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Journal of Water Process Engineering 52 (2023) 103480

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Current status, gaps and challenges of rendering industries wastewater

Felipe Matheus Müller, Débora de Oliveira, Camila Michels *
Department of Chemical Engineering and Food Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina 88040-900, Brazil


Keywords: The consumption of products of animal origin (PAO) has drastically increased in the last 50 years. Alongside,
Rendering industry animal by-products' residues generation increased as they were generated during PAO processing. Rendering
Rendering wastewater industries are the main route to add value to these residues, leading to a higher amount of raw material that
Wastewater treatment
increases production and residue generation, such as gaseous effluents and wastewater. Regarding rendering
Wastewater valorisation
wastewater treatment, literature is still scarce on treatments and valorisation processes. In this context, this
paper is the first review and bibliometric analysis of rendering wastewater, focusing on approaching treatment
and valorisation processes proposed in the literature, pointing out its gaps and future perspectives. Biological and
physicochemical processes are approached by literature. The majority of research papers addresses biological
process, meanwhile recent literature focus on physicochemical processes. Literature indicates that whereas
different streams of wastewater are generated in the rendering industry, the possibility of segregation plays a
major role in the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) configuration. Valorisation of the rendering wastewater
can generate added value products, such as FOG-rich sludge (reprocessed as raw material), protein and biogas,
besides treated water for irrigation, hygiene and vapour generation. Therefore, combining different steps of
biological and physicochemical processes during the rendering wastewater treatment can enhance its efficiency,
enabling its valorisation.

1. Introduction odours, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy epidemic), and is usually

located in remote regions and near to PAO industries [5–7]. Therefore,
The rendering industry is a vital branch for value aggregation on advancements are needed to evaluate possibilities around the rendering
animal by-products residue generated on products of animal origin industry processes and its wastes.
(PAO) industries. Eight billion animals are processed annually by PAO The lack of reviews regarding the wastewater from the rendering
industries worldwide, leading to 340 million tons of PAO per year, three industry also contributes to the smaller scientific outlook, making it
times more when compared to 50 years ago [1]. However, this number difficult for researchers to get in touch with this theme's status quo and
represents only the portion appropriated for human consumption further research lines enhancement.
(52–68 %), leaving behind an unsettling amount of animal by-products Rendering industries have distinct wastewater streams, with a
from slaughter and meat processing, which represents about 32 to 48 % slightly different compositions according to the generation point.
of the total weight of the processed animals [2,3]. Therefore, allocation Overall, it is composed of fats, oils, and greases (FOG); total (TS) and
of this huge residue generation from PAO requires alternative disposal volatile suspended solids (VSS); and ammoniacal nitrogen, presenting
strategies, such as rendering plants. high total and soluble chemical oxygen demand (COD). These charac­
Despite having a green bias from its raw material, the rendering teristics make this type of wastewater a potential source of nutrients and
activity also can generate environmental impacts, due to the waste energy recovery.
generated in the rendering processes. This subject is scarcely Proteins and fats from animal tissues are the raw material of the
approached by scientific literature, especially in the context of waste­ rendering plants, thus they can be found in the wastewater. Slightly
water, with most of the published papers focusing on odour mitigation variations might occur regarding the raw material (i) freshness; (ii)
[4]. Plausible reasons for the lack of scientific material on the field can animal of origin (e.g., poultry, cattle, fish or swine) and (iii) processed
be related to unpleasant situations reported by stakeholders (e.g., strong part (e.g., viscera, blood, bones) [8–10].

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (D. de Oliveira), (C. Michels).
Received 5 October 2022; Received in revised form 9 December 2022; Accepted 29 December 2022
Available online 17 January 2023
2214-7144/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.M. Müller et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 52 (2023) 103480

Rendering wastewater composition is similar to slaughterhouses and effluents; (ii) the studied wastewater was mixed with streams from other
other industries in the PAO segment [11,12], such as pet food and industries, affecting comparison due to wastewater composition; (iii) the
frigorific industries. A comparison of applied treatments and valor­ industry process only animal derivatives, like dairy products, due to the
isation processes among these industries seems possible if the differ­ composition of the wastewater from these industries; (iv) the article
ences are considered, like the greater concentration of proteins (like dealt with purely theoretical studies, not proposing and presenting
collagen) and fatty products (FOG) resulting from the severe processing practical processes evaluation; or (v) the article dealt with mathematical
of animal tissue. modelling based on data extracted solely from the literature.
The wastewater treatment usually employed by rendering industries
lacks on nutrient and energy recovery. The state-of-art of processes used 3. Systematic review
to treat this nutrient-rich wastewater includes physicochemical
approach (e.g., dissolved air flotation), requiring high operational costs Forty-one research articles were eligible according to inclusion and
and sludge generation [13,14]; or biological processes that seek opti­ exclusion criteria after screening (Fig. 1). Papers fitted to frameworks
mization and procedural feasibility. However, there is a lack of research are shown in each section below considering the wastewater charac­
on by-product valorisation due to high investment operationalization or teristics, main purpose, applied processes, hypotheses, and conclusions.
specific pre-treatments [6,13,15]. Most studies unrelated to PAO industries found over the searching
In this context, this review aims to identify the current state-of-art on process mentioned the rendering industry in their abstracts but did not
wastewater treatment, valorisation, and potential processes for the study its wastewater. Only fourteen articles that cite a direct relationship
treatment and reuse of rendering industries liquid residue. This is the with the rendering industry and present similar wastewater were
first review to evaluate literature processes regarding this theme since selected for further discussion.
no published study has ever presented this proposed strategy. The sub­ Indexation issues were identified among the assessed articles, mainly
ject's recent scientific literature was pointed out and deeply discussed in due to the misuse of terms to refer to the rendering industry, such as the
a systematic review and bibliometric analysis, leading to preponderant terms “pet food” and “feed industry”. These issues were the leading
aspects and future perspectives. reasons for full-text analysis in the inclusion step in order to include
papers that study the rendering wastewater but do not address this in­
2. Bibliometric analysis dustry as a rendering plant, like rendering plants attached to
State-of-art was evaluated through a systematic literature search, The evolution of publications (Fig. S.1) presented a small number of
with hybrid structure review, framework fitting, and trend analysis articles published from 1985 to 2000 (8 papers), with a gradual growth
using bibliometrics [16] following the Preferred Reporting Items for after 2003, reaching its peak in 2006, with 8 papers solely published in
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines regarding 2006, totalizing 22 papers. A substantial decrease occurred until 2015
the systematic review step [17]. Document gathering was conducted with only 07 papers published. After 2017, a slight growth appeared,
from March 2022 to June 2022 on the SCOPUS and Web of Science adding up to 12 papers until 2022. Altogether, 41 papers were published
databases, chosen accordingly to their representativeness for the pro­ in 50 years, representing a small engagement on this subject. However,
posed theme, availability of document searching, and exporting tools. the growing publication tendency in recent years (2017–2022) suggests
The search terms were applied along Boolean Operators as follows: an increasing interest of researchers in proposing/optimizing treatments
(wastewater* OR effluent*) AND (rendering OR “feed industr*” OR “pet for rendering wastewater.
food” OR “animal by-product*”), searched within title, abstract and This lack of publications might be enhanced through strategies
keywords. A group of words that refer to the matrix of interest was related to publication growth, namely review articles, which are a gap in
considered as follows: wastewater; and the second group of words that this field. Thus, this review fills a gap in this field as it analyses what has
refer to the industry of interest, considering the different terms that been studied, pointing out future perspectives.
appear for the rendering industry in the literature. The documents were Rendering industries have several streams (Fig. 2) and the possibility
collected in a range of 50 years (1972 to 2022). of segregation after their generation might interfere with whether val­
Documents were exported to Mendeley Reference Management orisation or treatment process will be applied. Streams that can be
Software and separated according to document type following the separated from others seem more fittable to valorisation processes,
database tags (i.e., articles, books and book chapters and others). Arti­ enabling FOG and proteins recovery due to structural upkeeping of
cles were grouped into a single database, duplicates were excluded, and species and less contamination by other compounds (such as streams 2
segregated as research and review articles according to titles and ab­ to 7 in Fig. 2) [9,14,18,19].
stracts. Review articles were considered for analysis and potential use in The studies addressed herein were fitted to frameworks (main pur­
reference to the literature. Research articles were filtered by the eligi­ pose of the study, process employed, main hypothesis and conclusions),
bility criteria with full-text analysis and further considered over the and stated as biological and physicochemical processes. Biological
systematic review and bibliometric analysis. Only research articles in a processes were the most cited, including pre-treatments and secondary
range of 16 years (from 2006 to 2022) were considered for state-of-art treatments. The following topics consider that all of these research pa­
frameworks and discussion to establish the latest scenario on this pers investigated established biological processes, lacking in proposing
branch. Articles before this date range were case studies applying bio­ recent and innovative research (e.g., bioelectrochemical processes). On
logical processes, being studied later in the proposed data range. the other hand, physicochemical processes represented the most recent
The inclusion criteria considered: (i) articles that focused on waste­ research, covering primary and tertiary treatments. Separation pro­
water; (ii) articles where the origin of the wastewater was rendering cesses were the main subjects of these papers, with economic feasibility
industries, attached or not to other industrial establishments; and (iii) against current processes, operationalization, and by-products valori­
articles that studied PAO industries wastewater (not characterized as zation with a real-scale application as topics yet to be studied (e.g.,
rendering plants according to the authors) that did not have rendering- membranes permeate and condensate, exhausted adsorbent). In both
related activities (considering the case of attached rendering industries cases, favorable processes applied to similar wastewater were cited as
to other industrial establishments). Articles from the third criterion were potential future research in the field. A general guiding scheme is pre­
not considered in the bibliometric analysis and systematic review, being sented in Fig. 3, considering all cited treatment possibilities and stream
only addressed during discussions due to the similarity of the variation according to Fig. 2.
Articles were excluded if: (i) the focus was a solid waste or gaseous

F.M. Müller et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 52 (2023) 103480

Fig. 1. PRISMA flow diagram describing the papers selection process for systematic review and the amount (n) of documents related to each step.

4. Biological processes As well as slaughterhouses wastewater, the rendering wastewater

composition presents key substrates to anaerobic digestion, namely fats
Biological processes were the first approaches to rendering waste­ and proteins (mainly from streams 2 to 7 and 9 in Fig. 2). Woon and
water treatment and are the most widely studied (Fig. 4). The authors Othman [22] assessed the possibility of AD in rendering raw waste­
focused on optimization to remove organic material from wastewater water, as well as other solid streams in the industry (e.g., dissolved air
and applied it as a secondary treatment (Table 1). However, recent flotation sludge). The authors stated that the rendering wastewater has a
publications are mainly focused on primary and tertiary treatments, high potential to be valorised with AD, mainly due to biogas production.
creating a gap around biological processes optimization and assessment FOG-rich wastewater is a feasible supply to biogas production as
of novelty processes. stated by Diamantis et al. [23]. It was estimated that biogas production
could reach 1000 m3 per ton of FOG in AD. However, studies on eco­
nomic feasibility considering operational expenses compared to other
4.1. Anaerobic digestion processes are yet to be covered.
Apart from solids content, removed amid primary treatment, FOG is
Anaerobic digestion (AD) (Fig. 4 (a)) is a biological process where one of the main concerns in this case, due to low solubility through the
organic matter is broken down, producing valuable by-products (i.e., process, decreasing digestion efficiency and leading to foaming and pipe
biogas). The mechanism of this process is composed of four steps: (i) clogging [23,24]. Along with rendering wastewater AD, the most un­
hydrolysis, (ii) acidogenesis, (iii) acetogenesis and (iv) methanogenesis settling factor is inhibition. The FOG and protein content itself plays a
[20]. Anaerobic digestion is usually applied to similar wastewater, like determining role in the process efficiency. Triglycerides and proteins,
slaughterhouses [21].

F.M. Müller et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 52 (2023) 103480

Fig. 2. Rendering industry usual wastewater streams.

Fig. 3. General scheme representing studied and potential processes to be applied in each step of a rendering wastewater treatment plant.

naturally occurring in the wastewater, and by-products generated, such generated; (ii) emulsification, generating non-inhibition substrates yet
as volatile free acids, are some of the concerns that require further requiring a high amount of electricity and specific systems; (iii)
investigation [22,25]. surfactant-addition, enabling other wastes valorisation as biosurfactants
Potential pre-treatments are proposed in order to decrease FOG in­ (i.e., bile) and increasing FOG solubility, which also leads to foaming
hibition: (i) saponification, with a simple design, but chemically costly issues; (iv) thermal processing, enhancing initial hydrolysis in AD but
and potential inhibition with long-chain fatty acid (LCFA) salts highly electric energy consumption; and (v) enzymatic hydrolysis,

F.M. Müller et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 52 (2023) 103480

Fig. 4. Biological processes principles representation and usual equipment configuration.

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Table 1
Framework of studies focused on biological processes assessed in the systematic review according to defined criteria.
Wastewater Main purpose Process Main Hypothesis Main Conclusions Reference

DAF wastewater Energy recovery Microbial Electrolysis Cell - Electric energy can be - Long chain fatty acids inhibited Xie et al. [33]
generated after treatment. conversion.
Raw wastewater Nitrogen removal Nitrification and anammox - Nitrogen can be removed - Stoichiometry as the main challenge. Silveira et al. [29]
after treatment. - Residual organic material led to
Raw wastewater Nitrogen removal Nitrification and activated - Nitrogen can be removed - Nitrification was compromised by Auterská and Novák [31]
sludge after treatment. ammonium inhibition and low carbon.
- Activated sludge bulking was controlled
with macronutrients dosage.
DAF wastewater Floc formation Activated sludge - Floc formation is influenced - Bulking and sedimentation controlled Basuvaraj et al. [28]
problems by the medium species. with aeration and substrate dosage.
Raw wastewater Wastewater Anaerobic digestion - Wastewater can be treated by - Dissolved air flotation sludges could be Woon and Othman [22]
treatment anaerobic digestion. treated along raw wastewater.
- Biogas production showed high potential
on the raw wastewater.
Raw wastewater Wastewater Enzymatic hydrolysis with - Enzymatic hydrolysis - FOG and COD removal were 33 % and 42 Jeganathan et al. [39]
treatment anaerobic digestion enhances anaerobic digestion. % higher after pre-treatment.
- Biogas production was 18 % higher than
raw wastewater.
Raw wastewater Wastewater Enzymatic hydrolysis - Enzymatic hydrolysis - FOG and COD removal above 90 %. Jeganathan et al. [40]
treatment enhances anaerobic digestion. - Higher FOG concentration led to
adsorption on beads and solubilization.
DAF wastewater Wastewater Membrane bioreactor - Wastewater can be treated by - High organic material and nutrient Acharya et al. [37]
treatment membrane bioreactors. removal.
- Nitrite formation needs to be controlled
as it can inhibit the process.
DAF wastewater Wastewater Membrane bioreactor - Wastewater can be treated by - High organic material and nutrient Acharya et al. [35]
treatment membrane bioreactors. removal.
- Anoxic zone needs to be optimized.
DAF wastewater Wastewater Membrane bioreactor - Wastewater can be treated by - High organic material and nutrient Acharya et al. [36]
treatment membrane bioreactors. removal.
- Membrane-like concerns on scale
upgrade are needed.
Raw wastewater Wastewater Membrane bioreactor - Wastewater can be treated by - Lower efficiency at higher COD Kurian et al. [38]
treatment membrane bioreactors. concentrations.
- Higher temperature enhances the
Raw wastewater Wastewater Enzymatic hydrolysis - Pre-treatment may enhance - 50 % of FOG content was hydrolysed Jeganathan et al. [41]
treatment treatments. during pre-treatment.
- High recovery (65 %) and remaining
activity (70 %) of applied enzyme.

breaking inhibitors molecules into soluble and digestible substrates, but highlighted that the solids retained within the generated sludge are
presenting high operational costs due to the enzyme application reprocessed by the industry as raw material. At this point, a potential by-
[23–26]. product within aerobic digestion application arises. However, studies on
Being a consolidated method, AD shows potential application to composition and quality parameters (e.g., acidity and peroxide indexes)
value rendering wastewater. Biomethanation of this wastewater is a are needed to evaluate reprocessing feasibility.
promising fact to the FOG content usually considered a problem in the
course of secondary treatment. Even though it is already a widely 4.3. Nitrogen removal processes
studied process, biogas production efficiency is a trending topic, open­
ing doors for novelty in pre-treatments. The typical ammoniacal nitrogen content in rendering wastewater
(100 to 800 mg/L) leads wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) to seek
4.2. Aerobic digestion efficient nitrogen removal. Among biological processes, nitrification and
denitrification (NAD) (Fig. 4 (c)) are the most common ones. With NAD,
Aerobic digestion (Fig. 4 (b)) is used to degrade organic material in ammoniacal nitrogen removal occurs through aerobic and anoxic pha­
an aerated medium. When compared to AD, it presents smaller capital ses, where ammonium is oxidized to nitrite and then nitrate, further
costs but also generates a huge amount of sludge poor in dewaterability, reduced to molecular nitrogen, respectively [29,30].
requires a high supply of oxygen, is usually influenced by the environ­ Auterská and Novák [31] compared NAD in four rendering industries
ment (e.g., temperature), and lacks in generating valuable by-products within three years. All the systems were coupled with activated sludge,
[27]. after primary treatment. The main issues were viscous and filamentous
A small number of papers (07) studied aerobic digestion in rendering bulking, and ammonium and nitrate inhibition. Shortage of suspended
wastewater, usually coupled with membrane bioreactors or along material and poor nutritional content (e.g., phosphorus, magnesium,
nitrification and denitrification, as discussed in the following topics molybdenum, iron) retained in primary treatment led to these issues as
(topics 4.3 and 4.5). low-quality sludge formation and sedimentation performance occurred.
An aerobic digestion process with activated sludge, solely applied Sludge formation was controlled through micronutrient dosage, being
after raw wastewater screening and dissolved air flotation, was a case enhanced by pH control, and dosage of external carbon source. After
study brought by Basuvaraj et al. [28]. The authors demonstrated that system stabilization, up to 95 % nitrogen and 97 % COD were removed.
the main issue related to the process was the floc formation, which was However, at higher nitrogen content (> 200 ppm), as exposed by
controlled after aeration and external substrate dosage. It is also Silveira et al. [29], typical NAD processes tend to present low efficiency.

F.M. Müller et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 52 (2023) 103480

In this scenario, nitrification occurs partially, and a substantial amount evaluated at 65 %, with 70 % of remaining enzyme activity after the first
of ammonia is left behind. Based on this, the authors proposed nitrifi­ cycle. FOG conversion into LCFA was 50 % in batch essays, reaching 64
cation coupled with the anammox process (Fig. 4 (d)), where ammo­ % with continuous application. Along with FOG, COD removal was
nium is partially oxidized to nitrite, and then both species are converted similar (65 %). Pre-treating resulted in an even more efficient AD,
to diatomic nitrogen (N2) by anaerobic ammonia oxidation bacteria. reaching 0.46 LCH4/gCOD, 18 % higher than the raw wastewater (0.39
Nitrogen species stoichiometry was the main exposed challenge, being a LCH4/gCOD) [39]. However, as proposed by the authors, further studies
future topic of study around specific conditions for nitrogen species should address the optimization of the experimental condition,
content control, decreasing costs and labour related to external nitrogen including treatment of rendering wastewater with different enzymes,
species dosage. reactor designs, number of cycles until enzyme activity becomes un­
feasible, active-site competition by medium inhibitors, and without
4.4. Bioelectrochemical processes dilution (whereas the cited papers diluted it at 5 to 10 % by volume).
Within this subject, industrial enzymatic hydrolysis pre-treatment
Bioelectrochemical processes (BEP) aim to generate electricity and implementation must consider (i) enzyme type, where lipases seem to
chemicals (e.g., H2) along wastewater treatment. This product genera­ be the most applicable ones to hydrolyse the majority of FOG content;
tion occurs in reactors with different configurations, depending on their (ii) enzyme origin, being commercial or produced; (iii) enzyme avail­
goal, including microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and microbial electrolysis ability, to supply all the needed amount in the pre-treatment;
cells (MECs) [32]. Their applicability is related to the substrate present (iv) operationalization, whether this process will employ free or
in the wastewater. The FOG in rendering wastewater covers this immobilized enzymes; (v) interaction between FOG and the catalyst
requirement, being a precursor of LCFA, converted to small-chain fatty beads (if immobilized); and (iv) operational costs, comparing its feasi­
acids (SCFA): a carbon source to anode-respiring bacteria [33]. bility among commonly employed processes.
Xie et al. [33] approached the first study regarding this topic. The
high-fat content led to acetate production under anaerobic conditions, 4.7. Novel biological processes
which is consumed for electric energy production. Over an 80-day batch
cycle, 34.3 % of the COD was converted into electric energy. The main Biological processes are a great alternative for rendering wastewater
issue was LCFA inhibition to SCFA conversion. As shown by previous processing, mainly for its valorisation. Biogas, electricity, stable organic
studies (topic 4.6), future research may deal with this problem by sludge, and chemical compounds are a few of the products with added
employing enzymatic pre-treatments to hydrolyse these species into value), having a positive impact on the environment. Therefore, as
SCFA, enhancing microbial activity [25]. stated by the authors cited herein, biological treatment of rendering
The novelty of BEP, mainly for rendering wastewater, enables huge wastewater is a crucial step between primary and tertiary treatments
possibilities to be studied. Apart from the enzymatic pre-treatment cited due to its composition.
above, other gaps to be filled permeate the real-scale implementation of The lack of studies on novel biological processes provides opportu­
BEP, cost comparison considering the generated electricity feedback, nities to be tackled with future research. In this time gap (from the 2006
and the optimal way to couple BEP cells in the already structured peak of publication to 2022) new technologies for biological processes
WWTP. were developed. However, they were not applied to rendering waste­
water. Different configurations of AD bioreactors, such as anaerobic
4.5. Membrane bioreactors filters, baffled reactors, up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor,
anaerobic contactor reactor, and anaerobic ponds were successfully and
Aerobic digestion, as other cited processes, like NAD, can be coupled largely employed in similar wastewater [42,43]. Thus, AD applied to
with other techniques to enhance organic material and nutrient rendering wastewater, considering optimizing its parameters to the real-
removal. An increasing system following this trend is membrane scale application, and comparing each process, could provide en­
bioreactor (MBR) (Fig. 4 (e)). MBR consists of an aerated bioreactor hancements in this field.
coupled with membrane filtration at different calibres. Its application Aerobic systems, apart from MBRs, are also viable options for
has been widely increasing in the last 30 years [34]. rendering wastewater. Recently, biofilm reactors, namely moving bed
In rendering wastewater, MBRs studies are still scarce. Acharya et al. biofilm reactor, have been applied to minimize space, aeration costs and
[35–37] presented high COD and nitrogen removal (98 % and 99.8 %, medium influence. Intermittent sequencing batch reactor are also a
respectively) with MBR coupled with NAD. COD and solids concentra­ viable alternative, also presenting a high nitrogen removal. Application
tion, temperature and retention time influence the process, regulating of both processes in similar wastewater approaches possibilities around
the biological process and mass transfer flux [38]. its use in rendering wastewater treatment [42].
To scale up and analyse its feasibility, apart from aerobic-like con­
ditions already mentioned, lifetime and fouling on membranes need to 5. Physicochemical processes
be inspected, as well as cheaper membrane materials, and their influ­
ence on the mass transfer. Lifetime essays may predict whether coupling Physicochemical processes are the most recent published articles on
these steps may be positive, other than biological and separation pro­ this subject when compared to biological processes (Fig. 5). They can be
cessing separately. used in different steps of wastewater treatment: primary for ammoniacal
nitrogen recovery [10,44,45], fat and protein recovery [9,18,19,46,47]
4.6. Enzymatic hydrolysis and high solid content removal [48–52] and tertiary for higher removal
of stubborn components and disinfection through filtration
Enzymatic hydrolysis (Fig. 4 (f)) is a potential biological alternative [47–49,51,52] or oxidation [44] (Table 2).
to pre-treat wastewater which contain compounds that can be hydro­
lysed into molecules with higher biodegradability characteristics 5.1. Flotation
[24,39]. Hydrolytic enzymes can be used in wide applications. One of
them is lipolytic activity when FOG-content is a major concern, as stated Flotation (Fig. 5 (a)) is a separation technique applied as a pre­
on topic 4.1. liminary treatment step to high solid content wastewater [53]. Even
Jeganathan et al. [39–41] presented the first and only approaches to though its main idea is the removal of solids, it can be applied to recover
enzymatic pre-treatment of rendering wastewater. Immobilized lipase material of interest, as set about by Zak and Pawlak [46], who proposed
was applied through the process considering its recovery potential, the recovery of fat and protein from a rendering industry wastewater.

F.M. Müller et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 52 (2023) 103480

Fig. 5. Physicochemical processes principles representation and usual equipment configuration.

However, reprocessing the generated sludge in the rendering industry unsuitable to be reprocessed as raw material, such as high acidity and
depends on the flotation chemicals' toxicity and their impact on the peroxide index. As shown by the authors, acidity and peroxide index
structure of the recovered nutrients. (related to the fat content), respectively, were between 9.5 and 16.3
Zak and Pawlak [46] studied the application of a double chamber mgKOH/g and 2.4 to 5.8 meq/kg, rising to 48.6 mgKOH/g and 23 meq/kg
flotation system applying an air-saturated medium. This medium en­ during temperature varying from 25 to 30 ◦ C, and operational time
hances the same mechanism of a dissolved air flotation system, between 12 and 18 h. These situations might turn the generated product
commonly applied in the rendering industry, which is reshaped to unfeasible as raw material due to the instability of the cited parameters
enable the recovery of fat and protein in various stages [45,53]. This which might interfere with the final product of the industry.
restructuration led the authors to find an 85 % recovery of fat content in Along with acidity and peroxide indexes, fat constituents are essen­
the wastewater, presenting a maximum content of 2.3 % of protein. tial parameters to consider in the availability of reprocessing and its
Even though, the recovered products might present composition implementation, such as the storage space and maximum operation

F.M. Müller et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 52 (2023) 103480

Table 2
Framework of studies focused on physicochemical processes assessed in the systematic review according to defined criteria.
Wastewater Main purpose Process Main Hypothesis Main Conclusions Reference

Raw general Fat and protein - Flotation. - Wastewater fat and protein - Up to 85 % fat and 2.3 % protein recover. Zak and
wastewater recovery can be recovered and - Fat acidity and peroxide indexes appliable to Pawlak [46]
reprocessed. reprocessing in certain conditions.
Raw general Fat recovery - Electrocoagulation- - Wastewater fat can be - Long chain fatty acids were preserved and Xie et al. [50]
wastewater Electroflotation. recovered and reprocessed. concentrated.
- Current density, agitation time and sedimentation
time dependant process.
Secondary treated Ammoniacal - Electrochemical - Ammoniacal nitrogen can be - Cell configuration leads to different recoveries. Xie and Popat
wastewater nitrogen recovery Stripping. recovered from wastewater. - Wastewater composition imposes operation [45]
Aerobic digested Water recovery and - Pre-treatment: sand - Fouling can be minimized by - Pre-treatment with positive results regarding Racar et al.
wastewater wastewater filtration and wastewater pre-treatment. turbidity, COD, total carbon (TC), dissolved [51]
treatment ultrafiltration. organic carbon (DOC) and inorganic carbon (IC)
- Treatment: reverse removal, and decreased fouling.
osmosis or nanofiltration. - Permeate appliable to steam generation and
industry hygiene.
Aerobic digested Water recovery and - Pre-treatment: - Fouling can be minimized by - Pre-treatment with positive results regarding Racar et al.
wastewater wastewater coagulation. wastewater pre-treatment. turbidity and DOC removal and decreased. [52]
treatment - Treatment: - Wastewater without pre-treatment presented
nanofiltration. high fouling rate.
Aerobic digested Water recovery and - Pre-treatment: - Fouling can be minimized by - Pre-treatment with positive results regarding Racar et al.
wastewater wastewater coagulation and sand wastewater pre-treatment. turbidity and DOC removal, and decreased fouling. [49]
treatment filtration. - Wastewater without pre-treatment presented
- Treatment: high fouling rate.
Raw and aerobic Water recovery and - Pre-treatment: sand - Fouling can be minimized by - Pre-treatment with positive results regarding Racar et al.
digested wastewater filtration and wastewater pre-treatment. fouling, being structure-type dependant. [48]
wastewater treatment ultrafiltration. - Nanofiltration presents higher mass transfer and
- Treatment: reverse smaller fouling rate.
osmosis or nanofiltration. - Reverse osmosis presents purer permeate.
Ultrafiltered Wastewater - Nanofiltration and - Membrane technology can - Direct and cross flow shows highly efficient Zhou et al.
wastewater treatment Reverse Osmosis. be applied as a secondary processes. [47]
treatment to the wastewater. - Reverse osmosis present higher purity permeates.
- Cheaper process over the existing treatment in the
studied WWTP.
Sticky water Water, protein, and - Membrane Distillation. - Fat and protein can be - Temperature and mass transfer of ionic species Muster-
fat recovery reprocessed after wastewater are directly proportional. Slawitsch
concentration. - Temperature and permeate purity are inverse et al. [9]
- Membrane composition interferes on mass
transfer and permeate quality.
Sticky water Water, protein, and - Pre-treatment: metal - Sticky water can be treated - Pre-treatment can recover a high amount of fat Mostafa et al.
fat recovery microfiltration. through membrane and protein. [18]
- Treatment: membrane distillation. - Membrane composition interferes on mass
distillation. transfer and permeate quality.
- Long-term operation and cleaning need to be
Sticky water Water, protein, and - Forward and reverse - Fat and protein can be - Membrane process is cheaper than evaporation Zhou and
fat recovery osmosis. reprocessed after wastewater process. Husson [19]
concentration. - Stirring is directly proportional to mass transfer
in the beginning.
- Concentration fluctuations were contained.
Condensate Ammoniacal - Hydrophobic Membrane - Ammoniacal nitrogen can be - High amount of ammoniacal nitrogen can be Brennan et al.
wastewater nitrogen recovery Separation. recovered and repurposed as recovered. [14]
fertilizer. - Cost efficiency needs to be taken during
Raw, DAF and Prion inactivation - Ozonation. - Infectious prions can be - Presence of prions are settling dependant. Ding et al.
gravity-separated inactivated after treatment. - Pre-treated wastewater and organic material [44]
wastewater removal enhances prion inactivation.
Sticky water Protein recovery - Adsorption. - Protein can be recovered - Adsorbent dosage influences on its recovery. Verbeek et al.
from wastewater and - Recovered protein modifies adsorbent structure. [10]
repurposed. - Generated product application needs further

time. Oxidation due to the high-pressure medium tends to occur with air composition and toxicity are assessed.
flotation processes, degrading fat and protein quality [45]. This oxida­
tion may be one of the possibilities that led the acidity and peroxide 5.2. Coagulation and flocculation
index to rise between longer operational periods.
As shown, flotation is a viable option for the rendering industry Coagulation and flocculation (CF) processes (Fig. 5 (b)) are
wastewater. High-efficiency removal of solids makes it more feasible for commonly applied in wastewater treatment as a primary step to
wastewater to be treated on subsequent processes for organic material decrease the high content of suspended solids. Firstly, coagulants are
and nutrient removal. The retained solids can be disposed of as sludge or applied to the wastewater to neutralize particle charges, and further
valorised for reprocessing as raw material to the rendering plant if flocculant addition enhances particles binding into flocs. Formed flocs

F.M. Müller et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 52 (2023) 103480

are settled and separated by gravity. Cell configuration, cathodic pH and current density played important
Racar et al. [49,52] assessed CF as an alternative to the high solids roles in the process, reaching up to 99 % ammoniacal nitrogen recovery
content removal to decrease fouling within membrane separation. Racar as ammonia. Apart from these parameters, the correct functioning of this
et al. [52] presented fouling decreasing from 62.5 % to 3.2 % in the structure is dependent on the wastewater. Due to its composition,
posterior membrane treatment, mainly due to the high removal of different feeding strategies may be needed, as proposed by the authors to
turbidity, total carbon (56.1 %) and DOC (66.4 %) that occurred after CF prevent Cl2 formation from the high presence of Cl− in the treated
application. Racar et al. [49] obtained a 50 to 95 % fouling reduction wastewater.
through the removal of solids, directly influencing the removal of The cited characteristics represent the versatility of electrochemical
turbidity (96 %) and total carbon (75 %). processes, both in primary and tertiary treatments. Low costs are
For both studies, raw wastewater without CF showed a greater ten­ considered to be taken due to chemical agents (ECF) and energy demand
dency of fouling in the subsequent filtration steps. Fouling reduction (electrochemical stripping), but the comparison between the ordinary
differences are related to the studied membrane scales, with lower foul and proposed processes is yet to be studied in rendering wastewater.
in ultrafiltration against nanofiltration. Along with it, pilot and real-scale implementation are still needed to be
As well as the optimization of coagulant and flocculant dosage covered by these processes, evaluating its costs, applicability and
studied by these papers, CF operationalization also requires extensive operationalization considering the high loads of wastewater generated
training of operators due to strict dosage and pH requirements for a daily [63].
stable and functioning process [50,54].
Chemical coagulants and flocculants usually lead to a large amount 5.4. Membranes
of sludge generation after solid retention. Sludge filtration proposals are
present in the literature, such as the use of a sand filter by Racar et al. Membrane technologies (Fig. 5 (e)) are separation processes based
[52], but the retained sludge destination is still a gap in the literature in on pressure, thermal, electric or concentration-driven forces. Mem­
the case of rendering plants. Alike discussed on flotation, the retained branes are usually applied as tertiary treatment, removing recalcitrant
solids by CF might be available with natural coagulants and flocculants contaminants from previously treated wastewater [64]. Its application
application, as demonstrated by Bahrodin et al. [55]. These compounds in rendering wastewater treatment has been increasing in the literature
lead to a higher retention efficiency and lower sludge generation. Its in the past 6 years, generating aggregated value products from the
application is a potential study bias for the feasibility of the proposed condensate and water reclamation with the resulting permeate. How­
process, requiring an assessment of these products' availability and ever, its application still faces issues such as membrane pores fouling,
optimized parameters when applied to the rendering wastewater. decreasing mass transfer and process efficiency [9,48].
Therefore, CF presents high suspended solids retention, influencing Zhou et al. [47] brought up the first outlook with membranes on
turbidity and carbon removal. The resulting wastewater provides further nanofiltration and reverse osmosis processes. The membranes were
treatment approaches that usually lead to smaller efficiency with raw evaluated on direct and crossflow modes to determine whether config­
wastewater. The amount of sludge generated can be decreased with uration results as the most cost-efficient alternative. Although fitting
novel coagulants and flocculants, which also provides a potential rich- results occurred on both configurations, the direct flow appears to be the
nutrient material to be reprocessed along with the rendering plant. less expensive and easiest of operationalization. Both processes pre­
sented high TDS e COD reduction, reaching up to 98 % and 98 % for
5.3. Electrochemical processes nanofiltration and 91 % and 95 % for reverse osmosis, respectively.
Reverse osmosis resulted in higher purity of permeate due to its
Literature tackles electrochemical processes as treatments for permeability. The authors also compared ultrafiltration as a primary
wastewater valorisation through interest compounds recovery. The treatment for the high solids content removal with the existing dissolved
electrochemical mechanism is based on chemical reactions caused by an air flotation system, reaching a 62 % cheaper operation.
electrical current application. The applied current enhances reactions Racar et al. [48] related the problem of membrane fouling in their
solely caused by chemical agents on ordinary treatments, leading to studies, proposing CF [49,52] and larger-calibre membranes [48,51] as
novel processes based on their principles, like electrocoagulation- pre-treatments to reduce the solids content responsible for the decline in
electroflotation (ECF), electrolytic metal deposition, electrochemical membrane efficiency. The authors propose membrane separation as a
precipitation, and emulsion splitting electrolysis [56–58]. Since chem­ tertiary solution after secondary treatment to remove remaining con­
ical agents are no longer needed, reprocessing the recovered material taminants (e.g., nitrogen and chlorine species). All presented cases
might as well be an option [59]. demonstrated high removal of turbidity, total carbon and solids content,
ECF (Fig. 5 (c)) for rendering wastewater treatment was proposed by decreasing fouling in the tertiary membrane treatment.
Xie et al. [50]. Current density, stirring and sedimentation time turned Among the pre-treatments proposed by the authors, CF results in an
out as the main parameters for higher efficiency. The control of fatty appropriate permeate for ultrafiltration, generating effluent suitable for
acids profile throughout the treatment showed feasible characteristics to soil irrigation and the own rendering plant cleaning [49,52]. While the
reprocess the recovered fat in the rendering plant as raw material, in line pre-treatment directly with ultrafiltration generates a permeate with
with the discussion in topic 5.1. Reprocessing also requires further fewer solids, suitable for posterior nanofiltration and reverse osmosis
analysis. Acidity index is a major parameter in this case, which will treatment, with permeate applicable to steam generation [48,51].
dictate its dosage as a raw material; and degradability, related to shelf Mostafa et al. [18] and Muster-Slawitsch et al. [9] expose the gap
life within storage time until its application. around physical processes focused on compounds recovery from
Further feasibility studies comparing similar processes with chemical wastewater, valuing the condensate apart from just treating the waste­
agents (i.e., CF) might present the advantages of the electrochemical water. The composition of the rendering wastewater was the main
approach, with fewer costs related to chemical agents, more favorable considered parameter. The lower temperature achieved higher permeate
sludge to be reprocessed into the rendering plant as raw material and quality with a smaller mass transfer of species (e.g., volatile free fatty
high performance of treatment, such as COD removal [60,61]. acids) through the membrane. Fouling was mainly formed by proteins
Electrochemical process can also be applied to recover ammoniacal and their hydrolysed products. Both researchers showed that
nitrogen as assessed by Xie and Popat [45] employing electrochemical polyurethane-coated polytetrafluoroethylene membranes resulted in a
stripping (Fig. 5 (d)). Smaller energy demand occurs from the electro­ less fouling tendency, with a smaller mass transfer rate when compared
chemical perspective when compared to ordinary stripping [62]. In this to the non-coated membrane. Therefore, the studies proved that mem­
case, stripping was applied as a tertiary step after biological treatment. brane composition is linked directly with the process efficiency, with

F.M. Müller et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 52 (2023) 103480

different materials and fouling removal costs being future trending wastewater could also be studied for its potential recovery. One key
topics. stream to be analysed would be the condensate generated after evapo­
Unlike other membrane studies, Mostafa et al. [18] and Muster- ration/membrane for sticky water concentration. After exhaustion, the
Slawitsch et al. [9] proposed a promising strategy for the reuse of a nutrient-rich adsorbent could be assessed to dispose it as fertilizer or be
specific wastewater stream from the rendering plant: the condensate treated for desorption to ammoniacal nitrogen recovery and commer­
from the drying process (stream 7 in Fig. 2), known as sticky water. This cialization [69].
stream is usually reclaimed with evaporation, an ordinary system In the electrochemical field, a huge number of possibilities are yet to
already applied with equipment from specialized brands in the be studied besides ECF and electrochemical stripping, such as electro­
rendering branch [65,66]. The resulting condensate is a protein and fat- chemical oxidation for tertiary treatment [70] and electrolysis as a
rich liquid available for gradual reprocess by the rendering industry primary step [71], both successfully applied to slaughterhouse
directly into the drying equipment. Membrane separation of this stream wastewater.
generated a higher solid content condensate than the usual generated A research gap was also identified around post-treatment processes,
with the mentioned evaporation equipment. However, higher solids focusing mainly on microorganism removal and prions deactivation. As
concentration solids present issues with pipe encrustation and line proposed by Ding et al. [44], advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are
clogging, with reprocessing strategies and dosage yet to be studied [67]. potential applications on this subject, as ozonation was studied by the
The cost comparison of membranes and evaporation processes to author. The rapid increase in AOPs studies provides a prosperous sce­
sticky water reclamation is brought by Zhou and Husson [19], studying nario to assess these techniques for rendering wastewater. As stated in
forward and reverse osmosis. The membrane-like system reaches a similar wastewater, some trending AOPs are ultraviolet, peroxidation,
higher concentration capacity (up to 45 %) than evaporation (23.1 %), ultrasound, photo-Fenton, electro-Fenton and couplings of these. As
costing 5.3 % of its total value. matter of fact, some of these processes also present TOC, COD and
For sticky water recovery, protein denaturation and fat hydrolysis turbidity removal, showing a potential replacement for tertiary pro­
are the primary factors for reprocessing feasibility [68]. Minimal non- cesses [70,72].
standard composition, such as acidity from the condensate fat oxida­
tion, may have a negative influence on the process. Therefore, studies 6. Future research
about its composition and existing degradation still need to be assessed.
However, the membrane's low operational temperature (75 ◦ C) is lower Rendering industry future perspectives overpass pre-treatment, pri­
than the practised-on evaporation (130 ◦ C), bringing the possibility of a mary, secondary, tertiary and post-treatment steps and their needs in
lower thermal impact on these issues Zhou and Husson [19]. order to treat and value this wastewater.
Recently, Brennan et al. [14] presented membrane application to Primary and pre-treatments studies need to elucidate the imple­
valorise the same condensate stream (stream 7 in Fig. 2) collected after mentation and valorisation of segregated streams before the general
the usual evaporation process, focusing on ammoniacal nitrogen re­ mixing. Solids content retained within this step must be evaluated ac­
covery. Membrane composition played a key role, where PTFE mem­ cording to its composition for reprocessing or external applications.
brane was more fittable due to higher efficiency, and PP membrane led Secondary treatments and future enhancements are related to valor­
to a higher wetting tendency. Up to 64 % of ammoniacal nitrogen was isation processes, recovering compounds of interest and generating
recovered as ammonium sulphate, potential fertilizer that generates an value aggregated by-products. Tertiary and post-treatments studies need
income through the wastewater to the industry, which can beat up the to propose efficient and sludge-free ways to nutrient recovery, micro­
costs of the processes, considered to be 45 % higher than the actual organism removal and prion inactivation.
employed aerobic digestion treatment. Unsettling topics to be studied through these processes are mainly
The wastewater stream and its composition demonstrated the related to (i) real scale and long-term operations; (ii) efficiency during
applicability of each process. Plants with combined streams were usually peaks in the wastewater composition; (iii) generated by-products
suitable for wastewater treatment and permeate reclamation for less composition, degradability, and storing until reprocess (i.e., FOG
noble applications, including cleaning, steam generation and irrigation sludge, sticky water); and (iv) destination of the cited generated by-
(after microorganisms and remaining prions evaluation) [44]. When products when not partially or entirely reprocessed (e.g., excess of
more valuable streams are available, in the case of the cited sticky water, FOG sludge, high acidity index of sticky water), determining storage
membrane technology is usually applied to add value to the condensate. conditions or subsequent treatment to avoid problems related to de­
In this case, coupling the proposed processes above can also be an gradability of the material.
alternative to evaluate and ease the high load of wastewater to be Within nitrogen removal processes (e.g., nitrification and denitrifi­
treated, as proposed in Fig. S.2. cation), stopping inhibitors formation and parameter optimization to
Thus, the chosen method will be related according to the wastewater decrease external feeding points are to be covered.
stream to be treated and the availability of its segregation, as well as to Valorisation of the wastewater through biological processes, such as
issues involving the application of the generated products (e.g., sticky microbial fuel cell and anaerobic digestion, showed its potential appli­
water volume and its conservation, availability of rural areas for cation, with issues yet to be studied, such as inhibitors (e.g., long-chain
irrigation). fatty acids, proteins). Pre-treatment processes, like enzymatic hydroly­
sis, arise as a possibility, evaluating enzyme type, origin, dosage, com­
5.5. Novel physicochemical processes bination, and immobilization, as well as its impact on by-products
generated in further treatment steps (e.g., biogas).
According to the papers cited herein, physicochemical processes are Processes that propose fats and proteins recovery still need to cover
the most approached treatments in recent years. This contemporary the generated product degradability and optimal dosage if used as raw
interest leads to allow the application of novel processes. Wastewater material. These processes also need to consider whether all the streams
valorisation still needs to be considered among these processes, mainly of wastewater are viable for this recovery or only non-contaminated
focusing on value aggregation of by-products. Coupling these processes wastewater (streams 2 to 7 in Fig. 2). The viability of the generated
in-between and to biological ones seems to be a prominent way to the products should rely on physicochemical composition (such as acidity
valorisation objective. and peroxide index) and the current legislation from where the
Among the separation processes, adsorption has a potential field of rendering industry is allocated.
study. As proposed by Verbeek et al. [10], proteins were recovered with Previous and primary physicochemical treatments such as flotation
bentonite dosage. The high load of ammoniacal nitrogen in rendering and C&F are studied to remove solids, also reducing other parameters,

F.M. Müller et al. Journal of Water Process Engineering 52 (2023) 103480

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