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In 2022, a study conducted showed that up to 59% young adults are suffering from stress.

Stress is a psychological condition that results from adverse surroundings. As a student, we

must understand why stress arises and the consequences of stress so that we can manage
stress better.
There are many factors that contribute to the rise of stress among students. Firstly, the
amount of homework given to students on a daily basis may overwhelm them in a prolonged
period of time. The pressuring demand to finish all the homework on time places an invisible
strain on the students’ mental health. Secondly, some students face immense pressure resulting
from their parents’ high expectancy. Some parents dictate that their children do not need any
form of entertainment as they only need to spend all of their time on revision. These conditions
are emotionally draining, resulting in stress among the students.
According to health experts, if stress is not managed properly students may face certain
consequences detrimental to themselves. One of the consequences is the deterioration of
students’ academic performance. This is because students are unable to focus on their studies
as they are constantly worried about the hypothetical future. Besides that, some students who
are overly pessimistic may delve negatively into suicidal ,thoughts. They believe that death is an
all cure solution so by committing suicide they would be free from all the condemnations.
It is important for us students to manage our stress well. One of the significance of
managing stress is to ensure a healthy lifestyle. If stress is not addressed properly, a student’s
normal routine may be affected as they tend to spend more time worrying about the stressful
situations than facing it upfront. In addition, it is important for students to manage their stress so
that they can convert distress into eustress. In other words, students should be encouraged to
view problems and conflicts in an optimistic view, taking them as challenges instead of burdens.
In conclusion, it is important for students to manage their stress so that they can live a
fruitful life. Hence, parents and teachers should work hand in hand to ensure that students can
live a mentally healthy life.

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