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10 Molecular Diagnostics

contents Outline 860

➤ Introduction
➤ Nucleic Acids
➤ Nucleases and Restriction Enzymes
➤ Laboratory Techniques in Molecular Diagnostics
➤ Clinical Laboratory Applications
Review Questions 887
Answers and Rationales 894
References 905


A. Genetic Information
1. Genetic information in procaryotic and eucaryotic cells is contained in
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequences, which are arranged as genes and
packaged into chromosomes.
2. The human genome (all DNA in human chromosomes) is 3 billion base pairs in
3. Based on computer analysis of the human genome, the estimated number of
protein-coding genes in the human genome is less than 25,000.
4. Genetic information is transferred from parent to daughter cells by DNA copying
or replication.

B. Central Dogma
1. Central dogma describes the transfer of genetic information within a cell. DNA is
used as a template for ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis, and the RNA sequence
determines the protein amino acid sequence: DNA S RNA S Protein.
2. The process of DNA S RNA is termed transcription. One strand of DNA is
copied into messenger RNA (mRNA) by RNA polymerase in procaryotes and by
RNA polymerase II in eucaryotes.
3. The process of RNA S Protein is termed translation. A molecule of mRNA is
read by ribosomal machinery, resulting in the production of proteins that perform
cellular functions.
4. Nucleotide sequence is translated to amino acid sequence through the genetic
code, which assigns three-base RNA sequences (codons) to amino acids.


A. Basic Structure of Nucleic Acids
1. Nucleic acid is a linear polymer of nucleotides. Nucleotides have three
components: nitrogenous bases, five-carbon sugars, and phosphate groups.
a. The nitrogenous heterocyclic base (purine or pyrimidine) is attached to the
1¿ carbon atom of the sugar by an N-glycosidic bond.
1) Purines have a double ring and include adenine (A) and guanine (G).
2) Pyrimidines have a single ring and include cytosine (C), thymine (T), and
uracil (U).
3) Both DNA and RNA contain A, G, and C. T is only found in DNA, and U
is only found in RNA.
b. Cyclic five-carbon sugar residue
1) RNA contains a ribose sugar, which has OH groups bound to its 2¿ and 5¿
2) DNA contains a deoxyribose sugar. Deoxyribose is identical to ribose
except that the OH group at the 2¿ position has been replaced with a
hydrogen atom (H).

c. A phosphate group is attached to the 5¿ carbon of the sugar by a phosphoester

bond, and it is responsible for the strong negative charge of both nucleotides
and nucleic acids.
2. The nucleotides are joined to one another by a phosphodiester bond between the
5¿ phosphate of one nucleotide and the 3¿ OH group of the adjacent nucleotide.

B. Physical and Chemical Structure of DNA

1. Base pairing
a. Base composition of DNA varies from organism to organism; however, A
always pairs with T (or U in RNA) and G always pairs with C. This is termed
complementary base pairing.
b. In a double-stranded DNA molecule, the concentration of purines
always equals the concentrations of pyrimidines (Chargaff ’s rule).
2. Structure
a. Watson and Crick (1953) described DNA as two polynucleotide strands coiled
about one another to form a double-stranded helix.
b. Sugar–phosphate backbones of each strand form the outer edge of the
molecule, and bases are in the central core.
c. Each base in one strand is hydrogen bonded to a complementary base in the
other strand, which forms the purine-pyrimidine base pair (bp) (e.g., AT and
GC). Two hydrogen bonds form between A and T, whereas three hydrogen
bonds form between G and C.
d. At physiological temperatures, the DNA base pairs are stable; however, they
can break and reform rapidly.
e. A DNA helix has two external grooves: the major groove and the minor
groove, where various proteins and other molecules bind to DNA.
3. Complementary strands
a. Due to base pairing rules, the two strands are complementary. For example, if
one strand has the sequence 5¿ GATACC 3¿, the other strand’s sequence is its
complement: 3¿ CTATGG 5¿. See the following:
5¿ G-C 3¿
3¿ C-G 5¿
b. The two strands of the DNA double helix are antiparallel; their chemical
orientations run in opposite directions.
i. As diagrammed above, one strand runs in the 5¿ to 3¿ direction, whereas the
complementary strand goes from 3¿ to 5¿. The 3¿ OH end of one strand is
opposite the 5¿ P end of the other.
ii. By convention, a base sequence is usually written with the 5¿ P terminal end
on the left.

4. Eucaryote chromosomes
a. Eucaryotes have multiple chromosomes.
b. Helical human DNA is compacted into chromosomes and bound to basic
proteins called histones as well as nonhistone proteins.
i. DNA wrapped around a complex of eight histone proteins is called a
ii. DNA and its associated histone and nonhistone proteins is chromatin.
c. The chromosomes are contained within the nucleus surrounded by a nuclear
d. The human nucleus contains 46 chromosomes.
i. Humans have two copies of each chromosome and therefore are diploid.
There are two types of chromosomes: somatic and sex.
ii. There are 22 pairs of somatic chromosomes, numbered 1 to 22, according
to size, with 1 being the largest.
iii. There are two sex chromosomes, X and Y, females have two X
chromosomes (XX) and males have one X and one Y chromosome
5. Eucaryotic Genes
a. Unlike procaryotic genes, eucaryotic genes are discontinuous.
b. Protein coding parts of a gene are called exons (expressed sequences). They
contain codons and are well conserved; the nucleotide sequence does not vary
significantly among individuals of the same species.
c. Noncoding regions of a gene are called introns (intervening sequences).
They do not contain codons, but they can contain regulatory/transcriptional
elements and have other functions.
d. Approximately 25% of all human genes have multiple allelic forms called
i. Allele refers to a different version or form of a gene or noncoding region.
For example, the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) locus, which codes
for peptides that establish self-identity of the immune system, is highly
ii. Loci (singular locus) are the physical locations or positions of a gene or
noncoding region on a chromosome.
6. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
a. Eucaryotic cells have a second genome located in the mitochondria. There are
thousands of mitochondria per cell. Each mitochondrion has 1–10 circular
genomes of about 16,500 bp.
b. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) contains 22 tRNA genes, 3 rRNA genes, and
12 genes coding for oxidation-phosphorylation components. Mutations in
these genes are responsible for neuropathies and myopathies.
c. Mitochondrial DNA contains two noncoding regions (610 bp): hypervariable
regions I (342 bp) and II (268 bp). Single nucleotide polymorphisms in these
regions are sequenced for forensic studies.

7. Procaryotic chromosomes
a. Procaryotic cells have a single chromosome.
b. Procaryotes lack a nucleus and nuclear membrane.
c. The procaryotic chromosome is generally circular DNA with groups of related
genes arranged in a linear fashion as operons.
d. Approximately 95% of the procaryotic chromosome contains coding
sequences and 5% is noncoding sequences.
8. Plasmids
a. Plasmids are extrachromosomal DNA containing nonessential genetic
information found in procaryotes and lower eucaryotes. In certain situations,
plasmids give organisms a growth advantage.
b. Resistance (R) plasmids contain genes that confer antimicrobial resistance in a
c. Fertility (F) plasmids confer the ability to transfer genetic information between
bacteria by conjugation.
d. High copy number plasmids (500–700 plasmids/cell) replicate independently
of the chromosome in cells, while low copy number plasmids may be
dependent on host replication factors and therefore are synchronized to host
e. Plasmids enter cells by the process of transfection.
9. Viruses and bacteriophage
a. Viruses are tiny particles that can only replicate with the aid of a host cell. They
may be the most abundant of biological forms.
b. Viruses are comprised of nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) and a protein,
glycoprotein or lipid coat.
c. Viruses invade cells and use the host replication machinery to synthesize viral
proteins and nucleic acids ultimately bursting the host cell, and releasing the
replicated virus particles.
d. Some viruses can integrate their genome into the host cell DNA where they
can remain latent, and the cell can survive until the viral DNA is activated to
produce virus particles.
e. Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria.
f. Bacteriophage also use host replication machinery to make more viruses.
g. Bacteriophage can carry genetic information from cell to cell through the
process of transduction.

C. Secondary Structure of DNA and RNA

1. The native conformation of DNA is double stranded (ds); whereas the disrupted
form, known as denatured (or melted) DNA, is single stranded (ss).
a. Denaturation can be accomplished through heating or chemicals.
b. Although denaturing temperatures for DNA vary by species, assays requiring
denaturation of human DNA are conducted at about 94°C.

2. Renaturation, or annealing, is the association of denatured DNA to native

dsDNA through hydrogen bonds between complementary bases.
a. Many molecular biology techniques are based on the reassociation of
complementary base sequences (i.e., hybridization) and can be used to:
i. determine whether certain sequences occur more than once in DNA of a
particular organism.
ii. locate specific base sequences in a DNA molecule.
iii. detect a particular type or structure of RNA.
b. The two requirements for annealing are as follows:
i. Salt concentration must be high enough to overcome electrostatic repulsion
between negatively charged phosphate groups in two strands.
ii. Temperature must be high enough to disrupt the random, nonspecific
intrastrand hydrogen bonds. Depending on base content, annealing of
human DNA will occur around 52°C. Sequences with more G:C base pairs
will have a higher annealing temperature than sequences with more A:T
base pairs.

D. DNA Replication
1. DNA replication is a process in which genetic information is copied and
transferred from parent to daughter cells. It requires energy to unwind the helix
and disrupt H-bonds.
2. Proofreading and repair systems minimize replication errors; however,
mistakes do sometimes occur and on occasion can be expressed as altered
a. Base changes occur resulting in mutations; mutations found frequently in
a population generally do not have an adverse phenotypic effect, and are
classified as polymorphisms.
b. Often mutations have detrimental effects. However, some mutations result in a
selective advantage for the organism that is the basis for evolution.
c. Changes in the DNA sequence from a reference sequence are indicated by
the nucleotide location, followed by the reference base(s), an arrow, and the
replacement base. For example, a change from G to A at nucleotide position
315 is indicated as g.315G>A. The “g” indicates a genomic reference
sequence (containing introns). A “c” would indicate only exon sequences
as would be found in cDNA made from spliced RNA. A “p” is used for
the corresponding change in the protein amino acid sequence, for instance,
if the change replaces a threonine with a leucine at position 105, then the
protein change would be p.Thr105Leu or p.T105L using the single letter
amino acid code. Note the different formats for nucleotide versus amino
acid sequence.
3. The synthesis of each nucleotide chain of a double helix occurs in the 5¿ S 3¿
direction. In order to accommodate unidirectional copying of the antiparallel
strands of DNA, one strand is synthesized continuously, whereas the other strand

is synthesized discontinuously, resulting in Okazaki fragments that must be

ligated together by the enzyme ligase.
4. Each parental DNA strand serves as a template to create a complementary
daughter strand.
a. As replication proceeds, the parental double helix unwinds by the action of
helicase enzymes.
b. Polymerization of DNA is catalyzed by DNA polymerase enzymes.
c. As a new strand is formed, it is hydrogen bonded to its parental template.
Each new double helix consists of one parental strand and one newly formed
daughter strand.

E. RNA Overview
1. Most RNA molecules are single stranded; however, RNA readily forms
secondary structures required for its many functions.
2. Generally, RNA is environmentally labile and easily degraded by ubiquitous RNA
3. Types of RNA
a. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) makes up 80–90% of total RNA in a cell; it is part
of ribosomes and is involved in translation of mRNA into proteins.
b. Messenger RNA (mRNA) makes up 1–5% of total RNA in a cell; it is an
intermediate between the genetic code in DNA and the protein product.
i. mRNA is read by ribosomes to produce proteins.
ii. In eucaryotes, transcription of DNA forms a pre-mRNA molecule with
both introns (noncoding) and exons (coding regions). This molecule is
referred to as heteronuclear RNA (hnRNA). The introns are removed, and
the exons are joined together by splicing.
iii. Processing into mature mRNA also includes addition of a 5¿ methylguanine
cap and polyadenylate (poly A) tail of up to 200 adenylate nucleotides at the
3¿-OH terminus of the RNA.
c. Transfer RNA (tRNA) reads mRNA triplets and brings the appropriate
amino acid to the ribosome for polypeptide (i.e., protein) synthesis. There is at
least one tRNA for each amino acid.
d. Other RNAs: Small nuclear RNA (snRNA) is involved in removal of introns
and small and micro RNAs (including siRNA, stRNA, miRNA, snoRNA)
are involved in regulation of transcription and translation of RNA into
protein. A related class of long noncoding RNAs (eRNA, lincRNA, lncRNA,
pseudogene transcripts) 200 to over 100,000 bases in length also regulates gene


A. Definitions
1. A variety of enzymes called nucleases break phosphodiester bonds in nucleic
acids (they usually exhibit chemical specificity).

2. DNases: Deoxyribonucleases
a. Many act on either ss or dsDNA.
b. Some act on both ss and dsDNA.
3. RNases: Ribonucleases
a. RNases are tiny ubiquitous proteins that are difficult to permanently inactivate.
b. RNases can survive a wide range of temperatures: below −20 to >100°C.
c. Humans secrete RNases, possibly as a defense mechanism against RNA
viruses; thus, it is necessary to wear gloves when working with RNA.
4. Exonucleases cut only at the end of a nucleic acid, removing a single nucleotide
at a time. Endonucleases cut within the nucleic acid strand.

B. Restriction enzymes
1. Restriction enzyme/endonucleases are enzymes produced by bacteria to ward
off invasion by external DNA.
a. Bacteria have a restriction/modification system that uses enzymes to methylate
their own DNA, so that restriction enzymes can distinguish any incoming
nonbacterial DNA from their own.
b. Restriction enzymes are traditionally classified into four types (Types I–IV)
on the basis of methylation capability, how they separate DNA and cofactor
requirements. Sequence analysis has revealed a great deal of variety in the four
enzyme types.
2. Some restriction enzymes cut only methylated DNA, others only nonmethylated
DNA, and some enzymes can cut both.
a. Restriction enzymes recognize a specific base sequence in a DNA molecule
and cut near or within the sequence. These enzymes make two cuts, one in each
strand, generating a 3¿-OH and a 5¿-P terminus.
b. Star activity refers to nonspecific cleaving by the enzyme when incubation
conditions are not optimal.
c. Type II restriction enzymes make cuts at predictable sites within or near
the recognition sequence; they have the greatest utility in recombinant DNA
i. Sequences recognized by most type II enzymes are known as palindromes,
due to the bilateral symmetry of the enzyme.
ii. A double-stranded palindromic sequence reads the same from the 5¿ to 3¿
direction on both strands.
iii. The enzyme binds the specific sequence and cleaves the DNA directly at the
binding site.
For example, the enzyme EcoRI recognizes the sequence 5¿ GAATTC 3¿ and
cuts between the G and A. On the complementary strand, the sequence reads
3¿ CTTAAG 5¿ and is cut between A and G.
3. A particular restriction enzyme generates a unique set of fragments for a particu-
lar DNA molecule. A different enzyme generates a different number and size of
fragments from the same DNA molecule.

4. In human DNA, occurrence of restriction enzyme sites is polymorphic, so that

the pattern of DNA fragments produced by a particular restriction enzyme digest
may differ from person to person.
a. Analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) had been
used to screen and diagnose hereditary diseases and in forensic science but is
rarely used today.
b. Southern blot analysis using probes to detect fragments at hypervariable loci
produces a characteristic RFLP pattern for each individual and thus produces a
unique “genetic fingerprint.”


A. Nucleic Acid Isolation
1. Sources
a. A variety of clinical specimens can be used: body and lavage fluids, saliva,
buccal cells, stool filtrate, bone marrow, and whole blood.
i. Nucleated cells (e.g., white blood cells) are the classic source for DNA
ii. Clinical tests have been developed requiring isolation of cell-free DNA
from blood plasma or urine. Cell-free RNA can also be isolated but is not
yet part of clinical testing.
b. Nucleic acid is also commonly isolated from fresh, frozen, or formalin-fixed
paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue.
c. FFPE tissue may be dewaxed with xylene or other agents and then rehydrated
before isolation.
d. Mitochondrial DNA is most often obtained from hair follicles.
i. Due to its small circular structure and natural amplification, mitochondrial
DNA is more resistant to degradation than chromosomal DNA.
ii. Mitochondrial DNA is also isolated from muscle tissue to assess mutations
associated with nerve and movement disorders.
e. A diploid cell contains approximately 6.6 pg of DNA and 10–30 pg of RNA.
i. Most (80%) of the RNA in a cell is rRNA.
ii. The actual amount of RNA will depend on the cell type and the metabolic
state of the cell.
f. Microorganisms: Nucleic acid can be isolated directly from samples (tissues,
body fluids) or from cultures.
i. Gram-negative bacteria are treated with detergents to release nucleic acids.
ii. Gram-positive bacteria and fungi are treated chemically with enzymes or
physically by sonication or shaking with beads to disrupt cell walls.
iii. Viral nucleic acid is isolated from tissue, plasma, or from cultures.
2. Special considerations for RNA isolation to avoid degradation of RNA are as
a. Because hands have high concentration of RNase, gloves should always be
worn when working with RNA.

b. Use equipment designated as RNase free for RNA testing.

c. RNase-free reagents must also be used.
d. Reserve areas in the laboratory specifically for storage of reagents and RNA
e. Use disposable items certified as nuclease-free by the manufacturer.
f. Avoid reusable glassware or bake 4–6 hours at >270°C to inactivate RNase.
g. Lyse cells using detergent, or phenol, in presence of high salt or RNase
inhibitors (e.g., guanidine isothiocyanate) and a strong reducing agent, such as
3. Nucleic acid isolation methods
a. Organic isolation
i. Organic isolation is performed with a mixture of phenol and chloroform to
remove contaminating proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and cellular debris (for
RNA isolation, use acidic phenol pH 4–5).
ii. This mixture forms an emulsion that separates into two phases. DNA and
RNA collect in the aqueous phase.
iii. DNA or RNA from the aqueous phase is precipitated using ethanol
or isopropanol in high salt concentration and recovered as pellet by
iv. The pellet is rinsed with 70% ethanol and the DNA resuspended in 10 mM
Tris, 1 mM EDTA (TE), or sterile DNase-free water and RNA in RNase-
free buffer/water.
b. Inorganic isolation
i. Most manual laboratory DNA isolations are performed by inorganic
ii. Low pH and high salt concentration are used to precipitate protein leaving
DNA in solution.
iii. DNA is precipitated using isopropanol and resuspended as previously noted.
c. Solid phase isolation
i. Solid phase isolation is the basis for most automated nucleic acid isolation
ii. Silica-based beads or columns bind DNA or RNA in high salt solution.
iii. The column is washed to remove impurities, and the nucleic acids are eluted
with low-salt buffer.
d. Chelex extraction
i. Chelex is a cation-chelating resin used in forensic applications.
ii. A solution of 10% Chelex is mixed with the specimen. The mixture is
boiled. The contaminating substances will bind to resin and are removed by
iii. DNA will be in the supernatant.
e. Isolation of poly-(A)-enriched RNA (i.e., mRNA)
i. The poly-A tail of mRNA binds to oligomers of poly-T or poly-U
immobilized to a matrix (i.e., beads or column).

ii. Total RNA lysate is poured over the matrix. Poly-A RNA binds poly-T or
poly-U; the matrix is rinsed and then mRNA is eluted.
iii. Generally, 1 µg total RNA yields 30–40 ng poly-(A)-enriched RNA.
4. Measurement of quality and quantity of isolated nucleic acids
a. Electrophoresis: DNA and RNA are anionic (negatively charged).
i. Intact genomic DNA has a high molecular weight and will, therefore,
migrate very slowly during electrophoresis.
ii. RNA is electrophoresed in the presence of chaotropic agents to inhibit
secondary structure. A chaotropic agent, or chaotrope, is a substance that
disrupts the three-dimensional structure of macromolecules.
iii. In total RNA preparation, intact 28S and 16S rRNA bands should be present
at about 4.8 and 1.7 kilobases.
iv. Semiquantitative estimates of nucleic acid are made by comparison to
ethidium bromide stained standards.
b. Spectrophotometry
i. Absorptivity maximum for nucleic acids is near 260 nm.
ii. One Absorbance (Abs) unit equals 50 µg/mL dsDNA. Therefore, the
concentration of dsDNA can be determined by multiplying the absorbance
reading by 50.
iii. One Abs unit equals 40 µg/mL RNA or ssDNA. Therefore, the
concentration of RNA or ssDNA can be determined by multiplying the
absorbance reading by 40.
iv. Absorptivity maximum of phenol is 270 nm; therefore, phenol
contamination can give falsely high readings.
v. Absorptivity maximum of protein is 280 nm.
vi. Quality estimates are determined from the ratio of Abs 260 nm:Abs 280 nm:
For high-quality DNA, the ratio will be 1.6–2.0.
For high-quality RNA, the ratio will be 2.0–2.3.
c. Fluorometry is a more accurate measurement of intact dsDNA than
i. For dsDNA, Hoechst 33258 dye binds minor groove of A-T base pairs;
thus, the DNA must be intact (spectrophotometry measures natural
absorbance from nitrogen bases).
ii. Fluorometry requires internal standards with each measurement.

B. Nucleic Acid Sequence Detection by Hybridization

1. A particular gene or base sequence is called the target sequence.
2. The target sequence is detected by hybridization (hydrogen bonding) with a probe
containing the complementary (i.e., homologous) sequence or part thereof.
a. A double-stranded target sequence must be denatured (converted to single
stranded) prior to hybridization.
b. The probe must be single stranded and labeled, and attached to a molecule that
produces a color, light, or fluorescent signal.

3. Probe hybridization has applications in microbiology, immunology, forensics,

oncology, and genetics.
4. There are two types of hybridization methods: in solution and solid membrane
a. With solution methods, both target and probe sequences are in a liquid
b. In immobilized methods, target sequences (i.e., DNA, RNA, or proteins) in
samples are bound onto solid membranes made of nitrocellulose, nylon, or
i. Southern blot: Template molecules are DNA fragments produced by
restriction enzyme digestion separated by gel electrophoresis, chemically
denatured, and transferred to the membrane.
ii. Northern blot: After electrophoresis, total RNA or mRNA is transferred to
a membrane.
iii. Western blot: Proteins are separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and then transferred to a
5. Transfer of macromolecular template (i.e., DNA, RNA, or proteins) onto solid
matrix can be accomplished by capillary action, electrical current, pressure, or
6. Probes are single-stranded DNA, or RNA complementary to the target
a. dsDNA probes must be denatured, or made single stranded, by heating at 95°C
or heating in formamide.
b. The probe will detect the target sequence within a large amount of other
nucleic acid sequences.
i. Short probes (<500) bases are less specific but good for mutation analysis.
ii. Probes of 500–5000 bases have greater specificity and are less affected by
iii. Because of secondary structure formation, high GC content in the probe
decreases efficiency of binding to target.
c. Probes are covalently attached to radioisotopes (e.g., 32P), enzymes
(e.g., alkaline phosphatase or horseradish peroxidase), fluorochromes, or
chemiluminescent compounds to produce a measurable signal.
i. Multiple fluorescent dyes can be used concurrently to detect different targets
in the same reaction mixture.
ii. Labels are incorporated through labeled primers or a labeled
deoxynucleotide triphosphate (dNTP) in a DNA synthesis reaction.
d. Detection methods include fluorescent microscopy, or measurement by a
fluorometer, colorimeter, spectrophotometer, or luminometer.
7. Labeled probes of known sequence are incubated in liquid hybridization buffer
with the immobilized target sequences to hybridize with DNA or RNA sequences
on the blot that are complementary to the labeled probe.

8. Factors that influence hybridization conditions (stringency) for probe binding

(annealing) and removal of probe (washing) include temperature and salt and/or
denaturant concentration in buffer.
a. Temperature
i. Melting temperature (Tm) is the temperature required to separate
hybridized strands of complementary nucleotide sequences. At the Tm, half
of the double-stranded structure has dissociated into single strands.
ii. The annealing temperature optimal for specific probe:target hybridization
is estimated to be (Tm− 5°C).
iii. With high stringency, specificity of probe binding is increased, but sensitivity
(ability of the probe to bind) may be decreased.
iv. With low stringency, the probe can bind robustly (high sensitivity);
however, the specificity is compromised by binding to other than exact
complementary sequences.
b. The salt concentration of the hybridization buffer also affects stringency.
i. Hybridizing single strands are electrostatically repelled by their negative
charges in a buffer with low salt concentration. Distilled water is a highly
stringent liquid.
ii. A buffer solution with high salt concentration excludes the nucleic acids,
so that they are pushed together and can more easily form hydrogen bonds
(low stringency).
c. The presence of a denaturant, such as formamide, in the hybridization buffer
can increase stringency by interfering with hydrogen bonding.
9. For dot blots and slot blots, total cellular DNA or RNA is denatured and spot-
ted onto a membrane and hybridized in a single labeled probe solution.
a. Dot blots allow probe hybridization to multiple samples on the same blot.
b. Dot blots require highly specific probe–target recognition.
c. Elongated, rather than circular, spots (slot blots) facilitate densitometry
tracings for quantification of target sequences (e.g., RNA expression).
10. In macroarray and microarray analyses, often termed reverse hybridization,
known sequences (unlabeled probes) are spotted onto a solid support.
a. The support can be a membrane, a glass slide, or microelectrode.
b. Nucleic acids from patient samples are labeled with a fluorescent dye in solution
(using polymerase chain [PCR] technology) and incubated with the bound probes.
c. Cellular DNA or RNA will bind to the complementary probes and produce
fluorescence in those spots.
i. Target and/or probe sequences can be DNA, RNA, protein,
complementary DNA (cDNA), PCR products, or synthesized
ii. Multiple genes, gene sequences, mutations, and polymorphisms can be
simultaneously analyzed by this method.
iii. Starting with RNA, cDNA, or protein products obtained from patient
samples allows gene expression analysis.

11. Chromosomal structure and mutations

1. The complete set of chromosomes in a cell is displayed in a karyotype.
a. Cells are stimulated to divide in culture with phytohemagglutinin and then
arrested at metaphase with colchicine.
b. Cells are lysed with hypotonic buffer to produce a chromosome spread.
c. The released metaphase chromosomes are then fixed and stained with dyes
to better assess chromosome structures.
i. Giemsa stain produces reproducible banding patterns on the
chromosomes (G-banding).
ii. Quinacrine dyes were originally used to produce a fluorescent banding
pattern (Q-banding).
iii. Heat denaturation before Giemsa staining reverses the G-banding pattern
d. The chromosomes are numbered and arranged in order from the largest to
smallest in size.
e. Karyotyping can detect translocations, deletions, insertions, and copy num-
ber abnormalities.
2. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)
a. Interphase nuclei are hybridized to a probe complementary to genomic
regions of interest.
b. The probe is a 60- to 200-kb fragment of DNA specific for a chromosomal
region and covalently attached to a fluorescent molecule.
c. An advantage of interphase FISH over karyotyping is that it does not re-
quire culturing of cells.
d. Interphase FISH detects chromosomal copy number, translocations, dele-
tions, and amplified chromosomal regions in cells in interphase.
3. Metaphase FISH uses chromosomes in metaphase and probes that bind to
part of or the whole chromosome (chromosome painting).
a. Metaphase FISH allows detection of complex abnormalities involving the
“painted” chromosome.
b. More complex changes are detected using spectral karyotyping in which
each chromosome has a different fluorescent color.

C. Amplification Methods
1. Amplification of specific regions of DNA (or RNA) provides sufficient material
for further analysis. These methods also increase the sensitivity of detection of
specific nucleic acid targets by making more copies of the target, or probe, or
attaching more signal producing molecules onto the target.
2. The three basic approaches to amplification are as follows:
a. Target amplification is produced by PCR, reverse transcriptase PCR
(RT-PCR), quantitative PCR, and transcription-mediated amplification
b. Probe amplification methods include ligase chain reaction (LCR), strand
displacement amplification (SDA), and Qb replicase.

c. Signal amplification is performed using branched chain DNA (bDNA)

amplification, hybrid capture assay (HCA), and cleavage-based amplification.
3. PCR is the prototype method used to exponentially increase the amount of target
DNA found in a sample, making detection more sensitive and providing sufficient
DNA for further analyses.
a. The PCR takes place in a reaction mix consisting of template DNA with
target sequences, synthetic primers complementary to sequences flanking the
target sequence, nucleotide triphosphates, and DNA polymerase in a buffer
containing monovalent and divalent cations.
b. The reaction mix is then subjected to an amplification program comprised
of 30–50 cycles. Standard PCR amplification programs use a conventional
three-step cycle.
i. The first step of the first cycle is denaturation of the target by heating to
94–96°C for 20–60 seconds.
ii. The second step of the first cycle is annealing where the primers hybridize
to the template at 50–70°C for 20–90 seconds.
iii. The third step of the first cycle is extension where DNA polymerase extends
or adds nucleotides to the 3¿ ends of the primers, copying both strands of
the template.
c. At the end of the first cycle, there are two double-stranded copies
(amplicons) per double-stranded starting target sequence. After a second
three-step cycle, there will be four copies. The number of copies per
starting copy will be approximately 2n, where n = the number of PCR cycles
completed. The yield is not exactly 2n because the efficiency of amplification
is not always 100%.
d. Thermostable DNA polymerases isolated from thermophilic bacteria such
as Thermus aquaticus (Taq polymerase) are used for PCR to withstand the
denaturation temperatures. A variety of polymerases have been applied to
different PCR methods.
e. The amplification process is performed in a thermal cycler, which
automatically changes temperatures for the appropriate times.
f. Repeat the cycle 20–30 times to produce detectable levels of amplicons.
g. Unlabeled products can be detected by gel electrophoresis or labels can be
introduced into the product using labeled primers or dNTP. Alternatively,
labeled probes or antibodies that recognize products that emit colorimetric,
fluorescent, or chemiluminescent signals can be used.
h. Controls in PCR testing
i. A positive control for PCR is a known sample containing the target
sequence. The positive control ensures that the DNA polymerase enzyme
is active, buffer is optimal, primers are recognizing the intended target, and
that the thermal cycler is working properly.
ii. The blank control or reagent blank is a reaction mix without DNA added
to ensure that reagent mix is not contaminated with template or previously
amplified PCR products.

iii. The negative template control is a DNA sample known to lack target to
ensure that primers do not anneal to unintended sequences.
iv. The internal control or amplification control is a second primer set for a
sequence unrelated to target sequence of interest but present in all samples
tested. This control confirms true negative results for the target sequence. It
can be performed in the same tube or can be run as a duplicate sample.
4. Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qPCR)
a. In addition to amplification, qPCR estimates the amount of starting template
(e.g., copy number/mL).
b. Fluorescent signal increases as target copy number increases during the
amplification process.
c. The amount of fluorescence generated is directly proportional to amount
of starting template; however, the time to its accumulation (the point when
it crosses a predetermined amount of fluorescence or threshold) is inversely
proportional, such that large amounts of target cross the threshold early.
d. The cycle number at which fluorescence crosses a threshold is designated CT
(threshold cycle). CT is inversely proportional to the amount of starting target.
Thus, detection of a large amount of target is indicated by a lower CT value.
e. Applications of qPCR include viral load, tumor load, and treatment
f. SYBR green is a fluorescent dye that binds double-stranded DNA and
monitors accumulation of PCR products as they are made (i.e., in real time).
SYBR green lacks specificity in reactions where mispriming and/or primer
dimers can generate fluorescence.
g. Probe systems increase specificity as they produce fluorescence only when
hybridized to target sequences. Several types of qPCR probes exist including
the following.
i. TaqMan probe is a ssDNA oligomer complementary to a specific
sequence in the targeted region of the PCR template. The intact probe has
a fluorescent reporter dye covalently attached to its 5¿ end and a quencher
dye covalently attached to its 3¿ end. As PCR product is amplified, the probe
is displaced and hydrolyzed by the polymerase, releasing the quencher and
producing fluorescence.
ii. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer probes are two oligomers that
hybridize close to one another on the target sequence. One oligomer has a
reporter dye and the other has a donor dye required for fluorescence from
the reporter. Signal is detected only when probes are bound next to each
other on the target sequence. Signal is detected in the annealing step of the
qPCR program.
iii. Molecular beacons also measure accumulation of product at the annealing
step in the PCR cycle. At one end of the probe is a reporter dye and at the
other end is a quencher dye. In the absence of target sequence, the probe
forms a loop structure with a few base pairs of complementarity between

the two ends of the 20–30 base probe. The proximity of the reporter and
quencher prevents the production of signal. In the presence of target
sequence, the hairpin is opened when hybridization of the probe overcomes
the hydrogen bonds holding the ends together, separating the quencher and
reporter. Signal is then detected only when probes are bound to template
before displacement by polymerase.
iv. Scorpion primer/probes are tailed with hairpin molecular beacons
structures. In the presence of template, primer/probe is extended
moving reporter molecule away from quencher molecule, which generates
fluorescence. An advantage of scorpion probes is that the signal is
covalently attached to the PCR product, which can be useful for further
analyses such as size measurement by capillary electrophoresis.
5. Reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR), or reverse transcriptase PCR, starts
with an RNA template.
a. The RNA template is converted to a DNA copy (cDNA) by RNA-dependent
DNA polymerase, also known as reverse transcriptase.
b. The cDNA product then serves as a template to make millions of dsDNA
copies of the target RNA sequence.
c. RT-qPCR is used to detect and/or quantify RNA in microbiology and
oncology applications.
6. RNA is also the target for transcription-based amplification systems such as
TMA, nucleic acid sequence–based amplification (NASBA), and self-sustaining
sequence replication. Transcription-based amplification systems are target ampli-
fication methods.
a. RNA is the target and primary product.
b. Reactions are isothermal.
c. Applications include direct detection of RNA viruses and RNA from other
infectious agents, as well as transcribed gene sequences.
7. Probe amplification methods do not amplify the entire target sequence; rather, the
synthetic primers/probes complementary to target nucleic acid are amplified.
a. The ligase chain reaction uses four oligomers designed from the target
sequence. Two oligomers are unlabeled primers and the other pair of oligomers
are probes holding a capture molecule on one oligomer and a signal molecule
on the other. It is no longer used much today in clinical laboratories.
b. In SDA, the major amplification products are the probes/primers.
i. SDA is an isothermal two-stage process of target generation followed by an
exponential amplification phase.
ii. In the first stage of target generation, two primers bind on each strand of
the target sequence, one displacing the product of the other. The probes
thus generated have a restriction enzyme recognition site introduced by the
primers extended to generate them.
iii. A second set of complementary primers then copies the displaced (probe)
sequences. The probes are the target DNA for the next stage of the process.

iv. In the second stage (exponential probe/target amplification), the probes

generated in the first stage are nicked by the restriction enzyme.
v. The nick in the DNA is extended, and the opposite strand is simultaneously
displaced. The displaced strand is copied by the primers.
vi. The process takes place at 52°C without temperature cycling and produces
millions of copies of the initial sequence.
c. Qb replicase is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase from the bacteriophage
Qb. The target can be either denatured DNA or RNA.
i. Template-bound probe is amplified by mixing with Qb replicase, which can
generate a billion RNA molecules/probes in less than 15 minutes.
ii. This method is used for identification of infectious agents, such as
Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
8. Signal amplification methods include bDNA amplification, HCA, and cleavage-
based amplification.
a. In signal amplification systems, the number of target sequences does not
change; instead, large amounts of signal are bound to the target sequences
present in the sample, making detection more sensitive. These systems carry
less risk of target contamination.
b. bDNA is frequently used for quantification of target sequences in clinical
samples, especially viral load determinations.
i. A series of immobilized capture probes hybridize to target nucleic acids. The
capture probes are attached to the wells of a microplate.
ii. Additional probes bind target nucleic acids to attach the branched DNA
molecules (amplifiers), which will bind multiple reporter molecules.
iii. Binding of target at multiple sequence locations increases the specificity of
the procedure.
iv. The reporter molecules, which bind the branched amplifier DNA, are
labeled with alkaline phosphatase. Dioxetane is added as substrate for
alkaline phosphatase, and multiple chemiluminescent signals are emitted
from each target molecule.
c. HCA is based on the formation of DNA:RNA hybrids.
i. Target DNA released from cells binds to ssRNA probes to form DNA/
RNA hybrid molecules.
ii. A DNA/RNA hybrid forms a unique structure, which can be bound by
antibodies on the surface of a microtiter well.
iii. Captured hybrids are detected by binding alkaline phosphatase-conjugated
anti-DNA/RNA hybrid antibodies in a typical “sandwich” assay.
iv. Substrate is added, and signal is measured. The signal is amplified by
multiple antibody conjugates binding to each captured target.
d. Cleavage-based amplification is based on the activity of the cleavase enzyme.
i. Detects target nucleic acid by two probes that bind to the target sequence
and overlap forming a triplex DNA structure

ii. Cleavase recognizes overlapping sequence of DNA and cuts the end off of
the longer sequence-specific probe. Triplex formation and cleavage will only
occur if the target and probe are complementary. If not, no cleavage will
iii. The cleaved end of the probe then forms another triplex structure with a
fluorescent signal probe. Cleavage of the triplex structure releases a reporter
molecule resulting in a fluorescent signal. The fluorescent signal will only
occur when the first sequence-specific probe is complementary to the target
iv. Cleavase assays are used in genetics, hemostasis (e.g., factor V Leiden
mutation detection), and infectious disease.
9. Contamination must be avoided in amplification methods.
a. Physical separation of areas for preparation of sample, reagent mixes, and
amplification and post-amplification procedures is the best way to assure post-
amplification products do not contaminate pre-amplification materials.
i. Positive air pressure in the preparation area and negative air pressure in post-
amplification areas prevent air-borne contamination.
ii. Work areas should be decontaminated with bleach or alcohol.
iii. Ultraviolet (UV) light breaks up DNA; however, the effectiveness of UV
light depends on the wavelength, strength, and distance of the light energy
from the target.
iv. Unidirectional organization of workflow is recommended such that work
and equipment never goes from post-amplification area to preparation areas.
b. The uracil triphosphate-uracil-N-glycosylase (dUTP-UNG) system chemically
removes contamination from PCR and qPCR.
i. The system uses PCR mixtures with dUTP rather than dTTP, producing
amplicons containing uracil rather than thymidine residues.
ii. Uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG) is added to the reaction mixture before
iii. The mixture is incubated at 50°C for 2–10 minutes to allow digestion of any
uracil-containing DNA from previous amplifications. Native DNA lacks
uracil and is immune from degradation.
iv. During the first denaturation step of the PCR cycle, UNG enzyme is
destroyed and amplification occurs only if target sequence is found in sample.

D. Sequencing methods determine the order or sequence of nucleotides in a

DNA (or RNA) molecule.
Applications in the clinical laboratory include genotyping of microorganisms, detect-
ing mutations, identifying human haplotypes, and determining polymorphisms.
1. Classic (Sanger) sequencing utilizes dideoxynucleotides (ddNTPs) in a DNA
replication reaction. The ddNTP lack the 3¿OH group required for formation of
a phosphodiester bond.

a. Addition of ddNTPs to a DNA synthesis reaction terminates the DNA chain

b. Manual sequencing requires a single-stranded sequencing template and one
labeled primer to visualize the products of the reaction. Alternatively, a labeled
nucleotide is used. The label is radioactive, 32P or 14C or other isotopes.
c. In manual sequencing, four separate reaction mixes were prepared, each
containing template, primer, and all four dNTPs and a different ddNTP:
ddATP, ddCTP, ddGTP, or ddTTP.
d. Upon addition of DNA polymerase, the template was copied into fragments all
ending with a ddNTP.
e. The resulting product from all four reactions was a DNA ladder, a series of
products ending at each nucleotide in the template sequence.
f. The DNA ladder was resolved by gel electrophoresis. The band pattern can be
read according to the size of the DNA products, revealing the DNA sequence.
2. Automated sequencing methods have replaced manual methods. Advances in
sequencing technology from manual automated dye terminator sequencing were
made in the course of sequencing the 3 billion base pair human genome in the
Human Genome Project.
a. Manual Sanger sequencing run on heat blocks followed by gel electrophoresis
has been replaced by automated dye terminator methods performed in a
thermal cycler and capillary electrophoresis.
b. A single reaction mix is prepared containing all four dNTPs and ddNTPs.
The ddNTPs carry fluorescent labels, each a different “color”: ddATP-green,
ddCTP-blue, ddGTP-black (or yellow), and ddTTP-red.
c. All four reactions take place in the same solution in a thermal cycler (cycle
d. Cycle sequencing is performed on a double-stranded template, but since only
one primer is used, each sequence reaction represents a single strand.
e. The fluorescently labeled DNA ladder is then resolved by capillary
electrophoresis producing an electropherogram.
f. Instrument software provides a textual sequence read by the order of colors of
fragments as they travel through the capillary passing by the detector.
3. Pyrosequencing is an alternative method to Sanger sequencing used for rese-
quencing to test small regions of DNA.
a. Pyrosequencing requires a single-stranded template. Newer instrument models
generate the template on board the instrument.
b. Neither primer nor nucleotides are labeled in the sequencing reaction.
c. The instrument will introduce nucleotide triphosphates into the reaction mix in
a predetermined order.
i. If the nucleotide is complementary to the template, DNA polymerase will
form a phosphodiester bond, releasing pyrophosphate.
ii. The pyrophosphate will go through a cascade of enzymatic reactions to
produce a light signal detected by the pyrosequencer.

iii. If the nucleotide is not complementary to the template, no phosphodiester

bond will be formed and no signal will occur.
d. The results of the pyrosequencing reaction is a pyrogram of peaks of light
units (chemiluminescence).
e. In comparison to Sanger or dideoxy sequencing, pyrosequencing produces
shorter reads of 150 bp or less.
4. Next generation sequencing (NGS) offers the ability to sequence many genes,
regions, or even whole genomes in a single sequencing run.
a. Whole genome sequencing is not done as a clinical laboratory test. Whole exome
(the part of the genome consisting of exons) sequencing is used in special
applications such as with congenital abnormalities of unknown cause. Most clinical
laboratory testing involves gene panels ranging from a few to over a thousand genes.
b. Currently, the two major platforms for NGS in the clinical laboratory are as follows:
i. Ion conductance sequencing, which detects sequence by release of a
hydrogen atom with the introduction of a complementary nucleotide.
ii. Reversible dye terminator sequencing, which produces a fluorescent signal
from fluorescently labeled nucleotides.
c. A third platform, long-read single molecule sequencing is used in research
applications. Although this method has the advantage of long reads (median
>30,0000 bases) and high accuracy, most clinical applications are not aimed at
de novo sequencing where such long reads would be useful.
d. Ion conductance and reversible dye terminator sequencing start with the
preparation of a sequencing library. The library is a collection of fragments
less than 500 bp in length that will be the sequencing template.
i. Libraries for whole genome sequencing are enzymatically fragmented
genomic DNA.
ii. Libraries for whole exome sequencing utilize bead bound probes or primers
to select exome regions to be sequenced.
iii. Fragments for targeted libraries are selected by primer sets or probes
complementary to regions to be sequenced. Libraries can be designed to
sequence genes associated with particular disease states, organs, or types of
mutations such as single nucleotide variants, translocations, or copy number
iv. Libraries are prepared for sequencing by the ligation of adaptors, or short
sequences with primer binding sites or other recognition sites. The selected
fragments are then amplified.
v. The amplified products are then “bar-coded” by introduction of patient-
specific sequences usually on the 5¿ end of primers used for an additional
amplification step.
e. The bar-coded libraries can then be sequenced together in the same sequencing
f. The instrument software provides an initial sequence quality assessment and
variant (DNA base change) detection.

g. Further filtering of the variants, based on confidence of detection, predicted

effect on the protein sequence, and previous observations of the variant in
other studies, is used to generate the final report. The complexity of this
bioinformatic analysis depends on the size of the initial library, with a few
genes being relatively straightforward.
5. Other sequencing methods are applied to specific applications as follows:
a. RNA sequencing is accomplished by converting RNA to cDNA and
sequencing the cDNA by Sanger, pyrosequencing, or NGS. This method can
also provide gene expression data.
b. Bisulfite sequencing is performed to detect DNA methylation.
i. DNA methylation in vertebrates occurs mostly by the addition of a methyl
(-CH3) group on the 5 position of the cytosine pyrimidine ring.
ii. When cytosines in DNA, followed by guanines (CG), in genes are
methylated, transcription of that gene is inhibited.
iii. When methylated DNA is treated with sodium bisulfite, cytosines are
converted to uracil while methylated cytosines are unaffected.
iv. Sequencing of the DNA by Sanger, pyrosequencing, or NGS reveals the
methylated cytosines as those not converted to uracil when compared to the
unconverted sequence.
c. A variety of other specialized sequencing technologies are being developed but
are not yet used routinely in the clinical laboratory.

E. DNA polymorphisms are base changes in DNA compared to a reference

sequence that are present in at least 1–2% of a particular population. Polymor-
phisms and mutations differ only by their frequency of occurrence, with muta-
tions usually being more rare.
1. All humans have a unique set of DNA sequences with a variety of
2. The major histocompatibility locus on chromosome 6 is the most polymorphic
area of human DNA.
a. This locus encodes human leukocyte antigens (HLAs) that recognize self
versus non-self molecules.
b. HLA testing is performed before organ and tissue transplants to find the
best “match” of HLAs. The closer the match between the recipient and
the transplanted organ, the higher likelihood that the transplant will be
i. HLAs can be tested serologically with known antibodies using flow cytometry.
ii. Higher resolution testing of HLAs is achieved by PCR analysis.
iii. Sanger or NGS is used to perform sequence-based typing, which yields the
highest resolution HLA typing.
3. Other highly polymorphic regions of DNA include the mitochondrial genome,
centromeric regions, and repeated sequences in DNA.

4. A certain degree of polymorphism occurs throughout the genome. Four types

of polymorphic sequences used in clinical applications are: restriction fragment
length polymorphisms (RFLPs), variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs), short
tandem repeats (STRs), and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
a. RFLP were the first polymorphic structures to be used for DNA sequence analysis.
i. The first human DNA fingerprinting was developed with RFLP.
ii. RFLP can also be performed in conjunction with PCR by amplifying regions
containing polymorphic bases in restriction enzyme recognition sites. The
method is frequently used to find mutations as well.
iii. Genomic RFLP require the use of Southern blots to detect a large range
of fragment sizes. This requirement limited its use in DNA fingerprinting
as input DNA had to be in sufficient amounts and quality required for
Southern blotting.
b. STR and VNTR are similar structures in DNA, tandem repeats of base pairs.
The repeat units in STR are less than 10 bp, while the repeat units in VNTR are
more than 10 bp up to over 100 bp in length. For technical ease of use, most
methods utilize STR.
i. Every STR (and VNTR) can differ (are polymorphic) in the number of
repeat units.
ii. Different individuals will have different numbers of repeat units at STR loci
throughout the genome. The number of repeat units is an allele or version
of an STR.
iii. No two people (except identical twins) have the same number of STRs
repeat units at all STR loci. In this way, humans can be positively identified
by the number of repeat units in their STRs.
iv. STRs are identified by PCR using primers that flank the STR. Amplicons
are resolved by gel or capillary electrophoresis. The size of the PCR product
reflects the number of repeats in the amplified locus.
v. By having one of each of the primer pairs labeled with a fluorescent
molecule, the PCR product can be analyzed in fluorescent detection systems
(e.g., capillary electrophoresis). The number of loci that can be resolved on a
single run has been increased by the use of multicolor dye labels.
vi. STR typing in forensics uses tetranucleotide (four bp) and pentanucleotide
(five bp) repeat units.
vii. The Combined DNA Indexing system (CODIS) now uses 20 “core”
polymorphic loci and the nonpolymorphic amelogenin locus on the X and Y
chromosomes for positive legal identification.
viii. The amelogenin gene (not an STR) is a gender-specific locus. Two different
sized amelogenin PCR products are seen in males (XY), whereas only one
size amelogenin product is seen in females (XX).
ix. STR match is made by comparing alleles at the 20 loci and calculating
probability statistics as indicator of relatedness.

c. SNPs are the most informative of polymorphic DNA structures. A SNP is the
presence of a different base at the same location in a DNA sequence among
different individuals.
i. Mutations can be SNPs as well as HLA types and mitochondrial DNA
polymorphisms. A SNP is considered a polymorphism, rather than a
mutation, if the different base is present in more than 1–2% of a given
ii. The Human Genome Project revealed that SNPs occur about every 1000
bases, making them more informative in identifying DNA from different
iii. The International HapMap Project aimed to map all SNPs in the human
genome in genetically linked groups or haplotypes.
iv. Despite the superior level of informativity of SNPs, their use in forensics
and clinical analysis is limited by the highly complex methods required to
identify the single bp changes. Advances in sequencing technology have
facilitated identification of SNPs.
5. Despite numerous polymorphisms, any two people are 99.9% identical at the
DNA sequence level. A 0.1% difference accounts for disease susceptibility and
other variations among “normal” human traits. In addition, about 80% of the
0.1% will be SNPs.
6. Polymorphisms be used for genetic mapping, disease prediction, disease
associations, and human identification.


A. In vitro diagnostic (IVD) devices are used in the analysis of human samples. This
designation includes commercial test products and instruments used in testing.
1. There are four IVD classes.
a. Class I low risk, for example, nonsterile enzymes or tissue processor
b. Class II moderate risk, for example, reagents for viral screening of blood units
c. Class III high risk, for example, reagents used to test for human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or tuberculosis
d. Laboratory-Developed Test (LDT) is a class of IVD test that is developed
within a single laboratory. It is also called “home-brew test.”
2. The three types of test components are as follows:
a. Analyte specific reagents have a particular diagnostic purpose, for example,
b. “Research Use Only” or “Investigational Use Only” reagents have not been
approved, cleared, or licensed by FDA.
c. Companion diagnostic reagents are developed with intended use for treatment
guidance. They are FDA-reviewed.
3. Federal regulations from the FDA require validation of the performance of
clinical test methods and reagents in accurately detecting or measuring analytes
prior to use in human testing.

a. Validation establishes test performance, limits of detection, and sample

b. FDA-approved tests require demonstration of expected performance but not
full validation unless the test is modified by the testing laboratory.

B. Detection, identification, and quantification of microorganisms have been

greatly facilitated by molecular testing.
1. Methods: HCA, NASBA, TMA, PCR, bDNA, RT-PCR, qPCR, SDA, and DNA
2. Targets: 16S and 23S rRNA, rDNA, housekeeping genes, toxin genes, antimicro-
bial resistance genes, interspersed repetitive elements, strain-specific sequences,
and internal transcribed spacer elements
3. Molecular epidemiology typing during outbreaks, genotyping, and drug resistance
a. Genotypic methods are highly reproducible and can discriminate between
closely related organisms.
b. Chromosomal RFLP analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis can be used
for trace back studies during outbreaks of infectious diseases.
c. Mass spectrometry matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight,
(MALDI-TOF) has been applied to identification, hierarchal clustering, and
epidemiology of bacteria and fungi.
i. Peptide profiles generated from mass spectrometry are compared to
reference databases of profiles of known organisms.
ii. The analysis mainly uses peaks consistently appearing in moderate-to-high
amounts in a genus or species.
4. Viral load (quantitative) testing is performed using bDNA, NASBA, RT-PCR,
and qPCR; especially for HIV, hepatitis C virus, hepatitis B virus, and cytomega-
5. Infectious disease testing of blood donor units: Units of blood are screened for a
number of blood-borne infectious agents using NAATs (e.g., PCR).
6. Bacteria frequently identified by molecular techniques include the following:
a. Respiratory pathogens: Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae,
Legionella pneumophila, Bordetella pertussis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Mycobacterium
b. Urogenital pathogens: Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Treponema
pallidum, Mycoplasma genitalium, Mycoplasma hominis, and Haemophilus ducreyi Can be
Individually identified by multiplex qPCR.

C. Molecular Detection of Inherited Diseases

1. Chromosomal abnormalities can be differences in chromosome number or
a. Determine abnormalities in chromosome number and structure using
karyotype and Giemsa staining

b. Determine specific abnormalities by FISH

i. Centromeric probes detect changes in chromosome number in interphase.
ii. Interphase FISH with gene specific probes detect changes in number
(amplification or deletion) of specific genes. Gene specific probes can also
detect translocations.
iii. Metaphase FISH (chromosome painting, spectral karyotyping) can detect
complex changes in chromosome structure.
c. Comparative genomic hybridization (microarray) provides high-resolution
detection of deletions and insertions.
2. Single gene disorders
a. DNA sequencing, PCR-RFLP, linkage analysis, Southern blot, LCR, and capillary
electrophoresis are used to detect DNA changes causing disease phenotypes.
i. Single base changes, such as the factor V Leiden mutation, a G to A change
(c.1523G>A), results in substitution of the arginine (R) at position 506 by
glutamine (Q), R506Q.
ii. The base change results in loss of the recognition site for the MnlI
restriction enzyme. An amplicon containing this site will not cut with MnlI if
the mutation is present (PCR-RFLP).
iii. The single base change can also be detected by sequence-specific primer PCR
(SSP-PCR). One of the primer pair is sequence-specific, that is, the 3¿ base is
complementary to either the mutant or normal base. A product will only occur
if the template has the base complementary to the sequence-specific primer.
b. The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene codes for a
chloride channel membrane protein, and its loss of function causes cystic fibrosis.
i. There are about 1700 CFTR mutations, with c.1523T>G (Phe508del or
F508del) being the most common.
ii. Each of 23 CFTR gene mutations and four polymorphisms are detected
simultaneously by multiplex PCR and bead array.
iii. Other methods include RFLP, PCR-RFLP, heteroduplex analysis, temporal
temperature gradient gel electrophoresis, SSP-PCR, bead array, and direct
3. Trinucleotide repeat expansion disorders are caused by a subset of STRs with
three bp repeating units that expand in length over generations.
a. Fragile X syndrome is due to expanding copies of the CGG codon in the gene
FMR-1 located on the X chromosome. It results in neurological symptoms in
males and females.
i. Normally, there are less than 55 CGG repeats 5¿ to the FMR1 gene.
Expansion up to 200 repeats results in a premutation state with variable
severity of symptoms.
ii. The full mutation introduces thousands of repeat units that become
methylated, inhibiting expression of the FMR1 gene.
iii. Since the expansion is on the X chromosome, females are more likely to be
carriers, passing the mutation to their sons.

iv. The premutation can be detected by PCR and gel or capillary

electrophoresis. The full mutation is detected using Southern blot or PCR
and capillary electrophoresis.
b. Huntington disease (HD) is due to CAG expansion at 4p16.3 inside the HTT
gene that codes for the gene product, huntingtin.
i. Normally, there are 6 to 35 CAG repeats in the HTT gene. Expansion to
36–39 repeats increases the risk for HD. Over 40 CAG repeats will result in
the disease phenotype.
ii. HD repeat expansion is detectable by PCR and gel or capillary
c. Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 (DM1) results from repeat expansions of (CTG)
of the DMPK gene.
i. The diagnosis of DM1 is based on characteristic muscle weakness and
molecular testing for repeat expansions 5¿ to the DMPK gene.
ii. More than 34 CTG repeats is abnormal.
iii. DM1 repeat expansion is detectable by PCR and gel or capillary
d. Triplet repeat expansion diseases display anticipation, that is, expanding repeat
sizes and increased severity of symptoms with each generation of an affected

D. Molecular biology is especially useful in oncology testing as cancer is caused

by gene mutations.
1. Genes mutated in cancer are those that affect cell growth and survival, tumor
suppressor genes that negatively regulate growth and survival, and oncogenes
that drive growth and survival.
a. Oncogenes promote growth by movement throughout the cell cycle and
inhibition of apoptosis (cell death). Oncogene mutations in cancer are gain of
function mutations and are usually dominant.
b. Tumor suppressor genes arrest movement through the cell cycle and promote
apoptosis. Tumor suppressor gene mutations in cancer are loss of function
mutations and a usually recessive.
c. Inherited tumor suppressor gene mutations increase the risk of cancer.
This is the Knudson or “two-hit” hypothesis. With two copies of every
gene, both alleles have to be damaged to manifest the cancer phenotype.
The first “hit” could be the inheritance of an allele that increases one’s risk
for cancer, a so-called “susceptibility gene.” If that individual later acquired
damage to the same gene on the second chromosome, that cell could
become cancerous.
d. Gene and chromosomal mutations in solid tumors can be detected by SSP-
PCR, single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis, direct sequencing,
immunohistochemical staining, and FISH.

e. Translocations in hematologic malignancies are frequently used to quantify

tumor load.
i. Since only tumor cells carry the translocation, qPCR amplifying the
translocated DNA can be used to monitor tumor load similar to how viral
load is monitored.
ii. Translocations used for monitoring are present in acute lymphoblastic and
chronic myelogenous leukemia (t(9;22)), promyelocytic leukemia (t(15;17)),
and follicular lymphoma, t(14;18).
iii. Other detection methods such as karyotype FISH, Southern blot, slab
gel and capillary gel electrophoresis may be used for rare breakpoints not
recognized by the consensus primers or where the size of the product is
review questions

INSTRUCTIONS Each of the questions or incomplete statements that follows is comprised of four sug-
gested responses. Select the best answer or completion statement in each case.

1. If 20% of the nucleotides in an organism 4. A restriction enzyme recognizes the

are adenine, predict the percentage of sequence, 5¿ CT^ATAG 3¿, and cuts as
nucleotides that are guanine. indicated. Predict the ends that would result
A. 20% on the complementary DNA strand.
B. 30% A. 3¿ G 5¿ 3¿ ATATC 5¿
C. 40% B. 3¿ GA 5¿ 3¿ TATC 5¿
D. 60% C. 3¿ GATA 5¿ 3¿ TC 5¿
2. Which of the following is not required for D. 3¿ GATAT 5¿ 3¿ C 5¿
DNA replication by PCR? 5. The absorbance of a 1:100 dilution of
A. Oligonucleotide primers isolated dsDNA solution, measured at
B. DNA polymerase 260 nm, is 0.062. What is a reasonable
C. DNA ligase estimate for the dsDNA concentration of
D. Deoxynucleotides the sample, expressed in µg/mL?
3. In naming restriction endonucleases, the A. 3.1
first letter of the name comes from which B. 6.2
of the following? C. 310
A. Bacterial genus D. 5000
B. Bacterial species 6. In the isolation of RNA, guanidine
C. Scientist who discovered it isothiocyanate (GITC) is used to
D. Geographic location of its discovery A. Inhibit RNase
B. Lyse the cells
C. Precipitate the DNA
D. Remove buffer salts

7. Total RNA isolated from white blood cells 12. A 5850-base plasmid possesses EcoRI
contains which of the following? restriction enzyme cleavage sites at the
A. 25% mRNA following base pair locations: 36, 1652,
B. 80% rRNA and 2702. Following plasmid digestion, the
C. 50% DNA sample is electrophoresed in a 2% aga-
D. 10% rRNA rose gel. A DNA ladder marker, labeled
8. After performance of DNA electropho- M in Color Plate 54■, is included in the
resis, the isolated bands appear too close first lane, with base pair sizes indicated.
together. Which of the following can be Which of the following lanes represents
done with the next run to improve the ap- the sample pattern that is most likely the
pearance/separation of the bands in the digested plasmid?
samples? A. A
A. Increase the percent agarose concentra- B. B
tion of the matrix C. C
B. Increase the running time of the elec- D. D
trophoresis assay 13. Which of the following is characteristic of
C. Increase the sample volume applied to DNA chips (i.e., DNA microarrays)?
the gel A. Allow detection and discrimination of
D. Decrease the sample volume applied to multiple genetic sequences at the same
the gel time
9. Which of the following classes of DNA B. Thousands of oligonucleotide probes
isolation is used in automated isolation are labeled and placed on glass or silicon
systems? surfaces.
A. Solid phase C. Unlabeled target sequences within the
B. Organic patient sample are detected by hybrid-
C. Inorganic ization to labeled probes.
D. Chelex D. All of the above
10. In forensic testing, DNA fingerprinting 14. The most useful feature of the molecules
can identify individuals with high accuracy streptavidin and biotin is that they bind
because A. Specifically to nucleic acids
A. Human genes are highly conserved B. Only in neutral pH conditions
B. Only a small amount of sample is C. To each other with very high affinity
needed D. Directly to DNA immobilized on
C. Human gene loci are polymorphic nitrocellulose
D. DNA is stable and not easily contami- 15. What is the theoretical estimation of the
nated number of DNA target sequences present
11. The technique that makes ssDNA from an (per original dsDNA in solution) following
RNA template is called 15 cycles of PCR?
A. Strand displacement amplification A. 30
B. Translation B. 210 (i.e., 1024)
C. Ligase chain reaction C. 215 (i.e., 32,768)
D. Reverse transcription D. 220 (i.e., 1,048,576)

16. “Star activity” for a restriction enzyme 20. When compared to Southern blot
refers to which of the following? hybridization testing, PCR
A. An ability to cleave DNA at sequences A. Is less sensitive to DNA degradation
different from their defined recognition than Southern blot
sites B. Includes transfer of DNA onto a nylon
B. The enzyme’s specificity for sites of membrane
methylation within the nucleotide se- C. Requires no specialized equipment
quence D. Is more labor intensive
C. The temperature and pH conditions at 21. Which of the following specimen types is
which the enzyme will function optimally not acceptable as a source material for
D. The percent increased accuracy of the molecular genetic tests?
enzyme when placed in ideal conditions A. Whole blood
of pH B. Reticulocytes
17. Which of the following enzymes recogniz- C. Amniocytes
es and cuts triplex DNA sequences formed D. Feces
between mutant or normal probes and 22. In the presence of salt, DNA is precipitated
target sequences within samples? from solution by which of the following?
A. Restriction endonuclease A. 10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA
B. DNA ligase B. 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)
C. Cleavase C. Alkaline buffers, such as 0.2 N NaOH
D. RNase H D. Alcohols, such as 95% ethanol or
18. If a DNA probe is added to nitrocellulose isopropanol
after the transfer step but before the block- 23. TaqMan probes used to increase specificity
ing step, which of the following will occur? of real-time PCR assays generate a fluores-
A. The probe will nonspecifically bind to cent signal
its DNA target. A. At the beginning of each cycle during
B. Unoccupied spaces on the nitrocellulose the denaturation step
will bind the probe. B. When the probes bind to the template
C. The DNA target on the nitrocellulose (i.e., during annealing)
will be unable to bind the probe. C. When the probe is digested by 5¿ S 3¿
D. Bound probe will be washed away in the exonuclease activity during extension of
next wash step. primers (i.e., DNA synthesis)
19. Which of the following is considered a D. When the reporter fluorophore on the
“high stringency” condition for DNA probe is separated from the quencher
probe protocols? molecule by a restriction enzyme
A. Using wash buffer with highly acidic pH 24. For the purpose of diagnosing genetic diseases,
B. Washing the matrix with high salt buffer which of the following components of whole
C. Radiolabeling the probe with 35S rather blood is used for the extraction of DNA?
than 32P A. Leukocytes
D. Washing the transfer membrane (e.g., B. Plasma
nitrocellulose or nylon) at high C. Platelets
temperature D. Red blood cells

25. Which of the following statements best 28. In RNA, which of the following nucleotide
describes characteristics of RNase? bases replaces thymine of DNA?
A. It degrades mRNA but not rRNA. A. Adenine
B. It is found in large concentrations on B. Cytosine
hands. C. Guanine
C. Its activity can be eliminated by D. Uracil
autoclaving. 29. The component parts of a dNTP include a
D. Its activity occurs in a limited tempera- purine or pyrimidine base, a
ture range between 25 and 65°C. A. Ribose sugar, and one phosphate group
26. Which of the following is the least likely B. Deoxyribose sugar, and three phosphate
inhibitor of PCR? groups
A. Heme C. Ribose sugar, and two phosphate groups
B. Sodium heparin D. Deoxyribose sugar, and two phosphate
C. Diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) groups
D. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid 30. When comparing two dsDNA sequences
(EDTA) of equal length, the strand that has a higher
27. Frequently, DNA probes are used to detect A. G + C content has a higher melting
target sequences in Northern or Southern temperature (Tm)
blots. Hybridization occurs between DNA B. A + T content has a higher Tm
probe and RNA or DNA on the blot, C. A + T content has more purines than
respectively. To ensure that only exactly pyrimidines along its length
matched complementary sequences have D. G + C content has more purines than
bound together, the blot is washed under pyrimidines along its length
stringent conditions. Stringency of the 31. Molecular typing of bacterial strains can be
wash steps to remove unbound and based on restriction fragment length poly-
mismatched probe can be increased by morphisms (RFLPs) produced by digesting
which of the following? bacterial chromosomal DNA with restric-
A. High temperature, high NaCl tion endonucleases. Which of the follow-
concentration, and high detergent ing techniques is used to separate the large
(i.e., SDS) solution DNA fragments generated?
B. High temperature, low NaCl A. Ribotyping
concentration, and high detergent B. DNA sequencing
(i.e., SDS) solution C. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis
C. High temperature, high NaCl D. Capillary electrophoresis
concentration, and low detergent
32. Which of the following amplification meth-
(i.e., SDS) solution
ods does not employ isothermal conditions?
D. Low temperature, high NaCl
A. Nucleic acid sequence–based amplifica-
concentration, and high detergent
tion (NASBA)
(i.e., SDS) solution
B. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
C. Strand displacement amplification (SDA)
D. Transcription-mediated amplification

33. The coding region of a human gene is 38. In Color Plate 55■, the procedure of
called Southern blotting is diagrammed. In the
A. Exon upper panel, restricted genomic DNA frag-
B. Intron ments have been separated by electropho-
C. SNP resis in an agarose gel. In lane 1 is a mo-
D. VNTR lecular weight marker, in lanes 2–4 are three
34. Central dogma is that DNA is used to make patient samples, and in lane 5 is a positive
RNA, which is then used to make protein. control DNA sequence for the probe used.
In this scheme, the two processes that are After electrophoresis, DNA was transferred
involved (i.e., DNA to RNA and RNA to from the gel onto a nylon membrane and
protein) are termed then hybridized with a fluorescence-labeled
A. Replication and transcription probe that recognizes the CGG trinucleo-
B. Synthesis and encryption tide repeat. In individuals with fragile X
C. Transcription and translation syndrome, expansions of the trinucleotide
D. Initiation and elongation repeat within the fragile X gene increase to
greater than 200 repeats. The bottom panel
35. How many chromosomes are contained in
shows the resultant autoradiogram after
a normal human somatic cell?
a series of high-stringency washes. The
A. 22
three patient samples (lanes 2–4) are DNA
B. 23
from individuals of a single family, one of
C. 44
them suffering from fragile X syndrome. In
D. 46
which lane is the sample from the patient
36. An ordered sequence of events makes who has an intellectual disability?
up the cell cycle. Which of the following A. Lane 2
describes the correct sequence of events B. Lane 3
starting at G1? C. Lane 4
A. G1, G2, S, M D. Cannot be determined by the results
B. G1, S, G2, M given
C. G1, M, G2, S
39. An advantage of amplification technologies
D. G1, S, M, G2
for clinical laboratories is that
37. Purified DNA remains stable indefinitely A. They require inexpensive test reagents.
when stored as B. They lend themselves to automated
A. Small aliquots at 4°C methods.
B. Large aliquots at 25°C C. Each target molecule sought requires a
C. Small aliquots at −70°C unique set of primers.
D. Large aliquots at −20°C D. Contamination is not a concern when
performing these assays.

40. The assay method that detects the expres- 45. Which of the following substances within
sion of a gene rather than the mere pres- the PCR mix influences the accuracy of
ence or structure of a gene is termed cDNA?
A. RT-PCR A. Oligonucleotide primers
B. TMA B. Monovalent cation K +
C. Multiplex PCR C. Divalent cation Mg2 +
D. Ribotyping D. Deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate
41. Which of the following assays cannot be ac- molecules
complished using PCR methods employing 46. The following question refers to Color
only Taq polymerase? Plate 57■. Factor V Leiden mutation causes
A. Diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis and increased risk of thrombosis. It is caused
Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection by a single base mutation in which guanine
B. Detection of single base pair gene mu- (G) is substituted for adenine (A) with a
tations, such as in cystic fibrosis subsequent loss of a restriction site for the
C. Detection of HLA-A, B, and DR geno- enzyme MnlI. Primers used in this example
types generate a 223 bp PCR product from pa-
D. Determination of viral load for hepatitis tient DNA. After resulting PCR products
C virus (HCV) are digested with MnlI, normal patients
42. One method to prevent “false-positive” produce the following DNA fragments:
PCR results includes the use of dUTP in 104 bp, 82 bp, and 37 bp. In Color Plate
the reaction mix, resulting in amplicons 57■, the 37 bp fragment is not seen in all
containing U in place of T. The enzyme lanes because it is sometimes below detect-
used to decrease contamination is able levels. Lane identities are as follows:
A. Uracil-N-glycosylase M (molecular weight marker), 1–5 (patient
B. Taq polymerase 1 to patient 5, respectively), + (positive
C. S1 nuclease control showing 104, 82, and 37 bp frag-
D. DNase ments), and Neg (sterile water used in place
of sample DNA). Which of the following
For questions 43-45, refer to Color Plates 56a patients is heterozygous for the factor V
and b. Leiden mutation?
43. Which of the following temperatures is A. Patient 1
best for use in Step 1 in a PCR? B. Patient 2
A. 35°C C. Patient 3
B. 55°C D. Patient 4
C. 75°C
D. 95°C
44. Which of the following temperature ranges
is most appropriate for Step 2 in a PCR?
A. 25–35°C
B. 55–65°C
C. 70–80°C
D. 90–100°C

47. The translocation resulting in the Philadel- 48. Which of the following samples in Color
phia chromosome is detected by Plate 58■ contains the largest amount of
A. Southern blot analysis only cytomegalovirus?
B. Cytogenetic analysis (e.g., karyotyping) A. Sample 4
only B. Sample 5
C. PCR, Southern blot, and cytogenetic C. Sample 11
analysis D. Only qualitative results can be deter-
D. RT-PCR, Southern blot, and cytogenetic mined in this assay.
answers & rationales


1. 3.
B. Because of the base pairing property within A. The first letter of a restriction endonuclease’s
DNA, the presence of 20% adenine (A) means name comes from the bacterial genus from which
there must also be 20% thymine (T) in the organ- it originated. The second and third letters derive
ism. This means 40% of the DNA is A or T, from the bacterial species. The last letter indicates
leaving 60% of the DNA to be cytosine (C) or the subspecies or strain from which the enzyme
guanine (G). Because there must be an equal was obtained. The last Roman numeral repre-
amount of each base type within the base pair, sents the numerical place the enzyme has among
60% divided by 2 gives 30% each of cytosine and those which have been isolated from that bacte-
guanine. rial genus/species/strain. For example, EcoRI is
the first restriction endonuclease isolated from the
bacterium Escherichia coli, strain R, whereas EcoRV
is the fifth such enzyme to be discovered.
C. DNA ligase is an enzyme that catalyzes the
reaction between the 5¿-phosphate end of one 4.
DNA fragment and the 3¿-hydroxyl end of the C. The complementary strand for this DNA
next. This “nick sealing” requires energy from sequence would be, read left to right, 3¿ GATATC
ATP hydrolysis, thus remaking the broken phos- 5¿. Restriction endonucleases require dsDNA,
phodiester bond between the adjacent nucleo- because they use as their substrate palindromic
tides. Ligase is a very important enzyme in molecules, meaning a molecule that will “read” the
DNA repair, but it is not used in a polymerase same left to right and right to left. In this instance,
chain reaction (PCR). PCR does require a DNA the complementary strand, read 5¿ to 3¿ (right to
template, two primers to anneal to nucleo- left), reads the same as the sense strand, read 3¿
tide sequences flanking the desired amplifica- to 5¿. If the enzyme cuts the sense strand as indi-
tion sequence, deoxynucleotide triphosphates cated, between the thymine and adenine, it will cut
(dNTPs) to be used as building blocks for the the complementary strand identically. This will
growing DNA chain, DNA polymerase, and mag- leave, on the sense strand, the two sequences 5¿ CT
nesium chloride as an essential cofactor for DNA 3¿ and 5¿ ATAG 3¿. The complementary strand will
polymerase activity. show 3¿ GATA 5¿ and 3¿ TC 5¿.

5. Conversely, achieving a tighter band pattern (i.e.,

higher resolution of smaller DNA molecules) can

answers & rationales

C. The concentration of dsDNA can be esti-
be accomplished by decreasing time or current, or
mated by taking its absorbance reading at 260 nm
increasing percent matrix used.
and multiplying that absorbance by a factor of 50,
because one absorbance unit at 260 nm equals
approximately 50 µg/mL. To solve this prob- 9.
lem: 100 (dilution factor) * 0.062 (sample Abs.
A. Solid phase isolation is used for most auto-
at 260 nm) * 50 mg>mL (conversion factor for
mated nucleic acid isolation systems. Silica-based
dsDNA) = 310 mg>mL.
beads or columns bind DNA or RNA in high-salt
solution. The column is washed to remove impuri-
ties, and the nucleic acids are eluted with low-salt
A. In the isolation of RNA, it is very important
to remove all RNase activity. Such enzymes are
considered ubiquitous, so precautions must always 10.
be taken. GITC, diethylpyrocarbonate, or diethyl C. Although human genes are highly conserved
oxydiformate, will inactivate RNase, thus protect- in gene coding regions, human gene loci are poly-
ing RNA from degradation. It is used in solution morphic, which means many forms of the gene
at 0.1–0.2% (w/v) concentration. can exist at a given locus, making each person
“unique.” Only identical twins are not “unique.”
Short tandem repeats (STRs) account for the many
7. polymorphisms used in DNA fingerprinting. STRs
B. The amount of RNA in a cell depends on the are short, repetitive sequences of 3–7 base pairs
type of cell and its developmental stage. In most and are abundant in the human genome. This test-
cells, ribosomal RNA (rRNA) is the predominant ing does not require large quantities or high-quality
form of RNA. In white blood cells about 80% of DNA for successful results. It uses PCR, which is
the RNA is rRNA. mRNA accounts for only 1–5% highly sensitive; however, this characteristic also
of the total cellular RNA. makes the PCR method prone to contamination.

8. 11.
B. The rate of electrophoretic separation when D. The process whereby a strand of RNA is syn-
using polyacrylamide or agarose gels is affected thesized from template DNA is called transcrip-
by time, current, and the percent matrix used. tion. The enzyme involved is RNA polymerase. It
Sample volume will not affect rate of separation is possible, however, as retroviruses have shown to
but only makes the resulting bands more visible produce DNA using template RNA. This reversal
when stained. Achieving increased separation can of the nucleic acid central dogma is called “reverse
be accomplished by increasing the time or current transcription,” and the enzyme that performs this
used. It can also be achieved by decreasing the per- is called reverse transcriptase. After synthesizing a
cent matrix, because the “pores” present in a 1% single-stranded DNA molecule from RNA, a dif-
agarose gel will be larger than those in a 5% gel. ferent enzyme (DNA polymerase) then synthe-
This larger size pore will allow easier molecular sizes a complementary strand to produce a DNA
passage of DNA molecules during electrophoresis. double helix.

12. 14.
answers & rationales

C. To solve this problem, it is necessary to recog- C. Biotin is a vitamin involved physiologically in

nize that plasmid DNA exists as a closed circle. single carbon transfers. Streptavidin is a protein
This means that base pair #1 is adjacent to base derived from Streptomyces avidinii, consisting of four
pair #5850. If the enzyme cleaves the plasmid at subunits, each of which can bind one biotin mol-
positions 36, 1652, and 2702, this will result in ecule. This bond formation is rapid and essentially
three pieces of DNA. One piece will contain base irreversible. The interaction between streptavi-
pairs (bps) 37 through 1652 (with a size of 1616 din and biotin is the strongest known noncova-
bp), a second will contain bp 1653 through 2702 lent biologic interaction between a protein and its
(with a size of 1050 bp), and the third will span the ligand. In vitro assays take advantage of this strong
sequence from bp 2703 through 5850 and from 1 and specific binding by covalently attaching strep-
to 36 (with a size of 3184 bp). Note that to deter- tavidin to a reporter molecule (e.g., a primary anti-
mine the size of each piece, subtract the num- body) and then incubating this with a secondary
bers corresponding to each adjacent cut site (e.g., fluorescent-labeled antibody conjugated to biotin.
1652 - 36 = 1616 and 2702 - 1652 = 1050). Each streptavidin molecule will bind four biotin-
For the third piece, subtract the highest num- conjugated molecules, thereby increasing fourfold
bered cut site (i.e., 2702) from the total size of the the signal generated.
plasmid (i.e., 5850), and add the size of the piece
beginning at bp #1 through bp #36. Use the DNA
ladder marker (lane M) in Color Plate 54■ to pre- 15.
dict the placement of these pieces (3184 bp, 1616 C. Assuming 100% efficiency, each cycle of the
bp, and 1050 bp) of DNA on the final electropho- PCR doubles the number of DNA molecules
resis pattern. present in the solution. Starting with one DNA
template molecule, there would be 22 = 4 DNA
molecules present after two cycles. After five
13. cycles, this would result in 25 = 32. Based on
A. DNA chips (i.e., DNA microarrays) allow a starting single molecule of double-stranded
detection and discrimination of multiple genetic DNA, after 15 cycles there would theoretically
sequences at the same time. DNA chips have thou- be 215 molecules (32,768). Actual yield is some-
sands of oligonucleotide probes arranged on glass what less than theoretical yield because PCR prod-
or silicon surfaces in an ordered manner. Target ucts created in the first two PCR cycles are slightly
sequences within the patient sample are fluores- longer than the target amplicon. Thus, yield
cently labeled in solution. The labeled sequences may be better calculated as 2(n-2). Actual yield
in solution are then incubated with the DNA chips may be decreased by a plateau effect that may
containing the oligonucleotide probes attached occur in later PCR cycles when some components
to the silicon or glass surface. Hybridization will of the PCR become reaction limiting.
occur between labeled complementary sequences
within the patient samples and their correspond-
ing probe on the chip. The DNA chip is placed in
an instrument that scans the surface with a laser
beam. The intensity of the signal and its location
are analyzed by computer and provide a quanti-
tative description of the genes present. Because
placement of the oligonucleotides is known, iden-
tification of the gene or organism may be deter-

16. 18.

answers & rationales

A. Restriction enzymes will show specificity for B. After DNA is transferred to a nitrocellulose or
a target nucleotide sequence when used under nylon membrane, many sites on the membrane will
optimal conditions of temperature and glycerol, not be occupied. Adding a probe at this point will
salt, and substrate concentrations. If these condi- not only allow for specific binding of the probe
tions are not optimal, some enzymes will lose their to the target DNA sequence but also the nonspe-
specificity and begin to cleave randomly. This cific binding of the probe to the available binding
undesirable, nonoptimal digestion is called “star sites on the membrane. This will cause nonspecific
activity.” Such activity is evident when the fol- signal generation throughout the matrix. To pre-
lowing parameters are altered in the reaction vent this, the membrane must first be treated with
environment: more than 100 units of enzyme blocking agents. Denhardt solution and denatured
per microgram of DNA, more than 5% glycerol nonhomologous DNA (e.g., salmon sperm DNA)
content, less than 25 mM salt concentrations, pH are often used to bind up all the available sites on
>8.0, presence of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), the matrix and allow for specific binding of the
ethanol, or other organic solvents. probe in the next step.

17. 19.
C. Cleavase is an enzyme isolated from bacte- D. In Southern blots, hybrids can form between
ria that is likely important in DNA repair in vivo. molecules with similar but not necessarily identi-
The enzyme recognizes overlapping sequences cal sequences. The washing conditions used after
of DNA and cleaves in the overlapping sequence adding the labeled probe can be varied so that
and is the basis of the Invader® system (Holo- hybrids with differing mismatch frequencies are
logic, Marlborough, MA). Target nucleic acid is controlled. The higher the wash temperature or
mixed with Invader and signal probes. When the the lower the salt concentration in the wash buffer,
Invader and signal probes bind the target, the 5¿ the higher the stringency. Increasing the stringency
end of the signal overlaps with the Invader probe, will decrease the number of mismatches that form
and cleavase cleaves the signal probe. In the next between the probe and the target DNA.
step, the cleaved signal probe binds a fluorescent-
labeled reporter probe containing complementary
sequences and a quencher molecule, thus form-
ing an overlapping structure. This molecule is
subsequently cut by cleavase, which removes the
reporter molecule from the quencher. The signal
generated is directly related to the amount of tar-
get sequences in the original sample. Restriction
endonucleases are also bacterial enzymes that rec-
ognize specific sequences within DNA and cut
DNA near or within the recognized sequence.
DNA ligase catalyzes the formation of a phos-
phodiester bond between adjacent 3¿ hydroxyl
and 5¿ phosphate groups of adjacent nucleotides.
RNaseH hydrolyzes RNA strands of a RNA:DNA
hybrid molecule.

20. prenatally screen for genetic diseases. Noninvasive

collection of cells for genetic and forensic testing
answers & rationales

A. Standard Southern blot techniques recommend

can be obtained from the buccal (oral) mucosa.
the use of 10 µg of high-quality genomic DNA
when studying single-copy genes. In a subsequent
step, the genomic DNA is restricted (i.e., cut into 22.
small fragments of predictable size). The resulting
D. Alcohol precipitation of nucleic acids is a stan-
fragments of the gene of interest generally range
dard method in molecular biology. Sterile water,
in size from 1.0 to 10.0 kilobases. In contrast, the
10 mM Tris, 1 mM EDTA, or 0.1% SDS can be
gene sequence of interest to be amplified in a rou-
used to rehydrate DNA; 1 mM EDTA and 0.1%
tine PCR targets a smaller portion of the gene
SDS are included in these mixes to inhibit DNases.
(generally 150–500 bases in length). Because the
Alkaline solutions, such as 0.2 N NaOH, are used
target is a smaller size, partially degraded DNA (i.e.,
to denature nucleic acids.
genomic DNA samples of lesser quality) can be
amplified successfully. Long-range PCR methods
are available that extend the range of PCR prod-
ucts synthesized from 5 to 35 kilobases. Because
PCR targets are usually a few hundred bases in
length, high-molecular-weight DNA is not neces-
sary for successful PCR. It requires a thermocycler
to take the reaction through the cycles of three
temperatures needed for denaturation, hybridiza-
tion, and elongation steps. Turn-around time is
also an advantage of PCR because results can be
completed in less than 4 hours, whereas Southern
blotting takes up to 1 week to complete because of
multiple steps required for this procedure.

D. Many frequently used protocols in molecu-
lar biology involve PCR. Several substances can
inhibit this reaction. For example, because of the
nature of fecal material, it is not routinely used,
and materials in swabs have also been reported to
inhibit PCR. Therefore, a more appropriate speci-
men that could be used for PCR would be a stool
filtrate. Nucleated cells are necessary for isolation
of DNA. Whole blood is an acceptable specimen.
White blood cells are the source of DNA in this
type of specimen and must be separated from red
blood cells as soon as possible because hemoglo-
bin will inhibit PCR. For diagnosis of blood para-
sites, such as Babesia and Plasmodium, a hemolyzed
and washed red blood cell sample is preferred for
recovery of the DNA from the parasites. Amnio-
cytes are used for molecular cytogenetic testing to

23. quencher of the Scorpion primers separate, result-

ing in an increase in the fluorescence emitted. All

answers & rationales

C. Real-time PCR or quantitative PCR (qPCR)
of these systems require excess concentrations of
is a modification of PCR that allows quantifica-
the labeled probe/primer, so fluorescence emitted
tion of input target sequences without addition
is directly proportional to the amount of template
of competitor templates or multiple internal con-
available for binding.
trols. qPCR is used to measure copy numbers of
diseased human genes and viral and tumor load
and to monitor treatment effectiveness. The accu- 24.
mulation of double-stranded PCR products dur-
A. Leukocytes are routinely used for extraction of
ing PCR as they are generated can be measured by
DNA from human blood. Mature red blood cells
adding fluorescent dyes that are dsDNA-specific
and platelets have no nuclei. Plasma or serum can
to the reaction mix, such as SYBR green. How-
be used for detection of viremia, but it is not used
ever, misprimed products or primer dimers will
for analysis of genetic diseases.
also generate fluorescence and give falsely elevated
readings. Thus, more specific systems utilizing
probes to generate signal, such as the TaqMan 25.
probes, Molecular Beacons, and Scorpion-type
B. The highest concentration of RNase is found
primers, have been developed. In the TaqMan
on hands; thus, it is imperative that gloves be worn
probe-based system, specific primers are present
when working with RNA. RNases are ubiqui-
to prime the DNA synthesis reaction catalyzed by
tous and can act at temperatures below freezing
Taq polymerase, thus forming the cDNA prod-
(−20°C) and above boiling. For long-term storage,
uct. The TaqMan probe binds to a smaller region
purified RNA is best stored at - 70°C or below.
within the target sequence. The TaqMan probe
Autoclaving does not eliminate RNase activity.
has a 5¿ reporter fluorophore and 3¿ quencher
To remove RNases, glassware must be pretreated
molecule. During extension of the primers by Taq
with an RNase inhibitor, such as DEPC, followed
polymerase to form cDNA product (i.e., DNA
by autoclaving; alternatively, baking glassware in
synthesis), the 5¿ S 3¿ exonuclease activity of
a >250°C oven for 4 hours will destroy RNase.
Taq polymerase digests the TaqMan probe sepa-
To prevent RNA degradation, isolation of RNA
rating the reporter molecule from the quencher
should be done using chaotropic agents e.g., gua-
to generate a fluorescent signal. Molecular Bea-
nidine isothiocyanate, (GITC) that inhibit RNase
con probes form hairpin structures due to short
activity. When analyzing RNA in a gel, formalde-
inverted repeat sequences at each end. The probe
hyde or other agents that denature RNases must be
has a reporter dye at its 5¿ end and a quencher dye
included in the gel. High-quality (i.e., undergraded)
at its 3¿ end. In the unbound state, fluorescence is
RNA will appear as a long smear with two or three
suppressed because reporter and quencher dyes
distinct areas that correspond to the rRNA sub-
are bound closely together by the short inverted
units: 28S (~4800 bases), 18S (~1800 bases), and
repeat sequences. In qPCR assays, fluorescence
5.8S (~160 bases), whereas degraded RNA will
occurs when molecular beacon probe binds
appear as a smear at the bottom of the gel.
the denatured template during the annealing
step because reporter dye is separated from the
quencher molecule. Scorpion primers, which con-
tain a fluorophore and a quencher, are covalently
linked to the probe. In the absence of the target,
the quencher absorbs fluorescence emitted by
the fluorophore. During the PCR reaction, in the
presence of the target, the fluorophore and the

26. phate groups, a five-sided sugar molecule, and a

nitrogenous base. Nitrogenous bases are either
answers & rationales

D. EDTA and ACD (acid citrate dextrose) are

purines (A, G) or pyrimidines (C, T, or U, an RNA-
the preferred anticoagulants for specimens that
specific base). The sugar molecules are either
will undergo PCR. These reactions can be inhib-
ribose (in RNA) or deoxyribose (in DNA), with
ited by a variety of substances. PCR inhibitors are
the only difference in structure being the lack of
concentration dependent; inhibition can often be
a hydroxyl group at position 2¿ in the deoxyribose
overcome by simply diluting the DNA sample.
molecule. When the sugar is bound to a base with-
Heme and sodium heparin can inhibit PCR. How-
out the phosphate group, the molecule is called a
ever, laboratory methods can be used to remove
nucleoside. A nucleotide can have 1, 2, or 3 phos-
these inhibitors, if necessary. DEPC is a substance
phate groups, which are termed monophosphate,
used to inhibit RNases; it can also inhibit PCR.
diphosphate, and triphosphate, respectively.

B. Stringency of hybridization is accomplished
A. DNA is composed of two strands of poly-
at two steps in the blotting technique. The first
nucleotides coiled in a double helix. The outside
step is hybridization conditions of the labeled
backbone is composed of sugar–phosphate moi-
probe in solution with the transferred RNA or
eties, whereas the purine and pyrimidine bases are
DNA targets on the membrane. The second step
stacked inside the helix. The size and stability of
occurs when the membrane is washed to remove
the DNA molecule is such that only specific bases
unbound probe. In the hybridization reaction, for-
can hydrogen bond to each other to hold the two
mamide and temperature can be used to increase
strands together (A-T and C-G). This is referred to
stringency. During wash steps, increasing tempera-
as complementary base pairing. An A-T base pair
ture and increasing detergent concentration (e.g.,
is less stable than a C-G base pair, because three
1% SDS) will increase stringency; whereas lower-
hydrogen bonds form between C and G and only
ing NaCl concentration also increases stringency.
two hydrogen bonds form between A and T. The
At the end of the highest stringency wash, only
increased stability between C-G causes the melt-
specific hybrids of interest should remain on the
ing temperature (Tm) to be greater in a dsDNA
segment with more C-G pairs than a segment
with more A-T pairs. In all dsDNA molecules, the
28. number of purines (A + G) equals the number
of pyrimidines (C + T).
D. The four nucleotide bases found in RNA are ade-
nine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and uracil (U).
The purines A and G are the same as in DNA. C is
present in both DNA and RNA; however, in RNA,
the DNA nucleotide base thymine (T) is replaced by
uracil (U). RNA is usually single stranded, although
double-stranded areas (hairpin loops) can occur. A
pairs with U, and C pairs with G.

B. dNTP stands for deoxyribonucleotide tri-
phosphate. Nucleotides are the building blocks
of nucleic acids. They are composed of phos-

31. are also amplification methods; however, they

have been modified so all reactions take place at a

answers & rationales

C. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) is
single temperature (isothermal).
used to separate extremely large DNA molecules
by placing them in an electric field that is charged
periodically in alternating directions, forcing the 33.
molecule to reorient before moving through the
A. The coding regions of eucaryote genes are
gel. Larger molecules take more time to reorient;
called exons. The noncoding intervening regions
thus, they move more slowly. Bacterial DNA is
are called introns. In eucaryotes, the introns and
digested by restriction enzymes in agarose plugs.
exons are transcribed into mRNA; however, before
The PFGE of the digested fragments provides a
mRNA is translated, the introns are removed and
distinctive pattern of 5 to 20 bands ranging from
the exons are spliced together. SNP is an abbre-
10 to 800 kilobases. DNA sequencing determines
viation for single nucleotide polymorphism, and
the exact nucleotide sequence base by base of any
VNTR refers to variable number tandem repeats.
organism; however, it is too laborious for epide-
miologic purposes. Ribotyping is a Southern blot
type of analysis using rRNA probes to detect 34.
ribosomal operons (i.e., sequences coding for
C. Central dogma describes the flow of genetic
16S rRNA, 25S rRNA, and one or more tRNAs)
information from DNA to RNA to protein. Indi-
of individual bacterial species. Its discriminatory
vidual DNA molecules serve as templates for
power is less than PFGE. Reverse transcription-
either complementary DNA strands during rep-
PCR (RT-PCR) is a method that determines
lication or complementary RNA molecules dur-
whether a gene is being expressed. The starting
ing transcription. In turn, RNA molecules serve
material for RT-PCR is ssRNA.
as templates for ordering of amino acids by ribo-
somes to form polypeptides during protein syn-
32. thesis, also known as translation.
B. PCR requires a thermocycler because cycling
at three different temperatures is required for this 35.
technique. First, template DNA (i.e., which may
D. DNA in human somatic cells is compartmen-
contain the target sequence) is denatured at 94°C.
talized into 22 pairs of chromosomes, referred to
Next, the temperature is lowered to allow specific
as autosomes. They are numbered 1 through 22.
primers to anneal to the single-stranded target,
In addition, humans have two sex chromosomes,
generally at temperatures near 55°C. In the third
X and Y (in males) or two X chromosomes (in
portion of the cycle, primers are extended using
females). Thus, the total number of chromosomes
dNTP molecules to form a complementary copy
is 46 in a normal diploid cell. The genetic informa-
of DNA under the direction of a thermostable
tion of one set of chromosomes comes from the
DNA polymerase enzyme, such as Taq polymerase.
mother of the individual and the other set from
The optimal temperature at which Taq polymerase
the father. Gametes (i.e., ova and spermatozoa)
acts to extend the primers is 72°C. Cycles are
are haploid and contain only one set of chromo-
generally repeated about 30 times to theoretically
somes (23 chromosomes in human gametes), so
yield 230 DNA molecules. The three steps of each
that upon fertilization, a diploid zygote is formed.
cycle are termed denaturation (94°C), annealing of
primers (~55°C), and extension of primers (72°C).
The other methods listed, nucleic acid sequence–
based amplification, strand displacement amplifi-
cation, and transcription-mediated amplification,

36. separates DNA by size such that the larger fragments

travel shorter distances than smaller fragments, then
answers & rationales

B. Most of the lifetime of a cell is spent in G1

the larger fragment in the affected individual caused
phase, during which the cells can produce their
by the expansion of the trinucleotide repeat would
specialized proteins and accomplish their essential
be represented in Color Plate 55■ by lane 4 of the
functions. However, when the signal is received for
cell division, the cell enters S phase. In S phase, the
DNA in all chromosomes is duplicated. At the end
of S phase, the duplicated chromosomes remain 39.
attached at the centromere. A time delay, G2, sepa- B. Amplification methods can be automated and
rates events of the actual separation of individual standardized, which is proven by the variety of
chromosomes from their duplicated pairs. Next, test systems presently on the market. Amplifica-
the M phase or mitosis is when the two members tion methods are very sensitive and theoretically
of each pair of chromosomes go to opposite ends can detect one target DNA molecule in a sample.
of the original cell. This separates 46 chromosomes However, increased sensitivity raises the likelihood
into two sets of 23 in each cell. Finally, a cleavage of false positive results due to contamination of
furrow is formed and separates the original cell testing areas with PCR amplicons. In addition,
into two daughter cells. Each cell contains a copy most amplification methods can be completed
of all the genetic information from each parent. within 4–6 hours and can detect microorganisms
that do not grow readily by standard culture tech-
niques. At this time, test reagents are still expen-
37. sive, although if decreased turn-around time would
C. Purified DNA is relatively stable provided it translate into shorter hospital stays, then resultant
is reconstituted in buffer that does not contain healthcare costs could be reduced by use of these
DNases. Therefore, high-quality reagents and methods in the clinical laboratory. A disadvantage
type I sterile water should be used in preparing of amplification technologies is that they require
buffers for this purpose. Experiments have shown a unique set of primers for each target DNA
that purified DNA is stable for as long as 3 years being sought. Thus, amplification techniques may
at refrigerated temperature (4°C). However, long- be replaced by use of DNA microarrays because
term storage of purified DNA is best accom- thousands of genes can be assessed at one time,
plished at −20 to −70°C in a freezer that is not rather than a limited number of molecules of
frost free to avoid freeze-thaw cycles that may interest being assayed.
damage DNA and by dividing the original DNA
sample into multiple small aliquots for storage.
A. RT-PCR is used to detect gene expression;
38. genes are expressed by transcription into mRNA.
C. Refer to Color Plate 55■. Given that the probe The starting material for RT-PCR is mRNA. The
used will recognize the trinucleotide repeat found in only method listed whose target sequence is found
the fragile X gene, FMR-1, the location of positive in mRNA is RT-PCR. Transcription-mediated
signals will give information about the size of the amplification targets are usually rRNA. In ribotyp-
repeat sequence within each person’s DNA. The ing, rRNA probes detect rRNA genes present in
normal allele for FMR-1 has 6–50 trinucleotide total bacterial DNA; bacteria can be grouped on
repeats, the premutation for FMR-1 contains 50–200 the basis of resulting banding patterns. Multiplex
trinucleotide repeats (found in unaffected individu- PCR describes a method in which DNA is the tar-
als), and the disease allele (found in affected indi- get or template, and several different primer sets
viduals) has >200 repeats. Because electrophoresis are included in the reaction mix.

41. procedures necessary to avoid contamination

include dedicated areas for reagent prepara-

answers & rationales

D. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) has an RNA tion, impeccable technique, amplification and
genome, and thus a reverse transcription step post-amplification analysis, and use of aerosol-
is needed to convert RNA into complementary barrier pipette tips. Treatment of work surfaces,
DNA for use in the subsequent PCR that makes equipment, and pipettors with UV light can also
multiple copies of the target sequence. RT- be used to prevent contamination.
PCR is both highly specific and sensitive. Viral
load testing also requires that the methodology
be quantitative. Quantification can be accom-
plished by qPCR techniques or by inclusion of
a known amount of a synthetic nucleic acid, a
quantification standard (QS), in the sample. The
QS binds the same primers as the viral target,
and so the kinetics of amplification for both
may be assumed to be approximately equal.
The viral target and QS are coamplified in the
same reaction, and the raw data are manipulated
mathematically to determine the viral load pres-
ent in the specimen. To detect genetic sequences
specific for the human leukocyte antigen loci,
bacteria, and gene mutations, the starting mate-
rial is usually DNA; therefore, PCR methods,
rather than RT-PCR, would be employed.

A. The sensitivity of amplification techniques
can be viewed as a double-edged sword. On
one hand, the techniques have allowed detec-
tion of genetic sequences that are found in
limited numbers within a sample. However,
because the method creates large amounts of
target sequence, the areas within the labora-
tory can become contaminated with ampli-
cons. Amplicon contamination produces false
positive results. The use of dUTP in the reac-
tion mix results in PCR products (i.e., ampli-
cons) containing uracil in place of thymidine.
The enzyme used to decrease contamination
of previously generated dU-containing ampli-
cons is uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG). Samples
are pretreated with this enzyme before their use
in subsequent PCR reactions to remove con-
taminating dU-containing amplicons if present.
Pretreatment with UNG has no effect on sam-
ple DNA containing thymidine residues. Other

43–45. of cycle #2, four dsDNA products are produced.

Intermediate-length products, larger than the tar-
answers & rationales

(45:D, 46:B, 47:C)

get sequence of interest (4A and 4B length) but
Questions 45–47 are associated with Color Plates smaller than the original DNA template (1A:1B),
56a■ and b■. A PCR is depicted in Color Plates are present. In subsequent cycles, the precise
56a■ and b■. It is the prototype of target ampli- length target sequence is amplified most efficiently
fication methods. Traditional PCR is the in vitro and becomes the preferred target for amplifica-
equivalent of DNA replication in vivo. The compo- tion. At each cycle, the number of copies doubles
nents of PCR are a DNA template (containing tar- such that after N doublings, 2N−2, copies of tar-
get sequence of interest), a set of oligonucleotide get are produced. For example, after 30 cycles, 228
primers (that flank the region of interest), building amplicons = 2.68 × 108 (over a billion) copies are
blocks of deoxynucleotide triphosphates (dATP, made.
dCTP, dGTP, TTP, collectively referred to as
dNTPs), and a heat-stable DNA polymerase (e.g.,
Taq polymerase) and buffer providing optimal con- 46.
ditions for primer annealing and DNA synthesis. C. Refer to Color Plate 57■. Factor V Leiden
Optimal salt concentrations (e.g., KCl) are needed mutation (A506G) causes activated protein C resis-
for annealing of primers. In addition, optimal con- tance that results in increased risk of hypercoagu-
centrations of the divalent cation Mg2+, a cofactor lability. The mutation destroys a MnlI restriction
for Taq polymerase that determines the fidelity of enzyme site in an amplified 223 bp PCR product
DNA replication in vitro, are essential. PCR consists from patient DNA. From the electrophoretic pat-
of cycles of three steps: (1) denaturation of doubl tern, wild-type or normal factor V will show three
stranded oligonucleotide primers to comple- bands after MnlI digestion (104 bp, 82 bp, and
mentary sequence in denatured template, and (3) 37 bp), as in patients 1, 4, and 5. The pattern seen
DNA synthesis catalyzed by Taq polymerase. Dur- with patient 2 is that of a homozygous mutant
ing synthesis, primers are extended in the 5¿ S with two bands (141 bp and 82 bp). In the hetero-
3¿ direction, adding adenine, guanine, cytosine, zygous patient 3, one allele is normal and the other
and thymidine nucleotide bases into the growing is mutant. Thus, the banding pattern results in four
chain according to the complementary sequence bands (141 bp, 104 bp, 82 bp, and 37 bp). Some-
to which it is bound. The steps generally occur at times, the 37 bp fragment band is not seen because
the following temperatures and duration: denatur- it is below detectable levels.
ation Ú 94°C (20–60 seconds); annealing (depen-
dent on base sequences of primers) between 55
and 65°C (20–90 seconds); and DNA synthesis at
72°C, the optimal temperature for Taq polymerase
(10–60 seconds). The resulting cDNA products
are called amplicons. Starting with one dsDNA
molecule (1A:1B) containing a target sequence,
denaturation separates the dsDNA template
into two ssDNA strands (1A and 1B). Next, the
temperature is lowered to a point where specific
hybridization of each primer to its complementary
sequence in the denatured strands occurs. Then,
the temperature is increased to 72°C, and exten-
sion of the primers ensues. At the end of cycle #1,
two dsDNA parent (1) daughter (2) hybrid mol-
ecules result (i.e., 1A:2B and 1B:2A). At the end

47. 48.

answers & rationales

D. The translocation resulting in the Philadelphia B. Color Plate 58■ is graphic display of a real-
(Ph) chromosome can be detected by RT-PCR, time PCR (i.e., qPCR) for cytomegalovirus (CMV).
Southern blot, and cytogenetic analysis. The pres- Real-time PCR assays can measure the amount of
ence of a Ph chromosome confirms the diagnosis starting target sequence (i.e., template in sample)
of chronic myelogenous leukemia. The Ph chro- accurately. Rather than measuring PCR product
mosome is a shortened chromosome 22 that arises generated at the stationary or endpoint of the PCR
from a reciprocal translocation involving the long assay, qPCR analysis is done as PCR products are
arms of chromosomes 9 and 22. This transloca- formed (i.e., during the exponential phase) where
tion involves the proto-oncogene c-ABL, normally time needed to detect fluorescence is inversely
present on chromosome 9q34, and the BCR gene proportional to the amount of starting template
on chromosome 22q11. The juxtaposition of ABL (i.e., the shorter the time to accumulate signal, the
with BCR results in the formation of a BCR-ABL more starting material). Optimal threshold level is
fusion gene, which is subsequently transcribed into based on the background or baseline fluorescence
a chimeric BCR-ABL mRNA that is ultimately and the peak fluorescence in the reaction and is
translated into a chimeric BCR-ABL protein prod- automatically determined by the instrument. Using
uct. Traditionally, this rearrangement can be seen 10-fold dilutions of known positive standards, a
cytogenetically by visualization of the patient’s standard curve can be made. The qPCR cycle at
karyotype (i.e., metaphase spread of patient’s which sample fluorescence crosses the threshold is
chromosomes). Techniques have been developed the threshold cycle (CT). Using the standard curve
in which fluorescent-labeled probes for this gene based on DNA of known concentration, the start-
rearrangement can be used to probe the patient’s ing amount of target sequence in each sample can
metaphase or interphase spread, called fluores- be determined by its CT. Fluorescence versus CT is
cence in situ hybridization. Molecular methods to an inverse relationship. The more starting material,
check for this gene rearrangement include South- the fewer cycles it takes to reach the fluorescence
ern blotting and RT-PCR. PCR cannot be used threshold (i.e., large amounts of fluorescence accu-
for this particular gene rearrangement because mulate in a short time). The CT for sample 5 is 21,
BCR/abl breakpoints span large segments of sample 4 is 25, and sample 11 is 38; therefore, sam-
DNA, which prevents direct PCR testing. Instead, ple 5 has more CMV copies than sample 4, which
RT-PCR is used. The BCR/abl chimeric mRNA is has more CMV copies than all the other samples
used as a template because primer annealing sites with CT values indicated, including sample 11 with
in the breakpoint region of the mRNA are of a the least CMV. The samples below the threshold
smaller size, suitable for amplification. fluorescence of 30 are negative for CMV.

Alberts, B., et al. (Ed.) (2017). Essential Cell Biology, 3rd ed. St. Louis: Elsevier.
Buckingham, L. (2007). Molecular Diagnostics: Fundamentals, Methods, & Clinical Applications, 3rd ed.
Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.
Coleman, W., and Tsongalis, G. (Eds.) (2012). Molecular Diagnostics for the Clinical Laboratorian, 2nd ed.
Totowa, NJ: Humana Press.
Rifai, N., et al. (2018) Principles and Applications of Molecular Diagnostics. St. Louis: Elsevier.

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