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Writing evaluation

Two weeks ago my dad asked me to go help clean out the barn at the neighbor's old farm.
My neighbor is a really old person so he couldn't do it alone and my dad had punished me so
i hadn't choice. At first, I didn't like being here, it was too much work! but now i have been
listening to Mr Johnson's childhood stories while i work and i really like them, especially one
of them.
He said that when he was a child, around five or six years, aliens tried to kidnap him! He
says that all had started a week before when, one morning, his little sister and he decided to
go to play in the corn fields near their house, then, they yelled at their father to see that
some strange symbols had appeared on the field.
After that everything got worse,little by little these strange signs spread to many parts of the
world, also, the animals in certain areas began to be very aggressive, as the days passed,
the television signals were lost, only the radio remained, it was the only means by which they
could have contact with the rest of the world.
He says that at first his father did not believe that the Earth was being invaded but he ended
up being convinced when he saw all the strange things that were happening on the farm.
The only thing his father wanted was for his children to feel safe and stop feeling afraid.

Mr. Johnson told me that the day came when strange lights covered the sky, then, his father
decided to cover all the doors and windows of his house with wood, when they finished, he
and his family hid in the basement. They spent a really difficult night, full of fear and
uncertainty. Mr. Johnson told me that there in the basement they heard knocking on the
windows, on the ceiling and eventually they also heard footsteps throughout the house. They
approached the basement but the only thing the aliens did was scratch the doors for several
hours until dawn.
At the next morning, they came out because the noise stopped and, on the radio they had
said that the horrible situation was over but, when they went to the living room, they noticed
that an alien had stayed on the earth and then, the alien caught Mr. Johnson.
He says he fell asleep out of nowhere and when he woke up, the alien was gone. His father
told him that it was necessary to fight a little against that thing, and that when his father felt
that he couldn’t win, he noticed that the water hurt the alien's skin, so he managed to get it
wet and it escaped.
I don't know if this is a true story, I don't think so, but I love it.

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