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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 6: Management a Successful Business Project (5039)

Submission date 25/02/2023 Date received (1st submission)

Re-submission date Date received (2nd submission)

Student name Nguyen Thi Hoai Thuong Student ID GBS210986

Class GBS1005D Assessor name Vo Minh Vinh

Student declaration:

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature: Thuong

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2
Summative Feedbacks: Resubmission Feedbacks:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:



1. Definition ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Initiation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Planning --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Carrying out ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Closure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Introduction/ Background ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Business objective --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Current Situation and Problem/ Opportunity Satement --------------------------------------------------------------
3.1. Current Situation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3.2. Opportunity ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Critical Assumption and Constraints -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Analysis of Options and Recommendation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. Preliminary Project Requirements --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Schedule Estimate --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6. Potential Risks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IV. SCOPE STATEMENT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
V. STAKEHOLDER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VI. PRODUCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Work breakdown structure (WBS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Organizational breakdown structure (OBS) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. An OBS Matrix -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VII. GANNT CHART ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VIII. RESEARCH APPROACH ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VIII.1. Methodology -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VIII.1.1. Primary data and secondary data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.1. Primary data and secondary data --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.1.1. Definition ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.1.2. Advantages and Disadvantages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.2. Secondary data-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.2.1. Definition ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.2.2. Advantages and Disadvantages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.3. Comparision and Selection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VIII .1.2. Quantitative and Qualitative approach ----------------------------------------------------------------------

1.2. Quantitative and Qualitative approach -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.2.1. Definition ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.1.2. Advantages and Disadvantages --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.2. Qualitative data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.2.1. Definition ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.2.2. Advantages and Disadvantages --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.3. Comparision and Selection --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VIII.2. Data collection tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

VIII.3. Survey questions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

IX. WEEKLY LOGBOOK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

REFERENCES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1. Definition

The sequence of phases through which a project moves is known as the project lifecycle. Depending on the
company and the project type, the cycle's phases and order may change. Yet, as they are a component of a
project, they must adhere to schedule constraints and have a clear beginning and finish. Regardless of the exact
work involved, the lifecycle provides the fundamental framework for the actions that must be carried out in the
project. (Adeaca, 2020)

2. Initiation

The project begins with the project initiation. A feasibility study, defining the scope, identifying
deliverables, identifying project stakeholders, developing a business case, developing a statement of work, and
possibly establishing initial costs, a price range, and a timeline for the work to be done are just a few of the
many sub-activities that may be involved. (Adeaca, 2020)

3. Planning

After project's initiation phase has been approved, planning begins. A project plan must be created during
this phase, detailing the activities, timeline, available resources, and project constraints. This phase also involves
developing the project's budget. At this stage, risk should also be expected and assessed, and mitigation
strategies should be developed. (Adeaca, 2020)

4. Carrying out

The task is completed during this stage. Task owners get to work, and the project manager makes sure
everything gets done on time and smoothly. This phase includes a significant amount of monitoring and
controlling (managing the work and finances), as problems will inevitably develop and require prompt
modifications as the project moves forward. (Adeaca, 2020)

5. Closure

The project is concluded once the team has finished all of the tasks and the project owner has verified that
all deliverables have been finished. All paperwork is given to the project owner and, if necessary, an ongoing
maintenance company. The project's performance is then examined to see whether the project's objectives were
achieved. (Adeaca, 2020)
1. Introduction/ Background

The COVID-19 epidemic has damaged many industries throughout the world over the last two years,
slowing economies in unprecedented ways and affecting people's lives in a number of ways. The entertainment
business is no exception, particularly in the case of K-Pop. Measures to prevent the spread of the virus, such as
social isolation, travel restrictions, event cancellations, and concerts forced to cancel completely, made fans
regret and feel sympathy when they were unable to see their idols. As a result, Bighit company, the management
company of the top group BTS, conducted a worry session in Ho Chi Minh City with the title "My youth is you"
with the goal of building a near connection between fans and their idols.

2. Business objective

Make a connection between fans and idols

During the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, many idol-related worries and events had to be canceled
due to the required infection, leaving fans feeling estranged from their idols. Followers can only see their idols
through images on social media or videos on YouTube, and genuine interaction between fans and idols is
generally prohibited. "My youth is you" is a project that will transport fans back to a time when their favorite
stars were joyful and shouting, in an effort to recreate this experience for fans and idols.
Attracting foreign tourists and expanding the tourism industry in Vietnam
According to the General Statistics Office, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, only 3.7 million foreign
tourists visited Vietnam in the first four months of 2020, a 37.8% decrease from the previous year (GSO). This
figure was only 262,000 in April, a decrease of 94.2% from March and 98.2% from April of last year.
Furthermore, air arrivals accounted for 80.7% of total arrivals, representing a 35.9% decrease (Vietnamnet,
2020). Following the implementation of social distancing measures, many domestic tourist attractions have
reopened to welcome visitors, especially on April 30 and May 1. According to the General Statistics Office
(GSO), Vietnam has received over 3.36 million foreign visitors this year, a 23.3 percent increase over last year
(Vietnamnews, 2022). Hopefully, through this campaign, foreign tourists will recognize and thrive once more.
3. Current Situation and Problem/ Opportunity Satement
3.1. Current Situation

Demands for outdoor entertainment after quarantine: After the two-year lockdown because of the Covid-19
pandemic, people are looking forward to outside interests. When the Government allowed inhabitants to go
Xout normally with some compel rules. According to VNA (2022) after a long pause owing to the COVID-19
epidemic, several programs and camps in Ho Chi Minh City are resuming this summer to entertain and educate
youngsters, these activities and exposure to nature help children develop their thoughts, emotions, knowledge,
and abilities.
The influences of K-pop in Vietnam: K-pop has appeared in Vietnam since the 90s. Nowadays, the young
Vietnamese generations have various public activities that encourage this industry. Even when the Covid-19
pandemic was attacking, K-pop fans also connected to their artists through social platforms. Most online events
and concerts are also organized to satisfy the audience's demand for K-Pop groups. Thanks to technology and
the internet, fans and artists are closer than ever (Linh, 2022). BTS seems to be one of the most popular bands
for Vietnamese fans, so their concert will be successful when it is held in Vietnam.
3.2. Opportunity
- This is an opportunity that the fans can access to their idol, by the way introducing Vietnam’s beauty and
culture to foreigners.
- Greeting and communicating with BTS.
- Entertaining after a long-time stay at home.
3.3. Problem
- BTS’s fans in Vietnam are overwhelming, which led to finding a place large enough to accommodate the
- Too crowded for an event.
- Following the regulations about crowded places at the request of the Government.


1. Critical Assumption and Constraints

Critical assumption

About the event:

- Location: hold the music concert at legacy large areas for example indoor and outdoor stadiums, auditoriums
with large capacity, coliseum in HCM city.
- All equipment used for the concert is ensured quality and safety.
- The stage where artists can connect with their fans must be set up logically.
- Present the demo for Big Hit entertainment and be received approval from them.
- Build the process when spectators join the performing space.
- Location: hold the BTS’s fan signs at the comfort licensed places.
About the people:
- Have checked the green tick of covid-19 vaccine for everybody.
- The seats for audiences are arranged to make sure they have quality sights.
- Monitoring when the artists have the sound-checked stage.
- Organization and support artists during they are in Vietnam.
About the products:
- Prepared enough albums for participants.
- Equipped tools for the fan signs.
- Security and support for the artists’ needs.


- Budget for the event is VND

- The event is planned for a year, launching 2 days for the concert and 1 day for fan signs.
- The parking area in the organized place is not enough.
- Traffic jams outside the organized place.
2. Analysis of Options and Recommendation

Option 1: The basic condition for organizing a concert is held in a large outdoor space. Thong Nhat stadium
located at District 10, the area has convenient traffic in HCM city, with a capacity up to 40000 people. It is also
easier for making up the stage.
Option 2: If not held outside, we consider performing in Hoa Binh Theater indoor place suitable for many
numbers of people, nearly 5000 seats.
➢ Recommendation: Thong Nhat Stadium will be the best idea for this event. The stadium responds to
requirements about superficies, atmosphere, and the number mainly.
3. Preliminary Project Requirements

- All event activities, including the schedule board, the event location, the event items, and the event
equipment, must be approved and properly licensed.
- Preparing the translator for BTS.
- The event's costs must not exceed the budgeted amount.
- To protect the safety of the performers and the audience, the event must have a stringent security crew.
- To encourage the artist’s arose requirements.
- Set up the stage in which the artist can connect to their fans, and the devices animate the demonstration.
Besides, the backstage is also important where performers dressed up for their performances.
4. Budget Estimate and Financial Analysis
The planned project would cost VND and will take one month to complete. The project's key
resources include technology, event management, marketing, media, design, and other things.

Categories Name Estimated

Location Thong Nhat stadium 2.500.000.000

Stage podium 40m 200.000.000

Stage podium 10m 100.000.000
Skyline lights 56.000.000
Halogen lamps 48.000.000
Outdoor stage speakers 65.000.000
Projectors 60.000.000
the stage
Smoke machines 79.000.000

Glitter machines 70.000.000

Cameras 150.000.000

LED screen 160.000.000

Event Staffs

Media advertising

Advertising Design poster 230.000.000

Video editing

Others budget 2.400.000.000

Type of seat Estimated
Zone A 9.900.000
Zone B 8.700.000
Zone C 8.000.000

1st floor 6.900.000

2nd floor 6.000.000

3rd floor 5.300.000

4th floor 3.800.000

5. Schedule Estimate

Prepare for the event: 12/6 - 11/7/2023

Name Description Time/Date

Media advertising
Update a poster and a teaser video about
in Facebook,
event in BTS’s pages and run ads in them
Instagram and
12/6/2023 - 15/7/2023
Update a teaser video in BTS’s channel
and run ads

DOOH Run a teaser and poster about event

Prepare the necessary technology

Decorate the stage equipment for the event and set the 16/6/2023 - 29/6/2023
location accordingly.

Notify IT to set the time and limit the

number of tickets at a certain time on the
Open tickets sales
website, and automatically pay with the
on the company's 21/6/2023
buyers' bank card, then send the buyer a
QR code to the phone number and email
Hire 10 staffs scan the QR code with the
phone and put the ticket into the event at
Give the tickets to the right location for the buyer.
9/7/2023 - 11/7/2023
the buyers
Prepare a number of cards for each
member and each ticket will be randomly
selected 1 card

6. Potential Risks
- Focus on lighting, speakers and stage equipment.
- The stage must be safe to avoid explosive devices and set up fire suppression equipment.
- Keep an eye on the weather to prevent hazardous weather conditions


Project Justification:
After long days of isolation because of the covid-19 epidemic. Everyone wishes to go out to go back to school,
work, and entertain offline instead of online like before, further Vietnam is one of the places where big Hallyu
movement fans are. For these reasons, holding a concert here not only helps people return to their daily lives,
but also helps young people who support this trend to meet their idols.
"My Youth Is You" is a concert for BTS to thank and show their appreciation to their fans after ten years in
business. This is also a chance for them to meet and get to recognize their Vietnamese audience.

Product Characteristics and Requirements:

Categories Characteristics
The booth is situated close to the stadium's main entrance. To
Allocation ensure electrical safety, equipment and machinery are
carefully arranged.
All the products include clothes, stage, tickets need to check
before event. Prepare water bottles for BTS during
performance in the event
The product's layout is one of its features.
Lights, posters, and other decorations in the primary colors
Ensure the participants' safety (especially children)
Assure the participants' other fundamental safety and security
Advertising on Facebook and Fanapage
Advertising During the event, KOLS will utilize the device to demonstrate
its use to consumers.

Product User Acceptance Criteria:

• General criteria of the organization

- Describe the ideas of the concert.

- Launching and monitoring during the concert.

- Update work progress with the partner company.

• Specific criteria

- Complete tasks 2 days before launching day.

- Budget does not exceed expenses.

- Approach K-pop trends in Vietnam.

Summary of Project Deliverables: Project management-related deliverables: business case, charter, team
contract, scope statement, WBS, schedule, cost baseline, status reports, final project presentation, final project
report, lessons-learned report, and any other documents required to manage the project.
Product-related deliverables: research reports, design documents, software code, hardware, etc.

1. Make it possible for fans to communicate with one another.

2. introduce visitors to Vietnamese culture

3. Poster, standee, banner, 3D design booth, and stage.

4. Permits and reports - Inspection report, setup report, organization license public events, insurance, progress
reports, and budget reports.

5. Product booths are available to attendees.


Name Responsibilities
A brief summary of the event's content and its major
educational goal
Quynh Uyen - Keep following the project extremely carefully, and regularly
(Leader) encourage everyone to work.
- Always support your team members in doing quality work on
- Post articles on social networking sites to announce the event
Hoai Thuong and make it widely known to everyone.
(Public relations) - Get questions and emails ready to respond to that day.
- Prepare all personnel and recording equipment so that the best
photos are available to idols and fans after the event.
- Identify locations and invite singers and celebrities
Diem Quynh - Prepare or the stage before the concert where the leader will
(Organizer) provide details and information.
- Caculate project risk
- Before, during and after the event, create emergency plans, fix
Huu Le
issues, and deal with any situations that might arise.
(Management event )
- Choose the best game activities.
1. Work breakdown structure (WBS)
1.1.1 Business case
1.1.2. Scope statement
1.1.3. Set ideas for the event

1.2.1. Find the revenue Make a list of qualified places Give opinions and choose the best one Contact for dealing and signing a rent

1.2.2 License Fulfil required produces Comply with regional regulations
1.3.1 Budget reporting

1.3.2. Planning the decoration Stage design Seating map Contact with media partnership Sound preparation for the concert Set up F&B zones for participants Printing posters
1.3.3. Advertising Online Offline
1.3.4. Open order tickets on websites

1.3.5. Open rehearsal

1.4.1 Check-in the participants

1.4.2 Starting the concert

1.4.3 End of concert Have a small meeting after the concert



Business Reach the Budget Planning the Check-in the Starting End of
venue License Advertising Open order Open a
case reporting decoration participants the concert
tickets on rehearsal
Scope Make a list Fulfil Stage Online
Have a small
of qualified required design meeting after
places produces
the concert
Set ideas Seating Offline
for the Give Comply with map
event options and regional
choose the regulations
best one Contact with
Contact for
dealing and Sound
signing a preparation for
rent the concert

Set up F&B
zones for


2. Organizational breakdown structure (OBS)

1.1.1 Business case
1.1.2. Scope statement

1.1.3. Set ideas for the event

1.6.1. Find the revenue Make a list of qualified places Give opinions and choose the best one Contact for dealing and signing a rent

1.2.2 License Fulfil required produces Comply with regional regulations
1.3.1 Budget reporting
1.3.2. Planning the decoration Stage design Seating map Contact with media partnership Sound preparation for the concert Set up F&B zones for participants Printing posters
1.3.3. Advertising Online Offline
1.3.4. Open order tickets on websites
1.3.5. Open rehearsal
1.4.1 Check-in the participants

1.4.2 Starting the concert

1.4.3 End of concert Have a small meeting after the concert
Responsible for Monitor project
properly planning development
Project manager the project Support team
Gather documents
and permits
Get an event permit.
Attract journalist to
the event A brief summary of
the event's content
Post articles on
Public relations social networking

AN Responsible for
ORGANIZATION finding the location
BREAKDOWN Choose the best
STRUCTURE Check issues during location.
Management event event organization
Set up the stage and
check the lighting
Event coordination equipment.

Training employess Support staff to

complete the project
Training staff on
handling emergency
Project organization
Accouting team
supplementary costs
and situation risks.

3. An OBS Matrix


1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Open Starting the

Set an ideal order Open Check-in the End of
Business Scope for the Find Budget Advertising concert concert
thevenue License Planning tickets on rehearsal participants
case mangement event reporting the 1.3.3 websites 1.4.2 1.4.3
1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 decoration 1.3.5 1.4.1
1.1.3 1.3.1

Project manager

Public relations

Management event

Training employees


Accouting team



VIII.1. Methodology

VIII.1.1. Primary data and secondary data

1.1. Primary data and secondary data

1.1.1. Definition

Primary data is a type of information that is gathered by researchers directly from primary sources using
methods including tests, questionnaires, and interviews. The greatest type of data for study is primary data,
which is typically gathered from the source—where the data initially originates from. (FormplusBlog, 2023)

1.1.2. Advantages and Disadvantages


Primary data collection has numerous advantages over traditional methods of data collection. It is more
accurate and reliable than other types of data, such as survey results or interviews. It also helps to understand
how people are feeling and what needs to be done to address their concerns. Furthermore, it is more relevant
because it considers all aspects of a person's experience rather than just one. This leads to better solutions that
accurately and efficiently reflect everyone's reality.

Conducting surveys, collecting data, and analyzing it all takes a significant amount of time. Primary data
collection is costly due to the c.osts of human labor, equipment, and processing, whereas secondary data
collection is less expensive due to the use of third-party data sources. Primary data collection can occasionally
become impractical due to the time and effort required. Incorrect analysis can also result in mistakes during
the data collection process. (FormplusBlog, 2023)

1.2. Secondary data

1.2.1. Definition

Secondary data is utilized to expand the sample size of research projects and is also preferred since it is
quicker and more efficient to utilise an existing resource. Large research efforts that involve numerous research
groups working together to acquire secondary data are made easier by the use of secondary data. The primary
researcher is then free to concentrate on niche areas of interest or original research. This separation of labor
speeds up scientific discovery. (TechTarget, 2023)

1.2.2. Advantages and Disadvantages


Secondary research has changed thanks to the internet, becoming more accessible and time-saving.
Secondary data sources can be utilized to draw fresh conclusions from earlier research and are inexpensive or
free. You can run a longitudinal analysis on data gathered as recently as a few hours ago using longitudinal
analysis. Secondary data research is the richest type of data available, with a varied range of sources and topics,
and it may be done by persons who are not experienced with different data collection methods. It could lead
to unanticipated new discoveries, perspectives, and conclusions that are important. (Valcheva, n.d)


Because information was previously acquired for a different purpose, secondary data is not specific to the
needs of the researcher. Although secondary data sources might offer a plethora of knowledge, number does
not always equal quality. Information might be inaccurate, out-of-date, or biased in the direction of the one
who gathered it. However, it is not the owner of the information and is widely accessible to organizations and
individuals for free or at a low cost. Because both present and potential rivals have access to the data, the
researcher lacks a competitive advantage. (Valcheva, 2023)

1.3. Comparision and Selection


Primary data Secondary data

Primary data is information that Research data known as secondary data is
Definition researchers have qualified companies information that has already been obtained
from original sources. and is available to researchers.
To answer a current research question, Secondary data is obtained by government
primary data is acquired, it is then public services agencies, libraries, internet
customized to meet the needs or searches, and censuses and is used to
Purpose requirements of a particular study. It is enhance the sample of research projects as
necessary to determine the goal of the well as for the efficiency and speed that come
study and the target audience before with leveraging an existing resource.
deciding on a data collection approach.
Primary data collect information from Secondary data derived from previously
Time surveys, reviews have been created in collected data for the research
real-time with the research.
Surveys, collects information, and data The Internet has altered secondary research,
analysis all take a lot of time. The costs making it more accessible and time-saving.
of equipment, processing, and manpower Secondary data sources can be used to draw
make gathering primary data pricy. new conclusions from earlier research
Primary data collection may occasionally because they are cheap or even free. It has the
become impossible due to the time and capacity to generate original concepts,
effort required. viewpoints, and profound conclusions.
Compared to secondary data, such as the Because it was originally collected for a
results of surveys or interviews, primary different reason, secondary data is not
data is more accurate and reliable. It also customized to the researcher's needs.
helps in understanding how others feel Despite the fact that secondary data sources
Data quality
and what has to be done to solve their can be quite helpful, quantity does not
difficulties. Furthermore, it results in always imply importance. It's possible that
better solutions that more precisely and information is inaccurate, out-of-date, or
effectively reflect everyone's reality. biased towards the person who obtained it.


Information acquired by methods designed expressly for the evaluation, such as surveys, focus groups,
interviews, and direct observation, is referred to as "primary data." Information that has previously been
obtained and published in sources like published statistics, national papers, and studies is referred to as
secondary data.

The benefit of gathering primary data is that it enables you to respond to specific assessment queries.
However, due to time and resource limitations, primary data might not be able to satisfy all information needs
or sources. Making wise use of secondary data helps to reduce these limitations. So, it is highly recommended
to use both primary and secondary data to complement one another.

VIII .1.2. Quantitative and Qualitative approach

1.2. Quantitative approach

2.2.1. Definition

In graphs and numbers, quantitative approach is presented. Theories and presumptions are tested or
confirmed using it. Establishing facts that are applicable to a wide audience can be accomplished through this
kind of study. Experiments, tallied observations, and closed-ended surveys are examples of common
quantitative procedures. Quantitative research is susceptible to biases in the form of information bias, omitted
variable bias, sample bias, or selection bias. (Streefkerk, 2023)

2.1.2. Advantages and Disadvantages


- Increased sample sizes. Quicker and simpler to run faster and simpler to conduct, especially for online and
- Data impartiality and accuracy as it is based on survey questions for sorting, screening, and other concrete
numerical facts.
- Data collected through self-completion activities like online surveys is anonymous, especially when dealing
with sensitive subjects.


- You cannot go deeper into the behaviors, attitudes, and reasons as you can with qualitative research because
you are limited by the survey's predetermined answers.
- Impossible to follow up on any responses provided once the survey is over. (Anpar, 2020)

2.2. Qualitative data

2.2.1. Definition

The results of qualitative research are written up. It aids in understanding ideas, experiences, or concepts. You
can gain comprehensive knowledge about poorly understood subjects by the type of research you are doing. Typical
qualitative techniques include open-ended interview questions, written descriptions of observations, and literature
reviews that examine ideas and theories. (Streefkerk, 2023)

2.2.2. Advantages and Disadvantages


- Explores attitudes and behavior in depth since it is more intimate and can go into detail to learn more about
their beliefs and behaviors to develop or thoroughly analyze a hypothesis.
- Encourages discussion because it doesn't precisely follow a predetermined set of questions but rather operates
more in an open manner.
- Flexibility, allowing the interviewer to delve further and ask any questions relating to the topic.


- The moderator's ability to control group discussions and have sufficient subject matter expertise to pose
pertinent, sometimes unanticipated questions is crucial.
- Loss of privacy, if you discuss delicate topics, participants might not feel comfortable expressing their views
and opinions with others. (Anpar, 2020)

2.3. Comparision and Selection

Instead of strictly following to a list of questions, the major goal of qualitative research is to study the in-depth
behavior, opinions, and attitudes of a small sample of people in a more open manner. They typically take the form
of in-person, in-depth interviews or focus groups where participants can speak candidly about the subject at hand
while receiving advice from the interviewer.

Whereas quantitative research is used to measure outcomes in numerical terms that are simple for decision-
makers to grasp and comprehend. Interviewing a sizable number of persons who are representative of the target
population as a whole yields these quantifiable results. Hence, statistical analysis can be used to deliver superior
consumer insights such as projected behavior, ideal price levels, and important factors influencing consumers'
selections with a bigger sample size.

VIII.2. Data collection tool

The most suitable option would be questionnaires because the research relies on standardized responses. You
can recognize and explain the variety in many occurrences through descriptive study, such as that conducted
utilizing attitude and opinion questionnaires and organizational practice questionnaires. The respondents to this
study will use self-completed questionnaires, which are often known as online surveys. This approach has the
advantage that responders can get it electronically, typically through the Internet. The process of collecting data
entails obtaining, saving, retrieving, and using the original data. Data collection comes in a variety of forms, such
as quantitative and qualitative information gathering.

VIII.3. Survey questions


Name: Group 4

Project title: "My youth is you”

Date: 21-02-2023

Update on weekly research/tasks achieved

Points to consider:
What have you completed?
Did you fulfil task requirements?
Are you on track and within deadlines set?
Did you need to make any changes to your project management plan?
➢ We have not finished all of the jobs, but we completed a business case, scope statement,
and had a meeting to plan the project on schedule within the first week. Fortunately, there
is presently no work that deviates from our plan, and we are proceeding with the tasks in
accordance with the right deadline.

Any risks and/or issues shown?

Points to consider:
Did you show risks/issues with a lack of skills needed for undertaking research/tasks?
Did you show any other risks/issues that change the project management plan?
➢ Yes, some risks/issues with a lack of skills needed for undertaking research/tasks are the
ability to predict and training. Weather is the needed prediction when we do the project,
it can change jumpy that is the reason we had to consider and find the preventive
measures. Thus, the concert preparation requires a large number of staff so we may meet
difficulties in training new staff. Moreover, light, sound, and security are the main risks
we must manage carefully. Thus, a little of issues occurred when we were preparing the
project evidence as the budget rose higher than expected because we failed to deal price
of the stadium.

Problems encountered

Points to consider:
What barriers did you face?
How did you overcome them?
➢ Timing problems and stage design were the challenges we faced. Being late will result in
the performance being delayed or the stage being set up so that the artists can sing and
dance more easily since some performers will be late due to traffic delays. Also, all lights,
cameras, and lighting apparatus must be in perfect operating condition with no flaws. Each
person has to have their job specified explicitly. Ensure that the task is done thoroughly
and on schedule.

New ideas and change of project direction

Points to consider:
In developing work, addressing risks/issues, has the direction of your work changed?
How does your work justify the change of direction? Is this clear?
Do you feel this change of direction has enhanced your work? How?
➢ The development of our work, the resolution of risks/problems, the direction of progress
for our work has changed. We must write down work projects to justify a change of
direction. This must be clear to achieve satisfactory results. We feel this change of direction
has improved our work very well. It helps us get things done quickly.

What have you learned about yourself through your work?

Points to consider:
What are the most important things that your work has revealed to you? How might this
learning apply in the future?
How did you feel when you had to deal with challenges/problems?
How well do you feel you have performed?
What can you improve?
➢ The most important things that work has revealed to us about the workings of those issues.
Thanks to learning helps us a lot of knowledge in the future. We are sick of dealing with
difficulties/problems. But, by facing such hurdles, we were able to improve our problem-
solving skills and gain experience for the upcoming tasks. We believe that we could have
done more to prepare. Also, it resulted from certain budget-related difficulties we
encountered while attempting to alter value. Nonetheless, we now better manage our time
and take greater responsibility for our job.

Next steps for your work

Points to consider:
What aspects of your work should you prioritize?
Have you allowed sufficient time for completion?
➢ We will prioritize the main issues at work. In addition, we value each team member's time
to prioritize deadlines to avoid being late. There were some personal problems of the team
members but we managed to schedule the time to finish the project well so we had enough
time to finish it. In order to eliminate errors and give ourselves time for editing, we also
create project briefs and comments before.

Project plan status to date

Points to consider:
Do you feel you are on track to complete your work on time? If not, how will you address
Do you feel your work shows your achievement of the Learning Outcomes? If not, what do
you need to do?
➢ We were on track to do the task by the due date. A few things have been evaluated and
revised even. Even though we had the project set up and finished very effectively, there
were still some errors while breaking the job down into departments. Consequently, in our
opinion, my job hasn't produced outcomes that are adequate. We need to retrain
ourselves. Furthermore, we believe that the event's key themes deserve more of our focus
rearrange the time to suit each member.

Tutor Feedback


1. Admin. 2023. Advantages and Disadvantages of Primary Data - All Things Statistics. [ONLINE] Available
at: https://allthingsstatistics.com/miscellaneous/primary-data-advantages-disadvantages/.
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2. Anpar Research Ltd. 2023. Pros And Cons Of Qualitative Research vs Quantitative Research. [ONLINE]
Available at: https://www.anparresearchltd.com/post/pros-and-cons-of-qualitative-research-vs-quantitative-
[Accessed 25 February 2023].
3. Anuradha (2021) What is the difference between primary and secondary data, Pediaa.Com. Available at:
[Accessed: February 25, 2023].

4. Formplus Blog. 2023. What is Primary Data? + [Examples & Collection Methods]. [ONLINE] Available at:
[Accessed 25 February 2023].

5. Ines Maione. 2023. Primary Data Collection - Types, Advantages & Disadvantages. [ONLINE] Available at:
[Accessed 25 February 2023].
6. Project Business Technology Resources. 2023. What is the Project Lifecycle? - Project Business Technology
Resources. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.adeaca.com/blog/faq-items/what-is-the-project-
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7. Raimo Streefkerk. 2023. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research | Differences, Examples & Methods.
[ONLINE] Available at: https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/qualitative-quantitative-research/.
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8. Silvia Valcheva. 2023. Secondary Data: Advantages, Disadvantages, Sources, Types. [ONLINE] Available
at: https://www.intellspot.com/secondary-data/.
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9. WhatIs.com. 2023. What is secondary data? | Definition from TechTarget. [ONLINE] Available at:
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