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Brief description of the procedure to arrive at the final product or prototype of our
classroom project.

How do we look for ideas to do the classroom project?

First of all, we analyzed the social environment among the entire
1TM13 group and wanted to focus on the problem of people
with visual disabilities.
Once we had the point very clear, we made teams in which we
looked for different ideas in which I could increase this method.
But first, what is Braille? This is
a tactile reading and writing
system designed for blind or
visually impaired people. It
was invented by the
Frenchman Louis Braille.
Braille adapts to the alphabet
of each language and there
are different variants
depending on the type of
text you want to write or read.
Our goal as such is to do research to prepare, reason and look
for a strategy, but how are we going to achieve it?
Here comes the most interesting part, since in order to choose
this topic, we came to the idea that it would be very useful for us
as a student society to learn and develop one more skill, but also
for teachers to know and teach classes with this.
We usually don't realize that as a society we don't give
importance to the disabilities that exist in our environment until
we live them.
Our first product is a manual which consists of showing how
Braille is understood. This can be made with different materials
from wood to aluminum, but with the only condition that it has
the appropriate reliefs to understand each of the words with this
dot code.
And our second product consists of a book or story in Braille
which can be read by anyone with the help of the
aforementioned guide.

Steps to create the dashboard.

1. Look for ideas from different braille manuals brainstorming.
2. Choose a clear idea which was a board in which the
alphabet and numbers were made known.
3. Choosing the material to be able to send it to be made at
this point we came to the idea that it could be made of
wood or aluminum.
4. Send it to a carpentry or printing shop to do it with a
specific design.
5. And the board is ready.

Elaboration of the story

1. Start writing a very simple story.
2. Write it in Braille.

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