरण छपाई 䠀 या कहलाती है
1) D2 T2
2) 믃駇याह‫ ­ ﶉ‬जे
ट 寎ौ䮻觶योगक⤵
3) Ti O2
4) उपय珌त
㲞욘 म⢬䆤
ु सेकोई भी नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :127

Continuous ­ tone technology, where each dot can be in any colour is ­

1) Dithering
2) Dye Sublimation Transfer printing
3) Melt transfer
4) Wet transfer technician spot YouTube channel

जक के ᴰनय䨀मत वाह तकनीक वारा िजसम錁
䠀क ꀀब द ू
䠀कसी भी रं
ग का हो सकता है
, कहलाता है
1) ‰栘डथ뼤羯रं

2) रं
ग उदा딨ꬫतीकरण अं
3) ㅯᯒ वत अं
4) गीला अंतरण

Ques # :128

The method similar to melt transfer with the difference that the design is held in an ink layer is ­
1) Melt transfer
2) Sublimation transfer
3) Wet transfer
4) Thermal transfer

䠀 या जो䠀क 圀वत अं
तरण के
समान है
पर तु
इस म錁
ूा याह鐀 क परत से
जड़ुा होता है
, कहलाती है
1) ㅯᯒ वत अं
2) उदा딨ꬫतीकरण अं
गीला अं
technician spot YouTube channel
4) उ㬴㧙मीय अं

Ques # :129

Water soluable dyes are incorporated into a printing ink which is used to produce a design on paper ­
1) Wet transfer printing
2) Digital Ink­jet printing
3) Photo chemical printing
4) None of these

पर पर नमन
ूा बनाने
के䨀लए जल म錁
ुनशील रं
जक को छपाई याह鐀 के
साथ 䨀मलाकर उपयोग 䠀कया जाता है
1) नम अं
तरण छपाई म⢬䆤
2) छपाई म⢬䆤
‰栘डिजटल इं
क जे

3) फोटो रसाय嬝नक छपाई म⢬䆤
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई भी नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :130

British gum is preferred thickner for printing of ­

1) Reactive dyes
2) Vat dyes
3) Sulphur dyes technician spot YouTube channel
4) Azoic dyes

छपाई हेतुꀀ䎓⨠餀टश गम ᴰन न म錁
सव䋿䋿तम है
1) 䋓鎂याशील रंजक
2) वै
ट रं
3) स鱳㨭फर रं
4) एजोइक रं

Ques # :131

The purpose of adding glycerine in printing paste of vat dyes is , to work as a ­

1) Solvent and hygroscopic agent
2) Oxygen carrier
3) Dispersing agent
4) None of these

ट रं
जक केछपाई पे
ट म錁 㾀ल鐀सर鐀न डालनेका योग 䠀कस 踀प म錁
होता है
1) घोलक और आㅯᯒता‫ﵰ‬덹ाह‫ ﶉ‬कारक के 䫪⓯प म⢬䆤
2) ऑ珌सीजन सं
वाहक के
嵄प म⢬䆤
3) वतरक के 嵄प म⢬䆤
4) समतल‫ ﶉ‬कारक के嵄प म⢬䆤

Ques # :132

In which printing method Fabric is coated with a chemical that is light sensitive ­
1) Photo chemical method
2) Discharge printing method
3) Disperse printing technician spot YouTube channel
4) Flocking printing
䠀कस छपाई 䠀 या म錁 कपडेपर रसायᴰनक परत लगा जाती जो 䠀क काश स⌠
ुाह鐀 होती है
1) फोटो रसाय嬝नक छपाई
2) ‰栘ड믃駇चाज㲞욘
3) ‰栘ड믃駇पस㲞욘
4) 녥窼लॉक छपाई

Ques # :133

The process in which oil + water + colour is used and passed through roller
1) Emulsion printing
2) Roller printing
3) Direct printing
4) Discharge printing

䠀कस छपाई म錁पानी के

साथ ते
ल और रं
ग 䨀मलाकर 䠀फर रोलर के
बीच से
जारा जाता है
1) इम鱳㨭शन छपाई
2) रोलर छपाई
3) 寎딨ꬫय㈛莱 छपाई
4) ‰栘ड믃駇चाज㲞욘

Ques # :134

In Roller printing the cylinder is made of ­

1) Brass
2) Copper
3) Stainless Steel
4) Iron

रोलर छपाई म錁
िजस बे
लन का उपयोग होता है
, वह ᴰन न म錁
से䠀कस धातु
का होता है
1) पीतल
2) तां
3) जं
गरोधी 믃駇ट‫ﶉ‬ल
technician spot YouTube channel
4) लोहा

Ques # :135

How many rollers are used in roller printing

1) 3
2) 2
3) 4
4) 1

रोलर छपाई म錁
रोलर उपयोग म錁
1) 3
2) 2
3) 4
4) 1

Ques # :136

The optical brightening agents increases whiteness by ­

1) Absorbing visible light and emitting in UV region
2) Absorbing IR light and emitting in visible region
3) Absorbing UV light and emitting in visible region
4) Bleaching action

काश यᴰु तकारक सफेद鐀 को बढाते

1) 陾뛐㥩ꇉय 寎काश को अवशो षत करके और UV ㈛莱े
揢 म⢬䆤
त करके
2) IR 寎काश को अवशो षत करके
और 陾뛐㥩ꇉय ㈛莱े
揢 म⢬䆤उ딨ꬫसिज㲞욘
त करके
3) UV 寎काश को अवशो षत करकेऔर 陾뛐㥩ꇉय ㈛莱े揢 म⢬䆤
त करके
4) वरं
जन 䋓鎂या करके

Ques # :137

Correct sequence of Batik printing is ­ 1. Preparation and Heating of Wax. 2. Applying of molten wax. 3.
Preparation of dye 4. Preparation of cloth and Desizing 5. Dyeing in colour bath 6. Removal of wax
1) 1, 3, 4, 2, 6, 5
2) 1, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6
3) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5, 6
4) 3, 4, 1, 6, 5, 2

बा餀टक छपाई का सह鐀 मां

क ­ 1. मोम को गम
करना 2. गम
मोम को लगना 3. रं
जक को तै
यार करना 4. कपडे
यार करना और नमन ूा बनाना 5. रं
जक के
घोल म錁
कपड़ो को डालना 6. मोम को साफ़ करना
1) A ­ 1 ,3 , 4 , 2 , 6 , 5
2) B ­ 1 , 3 , 4 , 2 , 5 , 6
3) C ­ 4 , 1 , 3 , 2 , 5 , 6
4) D ­ 3 , 4 , 1 , 6 , 5 , 2

Ques # :138

In Batik Maroon colour is obtained by

1) A.T. Base + J.P. Salt colour
technician spot YouTube channel
2) F.R. Base + R.C. Salt colour
3) F.R. Base and J.P. Salt colour
4) A.T. Base and R.C. Salt colour

बा餀टक म錁 मे
䊠न रं
ग ा त 䠀कया जाता है
1) A .T. बे
स + J.P. नमक रं
2) F.R. बे
स + R.C. नमक रं
3) F.R. बे
स + J.P. नमक रं
4) A.T. बे
स + R.C. नमक रं

Ques # :139

Flat­bed, Rotary and Cylinder are type of ­

1) Stencil printing
2) Screen printing
3) Digital printing
4) Roller printing

꠆लै ट बैड, रोटर鐀 और 䨀सल錁

डर कार ह䍍楀
1) 믃駇ट⢬䆤
䆈सल छपाई के
2) 믃駇鎂⤵न छपाई के technician spot YouTube channel
3) ‰栘डिजटल छपाई के
4) रोलर छपाई के
Ques # :140

Disperse dyes are used on which of the type following fibers

1) Cellulose acetate
2) Cellulose
3) Protenious
4) Acyrlic

जक का उपयोग 䠀कन रे
श䍒륀 पर होता है
1) से
ुोस एसीटे

2) से
ुोस technician spot YouTube channel
3) 寎ोट‫ﶉ‬न य珌
4) ए鎂े

Ques # :141

'Kalamkari' is obtained by ­
1) Printing ­ Block
2) Dyeing process
3) Hand painted art
4) Emroidery

'कलमकार鐀' है ­
1) 磙‫ﳕ‬लॉक छपाई
2) रं
क⤵ 寎䋓鎂या
3) ह믃駇त ­ च揢ां
कन कला
4) कढ़ाई

Ques # :142

Indigo colour is in shade of ­

1) Voilet
2) Purple
3) Magenta
technician spot YouTube channel
4) Blue

इि डगो रं
ग का शेस है
1) गहरा ब㗦댗
2) ब㗦댗
3) मजे
4) नीला

Ques # :143

Cochineal insect gives ­

1) Red
2) Orange
3) Blue
4) Yellow

कोकनीयल क ड़ा कौन से
ग दे
ता है
1) लाल
2) नारं
3) नीला technician spot YouTube channel

4) पीला

Ques # :144

Habitual Cream colour background in Bagru is by uses of ­

1) Turmeric
2) Fuller's earth mixed with Turmeric powder
3) Fuller's earth
4) Mustard flower dye

म रं
ग जो क बग䊠 छपाई म錁
क प䈆ृ
म पर उपयोग होता है
, बनता है
1) ह鱳㨭द‫ ﶉ‬से
2) म鱳㨭
ुतानी 䆈मကी और ह鱳㨭द‫ ﶉ‬से
3) म鱳㨭
ुतानी 䆈मကी से
4) राई के
फूल से
यार रं
ग से

Ques # :145

The use of Acitic acid in pretreatment of cotton is to act as ­

1) Wetting agent
2) Bleaching agent
3) Mercerizing agent
4) Scouring agent

सतूी व केपव
ूउपचार म錁
ए䨀स餀टक ए䨀सड का उपयोग ᴰन न म錁
से䠀कस 䊠प म錁
होता ह䍍楀
1) आㅯᯒताकारक
2) वरं
जक कारक
3) मस㲞욘
र‫ﶉ‬करण कारक technician spot YouTube channel
4) 믃駇काउ뼤羯रं
ग कारक

Ques # :146

Printing on the paper is ­

1) Digital printing
2) Transfer printing
3) Lithographic printing
4) Photographic printing

पर पर छपाई कहलाती है
technician spot YouTube channel
1) ‰栘डिजटल छपाई
2) अं
तरण छपाई
3) अ㥩ꇉममㅯᯒ
ुणीय छपाई
4) फोटोमㅯᯒ
ुणीय छपाई

Ques # :147

D T G is the abbrevation of ­
1) Digital Transfer to Garment
2) Transfer printing
3) Direct ­ to ­ Garment printing
4) Digital Garment printing
technician spot YouTube channel
D.T.G. सं䌘Āीपण है
1) ‰栘डिजटल अंतरण कपडे
2) अं
तरण छपाई
3) कपडे
पर 寎딨ꬫय㈛莱 छपाई
4) कपडे
पर ‰栘डिजटल छपाई

Ques # :148

In 1783 Thomas Bell invented ­

1) Roller printing
2) Flat ­ bed machine printer
3) Rotary printing
4) None of these technician spot YouTube channel

थॉमस बै ल ने
सन ्
1783 म錁
आ圀व䈆कार 䠀कया था ­
1) रोलर छपाई
2) समतल ­ बै
ड मशीन
3) रोटर‫ ﶉ‬छपाई
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :149

The machine used for printing a piece of fabric with length 2 ­ 12 yards is called ­
1) Jumper or Sari machine
2) Duplex machine
3) Zimmer machine
technician spot YouTube channel
4) None of these

2 ­ 12 गज के ल बाई केव के
म錁उपयोग म錁
वाल鐀 मशीन कहलाती है
1) ज밡疼पर / साडी मशीन
2) 䮻觶 वप㈛莱ी मशीन
3) िज़मर मशीन
4) इनम⢬䆤
सेकोई नह‫ंﶉ‬

Ques # :150

The print process developed as Star printing in Italy in 1940

1) Sublimation Transfer
2) Film Release technician spot YouTube channel
3) Wet Transfer
4) Melt Transfer

इटल鐀 म錁 सन ्
1940 म錁
जो 'टार छपाई' 䠀 या 圀वक䨀सत हु
ई, वह है
1) उदा딨ꬫतीकरण अंतरण
2) 䋓फ鱳㨭म 뼤羯रल‫ﶉ‬ज़
3) गीला अं
तरण technician spot YouTube channel
4) ㅯᯒ वत अं

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