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Debugging is finding and fixing mistakes in a program or code.


"It's like being a detective who solves problems!"

"To make sure our programs work correctly."

"To learn from our mistakes."
"To become better problem-solvers."

Why is Debugging Important?

1. Making Programs Work Correctly
When you write a program, you want it to do what you expect. Bugs, or mistakes in the
code, can prevent this from happening.
2. Learning from Mistakes
Debugging helps you understand why your code didn't work as expected. This
teaches you to write better code in the future.
3. Improving Problem-Solving Skills
Debugging is like solving puzzles. It helps you think logically and improves your ability
to solve problems.

4. Achieving Your Goals

Debugging helps you achieve the goals you set for your programs, making sure they do exactly
what you want.

Common Bugs
"Syntax Errors: Mistakes in the code's language."

"Logic Errors: The program runs but does the wrong thing."

"Runtime Errors: The program crashes while running."

1. Misplacing Items
● Explanation: Sometimes we forget where we put things, like our toys or
school supplies.

2. Forgetting Steps in a Routine

● Explanation: We might forget to do all the steps in a routine, like brushing

our teeth or getting ready for school.

3. Mixing Up Instructions

● Explanation: Sometimes we mix up instructions and do things in the

wrong order.

4. Spelling Mistakes

● Explanation: When writing, we might spell words incorrectly.

6. Cooking Errors

● Explanation: We might add too much or too little of an ingredient when

cooking or baking.

8. Miscommunication

● Explanation: We might say something that someone else doesn't

understand correctly.

Real-Life Application

● Title: "Debugging in Real Life"

● Content:
○ "Debugging isn’t just for computers. We debug problems in real life
○ "Example: Fixing a broken toy or solving a puzzle."


1. Finding the Hidden Object: Create a simple program with a bug where
an object (e.g., a character or item) doesn't appear where it's supposed to
on the screen. Challenge the students to find and fix the bug by tracing the
2. Broken Path: Design a maze game where the character can't move
properly due to a bug in the movement code. The challenge is to debug
the movement code so the character can navigate the maze correctly.
3. Missing Pieces: Develop a program that's supposed to draw a picture
using different shapes (e.g., squares, circles, triangles), but one of the
shapes is missing due to a bug. Challenge the students to identify and fix
the bug so the complete picture is drawn.
4. Hidden Message: Create a simple messaging app where messages are
displayed on the screen, but some messages are not showing up due to a
bug in the message display code. Challenge the students to debug the
code to reveal the hidden messages.
5. Incorrect Calculation: Provide a program that performs simple arithmetic
calculations (e.g., addition, subtraction) but gives incorrect results due to a
bug in the calculation logic. Challenge the students to debug the code to
get the correct answers.


1. Timer Challenge: Set a timer for each debugging activity. Kids must
debug the activity within a specified time limit, adding a sense of urgency
and excitement to the task.
2. Obstacle Course Relay: Divide kids into teams and set up an obstacle
course. Each team member takes turns navigating the course while their
teammates provide instructions. The team that completes the course with
the fewest errors wins.
3. Blindfolded Debugging: Blindfold one child and have another child give
them instructions to navigate through an obstacle course or complete a
task. The blindfolded child must rely on their teammate's instructions and
debugging skills to succeed.
4. Role Reversal Day: Let kids take turns being the "teacher" who introduces
bugs into the activity while the other kids try to debug and fix them. This
role reversal encourages teamwork and empathy as kids understand the
challenges faced by their peers.
5. Randomizer Wheel: Create a spinning wheel with different types of bugs
(e.g., wrong direction, missing step, repeated action). Spin the wheel to
determine which type of bug to introduce into the activity, adding an
element of unpredictability and surprise.
6. Outdoor Adventure Debugging: Take the debugging activities outdoors
and incorporate elements of nature (e.g., trees, rocks, puddles) into the
challenges. Kids must navigate through natural obstacles while debugging
the activity, fostering a sense of exploration and discovery.
7. Story Dice Debugging: Use story dice with pictures or words representing
different story elements (e.g., characters, settings, actions). Roll the dice to
generate a story with bugs, and kids must debug the story by correcting
the errors and retelling it.
8. Storytelling Debugging: Encourage kids to create their own stories or
scenarios incorporating bugs, and then act them out while their peers
identify and fix the errors. This variation promotes creativity and
imagination while reinforcing debugging skills.


Debugging small activities for small kids can have several positive impacts on
their cognitive, social, and emotional development:

1. Problem-Solving Skills: Debugging activities require kids to identify

errors and find solutions to fix them. This helps develop their problem-
solving skills as they learn to analyze situations, identify patterns, and
apply logical reasoning to solve problems.
2. Critical Thinking: Debugging encourages kids to think critically and
analytically. They learn to evaluate different possibilities, consider the
consequences of their actions, and make informed decisions to solve
problems effectively.
3. Persistence and Resilience: Debugging often involves trial and error, and
kids learn the value of persistence and resilience in overcoming
challenges. They develop the patience and determination to keep trying
until they find the right solution, fostering a growth mindset.
4. Creativity and Innovation: Through debugging, kids are encouraged to
think creatively and explore alternative approaches to problem-solving.
They learn to think outside the box, experiment with different ideas, and
innovate new solutions to overcome obstacles.
5. Collaboration and Communication: Debugging activities can be done
individually or in groups, promoting collaboration and teamwork. Kids learn
to communicate effectively, listen to others' ideas, and work together to
achieve common goals, enhancing their social and interpersonal skills.
6. Confidence Building: Successfully debugging an activity boosts kids'
confidence and self-esteem. It reinforces their belief in their ability to
overcome challenges and accomplish tasks, empowering them to tackle
more complex problems in the future.
7. Frustration Management: Debugging teaches kids to manage frustration
and cope with setbacks. They learn to stay calm and focused when
encountering difficulties, developing emotional resilience and coping
strategies to deal with adversity.
8. Application of Learning: Debugging activities provide a practical
application of concepts learned in school, such as sequencing, logic, and
problem-solving. Kids see the relevance of these skills in real-life
situations, strengthening their understanding and retention of academic

Overall, debugging small activities for small kids not only enhances their
technical skills but also promotes holistic development by fostering critical
thinking, collaboration, creativity, and resilience.

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